Select the pseudo-code that corresponds to the following assembly code. Assume that the variables a, b, c, and d are initialized elsewhere in the program. You may want to review the usage of EAX, AH, and AL (IA32 registers). Also recall that the inequality a > b is equivalent to b < a. i.e. If A is greater than B, that's equivalent to saying that B is less than A.
; General purpose variables
c BYTE ?
d BYTE ?
upperLevel DWORD 18
lowerLevel DWORD 3
; Strings
yes BYTE "Yes",0
no BYTE "No",0
maybe BYTE "Maybe",0
main PROC
mov eax, 1
cmp AH, c
jg option1
jmp option3
mov edx, OFFSET yes
call WriteString
jmp endOfProgram
mov edx, OFFSET no
call WriteString
jmp endOfProgram
mov edx, OFFSET maybe
call WriteString
main ENDP
END main
a) if (c > 0)
print (yes);
print (maybe);
b) if (c < 0)
print (yes);
print (maybe);
c) if (c < 1)
print (yes);
print (maybe);
d) if (c > 1)
print (yes);
print (maybe);


Answer 1




Answer 2

The pseudo-code that corresponds to the given assembly code is:

b) if (c < 0)

print (yes);


print (maybe);

What is the pseudo-code

In assembly code, the command cmp AH, c checks if the high byte of the EAX register (AH) has the same value as the variable c. Then, if the value in AH is more than the value in c, the instruction jg option1 will move to option1.

Therefore, In the pseudo-code, one can check if c is smaller than 0. If it happens, we say "yes". If not, we say "maybe"

Read more about   pseudo-code here:


Related Questions

Analyzing the role of elements in audio editing and Video
+ analyzing the role of the visual element in Video + analyzing the role of text factor
+ analyzing the role of the audio factor
+ analyzing the role of the transfer scene
+ analysing the role of the audio visual effects



Analyzing the role of elements in audio editing and Video

+ analyzing the role of the visual element in Video + analyzing the role of text factor

+ analyzing the role of the audio factor

+ analyzing the role of the transfer scene

+ analysing the role of the audio visual effect

John downloaded the manual for his TV, called manual-of-tv.pdf, from the manufacturer's website. After he clicked twice on the document he was informed by Windows that the file could not be opened. Which software must John install to solve the problem?


Jhon must download third party pdf viewer softwares to open the .pdf file.

For example

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Write a program that accepts a list of integers and split them into negatives and non-negatives. The numbers in the stack should be rearranged so that all the negatives appear on the bottom of the stack and all the non-negatives appear on the top.



The program is as follows:

n = int(input("List elements: "))

mylist = []; myList2 = []

for i in range(n):

   num = int(input(": "))


for i in mylist:

   if i >= 0:


for i in mylist:

   if i < 0:




This gets the number of list elements from the user

n = int(input("List elements: "))

This initializes two lists; one of input and the other for output

mylist = []; myList2 = []

This is repeated for every input

for i in range(n):

Get input from the user

   num = int(input(": "))

Append input to list


This iterates through the input lists

for i in mylist:

If list element is non-negative

   if i >= 0:

Append element to the output list


This iterates through the input lists, again

for i in mylist:

If list element is negative

   if i < 0:

Append element to the output list


Print output list


A bot can use a _______to capture keystrokes on the infected machine to retrieve sensitive information.





A keylogger can be defined as a software program or hardware device designed for monitoring and recording the keystrokes entered by an end user through the keyboard of a computer system or mobile device.

Basically, a keylogger can be installed as a software application or plugged into the USB port of a computer system, so as to illegally keep a record of all the inputs or keys pressed on a keyboard by an end user.

In order to prevent cyber hackers from gaining access to your keystrokes, you should install an anti-malware software application such as Avira, McAfee, Avast, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, etc.

An antivirus utility is a software application or program that's used to scan, detect, remove and prevent computer viruses such as Malware, Trojan horses, keyloggers, botnets, adwares etc.

In conclusion, a bot can use a keylogger to capture keystrokes on the infected machine to retrieve sensitive information.

Queues can be represented using linear arrays and have the variable REAR that point to the position from where insertions can be done. Suppose the size of the array is 20, REAR=5. What is the value of the REAR after adding three elements to the queue?





Queues can be implemented using linear arrays; such that when items are added or removed from the queue, the queue repositions its front and rear elements.

The value of the REAR after adding 3 elements is 5

Given that:

[tex]REAR = 5[/tex] --- the rear value

[tex]n = 20[/tex] --- size of array

[tex]Elements = 3[/tex] --- number of elements to be added

When 3 elements are added, the position of the REAR element will move 3 elements backward.

However, the value of the REAR element will remain unchanged because the new elements that are added will only change the positioning of the REAR element and not the value of the REAR element.

Read more about queues at:

what is programming language?​



A programming language is a formal language comprising a set of strings that produce various kinds of machine code output. Programming languages are one kind of computer language, and are used in computer programming to implement algorithms. Most programming languages consist of instructions for computers


The artificial languages that are used to develop computer programs are called programming language . hope this help!


Write a function called quotient that takes as its parameters two decimal values, numer and denom, to divide. Remember that division by 0 is not allowed. If division by 0 occurs, display the message "NaN" to the console, otherwise display the result of the division and its remainder.

(C++ coding)


click in link

Write a recursive function called DrawTriangle() that outputs lines of '*' to form a right side up isosceles triangle. Function DrawTriangle() has one parameter, an integer representing the base length of the triangle. Assume the base length is always odd and less than 20. Output 9 spaces before the first '*' on the first line for correct formatting.




# function to print the pattern

def draw_triangle(n, num):


   # base case

   if (n == 0):


   print_space(n - 1);

   print_asterisk(num - n + 1);



   # recursively calling pattern()

   pattern(n - 1, num);


# function to print spaces

def print_space(space):


   # base case

   if (space == 0):


   print(" ", end = "");


   # recursively calling print_space()

   print_space(space - 1);


# function to print asterisks

def print_asterisk(asterisk):


   # base case

   if(asterisk == 0):


   print("* ", end = "");


   # recursively calling asterisk()

   print_asterisk(asterisk - 1);


# Driver Code

n = 19;

draw_triangle(n, n);


# Driver Code n = 19;| draw_triangle(n, n);

Phân tích vai trò của các yếu tố trong biên tập Audio và Video



Answer to the following question is as follows;


A visual language may go a long way without even text or narrative. Introductory angles, action shots, and tracker shots may all be utilised to build a narrative, but you must be mindful of the storey being conveyed at all times. When it comes to video editing, it's often best to be as cautious as possible.

Pls help me Pls help me



20 10


please mark me as brainlyest

Read marks and print letter grade according to that.






I wanna learn python but I don't know any websites that I can learn it online. Thanks for attention!



What are some 5 constraints in using multimedia in teaching​




Technological resources, both hardware and software

Technological skills, for both the students and teacher

Time required to plan, design, develop, and evaluate multimedia activities

Production of multimedia is more expensive than others because it is made up of more than one medium.

Production of multimedia requires an electronic device, which may be relatively expensive.

Multimedia requires electricity to run, which adds to the cost of its use

There are constraints in using multimedia in teaching​; The Technological resources, both hardware and software Also, Technological skills, for both the students and teacher

What is a characteristic of multimedia?

A Multimedia system has four characteristics and they are use to deliver the content as well as the functionality.

The Multimedia system should be be computer controlled. The interface is interactive for their presentation and lastly the information should be in digital.

There are constraints in using multimedia in teaching​;

The Technological resources, both hardware and software

Also, Technological skills, for both the students and teacher

Since Time required to plan, design, develop, and evaluate multimedia activities

The Production of multimedia is more expensive than others because it is made up of more than one medium.

The Production of multimedia requires an electronic device, which may be relatively expensive.

The Multimedia requires electricity to run, which adds to the cost of its use.

Learn more about multimedia here;


Code Example 17-1 class PayCalculator { private: int wages; public: PayCalculator& calculate_wages(double hours, double wages) { this->wages = hours * wages; return *this; } double get_wages() { return wages; } }; (Refer to Code Example 17-1.) What coding technique is illustrated by the following code? PayCalculator calc; double pay = calc.calculate_wages(40, 20.5).get_wages(); a. self-referencing b. function chaining c. dereferencing d. class chaining



The answer is "Option b".


Function chaining is shown by this code, as the functions are called one after the other with one statement. Whenever you want to call a series of methods through an object, that technique is beneficial. Just because of that, you may give the same effect with less code and have a single given value only at top of the leash of operations.

how do you get The special and extended ending in final fight 2 snes


Yes what that person above said!

Microsoft created Adobe Photoshop? TRUE FALSE​



false the creator of adobe photoshop was microsoft adobe photoshop is a popular photo editing software which was developed by a company named as adobe inc.


Photoshop is created by Adobe, and Adobe is an independent company started by Jhon Warnockand.

i need an introduction of apple and microsoft


During the first Macintosh's development and early years of production, Microsoft was a critical Apple ally. The software pioneer created important programs for Apple's PC in the early '80s. ... Jobs lashed out at Gates during a meeting later that same year and equated Microsoft's plans for Windows to theft.

write a program that keeps taking integers until the user enters in python


int main {


unsigned long num = 0;

std::string phrase = " Please enter your name for confirmation: " ;

std::string name;


std::cout << phrase;

std::cin>> name;

while ( serial.available() == 0 ) {



if ( serial.avaliable() > 0 ) {

std::cout << " Thank you for your confirmation ";



Which of the following are examples of third party software that banks use? (Select all that apply.)
A -compliance reporting
B -unencrypted Microsoft Suite
C -accounting software
D -customer relationship management



c , it is a correct answer for the question

Highlight and detail two ways that you can use Excel to make you more efficient as a college student.
You can consider such things as study schedules, school supply lists, or grade books (among many other options), but make sure to describe each in a way that is personal to your academics.



Technological advances can create enormous economic and other benefits, but can also lead to significant changes for workers. IT and automation can change the way work is conducted, by augmenting or replacing workers in specific tasks. This can shift the demand for some types of human labor, eliminating some jobs and creating new ones.


10. Question
What are the drawbacks of purchasing something online? Check all that apply.



1) the quality of purchased good may be low

2) there might me fraud and cheaters

3) it might be risky

4) we may not get our orders on time

There are many drawbacks of purchasing online, some of them are as follows,

Chance of pirated item in place of genuine product.Chances of fraud during digital purchase and transaction.Product not deliver on time as expected.Not getting chance to feel the product before purchase.

These are some of the drawbacks of purchasing something online.

Learn more:

Explain how data structures and algorithms
are useful to the use of computers in
data management (10 marks)

Explain how data structure and uses of computer in data management



Data management is a important tool for data handling.


A good knowledge about the data stricture and data management is a prerequisite for working with codes and algorithms. It helps to identify the techniques for designing the algorithms and data storage in the system. It helps to find out the data hierarchy. Thereby allowing the data management in an efficient and effective way. It can increase the skills in computer programming

2. Which property is used for hiding text of the textbox?
a) Password Char b) Text Char c) Char Password d) Pass Char



password char


The password char property allows the text being written in the textbox to be hidden in the form of dots or stars. As such the user entering the password is secure, as no one nearby can know the password by watching the texts.

what is tha length of Mac address ?​



short length which includes all details about the addres

why am i doing the investigation​


Because it’s your interest

Write a program that creates an an array large enough to hold 200 test scores between 55 and 99. Use a Random Number to populate the array.Then do the following:1) Sort scores in ascending order.2) List your scores in rows of ten(10) values.3) Calculate the Mean for the distribution.4) Calculate the Variance for the distribution.5) Calculate the Median for the distribution.




The following code is written in Python. It uses the numpy import to calculate all of the necessary values as requested in the question and the random import to generate random test scores. Once the array is populated using a for loop with random integers, the array is sorted and the Mean, Variance, and Median are calculated. Finally The sorted array is printed along with all the calculations. The program has been tested and the output can be seen below.

from random import randint

import numpy as np

test_scores = []

for x in range(200):

   test_scores.append(randint(55, 99))

sorted_test_scores = sorted(test_scores)

count = 0

print("Scores in Rows of 10: ", end="\n")

for score in sorted_test_scores:

   if count < 10:

       print(str(score), end= " ")

       count += 1


       print('\n' + str(score), end= " ")

       count = 1

mean = np.mean(sorted_test_scores)

variance = np.var(sorted_test_scores, dtype = np.float64)

median = np.median(sorted_test_scores)


print("Mean: " + str(mean), end="\n")

print("Variance: " + str(variance), end="\n")

print("Median: " + str(median), end="\n")

Create union floatingPoint with members float f, double d and long double x. Write a program that inputs values of type float, double and long double and stores the values in union variables of type union floatingPoint. Each union variable should be printed as a float, a double and a long double. Do the values always print correcly? Note The long double result will vary depending on the system (Windows, Linux, MAC) you use. So do not be concern if you are not getting the correct answer. Input must be same for all cases for comparison Enter data for type float:234.567 Breakdown of the element in the union float 234.567001 double 0.00000O long double 0.G0OO00 Breaklo n 1n heX float e000000O double 436a9127 long double 22fde0 Enter data for type double :234.567 Breakdown of the element in the union float -788598326743269380.00OGOO double 234.567000 long double 0.G00000 Breakolon 1n heX float 0 double dd2f1aa0 long double 22fde0 Enter data for type long double:



Here the code is given as follows,

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

union floatingPoint {

float floatNum;

double doubleNum;

long double longDoubleNum;


int main() {

union floatingPoint f;

printf("Enter data for type float: ");

scanf("%f", &f.floatNum);

printf("\nfloat %f ", f.floatNum);

printf("\ndouble %f ", f.doubleNum);

printf("\nlong double %Lf ", f.longDoubleNum);

printf("\n\nBreakdown in Hex");

printf("\nfloat in hex %x ", f.floatNum);

printf("\ndouble in hex %x ", f.doubleNum);

printf("\nlong double in hex %Lx ", f.longDoubleNum);

printf("\n\nEnter data for type double: ");

scanf("%lf", &f.doubleNum);

printf("float %f ", f.floatNum);

printf("\ndouble %f ", f.doubleNum);

printf("\nlong double %Lf ", f.longDoubleNum);

printf("\n\nBreakdown in Hex");

printf("\nfloat in hex %x ", f.floatNum);

printf("\ndouble in hex %x ", f.doubleNum);

printf("\nlong double in hex %Lx ", f.longDoubleNum);

printf("\n\nEnter data for type long double: ");

scanf("%Lf", &f.longDoubleNum);

printf("float %f ", f.floatNum);

printf("\ndouble %f ", f.doubleNum);

printf("\nlong double %Lf ", f.longDoubleNum);

printf("\n\nBreakdown in Hex");

printf("\nfloat in hex %x ", f.floatNum);

printf("\ndouble in hex %x ", f.doubleNum);

printf("\nlong double in hex %Lx ", f.longDoubleNum);

return 0;


Which of the following acronyms refers to a network or host based monitoring system designed to automatically alert administrators of known or suspected unauthorized activity?



Option A (IDS) is the correct choice.


Whenever questionable or unusual behavior seems to be detected, another alarm is sent out by network security equipment, which would be considered as Intrusion Detection System.SOC analysts as well as occurrence responders can address the nature but instead, develop a plan or take steps that are necessary to resolve it predicated on such notifications.

All other three alternatives are not related to the given query. So the above option is correct.

Create a Python dictionary that returns a list of values for each key. The key can be whatever type you want.

Design the dictionary so that it could be useful for something meaningful to you. Create at least three different items in it. Invent the dictionary yourself. Do not copy the design or items from some other source.

Next consider the invert_dict function.

def invert_dict(d):
inverse = dict()
for key in d:
val = d[key]
if val not in inverse:
inverse[val] = [key]
return inverse

Modify this function so that it can invert your dictionary. In particular, the function will need to turn each of the list items into separate keys in the inverted dictionary.
Run your modified invert_dict function on your dictionary. Print the original dictionary and the inverted one.
Describe what is useful about your dictionary. Then describe whether the inverted dictionary is useful or meaningful, and why.




# name : [animal type, age, sex]

animal_shellter = {

 "Teddy": ["dog",4,"male"],

 "Elvis": ["dog",1,"male"],

 "Sheyla": ["dog",5,"female"],

 "Topic": ["hamster",3,"male"],

 "Kuzya": ["cat",10,"male"],

 "Misi": ["cat",8,"female"],




def invert(d):

 inverse = dict()

 for key in d:

   val = d[key]

   for item in val:

     if item not in inverse:

       inverse[item] = [key]



 return inverse  

inverted_shellter = invert(animal_shellter)


Consider a short, 90-meter link, over which a sender can transmit at a rate of 420 bits/sec in both directions. Suppose that packets containing data are 320,000 bits long, and packets containing only control (e.g. ACK or handshaking) are 240 bits long. Assume that N parallel connections each get 1/ N of the link bandwidth. Now consider the HTTP protocol, and assume that each downloaded object is 300 Kbit long, and the initial downloaded object contains 6 referenced objects from the same sender.

Would parallel download via parallel instances of non-persistent HTTP make sense in this case? Now consider persistent HTTP. Doyou expect significant gains over the non-persistent case?


Please send pics and than I sent you lol I wanna wanna play with you lol but I’m gonna play play with this girl and play with me ur mommy mommy play good day bye mommy bye love.
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