Select the correct texts in the passage.
Which detail in the draft best shows the writer's use of reflection to develop the narrative?
excerpt from The Color of Freedom
An elderly man with kind eyes behind rimmed glasses sat behind a computer. "Hello, son," he greeted Andre. "How can I help you?"
"Well, I've come to buy the blue 1976 Ford Ranchero that has been sitting right there for the past few months," Andre explained, pointing to the
empty spot on the lot.
"Oh," the man sald, frowning. "Well, I'm sorry, but someone else just bought that car this morning."
Andre's heart sank. While he had been painting Mrs. Robinson's kitchen, someone else had casually driven off with his car. All his hard work had
been for nothing. Tears began to form in his eyes at the thought of riding the bus home.
Seeing the disappointment in Andre's face, the man said, "You know, we have quite a few cars for sale in the back lot."
"Well, I-" Andre started.
"They are priced about the same as the Ranchero was. I'm happy to show them to you."

Select The Correct Texts In The Passage.Which Detail In The Draft Best Shows The Writer's Use Of Reflection


Answer 1


"Andre's heart sank. While he had been painting Mrs. Robinson's kitchen, someone else had casually driven off with his car. All his hard work had  been for nothing."


Remember, the use of reflection to develop a narrative by an author often involves mentioning occurrences that led to a change of events.

In this instance, reflecting on the fact that Andre was painting Mrs. Robinson's kitchen, resulted in him unable to purchase the car he had in mind initially, thus, adding this detail leads to further development of the narrative.

Answer 2


All his hard work had  been for nothing


Related Questions

Which sentence from the final paragraph of the passage conveys a call to action?
"We urgently need an end to these false assurances, to the sugar coating of unpalatable facts."
"It is the public that is being asked to assume the risks that the insect controllers calculate."
"The public must decide whether it wishes to continue on the present road, and it can do so only when in full
possession of the facts."
"In the words of Jean Rostand, 'The obligation to endure gives us the right to know.""



The answer is C


Got it right on Edge 2021

The public must decide whether it wishes to continue on the present road, and it can do so only when in full possession of the facts."

What is an Action?

A person's intention serves as the driving force behind each action they take as an agent. In the philosophy of action, the first task is to ascertain how actions vary from other types of behavior, such as automatic responses.

Abstract. There is and must be teleologically fundamental action, which is an action performed on a certain occasion without using any other actions to accomplish the task. It is generally accepted that even simple tasks require ability.

a theory of action The contrast between things that happen to a person and things that one does or causes to happen is the focus of this subfield of philosophy of mind, which is particularly significant for ethics. Action theorists take into account things like intent, desire, purpose, and deliberation.

To read more about an Action, refer to -


Read the passage from "The Lady, or the Tiger.”

Directly opposite him, on the other side of the inclosed space, were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased; he was subject to no guidance or influence but that of the aforementioned impartial and incorruptible chance.

What is the author’s purpose for describing the two doors as absolutely identical?


This question is missing the answer choices. I was able to find the complete question online. The choices are the following:

A. to reveal that the outcome of the trial is decided by luck.

B. to show that the verdict is predetermined.

C. to reveal that the defendants are in control of the verdict.

D. to emphasize that the trial is completely fair.


The author's purpose for describing the two doors as absolutely identical is:

A. to reveal that the outcome of the trial is decided by luck.


"The Lady, or the Tiger" is a short story by American author and humorist Frank Richard Stockton (18340-1902). In the story, a king is described as semi-barbaric, which shows he is only partially civilized. He understands the importance of a trial to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime or not. However, the trial he comes up with is absurd, and the outcome is decided by sheer luck.

The person being accused of the crime is led to an arena. There, he is supposed to choose between two doors. Behind one of them, he will find a beautiful maiden. Behind the other one, he will find a tiger. The doors are completely identical - nothing about them reveals what is behind them. Thus, it is really a matter of luck whether the man will choose the lady or the tiger. If he chooses the door with the maiden, he is found innocent, and his reward is to marry her immediately. If he chooses the door with the tiger, he is found guilty, and his punishment is to be eaten by the animal.

As we can see, it does not matter whether the person really committed a crime or not. What matters is how lucky he is to choose to right door.

It has some sense.(into negative)​



"It doesn't make sense," or "it has no sense."


Have a good day!

The Grimms’ fairy tales address the experiences of people who are living in difficult situations. For example, there is the story of Rapunzel. There is also the story of Hansel and Gretel, who had to escape their house in order to find food and were locked out.

Which revision would best help the author support the thesis more effectively?


This question is missing the answer choices. I found the complete question online. The answer choices are the following:

A. The author should explain why Hansel and Gretel were locked out.

B. The author should explain how Rapunzel's story fits into the thesis.

C. The author should add one more story as an example to support the thesis.

D. The author should explain why Hansel and Gretel's situation is difficult.


The revision which would best help the author support the thesis more effectively is:

B. The author should explain how Rapunzel's story fits into the thesis.


The author's thesis or main idea is that the fairy tales by the Grimm brothers address difficult situations. In order to support that idea, the author then mentions two fairy tales as examples. He does explain why the story of Hansel and Gretel is related to the thesis - the siblings suffered with hunger and even ended up locked out of their home. However, he does not do the same for Rapunzel's story. We know the author thinks this story too addresses a difficult situation, but we do not know why. Therefore, the best revision to support the thesis more effectively is:

B. The author should explain how Rapunzel's story fits into the thesis.

The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;

What does “the prize we sought is won” refer to?



“the prize we sought is won” means that the struggle is over and they finally won their freedom which is their "prize".

an annual general meeting (AGM) is



An annual general meeting (AGM) is a yearly gathering of a company's interested shareholders. At an AGM, the directors of the company present an annual report containing information for shareholders about the company's performance and strategy.


Read the excerpt from Act III of Hamlet.

Ophelia:What means this, my lord?

Hamlet:Marry, this is miching mallecho; it means mischief.

Ophelia:Belike this show imports the argument of the play.

Enter Prologue.

Hamlet:We shall know by this fellow: the players cannot keep counsel; they’ll tell all.

Ophelia:Will he tell us what this show meant?

Hamlet:Ay, or any show that you’ll show him; be not you ashamed to show, he’ll not shame to tell you what it means.

Ophelia:You are naught, you are naught. I’ll mark the play.

What word from the excerpt suggests that Hamlet has hidden motives in showing the play?





Explanation: quizlet said so


A. mischief


1. The fire ___ due to faulty insulation. But, for the time being, we cannot exclude a terrorist attack.
A. may have started
B .might be started
C.could start
D. must have started
2. They _____ to the concert together because Jane had agreed to baby-sit for them.
A. could go
B.could have gone
C. were able to go
D. can go

I don't know the difference ''could '' and ''were able to go ''. Can you help me??​



1=A, 2=C


My children, my Africa questions and answers​



what is the question?



what is the question ?

use the following phrases in your own sentence
find out=
litter with=
reach across =
pluck out=
muster up=


1. I was curious to find out what she had said.

2.Please do not leave litter after your picnic

3.She reached across the table and dropped her hand upon his sleeve.

4.She reached into the bag and plucked out a present for her nephew

5.Finally I mustered up the courage to ask her out.

what is the similarities between books and video's​



Movies and books carry plenty of similarities, not only they narrate the same story, but they also make a connection with the characters and the person viewing the …show more content… Movies convey their emotions by hearing and by the picture, thanks to the great sound and visual effects the details seem

What’s simile in Wuthering heights novel?


The people were compared to mice 'We all kept as mute as mice a full half-hour' (Wuthering Heights, Chapter 5, P. 38). The last two similes I found were on page 40 where we are able to witness the pure beauty of Miss Cathy when her eyes are describes as diamonds.

In the story American born Chinese the Chinese herbalist tells Jin wang, “it’s easy to become anything you wish… so long as you’re willing to forfeit your soul” This is an example of



D) foreshadowing, to create suspense by providing hints about the future.


The statement, “it’s easy to become anything you wish… so long as you’re willing to forfeit your soul” gives an hint of what is at stake in other to attain a future endeavor. It gives an indication of what the future holds given, an individual's sacrifice. This concept of given an hint or indication of the future could be described as a literary device called foreshadowing. The Chinese herbalist is using the statement to hint Jin Wang of what could possibly happen in the future.




Jin Wang would do anything to fit into American culture.

explain and justify the saying: “To remain ignorant of history is to remain forever a child.”


If you don’t learn history you are condemned to repeat it. Children sometimes don’t learn and repeat bad things so not learning history is kinda like that.

The quote “To remain ignorant of history is to remain forever a child,” given by Marcus Tullius Cicero, signifies the importance of the knowledge pertaining to the past happenings of which one is to be aware in order to avoid the same mishaps which had caused a catastrophe in the past.

What are Phrases and Sayings?

When one refers to the figurative meaning of a saying or a phrase they direct it towards the derived meaning of the phrase and not the literal one. These derived meanings could have their context derived from the regular events of life or from different cultures.

For example, the above-mentioned saying, given by Marcus Tullius Cicero highlights the importance of having knowledge of the past. If one is unaware of the history then he is bound to make the same mistakes, since he has not acquired any learning which by any chance would averse him from the doing.

So a saying could plausibly be a form of threading of words that when asserted carries a particular context with itself and so one is to catch the context of it and not to take it in the literal sense.

Hence, one can say that Cicero is indirectly insinuating towards- man’s causal deeds, caused by his inability to acquire any past knowledge.

To know more about Phrases and Sayings, refer to -


You need to process phrases in the order they are spoken in a real-time language translation app. Each phrase object should be put into what



Each object in the phrase must be placed in a queue.


In order for an application to make efficient translations in real time, it is important for the user to put the words of the sentence they want to translate in the correct order in which they appear in that sentence. This will allow the application's interface to understand the phrase and be able to translate it as accurately as possible. In this case, we can consider that each object forming the sentence must be placed in a queue so that it is possible to translate that sentence.

“Midnight was as dark as a bottle of ink,” compares _____.


This sentence compares a midnight sky to a bottle of ink, using a simile.

The answer is: simile

House of Thebes."
What makes Antigone a rebel?
ror what Creon had
vas, overwhelming
ody and the lonely,
less, that nothing
to accept without
Erly alone. All Thebes
orought war upon
d. "We are women,"
Ne have no strength
part," Antigone
"You are not strong
When my strength
up." She left her
O her statement that women are not strong enough to
defy the state
O her horror at what Creon had decided regarding her
brother's burial
her decision to go bury her brother, with or without
O her admonition to Ismene to do whatever she


This question is incomplete because part of the except is missing. However, this can be answered by knowing the general story.

The correct answer is Her decision to go bury her brother, with or without Ismene


Antigone is a play of tragedy written by the Greek Sophocles, which deals with topics such as the family, religious norms, and the laws of the State. This story presents the situation in which Antigone is faced with the decision to bury or not the body of Polinices (her brother) because Creon (king of Thebes) prohibited burying her body as an exemplary punishment for betraying him. However, Antigone decides to break this mandate despite the opposition of her sister Ismene and bury the body of her brother. According to the above, her correct answer is Her decision to go bury her brother, with or without Ismene.

Answer: What makes Antigone a rebel is her decision to go bury her brother, with or without Ismene

Explanation: edge 2021

“The Veldt” Questions
1. Describe the nursery




The nursery in the veldt is a large room that has the ability to show computer like simulation that works on whatever the person is thinking. A form of virtual reality basically. In this case, the children Peter and Wendy Hadley have a fascination for an African savannah with lions sitting in the desert feasting on  animal carcass.

a. Change the following into indirect speech. She said, "While I was having dinner, the phone rang. My friend said, "Where are they staying?" c. Jamila said, "I travel a lot in my job." . ​



She said the phone rang while she was having dinner and her friend asked where everyone was staying.

Jamila said she travels a lot for work.


As requested in the question above, the excerpts presented were rewritten to present the indirect speech. The indirect speech can be observed in texts where the characters do not present their lines directly, but indirectly, through the narrator who presents the characters' speeches within the narration.





1. used right

2. used right

3. used right

4. used wrong

5. used wrong

6. used right

7. used wrong

8. used wrong

going down and then up

The Supreme Court case of Tinker v. Des Moines dealt with two students who
were suspended from school for wearing black armbands to protest the
Vietnam War. Their parents sued the school district for violating the students'
right to free speech, but it was determined by lower courts that the school
district had the right to suspend them. When the Supreme Court reviewed the
case, it decided that the school district did not have the right to suspend the
Which of these arguments provides the weakest support for the Supreme
Court's decision that students have the right to wear the armbands to school?
A. Students at the school were allowed to wear other controversial
B. Armbands are a form of expression, even though they don't involve
C. Five previous court cases showed that armbands fall under First
Amendment pro
D. The armbands were not shown to cause disruption or interfere
with learning





There wasn't any other previous court cases that said that armbands fall under the first amendment.

Armbands are a form of expression, even if they don't involve sppech is a good argument. If students were allowed to wear other controversial things, then why can't armbands be permitted? The armbands didn't cause disruption. All of those are good arguments.

Describe how a significant cybersecurity event has led to increased organizational focus on cybersecurity.​



A ‘Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018’ revealed that over four in ten (43%) businesses and two in ten (19%) charities in the UK suffered a cyberattack. The survey found that 38% of small businesses had spent nothing at all to protect themselves from cybersecurity threats. A separate survey also found that a third of UK small businesses are risking their online safety by operating at or below the “security poverty line”. The most frequent types of cyber-criminal activity were sending fraudulent e-mails and impersonating organizations online. Malicious e-mails were also found to be the most common type of cyberattack in the Internet Security and Threat Report. The consequences of cyber-crime are costly as the total average cost of a data breach in 2019 is $3.92 million in research conducted by the Ponemon Institute.


What is Cybersecurity?  

Cybersecurity is making sure your organizations data is safe from attacks from both internal and external bad actors. It can encompass a body of technologies, processes, structures, and practices used to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from unauthorized access or damage. The goal of any cybersecurity strategy is to ensure confidentiality, data integrity, and availability.

There are several primary means by which cybersecurity issues can affect (or even destroy) an organization and its reputation. There is the risk that a hacker might obtain sensitive information such as bank account or credit cards details. There are open markets for such information on the “dark web”. If others access such sensitive information, the organization might find its banking or credit card facilities withdrawn or in breach of privacy laws. Each month high-profile security breaches impacting individual data are reported globally.

A second but related issue is that when a hacker obtains sensitive information about the organization it may find its reputation ruined. Few small organizations can survive the damage to its reputation that such lost data might cause. The damage to reputation and goodwill might be more crippling than the actual data loss itself. Loss of customer data may result in legal or regulatory action against the organization. A third party might file a suit against an organization as they have themselves incurred a loss. Organizations might also be subject to significant penalties and/or legal action arising from breaches of the privacy laws in many jurisdictions.

The most recent and alarming aspect of cybersecurity that causes considerable problems for organizations is ransomware. As early as 2012, reports of ransomware campaigns have adopted commercially focused business models. In many cases, a piece of malware is disguised and embedded within another type of document only waiting to be executed by the target user.  Upon execution, the malware may encrypt the organization’s data with a secret 2,048-bit encryption key or communicate to a centralized command and control server to await instructions carried out by the adversary. Once infected, the organization’s data continues to be inaccessible as the encrypts the data using the attackers encryption key. Once all the data accessible is encrypted, including in many instances the backup data and systems, the organization will be instructed on how to pay a ransom within days, or the adversary will remove the encryption key and the data will be lost. Literally, the adversary holds the data to ransom—hence, ransomware. The encryption key is sufficiently strong enough that cracking the key instead of paying the ransom is uneconomic—some estimate that an average desktop computer would take five quadrillion years to decrypt the data without the key In some cases, the target organization can hope that some researchers may have discovered a way to decrypt the data based on a design flaw. Otherwise the organization will have to look to restore the systems and data from a safe back up or consider paying the ransom. Keep in mind that even data restoration does not eliminate the risk the ransomware will not be reenabled or return based on the compromised integrity of the environment.


The Russian invasion fiasco


This is because, prior to the invasion, Ukraine had reported interference (hacking) of government and other websites caused by Russian Cybersecurity teams. The 21st century's advancement in technology and digital software and programs, the possibility of interference from any country is a real and high threat. Leaking of sensitive and highly classified information relating to the government or any high security operations/companies can and will put any country vulnerable, since so much information is stored digitally.

Read these sentences from the excerpt:

I would sometimes say to them, I wished I could be as free as they would be when they got to be men. "You will be free as soon as you are twenty-one, but I am a slave for life! Have not I as good a right to be free as you have?"

How does Douglass best use rhetoric to advance his purpose in this excerpt?

He uses a rhetorical question to heavily emphasize the fact that he deserves freedom.

He uses a rhetorical question because he is unsure of his beliefs.

He repeats words in order to share his beliefs with the readers.

He repeats the word free to show the reader his point.



A)  He uses a rhetorical question to heavily emphasize the fact that he deserves freedom.



Rhetorical questions refer to questions asked to establish a dramatic effect or present a side/perspective rather than get a response. In the given excerpt, the speaker used a rhetorical question to highlight his belief that he ACTUALLY deserves freedom. He is not unsure of the idea, rather, he is emphasizing that he deserves it because freedom is supposed to be a right, not a choice.

Select all that apply.
Select the correctly spelled plural forms.
O stories
O slices
O jinxes
O toyes
O alleys
O taxs


Stories and slices and alleys
Stories, slices, jinxes, alleys

You may answer the questions _____ English or Korean.
either in
both in
With her friend's


❀ [tex]\huge\underline{ \underline{ \text{Answer / 대답 :-}}}[/tex]

You may answer the questions [tex]\boxed{either \ \ in}[/tex] English or Korean.


Here, there is a choice given ↦to [tex]\boxed{either}[/tex] answer the questions in English or Korean.

⁺˚*・༓☾✧.* ☽༓・*˚⁺‧

ʰᵒᵖᵉ ⁱᵗ ʰᵉˡᵖˢ

꧁❣ ʀᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡˢᵃˡᵗ2²2² ࿐

Mr. Bedford’s apprehension in The First Men in the Moon about going into the sphere with Cavor represents what type of conflict?

Man vs. nature
Man vs. society
Man vs. self
Man vs. man


Mr. Bedford’s apprehension in The First Men in the Moon about going into the sphere with Cavor represents this type of conflict: Man vs. self.

What is the conflict?

The type of conflict that Mr. Bedford experienced when he had an apprehension about going to the sphere with Cavor is man vs. Self. Man vs self is a sort of conflict that a person experiences within themselves.

In this case, the feelings are within them and it is internal. Man vs Self is one of the different forms of conflict that can be found in literature.

Learn more about conflict here:


What is meant by the "invisibility of one's own culture"?



The phrase "invisibility of one's own culture" refers to the fact that a member of a particular culture doesn't notice the culture or its.

Historia de cristobal colon en voz pasiva



Cristóbal Colón fue un marino y colonizador genovés que, al servicio de los Reyes Católicos de España, realizó cuatro viajes a través del Océano Atlántico, que despertaron el interés en Europa por un nuevo continente, más tarde llamado América. Estas expediciones y los esfuerzos de Colón por establecer asentamientos permanentes en La Española iniciaron la colonización española, que resultó en una competencia entre las potencias europeas para colonizar América del Sur y del Norte.

En un momento en que comenzó la dominación mundial europea y la competencia entre los reinos europeos, que intentaban enriquecerse estableciendo rutas comerciales y colonias, la propuesta de Colón de llegar a Asia circunnavegando la Tierra hacia el oeste recibió el apoyo de la corte real española, que vio esperanza para el comercio de especias. Durante su primer viaje en 1492, Colón llegó a las costas de las Bahamas en lugar del Japón planeado y aterrizó en un lugar que llamó San Salvador. Durante otras tres expediciones, visitó las Antillas Mayores y Menores, las costas de Venezuela y Centroamérica, que tomó para el Imperio español.

El deterioro de las relaciones con la corte real española y los administradores coloniales en América llevó al arresto y destitución de Colón como gobernador de La Española en 1500 y luego prolongó las disputas sobre los beneficios que Colón quería para él y sus herederos de la corte real. Al final, logró superar solo algunos de ellos. Murió en Valladolid y sus restos se encuentran ahora en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Sevilla.

Which evidence best supports the development of this
idea in Adila's essay?
Cybersecurity continues to evolve and improve as
new issues arise daily.
Cybersecurity protects against invasive software like
Cybersecurity is important for computer users as
they access various sites on the internet.
Cybersecurity is the protection of all internet
systems against harmful attacks on the internet.



Cybersecurity is the protection of all internet  systems against harmful attacks on the internet.


Cybersecurity is the protection of computers and systems including networks from information disclosure, theft and damage. Refers to the hardware, software and data as well as disruption of services. It relates to the wireless networking standards.

Match the description to the type of sentence.


contains two or more main/independent clauses and one or more subordinate/dependent clause

2) simple

contains one main/independent clause and one or more subordinate/independent clauses


Contains two or more main/independent clauses


Contains one main/independent clause


1.)complex: contains one main/independent clause and one or more subordinate/independent clauses

2) simple: Contains one main/independent clause

3)compound-complex: contains two or more main/independent clauses and one or more subordinate/dependent clause

4)compound: Contains two or more main/independent clauses

Other Questions
it is estimated that 50% of emails are spam emails. Some software has been applied to filter these spam emails before they reach your inbox. A certain brand of software claims that it can detect 99% of spam emails and the probability for a flase positive is 5%. What is the probability that an email is detected as spam As you move farther away from a source emitting a pure tone, the ___________ of the sound you hear decreases. Deon bought a desk on sale for $105.60. This price is 67% less than the original price. What was the original price? Would you rather?buy 2 lollypops for $2buy 30 lollypops for $40 Using the table below, what is the rate of change? Don't forget to include your units.Number of sodas 24283236Total Cost ($)18212427 A new car manufacturer advertises that their car can go from zero to sixty mph in 8 [s]. This is a description of Answer the following questions in your own words on how you understand the lesson.differentiate the following pairs of terms.1.Save and Save As2.Blank Document and Template3. Existing File and Recently Open File Explain the following terms.a) Explain Final keyword with example. b) Define Static and Instance variables PLISSSSSS HELPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What number line model represents the expression 5 1/2 + (-3) How can researchers best overcome the language barrier issues that arise when they administer questionnaires to people in foreign countries? The top and bottom ends of a windshield wiper blade are R = 24 in. and r = 14 in., respectively, from the pivot point. While in operation, the wiper sweeps through 135. Find the area swept by the blade. (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.) write an algorithm for finding the perimeter of a rectangle On a coordinate plane, a line goes through points (negative 1, 0), (0, 1), and (1, 2). Which table goes with the graph? que acciones ha hecho frente a la violacin de derechosel defensor del pueblo Dan purchases a 1000 par value 10-year bond with 9% semiannual couponsfor 925. He is able to reinvest his coupon payments at a nominal rate of 7%convertible semiannually.Calculate his nom mission of a limited companyformation of unlimited companies Find the limit of f as or show that the limit does not exist. Consider converting the function to polar coordinates to make finding the limit easier. f(x,y) why does the torrid zone receives maximum amount of heat a sample of copper was heated at 275.1 C and placed into 272 g of water at 21.0 C. The temperature of the water rose at 29.7 C. How many grams of copper were in the sample