Several genes in humans in addition to the ABO gene (I ) give rise to recognizable antigens on the surface of red blood cells. The MN and Rh genes are two examples. The Rh locus can contain either a positive or a negative allele, with positive being dominant to negative. M and N are codominant alleles of the MNgene. Suppose a child's blood type is B MN Rh(neg). The mother's blood type is O N Rh(neg). Check all of the blood types below that the father could have. (Assume no involvement of the Bombay phenotype; everyone is HH.)
a) O M Rh(neg)O M Rh(neg)
b) B MN Rh(pos)B MN Rh(pos)
c) A M Rh(pos)A M Rh(pos)
d) O MN Rh(pos)O MN Rh(pos)
e) B MM Rh(pos)B MM Rh(pos)
f) B NN Rh(neg)


Answer 1
Yes yes yes yes nice

Related Questions

What dose that mean please help



A = pi * r²

This is used to measure the area of a circle.

The value of pi is 22/7 or 3.14 and r is the radius of the circle.

Hope it helps :)

That’s the area of an entire circle

In human populations of northern European origin, the disorder called hemochromatosis causes excess iron uptake from food and affects one in 200 adults. Among individuals 15 to 50 years old, men are ten times as likely as women to suffer from iron overload. Part A Taking into account this range of ages, what explains this difference



Females of reproductive age lose iron through menstrual blood


Iron is an essential micronutrient involved in the formation of hemoglobin, myoglobin and many enzymatic groups. Moreover, hemochromatosis is a genetically inherited disorder caused by mutations in genes associated with the processes of absorption, transport and storage of iron. The excess of iron is stored in different organs (e.g., liver, heart, pancreas, etc), causing characteristic tissue damage. During each menstrual cycle, women and girls suffer a blood loss of approximately 40 ml, which is associated with an average loss of 1.6 mg of iron. In consequence, it is expected that women of reproductive age (ie, 15–49 years) lose iron during their menstrual periods, thereby avoiding iron overload caused by hemochromatosis.

What are the functions of leaves? (Select all that apply.) PLEASE ANSWER ASAP AND GET 25 POINTS

release water vapor

absorb water and nutrients

store water and glucose

perform photosynthesis


The main function of a leaf is to produce food for the plant by photosynthesis. Chlorophyll, the substance that gives plants their characteristic green colour, absorbs light energy. The internal structure of the leaf is protected by the leaf epidermis, which is continuous with the stem epidermis.

Conifer Leaf.  

Microphyll Leaf.  

Megaphyll Leaf.

A leaf is an above-ground plant organ and it is green. Its main functions are photosynthesis and gas exchange. A leaf is often flat, so it absorbs the most light, and thin, so that the sunlight can get to the chloroplasts in the cells. Most leaves have stomata, which open and close.

The two main functions performed by the leaf are photosynthesis and transpiration. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants make their food from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight.


~Absorb carbon dioxide~

~Perform Photosynthesis~

~Release oxygen~


~and Brainliest are welcome~


What is the phase that not all cells enter, but it is a phase where cells are not actively dividing



The phase that not all cells enter, but is a phase where cells are not actively dividing is called the G0 or non-dividing phase.


G₀ phase


Some types of cells divided slowly or not at all. These cells may exit the G₁ phase and enter a resting phase called G₀ phase. In G₀ phase, a cell is not actively preparing to divide. It's simply doing its job. For some cells, G₀ is a permanent state, while others may restart cell division given the right signals.

¿ como se producen los cambios de el siglo? porfa es urgente :(


como, Estes todos .........

Question 8 of 24
Which item is a carbon sink?
A. Beach sand
B. Ocean water
C. Glaciers
D. Forest fires



oceans water


Temperature regulatory apparatus of the mammal include the following pairs
a. epidermis and dermis
b. hair follicles and nerve ends
c. sweat glands and sebaceous glands
d. sweat glands and hair follicles​


the correct answer is D
It’s D hope this helps

Write the events of the human life cycle in the correct order, starting with what happens right after a pair of gametes comes together?


Answer: Fertilization occurs, a zygote undergoes mitosis, a baby's cells divide mitotically, meiosis produces sex cells that will participate in fertilization.


Incomplete questions, options are:

Meiotic cell division occurs as the zygote develops into a gamete, meiosis produce the sex cells that will participate in fertilization, a baby grows into an adult through uncountable meiotic divisions, fertilization occurs, a zygote undergoes mitosis, a baby's cells divide mitotically, mitosis produces gametes.

1. Fertilization occurs: Fertilization is the union of a human egg and sperm (male and female gametes), which usually occurs in the fallopian tube. The result is the formation of a zygote or fertilized egg, which initiates the development of the embryo. In this way, the genetic material of both gametes is also fused.

2. A zygote undergoes mitosis: The zygote is the union of the egg and the sperm. Each gamete contributes 23 chromosomes to form the genetic material of the future organism. The zygote starts to divide throught mitosis. Mitosis is a type of cell division that generates two genetically identical daughter cells and occurs in somatic cells (all cells in the body that are not gametes). Eventually, it divides into two blastomeres, then into 4, then into 8, and so on during the passage of the zygote along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. Subsequent divisions of the 12 cells give rise to the morula. Then, the blastocyst is generated, which is an embryo of between 5-7 days of development and is composed of a large number of cells that begin to differentiate.

3. A baby's cells divide mitotically: An embryo is a living being in the early stages of its development, from fertilization until the organism acquires the morphological characteristics of the species. In the specific case of the human being, the term applies until the eighth week after conception (fertilization). Cell divisions for development occur by mitosis. In this way, the embryo will grow and develop, forming tissues and organs through growth thanks to mitotic divisions.

4. Meiosis produces sex cells that will participate in fertilization: Meiosis is a type of cell division that occurs in the gonads for the production of gametes, whereby a diploid cell undergoes two cell divisions, that generates four haploid cells. Thus sperm and oocytes are produced to eventually fuse during reproduction to form a diploid zygote. Meiosis has certain differences from mitosis, since in this type of cell division, the daughter cells created are all genetically distinct from each other and from the parent cell. This is because a crossing over occurs between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes to exchange genetic material. This ensures that each gamete produced has genetic variability.

13: Mycobacteria are stained with
a. Gram's staining
b. Simple staining
c. Both a and b
6. Ziehl - Neelsen's staining​



d. Ziehl - Neelsen's staining


The mycobacteria is stained with the Ziehl - Neelsen's staining. Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Why do all proteins given a negative charge prior to electrophoresis?​



The principle for native gels when Coomassie is not added to the sample is that proteins are separated by a combination of size and charge. The charge in general depends on the number of amino acid residues that bear a positive or negative charge at the pH of the gel. So if running the gel at pH from 8.3 / 8.9, Asp and Glu will be negatively charged, Lys and Arg and His will be protonated and have a positive charge. The N- terminus would have a positive charge while the C terminus would have a negative charge. There might be exceptions depending upon the micro environment of each residue. Native gels can be run at acidic pH as well, to give another way of resolving proteins. Smaller proteins migrate faster than larger proteins. Also, quaternary structure is preserved, so a dimer will run as a dimer so the percentage of total acrylamide monomer used is usually lower than what is used for SDS-PAGE, e.g. 7.5% acrylamide

the flowers of the ____ bloom with sunrise and close with sunset.​


Daylillies, or hemerocallis

In steps 1, 2, and 3, you will use a Punnett square to predict



I don't get the question.


what is 2 plus two and what is four plus four and what is five plus five and what is six plus six



2+2=4. 4+4=8. 5+5=10. 6+6=12.


I'll just explain one? It takes around 360 pages to fully prove 1+1=2 so I'll just explain it the way I do. Draw some tallies. Draw 2 tallies and 2 more next to them. Count the total tallies, and you should get 4. (Sorry about this)

2+2 is 44+4 is 85+5 is 10 6+6 is 12

The science community has taken the following stance on Global Climate change. "Climate change is the single biggest environmental and humanitarian crisis of our time. The Earth's atmosphere is overloaded with heat-trapping carbon dioxide, which threatens large-scale disruptions in a climate with disastrous consequences. We must act now to spur the adoption of cleaner energy sources at home and abroad."

What position do you take with this statement?
Explain your reasoning for your position.
Provide evidence to support your position.





I will take the position of helper that work for the betterment of environment by reducing such activities that can increase the carbondioxide concentration in the atmosphere. The main reason for this position is the destruction and damages that occurs in the environment and to organisms that are present all around the world. This global warming leads to the extinction of these species so in order to protect them I choose this position.

produce three small cells that
Meiosis and unequal cytoplasmic division in seed plant
disintegrate and one large megaspore.
O a gametophytes
O b. pollen sacs
O c pollen grains
O d. microspores
o e ovules
Meiosis and unequal cytoplasmic division in seed plant produce three small cells that disintegrate and one large megastore


The answer is e. ovules

Even after taking into account all of the variants discovered by this study, there are still likely to be other variants that you have not discovered. The affected and unaffected cohorts are roughly the same size and are drawn from a similar population with similar ancestry. All of the following modifications to the study are likely to allow identification of new variants associated with the disease, EXCEPT ____________.


Question Completion with Options:

a. increasing the size of your cohorts.

b. increasing the diversity of your cohorts.

c. increasing the size of your affected cohort.

d. increasing the diversity of your affected cohort.


All of the following modifications to the study are likely to allow identification of new variants associated with the disease, EXCEPT

a. increasing the size of your cohorts.


Option A is chosen because increasing the size of the cohorts will be equally divided between the affected and unaffected cohorts since the study discovered that these two classes are roughly the same size.  Therefore, new variants of the disease may not likely be identified and isolated unless the other modification options are followed instead of Option A.

what best describes technology's use in science?


Technology, since the 19th century, has very much helped the development of Scientific theories. It has helped Scientists use telescopes to look into germs or zoom into the stars, it has also helped Chemists determine the weight of, say, a mashed up apple with soda.

Modelizar un ecosistema colocando los niveles tróficos y las relaciones en la red alimentaria



Ejemplo ecosistema y su cadena trófica:  

- Ecosistema: llanura (campo de maíz)  

- Productor primario: plantas de maíz  

- Consumidor primario: Ratones

- Consumidor secundario: Aves rapaces

- Microorganismo descomponedor: bacterias  


En una cadena trófica o cadena alimentaria de un ecosistema, cada nivel obtiene la energía necesaria para sustentar la vida a partir del nivel inmediatamente anterior, mientras que los productores primarios son aquellos organismos que hacen ingresar la energía al ecosistema. Por otra parte, los descomponedores son organismos que se alimentan de los restos de animales y plantas, mediante su descomposición, obteniendo de ellos energía y materia hasta transformarlos en materia inorgánica. En el ejemplo arriba citado, las plantas de maíz representan los productores primarios los cuales producen energía y materia orgánica requerida para sustentar el ecosistema mediante el proceso de fotosíntesis. En segundo lugar, los ratones, como así también otros organismos herbívoros, representan los consumidores primarios los cuales conforman el segundo nivel trófico de la cadena alimentaria. En tercer lugar, los animales carnívoros que se alimentan de consumidores primarios (como por ejemplo, aves rapaces) representan el tercer nivel trófico, y así sucesivamente niveles superiores en el caso que existan depredadores mayores en el ecosistema. Finalmente, bacterias y otros organismos (por ejemplo, hongos, lombrices, algunos insectos, etc) representan los descomponedores los cuales se alimentan de restos orgánicos en descomposición, transformándolos de este modo en compuestos inorgánicos que ingresan nuevamente al ecosistema.

Explain what caused the color change of the peppered moths from light to dark after the Industrial Revolution.



Addaptational changes since they had to adjust to a new environment

The color change of the peppered moths from light to dark after the Industrial Revolution Adaptational changes since they had to adjust to a new environment.

What is  the Industrial Revolution?

During the industrial revolution, the color of bark of the trees became dark. Due to this the predators could easily detect the light colored moths on the dark colored bark of the trees.  

This lead to evolution of light colored moth resulting into dark colored moths through the process of natural selection which made the newly evolved moth population more prominent to the predation attack.  

It became difficult for the predators to trace moth on the tree barks as they became capable of camouflaging against the color of  bark.

Thus, adaptation is the main reason.

To learn more about  Industrial Revolution click here:


elaborate the value of wildlife



1.Comm ercial Value- money made from wildlife and fish.

2.G ame Value- Value of wildlife as g ame.

3.Aesthetic Value- Value of wildlife for it's b b eauty and ple asure.

4.Scientific Value- Value placed on the study and res earch of wildlife.

5.they provides us food , clothing and source of income 

hope this will help you more..

lab reports of onion cell



you gotta show the onion cell if you want this to be answered

What are three techniques that can be used to show that the electron transport chain is found on the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Select all that apply.




Step 1: Generating a Proton Motive Force

The hydrogen carriers (NADH and FADH2) are oxidised and release high energy electrons and protons

The electrons are transferred to the electron transport chain, which consists of several transmembrane carrier proteins

As electrons pass through the chain, they lose energy – which is used by the chain to pump protons (H+ ions) from the matrix

The accumulation of H+ ions within the intermembrane space creates an electrochemical gradient (or a proton motive force)

Step Two: ATP Synthesis via Chemiosmosis

The proton motive force will cause H+ ions to move down their electrochemical gradient and diffuse back into matrix

This diffusion of protons is called chemiosmosis and is facilitated by the transmembrane enzyme ATP synthase

As the H+ ions move through ATP synthase they trigger the molecular rotation of the enzyme, synthesising ATP

Step Three: Reduction of Oxygen

In order for the electron transport chain to continue functioning, the de-energised electrons must be removed

Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor, removing the de-energised electrons to prevent the chain from becoming blocked

Oxygen also binds with free protons in the matrix to form water – removing matrix protons maintains the hydrogen gradient

In the absence of oxygen, hydrogen carriers cannot transfer energised electrons to the chain and ATP production is halted

Summarize the steps of Scientific method in one paragraph in your own words.



Ask a question or identify a problem.Gather information and form a hypothesis.Create an experiment to test your hypothesis.Collect data and observations by doing/ performing the experiment. Draw a conclusion.Share your findings.

If you want as paragraph:

Ask a question or identify a problem. Gather information and form a hypothesis. Create an experiment to test your hypothesis. Collect data and observations by doing/ performing the experiment. Draw a conclusion. Share your findings.

Hope it helps!

Plz mark brainliest!

And here is another one, help meeeee HUHUHU, I'm exhausted (only for those who know the answer)

I need explanation for your answers, even though it's multiple choices, I still need your explanation for it.


If your answer is NONSENSE it will be deleted as soon as possible!

But if your answer is CORRECT, HELPFUL, HAS AN EXPLANATION, I'll chose your answer as the BRAINLIEST ANSWER!​



14. (a) Pb

15. (d) Al

16. (A) increases



In the reactivity series of metals an element can displace another element from a compound if and only if it is not placed below that metal, as the reactivity of metals decreases when moving from top to bottom- if a metal is placed below Hydrogen it means that it is less reactive than Hydrogen and hence cannot displace Hydrogen from its compound.

All options except A are placed below Hydrogen in the reactivity series, so they wont displace Hydrogen from its compound, but option (a) that is Pb can do so as it is above Hydrogen in the reactivity series.


Al is placed below Mg in the reactivity series and hence cannot displace Mg from its compound.


The reactivity of metals increases down the GROUP.

[CAUTION :- We were talking 'bout REACTIVITY SERIES in the top 2 questions where reactivity decreases down the group, but we're talkin' 'bout GROUPS of the periodic table here, where reactivity increases down the group.]

The size of metals increases down the group causing their valence electrons to drift far from the nucleus so that they can be lost easily. The metals have a property of losing electrons so the more electrons it can lose more will be its reactivity.

Hence, reactivity increases down the group.

Short-term mechanisms for regulating blood pressure include regulating peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac output through:________-



Dilation or constriction


Short-Term mechanism for regulating blood pressure include regulating peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac output through dilation or constriction of the blood vessels while on the other hand, long-term mechanism for controlling of blood pressure done by the renin-angiotensin system. Brains stem is the part of the brain that is responsible for the controlling of blood pressure in the body.

What happens to proteins with no signal sequence that are made in the cytosol? Question 3 options: They are taken up by lysosomes. They are degraded by proteases. They are returned to their organelle of origin. They are secreted. They remain in the cytosol.



The correct answer is: They remain in the cytosol.


Eukaryotic proteins are made through a process called Translation, which always starts at the cytosol (except for the proteins that are made in the mitochondria).

While Translation is taking place, the peptide that is being synthesized is checked for molecular tags that will lead to a re-routing to another destination: proteins that have an amino sequence called 'signal peptide' will be sent to the endoplasmic reticulum for its translation to continue - the proteins that go this route are meant to be part of the endomembrane system, after that they can be bounded to the ER, the Golgi apparatus or the lysosomes.

Unlike the proteins mentioned before, there are proteins that will have no signal peptide - this means that they are meant to finish Translation in the cytosol. Some of these proteins will acquire a signal tag that will lead them to the nucleus or the mitochondria, for example, but if they don't they will stay permanently in the cytosol to perform their tasks in that place.

do you think there is the roots in utricularia?​



I think so


Different cell types and tissues express different sets of genes; for example, some genes are expressed primarily in the heart, others primarily in the brain, and still others primarily in the liver. This is possible because all of these cell types have ____________.
a. different sequence variants that control gene expression
b. different ordering of genes on chromosomes
c. different histone and DNA modifications
d. different sets of genes



d.Different sets of genes.


A cell normally only expresses a percentage of its genes and various cell types are created by the expression of distinct gene sets. In addition, in response to changes in their environment, cells can alter the pattern of genes they express, such as signaling from neighboring cells.

The Hardy-Weinberg principle is written as the equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. What does prepresent?



Hardy-Weinberg principle can be illustrated mathematically with the equation: p2+2pq+q2 = 1, where 'p' and 'q' represent the frequencies of alleles. ... The principle behind it is that, in a population where certain conditions are met (see below), the frequency of the alleles in the gene pool will be constant.  

Information that controls a cells function is stored in a molecule known as ______



The nucleus controls most cell processes and contains the hereditary information of DNA. The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear envelope that is composed of two membranes. – Proteins, RNA, and other molecules can move to and from the rest of the cell through nuclear pores.

Other Questions
Nitrogen dioxide, a major air pollutant, can be produced by the combustion of nitrogen oxide as shown. 2NO + O2 Right arrow. 2NO2 In a plant, 1,500 kg of nitrogen oxide is consumed per day to produce 1,500 kg of nitrogen dioxide per day. What is the percent yield? Use Percent yield equals StartFraction actual yield over theoretical yield EndFraction times 100.. 21.7% 32.6% 43.5% 65.2% Mark this and return Save and Exit Next Submit The distance traveled (in meters) by a frog is modeled by the equation d=2t where d is the distance traveled in meters and t is the time in minutes. Find the distance traveled in 25 minutes. rte y cultura en Amrica Latina Buenos das Leer y analizar el tema de arte y cultura en Amrica Latina luego formular preguntas 1 pointUse log10 3-0.4771; log10 5 0.699010810 7 0.8451; log10 11 1.0414 to approximate the value of each expression-log10 14710910 (147) Assuming all other factors remain constant, if fixed costs increase, then the break-even point will: As a result of Henry Hudsons voyages, the Dutch established a colony in North America in what is now today? A. Florida B. Mexico C. New York D. Canada A plaintiff has brought an action for personal injuries against a store, in connection with an incident in which he slipped and fell after the store's linoleum floors had been mopped. A major issue at trial is the degree of moisture that remained on the floor, because it had been mopped 45 minutes before the plaintiff walked on it. The store offers the testimony of an expert, who will testify about an experiment he conducted measuring the amount of time necessary for a linoleum floor to dry completely after having been mopped. Under what condition should the court admit this testimony A photograph has a length that is inches longer than its width, x. So its area is given by the expression square inches. If the area of the photograph is square inches, what is the width of the photograph?The width of the photograph is blank inches. Assume that a company pays a 5% sales commission Also, assume the job cost sheet for Job X shows that (1) it used 18 direct tabor-hours and incurred direct materials and direct labor charges of $500 and $360, and (2) its unit product cost is $27.35. If Job X contained 40 units, then what is the plantwide predetermined overhead rate per direct labor-hour? a. $15.00 b. $60.78 c. $13.00 d. $47.78 what is the value of x? Find and summarise the case of National Director of Public Prosecutions v Botha (CCT 280/18) [2020] ZACC 06. Your summary must highlight the facts, legal question, the findings and decision of the court Sociolization effort is a common Empty stomachs contract, causing both hunger pangs and the secretion of chemical messages that travel to the brain to serve as a signal to initiate feeding behavior. This is an example of ________. Group of answer choices characteristics of Pisces hey everyone hw y'all doin can u pls answer me Written statements made after officially promising to tell the truth are called ? Pa help naman po!!!Activity 1: Institutionalized!Directions: Survey and list down at least five State and Non-State institutions thatare present in your locality.InstitutionsState Institution12345Non-state Institution12345 Which organism exhibits behavioral adaptation?an owl with large pupils and eyes that enable it to see better at nighta possum playing dead to increase its chances of survivalan insect that mimics its environment to hide from its predatorsa desert plant that sheds its leaves to lessen water loss during the dry season what do you mean by environment ? Examine and explain how/why Bellamy's description of the carriage and its participants is a metaphor for wealth (or socioeconomic) distribution in late 19th and early 20th century America. How does this metaphor apply to the position of the workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory? A neutral object must have _______________ A. An equal amount of positive and negative charges B. no charges present at all C. more positive than negative charges D. more negative than positive