Rosa 1 of 1 baila (bailar) un tango en el teatro. Question 2 with 1 blankMis amigos 1 of 1 (hablar) francés muy bien. Question 3 with 1 blankYo 1 of 1 (abrir) la ventana cuando hace calor. Question 4 with 1 blankMi hermano y yo 1 of 1 (aprender) a nadar en la piscina. Question 5 with 1 blank¿Dónde 1 of 1 (vivir) ustedes? Question 6 with 1 blank¿Tú 1 of 1 (recibir) regalos el día de tu cumpleaños? Question 7 with 1 blankLos estudiantes 1 of 1 (correr) a casa por la tarde. Question 8 with 1 blankNosotros 1 of 1 (mirar) la televisión. Question 9 with 1 blankUsted nunca 1 of 1 (comer) comida picante, ¿verdad? Question 10 with 1 blankMis hermanos y yo 1 of 1 (practicar) el fútbol después de las clases. Question 11 with 1 blankUstedes siempre 1 of 1 (desayunar) en la cafetería. Question 12 with 1 blank¿ 1 of 1 (Viajar) tus padres a Roma esta semana?


Answer 1


Rosa 1 of 1 baila (bailar) un tango en el teatro.

Question 2 with 1 blankMis amigos 1 of 1 hablan (hablar) francés muy bien.

Question 3 with 1 blankYo 1 of 1 abro (abrir) la ventana cuando hace calor.

Question 4 with 1 blankMi hermano y yo 1 of 1 aprendemos (aprender) a nadar en la piscina.

Question 5 with 1 blank¿Dónde 1 of 1 viven (vivir) ustedes?

Question 6 with 1 blank¿Tú 1 of 1 recibes (recibir) regalos el día de tu cumpleaños?

Question 7 with 1 blankLos estudiantes 1 of 1 corren (correr) a casa por la tarde.

Question 8 with 1 blankNosotros 1 of 1 miramos (mirar) la televisión.

Question 9 with 1 blankUsted nunca 1 of 1 come (comer) comida picante, ¿verdad?

Question 10 with 1 blankMis hermanos y yo 1 of 1 practicamos (practicar) el fútbol después de las clases.

Question 11 with 1 blankUstedes siempre 1 of 1 desayunan (desayunar) en la cafetería.

Question 12 with 1 blank¿ 1 of 1 ¿Viajan (Viajar) tus padres a Roma esta semana?

Related Questions

Which options below are represented by a pencil in this picture? (Check all that apply)
1. negro
2. dorado
3. anaranjado/naranja
4. azul


Naranja (orange) and azul (blue) are represented. Negro (black) and dorado (gold) are not. Hope this helps!

read what these people do. Then use the information in parentheses to tell what they like. Follow the model

Modelo: Yo enseño en la escuela. (las clases)
Me gustan las clases.

2. Soy estudiante de química.(estudiar)

I cannot get this question correct. I’ve tried everything.


If we are following the pattern of “Me gusta (verb in its infinitive form or a noun)” like in the model, the answer should be: “Me gusta estudiar.” Now, if you tried that, and the answer still turned out to be incorrect, maybe they want a little bit more detail, which could be the sentence: “Me gusta estudiar química.”
What she said it’s right ^^

Read and choose the option with the correct answer. Oscar is from Texas, USA. Read this excerpt from his diary. Then answer the question. Yesterday, I lost my tooth playing baseball. Last night, I put my tooth under my pillow, and this morning when I woke up, the tooth fairy had taken my tooth and left me $5! I am going to use it to buy a new baseball card! Based on what you learned about what children do with their baby teeth in other countries, what would have happened differently if Oscar lived in Argentina? He would have put his tooth in a box under his bed. He would have put his tooth in a glass of water. He would have put his tooth on the nightstand. He would have put his tooth on top of his pillow.



He would put his tooth in water


I took the test on FLVS and got it right lol

The question requires explaining what Oscar would have done differently if he lived in Argentina.

If Oscar lived in Argentina, "he would have put his tooth in a glass of water".

Oscar lost his tooth to a tooth fairy and the tooth fairy left him with $5. If Oscar lived in Argentina, he would have he would have put his tooth in a glass of water because that is what kids do with their teeth.

Therefore, the practice of what kids do with their baby tooth in Texas, USA is different from what kids do with their baby teeth in Argentina.

Read more:


Just translate it


Hello my name is Gabriela. Ireally like reading and writing. In the class my friend George is American and goes to public school in Esyados Unidos. He has seven classes. Bye. He also likes the class of english and George does not like the class of science, spanish, and he does not like anything.

I am unsure who wrote this but it needs to be revised and im pretty sure it is unfinished. I can translate very well so....

¿Cuál es el tema central del fragmento?
La variedad de animales en un barrio hondureño
El impacto de la música de violines en la capital hondureña
La relación entre un animalito y un niño
El origen de los sapos y las ranas en Honduras



la c?


la relación entre un niño y un animalito

Start thinking about how many rooms you have in your house, what the inside of each room looks like, what you have to do to keep
it clean, and anything else that makes it special. Now, it's time to put it into words. Please include the following in your description:
1. You will write five sentences in Spanish, describing your house. Remember to keep your sentences short and simple and
use only vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the course. You can look at the first page of this lesson for an
example. You may also use the What to include in your house description table below to guide your answers.
2. You will choose from clipart, a drawing, or a picture that shows your house (real or imaginary), one from the outside and
one from the inside. You may use this template to complete the assignment, or you may use a word processing document
or any other creative way you would like. If you choose an option that is not easily saved to your device, you can take a
digital photo of or scan your work and then upload it to a document on your device
You will do well if you follow this checklist!



Mi casa tiene cuatro dormitorios y tres baños. Es una bonita casa hecha en una casa de campo en un rancho. muchos animales. cómo lo mantengo limpio es barriendo todos los días, sacando la basura y aspirando todos los días.


thats all i can do at the moment

Drawing from the following Scatter Chart and the sample sentences and narratives you have worked within this module, string together your own story.



maria compro la television


Read and match each sentence with the correct subject or pronoun for the blank. (4 points)

¿________, señor, come en el restaurante?

________ necesito el cuchillo para cortar el pollo.

________ lees el menú.

________ habla con « with » la mesera.

a. Yo
b. Ella
c. Tú
d. Usted



1. Usted, señor, come en el restaurante?

2. Yo necesito el cuchillo para cortar el pollo

3. Tú lees el menú.

4. Ella habla con la mesera.


usted is mostly used when talking to someone older. Yo is for yourself / when you need something or are talking about yourself. ella is about her or talking about a girl around ur age. tu is a non formal word so it is used when talking to a friend.

Answer: Usted, yo, tu, ella. In that order. Did the test =)


Existen varios alfabetos: el alfabeto romano, el alfabeto ruso, el alfabeto griego, etcétera. true false



True. A lot of countries/cultures with different languages do not use the same letters that we use as their alphabet; some use different characters that might have different meanings.




took the quiz on edge 2020

Completa con la forma apropiada del verbo y destácala. 6 puntos
1. Ella enseña de manera que nosotros (aprender)
2. Yo le daré el dinero para que él hacer el viaje. (poder)
3. Yo no voy a pagar a menos que ellos __ por lo menos una parte. (pagar)
4. Ellos irán con tal de que nosotros. (ir)
5. Él trabaja tanto de manera que sus hijos .. bien y para que
un futuro feliz. (vivir, tener)


1. Ella enseña de manera que nosotros-aprendamos-.
2. Yo le daré el dinero para que èl - pueda- hacer el viaje.
3. Yo no voy a pagar a menos que ellos - paguen - por lo menos una parte.
4. Ellos irán con tal que nosotros-vayamos-.
5. Èl trabaja tanto de manera que sus hijos - vivan - bien y para que - tengan - un futuro feliz.

Write in Spanish what season each month falls
1. mayo
2. agosto
3. febrero
4. octubre
5. abril
6. enero


Answer: mayo= la primavera

agosto= el verano

febrero= el invierno

octubre= el otoño

abril= la primavera

enero= el invierno


Answer: 1.& 5.  are spring months=primavera months

2. is summer months=Verano months

4. is fall months=Otoño

3&6. are winter months=invierno


প্র: ০১
১২, ১৫, ২০, ৩৫ চারটি সংখ্যা
ক) সংখ্যাগুলাের ল,সা,গু নির্ণয় কর।
খ) পীচ অংকের কোন ক্ষুদ্রতম সংখ্যা উপরের সংখ্যাগুলাে দ্বারা নিঃশেষে বিভাজ্য?
গ) চার অংকের কোন বৃহত্তম সংখ্যাকে উপরের সংখ্যাগুলাে দিয়ে ভাগ করলে প্রত্যেকবার
ভাগশেষ ১০ হবে?
৩৫ মিটার লম্বা একটি বাঁশের ৭ মিটার কালাে, ৫ মিটার লাল এবং ৮৩ মিটার হলুদ রং

ক) সরল কর: ৭২. এর
বল । খ) বাঁশটির কত অংশ রং করা হয়েছে।
গ) বাশটির কত অংশ রং করা বাকি রইল।
বাংলা নােটিশ
4 hone we re gan
দুইটি কম্পিউটারের দামের অনুপাত ৩:২। প্রথমটির দা​


Umm what? I think I’m in a different language

Answers for quiz on edge are:

1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?
A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?
D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?
D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?
C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?
C) estudiar



Where is the audio?



Good man. We need more people like you.


1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?

A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?

D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?

D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?

C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?

C) estudiar

Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb in parentheses. Yo _____ (aprender) español. aprendes aprendo aprende aprendemos



it is yo aprendo español


I believe the answer is either Aprendo or Aprende


The other two where for like a group of two and up so those can easily be crossed off. I'm going with "Aprendo" because I believe your still learning Spanish?









Fill in the blanks:
a. Andrea es la ____________ de Fabián. Ellos piensan casarse pronto.
b. Abuelo Agustín es el ____________ de Samuel. Samuel es su hijo.
c. Marisol ____________ en Veracruz. Luego vivió por un tiempo ahí. Luego se mudó.­­­­­­­­­­
d. Fabián ____________ vivía en Monterrey. ____________ vive en Puebla.
e. Samuel es el ____________ de Marisol. Están casados desde hace mucho tiempo. Pedro y Andrea son sus ____________.
f. La abuela Mercedes ____________ en Puebla. El mes pasado vivía en Guadalajara. Ella es la ____________ de Samuel.
g. Andrea y Pedro son ____________ y también son nietos de Mercedes y Agustín.
h. Fabián y Andrea son ____________. Pronto van a ser esposos.
i. Abuelo Agustín ____________ en Cancún y vivió un tiempo allá.



Andrea es la novia de Fabian. Ellos piensan casarse pronto. Abeulo Agustion es el papa de Samuel. Samuel es su hijo. Marisol vivia en Veracruz. Luego vivio por un tiempo ahi. Luego se mudo. Fabian antes vivia en Monterrey. Ahora vive en Puebla. Samuel es el esposo de Marisol. Estan casados desde hace mucho tiempo. Pedro y Andrea son sus hijos. La abuela Mercedes vive en Puebla. El mes pasado vivia en Guadalajara. Ella es la mama de Samuel. Andrea y Pedro son novios y tambein son nietos de Mercedes y Agustin. Fabian y Andrea son novios. Pronto van a ser esposos. Abuelo Agustin nacio en Cancun y vivio un tiempo alla.


I think this is all right.

Write three separate complete sentences each using an “er” verb.



Necesitas comer para estar fuerte.

Voy a beber de esta botella.

Tienes que detener a ese carro.


The he/she form of the verb "ir" (to go) in the preterite/past tense is


It is c. Fue because that means if he or she went

Can someone help me with this ASAP! Only section A though :)





1. Los científicos ___________(buscar) una solución ______ el problema de la contaminación.

2. Ellos ________ (vivir) en El Salvador _______ diez años.

3. Ustedes ________ (construir) un edificio _______ mi barrio.

4. No estoy bien hoy. Mi hermana _______ (ir) al mercado _____ mí.

5. Muchos animales ________ (perder) su hábitat natural ______ la deforestación.

6. Nosotros ________ (organizar) la biblioteca ________ tener un lugar donde estudiar.


1. Los científicos _buscan_(buscar) una solución _para_ el problema de la contaminación.

2. Ellos _viven_ (vivir) en El Salvador _hace_ diez años.

3. Ustedes _construyen_ (construir) un edificio _cerca_ mi barrio.

4. No estoy bien hoy. Mi hermana _ira_ (ir) al mercado _por_ mí.

5. Muchos animales _pierden_ (perder) su hábitat natural _por_ la deforestación.

6. Nosotros _organizamos_ (organizar) la biblioteca _para_ tener un lugar donde estudiar.

¿Por qué el señor López no café?



Why didn't Mr. López have coffee?


I looked it up.

that translates to
“Why did Mr. López no coffee?”

i’m mexican

Carlos y Juan son estudiantes. Which subject pronoun can replace "Carlos y Juan"?
1. nosotros
2. ellas
3. él
4. ellos



ellos is the answer there u go


4. ellos


Carlos y Juan son estudiantes = Ellos son estudiantes

Can some fill this out?


What he said I read it and he’s mostly 99% right

7, 8, and 9 if you know ?


I believe 9 is libro

alguien juega brawl stars pse id pls xd



nicosempert y bueno máster cuando juegas?


yo juego brawl stars.

tengo 20000 trofeos


You are Yo soy muy simpática non gender or neutral



qué esperas de qué estás hablando y sí, soy agradable


Fill in the blanks with complete sentences using the words provided. Use the correct present tense or infinitive form of each verb.
La profesora / esperar / enseñar / su clase hoy

La profesora espera enseñar su clase hoy.

Pedro / estudiar / para su examen de español
Pedro estudia para su examen de español.

Question 1 with 1 blankuna estudiante / desear / hablar / con su profesora de biología
1 of 1
Question 2 with 1 blankMateo / desayunar / en la cafetería de la escuela
1 of 1
Question 3 with 1 blank(mí) / gustar / cantar y bailar
1 of 1
Question 4 with 1 blanklos profesores / contestar / las preguntas (questions) de los estudiantes
1 of 1
Question 5 with 1 blank¿(ti) / gustar / la clase de música?
1 of 1
Question 6 with 1 blank(nosotros) / esperar / viajar / a Madrid
1 of 1
Question 7 with 1 blank(yo) / necesitar / practicar / los verbos en español
1 of 1
Question 8 with 1 blank(mí) / no / gustar / los exámenes
1 of 1



Mateo desayuna en el cafeteria de la escuela

mo gusto cantar y bailar

los profesores contestan las preguntas de los estudiantes

¿te gustas la clase de musica?

nosotros esperamos viajar a Madrid

yo necesito practicar los verbos en espanol

no me gusto los examenes

Which of the following would appear before a feminine singular noun?
A. La
B. El
C. Las
D. Los





El is for a boy and so is Los. You said Singular feminine so that would be La.

Hope this Helps!!

La is the correct answer

Discuss three important achievements of the ancient Maya. Write your answer in English. ​



The Maya also developed the only complete writing system in Mesoamerica and produced rubber several millennia before vulcanization. Here are the 10 major accomplishments of the ancient Maya civilization in various fields including astronomy, mathematics, architecture, engineering and writing.


I need 3 paragraphs of the puertorican tongue (in spanish)



good luck


Other Questions
What is the value of X? Unit-7 {Adjectives }An adjective is a describing word which describes noun or pronoun.lttells us what kind of how much or how many and in what degreesomething is. It is also a part of speech,Examples a tall building, a new garden, an old man, a little water, someStudents, cold coffee, beautiful girl e.t.c Use two formulas for volume to find the volume of the figure. Express the answer in terms of x and then round to nearest whole number. The employee e-mail accounts in one company are using a mean of 1.071.071, point, 07 gigabytes of memory with a standard deviation of 0.210.210, point, 21 gigabytes. what is the value of x (04.02 MC) EXPLAIN UR REASONINGThe table below shows the two surface features and the processes that are likely to form them.Surface Features and ProcessesFeature ProcessValleys CSink Holes DWhich processes are represented by C and D?Select one:a. C = glacial movement; D = erosion by waterb. C = erosion by wind; D = glacial movementc. C = erosion and deposition; D = glacial movementd. C = glacial movement; D = deposition and erosion by wind how is the enlightenment movement best described? Casey is making a flower arrangement with roses r and carnations c the cost of each rose is $0.50 and the cost of each carnation is $0.10 . the arrangement has a total $20. how many of each flower did Casey put in his arrangement Which career professional would most likely work for an online education company?... Write a program that asks the p34won to enter their grade, and then prints GRADE is a fun grade. Your program should repeat these steps until the user inputs I graduated Unblocked Games World On pg. 4, Cisneros includes a remark about Esperanza's house made by one of the nuns. She echoes that comment on pg. 45 when Sister Superior has Esperanza point out her house, and Sister says, "that one?" Why does Sister point to the wrong house, and why does Esperanza nod, "yes"? Why does Cisneros echo her original comment? Why did the increase in consumerism occur in the Roaring Twenties?(1 point)A. There were new technologies and new innovations to drive the sale of goods, since people could afford them.B. Improvements in technology made life easier for all people.C. Machines and robots were used on assembly lines, making production more efficient. D. People were tired of the economy only producing necessary supplies. for m(x)=-2x+7, find the value of x for which m(x)=13 cmo se escribe un milenio en nmeros romanos look at the pic below answer quick please I need this asapi will mark thx, star you & mark brainliest 239239-93Np94Pu + c 3. Simon / est-ce que / du lait / reprendre 4. l'addition / nous / comprendre / ne...pas 5. apprendre / l'anglais / vous / est-ce que Solve four sixths plus one third whats the answer to (-6p + 7) . -4?