Select the correct answer.
Read the sentences from the passage.
Meryl banged on the door, and before Kinsley could grant her permission or bar her from entering, she was breaking in
and flopping onto her bed.
"Are you still staring at yourself? You know, Narcissus died and turned into a flower doing that," Meryl sald. "It's really not
good to be so in love with yourself," she offered, flipping through Kinsley's teen magazine.
If only I did love myself, Kinsley thought, pulling on a pink-and-white checked hat, breaking in the floppy brim until she
could make it cover her protruding ears.
What does the phrase "breaking in" mean as it is used in the passage?
OA. In the first instance, it means "to stop doing something," and in the second instance, it means "to make
something come apart."
B. In the first instance, it means "to make something come apart," and in the second instance, it means "to
stop doing something."
OC. In the first instance, it means "to enter without permission, and in the second Instance, it means "to make
softer through use."
In the first instance, it means "to make softer through use," and in the second instance, it means "to enter
without permission."


Answer 1


D. In the first instance, it means "to enter without permission," and in the second instance, it means "to make softer through use."


Meryl banged on the door, and before Kinsley could grant her permission or bar her from entering, she was breaking in

and flopping onto her bed.

Answer 2

In the given passage, the phrase "breaking in"  is used in the context of the first instance, it means "to make softer through use," and in the second instance, it means "to enter without permission." Hence, Option D is correct.

What is permission?

When someone gets consent or authorization to perform an action and allowing someone to do a particular thing is known as permission. It is a kind of approval that one gets for doing a task. Usually, the authority of giving permission is with the person, who is in a higher position or has the right to give it.

For instance, He asked permission to leave the room, She begged permission to leave and many more. Permission can be given in any form that is it can be verbal or written, formal or informal, in a group or for an individual.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about permission from here:


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Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Add necessary commas to the following sentence.

You can find shoes furniture dishes fruits and vegetables at the market.

Make sure to type in the sentence exactly as given, with the necessary commas added.



You can find shoes, furniture, dishes, fruits, and vegetables at the market.


Add in commas after each item in the list(except for the last item)

Whatdo you think this quote means? "All my experience of the world teaches me that in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, the safe and just side of the question is the generous and merciful side."
Anna Jameson 1794 - 1860, British Essayist​



I think quote means to repeat or to copy .

yeah,it is experience totally.

It is experience from early in the morning till night .we experience it totally through out the life

As a verb, to quote means to repeat someone's words, attributing them to their originator. ... When you write out a quote, you put the other person's words in quotation marks (“Aha!”). Sometimes a price estimate is called a quote, like when a mechanic looks at your engine and gives you a quote for the cost of repair.

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Early people used things like their fingers, notches in sticks, knotted threads, and stones to count and do rudimentary computations. To do arithmetic, most early societies developed some sort of counting board or abacus.


Q.3) Comment on ways in which the villagers regard Biju



what is the chapter name

NEED HELP NOW!!! PLEASE in the boy who harnessed the wind how did environmental factors affect food production



The could not grow any crops. This is because of a drought that consumes Malawi. William notices that friends are starving, people are dying, and parents are even selling their children into the marketplace for food. His family is forced to eat almost nothing each day. Another thing that William loses along with his sister is the privilege of going to school.

Happy learning!


Answer: The could not grow any crops. This is because of a drought that consumes Malawi. William notices that friends are starving, people are dying, and parents are even selling their children into the marketplace for food. His family is forced to eat almost nothing each day. Another thing that William loses along with his sister is the privilege of going to school.

Explanation: due to the weather it afffected cliate and stuff growing and thats not safe....

need this answered helppppppp


The answer to your question would be A
Answer is A I just did that test a couple mins ago!

What was the subject of Withencroft's sketch?



August Heat


Hope this helps!

your marks wil be good​



Do you mean?

5.) The further we get from the city, it becomes more quiet

Healthy families with good communication have no problems true or false ?





problems can be created from anywhere. no matter how healthy the bond is, there still will be problems. the family is known as healthy when they fight with those problem... that's a healthy family. so in conclusion, a healthy family does have problem but what makes them healthy is the ability to fight with those problems.

witch step basic to make an inferences



Step 1: Identify an Inference Question.

Step 2: Trust the Passage.

Step 3: Hunt for Clues.

Step 4: Narrow Down the Choices.

Step 5: Practice.


Recently that you bought a new phone. Wite a forum post, mention : where and when you bought it describe



Hello everyone, I have bought a new phone which is Samsung A72. The main reason I bought this phone is because of its fast and wireless charging. This phone offers various features like latest version of android, fast processor, octa core and its internal storage is 1TB. It also has feature of smart lock such as finger print and face detection. The price of this phone is very reasonable in terms of featured offered.

8. Which words would work best in tag phrases used to introduce a direct quote?​



The last one.

intimated, avows, thought, laughs


The words that can be used in the tag phrase to introduce a direct quote are according to, indicates, confirmed, comments etc. Thus, option 1st is correct.

What is Phrase?

Phrase is referred as the words or the group or collection of the words in the English language that gives some sense. A phrase can be short or long, it depends on the words. It may or may not include the pairing of the  subject and verb.

The example of the phrase can be such as - After the meal, On the table, At afternoon etc.

Tag phrase refers to the structural meaning of the text or the sentence. For instance, the abbr tag indicates that a word or phrase was abbreviated.

The following phrases can be used to preface a direct quote: in accordance with, suggests, affirmed, comments, etc.

Therefore, it can be concluded that 1st option is correct.

Learn more about Phrase here:


The flower lifted its face skyward to drink in the softly falling rain. This sentence is an example of _____.



it is an example of personification

Answer: Personification

4. He …….. books for children for years.
A. collected B. has collected C. collects D. will collect


A (collected) is the correct answer

Which of the following is a characteristic of a haiku?
A. It analyzes the personal life of the poet.
B. It is accompanied by a painting.
C. It explores nature and captures the essence of a moment.
D. It describes a natural phenomenon and its effect on people.



C. It explores nature and captures the essence of a moment.


I hope you have a nice rest of your day :)

Read this passage from chapter 5 of The Prince.

But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. For this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily. But in republics there is more vitality, greater hatred, and more desire for vengeance, which will never permit them to allow the memory of their former liberty to rest; so that the safest way is to destroy them or to reside there.

What is Machiavelli’s primary purpose in writing this passage?

A. to inform readers about the differences between principalities and republics
B. to entertain readers with exciting stories of historical wars, conquests, and rebellions
C. to convince readers that, to hold a conquered republic, a prince must ruin it or live there
D. to persuade readers that a prince must eradicate the royal family of a conquered principality



bro soory but i dont know


i think its d


i have no idea and sorry if im wrong

Click to read the passage from "Everyday Use," by Alice Walker. Then answer
the question
In the passage, what does the description of Dee imply about her?
A. She is flaky.
B. She is shy.
C. She is rich
D. She is fashionable.


She is fashionable is the description of Dee imply about her from Everyday Use, by Alice Walker. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the passage tells about the Everyday Use?

She is not mentioned in the novel, Grandma Dee is a highly important icon. The quilts are a particular favourite of Maggie's since they remind her of Grandma Dee.

Dee's colorful attire symbolizes her African ancestry.Maggie made an effort to save Dee when their home caught fire. Maggie burned herself during the process.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about passage tells about the Everyday Use, click here:


how can sterotypes be negative



stereotypes can be used to make people seem like bad  people and/or dehumanize them based on their race/ethnicity


This mechanism is due to what psychologists call “stereotype threat” – referring to a fear of doing something that would confirm negative perceptions of a stigmatised group that we are members of. The phenomenon was first uncovered by American social psychologists in the 1990s.

Which headline is most likely to be included on a national news show?

A. Local school raises $5,000 for cancer research
B. Iran declares war on the U.S.
C. School in China raises $5,000 for cancer research
B. Company closes in Alaska, lays off 2 people


The answer is B because the other three are not specific to the US or local news

In lines 67-68, Thoreau says, “If we will confess the truth, much more to see it burn."
What is Thoreau inferring about human nature with this comment?



He is referring that it is natural for human beings to speak the truth, even if it causes harm.


Thoreau believes that human beings are destined to always speak the truth, as this is something that happens naturally in the formation of human beings. In this case, Thoreau believes that all individuals will speak the truth regardless of what it may cause, that is, even if the truth causes pain and suffering, or causes negative things, it will be spoken and cannot be avoided.

Imagine you are going to conduct a research project based on this excerpt. Which research question is the most effective for this topic?


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  



How did suffragettes work to obtain the rights outlined in the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments?


The question refers to the Declaration of Sentiments (New York, July 1848), the document that arose from the Seneca Falls Convention to demand citizens' rights for American women and denounce the oppression they were subjected to by the government and the patriarchal society.

Out of the options provided, the most effective research question for this topic would be the one inquiring about the steps taken by the suffragettes to obtain those rights, as it would allow an analysis of their political movement and its result.

The option inquiring about the grievances included in the declaration wouldn´t require research beyond reading the text, so it wouldn´t be an effective research question.

The option inquiring about other women's rights conventions would be an interesting question, but not the most effective if we want to focus on this declaration.

And the option inquiring about the effect of the Declaration is too general, so it wouldn´t be as effective as the chosen answer.

Which of these statements is subjective?
Someone help!?


The answer is d Bc if u search up the word subjective it mean based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. And d is an opinion
B : anything you can see is subjective

nabin always goes to school into yes no question​


there is no context, is there a passage or something
If you’re trying to put that into a yes no question it would be “Does Nabin always go to school?”

When cotton clothing is permeated, or soaked through, with water, it stays wet and can freeze in cold weather.

Based on context clues in the sentence, what is the most likely meaning of permeated?

protected by


your answer is saturated




got it right

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences based on the reading in Cultura. Questions is Barcelona's soccer stadium. In Spain, the between the two main soccer teams has always existed. A game between Real Madrid and is always a great social, cultural, and even political event. The Colombian team is the famous rival of the team Millonarios. Two soccer teams a game when they score the same number of goals. To play soccer you need a . The person who referees a soccer game is the . A worldwide championship is a .


Answer: See explanation


1. (Camp Nou) is Barcelona's soccer stadium.

2. In Spain, the (rivalry) between the two main soccer teams has always existed.

3. A game between Real Madrid and (Barcelona) is always a great social, cultural, and even political event.

4. The Colombian team (Independiente Sante Fe) is the famous rival of the team Millonarios.

5. Two soccer teams (draw) a game when they score the same number of goals.

6. To play soccer you need a (football)

7. The person who referees a soccer game is the (referee)

the summary of the saint



The mystery novel?


Which passage most effectively uses transitions?​


A is the only answer that makes sense as it uses "however" suggesting two opposites! Two suggestions that are completely different! Hope that makes sense

What do both poems lack structurally when compared to a play


Answer they sometimes lack plot


There will come soft rains
3. not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around 1. tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion.
2. a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal
7. suffer death, typically in a violent, or untimely way. or violent social behavior.
10. burning waste material and at high temperatures until it is 4. the dark shape and outline of someone or especially in dim
reduced to ash.
12. excellence, or beauty as to inspire great admiration. 5. any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network
between the arterioles and venules.
6. a mental condition characterized and unwarranted jealousy.
8. bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner.
9. shaking or quivering slightly.
11. a colonel and divided and squadrons, or batteries and often
into two battalions.. capillaries, cringe, incinerator, oblivious, paranoia, perish, psychopathic, quiver, regiment, silhouette, sublime, tremulous



1. Quiver.

2. Psychopath.

3. Oblivious.

4. Silhouette.

5. Capillaries.

6. Paranoia.

7. Perish.

8. Cringe.

9. Tremulous.

10. Incinerator.

11. Regiment.


1. Quiver: tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion. It is a verb and it happens when a person's voice or body parts shake (tremble) with a slight rapid motion.

2. Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. It's a noun and it is a word used to describe a madman or madwoman that usually act violently.

3. Oblivious: not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one. It is an adjective and it simply means to be unconscious or unaware about happenings around one.

4. Silhouette: the dark shape and outline of someone or something, especially in dim light. It's a noun and it is used to describe a person's dark shape and outline visible in dim light against a brighter background.

5. Capillaries: any of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network

between the arterioles and venules. It's a noun and it forms part of the blood circulation system in living organisms such as humans and animals.

6. Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution and unwarranted jealousy. This is a noun and it involves being suspicious of the actions of others as hostility.

7. Perish: suffer death, typically in a violent, or untimely way. This is a verb and as such it describes death in a most violent or unexpected manner.

8. Cringe: bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner. This is a verb and as such it describes an action.

9. Tremulous: shaking or quivering slightly. This is a verb and as such it describes an action such as quivering in fear.

10. Incinerator: burning waste material or batteries, and often at high temperatures until it is reduced to ash.

11. Regiment: a colonel and squadrons divided into two battalions.

12. Sublime: excellence, or beauty as to inspire great admiration.

Which statement best describes Edwards’s views in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"?
People who accepted Puritanism would be spared.
People who were "born again" in Christ would be spared.
People who attended church regularly would be spared.
People who were part of Edwards's congregation would be spared.



B. People who were "born again" in Christ would be spared.


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