Should America pay reparations for slavery?


Answer 1

Answer: Reparations would compensate Black Americans for the lost wages and suffering of their ancestors, American slave laborers.


It had the opposite effect on enslaved people and their descendants, stripping them of wages, property, civil rights, and freedom.

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who were known as the abolitionists​


The Liberator was started by William Lloyd Garrison as the first abolitionist newspaper in 1831. While colonial North America received few slaves compared to other places in the Western Hemisphere, it was deeply involved in the slave trade and the first protests against slavery were efforts to end the slave trade


john wick


After Charlemagne's death, medieval political instituation defined led by



Charlemagne, Louis and his advisors had devised a plan, called Imperium Christianum. Louis divided the lands of empire among his 3 sons. All were supposed to work together under the leadership of emperor.


i hope it helps you !!!

Why is snug harbor important?


In the latter half of the 19th century, what impact did new technology have on farmers
and their crop prices?


What were the efforts of progressives like Ida Tarbell, Jane Addams, and Alice Paul designed to do?

make people distrust the government

create more fairness for people in America

keep African Americans as second-class citizens

encourage Americans to be more like Europe



B creat more fairness for people in America

I need help with this. If you get it right you will get brainliesr.



1. Prayer

2. Mars Hill

3. Agrippa

4. Reconcile

5. Ezra

6. Polemicist

7. Greek

8. Pax Romana

The 1935 Nuremberg laws impacted Jewish people by



i need the options?


How had the "American experience" change for Black Americans in the late 1800s?



They started to fight for there own rights


5.Which of the following people urged Calfomians to elect delegates to draft a state constitution?

A. Bennett Riley

B. John Fremont

C. James Marshal

D. Peter Burnett


6.The US was extremely eager to admit Califomia to the Union.




Answer: Bennett Riley


Bennett Riley was an American Colonel who held the position of military governor in California during a time of conflict with Native Americans as well as a particularly violent gold rush.

Bennett wanted Congress to grant statehood to California so that the new civilian government would have more power in dealing with the lawless gold camps and issues with the Natives.

To this end, he encouraged the elections of delegates so that they would draft a state Constitution and pressure on Congress to grant them statehood.

need help with number 6 please 20 points and brainliest !!!


Answer: C


Calling for all confederate slaves to be freed

In what way did the American Revolution affect other countries?
Foreign governments attempted to punish Patriot leaders.
Countries tried to avoid the devastation of war.
The practice of slavery spread throughout Europe.
Other republican groups fought to overthrow aristocratic governments.



Other republican groups fought to overthrow aristocratic governments.


The American Revolutionary War was a war of independence of the United States of America that was fought between the 19th of April, 1775 and 3rd of September, 1783. The war started when the delegates from the thirteen (13) American colonies in Congress (First continental congress) revolted against the Great Britain over their lack of representation in the colonies and refusal to give consent to parliament's taxation such as Stamp Act and Townshend Acts.

Aristocracy refers to a form of government in which a small, privileged class (aristocrats) have all of the authority, strength and power to rule a group of people or society.

As a result of the American Revolution, other republican groups in other countries fought to overthrow aristocratic governments. Thus, this republican groups in other countries such as France rebelled against the feudalistic leadership, monarchy and aristocratic governments that were ruling in their countries.

- pulo sa Indonesia na tianatawag ding Spice Island dahil sa
mayaman ito sa mga pampalasang produkto




In 1790, the amount of debt owed by state governments was



In 1790, the amount of debt owed by state governments wasUnited States. 


The name of person is Alexander Hamilton.

in 1970 the amount debt by state government was us

By the 1840s, belief in Manifest Destiny had become quite popular in the United States. So, support for expanding the territory of the U.S. was an important issue in the 1844 presidential election. This election was won by James K. Polk, the candidate of the Democratic Party.
Read the following passage adapted from the 1844 Democratic Party platform, or list of the party's goals. Then complete the sentence below.
Our title to the whole of the Territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable, and the annexation of Texas to the United States at the earliest moment possible is important to American progress.
Complete the sentence.
According to the platform, the Democratic Party ___ Manifest Destiny.


neither supported or opposed






Part of the idea behind manifest destiny is that the U.S. was entitled to all of the land surrounding the country at the time. That included the territory of Oregon, and Texas, which had not become a state yet. The statement claiming that "our title to the whole of the Territory of Oregon is clear and unquestionable, and the annexation of important to American progress". shows that whoever is speaking, has a firm belief in the entitlement of the U.S. to the surrounding land, exactly what manifest destiny is.




The Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was it was the American's obligated right to expand westward. Therefore, if the Democratic Party had won the election, most likely, as long as the Manifest Destiny was popular and supported, it would translate to support to the party that projected that viewpoint.

According to the platform, the Democratic Party supported the Manifest Destiny.

Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

The ancient Romans influenced the Enlightenment thinkers and the Founding Fathers. Which of the following events best reflects the republican government of ancient Rome?

A town holds a meeting, and every citizen present votes to make a decision.
People vote for representatives who will make decisions on their behalf.
The president makes a speech about the need to protect rights for all citizens.
National leaders decide to split government into three separate branches.
Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

If people believe that separation of powers is important, which of the following would not be a government they support?

a government where responsibility is divided between groups of people
a government where a single ruler, like a king, makes all the decisions
a government with legislative, executive, and judicial branches
a government where no one group of people has all the control
Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

Which of the following ideas from the Baron de Montesquieu influenced the Founding Fathers?

Separation of powers
Declaration of independence
Social contract
Natural law
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

According to John Locke, the "natural rights" are

separation of powers
will of the majority and power
social contracts and voting
life, liberty, and property
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

Which of the following ideas is about dividing government into legislative, judicial, and executive branches?

Separation of powers
Social contract
Natural rights
Will of the majority
Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

The idea of "natural rights" means that

people have the right to life, liberty, and property
government may rule because of citizen agreement
people divide government into three tasks
government has final authority over all citizens
Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

Which of Europe's Enlightenment philosophers wrote about natural rights?

John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu
George Washington
Thomas Hobbes
Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

John Locke believed that if government does not protect natural rights, then

citizens know that the government is working because they have safety
it breaks the social contract, and people can create a new government
citizens should combine the parts of government into a single branch
it must have a good reason for doing so, and citizens should not complain
Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Read the quote. Then answer the question that follows.

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer."—Thomas Paine

Which of the following Enlightenment ideas does Thomas Paine reflect in the phrase “furnish the means?”

Separation of powers, because the means of government are the responsibilities of each part
Limited government, because creating a limited government would only cause suffering
Social contract, because people can agree to a bad government as easily as to a good one
Natural law, because leaving a people to a state of nature would cause suffering
Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Read the quote. Then answer the question that follows.

“The judicial power ought to be distinct from both the legislative and executive, and independent upon both, that so it may be a check upon both, as both should be checks upon that.” – John Adams

Which of the following Enlightenment ideas does John Adams support in this quote?

separation of powers
limited government
social contract
natural law




1 question answer

The answer is  People vote for representatives who will make decision on their behalf. This method became the basis of modern democratic government that we use today. In our current system, the people could not directly vote for the regulations. But, the people had the power to appoint the person (representatives) that held their interest.

2 question

A, because a republic is that in which the government is based upon people´s power which is given to the people they elect to take decisions on their behalf and they should serve them all equally.

3 question

The correct answer is B) a government where a single ruler, like a king, makes all the decisions. If people believe that separation of powers is important, the option that would not be a government they support is "a government where a single ruler, like a king, makes all the decisions.

4th question

Baron de Montesquieu's view of separation of powers greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. In what way is Montesquieu's view of separation of powers demonstrated in the U.S. Constitution? Federal authority is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.  separation of powers

5th question

Locke wrote that all individuals are equal in the sense that they are born with certain "inalienable" natural rights.  Among these fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are "life, liberty, and property." Locke believed that the most basic human law of nature is the preservation of mankind.

6th question

The term “Separation of Powers” was coined by the 18th century philosopher Montesquieu. Separation of powers is a model that divides the government into separate branches, each of which has separate and independent powers.

7th question

Natural rights are those that are not dependent on the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and are therefore universal and inalienable (i.e., rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws). Natural rights are closely related to the concept of natural law (or laws).

8th question answer is john Locke but i will explain

John Locke, an English philosopher and physician, is regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers, whose work greatly contributed to the development of the notions of social contract and natural rights.

9th questions

John Locke believed that if government does not protect natural rights, then citizens know that the government is working because they have safety. citizens should combine the parts of government into a single branch. it must have a good reason for doing so and citizens should not complain.

10th question

A. "Separation of powers, because the means of government are the responsibilities of each part". According to Thomas Paine "furnish the means" means that when a government fails to fulfill our needs and its responsibility it means we are the one who choose them and should be blame for.

11th answer

Given the quote, I believe John Adams is supporting the Enlightenment idea of checks and balances.

my discord is Kevin Mitnick#9961

and do branlist don't report me if its not right i worked to long

How were American Indians treated during the early nineteenth century?
o They helped the exploration of the West in exchange for representation in Congress.
O They had lands taken and were kept from having rights as citizens.
O They were awarded large tracts of land to farm and grow corn.
O They started wars against the Spanish and British and were imprisoned.



They had land taken and were kept from having right as citizens

Which religion advocated resistance to Western influences?





¿ Cuales territorios
eran ambicionados por las
Potencias europeas en los Balcanes?



I'm sorry need to answer for points


tHank you

How did the United States react when oil production in Iran decreased after the Iranian Revolution?

A. It set up many new oil refineries to increase the production of oil.
B. It passed the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to make the use of oil more efficient.
C. It developed the Deep Anadarko Basin to increase domestic oil production.
D. It created the Department of Energy to manage energy activities.
E. It introduced policies to decrease the demand for oil.


The United States' dependence on oil has long influenced its foreign policy. ... Coal is the main energy source driving the revolution in its beginning years. In the mid-1800s, kerosene produced from refined crude oil begins to make its way onto the ... Oil output in Iran drops from more than five million barrels a day to zero



It developed the Deep Anadarko Basin to increase domestic oil production.


How was the Roman Empire different after Constantine's recognition of Christianity?

A. Previously intolerant, Rome became known as a place in which all religions were equally tolerated.
B. Inspired by their emperor to convert, the newly Christian Roman soldiers became more loyal to the empire.
C. Roman cultural achievement fell as pagan philosophers, scientists, and artists fled in fear of persecution.
D. Once Constantine accepted Christianity, the Roman Empire became the center of the new faith's growth.



I think that the answer is D but I'm not sure bc I also think B

10) Select THREE reasons why the Abbasid Caliphate was the Golden Age of the Islamic Empire.
The Abbasids preserved Islam by turning back the Mongol invasion.
There was an extended period of peace.
The Abbasids protected non-Arab peoples.
The Abbasids released every slave.
Doctors, scholars, and legal and religious experts advanced the arts and sciences.
The caliph acted more like a king and worked with a vizier.



Siege on Baghdad by the Mongols led by Hulagu Khan ... Like the Umayyad Caliphate before it, the leader of the Abbasids was called the caliph. ... The Abbasid Caliphate had two major periods. ... The Abbasid Caliphate ruled over a large empire that included the Middle ... It is often referred to as the Golden Age of Islam.


How do the religion clauses of the First Amendment protect individual

A. By preventing the government from regulating religious practices

B. By providing the same education for members of all religious groups

C. By stopping religious groups from participating in election campaigns

D. By restricting the ways that religious groups influence private individuals


I thick it’s A I hope Thai helpsssssss

Determine which sentences describe why the Portuguese chose to grow sugar on their plantations and which sentences do not.




-The land was well suited for sugar plantations.

-Sugar was in high demand.

-Sugar was easy to load on ships and transport to Europe.

Not Factors:

-Portuguese laborers agreed to work in plantations only if sugar was grown.

-Sugar crops did not require hard labor.

-European traders had no experience trading with Africans.

What advances in technology developed during the Han Dynasty?
A) paper, the lock and key, and the plow
B) silk looms, windmills, and papyrus
C) the collar harness, the wheelbarrow, and the phonetic alphabet
D) paper, the iron plow, and advanced water power to grind grain.


A) Paper, the lock and key, and the plow

Why did John brown attack the federal armory at harpers farmery



an effort by abolitionist John Brown, from October 16 to 18, 1859, to initiate a slave revolt in Southern states by taking over the United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia


European imperialism brought about many changes in the African continent. Europeans forced Africans to grow . This way of growing crops benefited .



The correct answer is: European imperialism brought about many changes in the African continent. Europeans forced Africans to grow cash-crops. This way of growing crops benefited Europeans. ... They also produced a surplus of food, which was used for export and not to satisfy the needs of the starving African people.

Answer:the answer is c

Explanation: crops helpt build the economy and expand the economy

What was the outcome when the Treaty of Ghent was signed and the War of 1812 ended?
O The United States got the rights to the Mississippi River and all of its tributaries
O Both the British and the Americans lost territory, and the French gained territory while they were fighting
O The British got a large part of the Louisiana Purchase despite losing New Orleans
O Neither side gained nor lost territory, and both sides reverted to their positions before the war



The United States got the rights to the Mississippi River and all of its tributaries

The slave ships brought in weapons and fabric from Europe and sold them to warlords and in ports of Africa. The slave traders in return sold the slave ship owners the captured men, women, and children. Industries in Europe depended on the that the slaves produced in the European colonies in the Americas



salve traders; raw materials


In the early days, the slave ships were a large cargo ships that were used to transport slaves and also other objects in the 17th to 19th century.  

It carries weapons and other fabrics to sell them in the ports of Africa to the warlords and the slave traders. And in return they exchange the salves to the Europe that were transported in these ships. The industries in Europe were depended on these slaves who produce the raw materials that are used in the industries in the Europe and in America.

12. Which of the follow people captured Santa Ama at wanneed the wheperere of Texas?

Stephen Kearny

Zachary Taylor

Sam Houston

Stephen Austin


13. John Drake Sloat raised the American flag in Monterey and San Francisco because:

A. he was acting under orders from General Taylor.

B. he heard about the Bear Flag Revolt.

C. he did not want England to capture the ports first.

D. Governor Micheltorena had been captured.



Zachary Taylor,  Governor Micheltorena had been captured.


hope it helps

Why do you think it was difficult for the United States to expand west? Be specific and include two examples.


It would be difficult for the United States for two reasons, the fact that none of the land was mapped other than the areas that previous voyagers had gone through, and the natural landscape of the area, and last, Native American Hostility.

Three examples: When pioneers would voyage to the west, there would often be encounters were they would be attacked by animals that had not been seen before, bears, sneaks, different wolves, and many more. They barely knew the natural resources of the area, such as food, etc.

The next example, no mapping, would be difficult because for the most part, they had no sense of navigation except for the few maps that had been made, even then, would be difficult to navigate.

Native Americans did not appreciate the pioneers coming into the land they considered their own, they resembled hostility and would even kill the civilians that would travel through the land, or capture them.

Hope this helps!! <3

Which union in the United
States only represented
SKILLED workers?
A. Knights of Labor
B. American Federation of Labor
C. American Railway Union



B. American Federation of Labor


The American Federation of Labor, also known as the AFL, was the largest union in the US and one of the most successful due to its size and composition. This union was led by the Gompers, who managed to claim several labor improvements across the country. Initially, the AFL only allowed qualified workers to be part of the organization, however, as time went by, this requirement gradually lost strength, until it was completely abandoned.

Other Questions
here are some questions from different social studies assignments that i have:1) identify and explain one aspect of today's society that has its roots in societies of the past2) choose either ancient egypt, ancient greece, or ancient rome. explain how their culture, beliefs, and worldview are represented in their art. give examples. 3) how do you think worldview, culture, and beliefs are expressed in modern art (imagery, movies, books, songs, etc.)? give examples. 4) where did the British Empire expand to? and why? 5) how do you think a person's worldview might impact the type of leadership or government they want in a society?6) how does the structure of government in Canada ensure that power is distributed to all regions of the country? i would appreciate anyone's help asap, even if you can only answer one of these questions (don't need to answer all if can't) thanks in advance!! Please help please guys how are you doing The volume of a rectangular prism is given by 24x3+78x2+49x+10. The height of the prism is given by 2x+5. Find an expression for the area of the base of the prism how do i say hi in a samoan language A company is planning to purchase a machine that will cost $57,000 with a six-year life and no salvage value. The company expects to sell the machine's output of 3,000 units evenly throughout each year. A projected income statement for each year of the asset's life appears below. What is the payback period for this machine?Sales $138,000Costs: Manufacturing $68,000Depreciation on machine 9,500Selling and administrative expenses 46,000 (123,500)Income before taxes $14,500Income tax (35%) 5,075Net income $9,425 a. 6.00 years.b. 1.99 year.c. 6.05 years.d. 12.10 years.e. 3.01 years. 2. Civil rights are enforceable rights or privileges guaranteed by the US Constitution or other laws or statues.TrueFalse Was the Vietnam war winnable for America? A paragraph please someone PLSSSS HELPPP !! fast pls please Please help me. I need help the probability that a customer of a network operator has a problem about you needing technical staff's help in a month is 0.01. This operator installs internet for 500 households in a residential area a, Calculate the average number of households in this residential area having internet problems in a certain month b, Calculate the probability that in 6 consecutive months there is only one month that no customer in this area has a network problem that needs the help of technical staff what is the area of a flower pot that have the shape of a semi circle and its diameter 2.8cm? I need help with question 6 Question 2Why does Bassanio need to borrow money?a. He was wreckless and wasted his own.b. His father refused to give him money.C. He was just a little short until payday. 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La actriz ______________ los dilogos para la obra de teatro. A. baila B. acta C. memoriza D. canta Green Melon Electronics Company's management plans to finance its operations with bank loans that will be repaid as soon as cash is available. The company's management expects that it will take 60 days to manufacture and sell its products and 50 days to receive payment from its customers. Green Melon's CFO has told the rest of the management team that they should expect the length of the bank loans to be approximately 110 days. Which of the following responses to the CFO's statement is most accurate?a. The CFO is not taking into account the amount of time the company has to pay its suppliers. Generally, there is a certain length of time between the purchase of materials and labor and the payment of cash for them. The CFO can reduce the estimated length of the bank loan by this amount of time. b. The CFO's approximation of the length of the bank loans should be accurate, because it will take 110 days for the company to manufacture, sell, and collect cash for its goods. All these things must occur for the company to be able to repay its loans from the bank. Setting and implementing a credit policy is important for three main reasons: 1. It has a major effect on sales, it influences the amount of funds tied up in receivables, and it affects bad debt losses. 2. It has a minor effect on sales, it influences the amount of funds tied up in receivables, and it affects bad debt losses. A random sample of 21 desktop PCs is selected. The mean life span is 6.8 years with a standard deviation of 2.4 years. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean life span of all desktop PCs. Assume that the life spans of all desktop PCs are approximately normally distributed (a) (5.85, 7.75) (b) (1.68, 3.12) (c) (5.60, 8.00) (d) (5.71, 7.89) (e) (5.77, 7.83) Whoever helps gets Brainliest!!! PLEASE HELP!!!