Select the correct answer.
The table below shows the population of a city over a period of time.
Which function best models this set of data?
P(x) = 10,000(1.0)x + 1,000
P(x) = 1,100x + 9,900
P(x) = 1,000x + 10,000
P(x) = 10,000(1.1)x


Answer 1


D (I think?)

Step-by-step explanation:

It's neither a nor b because neither of them would work if you plug in o for x.

The reason I think it's D and not C is because it goes up by 10,000 x (1.1)^x

Just not sure because because of how the question was asked. Hope this helps

Answer 2


attributed to enhanced NAVs made possible by brands’ disclosure in the Balance

Sheet. However, there is a biggest handicap of reliable and independent assessment

of the brand value. This is the single most important reason for the brands not

allowed to be placed on the Balance Sheet by the Authorities concerned. Though,

value is assigned to externally acquired brands, there is no effective way for

assessment of home-grown brands. Nevertheless, it is gratifying to note that the

Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAE & W), has given due

recognition to the internally generated brand values and allow disclosure in the

Balance Sheet which necessitates periodic revaluation.

The brands are to be explicitly recognized, as part of purchased Goodwill, by the

ICAI of India, which would make possible the recognition of brand values. Rules and

methodologies necessary for the valuation accounting and disclosure of brands may

be framed in this regard. This would go a long way in governing the brand

accounting practice and contribute to healthy business combinations in India,

especially where the brand values are given serious consideration in the emerging

strategic alliances, mergers and acquisitions fueled by the entry of MNCs. This

assumes special significance in the environment of globalization, liberalization and

privatization of Indian economy.

It emerges from the above discussions that Goodwill, brand valuation and

accounting are definite to take the world of accounting by storm in the near future

which would mark the beginning of a new era of accounting practice. Thus, there

exists a strong and a clear case for brand accounting, especially in view of the

imminent benefits of brand accounting to the corporate bodies and the investors alike.

15.13 Self Assessment Questions

1. Define Brand. Discuss the objectives of corporate branding ?

2. What is the necessity of brand accounting in the competitive business environment?

3. Discuss the difficulties in accounting the brands.

4. Explain various models available for valuation of home-grown brands.

5. How would you value the acquired brands ?


1. Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary, Principles of Marketing, Printice-Hall of India (Pvt.)


2. ASB, Goodwill and Intangible Asset, U.K.

3. Pyne Radhanath, Valuing brands, The Accounting Debate, The Chartered Accountant.

4. Datta Manipadma, Brand Equity : A paradigm shift in firm valuation, Chartered


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If why varies with the square of x and Y equals 24 when x equals 10 then the constant of proportionality is ____, and the value of y when x equals 20 is ____. Assume x is greater than or equal to 0. Select two answers



Step-by-step explanation:

y varies with the square of x:

y = kx²

y equals 24 when x equals 10

24 = k·10²

constant of proportionality k = 0.24

when x = 20, y = 0.24·20² = 96

"select two answers"  —where are the choices?

simplify using distributive property
2396 X 78 + 2396 X 22 ​




Step-by-step explanation:

2396 × 78 + 2396 × 22 ​=2396 × (78 + 22) ​=2396 × 100 =239600

[tex]\boxed{\sf a(b+c)=ab+ac}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2396\times 78 +2396\times 22[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2396(78+22)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2396(100)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 239600[/tex]

The values of 9’s in 9905482




Million place


one hundred thousandth

plzz help me asap i need help picture below
Which line has a slope of -?

line d
line b
line a
line c


Line d

Explanation: right two and down three since it’s a negative fraction

Given integers:
-22, -12, -8. -11. 7. 27, -14, 11 From these numbers determine the numbers whose values ​​are:
a. less than -10
b. more than -5
d. between -15 and 15.






Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]E=\{-22,-14,-12,-11,-8,7,11,27\}\\\\a) \{x \in E\ | x<-10\}=\{-22,-14,-12,-11\}\\\\b) \{x \in E\ | x > -5\}=\{7,11,27\}\\\\\\c) \{x \in E\ | -15 < x< 15\}=\{-14,-12,-11,-8,7,11\}[/tex]




The correct answer is no.B

Subtract 4 from both sides, and plug it in the quadratic formula

Help me please guyss


B - 185*
If you do 360* (total angles) minus 175* then you’ll find your coterminal

An unfair coin is flipped. If a head turns up you win $1. The probability of a head is .54 and the probability of a tail is 0.46. What is the expected value of the game



54 cents

Step-by-step explanation:

(.54 * 1)+(.46*0) = .54

Give the digits in the tens place and the tenths place.



9: tens place

4: tenths place

Step-by-step explanation:

Identify the vertex of the function f(x) = |x-^1/2|-2


the negative will shift the graph right, so x = 1/2

the negative 2 will shift the graph down, so y = -2

Thus, the vertex is (1/2, -2)

a students cost for last semester at her community college was $2100. She spent $336 of that on books. What percent of last semesters college cost was spent on books?




Step-by-step explanation:

To find the percent, take the cost of the books over the total



Multiply by 100 to change to percent


Please help i need the answer asap!!!
if you know the answer please give it to me as soon as you can!!



Choice b.

Step-by-step explanation:

Replace (x, y) with (1, 1) and verify if the equations are correct.

You would ignore the x and y in the equations. Testing one of each pair.

a. 3 + 2 = 3, incorrectb. 7 + 2 = 9, correctc. 8 + 1 = 7, incorrectd. 8 - 2 = 4, incorrect

It is obvious that only b. is correct.

Choice b because it it now where’s my brainliest

find a factor of 5, 15 and 25​


a common factor of 5, 15 and 25 is 1 and 5




Step-by-step explanation:

I think you got it correct. The reciprical of this function is y = x.

The answer is A you got it correct

The first term of an A.P is -8.the ratio of the 7th term to the 9th term is 5:8.calculate the numbers



The 7th term is 10 and the 9th term is 16

(and the common difference d = 3)

Step-by-step explanation:

If by calculate the numbers, you mean the 7th term and 9th term, first, you will determine the common difference.

The nth term of an A.P is given by the formula

Tₙ= a+(n-1)d

Where Tₙ is the nth term

a is the first term

and d is the common difference

From the question,

a = -8

T₇ : T₉ = 5:8

From the formula

T₇ = a + (7-1)d = a + 6d

and T₉ = a + (9-1)d = a + 8d


a + 6d : a + 8d = 5:8

But a = -8

∴ -8 + 6d : -8 + 8d = 5:8

We can write that

(-8 + 6d) / (-8 + 8d) = 5/8

Cross multiply

8(-8+6d) = 5(-8+8d)

-64 + 48d = -40 + 40d

48d - 40d = -40 + 64

8d = 24

d = 24/8

d = 3

∴ The common difference is 3

Now, for the 7th term


T₇ = a + 6d

T₇ = -8 + 6(3)

T₇ = -8 + 18

T₇ = 10

and for the 9th term

T₉ = a + 8d

T₉ = -8 + 8(3)

T₉ = -8 + 24

T₉ = 16

Hence, the 7th term is 10 and the 9th term is 16

Help me with this please




Step-by-step explanation:

the data value of x is 0 the the value would be .75 times that by 2 get 1.25

White colour is painted in 2 ft wide which lies inside from both sides in the basketball court of length 78 ft and breadth 46 ft . find the area of the painted part.​









Ans- 512ft^2

Find the largest positive integer that will divide 542, 436, 398 leaving reminders 7, 11, 15 respectively




Step-by-step explanation:

Here in this question for finding the numbers that will divide 398, 436 and 542 leaving remainder 7, 11 and 15 respectively we have to first subtract the remainder of the following. By this step we find the highest common factor of the numbers.

And then the required number is the HCF of the following numbers that are formed when the remainder are subtracted from them.

Clearly, the required number is the HCF of the numbers 398−7=391,436−11=425, and, 542−15=527

We will find the HCF of 391, 425 and 527 by prime factorization method.


Hence, HCF of 391, 4250 and 527 is 17 because the greatest common factor from all the numbers is 17 only.

So we can say that the largest number that will divide 398, 436 and 542 leaving remainders 7, 11 and 15 respectively is 17.

Note: - whenever we face such a type of question the key concept for solving this question is whenever in the question it is asking about the largest number it divides. You should always think about the highest common factor i.e. HCF. we have to subtract remainder because you have to find a factor that means it should be perfectly divisible so to make divisible we subtract remainder. because remainder is the extra number so on subtracting remainder it becomes divisible.

You are planning to attend college next year. The total cost of tuition and textbooks is $10,000. If you go to school, your room and board will cost you $5,000. If you did not go to school, however, you would live at home, and your total room and board would only be $1,000. Additionally, if you did not go to college, you would work a job making $20,000 for the year.
1. In terms of room and board alone, what would be opportunity cost of attending college. Be sure to explain your answer
2. What are the explicit costs of attending school? How much should be included for room and board?
3. What would be the implicit cost of attending college next year?
4. What would be the total opportunity cost of attending college next year?


Opportunity Cost of attending college, in terms of room and board is $4000 . Explicit Cost, Implicit Cost of attending college is $14000, $20000. Total Opportunity Cost of attending college is $34000

1. Opportunity Cost is the cost of next best alternate foregone, as in value of sacrifice made, while choosing an alternative.

Money foregone to attend college, in room & board = room & board cost with college - room & board cost without college = 5000 - 1000 = 4000

2. Explicit Cost is the actual out of pocket cash expenses outflow, done for choosing an option. Eg : Cash expenditures

In this case, cash expenses for attending college = 14000

3. Implicit Cost is the implied estimated cost of self supplied factors of production, like value of self labour & self owned land etc.

In this case : Value of self labour, sacrificed for attending college, ie the salary which could have earned by doing job meanwhile = 20000

4. Total opportunity cost of attending college = Explicit Cost + Implicit Cost = 14000 + 20000 = 34000

To learn more, refer

Of every 300 magic cakes Farah makes, 90 are chocolate, what percentage of chocolate cakes Farah makes?

De cada 300 pasteles mágicos que hace Farah, 90 son de chocolate, ¿qué porcentaje de pasteles de chocolate hace Farah?



Total magic cakes =300

chocolate cakes =90

so if you want the percentage of chocolate you will divide the number of chocolate cakes over the total number of chocolates

% of chocolate cakes = 90/300×100%


find the surface area of the cylinder and round to nearest tenth HURRY HURRY



Does the answer help you?

How much wrapping is needed to cover a cubed gift box that is 9 inches high? (Include the bow which takes 115 sq. inches.)



601 in²

Step-by-step explanation:

To obtain the amount of wrapping needed to cover the cube shaped gift box, including the bow

Area of bow = 115 in²

Surface area of cube shaped box = 6a²

a = side length of cube = 9


Surface area of gift box = 6 * 9²

Surface area = 6 * 81 = 486 in²

Total wrapping required = area of gift box + area of bow = (486 in² + 115 in²) = 601 in²

Please help!! Given the recursive formula shown, what are the first 4 terms of the sequence?




Step-by-step explanation:

the fibrin definition tells us that the first term of the sequence a1 = 6

so, B is out.

and for every following term we always add 7 to every previous term to create the next one.

so, when I add 7 to 6, what is my second term in the sequence ? 7+6 = 13

not 42, not -7

therefore, only C is correct.

and 13+7 = 20

and 20+7 = 27

it all fits

is A and B can do a piece of work in 6 and 12day respectively how m
any part of work can they do in 4 day​



6 * 12 / (6+12) = 72 / 18

If they work together they can finish in 4 days.


Step-by-step explanation:

the length of a building is 720 in. Use dimensional analysis to convert this quantity to yards.



20 yards

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we have to know how to get from inches to yards. 12 inches = 1 foot, and 3 feet = 1 yard.

Next, we have

[tex]\frac{720 in}{1}[/tex]

as a given. We want to multiply this by our conversions to get the end amount in yards.

We can first multiply our expression by 12 inches = 1 foot. To do this, we can set one number as the divisor and one as the dividend, e.g. 12 inches /  1 foot. However, to figure out which number should be the numerator/denominator, we first must examine our original expression. We want to multiply it by a value that cancels something out in conversion. To do this, we can have the same unit of something in the numerator in one and the denominator in the other in terms of what we're multiplying. Here, we can see that [tex]\frac{720 in}{1}[/tex] has inches on the top, so we want inches on the bottom in 12 inches = 1 foot. Therefore, we have

[tex]\frac{720 in}{1} * \frac{1 foot}{12 inches}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{720feet}{12}[/tex]

= 60 feet

= [tex]\frac{60 feet }{1}[/tex]

We have feet as the numerator, so we want feet in the denominator in what we're multiplying this by. In 3 feet = 1 yard, we can multiply this to get

[tex]\frac{60 feet }{1} * \frac{1 yard}{3 feet} \\= \frac{60 yards}{3}[/tex]

= 20 yards

square root of v-5=6
[tex] \sqrt{x - 5 = 6}[/tex]



I think you mean this :

[tex] \sqrt{x - 5} = 6 \\ = > {( \sqrt{x - 5} })^{2} = {6}^{2} \\ = > x - 5 = 36 \\ = > x = 36 + 5 \\ = > x = 41[/tex]


Square root of x-5=6 is :

[tex] \sqrt{x - 5} \:=\:\sqrt{6} [/tex]

PLEASE HELP!!!! It’s urgent




Step-by-step explanation:

The interval in which the function is decreasing is (-1, 4)


The domain of a function is the set of all possible inputs for the function.

Using the table provided, the set of all possible inputs is the interval [-6 ; 4].

The range of a function is the complete set of all possible resulting values of the dependent variable (y, usually), after we have substituted the domain. In plain English, the definition means: The range is the resulting y-values we get after substituting all the possible x-values.

Using the table provided, the range is estimated on the interval [-10;20]

The y-intercept is the value on the Y-axis where the function crosses the Y-axis.

Using the table provided, the function crosses the Y-axis for f(0)=18 so for the value y = 18 in the table.

The x-intercept is the value on the X-axis where the function crosses the X-axis.

It happens twice, for f(-6)=0 and f(3)=0.

We estimate the Maximum to be 20, and the Minimum -10.

The function is positive over the interval [-6, 3], and negative over (3;4]

The function is decreasing approximately at f(-1)=20 so at the estimated interval (-1;4]

11. A surveyor at point S discovers that the angle between peaks A and B is 3 times as large as the angle
between peaks B and C. The surveyor knows that ZASC is a right angle. Find mzASs and m2BSC.


The measures of the angles between the peaks are;

m∠BSC = 22.5°

m∠ASB = 67.5°

The reason for arriving at the above angles is as follows:

The known values are;

The location of the surveyor = Point S

The angle between peaks A and B = m∠ASB = 3 times as large as the angle between peaks B and C = 3 × m∠BSC

The measure of angle m∠ASC = A right angle = 90°


To find m∠ASB and m∠BSC

From the given diagram, we have;

m∠ASC = 90°

m∠ASC = m∠ASB + m∠BSC (angle addition postulate)

m∠ASB = 3 × m∠BSC

∴ m∠ASC = 3 × m∠BSC + m∠BSC = 4 × m∠BSC

m∠ASC = 4 × m∠BSC = 90°

m∠BSC = 90°/4 = 22.5°

m∠BSC = 22.5°

m∠ASB = 3 × m∠BSC

∴ m∠ASB = 3 × 22.5° = 67.5°

m∠ASB = 67.5°

Learn more about angle addition postulate here:

You decide to go on a 4 day backpacking trip. The first day you walk 8 miles at northeast, on the second day, you walk 4 miles at eastsouth, and on the third day you walk 3 miles at southwest. On the fourth day you need to head straight back to your car. How far do you have to walk, and in what direction



Step-by-step explanation:

Where the above parameters are given,  you need to walk a distance of approximately √41 miles back to your car.

How to compute the above

To calculate the total distance you need to walk, you can use the Pythagorean theorem since you have a right triangle formed by the north and east displacements.

Distance = √((Distance north)² + (Distance east)²)

= √((5 miles)² + (4 miles)²)

= √(25 miles + 16 miles)

= √41 miles

Hence, you need to walk a distance of  approximately √41 miles back to your car.

As for the direction, based on the net displacements, you are 5 miles north and 4 miles east of your car, so the direction would be a combination of north and east, often referred to as northeast.

Learn more about distance  at:


Which graph shows a set of ordered pairs that represent a function?



Graph C.

*See attachment below

Step-by-step explanation:

A graph that shows a set of ordered pairs representing a function would have each x-value being plotted against only one y-value. That is, every x-value must have exactly one y-value. Every x-value must not have more than 1 y-value being plotted against it.

The graph that shows this is the graph in option as shown in the attachment below.

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