Some historians have defined the historical period of the 1960s and 1970s as a watershed moment in US history because it represents critical change. The emergence of movements for equality, a well-organized political activist youth culture, and a counterculture that rebelled against established norms in society are all factors that highlight this change. Is there a single person or event you think exemplifies the changing US society of the 1960s and 1970s? Explain your choice and why you chose it. Or, explain why you think no single person or event exemplifies this period. Then, name an event that you think illustrates the changing perceptions of authority within the United States in the 1960s and 1970s and explain your reasoning. No Response(s) Be the first to respond to the Discussion topic!


Answer 1


There are many people who could exemplify the period, but a particularly important figure is Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther King is the central figurehead of the Civil Rights Movement, which was perhaps the most important social movement in American during this time. Martin Luther King was a great leader who gave a voice to the needs of African Americans, who had been subjected to all kinds of abuses from centuries before.

He gave a message of change, but always in peaceful manners. He was not a provocator, and openly called for tolerance between all people, regardless of the color of skin, or other attributes.

This is why he became such a central figure of this period.

Related Questions

Judges are expected to base their decisions on the (3 points)



election of time,also based on the interpretation of law, according to the will of the majority


this all I think about now

How do the principles of popular sovereignty and the rule of law help limit the government's powers?



The Rule of Law is what governs a country and it is usually embedded in the constitution which is to be strictly followed by citizens regardless of status, position or class.

The rule of law helps to limits the powers of Government and serves a check and balance to all the arms of government of the country. This also helps to prevent dictatorship and infringement of human right of the people.

Lawyers interview potential witnesses outside of court during which pretrial
A. Mediation
B. Depositions
C. Discovery
D. Deliberation



I think it is  C. discovery


Discovery is a process by which adversaries obtain trial-related evidence from one another

What events do you think caused voters to lose faith in the political system and the nation’s leaders in the late 1960s and 1970s? Can you think of any events during your lifetime that may have caused voters to lose faith in the political system and nation's leaders?



the Vietnamese war


It did not happen all at once, this radical diminution of trust. Over more than a decade, the accumulated weight of critical reporting about the war, the publication of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, and the declassification of military and intelligence reports tarnished the office.

Nor did the process stop when that last chopper took off. New evidence of hypocrisy has continued to appear, an acidic drip, drip, drip on the image of the presidency. The three men who are most responsible for the war, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Richard Nixon, each made the fateful decision to record their deliberations about it.

The tapes they left behind—some of them still newly public, others long obscured by the sheer volume of the material—are extraordinary. They expose the presidents’ secret motives and fears, at once humanizing the men and deepening the disillusionment with the office they held.

Why Bengali are called mixed origin- Explain with your logic



Bengali is human inhabiting oldest group of this region a mixed race and they lived at Bengal.


This people population is divide between by the Bangladesh and Indian states of west Bengal and Assam valley,this people language in Aryan language.

They have four major religious :- Bengali Hindu, Bengali Muslim, Bengali Christians and Bengali Buddhist.

Bengali used to refer the cultural family  origins from the Bengal, exact origin is known to the Bengali civilization is Bengal region believe the sings of settlement in the region.

Bengal effective the political and power was transferred from the company began under the Bengal presidency,Bengal is refers to the reform during the around of Calcutta.

Bengal as having  started by the  reformer  and Asia first Nobel winner Tagore , Bengal is major role played in the Indian Independence moment  as were dominant.

The first partition divide the Bengal 1905 region in into two provinces for development and administrative purpose.  

Bengali is human inhabiting oldest group of this region a mixed race and they lived at Bengal.

Who are Bengali people?

This people population is divide between by the Bangladesh and Indian states of west Bengal and Assam valley,this people language in Aryan language.

Bengali used to refer the cultural family  origins from the Bengal, exact origin is known to the Bengali civilization is Bengal region believe the sings of settlement in the region.

The first partition divide the Bengal 1905 region in into two provinces for development and administrative purpose.  

Learn more about Bengali, refer to the link:

What name did the pro slavery rebel states take on when they broke from the United States? A. Dixie B. The Mason-Dixie line C. The Confederate States of America D. The Rebel States of America



Option C


It is the Confederate states of America.

3. Note two internal factors
that made Africa vulnerable
to European conquest.



1) Lack of technology

2) Traditional rivalries

El conocido teórico militar C. Clausewitz planteó en el siglo XIX que las guerras no eran otra cosa que la continuidad de la política por otros medios. Esto resultaría evidente cuando *



El adversario es visto como un enemigo al que hay que eliminar.


Claude Von Clausewitz fue un teórico militar alemán, conocido principalmente por sus participaciones defendiendo a Prusia en las Guerras Napoleónicas.

Clausewitz creía que las guerras eran solo otra forma de resolución de conflictos políticos, es decir, un instrumento legítimo de resolución de controversias (aunque obviamente, no el mas deseable por su costo en vidas y en dinero). Es decir, bajo su óptica la guerra era un medio por el cual se destruía al adversario político para lograr así los objetivos sin ninguna oposición.

Esta teoría plantea claramente a los conflictos políticos como una cuestión adversarial, donde el adversario es considerado un enemigo y, por lo tanto, necesariamente debe ser atacado y eliminado para concretar los objetivos propios. Es decir, Clausewitz no veía las divergencias políticas como enriquecedoras o constructivas, sino simplemente como cuestiones de conflicto y violencia.

how did the issues of taxation and violation of individual rights lead to the outbreak of the american revolution?



The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government's policies. The term has its origin in a slogan of the American colonials against their British rulers: "Taxation without representation is tyranny."


Describe how the development changed society’s understanding how is the development applicable outside of the social science


Incomplete and unclear question. However, i inferred from a general perspective.


Development is usually termed as long-term growth; or sustained growth. For example, a community suffering from chronic corruption would feel happy if drastic measures were now taken by the the government, thus such development would change the society's positively.

Such development is applicable in fields such as law in making necessary reforms to policies in order to deter such actions.

How did trade routes influence the renassainces beginning in italy?



by sponsoring them


Traders from constantinople began to sponsor italian artists. Merchants from tripoli grew wealthy supplying armies fighting the hundred years' war. Italy was isolated from its neighbors, so it began to focus on its own culture

Which statement best explains why a Supreme Court opinion is a seminal document?
An opinion can become quite lengthy, which makes it a seminal document.
Supreme Court documents are the only seminal documents in the United States.
An opinion may create major changes in the laws or policies of the United States.
Generally speaking, a Supreme Court opinion reflects the feelings of all people of the US.



An opinion may create major changes in the laws or policies of the United States.

Hope this helps! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~


Which item could serve as a primary source for a historian
studying the end of apartheid in South Africa?


The correct answer is D. A journal written by a black South African describing his experiences with apartheid policies.


A primary source acts as an immediate account. This means, the source is created by someone who witnessed/experienced the event, and it is created shortly after the event. This does not occur in secondary sources as in these, the author uses a primary source to create another source such as a summary, essay, report, etc.

From the options, the primary source is "A journal written by a black South African describing his experiences with apartheid policies" because the author of this source is directly describing an event he/she experienced, which means the source is an immediate and first-hand account.


Can someone help me please !


The correct answer is A. "Exodusters"


During the end of the 19th century, dozens of African Americans migrated from states in the east to territories in the west including states such as Kansas. This was motivated by the violence and discrimination against African Americans despite the end of slavery and the Reconstruction. Moreover, this group of African Americans called themselves "Exodusters" as this event was an exodus or departure as it occurred in the Bible with Hebrews. Also, African Americans were looking for the "promised land" or a better place to live, which makes them consider themselves similar to the Hebrews in the exodus.

What was a result of the use of chemical weapons during World War I?
Tanks and aircraft were developed to counter the effects of chemical weapons.
Trenches were used to protect soldiers from chemical weapons in battle.
Many nations agreed to stop using chemical weapons after World War I.
Doctors developed treatments that made chemical weapons obsolete.​



Many nations agreed to stop using chemical weapons after World War I.


The use of chemical weapons during World War I had devastating effects on humanity; both on the aggressors and aggrieved. It killed hundreds of thousands and gave many others, after-effects that lasted them decades.

The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) control treaty was put into force on 29th April 1997 where production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons was outlawed.

C: Many nations agreed to stop using chemical weapons after World War I. on edge 2021

Why was Iwo Jima a major step in the Allies' island hopping campaign?
O The Allies needed its significant natural resources.
O It was the site of Japan's missile defense system.
O Its airfields would enable them to attack Japan,
O The Japanese had yet to invade the island.



It's airfields would enable them to attack Japan.



C.) Its airfields would enable them to attack Japan.

Describe the culture of Jewish Orthodox in America



The culture of the Jewish Orthodox in America is similar to the culture of the Jewish Orthodox in other places like Israel or Russia.

The Jewish Orthodox in America are concentrated in the Northeast, particularly in New York and New Jersey. They mostly keep to themselves, and follow different branches of Judaism, like Hasidic Judaism, and Haredi Judaism.

They follow customs typical of orthodox judaism, like dressing in black, keeping long hair and beards in the case of men, and having large families. Women often do not work, and all of them keep the sabbath strictly (meaning that none of them work on saturdays).

What is the historical background of Jewish orthodox?



Jewish Orthodox believes that the Jewish people left the slavery of Egypt and met with God at a mountain called Sinai, there they would be given the Torah through Moses.


Hope this helps.

Please mark Brainliest.

A musician agrees to play a show for two hours every Saturday
evening at an expensive restaurant. On several Saturdays, he plays for
only one hour or doesn't show up at all. The restaurant sues the
musician, demanding he return part of the money he was paid up front.
The situation described in the passage best represents which legal concept?
A. Negligence
O B. Mediation
O C. Breach of contract
O D. Intentional tort



not entirely sure but i believe C



Its breach of contract


Who was termed a foreigneer during medieval times?​


Almost everyone was a foreigner in the medieval times. Anyone who didn't grow up in your own village or small township would be considered foreign. It still happens in very small townships to a certain extent. Anyone who comes from "outside" is often considered a stranger, even if they live there for years. Found it on Quora

Precisely Compare and contrast the history of taxation in England from the year 1377 up

to the year 1698 as written by Stephen Dowell with the history taxation in Tanzania.​



The answer is below


Similarities between Tanzania Tax History and Englad Tax History

1. Tanzania Tax History ( 20th century ) and England tax history (1377) started with policy of Poll Tax.

2. Both Tanzania (1973) and England (1404) imposed Income Tax (1404) on their people.

3. Tanzania and England both abolished certain part of their Tax system e.g Tanzania abolished excise duty in 1979, while England revoked Poll tax in 1381.

4. Tanzania and England also re-introduce their formerly withdrawn duty. For example, Tanzania's excise duty in 1989, and England's Poll Tax in 1641, 1660, 1694.

Contrast between Tanzania Tax History and Englad Tax History

1. Tanzania Tax history began in the 20th century, and that of England, began in 1377.

2. Tanzania levied sales tax at certain point, (1969) however, England levied taxes like Hearth Tax, House Tax, and Window Tax at some point.

3. Tanzania established Tax Commission in 1989, but England introduced Parliamentary Reform Act-Electoral Registers (Voters Lists) in 1832.

differentiate between regionalization and regionalism​



Regionalization is defined as an increase in the cross-border flow of capital, goods, and people within a specific geographical area.In contrast, regionalism is defined as a political will (hence ism is attached as a suffix) to create a formal arrangement among states on a geographically restricted basis.

Which one of the following was agreed Upon by the US , Britain , and the Soviet Union at the Yalta Conference



The Yalta Conference was a political summit between the Allies during World War II, held on February 4 to 11, 1945.  

The meeting decided that democratic elections would be held in Germany and the Nazi-controlled Central European nations would be liberated after the war, while the Soviet-backed governments in Poland and Yugoslavia were to be reorganized with greater democratic support.   Finally, this meeting ended with the Soviet commitment to attack Japan.

The meeting also discussed the future of the United Nations, and at the meeting it was decided that the victorious states (France, Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union) would have a veto in the Security Council.

who is the better avatar? Korra or Korra?





Because most of the characters in avater aang were stronger than the characters in avatar korra




cause he has some fun with it at times , he is also very optimistic and likable  

The United States is a


Answer: A Country

I dont exactly know what this question is but the United states is alos a democracy

what is your own definition of PROPERTY? What are the strengths and weaknesses of property ownership?



Property is any item that a person or a business has legal title over. Property can be tangible items, such as houses, cars, or appliances, or it can refer to intangible items that carry the promise of future worth, such as stock and bond certificates.

Property is anything that a person or business owns and has legal title over it. The strength of owning a property is it is an investment asset and the weakness is Market risks.

What is property?

Property can be defined as a system of rights that gives people legal control of valuable things. It also refers to the valuable things themselves. Depending on the nature of the property, an owner of the property may have the right to consume, alter, share, redefine, rent, mortgage, pawn, sell, exchange, transfer, give away or destroy it, or to exclude others from doing these things.

In economics and political economy, there are three broad forms of property, they are private property, public property, and collective property. Property that jointly belongs to more than one party may be possessed or controlled thereby in very similar or very distinct ways, whether simply or complexly, whether equally or unequally.

The unqualified term "property" is often used to refer specifically to real property.

Learn more about property, here:


According to Jean-Paul Sartre, what do I realize when someone looks at me? What emotion does this give rise



1. being observed

2.  shame, embarrassment or pride.


Jean-Paul Sartre was widely known as French philospher and generally considered as Existentialist. In one of his book titled "Theory of Human Nature." Sartre suggested that, when people look at us it shows or make us know that we are BEING OBSERVED,  this results in us to have feelings or experience emotions that could be any of SHAME, EMBARRASSMENT or PRIDE.

How can you infer that African did not willingly accept European
domination? (make symbols representing your reasons)



They fight with the European  


African did not willingly accept European  domination because they thought that this was their land not European  and the resources such as gold, silver etc were their property. So they resist to European  colonization by fighting with them but due to weak financial condition they resist for very less time and the European  made their colonies. Only two countries i. e. Liberia and Ethiopia never have been colonized due to strong military power.

Which colony was most likely to be based around shipbuilding





The Pennsylvania colony was most likely to be based around shipbuilding.

Pennsylvania colony to be a centre of ship construction in 1682.Many artisans and merchants began to earn money and profit from trade and shipbuilding.The supply of woods and iron allowed Pennsylvania to engage in the shipbuilding industry.

Therefore we can conclude that Pennsylvania is likely in the shipbuilding industry.

Learn more about shipbuilding here:

Why do you think the Jamestown colonists suffered through so many hardships?



because to get a prize you have to understand the conciquences and they tried being lazy which they learned got them nowhere

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