Select the correct text in the passage.

The excerpt is taken from Patrick Henry's famous "Give me liberty or give me death" speech to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775. Which sentence suggests that Patrick Henry believed British rule in the American colonies was tyrannical?

No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. {The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country.} {For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery;} and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfil the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. {Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country}, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.

Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. {We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.} Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? {For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.}


Answer 1


"We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts."


Related Questions

Ask a teacher you trust if they would give you feedback about any area in your life they see hindering your success. Take notes, and thank them. Post their name here and the notes of what they shared. Next, reflect on what they said, and write out one argument that supports what they said and one argument that opposes what they said. Take another few moments to reflect on both arguments. Remember that they only want the best for you. Keep in mind that it's tough for everyone to hear criticism. Don't forget that you have the power to overcome any circumstance. Now, focus on just one thing that you've learned during this exercise, and write it below.



Dear Josue,

Procrastination is one of the most common causes of failing to accomplish goals. This is a thing we need to give up. When you are having your dreams and goals, remember that the best to take action is now. The present moment must be cherished and taken as your last chance to give your best.

So, what can be the best solution to overcome procrastination? This by doing something immediately, instead of making excuses and letting the time pass without doing anything. Keep yourself busy working today to be moving forward to your goals and closer to your success.

It is essential to accept that there are things that do not go by how they are planned. Everything can't always go perfectly well. There can be errors, and there can be shortcomings.

But from there, there can be lessons, and there can be improvements. When we learn how to be grateful for what we have and appreciate all our efforts to accomplish something, that's when abundance and happiness can be achieved.

I know you procrastinate because you are afraid of failure. Of not turning in the "best" assignment. I understand you entirely. Just know that no process is linear. Give your responsibilities a set time to complete them and continue on with the next when you have reached the time limit. Know that you are an amazing student and that all that matters is dedication, not "perfection". You've got this! I know you are capable of greatness.

Read the excerpt from chapter 20 of The Awakening.

That was about the substance of the two letters. Edna felt that if there had been a message for her, she would
have received it. The despondent frame of mind in which she had left home began again to overtake her, and
she remembered that she wished to find Mademoiselle Reisz.

Which prediction is most likely based on the events that have emerged so far in The Awakening?

A. Edna will not be able to find Mademoiselle Reisz despite her best efforts.

B. Edna will change her mind about finding Mademoiselle Reisz due to fatigue.

C. Mademoiselle Reisz will tell Edna to embrace her duties as a wife and mother.

D. Mademoiselle Reisz will play a key role in Edna's transformation of self.

Please hurry I’m on a time limit!!!!!!



im not sure but i'd go with D.

Quote of the day:

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long in disappointment and bitterness at the closed door that we do not expectantly look for and therefore see with pleasure and gratitude the one which has been opened for us."
-Helen Keller


Nice, real noice.

Thanks for the points.

Answer: deep words


Read and look at this graphic from citizenship. what is the authors main purpose in describing some citizens as robots?



to state that good citizenship requires acting and thinking independently


just took the quiz

Where should there be a paragraph break in the following text? Caroline sat on her bed and let out a heavy sigh. She missed Adam. She looked up at the moon. (1.) She was wondering if Adam was looking at the moon at that moment as well. (2.) Adam was also lying in his bed, but the moon was not out. (3.) It was the middle of the day in Japan. The sun was shining brightly. This did not stop him, however, from missing Caroline.




The paragraph break in the following test would occur after she looked up at the moon. Thus, the correct option is 1.

What is a Paragraph break?

A paragraph break may be defined as the occurrence of a single line space or an indentation that marks the division between one paragraph and the next in a body of text.

This technique of paragraph breaking makes a clear understanding, better appearance, and is technically sound for the readers.

The correct paragraph break is described below:

Caroline sat on her bed and let out a heavy sigh. She missed Adam. She looked up at the moon.

She was wondering if Adam was looking at the moon at that moment as well. Adam was also lying in his bed, but the moon was not out. It was the middle of the day in Japan. The sun was shining brightly. This did not stop him, however, from missing Caroline.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Paragraph breaks, refer to the link:


vii)The word ‘ withdraw’ in para 3 is closest in meaning to -------------------
c)pull out.
viii)The word ‘shield’ in para 2 is closest in meaning to -----------------



pull out


hope it helps..

Use context to determine the correct meaning of the
word "state" in the sentence.
Listening to several people talk at once left Jerrod in a
state of confusion
What does the word "state" mean in the sentence?
A.) declaration
B.) a condition of the mind
C.) central government
D.) social status


Answer: B) Condition of mind

Explanation: Looking at the sentence, we can right off the bat eliminate central government (C) and social status (D). These make no sense when applying them to the sentence. Moving onto A) declaration. In order for this to work, Jerrod would have had to declare his state of confusion, internally or out loud (which he does not). This leaves us with B). Knowing that Jerrod is feeling confused, and knowing that confusion can be a state your mind can be in, we have our answer.

Hope this helps!

The answer is B. Hope that helps lol

Which two sentences state and restate the author’s thesis? the sentences that are underlined are the ones you can pick from :)



Options 2 and 5


Option 2 Is the thesis statement because it is located in the introductions and it talks about what we are going to read in the subsequent paragraphs. In the conclusion, Option 5 restates the thesis to help us recap on what we have read.

Read the excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

Lincoln uses parallelism in this excerpt to





In this excerpt, Lincon's use of parallelism is shown in the example "we cannot dedicate—we cannot consecrate—we cannot hallow this ground". In addition to explaining his argument, he uses paralellism to give structure, order, and balance in his speech. Repetition also assisted him in emphasizing his idea to the audience. Repeated information is more likely to be remembered by the audience.


A. acknowledge the limitations of the memorial ceremony.

offline schools explanation for power point explanation



you need to actually provide a question

what will you do if you got chances to meet your favourite fictional characters​


I would scream?? It will be awesome if that happened
I would ask them 1 advice for life :)

Which sentence introduces the conflict that develops the theme great expectations by Charles dickens
A. I followed the candle down as I followed the candle up and she stood it in the place where we found it
B. The rush of the daylight quite confounded me and made me feel as if I had been in the candlelight of the strange room many hours
C. I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots
D. I wish joe had been rather more genteelly(respectably) brought up and then I should have been so too


Answer: C. I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots


The theme of Great Expectations is about loyalty, conscience, and affection. It shows that these are more important than class, wealth and social advancement.

The sentence that introduces the conflict that develops the theme great expectations by Charles Dickens is "I took the opportunity of being alone in the courtyard to look at my coarse hands and my common boots".

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. The news anchor of the morning show is famous for his facial expressions and the piquancy of his quick wit. Sheena is famous for speaking in a manner when she doesn't get exactly what she wants. The new housing complex near the highway has every that a resident could ask for.


This question is missing the answer options. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

1. piquancy; savior faire; preclusion.

2. magnanimous; querulous; punctilious.

3. sinecure; amenity; magnanimity.


1. The news anchor of the morning show is famous for his facial expressions and the piquancy of his quick wit.

2. Sheena is famous for speaking in a querulous manner when she doesn't get exactly what she wants.

3. The new housing complex near the highway has every amenity a resident could ask for.


To answer this question, we must first understand the context given in each sentence. Only then can we choose the appropriate word according to its meaning.

1. The wit of the anchor is being complimented in an interesting way. This is similar to the way we would compliment a sarcastic but funny person. With that in mind, we can choose piquancy as the best option. This word suggests spiciness, be it literal or figurative.

2. The context refers to when Sheena does not get what she wants, which already leads us to assume she is not happy about it. In that case, we can choose querulous, which means "pettish" or "waspish". Sheena most likely complains when things don't go her way.

3. This sentence refers to housing and what residents can expect. The best word is amenity, which refers to services or to the infrastructure of the place. Examples would be a covered parking lot or a fitness room in a building.

In “The Rockpile” by James Baldwin, how does the setting influence the way Gabriel and Elizabeth raise their children?


Mark Brainliest please


Their fear of danger causes them to impose strict rules on their children.

James Baldwin's short story "The Rockpile" tells the story of how a young family's approaches t their parenting techniques led to the fateful incident of one of their son's injury. The parents Gabriel and Elizabeth's approach of strictly dominating their children's lives had led to the ensuing incident.
The setting of the story is in a house from where the boys can see the 'rockpile' which they are prohibited from ever visiting. From the start of the story, we find the mother telling the boys to "stay away from (the rockpile)". This strict approach resulting from their fear of them coming "home bleeding like a hog every day the Lord sends" causes them to impose strict restrictions on their involvement and interactions with friends.

Enzo wants to add a heading to the passage to help readers who are previewing the text. What is the best heading for him to add?




Which of the following characteristics does a quality research question have


Answer: It is focused on a debatable topic.


A research question refers to the question which a researcher is seeking answers to. A research question must be a debatable topic. A research question is also usually few sentences.

It isn't necessary for a research question to be supported by scientific experimentation and it isn't necessary for it to br related to literature or history.

what rhetorical device were the declarations signers using when they used strong, emotional words to describe the grievances against the king.





Which prefix we should use with clockwise Proclockwise, anticlockwise, interclockwise



We use the prefixes :contraclockwise; anticlockwise. anticlockwise.


15 pts + BRAINLIEST!!

What is the central idea?

A. The narrator is trying to figure out which kind of writing she’d like to do for a career.

B. The narrator is not sure whether she wants to be a writer or pursue a different career.

C. The narrator decided to stay at her part-time job after she graduated college.

D. The narrator does not yet have the responsibilities of someone at a “real” job.

The previous spring, I’d taken up my boss on his offer and stayed at my part-time job through the summer after college. He gave me more hours, so I was making more money, but I didn’t yet have the responsibility of a “real” job. I’d been an English major and wanted to be a writer, though I had no idea what kind of writer. I’d taken the summer to think about things and prepare for a fall job search.

(I'm leaning towards A. just checking)





I also think its A,judging from the passage shes trying to figure out what she wants to do

What is atmosphere in literature?
the attitude of a text toward the subject and theme
O the emotional response a text generates from a reader
O the author's opinion of the subject and the audience
the narrator's perspective in relation to the characters


Answer: The emotional response a text generates from a reader


The atmosphere, refers to the overall mood of a poem or story and it brings about certain reactions, feelings, and thoughts in the reader.

The atmosphere in literature is the emotional response a text generates from a reader. Therefore, the correct option is B.

In 35 words or fewer, imagine you were in that Roman crowd. What emotions would Mark Antony's speech stir in you?




The crowd wanted the conspirators to pay for what they did to Caesar.


look below!


Antony indirectly persuades the crowd that Brutus was wrong in killing Caesar and that Caesar's death should be avenged. The use of rhetorical questions in Antony's speech causes the crowd to question what they once thought.

In terms of the plot structure, where would you place this event in Silas Marner?

Silas feels betrayed by his closest friend, fiancé, and God.



Complication is the answer to your question
Climax because it’s a problem

The purpose of learning about your audience, asking questions before presenting, and analyzing the diversity of your audience is to be able to:



tailor your speech to meet the audience's needs


Audience analysis is the term that is used to describe the process of analyzing the audiences beliefs, thoughts, perception and interests before delivering any speech before them. This helps in better representation of the ideas of the speaker by given the appropriate references. Understanding the audiences perspective is also important to help in better delivery of ideas and speech and in proper manner.




13. claim and topic.

14 a. introduction.

14 b. resolution.

14 c. conflict

14 d. and they all lived happily ever after (i think)

15 a. yourself

15 b. herself.

15 c. it.

15 d. her.

15 e. them

15 f. yourself


hope this helps! have a great day!!




The Greasers?


I think the only "gang" in the outsiders is the greasers could be wrong though


Is it the Socs gang?


What does parrker mean by the poor are always silent



Parker is referring to poor people's helplessness when she says "the poor are always silent." Money is extremely important in poverty. Money is the perfect solution to all problems. Poor people, on the other hand, feel weaker as a result of a lack of resources


You’re writing an essay on how the violence in video games affects younger minds. You found numerous sources containing the same information to support your topic. Choose a suitable resource to complete the following sentence in your essay. According to _____, more than 50 percent of under-13 gamers in our city regularly play games meant for an older audience
— an interview on an online gaming blog
— a survey conducted by a local news agency
— a questionairre completed at a local school
— an estimate given by video game retailers



— a questionairre completed at a local school


A.) Read the beginning of Jason's argumentative speech on the use of Internet slang and answer the question.

The use of acronyms, or abbreviations, is not new. In fact, there are examples of the use of acronyms that date back to antiquity. Ancient scribes had a daunting enough task without having to write out every word. The Christian Church has inscribed the acronym INRI, which stands for the Latin Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum ("Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews") over the crucifix for centuries. American and European corporations discovered long ago that it is easier to remember three letters than it is to remember three names. During the twentieth century, there was an upsurge in the use of acronyms that corresponded with the introduction of highly technical vocabulary. The tendency to shorten has an established history and many of these abbreviations have even found their way into the dictionary. Today, the use of time-saving abbreviations provides the language of internet and other wireless communication. But should it? Unlike in the past, this shortening does not represent a natural and necessary progression of language change. Internet slang is a manifestation of two much more serious problems with modern society— intellectual laziness and too little time.

Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?

1- OMG! don't we have bigger problems as a society than taking a few short-cuts when it comes to communication?

2- Until recently, the use of acronyms could be justified in most contexts.

3- Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.

4- Intellectual laziness is a treatable disease, while finding more time is much more challenging.
B.) Read this excerpt from Jason's persuasive speech and answer the question.

The main reason for using a slang unique to the Internet is to make communication easier.

Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?

1.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, there is some debate about how internet slang influences everyday language.

2.) Add this sentnece to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.

3.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, according to at least one study they take two times as long for the reader to understand.

4.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Only strict grammarians object, arguing that Internet slang is a degradation of standard usage.



Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?

3. Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.

Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?

2. Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.


For the first question, we must first understand what Jason's claim is. That can be found at the end of his introductory paragraph:

"Internet slang is a manifestation of two more serious problems with modern society - intellectual laziness and too little time."

Now, we must find a sentence to introduce a counterargument. A counterargument is an idea that opposes the argument. The argument claims that internet slang usage is a problem. The counterargument must state the contrary. The sentence that does that is number 3: "Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use." This sentence is basically stating that internet slang is not a problem.

For the second question, we need to choose the option the adds supporting evidence to the excerpt. In other words, we choose the option that agrees with and complements the excerpt. The excerpt states that slang makes communication easier. The only option that agrees with that is number 2. All the other options offer information or present ideas that go against that opinion. Sentence 2, however, explains that slang makes communication less stressful.

What is one theme found in Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing"?

I Hear America Singing

by Walt Whitman

I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear,
Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe
and strong,
The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,
The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off
The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the
deckhand singing on the steamboat deck,
The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing
as he stands,
The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the
morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,
The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at
work, or of the girl sewing or washing,
Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,
The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young
fellows, robust, friendly,
Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.

Work and entertainment should not be mixed.
Diverse people contribute to the country's identity.
People are more productive when they enjoy their work.
Working in a modern society allows people to have diverse skills



C) People are more productive when they enjoy their work.

The answer is C- People are more productive when they enjoy their work.

Can i say that a country has a weak medical field, or does “medical field” not work?
If not what do i replace it with?




i think you should say that a country has a poor medical arrangement


Hope it helps

Other Questions
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