Rewrite the sentence correctly.were glad that sammy is on your team this year


Answer 1


We're glad that Sammy is on your team this year.



Answer 2
We’re glad that Sammy is on your team this year.

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As a reader, what is it like to read the perspective of a male character who expresses his feelings more than usual?




It would seem that some writing council has gotten together and decided that the ideal male character has chiseled arms, a broad chest, and is unafraid of anything. And, to add some diversity, you can have your skinny nerd dudes and theLook, I have two brothers and am a bit of a tomboy. I surf (or used to, before Lyme happened), meaning that I’ve spent a lot of time with guys, since there are more dude surfers than dudette surfers. So believe me when I tell you that many fictional male characters are not only stereotypical, but inaccurate. Not to mention annoying. Here are 8 points you may be getting wrong when  it comes to writing male characters: your dark-haired flirts with smoldering eyes.

My sister is looking for some her type -

tall, blue eyes, 15-16 age, brown hair, can dance



offf I dont got blue eyes tho!


what is a topic or "big idea" of this,story. mike's new car​



The main topic is when MIKE WISHOWSKI (sorry dont know how to speel his maExplanation:

In 1984, what are Winston Smith’s character traits?



A minor member of the ruling Party in near-future London, Winston Smith is a thin, frail, contemplative, intellectual, and fatalistic thirty-nine-year-old. Winston hates the totalitarian control and enforced repression that are characteristic of his government. He harbors revolutionary dreams.


Which excerpt from Sullivan's article best reflects a tone that is critical toward
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i dont see no picture at all





Just took the quiz

If you could learn about anything what would it be?



to be honest I would love to learn Chinese language!!!!! I know it might be a little weird..

Describe a time when you showed unexpected courage.



When someone told me recently that they thought I was very brave, I dismissed the comment. To me, having courage means overcoming extraordinary challenges, like climbing Mount Everest or running with the bulls. It never dawned on me that I demonstrate bravery every day, yet we all do. In fact, even though we aren’t necessarily facing tough physical challenges like climbing a mountain, we deal with a variety of obstacles and a multitude of fears as a part of our daily lives. And for the most part, we dismiss our ability to overcome these as not worthy of acknowledgement.

3. According to the article, what is just as important as hard work to Kluft?
A. resting to avoid injury
B. lifting weights at the gym
C. looking good for the cameras
D. maintaining a daily eating schedule


The answer is D. Kluft is a very picky eater, so maintaining a daily eating schedule is important


The Book of Dragons
Chapter III The Deliverers of Their Country, an excerpt
By E. Nesbit

It all began with Effie's getting something in her eye. It hurt very much indeed, and it felt something like a red-hot spark—only it seemed to have legs as well, and wings like a fly. Effie rubbed and cried—not real crying, but the kind your eye does all by itself without your being miserable inside your mind—and then she went to her father to have the thing in her eye taken out. Effie's father was a doctor, so of course he knew how to take things out of eyes.

When he had gotten the thing out, he said: "This is very curious." Effie had often got things in her eye before, and her father had always seemed to think it was natural—rather tiresome and naughty perhaps, but still natural. He had never before thought it curious.

Effie stood holding her handkerchief to her eye, and said: "I don't believe it's out." People always say this when they have had something in their eyes.

"Oh, yes—it's out," said the doctor. "Here it is, on the brush. This is very interesting."

Effie had never heard her father say that about anything that she had any share in. She said: "What?"

The doctor carried the brush very carefully across the room, and held the point of it under his microscope—then he twisted the brass screws of the microscope, and looked through the top with one eye.

"Dear me," he said. "Dear, dear me! Four well-developed limbs; a long caudal appendage; five toes, unequal in lengths, almost like one of the Lacertidae, yet there are traces of wings." The creature under his eye wriggled a little in the castor oil, and he went on: "Yes; a bat-like wing. A new specimen, undoubtedly. Effie, run round to the professor and ask him to be kind enough to step in for a few minutes."

"You might give me sixpence, Daddy," said Effie, "because I did bring you the new specimen. I took great care of it inside my eye, and my eye does hurt."

The doctor was so pleased with the new specimen that he gave Effie a shilling, and presently the professor stepped round. He stayed to lunch, and he and the doctor quarreled very happily all the afternoon about the name and the family of the thing that had come out of Effie's eye.

But at teatime another thing happened. Effie's brother Harry fished something out of his tea, which he thought at first was an earwig. He was just getting ready to drop it on the floor, and end its life in the usual way, when it shook itself in the spoon—spread two wet wings, and flopped onto the tablecloth. There it sat, stroking itself with its feet and stretching its wings, and Harry said: "Why, it's a tiny newt!"

The professor leaned forward before the doctor could say a word. "I'll give you half a crown for it, Harry, my lad," he said, speaking very fast; and then he picked it up carefully on his handkerchief.

"It is a new specimen," he said, "and finer than yours, Doctor."

It was a tiny lizard, about half an inch long—with scales and wings.

So now the doctor and the professor each had a specimen, and they were both very pleased. But before long these specimens began to seem less valuable. For the next morning, when the knife-boy was cleaning the doctor's boots, he suddenly dropped the brushes and the boot and the blacking, and screamed out that he was burnt.

And from inside the boot came crawling a lizard as big as a kitten, with large, shiny wings.

"Why," said Effie, "I know what it is. It is a dragon like the one St. George killed."

And Effie was right. That afternoon Towser was bitten in the garden by a dragon about the size of a rabbit, which he had tried to chase, and the next morning all the papers were full of the wonderful "winged lizards" that were appearing all over the country. The papers would not call them dragons, because, of course, no one believes in dragons nowadays—and at any rate the papers were not going to be so silly as to believe in fairy stories. At first there were only a few, but in a week or two the country was simply running alive with dragons of all sizes, and in the air you could sometimes see them as thick as a swarm of bees. They all looked alike except as to size. They were green with scales, and they had four legs and a long tail and great wings like bats' wings, only the wings were a pale, half-transparent yellow, like the gear-boxes on bicycles.

Which words from the story suggest something mysterious is about to happen? Be sure to use details from the text to support your answer.




Follow the story from the beginning.

Effie got something in her eye.

She went to her father.

He got it out, but he started to use strange language to describe what he got out. "curious" was his first response. It was language he never used.It's very interesting was his second response. He never said that.Her father takes the time to describe the creature. He uses very scientific language, though simple.

The story progresses to her brother who fished something he really didn't recognize out of his tea.

The professor buys it. He's excited.

Papers were full of stories about the  winged lizards.

(1) In "The Most Dangerous Game," Rainsford learns a lesson about the value of life, both
animal and human. (2) Early in the story Rainsford proclaimed that animals do not feel fear.
(3) After his encounter with General Zaroff, he changes his mind. (4) Rainsford can now feel
empathy for the animals he hunts. (5) He knows what it means to be the "hunted."
Which revision BEST combines sentences 4 and 5?
A. Rainsford can now feel empathy for the animals he hunts; he know what it means to be
the "hunted."
B. Rainsford can feel empathy for the animals he hunts, now he knows what it means to be
the "hunted."
C. Now that he knows what it means to be the "hunted," Rainsford can feel empathy for the
animals he hunts.
D. Because he can now feel empathy for the animals he hunts, Rainsford knows what it
means to be the "hunted."





use a semicolon to combine the 2 sentences

Identify the figure of speech in the line.

Her smile is a crescent moon that shines in the dark.


"Her smile is a crescent moon" is a metaphor. (Note the use of the word "is")

Hello There! :)

-Her smile is a crescent moon that shines in the dark.

''Her smile is a crescent moon''

-This sentence is an example of a ''metaphor''

Metophor - Is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is compared directly with something without the usage of ''like'' or ''as''.

Examples :-

 Her food is heaven.  She is an angel.

Thank you!

Hope this helps!


Select the correct sentence. Pick the correct quotation mark sentence below

"Today is Friday," said Mary Lou, "and we have a three day vacation from school.

"Today is Friday, sald Mary Lou, and we have a three day vacation from school."​


The first one sorry if wrong


"Today is Friday," said Mary Lou, "and we have a three day vacation from school." is correct


1 Name two months of the year that have silent vowels.​


Answer: January and February

Explanation: I’ve had this question before

Answer: April and June I think.


Ap rl jun the I and the E are silent

Some characters in Through the Looking Glass could appear only in a fantasy. Other characters are realistic. Place each character into the correct category Alice The Tiger-lily Dinah, the cat| The White Queen:


Answer:Alice is realistic

the tiger lily is fantastical

Dinah the cat is realistic

the white queen is fantastical


Which word has a syllable (word part) that is related to Greek mythology?





The word titanic root comes from Greek mythology. The Titans were a generation of powerful divinities. The word titanic may now refer to anything that is extremely big or strong. The Titanic was the name of the famous cruise ship that went down in 1912 after striking an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. This name was chosen not only because it was the largest passenger steamship of its time.  Also, because it was touted as a strong ship, specifically that it was “unsinkable.”





Does anyone like Blue Exorcist?



I have watched a show with him in it it was preety good!


Don Anselmo’s actions in Gentleman of Río en Medio show that

he is ruled by money.
he dislikes conversation.
he likes to do things quickly.
he is not ruled by time



pretty sure its d


tell me if im wrong


I think it's D. He is not ruled by time

(I'm so sorry if it's wrong)

Hope this helps!

True or false is this an effective thesis: Students should be required to wear school uniforms because they would help reduce disciplinary issues and help promote school pride.





What would you think if Romeo and Juliet asked their parents’ permission before they wed?



i dont know........



Yo can someone please do this for me? It's almost Christmas and im very tired. You don't have to make the slide, I'll put all the information in myself. (45 POINTS AND I'LL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST)



slide 1=Plastics engineering encompasses the processing, design, development, and manufacture of plastics products. A plastic is a polymeric material that is in a semi-liquid state, having the property of plasticity and exhibiting flow. ... The nature of plastic materials poses unique challenges to an engineer.

slide 2=Plastics are made from natural materials such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and crude oil through a polymerisation or polycondensation process. The production of plastics begins with the distillation of crude oil in an oil refinery.

slide 3=

1-Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE) This is the first type of commercially-distributed plastic, labeled with a 1 and PETE. ...

2 – High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) ...

3 – Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ...

slide 4=Plastic packaging helps protect and preserve goods, while reducing weight in transportation, which saves fuel and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. From computers and cell phones to televisions and microwaves, durable, lightweight and affordable plastics have helped revolutionize the electronics we rely on every day.

I hope this helped

Each main idea in a paragraph should be supported by ____ pieces of proof or evidence.
none of the above​


i believe it’s 3 so d ?

Which characteristic is typical of distress?
O worry and anxiety
O increased energy
O improved motivation
O better reaction time


worry and anxiety is correct

The characteristics of distress are represented by worry and anxiety.

Option A is the correct answer.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety refers to the scenario when an individual takes an extreme level of tension which might cause them the problem of depression.

The distress is also called negative stress which is usually caused by taking immense tension in an individual. It can be for a shorter or longer period of time. It could be the root cause of mental and physical health issues.

Therefore, worry and anxiety are the two forms by which distress can be caused.

Learn more about the anxiety in the related link:


Please help please help please help please help



We need to see the passage to be able to help with these questions.


PLEASE HELP!! ITS EASY, if you don’t want to help please don’t answer I need help ASAP!


4. underline cut and edges
9. underline stands
10. underline appear
Basically stuff that you DO like “run” “walk”


From "" Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2013. Web. 10 Jan. 2013. 'The Kindle Shakes Up Publishing' After its first full year of selling books in 1996, book publishers praised the new service as a great way to help them clear their backlists of slow-selling books. However, with the introduction of the Kindle, tensions began to build between publishers and The company wanted to sell new e-books for a fixed price, well below what new printed books sold for, prompting many complaints from the publishing industry. By 2010 the rift between book publishers and over the price of e-books had grown. The publishing company Macmillan Books threatened to pull its e-books from, which retaliated by removing all Macmillan books, both printed and electronic, from the site. However, within weeks, capitulated and allowed Macmillan and other publishers to set prices of e-books.
What connection can be made between the paragraphs?

O The first introduces a controversial idea and the second defends it.
O The first includes a conflict and the second includes a resolution.
O The first narrates events and the second introduces people.
O The first describes a business approach and the second criticizes it.



its the second one


the first includes a conflict and the second includes a resolution hope this helps

The connection can be made between the paragraphs are the first includes a conflict and the second includes a resolution. Thus, option B is correct.

What are the factors that involves in selling a book?

'The Kindle Shakes Up Publishing' After its first full year of selling books in 1996, book publishers praised the new service as a great way to help them clear their backlists of slow-selling books. However, with the introduction of the Kindle, tensions began to build between publishers and

The company wanted to sell new e-books for a fixed price, well below what new printed books sold for, prompting many complaints from the publishing industry. By 2010 the rift between book publishers and over the price of e-books had grown. The publishing company Macmillan Books threatened to pull its e-books from, which retaliated by removing all Macmillan books, both printed and electronic, from the site.

Therefore, within weeks, capitulated and allowed Macmillan and other publishers to set prices of e-books.Thus, option B is correct.

Learn more about on:


8. What literary technique is this? Language that appeals to the five senses and uses vivid details to help the reader feel and imagine what's going on. It (1 Point)
A. allusion
B. diction
C. imagery
D. personification​


The answer is

C. Imagery

Answer: C


Everyone should learn the rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. After all, belng able to write well can help you make a good Impression In many situations, and some knowledge of the basics will help you put your best foot forward in everything you write. Just knowing a few rules can help Immensely with important skills like writing complete sentences, using commas correctly, and avolding verb tense errors. Once you know the grammar rules, though, you should also be willing to break them when the situation calls for it. For example, when you're writing a poem, you might feel that a sentence flows better with a comma, even when a period should technically be used. Or you might find yourself writing a story in the volce of a character who doesn't always use proper grammar. In fact, being able to break the rules with confidence is one of the best reasons to learn the rules in the first place. Which statement best summarizes two central ideas of the text? O A. It is important to learn the rules for writing correctly, once you know the rules, you should also be willing to break them. B. Basic writing skills should be included in every high school class; students who know the rules will then feel confident breaking them when appropriate. C. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are very important; only excellent writers should be allowed to break the rules of writing. D. Making a good first impression is very important in writing, following the rules too much can make your writing boring​







Explanation: The answer is A because you can rule out the other answers, as they mention things that aren't mentioned in the paragraph. From B, high school is not mentioned. From C, it's never suggested that ONLY excellent writers can break rules. And in D, it's never mentioned that your writing will be boring if you follow the rules.

u might have to zoom in but i’ll make brainlest Answer the following question after having read: The Wild Duck's Nest by Michael McLaverty
In paragraph 5, the egg symbolizes (RL.1.2)
The fragility of life.
The unpredictability of nature.
The independence of wildlife.
The beauty of nature.



B. The unpredictability of nature.


The man in the story was scared of what may become of the egg for he had touched and this thought of his sin haunted him the rest of the day. He had felt heavy because of what he had done knowing that it was not right. The man wondered wether the mother bird would still accept the egg even after he had made his poor decision.  At this moment nature is unpredictable because he is wondering what may become of this egg he has found.

Hope this helps  

What the answer I need help



Hi there~

Your answer is: A.

If you read the paragraph, you can see lots of adjectives based on being scared.

Hope this helps


I’m supposed to write a essay on a review of the iPhone 11 and I don’t know how to start the introduction can someone give me some examples




1. New phones are coming out all the time. Some are better than others and some are the same. But we're not talking about the differences between different types of phones like Samsung and the IPhone. This essay is gonna review the newest phone to this day, the IPhone 11. How it works, what it's different quirks are, and much much more.

2. The world is changing as we know it, but not just the environment and human race, but also technology. Sense the 1800's we have been evolving with technology, from the cord phone, to the satellite phone, and to this day a cell phone. Cell phone companies evolve there products all the time, and one of the newest product that came out is the IPhone 11. Is this essay we're gonna review the IPhone 11 top to bottom, the good and bad, let's just hope the good out weighs the bad.  

There are many differnt ways to write an introduction, I always put a little bit of humor in mine and my teachers love it! I hope this will help you!!!!

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