Smooth endoplasmic Reticulum has ribosomes attached to its surface. correct and rewrite the following.


Answer 1


See below


The correct statements can be two of the following:

1) Rough Endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes attached to it.

2) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum do not have ribosomes attached to it.

Related Questions

what are the functions of protein




7 Important Functions of Protein in Your Body


   Causes Biochemical Reactions. ...

   Acts as a Messenger. ...

   Provides Structure. ...

   Maintains Proper pH. ...

   Balances Fluids. ...

   Bolsters Immune Health. ...

   Transports and Stores Nutrients.

is blood a collodial type​





The cells in blood are far larger than 500nm (Red blood cells: 6000-8000nm, white blood cells: 7000-21000nm, platelets: 2000-3000nm) and so they sit in the plasma as a suspension. The plasma also contains blood plasma proteins which are between 2-500nm and so they form a colloid in the water.


The cells in blood are far larger than 500nm (Red blood cells: 6000-8000nm, white blood cells: 7000-21000nm, platelets: 2000-3000nm) and so they sit in the plasma as a suspension. The plasma also contains blood plasma proteins which are between 2-500nm and so they form a colloid in the water.

Hope this helps!!


Jameson lives in a city on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature fluctuations are relatively small in his city because takes longer to heat up and cool down due to its high .



Water, high specific heat capacity


The temperature fluctuations are relatively small in Jameson city because takes water longer to heat up and cool down due to its high specific heat capacity because water has high heat capacity that is it absorb alot of heat before it start to get hot. takes more energy to increase the temperature of water compared to other substances which help to regulate extremes in the environment.

Water surrounding cities take longer to heat up and longer to cool down so cities that are near the oceans will tend to have less change and less extreme temperatures compared to inland cities.


I believe it's (water and specific heat) let me know if this is correct :)

Technology has affected society by causing radical changes in how people live. For example, e-mail on the computer has changed the way we communicate with the world. Describe another example of how technology has changed how people live


Answer: the modern production of the cars change the way of transportation

Modern houses change the way where people locate

Another example of how technology has changed how people live is the widespread use of smartphones and mobile applications.

Smartphones have become an integral part of daily life for many people, revolutionizing the way we communicate, access information, and carry out various tasks.

Some ways in which smartphones and mobile applications have transformed our lives:

1. Communication: Smartphones have made communication more convenient and accessible. With features like instant messaging, video calls, and social media apps, people can easily connect with others regardless of their location.

2. Information Access: Smartphones provide instant access to a vast amount of information through the internet. With a few taps on a smartphone screen, people can search for news, look up facts, find directions, or access educational resources.

3. Online Shopping: E-commerce platforms and mobile shopping apps have revolutionized the way people shop. With smartphones, individuals can browse and purchase products or services from anywhere, anytime.

These are just a few examples of how smartphones and mobile applications have significantly changed the way we live.

Know more about radical changes:


how to minimize flood​



some of the ways are...


establishing strong damavoiding construction around water resources properly utilizing and storing rain water for future useflood cannot be stopped totally as it is the effect of nature but its effects can be minimized by using our scientific knowledge and methods

Which process that causes changes in Earth's orbit was found to coincide with 100,000-year glacial cycles? Answer Options: A. Axial precession B. Precession of the ecliptic C. Apsidal precession D. Obliquity



Apsidal precession


Apsidal precession is the process that causes changes in Earth's orbit and was found to coincide with 100,000-year glacial cycles. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is the Glacial cycle?

The glacial cycle may be defined as a significant global climatic oscillation of the order with a specific rate that is developed by the ice age.

Apsidal precession is the precession of the line that links the apsides of an astronomical body. The regular cycle of apsidal precession takes about 100,000-year.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is C.

To learn more about Glacial periods, refer to the link:


A country's ecological footprint can be calculated by multiplying its population size by the footprint of each individual. Why are some ecologists concerned about the ecological footprint of a country like India



Ecological footprint estimates the requirements of renewable resources that a population consumes to live a particular lifestyle. Some ecologists are concerned because the result of the ecological footprint shows that the  demand of the population is increasing in comparison to the supply of nature.

For example in India, the ecological footprint shows negative impact of population demand over supply of nature.

In ______ immunity the individual produces antibodies against particular pathogens while in ______ immunity the individual is given specific antibodies against a pathogen. Group of answer choices



The correct answer is - active and passive.


Immunity is the capability of multicellular organism to protect itself from harmful molecules that are foreign to the body such as microorganism and antigens. Immunity can be active immunity or the passive immunity.

Active immunity takes place when one's own body produces antibodies to fight against a particular disease or antigen by immune system where as passive immunity occurs when an individual receives antibodies from outside and produced outside.

Thus, the correct answer is - active and passive.

What is the definition of salinity ?



Salinity pertains to the degree of saltiness or the relative proportion of salt in a solution. ... By definition, salinity in relation to limnology refers to the total amount of dissolved solids in water in parts per thousand by weight.


Salinity is the saltiness or dissolved inorganic salt content of a body of water. Substances that are dissolved in water are usually called solutes.


Match the causes with their effects.




"Oil spills->harms aquatic"


1. deforestation

2. injecting fracking fluids into the ground

3. oil spills during transport on a ship

What are the three basic parts of the cell theory?





All living things are composed of cells.

Cells are the basic units of structure and function for living things.

All cells come from pre-existing cells. Also, organisms grow by “adding on more cells” NOT by increasing the size of their cells.

The three basic parts of the cell theory are:

All living things are made of cells.

Cells come from preexisting cells.

All cells have the same basic parts.

How do we explain?

Cells are the basic unit of life. All living things, from the smallest bacteria to the largest redwood tree, are made up of cells.

Cells are not created spontaneously. All cells come from the division of preexisting cells.

Despite their great diversity, all cells have the same basic parts, including a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and DNA.

The cell theory was first proposed by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann in the 1830s. It has since been supported by a vast body of evidence from cell biology. The cell theory is one of the most important and fundamental concepts in biology.

Learn more about cell theory at:


about plant kingdom​


What’s the question?

briefly outline how cell theory has developed over the past 400 years​



The cell theory, or cell doctrine, states that all organisms are composed of similar units of organization, called cells. The concept was formally articulated in 1839 by Schleiden & Schwann and has remained as the foundation of modern biology. The idea predates other great paradigms of biology including Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859), Mendel’s laws of inheritance (1865), and the establishment of comparative biochemistry (1940).

First Cells Seen in Cork

While the invention of the telescope made the Cosmos accessible to human observation, the microsope opened up smaller worlds, showing what living forms were composed of. The cell was first discovered and named by Robert Hooke in 1665. He remarked that it looked strangely similar to cellula or small rooms which monks inhabited, thus deriving the name. However what Hooke actually saw was the dead cell walls of plant cells (cork) as it appeared under the microscope. Hooke’s description of these cells was published in Micrographia. The cell walls observed by Hooke gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living cells. The first man to witness a live cell under a microscope was Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who in 1674 described the algae Spirogyra. Van Leeuwenhoek probably also saw bacteria

The cell theory, states that all organisms are composed of similar units of organization, called cells.

What is cell theory?

The concept of cell theory was in 1839 by Schleiden & Schwann which leads the foundation of modern biology. Cell theory states that every cell is generated from another preexisting cell.

This idea makes the great revolution in biology including Darwin’s theory of evolution (1859), Mendel’s laws of inheritance (1865), and the establishment of comparative biochemistry (1940).

Schleiden & Schwann propose every organism is composed of the cell, which is the basic unit of life and each cell comes from the preexisting cell, and each cell produces a progeny which is similar to its parent cell.

Therefore, cell theory states the existence of the cell in the organism.

Learn more about cells, here:


1.What are the scope of environment education? Explain any 3 of them. 2.What are the scope of health education? Explain any 3 of them



[tex] \boxed{\bold{ \orange{See \: below}}}[/tex]


[tex] \bold{ \green {Scope \: of \: Environment \: education}}[/tex]

Environmental education includes the study of various factors of the environment which affect the health of human beings. Environment comprises all the factors in our surroundings. It includes even abstract factors , which do not have weight , length and breadth. Cultural traits , social norms and values, feasts and festivals etc. are some of the examples of abstract aspects. Some of the scopes of environment education are described below:

Physical aspect ( soil , water , air , rocks , gases etc )

The physical aspect included non- living things on the earth. They are soil, water , air , rocks , gases etc. Environment education gives knowledge about the status of soil , water , air , rocks , gases and other various physical components of the earth. It aims to make students aware of the effects and consequences of human activities upon these factors. It also gives knowledge to raise environment friendly attitude and behavior among the students .

Biological aspect ( biology , agriculture , forestry etc )

The biotics factors include living plants and animals , their life mechanism , interrelationship etc. Some of the educational streams related to the biotic aspects are biology , agriculture , and forestry. They are some of the important scopes of the environment education. This branch of education helps to develop the level of knowledge , attitude and behavior regarding these factors in the students.

Socio - cultural aspect ( sociology , civics , religion , ethnicity , anthropology etc )

Environment has some of the abstract aspects too. Abstract aspects include religious , cultural , ethnic and social norms and values. Some of the educational streams dealing with this aspect are sociology , civics and anthropology. Environment education also teaches students about such abstract factors, which play vital role in the environment.

[tex] \bold{ \green{Scope \: of \: Health \: education}}[/tex]

In general , scope of health education can be understood as the areas included in health education. Health education not only communicates knowledge about body features and diseases, but also includes the matters concerned with healthy surroundings , human psychological states affecting health , public health, human anthropology , medical science and so many other things. Any three scopes of health education are as follows:


Home is the residence of all people. Home is the first school for all. A child passes the primary days of life at home. Every individual learns the basic skills if survival at home. Proper time to wake up in the morning , to start daily sanitary schedules, to eat , to practise all other health behavior are learnt at home. The child lives in community and learns many more about healthy social adjustment in the social environment. Health education aims to raise the level of knowledge , attitude , and behavior related to health and healthy life.


Children go to school for formal education and spend most of active hours of a day. They achieve several forms of health knowledge and develop healthy attitude and practise accordingly. Their heath status depends upon the environment of school , health curriculum, healthful school environment , co-curricular and extra - curricular health activities.


Community is a place where many people live with their families. People's health is determined by the several factors in the community. Health education teaches about these factors like community sanitation , drainage , health service providing organizations and health centers.

[tex] \mathsf{Hope \: I \: helped !}[/tex]

[tex] \mathsf{Best \: regards !}[/tex]

The incidence of phenylketonuria (PKU), an autosomal recessive genetic disorder, is approximately 1 in 4,500 in Ireland. Assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the probability that an Irish female, who is phenotypically normal with no family history of PKU, and an Irish male, who like his parents does not have PKU, but does have a sister with PKU, will have a child with PKU?


Answer: Probability: 0%


Hardy-Weinberg establishes that the genetic composition of a population remains in equilibrium as long as no natural selection or other factors act and no mutations occur. This means that the children of this couple will inherit the genes of the parents.

The woman is phenotypically normal with no family history of PKU, this mean that probably there are no affected (recessive) alleles in her family. In an autosomal recessive disorder, both copies of the gene in each cell are recessive. Therefore, her genotype will be AA with A being the dominant and normal allele. As for the Irish man, his sister does have PKU, which means her genotype is aa. So, she must have received a defective allele from each parent. Then the parents' genotypes are both Aa (heterozygous, only one allele affected as they are healthy). So, we know that the Irish man does not have the disease (he can't be aa), but he could be Aa (having inherited a normal allele from one parent, and an affected one from the other parent) or AA (having inherited both normal alleles from each parent).

Then we have two possible punnetts square to do: AA (the Irish woman) and AA (he Irish man); or AA (woman) and Aa (man).

In the attached figure both punnetts squares are shown. The first punnett square (AA x AA) shows that 100% of the offspring will be AA (this means, the phenotypic ratio is also 100% not affected and non-carrier). The second punnett square (AA x Aa) shows that 50% will be AA (healthy and non-carrier) and 50% will be Aa (heterozygous, healthy and carrier) But since it is an autosomal recessive disease, a single affected allele is not enough to develop the disease. So in neither case is there a chance of having a child with PKU.

Sebastian wants to make ball-and-stick models of the four macromolecules. He has colored balls for each of the elements in these molecules, including the following. red: hydrogen black: carbon purple: oxygen green: nitrogen Which molecule could he make that consists of long chains of red and black colored balls? carbohydrates lipids nucleic acids proteins





There are four major biological macromolecules in living systems viz: carbohydrate, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. These macromolecules play a significant role in the optimal functioning of every living organism. Like every other polymer, these macromolecules are made up of simpler units called monomers that defines their chemical structure. In turn, the monomers consists of chains of chemical elements held together.

According to the question, Sebastian has colored balls that represents the elements contained by each of these macromolecules. The colored balls and the elements they represent are as follows: Red: hydrogen, Black: carbon, Purple: oxygen, and Green: nitrogen.

Lipids are structurally made up of fatty acids and glycerol, which are long chains of carbon and hydrogen elements with a relatively small percentage of oxygen in the structure. An example is palmitic acid, which has a structural formula: CH3(CH2)14COOH

Hence, Sebastian could make a LIPID macromolecule, which consists of long chains of red (hydrogen) and black (carbon) balls since lipids are mostly made up of carbon and hydrogen elements in their structure.

Carbohydrates are composed of more percentage of oxygen in their structure. Hence, a long chain of only red (hydrogen) and black (carbon) balls cannot make them. Proteins and nucleic acids are made up of additional nitrogen and phosphorus elements in their structure.


B. Lipids


Lipids contain carbon and hydrogen.

30 POINTS PLZ HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Identify and describe the two main methods for measuring the age of Earth and its parts.



Radiation Measurement.

Stratigraphic Superposition.

The Fossil Record.



Radiation Measurement.

Stratigraphic Superposition.

The Fossil Record.


Which label in the graphic represents the energy that is released from glucose by cellular respiration?
Energy stored as ATP
Carbon dioxide and water



C) Energy stored as ATP


100% on edge

One side of your face is identical to the other side. You are _____. radially symmetrical asymmetrical bilaterally symmetrica



For the answer to the question above, asking if One side of your face is identical to the other side. Then you are bilaterally symmetrical.

I hope my answer helped you. Feel free to ask more questions. Have a nice day!



Bilaterally symmetrical


From my understanding, radially symmetrical means identical halves around the central axis.

Asymmetrical means not symmetrical at all

Leaving us with Bilaterally symmetrical, which is basically identical parts but as right and left.

That's the best i can explain so there is a diagram to help understand.

Imagine you discover a new human parasite like T. gondii that forms cysts in the brain. You suspect it is altering human behavior. You also determine that it is transmitted through sharing food. In what ways would you predict that it zombifies its hosts (alters their behavior)?


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

Imagine you discover a new human parasite like T. gondii that forms cysts in the brain. You suspect it is altering human behavior. You also determine that it is transmitted through sharing food. In what ways would you predict that it zombifies its hosts (alters their behavior)?

a. It should make them feel sick and rest in bed.

b. It should make them want to host more people for social dinners.

c. It should make them want to prepare meals more.

d. It should reduce their sanitary practices (e.g. washing hands) while preparing food.

e. It should make them want to horde food.


a. It should make them feel sick and rest in bed.

b. It should make them want to host more people for social dinners.

c. It should make them want to prepare meals more.

d. It should reduce their sanitary practices (e.g. washing hands) while preparing food.


The options shown above are the only ones that show possible changes in personal behaviors related exclusively to the behavior of a person, who may be suffering from the damage caused by a parasite in the brain. The "e" option does not represent a change in behavior and does not depend exclusively on a sick individual due to the action of a parasite.

As you may already know, the brain governs our body in all factors, for this reason, cysts in this organ can trigger behavioral changes.

Answer: a. It should make them feel sick and rest in bed.


The full question is:

Imagine you discover a new human parasite like T. gondii that forms cysts in the brain. You suspect it is altering human behavior. You also determine that it is transmitted through sharing food. In what ways would you predict that it zombifies its hosts (alters their behavior)?

a. It should make them feel sick and rest in bed.

b. It should make them want to host more people for social dinners.

c. It should make them want to prepare meals more.

d. It should reduce their sanitary practices (e.g. washing hands) while preparing food.

e. It should make them want to horde food.

Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, a generally mild but potentially fatal disease, especially in cats and human fetuses. Cats and other felines are considered their ultimate hosts because the sexed phase of their life cycle takes place there, making these animals the primary hosts of the parasite. The asexual phase of the life cycle can occur in any warm-blooded animal, such as other mammals and birds. Therefore, toxoplasmosis is a parasitic zoonosis.

Parasites invade the cells, forming a compartment called the parasitophore vacuole which form cysts in tissues, especially in the muscles and brain. Because the parasite is inside the cells, the host immune system does not detect these cysts. Antibiotic resistance varies, but cysts are difficult to eradicate entirely. Therefore, T. gondii spreads within these vacuoles through a series of binary divisions until the infested cell eventually breaks free.

Some people have flu-like signs and symptoms, which may be:

Swollen lymph nodesHeadacheFeverFatigueWidespread pain

In people with impaired immune systems, symptoms may also include:

ConfusionLack of coordinationConvulsionsBlurred vision caused by intense swelling of the retina

In recent years, several investigations indicate that the parasite can cause changes in the behavior associated with impulsivity, and personality disorders. So, we could predict it zombifies the host by changes in the behavior, because of the damage caused by a parasite in the brain. It is important to consider that the brain governs the body, and cysts found there can trigger these changes.

why is it necessary yo separate oxgynated and deoxgynated blood in livng oranisum



it is necessary in mammals and birds to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood because this makes their circulatory system more efficient and helps in maintaining a constant body temperature

how do i explain assimilation of glucose?



Is the movement of digested food molecules into the cells of the body where they are used

Example:glucose is used respiration to provide energy


Assimilation is that process distribute to cells during absorbs and nutrients or digestion your body is known as assimilation.


Assimilation nutrients gets the food to your cells  they used growth and repair,assimilation of nutrients in the small intestine.

Assimilation is that process important cell take nutrient from the pump and intestine into your body and his distributed in your body.

The other side intestine cell another pump that glucose into the blood and surround the intestine, glucose in the blood can its a serious problems, blood flows to the liver deliver  into the glucose storage.

Glucose is delivered to all the cell in your body,liver cell can store glucose as glycogen,in your body cell use glucose to make cellular energy in body.

Glucose can contain reach small intestine down into individual sugars,like glucose,take sugar from the intestinal cells.

Assimilation is the process of vitamins, minerals and chemical food,

assimilation is the chemical alteration of substance in the liver or cellular secretions.

What would happen if sex cells were diploid?
A. They would require 2 other gametes to fuse with.
B. When they fused, the resulting embryo would have double the amount of DNA it should
C. When they fused, the resulting embryo would have half the amount of DNA it should
D. Sex cells are diploid.


If the gametes will be diploid then on fusing the resulting embryo would have double the amount of DNA it should have. The correct option is B.

What are gametes?

A gamete is an animal or plant procreative cell. Female gametes are known as ova or egg cells in animals, while male gametes are known as sperm.

Ova and sperm are haploid cells, with only one copy of each chromosome in each cell. A sperm and an ovum combine during fertilization to form a new diploid organism.

As in case of diploid gamete, the embryo will have double amount of DNA than normal and will create defect.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding gametes, visit:


what are the challenges faced by the role of climate on crop production?



Climate on crop production contribute to the greenhouse effect and climate change and impacts on agriculture production.


Crop production of climate change is likely to change food security in the future, all people and economic to sufficient and safe an active life.

Climate change is to contribute to food prices and food production, and expensive climate change increase energy prices,production may increased crop water and suitable production.

Agriculture and food product system is a major process source of gas,could increase products,yield of crop restricted by the extreme events.

Productivity can also effects on the immune system them certain diseases,in animals are productivity and fertility.

Crop level to climate change is expected be in future changing crop irrigation practices,crop production under global change.

Climate change extreme events have been and strategies suggest to help maintain production and restoring farm type, crop, food systems, crop that stress tolerance.

The diagram shows a straight chain of glucose molecules.
Which carbohydrate is shown above?
O fructose
O sucrose
O galactose





Starch is a polysaccharide composed of many glucose molecules linearly arranged.


Fructose, sucrose, galactose, and glucose are carbohydrates. They are organic compounds with H, C, and O. Their functional groups are hydroxyl (-OH) and carbonyl (-C=O).

Galactose, fructose, and glucose are isomeric monosaccharides, with the formula C₆H₁₂O₆.

Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of glucose + fructose. The formula is C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁.

Glucose is the most abundant carbohydrate. The main source of glucose is vegetable starch.

The starch molecule is composed of many glucose molecules joined.  

This is a linear polysaccharide that can acquire a tridimensional helicoidal conformation. Each of the helices turns consists of six glucose molecules. In the interior of the helix, there are only hydrogen atoms. Hydroxyl groups are facing the exterior.


Related link:


Can someone help me with these questions? Thank you.












(do not take my word for it maybe wait for someone else to answer to compare to mine)

Resources have an ethical value if A. They are used to produce goods. B. We have a right to take advantage of them. C. They are particularly beautiful. D. We have a duty to protect them.





Ethical values mean that a resource is important to conserve, protect, and use responsibly.

I'm always happy to help :)

how are phenotypes impacted by mutations



I guess phenotypes are not affected by mutations since mutations affect the gene structure of organisms while phenotypic characteristics are acquired through ones life time therefore no relationship between the two

What happens when volcanoes release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere?



a. the climate gets warmer...


When volcanoes release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, global warming is due to the greenhouse effect.

What do you mean by the Greenhouse effect?

The Greenhouse effect may be defined as the phenomenon of keeping the earth warm due to the presence of certain gases in the atmosphere.

Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous oxide allow the solar radiations to enter but prevent the escape of heat radiations of longer wavelength.

Due to this, the gradual and continuous increase in the average temperature of the earth's surface occurs, a phenomenon known as global warming.

Therefore, when volcanoes release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, global warming is due to the greenhouse effect.

To learn more about Greenhouse gases, refer to the link:


Which is most likely a source of air pollution?





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