Shortly before their wedding, a man and a woman bought a tract of land, taking title in both names. They had intended to build a summer cottage there, but many years after their marriage the land was still a vacant lot. The man decided that their introverted son would have more confidence if he were a landowner; thus, the man drew up a deed conveying a one-quarter interest in the land to him. Not wanting to show favoritism, two weeks later the man drew up a deed conveying a one-quarter interest in the same land to their daughter. Who owns the land


Answer 1


The son has a one-quarter interest, the daughter has a one-quarter interest, and the woman has a one-half interest.


First of all the man and the woman Boston land in both their names so we presume that they are tenants in common. Remember they were both on married at the time of the purchase. So after they purchased the land both of them were entitled to 1/2 each of this property.

Now this man gave out 1/4 to his son and another 1/4 to the daughter. The passion he has given out his his own share of the Land given that 1/4 + 1/4 = 1/2 which is his half of the Land.

Show ownership of this land not belongs to his son who owns 1/4, his daughter who also owns 1/4, and his wife who has 1/2 interest

Related Questions

Is there cholera in the UK today? Why do you think that?



No,i don't think there is cholera today because recently the development in the health facilities have been sorted out rapidly in UK.

Keep smiling and hope u r satisfied with my answer.Have a nice day :)

I this it is no because when I looked it up it’s said no

Nepal is a multi-lingual, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious country. Justify.​


Anyway, yes Nepal is a multi religious, multi lingual, multi racial and multi cultural country.

Nepal is multi religious because we have multiple religions being practiced inside Nepal. Vast majority of Nepalis are hindus, nearly 80%, then there are Buddhists, around 5 % are Muslims, 1.5% Christians and several other religions native to different groups like kirat religion.

Nepal is multi lingual because a lot of languages are spoken in Nepal. Nepali is lingua franca or language of communication or official language of Nepal yes but there are many other languages as well, more than 100 in fact, most prominently maithli, newar, bhojpuri, tharu and others.

About race, biologically Nepalis are only one race which is human race but there can be different races according to looks of people, it's basically a social construct and it's mainly divided into caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid. Majority of Nepalis are caucasoid but there are also mongoloids esp janajatis.

Nepal is also multi cultural because we are also multi ethnic country and this rich diversity in culture is something we should be very proud of. You have various ethnic groups with their different cultures, various festivals. These are ethnic or caste groups in Nepal.


I hope it helped u

stay safe stay happy

what were the persain's rule



The Persian Empire is the name given to a series of dynasties centered in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries—from the sixth century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. The first Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C., became one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Europe's

Tiara and Evan, who are classmates, have fallen in love with each other. Tiara feels intense passion for Evan and gets extremely jealous when she sees him talk to other girls in their class. She also has a strong sexual desire for him. In this early part of their relationship, Tiara is most likely experiencing


Answer: she is most likly feeling an attraction to him or a minor crush on him that eventually grew into somthing atronger


how many political parties do we have in Nigeria​





Do you think today Christians have prejudice toward certain people?




Explanation:they reject all types of homosexuality and current music of according to them is satanic music and making believe that everything in life is bad

he introduction of an unpleasant stimulus is to ________ as the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus is to ________. partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement negative reinforcer; positive reinforcer punishment; reinforcement primary reinforcer; secondary rein



The answer is "reinforcement and punishment"


The introduction of a pleasant stimulus is reinforcement, which is its removal. For one thing, there are several different types of stimuli that drive activity toward a specific goal.

It is thought that when a nice stimulus is supplied, the best effect would be achieved, however when a pleasant load is presented, the intended consequence may no longer be necessary, even when an action has already been taken and may have been taken. This acts as a symbol of retribution.

How many castes, language and religion are there in neplai according to last census of 2011 AD.​



125 castes and 123 languages

What is the best way to solve conflict​





Calming down, realizing what it is about, talking

How far is your home from the federal capital ?(Measure the distance using measurement scale and write it is kilometres)​





Federal Capital is the capital city of a country, which is also a political entity, and also works as the seat of the federal government.

The federal capital of India is New Delhi, so the distance from Kolkata to New Delhi is 1541. 5 km.

What is Federal Capital?

Federal Capital remains the capital city of a country, where all the major operations regarding the government take place, and this particular city tends to conduct all the meetings regarding constitution and law accordingly.

What is Federal Government?

Federal government of a country works on the process where all the decisions regarding the constitution or law are taken in the federal capital of the country, by the people present in the government board.

To learn more about Federal Capital here:


How did African Americans help the Union during the Civil War?


Your answer would be c


C. Is the answer


Name any four religion followed in Nepal?​



Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Bon


Religions practiced in Nepal are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Bon, ancestor worship and animism. The majority of Nepalis are either Hindus or Buddhists and these two religions have co-existed in harmony through centuries. Buddha is widely worshipped by both Buddhists and Hindus of Nepal.

explain briefly about florence nightingale​



Florence Nightingale, OM (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910), was an English nurse. She helped create the modern techniques of nursing. She became a leader of the team of nurses who helped wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. ... Nightingale was a prodigious and versatile writer, and lived to be 90 years old.

Florence Nightingale, was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople.

Explain the different types of trade with example (for 6 class) (please fast)​


Internal Trade
Internal trade is home trade. It is conducted between different regions and geographical locations of the same country. It helps to maintain a level of coordination and exchange of goods between every city of the state.

Wholesale Trade
It is the process of buying products in huge quality from manufactures and then distribute to retailor so that they sell it to consumers. Wholesalers are used to supplying the product to a retailer since manufacturing and production are happening. wholesalers are the middle man between retailers and manufacturers because companies can’t sell their products direct to consumers. There are specific charges of wholesalers that depend upon the quantity and service of the product.

Retail Trade
In this, retailer buy a small number of goods from wholesalers and sell it to the end consumers. It establishes the link between wholesalers and consumers. Also, it is the last step to make the product available for consumers to use. There are two types of retailor i.e., large and small retailers.

External trade
External trade is the process of selling or buying products and services from one country to another. It is also called foreign trade. It has no boundary, anyone from the globe can buy and sell anything to any region and state of the world. It makes business global and makes the easy availability of every product for the whole world. There are some national and international limitation and laws for external trade which save traders from any fraud.

Export Trade
When trading occurs between the trader of one country and the trader of another country by selling any product it is called export trade. For example, traders in America sell any product to the trader in Germany.

Import Trade
When a trader of one country buys any goods from the trader of any other country called import trade. For example, traders located in England buy any products from traders in America to sell it in its region.

Entrepot Trade
When a trader of one country purchases any product and goods from the trader of any other country and makes some changes and integration in it for reselling this product to any other country is called entrepot trade.

Your little sister, who is 14 years old, has been extremely emotional lately. She's moody and generally unhappy. From your developmental psychology class, you know that as she develops into late adolescence, her emotional states will __________.


most likely mature or liven up
They will get worse.

Explain any four qualities of a good society in brief​



When asked which qualities are most important for a good society, 10,112 respondents ranked social qualities such as fairness, freedom, security and tolerance above economic concerns. Having well-paid work and the absence of poverty are important chiefly because they help people to live fuller lives.


The idea of a good society is essentially relational. To search for “the” good society will be akin to chasing the mirage. Men, being imperfect themselves, are currently unable to create an ideal good society, a good society that can be held as the hallmark of goodness, against which all other societies can be bench marked against in all times to come. However, this does not void the possibility of a good society in the distant future being realized through man’s mental and spiritual evolution. Till then, we must make do with comparative societal studies to evaluate their degrees of goodness.

Therefore, I will answer the question with what I believe are 3 essential and succinct relative barometers of a good society. By measuring these 3 barometers and their development over time, we can flesh out the good societies from the rest. Below I list and briefly describe what I think are the essential 3 criteria through which we can identify a good society – I present these as abstract ideas leaving out the processes of statistical measurement or bench marking.

The goodness level of a society can be gauged by a proxy study of these 3 criteria.

How society treats its seniors – the care, respect, support, and dignity the seniors receive from the society

How society treats its sick – the care, respect, support, and dignity the physically sick and the mentally sick both receive from the society

How society treats its women – the care, respect, dignity, safety women receive from the society

You asked “What makes a good society” and, in my humble opinion, it is this and nothing else

Why should we preserve heritages.​



It is important to preserve our cultural heritage, because it keeps our integrity as a people. The importance of intangible cultural heritage is not the cultural manifestation itself but rather the wealth of knowledge and skills that is transmitted through it from one generation to the next.


Please Mark me brainliest


we should preserve heritages. because they are our identity .they are the reflection of our history, they help us to understand and respect people who lived in different eras with different habits and traditions.

define migration in brief​



Migration is a form of geographic or spatial movement involving a change of usual residence between clearly defined geographical unit.Human beings,like other creatures,leave the place in which they dwell,in order to obtain some goals. The reasons they move from one place to another are geographical, social,political and economic as well.such movement is called migration.


Migration is measured by following measures:

1=In-migration rate

2=Out-migration rate

3=Net migration rate

4=Gross migration rate

Hope this helps you

What system did the Olmecs develop to help them plant crops at the best time?
OA) writing
B) religion
C) counting
D) solar calendar





it helped show the position of the sun and when to plant crops

__________ is a general process whereby one generation conveys to the next various elements of its culture, from language to religion and, in this case, crime and delinquency. Group of answer choices Cultural transmission Ecological infusion Organizational distribution Transitional mutation



cultural transmission


cultural transmission would have one generation give elements of culture to another.

Select the correct answer.
Which level of government should a citizens' group petition if it wants to change the requirements for receiving a driver’s license?

county government
local government
federal government
state government


D. State government.

State governments issue several kinds of licenses, such as businesses licenses, and driver's licenses.

Cómo se clasifica la comunicación



La comunicación puede ser interna o externa en función de para quién está diseñada y/o a quién va destinada. La comunicación interna está dirigida al público interno de la propia empresa, y la comunicación externa al público externo de la empresa.

Comunicación vertical, aquella que se produce en el seno de las organizaciones e instituciones en las que las relaciones entre sus miembros tienen carácter jerarquizado. Podemos distinguir dos tipos de comunicación vertical: la comunicación descendente y las ascendente.

Comunicación descendente: Parte del nivel jerárquico superior hacia los niveles inferiores de la organización. Normalmente el mensaje está referido a información relativa al funcionamiento de la organización. En este nivel debemos obviar las actitudes autoritarias y despóticas.

Comunicación ascendente: El emisor pertenece a un nivel jerárquico inferior al receptor. Es importante que el proceso comunicativo sea fluido, relajado. Permite de este modo mantener un contacto directo con el personal, conocer sus dudas, quejas y sugerencias. Los obstáculos con los que nos podremos encontrar están relacionados con la ausencia de interés respecto a la información, anales cortados o de difícil acceso, actitud inapropiada del receptor...

La comunicación horizontal es aquella que tiene lugar cuando el emisor y el receptor se hayan en el mismo o similar nivel de jerarquía. Esto permite que la comunicación sea ágil y fluida.

En cuanto al medio  empleado, podemos distinguir diversos tipos de comunicación:

-Oral: El medio de transmisión es la voz, a través de un código de signos, formalmente estructurado. Puede ser de dos tipos, individual o colectiva.

-Escrita: El medio de transmisión es la escritura.

    - Individual: Cartas, notas personales.

    - Colectiva: Circulares, boletines,  prospectos.

-Visuales: El medio de transmisión es la imagen (dibujos, gráficos, diapositivas...).

-Audiovisuales: El medio de transmisión es la combinación de la imagen y la voz (cine, TV, vídeos, diapositivas comentadas...).

Toda comunicación para ser eficaz debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos:



-Objetividad y veracidad




-Oportunidad (1)

Explanatio ;

The idea that leaders are born with unique characteristics that make them different form ordinary people is the Question 9 options: a) A contingency theory of leadership. b) The leadership behaviors theory. c) Task centered leadership theory. d) The great-person theory.



d. The great-person theory


How does development of gather speed ?​



Speed meaning momentum I would think you mean. And an inanimate concept of development gathers no momentum. I think you are asking how some team of people working on a development, gather momentum with their effort? Which of course depends on the team & the discipline of the effort. A team trying to gain momentum with their project in medicine would be very difficult indeed. Too many safeguards in place to stop momentum. Some new website concept might be hard to restrain it’s momentum. So since the question is so general & open ended, it is almost unanswerable. Being in the single category ‘Speed’ seems to deal with physics. I still believe the question is about the human construct ‘project development’ rather than physics.

Answer From Gauth Math

True or False: This funding structure incentivizes schools to seek out and serve lower-performing students. True False





hope this helps you out

why is the formation of new cells important



For growth, repair, and reproduction.

Looking at Diana's photos on a social networking site, Simon assumes that she is an extravert. When they meet for the first time, Simon elicits a talkative and energetic response from an otherwise quiet and dull Diana. This scenario most likely exemplifies ________.



This scenario most likely exemplifies expectancy confirmation.


The expectation confirmation model conceives satisfaction as the result of a contrast or comparison between the reality perceived by the individual and some type of comparison standard (expectations, norms based on experience, etc.). The propositions of the model are satisfaction is related to the degree and direction of the discrepancy between expectations and performance. Producing what has been called confirmation of expectations when the performance is initially expected, negative disconfirmation, when the performance is lower than expected, then dissatisfaction appears.

“Nepal consist of agrarian,feudal,industrial and post-industrial societies even today.”How?




Such society exists even today in Middle East, Africa, Tibet, Middle Asia and Northern part of Nepal.

These societies rely on the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and plants in order to survive. such societies are often forced to relocate when the resources of the land are depleted or when the water supplies decrease.The technological advances led to an increase in food supplies, an increase in population, and the development of trade centers.

Which of these is NOT considered a major characteristic of the ancient river valley civilizations?
O democratic government
O record keeping
O complex institutions
O specialization


A democratic government is not a major characteristic of the ancient valley civilizations.

Rivers were very important to this civilization so they built their settlements around river bodies. They were a source of drinking water, transportation and agriculture.

Some of these civilizations were

The Egyptians around the river NileThe Mesopotamian people on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers The Chinese on the yellow rivers.

Some of the characteristics they had were:

record keepingcomplex institutionsimproved technologiesadvanced cities

read more


An elderly man who has always had a difficult temperament lives in a different state from either his daughter or son. He has a room in the home of a middle-age couple, who attend to his needs. His daughter checks in regularly by telephone and thinks well of the couple. After the elderly man's death, the daughter discovers that the couple has systematically taken all of the man's money. This is a case of ________.



- Violation of personal rights


As per the details provided, the given situation would exemplify a 'breach of personal rights.' It would be considered 'Larceny' meaning 'unlawful taking of the personal property as an attempt to deprive the legal owner of it permanently,' Says the FBI. Therefore, the couple can be charged under the violation of the man's individual/personal rights as they took his money without even asking for his consent. Such a crime has a punishment of imprisonment of the guilty for five years along with the fine depending on the amount or amount of property is taken over and how.

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