Sitting on a park bench, you see a swing that is 100 feet away and a slide that
is 60 feet away. The angle between them is 30°.
distance between the swing and the slide?
What is the approximate


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2


The approximate between the swing and slide is 56.21 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

Inverse property of addition for real numbers



The answer would be -a

Step-by-step explanation:

In the examples,

5 + (-5) = 0

-1.33 + 1.33 = 0

THat means there will be a negative then a positive, or a positive then a negative.

INVERSE is the key word in this problem.

You roll a six-sided number cube and flip a coin. What is the probability of rolling a number greater than 1 and flipping heads? Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form.




Step-by-step explanation:

Number cube:

Numbers greater than 1 → 5 options out of 6


Heads → 1 out of 2

Required probability:

P(>1 & H) = 5/6*1/2 = 5/12

Answer: Probability of rolling a number more than one: 5/6

Probability of heads: 1/2

Probability of both: 1/2 + 5/6 = 4/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose we have a stick of length 1.a) We randomly uniformly choose a point and break the stick into two pieces.Find the expected length of the smaller piece.b) We randomly uniformly choose two points (independently) and break thestick into three pieces. Find the probability that the three resulting piecescan be arranged to form a triangle (i.e. all triangle inequalities are satisfied;i.e no piece is longer than the sum of the other two).



Step-by-step explanation:

1) The smaller sticks will range in length from almost 0 unit up to a maximum of 0.5 unit, with each length equally possible.

Therefore, the average length will be about (0 + 0.5)/2 = 0.25 unit

2)If you assume that each break in the stick is uniformly distributed along the length of the stick and is independent of the location of the other break, then the odds are 25% that you will be able to form a triangle with the 3 pieces.

We'll call the length of the stick 1, so each break can occur at a position in the interval [0,1]. Let x and y represent the two breaks. Then we can look at the area of the region in the square bounded x=0, x=1, y=0, y=1, which represents combinations of x and y, for which we can form a triangle. Since the area of the whole square is 1, the area of the region inside is our probability.

If y>x, then the lengths of the pieces are x, y-x, and 1-y.

The triangle inequality must hold for each combination of edges.

for y>x ...




these simplify to...

for y>x ...




If we cut our 1x1 square into two triangles along the line x=y,

then the region in the upper triangle which satisfies the inequalities above forms a smaller triangle which connects the midpoints of the upper triangle.

The lower triangle (x>y), is just a reflection about x=y of the upper triangle, so together, the entire region looks like a bow-tie at a 45 degree angle.

This region takes up 25% of the square, so the probability that you can form a triangle is 25%

please please please answer!! will give brainliest and extra points!



a) y = x

b) y = 10

c) x = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

a) the line passes through the points (-5, -5) and (1, 1).

Step 1. Identify the slope

M = slope

M = change in y/change in x

Two points: (-5, -5) & (1, 1)

M = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

where y2 = 1 y1 = -5 x2 = 1 & x1 = -5

M = (1 - -5)/(1 - -5)

Note: Two negative signs together makes addition!

M = 6/6

M = 1

Step 2. Find the y-intercept

The slope is 1 but then we need a y-intercept. To do this we have to take a look when the first y-intercept happened.

Answer: y-intercept undefined so therefore our final answer is y = x
b) the line that passes through (-2, 10) and (3, 10).

If we would’ve graphed this, we can see that they’re in line with the y-axis so there wouldn’t be any slope.

Step 1. Find the slope.

M = slope

M = change in y/change in x

Two points: (-2, 10) & (3, 10)

M = (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)

M = (10 - 10)/(3 - -2)

M = 0/5

M = 0

Therefore the slope is 0

Step 2. Find the y-intercept

And the y-intercept is 10 obviously so now our answer would be y = 10
c) the line parallel to the y-axis that passes through the point (3, -7)

Equation of line parallel to y-axis is x = k

(3, -7) lies on our required line

-> k = 3

The equation of the required line is x = 3
d) & e)

I don’t know the answer to the rest I’m sorry but at least appreciate these 3 answers that I’m giving you

Have a good day!






Step-by-step explanation:

Cos^-1(1/2) = 60

To get from a degree to radian, simply multiply by pi then divide by 180. So the final answer is 1/3pi or approximately 1.0472

I hope this helped! :D

A basketball is shot into the air. Its height is represented by the polynomial equation h(t) = –16t2 + 35t + 5, where h is the height of the basketball at t seconds. What's the height of the basketball at 1.5 seconds?
Question 4 options:

20.2 feet

18.8 feet

21.5 feet

16.7 feet



height = 21.5 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute t = 1.5 into h(t) and evaluate

h(1.5) = - 16(1.5)² + 35(1.5) + 5

        = - 16(2.25) + 52.5 + 5

       = - 36 + 57.5

      = 21.5 ft


21.5 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let t = 1.5


Therefore, at 1.5 seconds, the basketball is 21.5 feet in the air.

2, Nine people fit comfortably in a 3 ft. by 3 ft. area. Use this value to
estimate the size of a crowd that is 8 yards deep and 1 mile long.
Determine the Area of the crowd?
A. Area = 3 feet x 3 feet
B. Area = 8 yards v 1 mile = (8 x 3 feet) x (1 x 5280 feet)
C. Area = 24 feet x 1 feet.
D. Area = 8 feet x 5280 feet




Step-by-step explanation:

8 yards = 3 * 8 = 24 ft^2

1 mile = 5280

3*3 = 9 square feet

9 square feet holds 9 people.

1 square foot holds 1 person

8*3 * 5280 people could stand in an area of 8 yards * 1 mile

Though it's not quite correct, the answer is B

Helppp!! Summer math Packet!
(+4) +(-7) =


Answer: -3

Explanation: imagine you owe someone 7 dollars but you don’t have that yet. Later you pay them 4 dollars. Now you need to pay them 3 more dollars.

Step-by-step explanation:




Hope it will help you..

Find the value of the following (-42) + 15 + (-63) can someone say this and fast


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (-42)+15+(-63)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -42+15+(-63)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -27+(-63)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -27-63[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -90[/tex]


42 + 15 + (-63) = -90

Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks




I think E

Step-by-step explanation:

You know the shortest building is 25 m.

to find the rest, use trigo so Tan(20)=opposite/adjacent.

Adjacent is 50. Do the math and add the answer with 25.


The answer would be E. 43.2

According to TOA, The opposite side is tan(20) x adjacent side( 50m)

the answer is 18.2( to 1 dp). Add the height of the second building together with 18.2 and you will get ur answer. HOpe this helps:)

Set A and the universal set U are defined as follows.
A= {2,4,6}
Find the following sets.
Write your answer in roster form or as Ø.


Part (a)

Answer:   Ø

This is the empty set



It doesn't matter what set A is composed of. Intersecting any set with the empty set Ø will always result in the empty set.

This is because we're asking the question: "What does some set A and the empty set have in common?". The answer of course being "nothing" because there's nothing in Ø. Not even the value zero is in this set.

We can write Ø as { } which is a set of curly braces with nothing inside it.


Part (b)

Answer:  {1,2,3,4,5,6}



When you union the universal set with any other set, you'll get the universal set.

The rule is [tex]A \cup B = B[/tex] where I've made B the universal set to avoid confusion of the letter U and the union symbol [tex]\cup[/tex] which looks nearly identical.

Why does this rule work? Well if an item is in set [tex]\overline{A}[/tex], then it's automatically in set U (everything is in set U; it's the universe). So we're not adding anything to the universe when applying a union involving this largest set.

It's like saying

A = set of stuff inside a persons house[tex]\overline{A}[/tex] = set of stuff outside a persons house (ie stuff that is not in set A)U = set of every item

we can see that [tex]\overline{A} \cup U[/tex] will basically form the set of every item, aka the universal set.

if tanA=2ab/a square-b square.find the value of cosA and sin A​



[tex]\displaystyle \displaystyle \cos A = \frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2 + b^2}\text{ and } \sin A = \frac{2ab}{a^2 + b^2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that:

[tex]\displaystyle \tan A = \frac{2ab}{a^2 - b^2}[/tex]

And we want to find the value of cos(A) and sin(A).

Recall that tangent is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side.

Therefore, the opposite side measures 2ab, and the adjacent side measures a² - b².

Using the Pythagorean Theorem, solve for the hypotenuse:

[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} c^2 &= a^2 + b^2 \\ \\ c&= \sqrt{(2ab)^2 + (a^2-b^2)} \\ \\ &= \sqrt{(4a^2b^2)+(a^4-2a^2b^2+b^4)} \\ \\ &= \sqrt{a^4 + 2a^2b^2 + b^4 } \\ \\ &= \sqrt{(a^2 +b^2)^2} \\ \\ &= a^2 + b^2\end{aligned}[/tex]

Thus, our hypotenuse is given by a² + b².

Cosine is the ratio between the adjacent side and the hypotenuse. Thus:

[tex]\displaystyle \cos A = \frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2 + b^2}[/tex]

And sine is the ratio between the opposite side and the hypotenuse. Thus:

[tex]\displaystyle \sin A = \frac{2ab}{a^2 + b^2}[/tex]

In conclusion:

[tex]\displaystyle \displaystyle \cos A = \frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2 + b^2}\text{ and } \sin A = \frac{2ab}{a^2 + b^2}[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]sec^2A-tan^2A=1\\sec^2A=1+tan^2A=1+\frac{4a^2b^2}{(a^2-b^2)^2} =\frac{(a^2-b^2)^2+4a^2b^2}{(a^2-b^2)^2} =\frac{(a^2+b^2)^2}{(a^2-b^2)^2} \\cos^2A=\frac{(a^2-b^2)^2}{(a^2+b^2)^2} \\cos A=\frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2+b^2} \\sin A=\sqrt{1-cos^2A} =\sqrt{1-(\frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2+b^2} )^2} =\sqrt{\frac{(a^2+b^2)^2-(a^2-b^2)^2}{(a^2+b^2)^2} } =\sqrt{\frac{4a^2b^2}{(a^2+b^2)^2} }=\frac{2ab}{a^2+b^2}[/tex]

19. Charlotte has a success rate of about 20%
for making baskets in attempts during
basketball games. She wants to determine
the probability that she will have to make at
least 5 attempts during a game in order to
make a basket. She designed a simulation
where she spun a spinner that was divided
into 5 equal sections, one of which was
colored red. She counted how many times
she had to spin the spinner in each trial
before it landed on red. The results of her
20 trials are shown below.
5, 2, 7, 2, 3, 4, 10, 6,4,6,
3, 6, 6, 4, 8,5,7,7,1,5
According to this simulation, what is the
probability that Charlotte will have to
make at least 5 attempts in order to make
a basket?



[tex]P(x \ge 5) = 0.60[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]S = \{5, 2, 7, 2, 3, 4, 10, 6,4,6,3, 6, 6, 4, 8,5,7,7,1,5\}[/tex]

[tex]n(S) = 20[/tex]


[tex]P(x \ge 5)[/tex]

First, we count the number of trials that are at least 5

[tex]x = \{5, 7, 10, 6,6, 6, 6, 8,5,7,7,5\}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]n(x \ge 5) = 12[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]P(x \ge 5) = \frac{n(x \ge 5)}{n(S)}[/tex]

This gives

[tex]P(x \ge 5) = \frac{12}{20}[/tex]

[tex]P(x \ge 5) = 0.60[/tex]

answer i guess i will give brainly for corret answers.



B. Never

Step-by-step explanation:

When a number is irrational, it means that it cannot be written as a fraction.

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and mark brainliest pls!


c) when it is improper fraction

helpp me solve it and pls explain




2=124  124/2

4=248 248/4

5=310 310/5

8=496 496/8

Step-by-step explanation:

40 + 22 = 62

62 x 2 = 124

62 x 4 = 248

62 x 5 = 310

62 x 8 = 496

i think

square of 2x+3y.Please help me​




= (2x)^2 + 2(2x)(3y) + (3y)^2

= 4x^2 + 12xy + 9y^2


4x^2 12xy +9y^2

Step-by-step explanation:




4x^2 + 6xy+6xy + 9y^2

4x^2 12xy +9y^2

Please help me with this, I am stu pid. UnU


i’m pretty sure it’s c

A number is doubled and 7 is subtracted from the answer, if the result is -25.
-create an equation
-solve the equation to find the number
Please Respond



(number= variable (n))


Subtract 7 from -25 and you get -32

Then 2x=-32 we divide by 2 and x equals -16

A polynomial has one root that equals 2 + i. Name one other root of this




Step-by-step explanation:

polynomial is not given

question is incomplete

The points A,B,C and D divide the line segment AD in the ratio 4:3:1 , respectively , and AD = 72cm . What is the length of BD?


Segment addition postulate states that given points X, and Z, on a line, a point Y, can be located between X, and Z, ony if we have;

XZ = XY + YZ

The length of the segment BD is 36  cm

The reason the above value is correct is as follows:


The ratio in which the points A, B, C, and D divide the line segment = 4:3:1

The length of segment AD = 72 cm


The length of BD


Calculate the length of BC and CD and add their values to get BD


Let the ratios be given unit proportions of the segment AD such that we have;

AB = 4 units

BC = 3 units

CD = 1 unit

By segment addition postulate, we have;

AD = AB + BC + CD

∴ AD = 4 units + 3 units + 1 unit = 8 units = 72 cm

∴ 1 unit = 72 cm/8 = 9 cm

1 unit = 9 cm

BD = BC + CD by segment addition postulate

BC = 3 units = 3 × 1 unit

∴ BC = 3 × 9 cm = 27 cm

BC = 27 cm

CD = 1 unit

∴ CD = 9 cm

∴ BD = 27 cm + 9 cm = 36 cm

The length of segment BD = 36 cm

Learn more about segment addition postulate here:

Choose which is a statistical question: What are
the ages of the students in this class? or How
many pennies equal 1 dollar? Explain.


The statistical question is; "What are the ages of the students in this class?

What is a statistical question?

A statistical question is always aimed at data collection which can subsequently used for analysis and decision making. Statistical questions are asked in the course of research.

Among the two questions, the statistical question is; "What are the ages of the students in this class?

Learn more about statistics:


Find an equation of the line having the given slope and containing the given point m= - 8, (2,5) The equation of the line is y= (Simplify your answer. Type your answer in slope-intercept form. Use integers or fractions for any numbers in the expression)​



Equation of line is y = -8x + 21

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope, m = -8

General equation of line:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = mx + c}}}[/tex]

At point (2, 5), y = 5 and x = 2:

[tex]{ \tt{5 = ( - 8 \times 2) + c}} \\ { \tt{c = 21}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \sf{y = - 8x + 21}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \:† \: alone }}}}[/tex]

Klog earns $6.30 per hour. He worked 3.5 hours each day Monday through Friday plus 4 on Saturday. How much did he earn altogether?



Klog earned $135.45 altogether.

Step-by-step explanation:


Monday - Friday : 5 days / 3.5 hours

Saturday : 1 day / 4 hours

3.5 · 5 + 4

= 17.5 + 4

= 21.5


$6.30 per hours / 21.5 hours

6.30 · 21.5

= $135.45

If (5^(k-1))+(5^(k+1)) = m, what is 2*5^k in terms of m?

If [tex]5^k^-^1+5^k^-^1=m[/tex], what is [tex]2*5^k[/tex] in terms of m?

A) 5m

B) 5m÷2

C) 5m÷13

D) 5m÷26




Step-by-step explanation:


Going to combine like terms on left:


Law of exponents applied:




Multiply 5 on both sides to obtain the requested:


Solve for the following. Type your answer using digits. A rectangle with a length ofx−4 and a width of 8 has a perimeter of 34. The value of x is .



length = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

length =x-4

width = 8

perimeter =2( x-4) + 2× 8 = 34

= 2x - 8 + 8 =34

= 2x =34

= x = 17


x = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

The opposite sides of a rectangle are equal, then

2(x - 4) + 2(8) = 34 ← distribute parenthesis and simplify left side

2x - 8 + 16 = 34

2x + 8 = 34 ( subtract 8 from both sides )

2x = 26 ( divide both sides by 2 )

x = 13

calculate the area of shaded​ region


Answer:528cm squared
please mark brainliest


528 cm squared

Step-by-step explanation:

A parallelogram (slanted shape at the bottom) is essentially the same area as a rectangle.

Therefore, both shapes have the same measurements.

Multiply the length and height of the rectangle to get its area: 22cm×12cm =264cm squared

Since the area of the rectangle corresponds geometrically to the area of the parallelogram, just multiply the area of the rectangle (264cm squared), by 2.

So 264×2, = 528cm squared

Ta da...

10.5125 rounded to the nearest cent plz help me ty <3


Answer: your answer should be 10.5130

Step-by-step explanation:

For a party Justin buys a pizza and cuts it into 24pieces.Marc eats 1/6 of portion of the pizza and claudine eats 1/4 of what remains after both of them have eaten, Sylvia eats 1/3 of the result.Justin gets to eat what is left over what fraction of the pizza did Justin not eat



Justin did not eat 7/12 of the pizza

Step-by-step explanation:

Marc eats 1/6 × 24 = 4, 24 - 4 = 20 left over

Claudine eats 1/4 × 20= 5, 20 - 5 = 15 left over

Sylvia eats 1/3 × 15 = 5, 15 - 5 = 10 left over

Justin eats 10.

24 - 10 = 14

Justin did not eat 14/24 = 7/12

Numeric Response 4. In an arithmetic series, the first term is -12 and the 15th term is 40. The sum of the first 15 terms is (Record your answer in the numerical-response section below.)

Your answer should be in.0000​


In any artihmetic sequence, consecutive terms differ by a fixed constant c. So given the first term a, the second term is a + c, the third terms is a + 2c, and so on, up to the n-th term a + (n - 1)c.

If the 15th term is 40, then

40 = -12 + (15 - 1) c   ==>   c = 52/14 = 26/7

We can then write the n-th term as

-12 + (n - 1) 26/7 = (26n - 110)/7

The sum of the first 15 terms is then

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{15}\frac{26n-110}7 = \frac{26}7\sum_{n=1}^{15}n - \frac{110}7\sum_{n=1}^{15}n = \boxed{210}[/tex]

Another way to compute the sum: let S denote the sum,

S = -12 - 58/7 - 32/7 + … + 228/7 + 254/7 + 40

Reverse the order of terms:

S* = 40 + 254/7 + 228/7 + … - 32/7 - 58/7 - 12

Notice that adding up terms in the same position gives the same result,

-12 + 40 = 28

-58/7 + 254/7 = 28

-32/7 + 228/7 = 28

so that

S + S* = 2S = 28 + 28 + 28 + … + 28 + 28 + 28

There are 15 terms in the sum, so

2S = 15×28   ==>   S = 15×28/2 = 210

1. 6/5 x 3/4
2. 2/3 x 8/5
3. 5/2 x 4/3



hope this might help you


1. 9/10

2. 16/15 or 1 1/15

3. 20/6 or 3 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply one fraction’s numerator by the other fractions numerator over multiplying one fraction’s denominator by the other fraction’s denominator.
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