Select all the adjectives. Don't include a, an, or the.
Monse Finnie helped the weary guest up the stairs.


Answer 1

i think there is only one adjective and its weary

Answer 2
There is only one which is weary. Hope that helps lol ♡

Related Questions

Which two lines in the excerpt use dramatic irony?
Romeo and Juliet
by William Shakespeare (excerpt)

CAPULET: How now, my headstrong! where have you been gadding?

JULIET: Where I have learn'd me to repent the sin
Of disobedient opposition
To you and your behests, and am enjoin'd
By holy Laurence to fall prostrate here,
And beg your pardon: pardon, I beseech you!
Henceforward I am ever ruled by you.

CAPULET: Send for the county; go tell him of this:
I'll have this knot knit up to-morrow morning.

JULIET: I met the youthful lord at Laurence' cell;
And gave him what becomed love I might,
Not step o'er the bounds of modesty.



1) "henceforward i am ever ruled by you" 2) i dont know the second one


i did the test


I henceforward I am ever ru'd  by you & how now my headstrong


you attended an interview for a bursary to study towards your dream career

write out a two diary entries expressing your feelings before and after the interview​



so today I ate chicken yrsterdoskskdkskkssikaksao

Which sentence contains a restrictive clause?

We took a kayak to a beach where sea turtles hatch.
The travel books, which I read in one day, were informative.
Bird watchers often travel to Antarctica, which has so many penguins.
The Dalai Lama, who travels extensively, recommends visiting new places.


Answer: We took a kayak to a beach where sea turtles hatch.

Explanation: Just took it

The sentence that contains a restrictive clause is "We took a kayak to a beach where sea turtles hatch".

What is a restrictive clause?

A restricted clause is an adjective clause that gives essential information about nouns and cannot be removed without affecting the meaning of the sentence. Restrictive clauses are not separated by commas or any other type of punctuation, unlike nonrestrictive clauses, which contain additional information and are separated by commas. Unlike the other sentences, sentence.

Which sentence contains a restrictive clause?

A contains a restricted clause, "where sea turtles hatch." This clause is not separated by commas and offers vital information about the noun "a beach."We paddled to a beach where sea turtles lay their eggs.

Learn more about noun here,


Is Implications similar word of effect or something?


Answer: yes but have different meanings


In professional football, some players have microphones in their helmets that allow them to communicate with coaches on the sideline What does this indicate?





The answers to this question is c

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Though they are mostly nocturnal, barn owls oftem emerge at dusk to begin scouting for their prey.

write an essay on the effects of flood in nepal in about 150 words.



hey just a tip, don't make an essay just for five points, no one will do it then

Read Shakespeare's "Sonnet 100.”

Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long
To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?
Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song,
Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light?
Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem
In gentle numbers time so idly spent;
Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem
And gives thy pen both skill and argument.
Rise, resty Muse, my love's sweet face survey,
If Time have any wrinkle graven there;
If any, be a satire to decay,
And make Time's spoils despised every where.
Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life;
So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife.
50 points Pleaseee help im being timed
What is the central idea of the third quatrain?

If you see my love aging, work against it.
Do not be lazy; we are all running out of time.
Make fun of time, and turn people against it.
Write something to ridicule my love’s wrinkles.



Do not be lazy; we are all running out of time


In Shakespeare's "Sonnet 100", the central idea of the third quatrain is Muse, do not be lazy; we are all running out of time. The Muse is seen by various poets as the source of inspiration. Shakespeare is blaming the Muse for being forgetful, and for spending her time idly. He tells the muse to be back before Time's scythe gets him.


help, please. everything is in the pictures. also the 2nd pic is the options in the drop-down bar thing :)





It makes the biggest impact on the reader. When writing a article about something as important as this generally what an author will do to captivate the attention of the audience is to make it clear exactly how dire the situation is. It important to make sure that the reader knows that this topic is important. So I would say that ending the first paragraph with something as impactful as #1 would be the best choice, as you really want to draw your reader in and make them acknowledge the topic, it will give the reader a sense of urgency to understand what is going on.

I hope that helped, but incase you didn't understand a word of that;

Basically you want to make sure that the reader of this essay is dead set on learning what is going on with the butterflies, so you want to highlight that there is something BIG going on and #1 really helps to be like "hey there's a problem here!"

The arrest of Elizabeth Proctor for witchcraft at the end of Act II is an example of which element? A. Climax B. Motif C. Exposition D. Cliffhanger





The arrest of Elizabeth Proctor for witchcraft at the end of Act II is an example of exposition.

An exposition in a story can be defined as background information about the settings, characters, events, etc. The word exposition is derived from the Latin word expositionem which means to show forth. So, the part of an exposition in a story is to relay background information.

In The Crucible, the exposition is seen in both Acts I and Acts II. So, the arrest of Elizabeth Proctor, the arrest of innocent and harmless ones, serves as a piece of background information for the rest of the play.

So, option C is correct.

What does this excerpt from act 1 of Romeo and Juliet reveal about the Montague-Capulet feud?

ABRAHAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?

SAMPSON: I do bite my thumb, sir.

ABRAHAM: Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?

SAMPSON: (aside to GREGORY) Is the law of our side, if I say ay?


SAMPSON: No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.

GREGORY: Do you quarrel, sir?

ABRAHAM: Quarrel sir! no, sir.

SAMPSON: If you do, sir, I am for you: I serve as good a man as you.

ABRAHAM: No better.

SAMPSON: Well, sir.

GREGORY: Say 'better:' here comes one of my master's kinsmen.

SAMPSON: Yes, better, sir.

ABRAHAM: You lie.

SAMPSON: Draw, if you be men. Gregory, remember thy swashing blow.

Select all the correct answers.

A.The servants are more serious about the feud than their masters.

B.The servants of both households use the feud as an excuse to pick fights with each other.

C.The Capulet-Montague feud is petty, foolish, and easily blown out of proportion.

D.The servants don’t take the feud seriously and are disinterested in its outcome.

E.The young noblemen of both houses use the feud as an excuse to pick fights.


the answer is E.

that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

What is the main idea of this passage from the Declaration of Independence?

People have the right to determine the best form of government for them.

The colonists would prefer an altered government to a new nation.

Government is formed naturally and it evolves with time.

Governments must sometimes be reorganized in order to avoid revolt.



Government must sometimes be reorganized in order to avoid revolt


i believe that is the correct answer

Which is an example of “rich” imagery?


An illustration of rich symbolism is to portray something in such detail so the watcher know whats truly going on.


the answer is

D. "screens of corn-stalk"


brainliest pls?

explain the process of meditation?​



You are relaxing your soul and body.


Which lines from Ovid’s "Pyramus and Thisbe" contain an example of characterization?

ringed by the tall brick walls Semíramis
had built—so we are told.
If you searched all
the East, you'd find no girl with greater charm
than Thisbe;
The wall their houses shared had one thin crack,
which formed when they were built and then was left;
when first light
had banished night's bright star-fires from the sky
and sun had left the brine-soaked meadows dry,



If you searched all  the East, you'd find no girl with greater charm  than Thisbe;


Characterization is the description or representation of the characters in a narrative. This description of the characters in a story can be direct or indirect. Direct characterization is used in the description of Thisbe above because the poet plainly tells us that Thisbe was a girl with great charm. Readers do not have to wonder or think about Thisbe and who she really was because her character was explicitly described.

Indirect characterization allows readers to deduce the true personality of characters from the context of the story.

Please help!
How did the narrator feel when he heard the strange cries, saw the wild eyes, and heard the growl from the side of the canal? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.

Why won’t the narrator return to Xochimilco, even though the canals are safe again? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

(passage: page 7, questions: page 11)


Answer: For the second question it is...

Explanation: The narrator felt as though he was nervous as it says in the passage "I knew it was safe to return to the canals, but I

somehow couldn’t bring myself to go back. Any time I thought about it, I felt the cold sweat on

my skin. To this day Neruda’s poems, even the ones about desperate heartache, make me

think of feral cats."

This states that he knew it was safe but he couldn't go back because of what he had gone through.

everyone in this class wearing jeans




jeans are just the pants to go

What are effective ways to get ready for a test? Check all that apply.
O making sure to be well prepared
eating properly
staying up later to study if necessary
O getting enough sleep
O using the proper study methods



everything above apart from staying upate


it's common sense

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. 0.5x10-5 (Adequate) power supply is doing harm to our economy. It hampers (b) (produce) in mills and factories. Farmers cannot get as much electricity as they need for (c) (irrigate) purposes. Moreover there are some areas where rural (d) (electrify) scheme has not been (e) (implement). Desired benefit is not (f) (obtain) (implement) of the scheme unless (h) after the (g) (pilfer) of electricity is stopped. (i) electricity is one of the major reasons of its (j) (short). (use) of



(a) Inadequate power supply is doing harm to our economy. It hampers (b) production in mills and factories. Farmers cannot get as much electricity as they need for (c) irrigation purposes. Moreover, there are some areas where rural (d) electricity scheme has not been (e) implemented. Desired benefit is not (f) obtainable after the (g) implementation of the scheme unless (h) pilfering of electricity is stopped. (i) Usage of electricity is one of the major reasons of its (j) shortage.


Prefix (meaning before) and suffix (meaning after) are the words added to an original word to make a new word with a new meaning. The given words in parenthesis and their new words with the added prefix or suffix are as below-

(a) Inadequate power supply is doing harm to our economy. It hampers (b) production in mills and factories. Farmers cannot get as much electricity as they need for (c) irrigation purposes. Moreover, there are some areas where rural (d) electricity scheme has not been (e) implemented. Desired benefit is not (f) obtainable after the (g) implementation of the scheme unless (h) pilfering of electricity is stopped. (i) Usage of electricity is one of the major reasons of its (j) shortage.

can u unscramble these letters to make a word still using every letter


plz help


I think the answer is loquat

Answer if you only know the correct answer! Thanks! :)



I would say Molly stepped confidently onto the bridge of the spaceship, surprising everyone with the badge that showed her new rank, then waiting for her salute.


Which of the following things is NOT exaggerated about Mr. Smirnov?
O his angry temper
O his stubbornness
O his love for Mrs. Popov
his love of horses



Option C, his love for Mrs. Popov


Love of Mr. Smirnov about Mrs. Popov has not been exaggerated. No social aspect of Mr. Smirnov has been highlighted. In fact, Mr. Smirnov  has been described as a crude man who has no sense of behavior for women.  Mrs. Popova use to call Smirnov "a bear, a brute, a monster"

Hence, option C is correct

Learn more than listening ielts




Diaries, letters, and journals are _____.



primary source documents



okay so im very bad at writing essays and i really need like help and tips and stuff so please please help me

the essay topic is writing a narrative essay about being judged (which is kinda bleh but anyways) the actual prompt says:

Martin Luther King Jr. often spoke of a day in the future when he hoped that his children would be judged not by their skin color but instead by their character. Write a narrative essay about a moment in your life when you were judged by something other than the content of your character. Use narrative techniques to develop experiences, events, and characters.



Start by writing a thorough plan. Ensure your essay has a clear structure and overall argument. Try to back up each point you make with a quotation. Answer the question in your introduction and conclusion but remember to be creative too.

Select the sentence below that uses the modifier correctly AND is punctuated correctly.

1) Today, I saw a man riding a classic black motorcycle with a broken leg.

2) I slipped on the banana peel running through the parking lot.

3) While cleaning in the attic, Brutus found a woman's silver necklace.

4) After eating sixteen hot dogs in the competition, nausea swept over Jim Bob​





trust me on this one I had the same question on an exam

In an hour with abuelo Arturo spends an hour with his grandfather until they are interrupted by the woman in pink.How does arthuro respond to this interruption



Abuelo is excited to see the woman and mentions to Arturo that their time to visit is up.


I took the quiz

Share your opinion.

Computer classes should be compulsory for all students in primary and secondary schools Do you agree?

Thank you.




I like that because that does that and does that so if it does that it helps that so that's why I like that

How does the cause-and-effect structure support the author's viewpoint that the United States has a false sense of isolation?


Hi. You did not enter the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

A cause and effect structure is the one used in a text that shows how an element is capable of causing the existence of another element, that is, it shows what was the cause of any effect. To answer your question, you need to read the text it is related to and identify when this kind of structure is established. This moment must present the false sense of isolation as a cause or an effect, so that you can interpret it and answer your question.

Read the excerpt from Iqbal. We took turns watching over him and soothing his pain by sponging him with cool water. We could see that Iqbal would recover quickly, thanks to our nightly visits, the food, the water, and those oranges that Alì had stolen from the garden for him. "Brother," said Salman one morning when Iqbal finally returned to work, "you were really strong. Nobody has ever had the courage to do something like that to Hussain Khan. Do you realize how angry he still is about the carpet? Iqbal is best characterized in this excerpt when the author uses the


Answer: actions of others to show that Iqbal is respected.


Iqbal is best characterized in this excerpt when the author uses the author uses the actions of others to show that Iqbal is respected.

This can be deduced as he was watched over as they soothed his pain with cool water. They also gave him food and fruits. When he eventually recovered, Salam even told him that he was strong and that nobody has ever had the courage to do something like what he did.




I got it right on edge.

Other Questions
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