what is the meaning of communication with professionals???


Answer 1
Good comunications equals employability...

Related Questions

If you see your friend in in trouble particpating in an excessive amount
of driking at a party. What do you do?

Offer the friend a ride omer a ride home immediately.
I would tell somebody at the part ty help
I would not interfere.
I would call 911



A. Offer the friend a ride them a ride home immediately.


You do not want to call 911 or tell somebody about the party because it may cause them to panic and run, and it can get them arrested, but you should offer the friend a ride home instead of letting them drive themselves home.

The required minimum cooking temperature for ground beef is 155°F (68°C). Why must ground beef be cooked to this temperature? This temperature kills germs that may be in the meat This temperature reduces the amount of fat in the meat People don't like to see pink inside the meat This temperature activates important nutrients in the meat


I found someone who had the same question as you here is the answer, Good luck !!


it has to be cooked at that tempature to kill harmfull germs


what are the causes of diabetes? in points .​



Being obese or overweight.

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)Sedentary lifestyle.

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)Sedentary lifestyle.Family history.

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)Sedentary lifestyle.Family history.Increasing age.

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)Sedentary lifestyle.Family history.Increasing age.Polycystic ovary syndrome.

Being obese or overweight.High blood pressure.Elevated levels of triglycerides and low levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL)Sedentary lifestyle.Family history.Increasing age.Polycystic ovary syndrome.Impaired glucose tolerance.

Overweight, poor diet, health issues ,

Mr. Rodriguez has a cancerous tumor in his lower abdomen. The cancer does not involve any organs, Is encapsulated, and has not spread to other areas of the body. What treatment option will Mr. Rodriguez's cancer specialist MOST LIKELY recommend?
1. radiation
2. a combination therapy of surgery followed by chemotherapy
3. chemotherapy
4. surgery





they're going to get to the source of where the cancer is first before it spreads. once the abnormal section is removed they will treat it as so.

URGENTPLEASE HELP ME!!There are many types of fitness resources available. These include online resources like fitness websites and blogs. Answer the following questions about fitness resources.

Look online to find some fitness resources that could be used by teenagers. List 3 to 5 of the resources that you found, including the website/URL.

Of the fitness resources you found, which is your favorite? Explain why you chose this resource as your favorite.

Which fitness resource that you found is your least favorite? Explain why this resource is your least favorite.



Fitness basics. Starting a fitness program may be one of the best things you can do for your health.

Stretching and flexibility. Stretching is an important component of any exercise program.  

Aerobic exercise. Regular aerobic exercise can help you live longer and healthier.  

Strength training.  

Sports nutrition.

I dont have an least favorite because all of these help me become better in track and field.


What is the benefit of setting boundaries?

A. It promotes selfishness.
B. It shields you from positive behaviors.
C. It enables you to react emotionally.
D. It empowers you to stand up for yourself.



i think it's D


cuz it is good to set boundaries.

Most definitely D the others don’t make sense

Which statements are true about breast cancer
females of any age (and some males) can get breast cancer.
90% percent of breast cancer cases occur in women who are over the age of 60
A mammogram test usually detects breast cancer.
Another way to check for breast cancer is to do a breast self-examination (BSE) each month.
women who do not have a family history of breast cancer disease will not get breast cancer.



females of any age (and some males) can get breast cancer.

A mammogram test usually detects breast cancer.

Another way to check for breast cancer is to do a breast self-examination (BSE) each month.


A mammogram test typically detects breast cancer, as per research, which is a true statement about breast cancer. The correct option is C.

What exactly is a mammogram?

It is a radiographic image of the breast that allows benign or malignant tumors of various sizes to be identified.

For some women, the compression can make a mammogram painful, but for the majority, it is only pretty unpleasant, and the sensation lasts only a few seconds.

Nonetheless, some women may avoid regular mammograms because they are concerned about the discomfort.

Such imaging aids doctors in the early detection of breast cancer, a type of cancer of the reproductive organs.

The primary hazards and other negative consequences of screening mammography include breast compression discomfort, patient recall for additional imaging, and false positive biopsies.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding mammogram, visit:



Read the following excerpt from a patient's health record:
Since there is significant risk for cancer, we will schedule Mr. Joules for a radical orchidectomy. We will send samples to Pathology to confirm the diagnosis and staging. I outlined the general treatment and follow-up plan with Mr. Joules. Today, we will check a sperm count to establish a baseline, as azoospermia and oligospermia are risks of surgery.

Which of the following statements is NOT true, given the health record information?
A. The patient will undergo a spermatolysis.
B. The patient is at significant risk for testicular cancer.
C. If the patient lacks living sperm, this is a risk for surgery.
D. The patient will be scheduled to have his testicle removed.
E. A low sperm count is a risk for surgery.



The correct answer is - A.The patient will undergo a spermatolysis


Azoospermia and oligospermia are the condition of absence of the motile and viable sperms in the body of an individual. There are many causes that can lead to these conditions such as testicular cancer. These surgeries have many risk including removing of testes, lack of sperms that are viable, however, spermatolysis is not one of them.

Other than the American Stroke Association, which other organization created these trainings?
a. American CPR Organization
b. American Heart Association
c. American Cancer Society
d. American First Aid Association



b American heart association

b american heart association

What are the proper steps to take leading to CPR?

Put the statements below in the correct order by clicking and dragging the arrows.

1. Tell someone to call 911 and get an AED

2. Check if the scene is safe

3. Check for breathing

4. Tap and shout

5. Shout for help


Vas happenin!
Hope your day is going well
2, 3, 5 , 4. 1
Hope this helps *smiles*
Sorry if it’s wrong
Hello I took cpr training and the steps are

define meninges

please give me ans



The meninges are membranous layers surrounding the central nervous system. In the head, the meninges lie between the brain and the skull, and interact closely with both during development

How are most physical challenges classified


The four main types of physical activity are aerobic, muscle-strengthening, bone-strengthening, and stretching.

I don't know if this is what your looking for, but I really hope this helps you?

Too much saturated fat can contribute to heart disease and stroke. How does it have
this effect on the body?



Your body needs healthy fats for energy and other functions. But too much saturated fat can cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries (blood vessels).

Explanation: bad LDL cholesterol in your blood

Too much saturated fat can contribute to heart disease and stroke, and this happens because of the deposition of fat and cholesterol on the arteries of the body. This causes high blood pressure and a cardiac attack.

What are the various types of fat?

Animals consume macronutrients such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, but not all fats are healthy and easily digestible. Fats are mostly found in animal products, oil seeds, and dairy products, but not in vegetables or fruits. Saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids are all types of fats, with unsaturated fatty acids being better for your health than saturated fatty acids.

Saturated fatty acids and cholesterol are frequently blamed for heart attacks and high blood pressure. The reason for this is that they continue to deposit in the blood vessels, which makes the heart pump irregularly.

Hence, too much saturated fat can contribute to heart disease and stroke, and this happens because of the deposition of fat and cholesterol on the blood vessels.

Learn more about the types of fat here.



Which of the following is NOT an effective way to manage stress?

Focus on goals
Reduce sleep time
Stay organized
Talk to a friend​



Reduce sleep time


Sleep is essential for humans and not getting enough sleep can make you more anxious and stressed.

is a promise of pledge.
Fear of the unknown
Emotional maturity


yes if you promise a pledge you are going to experience FCCE

Muscle tissue requires a great deal of ________________ to do its work.



Muscle tissue requires a great deal of ____oxygen____________ to do its work.


[tex]oxygen \\ it \: use \: oxygen \: to \: produce \: energy \\ thank \: yo[/tex]

What is cardiorespiratory fitness?



the capacity of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscle mitochondria for energy production needed during physical activity.


cardiorespiratory fitness refers to the ability of the circulatory system and the respiratory systems to supply oxygen to the skeletal muscles for energy production needed during physical exercise.

I hope this helps!

Sanji stops exercising and gains several pounds. Which disease is she at risk of developing?

celiac disease
sickle cell disease
Huntington’s disease
cardiovascular disease


I think it's cardiovascular, sickle cell I think you have to be born with, and celiac is an allergy to gluten


Explanation: took da test

Classification of natural resources.You have to explain perpetual,renewable and non renewable with examples fastt asaapp​


Perpetual Resources: Perpetual resources are those that last forever like solar energy and wind.Sunlight, wind, geothermal heat, tides, and flowing water are perpetual resources. On Earth, there are only limited amounts of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.Renewable Resources: A renewable resource, also known as a flow resource, is a natural resource which will replenish to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time scale.  Renewable resources include biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydropower, geothermal power, wind energy, and solar energy. Non renewable Resources: A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption. There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy.

Question. An Orthodontist tells you that youll next appointment is in 8 months, and youll then be doing x-rays. is this a sign of braces coming off?



Yes. I got a retainer after my braces came off though. You will probaly have to have to wear a retainer for a year or 2 after your braces come off.


Gary Tuttle has Citiwide Insurance with 100% coverage after a $25.00 copay on office visits. His services today include an office visit ($62.00), urinalysis with differential ($65.00) and a Treadmill ECG ($155.00), which were billed to his insurance company. The insurance approved/allowed $255.00 and paid 100% of the approved/allowed amount minus the copay already paid by the patient; answer the following:
11. How much is the copay? __________________________
12. How much is adjusted? __________________________
13. How much is the payment from the insurance company? ___________________________


11. The amount of COPAY is $25.00

COPAY can be defined as the amount which the person  that was been INSURED by the insurance company which is  Gary tuttle paid to the  insurance company (Citiwide Insurance) for insurance coverage.

Hence, The amount of COPAY will be $25.00 COPAY on office visits which was 100% paid.

12. The adjusted amount is $2.00

Using this formula

Adjustment= (Office visit+Urinalysis+Treadmill ECG)-(Insurance approved/allowed+Copay)

Let plug in the formula




Hence, eadjusted amount is $2.00

13. The payment from the insurance company is $255.

The payment from the insurance company will be $255 which represent the insurance approved/allowed by insurance company which was 100% paid.

In conclusion the copay amount is $25, Adjusted amount is $2.00 and the payment from the insurance company will be $255.

Learn more about insurance here:


Which of the following is a warning sign of drug abuse more than drug addiction?

A. Physical harm to yourself or others as a result of the behaviors while under the influence

B. Need for increased amounts of the drug to experience the same high

C. Patterns of behavior that revolve heavily around getting drugs to stay high

D. Psychological withdrawal symptoms when you can't access your drug of choice​





The other choices are more about the addiction, and the need to get more of the drug/ the person's life depending on the drug.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!

Which path describes the movement of oxygenated blood leaving the heart ? Use the standard image of the heart to guide you.



left atrium - left ventricle - aorta


If a victim needs advanced medical aid that you are not qualified to perform, you are legally obligated to attempt whatever aid that is necessary.




If a victim needs advanced medical aid that you are not qualified to perform, you are legally obligated to attempt whatever aid that is necessary.



Define population educstion. State any four purpose of including it in school education.​



a process of developing awareness and understanding population situation among people


population education can be simply be related to the any kind of studies or the education related to the process of developing awareness and understanding of population situation among people . Or

in simple way we can term as the education related to the people of a particular place or the situation of people of that place is population education.

the fourpurpose of including it in school are:

1. promotion in quality of life

2. Development of positive attitude

3. Insurance of future generation.

4.to make control over population by future generation.

briefly explain the weakness of the RSA's industrial development zones​


According to various economic experts, it has been found that the weaknesses of the RSA's industrial development zones​ are the following:

Revenue losses: this is due to several tax exclusions and considerations.

Many traders are involved in SEZ {Specal Economic Zone}:  this will help the traders to acquire at affordable rates and create a land bank to exploit.

The amount of units applying for setting up EOU (Economics of One Unit) is not commensurate to the quantities of applications for setting up SEZ's leading to the assumption that the  RSA's industrial development zones may not match up to expected results.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/24408344

two difference between endocrine and exocrine gland

please give me ans



The key difference between the two types is that, whereas exocrine glands secrete substances into a ductal system to an epithelial surface, endocrine glands secrete products directly into the bloodstream [1].

Difference 1

Exocrine Glands: Exocrine Glands have ducts.

Endocrine Glands: Endocrine Glands do not have ducts and are also known as ductless glands.

Difference 2

Exocrine Glands: Exocrine glands secrete substances into a ductal system to an epithelial surface.

Endocrine Glands: Endocrine glands secrete products directly into the bloodstream.

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

Which of the following actions are not required when practicing physical health?
drink 8 cups of water per day and eat nutritious foods
avoids alcohol and tobacco use
Engages in 30-60 minutes of physical activity every day
none of the above
answers a and c only



None of the above

The activities that are not required when practicing physical health is none of the above. The correct option is D.

What is physical health?

Physical health is the health of the body in which the body performs all activities properly and without any pain and diseases. Healthy body is necessary for good health because it helps in leading good life.

The things that are needed for good health are doing exercise regularly for 30-60 minutes, which maintains the health and strength of the body. Drinking 8 cups of water per day is also necessary for a healthy body.

Eating nutritious full food and avoiding tobacco and alcohol also keeps the body healthy, so all these characteristics are necessary for good health.

Thus, the correct option is D. none of the above.

To learn more about physical health, refer to the link:



Which two foods contains a high content of fat?

fresh grapefruit
pumpkin soup
stewed apple
fresh cream donuts
butter cookies
i need help plz ;-;


fresh cream donuts and butter cookies
hopefully i’m correct <3

how does technology provide a positive and negative platform for the development of relationships?


It leads to more offline interaction.
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