Rushdie points out the number of characters who weep in The Wizard of Oz:______. Dorothy cries tears of frustration before being allowed to enter the Wizard’s palace, the guard at the palace becomes sodden with tears, the Cowardly Lion cries when Dorothy hits him on the nose, the Tin Man nearly rusts up again from crying, and Dorothy cries again when captured by the Witch (223).


Answer 1

Hi. This question is incomplete and it makes it difficult for me to answer it. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I found another question like yours that compared the text you presented with another text and asked if this was a case of plagiarism. The original text is in the figure attached below. If that's the case with your question, I hope the answer below can help you.


This is a case of plagiarism.


When we read the text you presented and the attached text, we can see that the author of the text presented in the question above, repeated entire sentences of the text attached below. This is an example of plagiarism, because the entire sentences were copied without the author of the original text being credited and without the original text being referenced.

Rushdie Points Out The Number Of Characters Who Weep In The Wizard Of Oz:______. Dorothy Cries Tears

Related Questions

what is mindfulness?



mindfulness means to be aware of your surroundings and situations happening around you.

Mindfulness is the state of being alert and mentally present for one’s everyday activities.

The final lines of the folktale state: “And that is why there are two things you can always count on running into in this world: Misery and Death: La miseria y la muerte.” Write one to three sentences explaining the lesson of the folktale.



The tale shows that emotions are part of human life and it is not possible to get rid of any of them, not even those related to death and misery. With this, the reader understands that it is impossible to get rid of negative moments in life and trying to change that is disastrous.


The lines presented in the question above belong to the folktale "Aunty Misery." This folktale introduces us to the story of a woman, Aunty Misery, who lived a very unmotivating, lonely and unfulfilling life. She wanted to get away from the negatives in her life and the sad emotions they provided and tried to change her own destiny. Even changing her life, she couldn't get rid of negative moments, such as misery and death, since they are natural, as well as happy moments.

help plisssss
(no entiendo)​



1. saw

2. went

3. had

5. drank

6. surfed

7. were

9. stayed up

10. wrote

11. logged on

13. played

14. used

15. took

17. were invited

18. said

19. got up


When I was little I didn’t ... how to write.






the answer is a. know



a know


after verb to do is root verb

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this excerpt from 'The American Crisis" by Thomas Paine illustrates that it is a persuasive essay?
I shall conclude this paper with some miscellaneous remarks on the slate of our affairs; and shall begin with asking the following question, Why
is it that the enemy hath left the New England provinces, and made those middle once the fear of war? The answer is easy, New England is not
infested with Tories, and we are. I have been under in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless arguments to shew them their
danger. ... The period is now arrived, in which either they or we must change our sentiments, or one or both must fall. And what is a Tory? Good
GOD! what is he? I should not be afraid to go with a hundred Whigs against a thousand Tories, were they to attempt to get into arms. Every Tory
is a coward, for servile, slavish, self-interested fear is the foundation of Toryism; and man under such influence, though he may be cruel,
never can be brave.
But before the line of irrecoverable separation be drawn between us, let us reason the matter together: Your conduct is an invitation to the
enemy, yet not one in a thousand of you has heart enough to join him. Howe is as much decelved by you as the American cause is injured by
you. He expects you will all take up arms, and flock to his standard with muskets on your shoulders, Your opinions are of no use to him, unless
you support him personally; for 'tis soldiers, and not Tories, that he wants.
Quitting this class of men, I turn with the warm ardor
of a friend to those who have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter out:
I call not upon few, but upon all: not on this state or that state, but on every state: up and help us; lay your shoulders to the wheel; better have
too much force than too little, when so great an object is at stake. Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but
hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and to repulse it. Say not that
thousands are gone, turn out your tens of thousands; throw not the burden of the day upon Providence, but "show your faith by your works,"
that God may bless you. It matters not where you live, or what rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing will reach you all. The ar and the
near, the home counties and the back, the rich and the poor, will suffer or rejoice alike. The heart that feels not now is dead; the blood of his
children will curse his cowardice, who shrinks back at a time when a little might have saved the whole, and made them happy. love the man
that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but ne
whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.



no le entiendo bien por que esta en inglés

Both the Maori and Haida creation myths are mainly about relationships between



A mother and her childeren.

How has Maya's influence affected Craig?

Craig avoids discussing his future with Maya because he feels she disapproves of his job.

Craig begins to feel more confident about making a change after talking to Maya.

Craig realizes that he feels passionate about something for the very first time.

Craig feels that Maya is the only person he can talk to about his new plan.



Craig feels that Maya is the only person he can talk to about his new plan

Answer: B

Craig begins to feel more confident about making a change after talking to Maya.

Explanation: :)

Why do we dream?????? ​



rapid eye movement REM causes the dream

Read this excerpt from Don Quixote and answer the question.
"Hush, friend Sancho," replied Don Qulxote, "the fortunes of ware more than any other are liable to frequent
fluctuations, and moreover I think, and it is the truth, that that same safe Friston who carried off my study and
books, has turned these giants into mills in order to rob me of the glory of vanquishing them, such is the
enmity he bears me; but in the end his wicked arts will avall but little against my good sword."
What is the meaning of "enmity based on the context above.
O Evil
O Hostility
o Disappointment


The correct answer is A. Evil


In the Don Quixote fragment, he refers to "Friston" a character he blames for having "who carried out my study and books" and "turned these giants into mills" to rob him of the glory of vanquishing them. Later, he expresses that their relationship is one of "enmity" because Frinton has acted against Don Quixote, according to above it can be inferred that the word enmity according to the context described refers to the evil act of Friston against Don Quixote, so the correct respect is A. Evil.

Complete os espaços corretamente com o adjetivo que está dentro dos parênteses, colocando-os no grau comparativo de superioridade. ATENÇÃO! ADJETIVOS CURTOS ACRESCENTAMOS ER; ADJETIVOS LONGOS USAMOS MORE. a. My city is (old) .........than yours. b.Jane is (tall) .......... than Melissa. c. Dogs are usually (heavy) .......... than cats. d. Watching a film in DVD is (cheap) ............ than going to the theatre. e.The book I'm reading is much (interesting) .......... than all the books I've read in the past.



a. My city is OLDER than yours.

B. Jane is TALLER than Melissa.

c. Dogs are usually HEAVIER than cats. d. Watching a film in DVD is CHEAPER than going to the theatre.

E. The book I'm reading is much MORE INTERESTING than all the books I've read in the past.


These are the the correct adjectives to use to complete the sentences according to the given words in parentheses.

as a student of the modern generation what is the most significant contribution of theater in western classical art​



As a student of the modern generation, the most significant contribution of theater in western classical art​ is that it helps us roll back the years.

Theater was very common many years ago during the classical period as they were the major means of viewing drama or movies then.

However, the use of theater now as a modern civilization is mostly to roll back the years and appreciate the way things were done in the past.

Mr. Tyler‘s class which would be an appropriate follow-up question to ask the student


Hi. You did not report the subject being discussed in Mr. Tyler's class. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. However, while searching for your question, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which shows that Mr. Tyler's class was debating the need for sugary drinks to be sold at school events. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


The appropriate question would be "What are the health problems caused by sugary drinks?"


With that question, Mr. Tyler would be able to make the students reason about the reasons for preventing the sale of sugary drinks at school events. This would happen because by answering this question, students would realize that the sale of these drinks is not harmless, as they can cause various health problems for students, impairing their academic achievement and abilities. This question would also be effective in justifying that these beverages should not be sold in the school environment.

write a research articles on 'studying online classes.' opportunities and challenges.​



firstly studying is good and it helps us learn far more better than right now.

studying online classes are bit difficult but we are exploring through goolfle and learinv new things through phone and having sifferentiate between school learnes and class learned education amd it is called exploring through phone using new apps.

IFor opportunities the people who learns better gets a opportunities to have great job and get more sallary, etc.

Not only people who study will get good jobs even the peoples who does not have educates will also get opportunities to get job..


studying online class is like exploring

Let me see the answers




what is the question which you are asking for answer .

how can I help you

Please answer these 3 questions weekend I ..... yet 1did you do/ didnt decide Will yoy do/ will decide are you doing / don't know Do you do/ don't decide​



just got is 1. stops is 2. hope this helps

Tick (1) the correct when adverbs that will complete these sentences. 1 Please come home (early yesterday) 2. I think you have told me this story (before / ago) 3. We shall begin our homework. (now / early) 4. Lata has been to London. (never / soon) 5. I see Nikhil in the park quite (often never)​



1. early

2. before

3. now

4. never

5. often




Judy Blume's career as an American writer spans four decades and includes many literary awards. She is most famous for her novels geared toward pre-teens. One notable example is Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. However, Blume also has had success writing for an adult audience. Three of her novels for adults reached the New York Times best-seller list. In a 2008 interview Blume remarked, "I have so many stories left to tell!" By that time she had written nearly 30 novels. Judy Blume an exceptionally talented and productive American author.

Which of the following would be the best title for this paragraph?

"Future of Blume"
"Forty Years of Blume"
"Blume's Many Awards"
"Bountiful Brilliant Blume"



The option that would be the best title for this paragraph is:

D. "Bountiful Brilliant Blume".


We may be tempted to choose option B since the paragraph does mention that Blume's career spans four decades. However, that is not the sole focus of the passage. The author is praising Blume's works, her success in writing for teens as well as adults, and the fact that she is talented and has plenty of stories left to tell. In other words, Blume is brilliant and bountiful (abundant in ideas). For that reason, option D is the best one.


Bountiful Brilliant Blume


This paragraph about Judy Blume's career focuses on her writing abilty and emphasizes that she has created successful stories. It says that she is gifted and talented in many areas and also discusses that in her 40 years for a writer she has written 30 novels.

Which factor contributed most strongly to the Harlem Renaissance?
O A. Powerful scholarship that rediscovered the value of early slave
O B. The Great Migration of African Americans to the northern United
O C. The emancipation of former slaves in the southern United States
O. D. The passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968



The correct answer is B. The factor that contributed most strongly to the Harlem Renaissance was the Great Migration of African Americans to the northern United States.


The Harlem Renaissance refers to the flourishing of African American cultural and intellectual life in the United States of the 1920s and 1930s. Across the cultural spectrum (literature, acting, music, visual arts, dance) and in social thinking (sociology, historiography, philosophy), artists and intellectuals found new ways to explore black Americans' past experiences and contemporary lives in the northwestern United States. bigger cities. African-American artists and intellectuals challenged white guardianship and racism, rejecting imitation of the style of Europeans and white Americans, and instead praising the dignity and creativity of blacks. They defended their freedom as artists and intellectuals to express themselves on their own terms, and explored their identity as black Americans, paying homage to the African-American culture that had emerged from slavery and the cultural ties to Africa.

8. The army will hunt _ the militants


Answer: on


The appropriate word to make the sentence complete will be "on". Therefore, the complete sentence will be "The army will hunt on the militants".

To hunt on something means to search for something or someone determinedly. In this case, the army will search for the militants thoroughly.


John. (train) The boys' football team every Monday, but this week he. (train) the girls' team.​



john trains in the first blank and he is training in the second Blank


the full sentence will be

John trains the boys football team every Monday but this week he is training the girls team

Which of the following best describes the theme of the poem “The Black Man’s Burden”?



One of the central themes of Reynolds' work is the subversion of a society's status quo in the name of socioeconomic progress (see, for example, the short story "Ultima Thule"); often, this theme is tied to another key Reynolds theme, the continual search for a better society.

speech:the best way to learn or study is Alone​



By studying on your own, you will be able to create a perfect learning environment that maximizes your academic performance. Learning on your own also allows you to use the study strategies that are most effective for your learning style. Some students learn better with flash cards while others learn better by re-reading chapters.


Which means law






Change these sentence from active to passive 1) People speak Portuguese in Brasil Portuguese was spoken by people in brasil walls 2) road near The govemment is plannlag a new my home The 7 크 3 My grandfather built this house in 1943 a) Pt Picaso was paiting Guermnica at that time - 51 The cleaner has cleaned the office, > He had written three books before 1867. 7 John will tell you later



1. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil

2. This house was built by my grandfather in 1943.

3. Guermnica was being painted by Picasso at that time

4. The office has been cleaned by the cleaner.

5. Three books had been written by him before 1867.

6. You will be briefed by John later


The sentence's have been changed from active to passive voice.

P. S: The writing was so messed up, but I did my best to clean it up and answer.

Im on my knees and Im begging cause I don't understand thiss​




I'm not really sure on all of them, so read through again if you want. I hope this helps!

Answer ? Hzhshsbhzgdhdhrhddhdhm





you should be ready to provide references of your previous jobs/degrees


I (hang out) with my friends every weekend, but this weekend I (visit) my cousins in London.​



I hang out with

my friends every weekend but this weekend I am visiting my cousins in London

I am hanging out with my friends every weekend, but this weekend I am visiting my cousins in London.

I need it ASAP!!! Please


The answer is c or d
Yeah it’s between c or d

"The Nose" after nose dissappears biggest worry



won't be able to breath and live again

Could you pls help me to do this.​


1. If you enjoy hiking and exploring, go to Switzerland
2. For those Who like to paint, go to Switzerland to paint the beautiful mountain scenery
3. Make time to go to Switzerland to enjoy its beautiful land
4. Why not travel to Switzerland for your next vacation
5. One thing you can do while in Switzerland is admire the pretty villages
Other Questions
tri t c my i dng Most people with bulimia _____.suffer extreme weight gainsuffer extreme weight lossmaintain a weight below the normal rangemaintain a weight within the normal range 8. The army will hunt _ the militants The U.S. has plans to build a 30-meter telescope, while the Europeans are thinking about a 39-meter telescope. What technological innovation allows astronomers to be thinking about telescopes with that large an aperture Mannix Corporation stock currently sells for $80 per share. The market requires a return of 10 percent on the firm's stock. If the company maintains a constant 6 percent growth rate in dividends, what was the most recent dividend per share paid on the stock please help me with this ! Solve the equation 96=3(8x)^(5/3). What goes in the blanks? The measure of angle is 7/4. The measure of its reference angle is _____, and tan is ______? If a student walked 2 feet straight to the chalk board in 2 seconds andthen walked 2 feet back to his or her original position at his or her desk atthe same speed, what was the student's displacement at 2 secondscompared to 0 seconds?O 6 feetO O feetO2 feetO 4 feet Vocabulary: dipole, dipole-dipole force, dipole-induced dipole force, electronegativity, intermolecular force, ionic bond, London dispersion force, molecule, nonpolar, nonpolar covalent bond, partial charges, polar, polar covalent bond, valence electron Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) 1. A big bully is having a tug-of-war with a small child. There is a ball attached to the middle of the rope. Toward whom will the ball move rules of Linking words If I have 25g of Sodium, how much Sodium Chloride will I theoretically create?O 50g NaCl0 58.3g NaClO 63.7g Naci0 35.4g NaCl A sheet of plastic has an area of 35 square cm. If the sheet is 5 cm thick, what is the volume? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME I'M STUCK In New France (Canada), this was the name for the French fur trappers who lived deep in the forests. A. Courer de Bois B. Creole C. Colony D. Renaissance A charge Q exerts a 1.2 N force on another charge q. If the distance between the charges is doubled, what is the magnitude of the force exerted on Q by q In order to secure power following Vladimir Lenin's death, Joseph Stalininstituted policies designed to: Which three of the following statements are probably true? Use the information in the three maps below (the World Climate Region map, the World Bioregions map, and the World Population map) and their legends to guide you.a. Evergreen forests are associated with a steppe-type climate.b. The tundra bioregion is found only in the polar regions.c. Continental climates are found in the Northern Hemisphere, but not the Southern Hemisphere.d. Climate and bioregion play a significant role in human settlement patterns.e. There is a strong correlation, and possibly even a causal relationship, between climate and bioregion. The bulk modulus of water is B = 2.2 x 109 N/m2. What change in pressure P (in atmospheres) is required to keep water from expanding when it is heated from 10.9 C to 40.0 C? If a 1 = 3 and a n = 2an 1, what is the fifth term of the sequence?