sequence of number - 25,23,20,16
do with process​


Answer 1


what should we be finding?

Answer 2

What is your question? if it is arranging in descending order, the answer is as follows:


Related Questions

15. Find the volume of the sphere. Use 3.14 for pi and round to the nearest tenth if necessary.
9 km
O 3420.2 km
1974.1 km



The Correct Answer is option C.)  [tex]3052.1 km^{3}[/tex]

Drag the cards to create a number that matches these rules.
The number ends in the hundredths place.
6 is the nearest one when rounding.

9, 4, (.)decimal point, 5




Step-by-step explanation:

O.459 will round to 0.46 which meets the question's criteria.

1. t — 19 = 2
2. 1 + s = 3
3. 24 = 4c
4. v/5 = 9
(show work)


1. T= 21. 2+19=21
2. S=2. 3-1=2
3. C= 6. 24/4=6
4. V=45. 9x5=45

You do the opposite function to find your answer


1. t = 21

2. s = 2

3. c = 6

4. v = 45

Step-by-step explanation:

1. t - 19 = 2

*Add 19 to both sides.

t = 21

2. 1 + s = 3

*Subtract 1 from both sides.

s = 2

3. 24 = 4c

*Divide each side by 4.

6 = c

4. v/5 = 9

*Multiply each side by 5.

v = 45

Multiply: 4 (−5 2/3) Enter your answer as a fraction in simplest form, like this: 42/53


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4\left(-5\dfrac{2}{3}\right)[/tex]

Convert mixed fraction into simple fraction form

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4\left(-\dfrac{5(3)-2}{3}\right)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4\left(-\dfrac{17}{3}\right)[/tex].

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{-68}{3}[/tex]

plz give me this ans by explaining​



I don't know what to do so I just answered the volume of this tell me if I am wrong

Step-by-step explanation:

radius : 3.5 cm

volume : ?


volume (v) : π × r (2)

: 22/7 × 3.5(2)

:22×3.5×3.5 by 7


the volume is 38.5

Give the equation for a circle with the given center and radius.
Center at (2, -9), radius = 3

A. (x+2)^2+(y−9)^2=9
B. (x+9)^2+(y−2)^2=3
C. (x−9)^2+(y+2)^2=3
D. (x−2)^2+(y+9)^2=9



(x-2)^2 + (y+9)^2 = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a circle is given by

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2  where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius

(x-2)^2 + (y--9)^2 = 3^2

(x-2)^2 + (y+9)^2 = 9


D.) (x−2)2+(y+9)2=9

Step-by-step explanation:

I got it correct on founders edtell

Given f(x)=3x^3-4x+k and x+2 is a factor of f(x), then what is the value of k?



k is 16

Step-by-step explanation:

Factor is ( x+2 ):

[tex]{ \sf{x + 2 = 0}} \\ { \sf{x = - 2}}[/tex]

Root is -2.

[tex]{ \bf{f(x) = 3 {x}^{3} - 4x + k}} \\ { \sf{f( - 2) = 0}} \\ { \sf{3 {( - 2)}^{3} - 4( - 2) + k = 0 }} \\ { \sf{ - 24 + 8 + k = 0}} \\ { \sf{ - 16 + k = 0}} \\ { \sf{k = 16}}[/tex]

Hope this helps you !!

Solve the mean for the data set. (4,11,25,1,17,34,11,30)
A. 12
B. 14.5
C. 16.6
D. 18.9



The mean is C. 16.6

Step-by-step explanation:

the mean is the average, to find the average add all the numbers together and divide by the amount of numbers


133/8 = 16.6

√576+(95/5)-∛125 SOLVE IT PLS


Step-by-step explanation:

really ? there is nothing to solve. only to calculate.

you have no calculator ? even the included apps on every computer system can do that.

that is a waste of both of our time.

24 + 19 - 5 = ?

I am sure you can figure that out.



Answer: 4.6 km

Step-by-step explanation:

a^1 + b^2 = c^2

2^2 + b^2 = 5^2

4 + b^2 = 25

b = sqrt 25 - 4

b = sqrt 21 = 4.6 km

2^2 + b^2 = 5^2
4 + b^2 = 25
b^2 = 25 - 4
b^2 = 21
b = square root (21)
b = 4.6

help me plzzzzzz tyyyyyyyyyy​



your answer is B.

Step-by-step explanation:

mode is 76, mean is 79, the median is 76.

calculate the area of each shape​





a) (x + 2)(3x + 1) = x^2 + 7x + 2

b) (2x - 3)(2x + 4) = 4x^2 + 2x - 12

c) (x + 2)(avg. length of base, x + 6) = x^2 + 8x + 12

d) Is the radius 4x + 12? If so: (4x + 12)(4x + 12) = (16x^2 + 96x + 144) x pi

Step-by-step explanation:

Brainliest, please!

PLEASE HELP, i’ll give brainly to correct answer


Good morning,

Have a great day ahead





Required probability:

P(≤4) = (18 + 14 + 20 + 16)/(18 + 14 + 20 + 16 + 15 + 17) = 68/100 = 0.6843

Required probability:

P(>3) = (20 + 16 + 15 + 17) / (18 + 14 + 20 + 16 + 15 + 17) = 68/100 = 0.6844

At least 2 students pass:

P(2 or 3) = (3/5)² + (3/5)³ = 9/25 + 27/125 = 72/125 = 0.57645

Number of x's:

x/108 = 4/27x = 108*4/27x = 16

The product of sin 30° and sin 60° is same as the product of



Step-by-step explanation:

This is a fascinating question. It turns out to be true because of the relationship between a 30 degree angle and a 60 degree angle

The answer is that the product of sin30*sin60 = cos(30)*cos(60). This happens because sin(60) = cos(90-60) = cos(30)

Other angles will do the same thing sin36 * sin54 = cos(54)*cos(36)

(62.1) x (3.2) = ??
Please help urgent!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

if u remove the brakctes and multiplay both of them by 10 and then multiply (621x32=19872 then u divide it by 100 and u get the answer 198.72





Step-by-step explanation:

(there's a correction in the question since the I did this one before, so I know)


or, cos²2x-sin4x+sin²2x=0

or, 1-sin4x=0

or, sin4x=1

or, 4x=90

or, x=22.5

Pressure varies inversely as volume. When the pressure is 8 Pascals, the volume is 22 liters. What would the volume be if the pressure were increased to 16 pascals?



we can use 2 formule to solve your question: One is P*V=n(mol)*R*T(KELVIN)

Step-by-step explanation:

And other is P(first)*V(first)=P(last)*V(last)


the ?=11

Can someone please help me out Its really Important please marking brainliest Answer what you can




a rectangular prism is simply a block. it has length, width and height. and similar to the area of a rectangle (length×width) we get as volume length×width×height.

other than that we only need to consider that a volume always has cubic units (like cm³, m³, ft³, ...).

the volume of a cylinder is again ground area times height, when we imagine the cylinder to stand on it circular side.

and the states standard formula (hi, internet !) for the volume of a cylinder is pi×r²×height

so, we have 75×20×14 = 21,000 cm³

and pi×75²×120 = pi×5625×120 = 2,120,575 cm³

so, the cylinder has a much bigger volume.


the standard formula for the volume of a pyramid (hi, internet !) is length×width×height/3

the diagram means that it is a square pyramid (the ground area is a square). therefore all sides of the ground area are of equal length. length = width

so, we have 64×64×40/3 = 54631.333... m³


as the description says, 5000 people fit in, so, to find how much volume is there available per person, we need to divide the volume by 5000.

54631.333... / 5000 = 10.923 m³

Step-by-step explanation:

and again, you need only to search the formulas on the internet, and then calculate this with the given numbers yourself, and you will be much faster than paying things here and waiting for answers and copy/pasting things.

again, there is practically nothing to explain, just to use the standard formulas and the calculator. what's the problem ?

I will gladly explain to you concepts you have not understood (that is the point of Brainliest). but I and others here are not your personal slaves to do your work for you.

If he = 7x -27 find the value of x


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 7x-27=1[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 7x=1+27[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 7x=28[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{28}{7}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=4[/tex]

look at the image below


Answer: what’s the question ?

please tell me what x =?


Since this is a right triangle, we can use one of the three main trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, or tangent.

Remember: SOH-CAH-TOA

Looking from angle x, we know the opposite side and the adjacent side. Therefore, we should use the tangent function to solve.

tan(x) = 8/10

x = tan^-1(8/10)

x = 38.7 degrees

Hope this helps!

1 pts
Angel has 17 positive tiles and 13 negative tiles. What is the sum when all zero pairs are removed?


Answer: I believe the answer to your question is 4

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's check

a be positive tiles and b be negative tiles




Area of parallelogram!!



3.375 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a parallelogram is given by

A = bh  where b is the base and h is the height

A = 2.25 * 1.5

A =3.375 cm^2

Area = length x height

Area = 2.25 x 1.5

Area = 3.375 cm^2

Solve 4 sinx + 9 cosx=0 for 0° ​


4 sin(x) + 9 cos(x) = 0

4 sin(x) = -9 cos(x)

tan(x) = -9/4

x = arctan(-9/4) + … … … (in radians)


x = arctan(-9/4) + 180n ° … … … (in degrees)

where n is any integer.

I'm guessing you're solving for x over some domain, probably 0° ≤ x < 360°. In that case, you would have two solutions for n = 1 and n = 2 of

x ≈ 113.96°   and   x ≈ 293.96°

0.741 round to nearest one



Step-by-step explanation:

Since round to the nearest one is too vague, i'll give everything this can be rounded too

Rounded to the nearest whole number

0.741 = 1

Rounded to the nearest tenth

0.741 = 0.7

Rounded the the nearest hundreth

0.741 = 0.74

Hopefully this helps

For the function g(x)=2x-9 , determine x when g(x)=-15.




Step-by-step explanation:

Input -3 for x.

2*-3 - 9

then simplify.

Which angles are adjacent to each other?

Angle CHG and Angle HDL
Angle AEB and Angle DEA
Angle CHG and Angle HCE
Angle JCH and Angle CHG

Please make sure it's correct because one person once tried it and got it​




Step-by-step explanation:

Adjacent angles must have the same vertex, so if the middle letter of the three letters used to name each of the angles in a pair are not the same, the angles cannot be adjacent.

That eliminates choices A, C, and D.

Answer: B

Look in the picture first below. Each pair of angles with the same vertex marked in blue is a pair of adjacent angles. For two angles to be adjacent angles, they must be next to each other, have the same vertex, and one cannot be inside the other.

Now look in the second picture below. Each pair of angles marked in red is not a pair of adjacent angles. Some of them are not next to each other. Others have one angle inside the other.

please tell me the coordinates



A'(-9, -3)

Step-by-step explanation:

The coordinates of A are (-3, -1).

The dilation factor is 3.

Multiply the coordinates of A by 3.

A'(-9, -3)


Coordinates of A´ are (-3,-1), it is dilated by the factor of 3, The New coordinates will be:-

[tex](-3\times 3)=-9[/tex]




equivalent expression: 3 + 4(2z - 1)



8z - 1

Step-by-step explanation:


3 + 4(2z - 1) ← multiply each term in the parenthesis by 4

= 3 + 8z - 4 ← collect like terms

= 8z - 1


-1 + 8z

Step-by-step explanation:

First use the distributive property of multiplication (Just multiply 4 with all numbers in the parenthesis):

3 + 4(2z - 1)

3 + 8z - 4

Group like terms:

3 + 8z - 4

-1 + 8z

The answer is -1 + 8z

Hope this helped.

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