Seventeen individuals are scheduled to take a driving test at a particular DMV office on a certain day, nine of whom will be taking the test for the first time. Suppose that six of these individuals are randomly assigned to a particular examiner, and let X be the number among the six who are taking the test for the first time. (a) What kind of a distribution does X have (name and values of al parameters)? 17 hx;6, 9, 17) O h(x; 6,? 17 bx; 6, 9,17) (x; 6, 9, 17) 17 (b) Compute P(X = 4), P(X S 4), and P(X PLX = 4) 0.2851 PX S 4)-13946X RX24) -0.1096 X 4). (Round your answers to four decimal places.) (c) Calculaethe mean value and standard deviation of X. (Round your answers to three decimal places.)


Answer 1


a) h(x; 6, 9, 17).

b) P[X=2] = 0.2036

P[X ≤ 2] = 0.2466

P[X ≥ 2] = 0.9570.

c) Mean  = 3.176.

Variance = 1.028.

Standard deviation = 1.014.

Step-by-step explanation:

From the given details K=6, n=9, N=-17.

We conclude that it is the hypergeometric distribution:  

a) h(x; 6, 9, 17).



P[X=2] = 0.2036

P[X ≤ 2] = P(x=0)+ P(x=1) + P(x=2)

P[X ≤ 2] = 0.2466

P[X ≥ 2] = 1-[P(x=0)+P(x=1)]

P[X ≥ 2] = 0.9570.


Mean= [tex]n\frac{K}{N}[/tex]

            = 3.176.

Variance = [tex]n\frac{K}{N}( \frac{N-K}{N})(\frac{N-n}{n-1} )[/tex]

               = 2.824 x 0.6471 x 0.5625

               = 1.028.

Standard deviation = [tex]\sqrt{1.028}[/tex] = 1.014.

Related Questions

Write 4 with denominator 5




Step-by-step explanation:

I'm not exactly sure what this question is asking but I'm guessing it's asking to create a fraction with the numerator as 4 and denominator as 5.

As part of a statistics project, a teacher brings a bag of marbles containing 500 white marbles and 400 red marbles. She tells the students the bag contains 900 total marbles, and asks her students to determine how many red marbles are in the bag without counting them. A student randomly draws 100 marbles from the bag. Of the 100 marbles, 45 are red. The data collection method can best be described as




Step-by-step explanation:

During data collection for a particular study, reaching all target Population might seem illogical or impossible. Therefore, a subset of the population of interest is chosen and the outcome used to infer about the population. This procedure could be referred to a a SURVEY. In the scenario samples drawn from the population of interest is used to make inference on population. During a survey, selected data ponuts or subjects must be drawn at random in other to ensure that it is representative of the larger population data.

Two sides of a triangle have the same length. The third side measures 5 m less than twice the common length. The perimeter of the triangle is 23 m. What are the lengths of the three sides?
What is the length of the two sides that have the same length?



Length of all 3 sides: 7, 7, and 9

Length of the two sides that have the same length: 7

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the two sides with equal lengths have a length of [tex]x[/tex]. We can write the third side as [tex]2x-5[/tex].

The perimeter of a polygon is equal to the sum of all its sides. Since the perimeter of the triangle is 23 meters, we have the following equation:


Combine like terms:


Add 5 to both sides:


Divide both sides by 4:


Therefore, the three sides of the triangle are 7, 7, and 9 and the length of the two sides that have the same length is 7.

What is the true solution to the equation below? 2 lne^ln2x-lne^ln10x=ln30


It looks like the equation is

[tex]2\ln\left(e^{\ln(2x)}\right)-\ln\left(e^{\ln(10x)}\right) = \ln(30)[/tex]

Right away, we notice that any solution to this equation must be positive, so x > 0.

For any base b, we have [tex]b^{\log_b(a)}=a[/tex], so we can simplify this to

[tex]2\ln(2x)-\ln\left(10x\right) = \ln(30)[/tex]

Next, [tex]\ln(a^b)=b\ln(a)[/tex], so that

[tex]\ln(2x)^2-\ln\left(10x\right) = \ln(30)[/tex]

[tex]\ln\left(4x^2\right)-\ln\left(10x\right) = \ln(30)[/tex]

Next, [tex]\ln\left(\frac ab\right)=\ln(a)-\ln(b)[/tex], so that

[tex]\ln\left(\dfrac{4x^2}{10x}\right) = \ln(30)[/tex]

For x ≠ 0, we have [tex]\frac xx=1[/tex], so that

[tex]\ln\left(\dfrac{2x}5\right) = \ln(30)[/tex]

Take the antilogarithm of both sides:

[tex]e^{\ln\left((2x)/5\right)} = e^{\ln(30)}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{2x}5 = 30[/tex]

Solve for x :

[tex]2x = 150[/tex]


125. Albert surveyed a class of 25 students on sports. 5 kids love baseball. 7 kids love basketball. 10 kids
love football. How many students did not like baseball, basketball, or football?

25 students
12 students
22 students
3 students



3 students

Step-by-step explanation:

since the total number of students is 25,when you add those that like baseball, basketball and football the total number must be 25 but in this case it's 22 meaning 2 student liked neither.




I hope this helps

9 3/5 % as a decimal, rounded to 3 decimal places, is:




Step-by-step explanation:

9 3/5% as a decimal is 0.054 (already to 3 decimal places)

Answer from Gauthmath

9 are just, well..., 9

3/5 are 0.6

because 1/5 is 0.2

so it's 9.6%, not so complicated I guess

You wish to create a 5 digit number from all digits; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Repetition is not allowed
* 0 cannot be first as it does not count as a place value if it is first. Ie. 027 is a 2 digit number

How many even numbers can you have?




Step-by-step explanation:

one is the smallest number so its first

and then you can place zero

after that just place the second smallest number

and so on

Identify the possible rational roots for the equation x^4-3x^2+6=0



[tex]6, -6, 3, -3, 2, -2, 1, -1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

One is given the following equation, and the problem asks one to identify the rational roots of the equation:


The rational root theorem states that the list of positive and negative factors of the constant term over the factors of the coefficients of the term to the highest degree will yield a list of the rational roots of the equation. Use this theorem to generate a list of all possible ration roots of the equation.


Now rewrite this list in a numerical format:

[tex]6, -6, 3, -3, 2, -2, 1, -1[/tex]

This is the list of the possible rational roots. One has to synthetically divide each of these numbers by the given polynomial equation to find the actual rational roots. However, the problem only asks for the possible rational roots, not the actual rational roots, thus, this is not included.

How many counting numbers have three distinct nonzero digits such that the sum of the three digits is 7?​




Step-by-step explanation:

You have 2 conditions.

1. The digits must be different.

2. The digits must add to 7.

There aren't very many







That's it. That's your answer. There are 6 of them

The triangles are similar.

What is the value of x?

Enter your answer in the box.

x =




Step-by-step explanation:

each side of the smaller triangle, we can multiply by 4 to get the side of the larger triangle

ex: 8*4=32 and 17*4=68

so we can assume that 15*4= 4x+12





x = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The triangles are similar so we can use ratios

4x+12      32

-------  = ------------

15             8

Using cross products

(4x+12) *8 = 15 * 32

(4x+12) *8 = 480

Divide each side by 8

(4x+12) *8/8 = 480/8

4x+12 = 60

Subtract 12 from each side

4x+12 -12 = 60-12

4x = 48

Divide by 4

4x/4 = 48/4

x = 12

The midpoint of a segment is (6,−4) and one endpoint is (13,−2). Find the coordinates of the other endpoint.
A. (-1, -6)
B. (-1, 0)
C. (20, -6)
D. (20, 0)


Answer: A. (-1, -6)

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the midpoint formula:

Endpoint #1 = (x₁, y₁) = (13, -2)Endpoint #2 = (x₂, y₂)

[tex]midpoint = (\frac{x_{1}+x_{2}}{2}, \frac{y_{1}+y_{2}}{2}) \\\\(6, -4) = (\frac{13+x_{2}}{2}, \frac{-2+y_{2}}{2})\\\\\frac{13+x_{2}}{2} =6\\\\13+x_{2}=6*2\\\\x_{2}=12-13=-1\\\\ \\ \frac{-2+y_{2}}{2}=-4\\\\-2+y_{2}=(-4)*2\\\\y_{2}=-8+2=-6\\\\\\\left \{ {{x_{2}=-1} \atop {y_{2}=-6}} \right.[/tex]

A market surveyor wishes to know how many energy drinks teenagers drink each week. They want to construct a 98% confidence interval for the mean and are assuming that the population standard deviation for the number of energy drinks consumed each week is 1.1. The study found that for a sample of 1027 teenagers the mean number of energy drinks consumed per week is 5.9. Construct the desired confidence interval. Round your answers to one decimal place.



The 98% confidence interval for the mean number of energy drinks consumed per week by teenagers is (5.8, 6).

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.98}{2} = 0.01[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a pvalue of [tex]1 - 0.01 = 0.99[/tex], so Z = 2.327.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

[tex]M = 2.327\frac{1.1}{\sqrt{1027}} = 0.1[/tex]

The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 5.9 - 0.1 = 5.8 drinks per week.

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 5.9 + 0.1 = 6 drinks per week.

The 98% confidence interval for the mean number of energy drinks consumed per week by teenagers is (5.8, 6).

Solve for x and y…….


The shapes are the same size. Match the sides.

3x -1 = 17

Add 1 to both sides:

3x = 18

Divide both sides by 3:

X = 6

2y = 16

Divide both sides by 2

Y = 8

Answer: x = 6, y = 8

a tree 15m high casts a shadow 8m long. To the nearest degree what is the angle of elevation of the sun?



Answered March 20, 2021

This is a right angle triangle where the hypotenuse a^2 = b^2 + c^2

= 15^2 + 8^2 = 225+64= 289

289= 17^2

17 = hypotenuse

The sine of an angle is the ratio of the shortest side to the hypotenuse

= 8/17= 0.4705

sine^-1 0.4705 = 28°

Which one is greater 4.5% or 0.045



They are equal

Step-by-step explanation:

4.5% is 0.045 in decimal form

Answer: They are equal

Step-by-step explanation:

I always remember by taking the two o's in percent and moving them two spots to the left and vise versa if you want to make a decimal into a percent  (move it two spots to the right).

Function below, choose the correct description of its graph.
line with a
line with a parabola
positive opening
slope down
k(x) = 4x2 +312
f(x) = x-1


Step-by-step explanation:

I think something went wrong with the answer options you provided. and maybe with the problem statement itself.

I see 3 function definitions.

I can tell you what they are and use the provided option phrasing as closely as possible :

h(x) = 0 is a horizontal line (in fact the x-axis)

k(x) = 4x² + 312 is a parabola with the opening upwards

f(x) = x - 1 is a line with positive slope (going from left to right the line goes up)

A car travels 70.5 miles on 3 gallons of gas find the distance the car travels on 14 gallons of gas



329 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

Create a proportion where x is the distance the car can travel on 14 gallons of gas:

[tex]\frac{70.5}{3}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{x}{14}[/tex]

Cross multiply and solve for x:

3x = 987

x = 329

So, the car can travel 329 miles on 14 gallons of gas


329 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

We can write a ratio to solve

70.5 miles      x miles

--------------- = ------------

3 gallons          14 gallons

Using cross products

70.5 * 14 = 3x


Divide each side by 3

987/3 = 3x/3


329 miles

11) 161.3 is what percent of 177.2?







it's 91.027%

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope i helped

Which graph represents the function f (x) = StartFraction 1 Over x + 3 EndFraction minus 2?



The function is:


To find:

The graph of the given function.


We have,


It can be written as:




Putting [tex]x=0[/tex] to find the y-intercept.



So, the y-intercept is [tex]\dfrac{-5}{3}[/tex].

Putting [tex]f(x)=0[/tex] to find the x-intercept.






So, the x-intercept is [tex]-2.5[/tex].

For vertical asymptote, equate the denominator and 0.



So, the vertical asymptote is [tex]x=-3[/tex].

The degrees of numerator and denominator are equal, so the horizontal asymptote is the ratio of leading coefficients.



So, the horizontal asymptote is [tex]y=-2[/tex].

End behavior of the given function:

[tex]f(x)\to -2[/tex] as [tex]x\to -\infty[/tex]

[tex]f(x)\to -\infty[/tex] as [tex]x\to -3^-[/tex]

[tex]f(x)\to \infty[/tex] as [tex]x\to -3^+[/tex]

[tex]f(x)\to -2[/tex] as [tex]x\to \infty[/tex]

Using all these key features, draw the graph of given function as shown below.


The Answer Is A.

Step-by-step explanation:

Last year, the CDC claimed there were 1700 different strains of a virus around the
world. Since then, numbers have increased by 9.7% more than what the scientists
originally estimated. How many strains are estimated currently? Round to the nearest


Answer: 1865

Step-by-step explanation:


Claimed strains of virus is 1700

If it is increased by 9.7%

Estimated value can be given by

[tex]\Rightarrow 1700+1700\times 9.7\%\\\Rightarrow 1700(1+0.097)\\\Rightarrow 1700\times 1.097\\\Rightarrow 1864.9\approx 1865[/tex]

Thus, the estimated number is [tex]1865[/tex]




x = 2/5

General Formulas and Concepts:


Distributive Property

Equality Properties

Multiplication Property of Equality Division Property of Equality Addition Property of Equality Subtraction Property of Equality

Algebra I


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


-1/2(6x - 10) = 1/3(6x + 9)

Step 2: Solve for x

[Distributive Property] Distribute parenthesis:                                               -3x + 5 = 2x + 3[Subtraction Property of Equality] Subtract 2x on both sides:                      -5x + 5 = 3[Subtraction Property of Equality] Subtract 5 on both sides:                        -5x = -2[Division Property of Equality] Divide -5 on both sides:                                x = 2/5

triangle ABC is reflected about the line Y equals negative X to give triangle ABC with vertices A (-1, 1), B (-2, -1), C (-1,0). What are the vertices of triangle ABC?


9514 1404 393


A'(-1, 1)B'(1, 2)C'(0, 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Reflection across the line y = -x is accomplished by the transformation ...

  (x, y) ⇒ (-y, -x)

Then the images of the given points are ...

  A(-1, 1) ⇒ A'(-1, 1) . . . . this point is on the line of reflection, so doesn't move

  B(-2, -1) ⇒ B'(1, 2)

  C(-1, 0) ⇒ C'(0, 1)

Is the answer right?



one solution.. your answer is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

discriminate = 900 - (4*9*25)  = 0

thus only one solution

your answer is correct

Which word phrases represent the variable expression m – 11? Choose all answers that are correct. A. 11 more than a number B. the difference of a number and 11 C. the quotient of a number and 11 D. 11 less than a number


Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

m – 11

A. 11 more than a number ( m+11 )

B. the difference of a number and 11 ( 11/m )

C. the quotient of a number and 11  ( m/11 )

D. 11 less than a number ( m-11 )

A manager records the repair cost for 14 randomly selected dryers. A sample mean of $88.34 and standard deviation of $19.22 are subsequently computed. Determine the 90% confidence interval for the mean repair cost for the dryers. Assume the population is approximately normal. Step 1 of 2 : Find the critical value that should be used in constructing the confidence interval. Round your answer to three decimal places.



Hence the 90% confidence interval estimate of the population mean is [tex](79.24 , 97.44)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,  

Point estimate = sample mean = [tex]\bar x[/tex] = 88.34  

sample standard deviation = s = 19.22  

sample size = n = 14  

Degrees of freedom = df = n - 1 = 13  

Critical value =[tex]t\alpha /2,[/tex] df = 1.771


Margin of error

[tex]E = t\alpha/2,df \times (\frac{s}{\sqrt{n} } )\\= 1.771 \times (19.22 / \sqrt 14)[/tex]  

Margin of error = E = 9.10  

The 90% confidence interval estimate of the population mean is,  

[tex]\bar x - E < \mu < \bar x + E\\\\88.34 - 9.10 < \mu < 88.34 + 9.10\\\\79.24 < \mu < 97.44\\(79.24 , 97.44)[/tex]

Evaluate the given expression for x = 5 and y=5. 6x2 + 7xy + 3y?​


Step-by-step explanation:

Given, x = 5

y = 5

= 6(5)^2 +7(5)(5) +3(5)

= 6(25)+7(25) +15

= 150+175 + 15

= 150 + 190



x = 12 y = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

6x^2 + 7xy + 3y

6(5)^2+ 7(5) + 7(8)y

6(5+5)+25+35 + 7(8)-7y

60+25+35+ 56-7y

y - 5 = 120 + 35 - 5 (+49y)

sqrt 150 + sqrt 49

x = 12 y = 7

the following using the picture below.
a) Two pairs of supplementary angles:
b) A pair of complementary angles:

Please explain this! Thank you!


Supplementary angles are those angles which make a sum of 180°.

Complementary angles are those angles which make a sum of 90°.

The supplementary angles are given by the straight lines making angles of 180°.

There are two straight lines CB and DE

The angles DAF and FAE are the two angles making a straight line DE

The angles CAF and FAB are the two angles making a straight line CB

The complementary angles are given by angles formed between the perpendicular lines making angles of 90°.

Angle BAF is formed by angle BAE and angle AEF

Supplementary Angle given by the straight line DE is formed by the angles DAF and FAE.

Complementary Angle BAF is formed by angle BAE and angle AEF.

Hans rented a truck for one day. There was a base fee of $15.95, and there was an additional charge of 77 cents for each mile driven. Hans had to pay
$207,68 when he returned the truck. For how many miles did he drive the truck?


Answer: 249 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

First write a function that represents the amount paid for renting a truck:

Set x as each mile driven.Set y as the total amount paid.$15.95 is the base fee paid no matter the mile, meaning the rent start at $15.95, not 0.

Function: y = mx + b

m = slope = amount paid for each mile driven = 77¢ = $0.77b = y-intercept = amount paid when 0 miles driven = base fee = $15.95

y = 0.77x + 15.95

He paid a total of $207.68, therefore y = 207.68:

207.68 = 0.77x + 15.95

Solve the equation for x:

207.68 - 15.95 = 0.77x

191.73 = 0.77x

x = 249 miles driven

A triangular patch of grass in a park is bordered by walking paths. The longest path bordering the patch of grass measures 110 feet. The smallest path bordering the patch of grass measures 55 feet. The smallest angle formed by the paths bordering the patch of grass measures 29º.
What is the measure of the largest angle of the triangular patch of grass? Round your answer to the nearest
degree. Show all your work.



76 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we can draw a picture. Two of the sides are 110 feet and 55 feet. In a triangle, the smallest angle is opposite the smallest side and vice versa. Therefore, if I have my triangle arranged in the way shown, the smallest angle of 29 degrees will be opposite of the smallest side of 55 feet.

The law of sines states that a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC , with corresponding angles being opposite of its corresponding side. Therefore, we can say that

55 feet/ sin(29 degrees) = 110 / sin(largest angle).

If we say that the largest angle is equal to x, we can say

55 / sin(29°) = 110/sin(x)

multiply both sides by x to remove a denominator

55 * sin(x)/ sin(29°) = 110

multiply both sides by sin(29°) to remove the other denominator

55 * sin(x) = 110 * sin(29°)

divide both sides by 55 to isolate the sin(x)

sin(x) = 110 * sin(29°) / 55

For an angle, if sin(x) = y, we can say that arcsin(y) = x. Therefore, we can say

x = arcsin(110 * sin(29°)/55)

x ≈ 76 degrees

In 5 days she made 80 sandcastles. Each day she made 4 fewer castles than the day before. How many castles did she make each day?



Castles made:    N         day 1

                           N - 4    day 2

                           N - 8     day 3

                           N - 12     day 4

                           N - 16      day 5

Total   5 N - 40 = 80

              N = 24  total  castles day 1

Total castles = 24 + 20 + 16 + 12 + 8 = 80

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