Rita earns scores of 70, 76, 86, 87, and 85 on her five chapter tests for a certain class and a grade of 85 on the dass project.
The overall average for the course is computed as follows: the average of the five chapter tests makes up 60% of the course
grade; the project accounts for 10% of the grade; and the final exam accounts for 30%. What scores can Rita earn on the final
exam to earn a "B" in the course if the cut-off for a "B" is an overall score greater than or equal to 80, but less than 90? Assume
that 100 is the highest score that can be earned on the final exam and that only whole-number scores are given.
To obtain a "B", Rita needs to score between and inclusive.


Answer 1


To obtain a "B", Rita needs to score between 76.7 and 100.

Step-by-step explanation:

Chapter tests mean:

[tex]M = \frac{70 + 76 + 86 + 87 + 85}{5} = 80.8[/tex]


80.8 worth 60% = 0.6

85 worth 10% = 0.1

x worth 0.3.

So her grade is:

[tex]G = 80.8*0.6 + 85*0.1 + 0.3x = 56.98 + 0.3x[/tex]

What scores can Rita earn on the final  exam to earn a "B" in the course if the cut-off for a "B" is an overall score greater than or equal to 80, but less than 90?

G has to be greater than or equal to 80 and less than 90, so:

[tex]80 \leq G < 90[/tex]

Lower bound:

[tex]G \geq 80[/tex]

[tex]56.98 + 0.3x \geq 80[/tex]

[tex]0.3x \geq 80 - 56.98[/tex]

[tex]x \geq \frac{80 - 56.98}{0.3}[/tex]

[tex]x \geq 76.7[/tex]

Upper bound:

[tex]G < 90[/tex]

[tex]56.98 + 0.3x < 80[/tex]

[tex]0.3x < 90 - 56.98[/tex]

[tex]x < \frac{90 - 56.98}{0.3}[/tex]

[tex]x < 110[/tex]

Highest grade is 100, so:

To obtain a "B", Rita needs to score between 76.7 and 100.

Related Questions

Nick buys a bag of cookies that contains 9 chocolate chip cookies, 8 peanut butter cookies, 4 sugar cookies and 5 oatmeal cookies. What is the probability that Nick reaches in the bag and randomly selects a chocolate chip cookie from the bag, eats it, then reaches back in the bag and randomly selects an oatmeal cookie




Step-by-step explanation:

Add all of it up.

9 + 8 + 4 +5 = 26

26 cookies, but done twice so,

26 × 2 = 52

14/52 = 7/26

SAQ 5.1

1. Find the first four terms of the sequence whose general term is given by



7 x 3"

n-2 5 x

2. Say what the pattern of is for each of the following sequences and give the next three




2, 6, 12, 20

8, 0.8, 0.08, 0.008

1 1 1 '2'3'4



1. (i) 7, 21, 63, 189

(ii) 20, 10, 5, 2.5

2. (i) n²+n (where n = 1, 2, 3, ..)

(ii) 8/(10^n) (where n = 1, 2, 3, ..)

(iii) 1/(n+1) (where n = 1, 2, 3, ..)

The cost function in a computer manufacturing plant is C(x) = 0.28x^2-0.7x+1, where C(x) is the cost per hour in millions of dollars and x is the number of items produced per hour in thousands. Determine the minimum production cost.



The cost function is:


where C(x) is the cost per hour in millions of dollars and x is the number of items produced per hour in thousands.

To find:

The minimum production cost.


We have,


It is a quadratic function with positive leading efficient. It means it is an upward parabola and its vertex is the point of minima.

If a quadratic function is [tex]f(x)=ax^2+bx+c[/tex], then the vertex of the parabola is:


In the given function, [tex]a=0.28, b=-0.7, c=1[/tex]. So,



Putting [tex]x=1.25[/tex] in the given function to find the minimum production cost.





Therefore, the minimum production cost is 0.5625 million dollars.


The minimum cost is 0.5625.

Step-by-step explanation:

The cost function is

C(x) = 0.28x^2 - 0.7 x + 1

Differentiate with respect to x.

[tex]C = 0.28x^2 - 0.7 x + 1\\\\\frac{dC}{dt} = 0.56 x - 0.7\\\\\frac{dC}{dt} = 0\\\\0.56 x - 0.7 = 0\\\\x = 1.25[/tex]

The minimum value is

c = 0.28 x 1.25 x 1.25 - 0.7 x 1.25 + 1

C = 0.4375 - 0.875 + 1

C = 0.5625

Find z such that 6% of the standard normal curve lies to the right of z.


P(Z ≥ z) = 1 - P(Z ≤ z) = 0.06

==>   P(Z ≤ z) = 0.94

==>   z1.7507

What is the range of the function f(x) = 3x2 + 6x – 8?
O {yly > -1}
O {yly < -1}
O {yly > -11}
O {yly < -11}​



Range → {y| y ≥ -11}

Step-by-step explanation:

Range of a function is the set of of y-values.

Given function is,

f(x) = 2x² + 6x - 8

By converting this equation into vertex form,

f(x) = [tex]3(x^2+2x-\frac{8}{3})[/tex]

     = [tex]3(x^2+2x+1-1-\frac{8}{3})[/tex]

     = [tex]3[(x+1)^2-\frac{11}{3}][/tex]

     = [tex]3(x+1)^2-11[/tex]

Vertex of the parabola → (-1, -11)

Therefore, range of the function will be → y ≥ -11

The range of the function f(x) = 3x² + 6x - 8 is {y|y ≥ -11}

What is the range of a function?

The range of a function is the set of output values of the function

Since f(x) = 3x² + 6x - 8, we differentiate f(x) = y with respect to x to find the value of x that makes y minimum.

So, df(x)/dx = d(3x² + 6x - 8)/dx

= d(3x²)/dx + d6x/dx - d8/dx

= 6x + 6 + 0

= 6x + 6

Equating the experssion to zero, we have

df(x)/dx = 0

6x + 6 = 0

6x = -6

x = -6/6

x = -1

From the graph, we see that this is a minimum point.

So, the value of y = f(x) at the minimum point is that is a t x = - 1 is

y = f(x) = 3x² + 6x - 8

y = f(-1) = 3(-1)² + 6(-1) - 8

y = 3 - 6 - 8

y = -3 - 8

y = -11

Since this is a minimum point for the graph, we have that y ≥ -11.

So, the range of the function is {y|y ≥ -11}

So, the range of the function f(x) = 3x² + 6x - 8 is {y|y ≥ -11}

Learn more about range of a function here:


The length of a rectangle is 4 in longer than its width.
If the perimeter of the rectangle is 32 in, find its area.



60 sq in

Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter = 2l + 2w

If l = w+4

Perimeter = 2(w+4) + 2w

Perimeter = 4w+8

32 = 4w + 8

24 = 4w

6 = w

If w = 6, l = 6+4 = 10

Area = l * w

Area = 10 * 6

Area = 60

The quantity demanded each month of the Walter Serkin recording of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, produced by Phonola Media, is related to the price per compact disc. The equation
p = −0.00051x + 5 (0 ≤ x ≤ 12,000)
where p denotes the unit price in dollars and x is the number of discs demanded, relates the demand to the price. The total monthly cost (in dollars) for pressing and packaging x copies of this classical recording is given by
C(x) = 600 + 2x − 0.00002x2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 20,000).
Hint: The revenue is
R(x) = px,
and the profit is
P(x) = R(x) − C(x).
Find the revenue function,
R(x) = px.
R(x) =



[tex]R(x) = -0.00051x^2 + 5x[/tex]

[tex]P(x) = -0.00049x^2 + 3x-600[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]p = -0.00051x + 5[/tex] [tex]\to[/tex] [tex](0 \le x \le 12,000)[/tex]

[tex]C(x) = 600 + 2x - 0.00002x^2[/tex] [tex]\to[/tex] [tex](0 \le x \le 20,000)[/tex]

Solving (a): The revenue function

We have:

[tex]R(x) = x * p[/tex]

Substitute [tex]p = -0.00051x + 5[/tex]

[tex]R(x) = x * (-0.00051x + 5)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]R(x) = -0.00051x^2 + 5x[/tex]

Solving (b): The profit function

This is calculated as:

We have:

[tex]P(x) = R(x) - C(x)[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]P(x) =-0.00051x^2 + 5x - (600 + 2x - 0.00002x^2)[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]P(x) =-0.00051x^2 + 5x -600 - 2x +0.00002x^2[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]P(x) = 0.00002x^2-0.00051x^2 + 5x - 2x-600[/tex]

[tex]P(x) = -0.00049x^2 + 3x-600[/tex]

establish this identity



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the identities

tan x = [tex]\frac{sinx}{cosx}[/tex] , sin²x = 1 - cos²x

sin2x = 2sinxcosx

Consider left side

cosθ × sin2θ

= [tex]\frac{sin0}{cos0}[/tex] × 2sinθcosθ ( cancel cosθ )

= 2sin²θ

= 2(1 - cos²θ)

= 2 - 2cos²θ

= right side , then established

Evaluating functions (pic attached)


f(x) = 2x³ - 3x² + 7

f(-1) = 2(-1)³ - 3(-1)² + 7

=> f(-1) = 2(-1) - 3(1) + 7

=> f(-1) = -2 -3 + 7

=> f(-1) = 2

f(1) = 2(1)³ - 3(1)² + 7

=> f(1) = 2(1) - 3(1) + 7

=> f(1) = 2 -3 + 7

=> f(1) = 6

f(2) = 2(2)³ - 3(2)² + 7

=> f(2) = 2(8) - 3(4) + 7

=> f(2) = 16 - 12 + 7

=> f(2) = 11

Two containers designed to hold water are side by side, both in the shape of a
cylinder. Container A has a diameter of 10 feet and a height of 8 feet. Container B has
a diameter of 12 feet and a height of 6 feet. Container A is full of water and the water
is pumped into Container B until Container A is empty.
To the nearest tenth, what is the percent of Container B that is empty after the
pumping is complete?
Container A
Container B


Answer: Volume of Cylinder A is                          pi times the area of the base times the height

                                                             π r2 h = (3.1416)(4)(4)(15) = 753.98 ft3

Volume of Cylinder B is likewise             pi times the area of the base times the height

                                                             π r2 h = (3.1416)(6)(6)(7)   = 791.68 ft3

After pumping all of Cyl A into Cyl B

there will remain empty space in B         791.68 – 753.98 = 37.7 ft3  

The percentage this empty space is

of the entire volume is                            37.7 / 791.68 = 0.0476 which is 4.8% when rounded to the nearest tenth  


Step-by-step explanation: I hope that help you.

Answer:  7.4%

Note: you may not need to type in the percent sign.



Let's find the volume of water in container A.

Use the cylinder volume formula to get

V = pi*r^2*h

V = pi*5^2*8

V = 200pi

The full capacity of tank A is 200pi cubic feet, and this is the amount of water in the tank since it's completely full.

We have 200pi cubic feet of water transfer to tank B. We'll keep this value in mind for later.


Now find the volume of cylinder B

V = pi*r^2*h

V = pi*6^2*6

V = 216pi

Despite being shorter, tank B can hold more water (since it's more wider).


Now divide the results of each section

(200pi)/(216pi) = 200/216 = 25/27 = 0.9259 = 92.59%

This shows us that 92.59% of tank B is 200pi cubic feet of water.

In other words, when all of tank A goes into tank B, we'll have tank B roughly 92.59% full.

This means the percentage of empty space (aka air) in tank B at this point is approximately 100% - 92.59% = 7.41%

Then finally, this value rounds to 7.4% when rounding to the nearest tenth of a percent.

Simplify your answer as much as possible


Step-by-step explanation:







or, 4v = 28

or, v = 28/4

or, v = 7

hence 7 is the required value of v

if √3CosA = sin A , find the acute angle A​



Here is your answer.....

Hope it helps you....

Which statement is true about the slope of the graphed line?


Answer: positive

Step-by-step explanation: because it is going up from the left to the right

2 squared plus b squared equal 256





Step-by-step explanation:




I wasn't very sure about what you are asking, but I hope this helps!

B= 252
Hopes this helps

What is 1/2 of 1/3 of 1/5 of 60?


IT supposed to be 2 because 1/2 1/3 of 1/5 of 60 is "2".



Step-by-step explanation:

Of means multiply

1/2 * 1/3* 1/5 * 60

1/6 * 1/5*60

1/30 *60



If in 1 month you can make 6 carpets, how many days will it take for making 10 carpets?

Si en 1 mes puedes hacer 6 alfombras, ¿cuántos días se necesitarán para hacer 10 alfombras?


Step-by-step explanation:

6 carpets=1month

10 carpets=?

1month=31 days

10 /6*31


Step-by-step explanatio

Solve the equation 10 + y√ = 14


9514 1404 393


  y = 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Perhaps you want to solve ...

  10 +√y = 14

  √y = 4 . . . . . . subtract 10

  y = = 16 . . . square both sides

What is the equation of the line that passes through the point (-4, 2) and has a
slope of -2?


Step-by-step explanation:

use the equation of the straight line

y-y1=m (x-x1)


y-2= -2x-8

y= -2x-8+2

y= -2x-6

I hope this helps

Which of the following numbers could not be used to describe a distance walked?
129 feet
12 feet
- 140 feet
|-125 feet



-140 ft is not a distance

Step-by-step explanation:

Distance must be a positive number

-140 is negative

How long will it take for a home improvement loan for 22,800to earn interest of 608.00at 8 %ordinary interest


9514 1404 393


  120 days

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the formula for simple interest, we can solve for t:

  I = Prt

  t = I/(Pr) = 608/(22800×.08) = 608/1824 = 1/3 . . . . year

For "ordinary interest", a year is considered to be 360 days, so 1/3 year is ...

  (1/3)(360 days) = 120 days

It will take 120 days for the loan to earn 608 in interest.

David can receive one of the following two payment streams:

i. 100 at time 0, 200 at time n, and 300 at time 2n
ii. 600 at time 1 0

At an annual effective interest rate of i, the present values of the two streams arc equal. Given v^n = 0.75941.

Determine i.




Step-by-step explanation:

From the given information:

For the first stream, the present value can be computed as:

[tex]= 100 +\dfrac{200}{(1+i)^n}+ \dfrac{300}{(1+i)^{2n}}[/tex]

Present value for the second stream is:


Relating the above two equations together;

[tex]100 +\dfrac{200}{(1+i)^n}+ \dfrac{300}{(1+i)^{2n}} =\dfrac{600}{(1+i)^{10}}[/tex]

consider [tex]v = \dfrac{1}{1+i}[/tex], Then:

[tex]\implies 100+200v^n + 300v^{2n} = 600 v^{10}[/tex]


[tex]v^n = 0.75941[/tex]


[tex]\implies 100+200(0.75941) + 300(0.75941))^2 = 600 (v)^{10}[/tex]

[tex](v)^{10} = \dfrac{100+200(0.75941) + 300(0.75941))^2 }{600}[/tex]

[tex](v)^{10} = 0.7082[/tex]

[tex](v) = \sqrt[10]{0.7082}[/tex]

v = 0.9661

Recall that:

[tex]v = \dfrac{1}{1+i}[/tex]

We can say that:

[tex]\dfrac{1}{1+i} = 0.9661[/tex]

[tex]1 = 0.9661(1+i) \\ \\ 0.9661 + 0.9661 i = 1 \\ \\ 0.9661 i = 1 - 0.9661 \\ \\ 0.9661 i = 0.0339 \\ \\ i = \dfrac{0.0339}{0.9661} \\ \\ i = 0.0351 \\ \\ \mathbf{i = 3.51\%}[/tex]

I have 3 questionssss

∠A and ∠T are supplementary. Given m∠T = (7x+11)° and m∠A = (8x+19)°, what is m∠T?

The other two are in the pics attached! PLS!



<T = 81

x = 10, angle = 60

Angle 5 and Angle 3 are vertical angles.  They are acute angles

Step-by-step explanation:

Supplementary angles add to 180

(7x+11) + (8x+19) = 180

Combine like terms

15x + 30 = 180

Subtract 30 from each side

15x +30-30 = 180-30

15x= 150

Divide by 15

15x/15 = 150/15

x = 10

We want angle T

T = 7x+11 = 7(10)+11 = 70+11 = 81

The two angles add to 90

5x+10 + 30 = 90

Combine like terms

5x+40 = 90

5x+40-40 = 90-40

5x = 50

Divide by 5

5x/5 = 50/5


5x+10 = 5(10) +10 = 50+10 = 60

Angle 5 and Angle 3 are vertical angles.  They are acute angles

Find m(angle) and give a trig equation


Step-by-step explanation:

Just using the Pythagoras theorem

How far can you travel in 19 hours at 63 mph



1197 miles.

Step by step explanation:

Speed(s) = 63 mph

Time(t) = 19 hours

Distance(d) = ?

We know,

D = S × T

= 63 × 19

= 1197 miles

I have trouble with these two questions, even i did my equation but i don’t get the answers



$318.17, out of state college is $161.12 cheaper per month

Step-by-step explanation:

72*24 = 1728 + 410*4 = 1728 + 1640 = 3368 + 450 = 18/12 = $318.17

8700+650*9 = 8700 + 5850 = 14550/9 = 1616.66

8500+400*9 = 8500 + 3600 = 12100 + 1000 = 13100/9 = 1455.56

1616.67 - 1455.56= $161.11 (use $161.12)

Complete factorization of x^3+4x^2-20x-48



 (x + 6) • (x + 2) • (x - 4)

Step-by-step explanation:




Equation at the end of step 1

 (((x3) +  22x2) -  20x) -  48




Checking for a perfect cube

2.1    x3+4x2-20x-48  is not a perfect cube

Trying to factor by pulling out :

2.2      Factoring:  x3+4x2-20x-48  

Thoughtfully split the expression at hand into groups, each group having two terms :

Group 1:  x3-48  

Group 2:  4x2-20x  

Pull out from each group separately :

Group 1:   (x3-48) • (1)

Group 2:   (x-5) • (4x)

In triangleABC, AC = 15 centimeters, m



16.17 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The solution triangle attached below :

To obtain BC ; we use the sine rule ;

a/ sin A = b / sin B

A = (180 - (68 + 24))

A = 180 - 92

A = 88°

a / Sin 88 = 15 / sin 68

Cross multiply :

(a * sin 68) = (15 * sin 88)

a = 14.990862 / sin 68

a = 16.168165

a = 16.168 cm

A coach surveyed a random sample of 200 college athletes about their height.

A 2-column table with 4 rows. Column 1 is labeled Height (inches) with entries 60 to 64, 65 to 69, 70 to 74, 74 to 76. Column 2 is labeled Frequency with entries 14, 28, 53, 67.
Which statements are correct about the data in the table? Check all that apply.

A bar graph is an appropriate display.
A pie chart is an appropriate display.
A bar graph is not appropriate because the heights of the bars would be too different.
A pie chart is not appropriate because the categories do not add to 100%.
A bar graph is appropriate because the frequencies are given.


A bar graph is an appropriate display.

A pie chart is not appropriate because the categories do not add to 100%.

A bar graph is appropriate because the frequencies are given.



i. A bar graph is an appropriate display.

ii. A bar graph is appropriate because the frequencies are given.

Step-by-step explanation:

A bar graph is a graphical method that can be used to present an information from a sample of data. It requires drawing of bars of equal width and distance with respect to the information given.

While a pie chart is a method that requires presenting information in a circular chart with respect to each data in sectors of different central angles.

For the given question, the most appropriate method to use is the bar graph with respect to the given information. Thus, the statements that are correct about the data in the table are:

i. A bar graph is an appropriate display.

ii. A bar graph is appropriate because the frequencies are given.


The answers are:

A.)A bar graph is an appropriate display.

D.)A pie chart is not appropriate because the categories do not add to 100%.

E.)A bar graph is appropriate because the frequencies are given.

Step-by-step explanation:

Got it right on edge2021, hope this helps you out

Lines m and p are perpendicular. If the slope of line m is -3, what is the slope of line p?​


Answer:      The slope of p is 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:    

If the lines are perpendicular, this means they are opposite.

Thus, O is opposite P and since O = -3, P = 1/3

find the missing length indicated​


9514 1404 393


  x = 1500

Step-by-step explanation:

The right triangles are all similar, so the ratio of hypotenuse to short leg is the same for all.

  x/900 = (1600+900)/x

  x^2 = 900(2500) . . . . . . cross multiply

  x = 30(50) . . . . . . . . . . . take the square root

  x = 1500

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