scripts for Black Lives Matter!
I need help!


Answer 1


Here is one script for Black Lives Matter regarding a kid named Trayvon.


Five years ago today, a teenage boy

went out for a snack but never made it

home to his loving family. A grown man

took it upon himself to patrol his neigh-

borhood and to shoot dead an unarmed,

unassuming boy. Not only did a mother

have to bury her young son, but she now

watches his killer walk the streets free—

free to brag about killing Trayvon, and

free to commit more acts of violence.

We need to #TalkAboutTrayvon because,

five years later, there are still no conse-

quences when adults wave their guns

around at Black and Brown kids. Police

continue to mistreat, terrorize, and even

murder boys and girls of color, and then

walk free. We need to #TalkAboutTray-

von, share pictures of his sweet face,

and remind each other what we continue

to lose when we uphold a system that

won’t punish people who kill Black chil-

dren and adults. We are not only losing

wonderful people—we are losing our


White communities are used to con-

sciously and unconsciously maintaining

the racist policies and practices that

led to Trayvon’s death—and, as white

people, we must speak out against

those policies and practices. When we

remain silent and on the sidelines, we

are complicit in maintaining these unjust

systems. Our work is to get more white

people who support us to take action

toward racial justice—and to change the

hearts and minds of those white people

who are not yet with us.

When we #TalkAboutTrayvon, we tell

grieving parents that we see them and

acknowledge their pain. When we #Talk-

AboutTrayvon, we tell Black children that

we are not afraid of them—we are only

afraid they won’t get the bright future

they deserve.

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Which word BEST completes the sentence below? The little pup ----------------------- a. Sat on my lap b. Sat over my lap c. Sat my lap d. Sat behind my lap



A. Sat on my lap



The answer would be A, "sat on my lap".


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which part of the sentence needs to be revised to eliminate wordiness and redundancy?
First and foremost, take time to plan your essay to create a stress-free environment when it's time to create your draft.


take time to plan my essay to create a stress free environment


first and foremost



Help me please guyyyyy​


1. Was showed
2. Was held
3. Are getting prepared/ were preparing
4. Are typed/ were getting typed
5. is printing
6. Were put

1. Anuj said, “I will leave for Delhi tomorrow.”
2. My uncle said to me, “I am tired now.”
3. I said, “I am waiting for my sister to arrive.”
4. The teacher said to us, “you are very naughty.”
5. Veena said to her mother, “I have finished my homework.”
6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor, “My house is being built.”
7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor, “My baby was crying all night.”
8. Chitra said, “I will go to the shop today.”
9. The old man said to me, “I have been trying to cross the road, but have not been
able to do so.”
10. Poonam said, “I do not know how to make tea.”


1. Anuj said he would leave for Delhi the next day.
2. My uncle said to me he was tired then.
3. I said I was waiting for my sister to arrive.
4. The teacher said to us we were very naughty.
5. Veena said to her mother she had finished her homework.
6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor his house was being built.
7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor her baby had been crying all night.
8. Chitra said she would go to the shop that day.
9. The old man said to me he had been trying to cross the road, but had not been
able to do so.
10. Poonam said he did not know how to make tea.

she read the class a story .... a clever Mouse deer​


Possible answers:
- About
- Involving
- That had

Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst perjurer on earth . Describe swami's feelings at this point. Why did he feel like the worst perjurer?



Swami felt very bad as his conscience disturbed him greatly.


A perjurer is someone who tells les even though he claims to be saying the truth, especially in court.

Swami felt bad. His conscience disturbed him because he had lied and exaggerated the reaction of his teacher, Samuel, to his father, to avoid going to school.

Swami thought that by painting his teacher as a violent man who beats up students who come late to class, his father would allow him to stay back at home and not go to school.

His father surprised him however by writing a long letter complaining to the headmaster against Swami's teacher Samuel.

Swami was saddled with the responsibility of delivering the letter to his headmaster and felt very bad doing so.

During His journey, Odysseus encountered:
A. The Prometheus chained to a rock
B. Atlas holding up the sky
C. Fenris the wolf
D. None of the choices ares correct


The answer would be D
D.non of the choices are correct

Which theme is supported by the events of both Fourteen and “The Dinner Party”?


Yeah bro bro I’m just joking bro bro I’m just tired and I’m not mad I’m tired and I don’t have a


the importance some people place on social status


I got it correct

1. Which two Earth layers are separated by the Moho
A) rigid mantle and plastic mantle
B) outer core and stiffer mantle
C) stiffer mantle and asthenosphere
D) crust and rigid mantle


The Moho boundary separates the earths crust and rigid mantle

Identify the type of verb used in the following sentence.
We see with our eyes.





There work of seeing see is answer

The type of verb used in the sentence, We see with our eyes. The word "see" in the phrase "We see with our eyes" is an intransitive verb.

An intransitive verb is one that passes on its meaning without the utilization of a coordinate object. The word "see" within the expression "We see with our eyes" can be utilized without an object to portray what is being seen. The prepositional expression "with our eyes" infers the verb's object.

Hence, Although intransitive verbs can be employed in many different contexts, they are most frequently used to express acts without a direct object. like how see is used in the sentence We see with our eyes.

Learn more about intransitive verb, here:


What is the sentences of cautiously​


She cautiously put the baby in its crib.


He cautiously put the petrol in the tank.

Write an objective summary of the "Setting."

Step One: Name It



Type of Text:

Step Two: Verb It

What is the author doing in the text? Are they explaining something, describing showing, proving, convincing

Step Three: The main idea/theme

What is the most important piece of information the author is trying to get across?

What is the message of the text?

Step Four- Supporting Details

Quote at least 3-5 supporting details that prove the main idea/theme that you found to be the main idea/theme of the text.



Thanks so much for your help


it helped me a lot

Draw a comic strip on the life of Albert Einstein on the basis of reading the lesson "A Truly Beautiful mind".​



I dont no answer from you I will say this answer soon

Explain how the voice of the passage affects the characterization of the narrator and the other characters.







Write the moral of the story. einstine and driver


Moral: Quick thinging and good presence of mind can get you out of difficult circumstances.

What should I wrote in __?


hmm... i dont understand that what should i wrote um.. of course sir i will some for you right now the flight attendant i guess i dont understand

Answer: I'm not sure

1. sir

2. please

3. sugar? (maybe)

4. milk? ( maybe)

5. bring

6. thank


can someone help me on this question please super confusing

Which claim from the speech best supports Warren’s argument that women face obstacles in addressing the wage gap?

“Today, more young women go to college than men, but unequal pay makes it harder for them to pay back student loans.”

“The effects of this discrimination are real, and they are long lasting.”

“Today, a woman can get fired for asking the guy across the hall how much money he makes.”

“Women today still earn only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns, and they're taking a hit in nearly every occupation.”



letter d or the 4th answer


Fox any punctuation or capitalization errors below. Click "Submit Answer there
are none
Patrick Star gently stroked the puppy's soft velvety, fur.
Submit answer



the , (comma) placement


it should have been by the word soft instead of velvety.


Patrick Star gently stroked the puppy's soft, velvety fur.

They imagined a place of calm and beauty.

Action Verb:



Action verb is: imagined

Imagine is a it's the only verb in the whole entire sentence

Question 9 of 20
Which sentence uses correct capitalization?
A. Of the director's latest movie, Rite of Spring, one critic said, "wait
to rent it."
B. Of the director's latest movie, Rite of Spring, one critic said, "Wait
to rent it."
O c. Of the Director's latest movie, Rite of Spring, one critic said, "Wait
to rent it."
D. Of the director's latest movie, Rite Of Spring, one critic said, "Wait
to rent it."?


Explanation: director doesnt need a capital letter and the word "of" doesn't need one as well so that makes B the correct answer

pls help me with this

What is the significance of the words?

In your own words, what does it mean (what does the text say is happening)?



its chaotic


the text says that something about marriage and someone dieing

i need this answered please helppp



I'm pretty confident that the answer is A.


I also believe that the answer is A

Which is the correct one?





In electronic messaging, the use of punctuation is deemed inappropriate by some experts. Since texting is a major form of communication these days, many students tend to exclude punctuation from their academic writings as well. As a language teacher, what are the TWO activities that you can suggest to your students to help them eliminate this practice?



1. We have to help the students practice filling punctuation into a document in their after-hours lessons

2. Tell them the use of punctuation in writing essays or doing homework or even in competitions in order not to make misunderstand for examiner


Help me with this, i'm confused.



1. Scorching

2. gnarled


The scorching sun is the one responsible for drying and shrinking of trees and plants. Scorching sun means that the sun is burning strongly.

Gnarl means means to twist something. For our case it is tree branches.


1. scorching

2. gnarled

Who tries to break up the fight between the Montague and Capulet servants in Romeo and Juliet?

A. Escalus
B. Lord Capulet
C. Benvolio
D. Tybalt



the answer is C benvolio

help me help me help me:))))))



1) find out. make


3)break down

4)get up

5)keep one

6)take off

7)hear from

Read these lines from a poem by Emily Dickinson.

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

What theme is expressed in these lines?



In these lines she wanna expressed that success is every thing in life success make our life from harder one to easier one


hope its help plz mark me as brainliest

the meaning of disrupted ​


[tex]\huge\textsf{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\bullet \large\textsf{ When you hear the word \underline{disrupted} think of the word \bf{disturbance}}\\\large\textsf{ or even think of the word \bf interruption/intrusion}\\\\\\\\\\\\\star\large\textsf{Now, that we have a better understanding of the word disrupted, we}\\\large\textsf{can find the answer to question as to what is the (d)efinition of the}\\\large\textsf{word.}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{Answer: \underline{Disrupted: }}\large\textsf{ \bf the interruption of a particular}}}\\\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{\bf event that is causing a major issue/disturbance}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]


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