Say you have a long string and you want to collect all of the letters within it without storing duplicates. What would be the most appropriate type to store the letters in?
a. a set
b. a list
c. the original string
d. a dictionary


Answer 1

A set because sets do not allow duplicated elements

Related Questions

You have two microservices that need to communicate with each other without holding up a thread on either end. One service will receive an ID and return a message once the job is complete.
Which communication framework should be used?
A.) Have a shared database that allows both
applications to read and write to the tables to share the data instead of having to communicate
B.) Use asynchronous messaging to send and receive messages between each microservice
C.) Abandon the microservice architecture so no interaction is needed
D.) Create a third service to handle the interaction between the services
E.) Use a RESTful architecture for both, send the ID through a POST, and ping the service with a GET until a response is available


Answer: E. Use a RESTful architecture for both, send the ID through a POST, and ping the service with a GET until a response is available.


Since there are two microservices that need to communicate with each other without holding up a thread on either end, the communication framework should be used is a RESTful architecture for both, send the ID through a POST, and ping the service with a GET until a response is available.

REST is a software architectural style which is used in defining the set of rules that be used for the creation of web services. The REST architecture allows requesting systems to be able to access and manipulate web resources.

In the right situations, the use of multi-threads can allow for application speedup. Provide a small code example that illustrates how threads can be used to arrive at an appropriate result. Identify if there is a point where too many threads might impact performance of the application. g




Threads allow an applications to run faster because they allow various tasks to run at the same time instead of doing one at a time and having to wait for one to finish before starting the next task. However, if too many threads are running at the same time, or a thread has a very large task or requires another task to finish before finishing its own then this can drastically impact performance. Mainly because too many resources are being used at a single moment. The following code is a small example of how threads work in Python.

import threading

import time

def thread_function(name):

   print("Thread {name}: starting")


   print("Thread {name}: finishing")

thread1 = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(1,))



thread2 = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(2,))



If every company is now a technology company, then what does this mean for every student attending a business college




There are all sorts of possibilities for, say, inserting new technologies into existing processes. But most of these improvements are incremental. They are worth doing; in fact, they may be necessary for survival. No self-respecting airline, for instance, could do without an application that lets you download your boarding pass to your mobile telephone. It saves paper, can't get lost and customers want it.

But while it's essential to offer applications like the electronic boarding pass, those will not distinguish a company. Electronic boarding passes have already been replicated by nearly every airline. In fact, we've already forgotten who was first.​


What is the link?


Output is the act of is the act of entering the data to the computer?​



Output is the act of the computer display information based on your input


Funny thing is that output is the exact opposite of what you just described

Explain what 10CLS program does and the write the output​



This text is being printed via the PRINT command."
On the next line, I'll use CLS, which will clear everything I just printed, so you won't even see the preceding text."
Also, you can't give CLS a line to PRINT; it won't actually do anything"
Finally, on line 80, I

write the full form of E-mail?​



Electronic Mail. This is your answer.

A technique that uses data that is labeled to train or teach a machine.





it uses data that is labeled to train.

What Internet access method would be suitable for a business requiring a high bandwidth connection where no cabled options exist?



Fiber Optic, it allows for speeds up to 1200 mbps


Identify the statement about Windows tasks that is FALSE.

To launch an application, click the Windows icon, select "All Programs," and then click an application.

The boot process is the process for powering off a computer.

A common way to shut down the computer’s operating system is by using the Start menu.

Users log into their accounts on the Welcome screen, before Windows is ready to use.


The statement about Windows tasks that is FALSE is

The boot process is the process for powering off a computer.

According to the question, we are to discuss about Windows tasks and how it works as regards to the computer.

As a result of this we can see that  in launching an application;

we need to click on Windows iconselect "All Programs," click an application.

Therefore, The boot process is not the process for powering off a computer.

Learn more about Windows tasks .

The statement that is false is: The boot process is the process for powering off a computer, which is the second option. The boot process is actually the process of starting or powering on a computer, not powering it off.

The boot process refers to the sequence of events that occur when a computer is powered on or restarted. It is the process of starting up the computer's hardware and loading the operating system into memory so that it is ready for use. During the boot process, the computer's firmware (such as the BIOS or UEFI) performs a series of checks and tests to ensure that the hardware components are functioning correctly. It then searches for the operating system on connected storage devices, such as the hard drive or solid-state drive, and loads it into memory.

Learn more about the boot process here.


Write a program that accepts the lengths of three sides of a triangle as an input from the user: A, B, C

Validate the user input so that the user can only enter positive values for sides A, B, C. All three must be true:

A > 0
B > 0
C > 0



The program in Python is as follows:

A = int(input("A: "))

B = int(input("B: "))

C = int(input("C: "))

while A<=0 or B <= 0 or C <= 0:

   A = int(input("A: "))

   B = int(input("B: "))

   C = int(input("C: "))

print("Valid inputs")


Get input for A, B and C

A = int(input("A: "))

B = int(input("B: "))

C = int(input("C: "))

The loop is repeated until inputs for A, B and C are above 0

while A<=0 or B <= 0 or C <= 0:

Get input for A, B and C

   A = int(input("A: "))

   B = int(input("B: "))

   C = int(input("C: "))

Print valid inputs when user inputs are correct

print("Valid inputs")

Consider the following JavaScript code fragment:var greeting = function ( name ) {console.log ( name )}The best answer for what is wrong with this code is:Group of answer choices



name is a reserved word in JS and cannot be used as an identifier


From the group of answer choices provided the only one that may be a problem would be using the word name as a parameter. Although name is not a reserved word per say in JS it is in HTML, and since JS targets HTML it could cause some errors. This however does not prevent this code from running correctly. JS does not require semicolons anymore, and the opening and closing braces for a body of code does not need to be on their own lines. Also, variable names are not Strings and do not need to be inside quotes, even for console.log()

I have a variable and set it equal to 5. 1 then send it as an argument to a function that adds 5 to the variable passed in. Outside the function print the variable (after the function executes).
What will it print?
A. 5+1
B. 4
C. 6
D. 5



D. 5


If the variables original value was 5 then the value that will be printed is 5. This is because the variable is being passed as a parameter into the function and 5 is being added to the parameter value, not the actual global variable outside. Therefore, in order for the adjusted value to be printed then that new value that is returned by the function needs to be saved in a new variable. This can be seen in the example code below.

Suppose you and four of your friends are wirelessly connected with the home wireless router. [03] At this moment router is not transmitting data to the outgoing link and all of you want to browse internet and send packets of same size to the router. Consider the bandwidth of the outgoing link is20Mbps , packet size is 2500 bytes and the processing delay of each packet is
2μs . If your packet is queued at position eleven, calculate the delay after which your packet will be transmitted


format please? i cant understand

A network administrator needs 10 prevent users from accessing the accounting department records. All users are connected to the same Layer 2 device and access the internal through the same router. Which of the following should be Implemented to segment me accounting department from the rest of the users?

a. Implement VLANs and an ACL.
b. Install a firewall and create a DMZ.
c. Create a site-to-site VPN.
d. Enable MAC address filtering.





definitely C you’re welcome

Give three reasons to use a hard drive as mass storage.



With that in mind, let's take a look at five places where hard drives shine.

Backups and Archives. ...

Media Libraries. ...

Large Capacity Storage. ...

NAS Drives and Security. ...

RAID Arrays. ...

Other Uses.

Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation?



Slide sorter view


Slide sorter view !!!!!

__________ makes the hardware usable, while __________ commands it to perform specific tasks. a.) The operating system, RAM b.) The CPU, RAM c.) The application software, the hard disk d.) The operating system, the application software



a then c


Without an operating system you just have a pile of metal, and the program contains code, which is just a series of commands


d.) The operating system, the application software

Write a recursive function named is_decreasing that takes as its parameter a list of numbers. It should return True if the elements of the list are strictly decreasing (each element in the array is strictly less than the previous one), but return False otherwise.





The term __________ denotes data that is being stored on devices like a universal serial bus (USB) thumb drive, laptop, server, DVD, CD, or server. The term __________ denotes data that exists in a mobile state on the network, such as data on the Internet, wireless networks, or a private network. A. data in transit, data on record B. data at rest, data in transit C. data in transit, data at rest D. data on record, data in motion



B. data at rest, data in transit


A database management system (DBMS) can be defined as a collection of software applications that typically enables computer users to effectively and efficiently create, store, modify, retrieve, centralize and manage data or informations in a database. Thus, it allows computer users to efficiently retrieve and manage their data with an appropriate level of security.

Generally, a database management system (DBMS) acts as an intermediary between the physical data files stored on a computer system and any software application or program.

Data at rest refers to a form of data that is stored on devices such as; a universal serial bus (USB) thumb drive, laptop, server, DVD, CD, or server.

Data in transit is simply any data that exists in a mobile or dynamic state on the network, such as data on the Internet, wireless networks, or a private network.

An engineer is configuring AMP for endpoints and wants to block certain files from executing. Which outbreak control method is used to accomplish this task


Question Completion with Options:

A. device flow correlation

B. simple detections

C. application blocking list

D. advanced custom detections


The outbreak control method that is used to accomplish the task of configuring AMP for endpoints and to block certain files from executing is:

C. application blocking list


The application blocking list creates a list of application files, which the AMP continuously tracks and analyzes to compare the file activities with previous cyber attacks.  Specifically, the AMP for Endpoints is a cloud-managed endpoint security solution, which provides a retrospective alert to prevent cyber-security threats, and rapidly detects, contains, and remediates malicious files on the endpoints.

continuously tracks and analyzes files and file activities across your systems, and compares these events to what preceded or happened in past attacks. If a file exhibits malicious behavior, the AMP provides you with a retrospective alert which enables you to stop a potential threat from succeeding.

7. System software is the set of software programs that helps run the computer and coordinates instructions between application software and hardware devices. It consists of the operating system (OS) and utility programs. How does the mindset of the designer affect the design of the operating system (e.g., Windows vs. Linux)




The main goal when designing an operating system (OS) is to make sure that the system is as efficient and intuitive as possible. This is the mindset that designers have when creating the operating system. However, this also creates drastically different designs between designers, mainly because one design structure will feel much more natural and intuitive to one designer but not another. Since the designer's own personal taste/mindset drastically affects the design, most companies find their target audience and survey/test various designs. This is done in order to find what features and styles best fit the vast majority of the people.

Essay on "Impact of Digitalization"​



Digitization has a proven impact on reducing unemployment, improving quality of life, and boosting citizens' access to public services. Finally, digitization allows governments to operate with greater transparency and efficiency

Consider an Erlang loss system. The average processing time is 3 minutes. The average inter-arrival time is 3 minutes. The number of servers is 3. What is r (sometimes referred to as the offered load)



r = 1


Average processing time ( p ) = 3 minutes

Average inter-arrival time ( a ) = 3 minutes

number of servers ( m ) = 3

Determine the value of r

r ( offered load ) = p/a

                          = 3 / 3  = 1

∴ value of r ( offered load ) = 1

how do you format a cd or a DVD ​


No. The DVD format can't be read by a CD.

Which factors are involved in search engine optimization​



A Secure and Accessible Website.

Page Speed (Including Mobile Page Speed)


Binary search is a very fast searching algorithm, however it requires a set of numbers to be sorted.

a. True
b. False


I’m sure the answer is true

The speed of a computer is measured in____?​





The clock speed measures the number of cycles your CPU executes per second, measured in GHz (gigahertz)


ANSWER => gigahitrz


The speed of a computer is measured in gigahitrz

1011111 ÷ 11 in numerical​






91,919 .1


A security analyst recommends implementing SSL for an existing web service. A technician installs the SSL certificate and successfully tests the connection on the server. Soon after, the help desk begins receiving calls from users who are unable to log in. After further investigation, it becomes clear that no users have successfully connected to the web server since the certificate installation. Which of the following is MOST likely the issue?
A. DA Incorrect firewall rules are blocking HTTPS traffic.
B. Users are still accessing the IP address and not the HTTPS address.
C. DC Workstations need an updated trusted sites list.
D Users are not using tokens to log on.


C- I think. I hope this helps you.
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