South Africa mined 697,000 metric tons of aluminum in 2016. China mined 31,200,000
metric tons of aluminum in 2016. Which country had the absolute advantage?
A. South Africa
B. China


Answer 1




Whenever a manufacturer can create an item or function in larger volume for the similar price, or even the same amount at a cheaper price, than other suppliers, he or she has an absolute advantage Large profits from commerce amongst suppliers of various commodities with differing absolute advantages might be based on absolute advantage.

Related Questions

Concord Company has recently tried to improve its analysis for its manufacturing process. Units started into production equaled 18900 and ending work in process equaled 1000 units. Concord had no beginning work in process inventory. Conversion costs are applied uniformly throughout production, and all materials are applied at the beginning of the process. How much is the materials cost per unit if ending work in process was 30% complete and total materials costs equaled $86940



the material cost per unit is $4.60 per unit


The computation of the material cost per unit is shown below:

= Total material cost ÷ equivalent units of material

= $86,940 ÷ (18,900 - 1,000) × 100% + 1,000 × 100%

= $86,940 ÷ (17,900 + 1,000)

= $86,940 ÷ 18,900

= $4.60 per unit

Hence, the material cost per unit is $4.60 per unit

The same should be considered and relevant

g Find the monthly payment and estimate the remaining balance (to the nearest dollar). Assume interest is on the unpaid balance. 5-year car loan for $9700 at 5%; remaining balance after 4 years.



Monthly payment $102.88

Outstanding balance after year 4 $1,201.76


First and foremost, the car loan amount of $9,700 is the present value of all monthly payments for 5 years as shown below:

PV=monthly payment*(1-(1+r)^-n/r

PV=car loan amount=$9,700

monthly payment=unknown

r=monthly interest rate=5%/12=0.004166667

n=number of monthly payments in 5 years=5*12=60

$9700=monthly payment*(1-(1+0.004166667)^-120/0.004166667

$9700=monthly payment*(1-(1.004166667)^-120/0.004166667

$9700=monthly payment*(1-0.607161016 )/0.004166667

$9700=monthly payment*0.392838984 /0.004166667

$9700=monthly payment*94.28134862

monthly payment=$9700/94.28134862

monthly payment=$102.88  

The outstanding balance after year 4 is the present value of monthly payments for the remaining 1 year(12 months)



PV=$102.88*(1-0.951328238 )/0.004166667

PV=$102.88*0.048671762 /0.004166667


Wasilko Corporation produces and sells one product The budgeted selling price per unit is $114. Budgeted unit sales for February is 9,900 units. Each unit of finished goods requires 6 pounds of raw materials. The raw materials cost $4.00 per pound. The direct labor wage rate is $24.00 per hour. Each unit of finished goods requires 2.4 direct labor-hours. Manufacturing overhead is entirely variable and is $9.00 per direct labor-hour. The variable selling and administrative expense per unit sold is $1.60. The fixed selling and administrative expense per month is $70,000. The estimated net operating income (loss) for February is closest to:


Answer: $21,080


First calculate the contribution margin per unit

= Sales - Variable costs

= Selling price - Raw materials - Direct labor cost - Manufacturing overhead - Variable selling and administrative expense

= 114 - (6 * 4) - (2.4 * 24) - (9 * 2.4) - 1.60

= $9.20

The Contribution margin is:

= 9.20 * 9,900 units

= $91,080

Net operating income = Contribution margin - fixed cost

= 91,080 - 70,000

= $21,080

Forner, Inc., manufactures and sells two products: Product Z1 and Product Z8. The company has an activity-based costing system with the following activity cost pools, activity measures, and expected activity:
Estimated Expected Activity
Activity Cost Pools Activity Measures Overhead Cost Product Z1 Product Z8 Total
Labor-related DLHs $112,190 600 2,000 2,600
Machine setups setups 40,440 500 700 1,200
Order size MHs 609,770 3,000 3,200 6,200
The activity rate for the Machine Setups activity cost pool under activity-based costing is closest to:
$203.26 per setup
$190.55 per setup
$122.97 per setup
$33.70 per setup



Machine setups= $33.7 per setup


Giving the following information:

Activity Cost Pools Activity Measures Overhead Cost Product Z1 Product Z8 Total

Machine setups setups 40,440 500 700 1,200

To calculate the activity rate for Machine setup, we need to use the following formula:

Predetermined manufacturing overhead rate= total estimated overhead costs for the period/ total amount of allocation base

Machine setups= 40,440 / 1,200

Machine setups= $33.7 per setup

Local marketing is an effective tool used by marketers to reach intended market segments. Groupon has capitalized on this concept by tailoring brands and marketing to the needs and wants of local customer segments—cities, neighborhoods, and even specific stores. According to its website, Groupon “offers a vast mobile and online marketplace where people discover and save on amazing things to do, see, eat, and buy. By enabling real time commerce across local businesses, travel destinations, consumer products, and live events, shoppers can find the best a city has to offer. Groupon is redefining how small businesses attract and retain customers by providing them with customizable and scalable marketing tools and services to profitably grow their businesses.” This concept lies at the heart of Groupon’s mission: “to connect local commerce, increasing consumer buying power while driving more business to local merchants through price and discovery.” To help consumers make those connections, Groupon offers a mobile app, online marketplace, and social media touchpoints where customers can readily access information on its daily deals. Questions: Q1. How does Groupon use target marketing? Provide examples. Q2. Discuss the ways in which small businesses can utilize local social media marketing in your community. Q3. Have you heard about Groupon? Explain their business Q4. Do you use Groupon? Q5. Is it effective in helping local businesses to meet the challenges of local marketing? Why or why not?




If the return on stock A in year 1 was 6 %, in year 2 was 3 %, in year 3 was 18 % and in year 4 was 3 %, what was the standard deviation of returns for stock A over this four year period? (Round your answer to 1 decimal place and record without a percent sign. If your final answer is negative, place a minus sign before the number with no space between the sign and the number).





We need to,first of all, determine the arithmetic average return of all the returns, which is the sum of the returns divided by the number of returns

average return=(6%+3%+18%+3%)/4

average return=7.50%

Years return (return-average return) (return-average return)^2

1          6.00%        -1.50%                            0.022500%

2          3.00%       -4.50%                             0.202500%

3         18.00%         10.50%                               1.102500%

4         3.00%       -4.50%                               0.202500%

        average return 7.50%           variance 1.530000%

                   standard deviation=variance^(1/2) 12.4%

Medical profession is a very sensitive profession.Do U agree?Give 5 reason​



Medical profession is very sensitive and intellectual where human life is at risk. A successful effort of a doctor can save a life. Due to that, a doctor is known as 2nd God. When he attempts a major and long surgery, his endurance, hard work and mental ability spotlight his character.

Sammy Co. uses process costing to account for the production of popcorn. Direct materials are added at the beginning of the process and conversion costs are incurred uniformly throughout the process. Equivalent units have been calculated to be 20,000 units for materials and 18,200 units for conversion costs. Beginning inventory consisted of $6,200 in materials and $4,400 in conversion costs. May costs were $47,000 for materials and $32,000 for conversion costs. Ending inventory still in process was 4,000 units (100% complete for materials, 55% for conversion). The cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs using the weighted average method would be:





Calculation to determine what The cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs using the weighted average method would be:

Using this formula

Cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs=Beginning inventory for conversion costs +May costs for conversion)/Equivalent units for conversion costs

Let plug in the formula

Cost per equivalent unit for conversion = ($4,400 + $32,000)/18,200

Cost per equivalent unit for conversion =$36,400/18,200

Cost per equivalent unit for conversion = $2.00

Therefore The cost per equivalent unit for conversion costs using the weighted average method would be:$2.00

Halsted Corp. has identified three cost pools in its manufacturing process: equipment maintenance, setups, and quality control. Total cost assigned to the three pools is $214,500, $101,400, and $153,000, respectively. Cost driver estimates for the pools are 10,000 machine hours, 150 setups, and 450 quality inspections, respectively.

Calculate the activity rate for each of Halsted's cost pools.



Maintenance $21.45 per Machine Hour

Setup $676 per Setup

Quality Control $340 per Inspection


Calculation to determine the activity rate for each of Halsted's cost pools.

Activity rate for MAINTENANCE COST

Using this formula

Activity rate= Total maintenance cost / Total machine hours

Let plug in the morning

Activity rate=$214,500/ 10,000

Activity rate= $21.45 per Machine Hour

Activity rate for SETUPS

Using this formula

Activity rate= Total Setups /Setups

Let plug in the formula

Activity rate= $101,400/150

Activity rate=$676 per Setup

Activity rate for QUALITY CONTROL

Using this formula

Activity rate= Total Quality control /Quality inspections

Let plug in the formula

Activity rate= $153,000/450

Activity rate= $340 per Inspection

Therefore the activity rate for each of Halsted's cost pools will be:

Maintenance $21.45 per Machine Hour

Setup $676 per Setup

Quality Control $340 per Inspection

g A construction company builds roads with machinery​ (capital, K) and labor​ (L). If we plot the isoquants for the production function so that labor is on the horizontal​ axis, then a point on the isoquant with a small MRTS​ (in absolute​ value) is associated with high​ __________ use and low​ __________ use. A. ​labor; capital B. ​concrete; gravel C. ​capital; labor D. None of the above.



A. ​labor; capital


In the production function theory, here we presume that the isoquants should be convex shaped and the MRTS should be isoquant slop that should be downward as it is shifted from left to right. Now if it is along on the horizontal axis that goes towards right so here MRTS falls and the labor rises. Due to increased in labor, the capital should falls because of the negative slope

Therefore the option a is correct

The point on the isoquant with a small MRTS​ (in absolute​ value) is associated with high labor use and low capital use.

In a production function theory, we will presume that the isoquants should be convex shaped and the MRTS should be isoquant slop hence, should be downward as it is shifted from left to right.

if the MRTS is along on the horizontal axis that goes towards right, hence, the MRTS falls and the labor rises.

Hence, due to the increase in labor, the capital should falls because of the negative slope.

Therefore, the Option A is correct since the point on the isoquant with a small MRTS​ (in absolute​ value) is associated with high labor use and low capital use.

Read more about production function theory

A company paid $0.85 in cash dividends per share. Its earnings per share is $3.50, and its market price per share is $35.50. Its dividend yield equals:


Answer: 2.4%


Cash dividend = $0.85

Earnings per share = $3.50

Market price per share = $35.50

The dividend yield will be calculated as:

= Cash dividends / Market price per share

= $0.85 / $35.50

= 0.024

= 2.4%

The dividend yield is 2.4%.

Now- a quick question. Assume at the beginning of Year2, Becker Company has a credit (positive) balance in the AOCI account of $10800. Becker Company reports $653000 of net income for Year2. Becker has an unrealized gain of $12000 during Year2. The gain qualifies as OCI (Other comprehensive income). 1. What will Becker report as Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income on the Year2 balance sheet



Becker Company

The amount that Becker will report as Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income on the Year 2 balance sheet is:

= $22,800.


a) Data and Calculations:

Year 2 Beginning balance:

Accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) = $10,800 credit

Year 2 reported net income = $653,000

Unrealized gain during Year 2 = $12,000

The Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income on the Year 2 balance sheet is:

Beginning balance $10,800

Unrealized gain        12,000

AOCI for Year 2 = $22,800

b) Becker's Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income includes unrealized gains and losses arising from some investments, pension plans, and hedging transactions.  These are usually reported in the equity section of the balance sheet and then netted off from the retained earnings.

During July, the production department of a process operations system completed and transferred to finished goods 24,000 units that were in process at the beginning of July and 72,000 that were started and completed in July. July's beginning inventory units were 100% complete with respect to materials and 30% complete with respect to labor. At the end of July, 29,000 additional units were in process in the production department and were 100% complete with respect to materials and 35% complete with respect to labor. The beginning inventory included labor cost of $52,400 and the production department incurred direct labor cost of $451,250 during July. Compute the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department using the weighted-average method.



the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department is $4.74 per unit


The computation of the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department is given below:

Equivalent units for direct labor cost is

= 24,000 unit + 72,000 units + 35% of 29,000

= 24,000 units + 72,000 units + 10,150 units

= 106,150 units

Now the direct cost per equivalent unit is

= ($52,400 + $451,250) ÷ 106,150 units

= $4.74 per unit

Hence, the direct labor cost per equivalent unit for the department is $4.74 per unit

Question 12
0.5 pts
The goal of any monopolist is to maximize:
economic profits.
normal profits.
consumer welfare.



economic profits.


A monopoly is a market structure which is typically characterized by a single-seller who sells a unique product in the market by dominance. This ultimately implies that, it is a market structure wherein the seller has no competitor because he is solely responsible for the sale of unique products without close substitutes.

Also, a monopolist refers to any individual that deals with the sales of unique products in a monopolistic market.

Generally, the goal of any monopolist is to maximize economic profits.

Basically, a monopolist earns an economic profit when the average total cost (AVC) of his goods and services is less than price.

Unlike a business firm operating in a perfectly competitive market, a monopolist can continue to earn economic profits in the long-run because there exist an extremely high level of barriers to entry for new business firms.

If the price elasticity of supply is 0.5 and the quantity supplied decreases by 6%, then the price must have decreased by 3%. a. True b. False


Answer: False


The price elasticity of supply measures the change in quantity supplied when the price changes.

The basic trend is that when price increases, quantity supplied increases as well. The reverse is true.

Price elasticity of supply = %Change in quantity supplied / % change in price

0.5 = -6% / Change in price

0.5 * Change in price = -6%

Change in price = -6% / 0.5

= -12%

The statement above is therefore false because price should have reduced by 12% for quantity supplied to reduce by 6%

Sims Company, a manufacturer of tablet computers, began operations on January 1, 2019. Its cost and sales information for this year follows. Manufacturing costs Direct materials $ 40 per unit Direct labor $ 60 per unit Overhead costs Variable $ 30 per unit Fixed $ 7,000,000 (per year) Selling and administrative costs for the year Variable $ 770,000 Fixed $ 4,250,000 Production and sales for the year Units produced 100,000 units Units sold 70,000 units Sales price per unit $ 350 per unit 1. Prepare an income statement for the year using variable costing. 2. Prepare an income statement for the year using absorption costing.



Sims Company

Income Statements                   Variable Costing       Absorption Costing

Sales revenue                             $24,500,000               $24,500,000

Cost of goods sold:

Variable cost of manufacturing      9,100,000                     9,100,000

Variable cost of selling and admin.  770,000                                    0

Fixed manufacturing cost                             0                    4,900,000

Total cost of goods sold              $9,870,000                $14,000,000

Contribution margin                   $14,630,000                                   0

Gross profit                                                    0               $10,500,000

Fixed /Period costs:

Fixed manufacturing cost           $7,000,000                                  0

Selling and administrative expenses:

Variable                                                                              $ 770,000

Fixed                                              4,250,000                  4,250,000

Total period/fixed costs             $11,250,000               $5,027,000

Net operating income                $3,380,000                $5,473,000


a) Data and Calculations:

Manufacturing costs

Direct materials $ 40 per unit

Direct labor $ 60 per unit

Overhead costs

Variable $ 30 per unit

Total variable manufacturing cost per unit = $130

Fixed $ 7,000,000 (per year)

Selling and administrative costs for the year

Variable $ 770,000

Fixed $ 4,250,000

Production and sales for the year

Units produced 100,000 units

Units sold 70,000 units

Ending inventory = 30,000 units

Sales price per unit $ 350 per unit

Suppose that the MPC is 0.8 and that $18 trillion of real GDP is currently being demanded. The government wants to increase real GDP demanded to $19 trillion at the same price level. By how much would it have to increase government purchases to achieve this goal (use the simple spending multiplier)?


Answer: $200 billion


First find the government spending multiplier:

Multiplier = 1 / (1 - MPC)

= 1 / (1 - 0.8)

= 5

The government wants to increase the real GDP to $19 trillion from $18 trillion which means that they want to increase it by $1 trillion.

In order to increase it by $1 trillion, the amount the government needs to spend is:

Increase in real GDP = Multiplier * Government spending

1 trillion = 5 * Government spending

Government spending = 1 trillion / 5

= $200 billion

Project A requires a $ 385,000 initial investment for new machinery with a five year life and a salvage value of . The company uses straight - line depreciation . Project A is expected to yield annual net income of $ 23,100 per year for the next five years.

Compute Project A's payback period.



4.2 years


Here is the complete question

Project A requires a $ 385,000 initial investment for new machinery with a five year life and a salvage value of $44,000. The company uses straight - line depreciation . Project A is expected to yield annual net income of $ 23,100 per year for the next five years.


Compute Project A's payback period.

Payback = amount invested / cash flow

cash flow = net income + depreciation

depreciation = (cost of asset - salvage value) / useful life

(385,000 - 44,000) / 5 = 68,200

Cash flow = 68,200 + $ 23,100 = 91300

$ 385,000 / 91300 =4.2

In 2 hours, China can produce 6 bottles of milk. In 5 hours, it can produce 15 batches of pumpkins. What is the country's
opportunity cost of producing 1 bottle of milk (in terms of batches of pumpkins)?
your answer below:



China's opportunity cost of producing 1 bottle of milk is equal to one batch of pumpkins.


Given that in 2 hours, China can produce 6 bottles of milk, and in 5 hours, it can produce 15 batches of pumpkins, to determine what is the country's opportunity cost of producing 1 bottle of milk (in terms of batches of pumpkins), the following calculation must be performed:

Milk = 6/2 = 3 per hour

Batches of pumpkins = 15/5 = 3 per hour

3/3 = 1

Therefore, China's opportunity cost of producing 1 bottle of milk is equal to 1 batch of pumpkins.

Which of the following is not an example of what creates a hostile work environment?

1. Displaying sexually suggestive pictures or posters

2. Making sexual comments to other employees

3. All of these

4.Dispensing Assignments based on merit.



4.Dispensing Assignments based on merit.


Dispensing Assignments based on merit is not an example of what creates a hostile work environment.

There are examples of what could cause a hostile work environment which include sexual harassment, use of foul language, etc.

However, giving assignments based on merit is not one of those.

The Absolute Finance Company (AFC) earned $5 a share last year and paid a dividend of $2 per share. Next year, you expect AFC to earn $6 a share next year and continue its payout ratio. Assume that you expect to sell the stock for $45 a year from now. If you require a 13 percent return on this stock, how much would you be willing to pay for it?




56. The Absolute Finance Company (AFC) earned $5 a share last year and paid a dividend of $2 per share. Next year, you expect AFC to earn $6 a share next year and continue its payout ratio. Assume that you expect to sell the stock for $45 a year from now. If you require a 13 percent return on this stock, how much would you be willing to pay for it? a. $41.95 b. $43.21 c. $45.13 d. $46.72 e. $47.40 ANS: A Expected dividend in one year = (2/5)(6) = $2.40 Value today = ($45 + $2.40)/(1.13) = $41.95

Helix reported the following information in its financial statements. Write-offs of accounts receivable were $200 in the current year. Helix did not recover any write-offs.

At December 31 Current Year Prior Year
Accounts receivable $ 5,000 $ 4,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 400 350
Accounts receivable, net $ 4,600 $ 3,650

Determine Bad Debts Expense for the current year.



the Bad debt Expense for the Year is $250


The computation of the bad debt expense is given below:

Bad debt Expense for the Year is

= Current year of  Allowance for Doubtful Accounts + Write off in Current Year - Prior year of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts  

= $400 + $200 - $350

= $250

Hence, the Bad debt Expense for the Year is $250

Iron Company collects cash in full from a customer who purchased merchandise last month on credit. To record the receipt of cash, Iron Company should make the following entries in the general journal. (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. Credit to Accounts Receivable Debit to Accounts Receivable Debit to Sales Credit to Cash Debit to Cash



Credit to Accounts Receivable Debit to Cash


Accounts Receivable is an asset account that represents the cash owed to the company by customers who bought goods or services on credit.

When the credit is paid, the accounts receivable account will reduce and so will be credited because assets are credited when they reduce.

Cash on the other hand will be debited to show that it has increased as assets are debited when they increase.

Activity A is worth $100, is complete, and actually cost $150. Activity B is worth $500, is 75% complete, and has actually cost $400 so far. Activity C is worth $500, is 25% complete, and has actually cost $200 so far. What is the estimated cost at completion for this project, assuming current variances are typical of future variances?





Budget at completion = Worth of activity A + Worth of activity B + Worth of activity C

Budget at completion = $100 + $500 + $500

Budget at completion = $1,100

Earned value = Worth of activity A*% completed + Worth of activity B*% completed + Worth of activity C*% completed

Earned value = $100*100% + $500*75% + $500*25%

Earned value = $100 + $375 + $125

Earned value = $600

Actual cost = Actual cost of Activity A + Actual cost of Activity B + Actual cost of Activity C

Actual cost = $150 + $400 + $200

Actual cost = $750

Cost performance Index = Earned value / Actual cost

Cost performance Index = $600 / $750

Cost performance Index = 0.80

Cost performance Index = 80%

Estimate at completion = Budget at completion / Cost performance Index

Estimate at completion = $1,100 / 0.80

Estimate at completion = $1,375

A company's interest expense is $20,000. Its income before interest expense and income taxes is $140,000. Its net income is $58,800. The company's times interest earned ratio equals:



7 times


Interest expense = $20,000

Income before interest and tax = $140,000

Time interest earned ratio = Income before interest and tax / Interest expense

Time interest earned ratio = $140,000 / $20,000

Time interest earned ratio = 7 times

One key characteristic that is distinctive of an oligopoly market is that Group of answer choices the demand curve facing each firm is downward sloping, with a marginal revenue curve that lies below the firm's demand curve. the decisions of one seller often influence the price of products, the output, and the profits of rival firms. there is only one firm that produces a product for which there are no good substitutes. there are many sellers in the market and each is small relative to the total market.



The decisions of one seller often influence the price of products, the output, and the profits of rival firms.


An oligopoly is a market structure where there are only a few sellers. Therefore, around two or more firms have control over the market. Collectively, they can influence the prices and supply.

This ultimately results in high-level competition between these sellers. Since there are a few sellers in the oligopoly structure, each of these company's profit levels not only depends on the decisions made by them but also on the decisions made by their rival firms.

Hence, option no. 3 "the decisions of one seller often influence the price of products, the output, and the profits of rival firms" is correct.

You have just made your first $5,600 contribution to your retirement account. Assume you earn a return of 11 percent per year and make no additional contributions. a. What will your account be worth when you retire in 39 years



the  account be worth when you retire in 39 years is $327.932.30


The calculation of the account be worth when you retire in 39 years is shown below:

As we know that

Future value = Present value × (1 + rate of interest)^number of years

= $5,600 × (1 + 0.11)^39

= $327,932.30

Hence, the  account be worth when you retire in 39 years is $327.932.30

Troy and Devon discuss adding an automobile detailing service at their convenience store based on their customers' point of view. Which of the following is a statement that a customer might consider regarding "promotion" in the marketing mix model?

a. Customers want a high-quality automobile detail service to have their cars cleaned.
b. Customers prefer to pay a fair amount of money to receive excellent service.
c. Customers want to know the benefits of using Troy's automobile detail service.
d. Customers prefer to use services that are near their work and home.



c. Customers want to know the benefits of using Troy's automobile detail service.


since in the question it is mentioned that the troy and devon wants to discuss for adding up the detaling service of the automobile so here the promotion means that the customer wants to know about the benefits for using the automobile detailing service as this service is also at their convenience store

So, the option c is correct

TeleGlobal is an American firm producing TV sets. TeleGlobal imports TV set components from India and assembles them domestically. Suppose that in the United States, a TV set sells for $400 and that 80% of the TV set’s value comes from the value of the imported components. The United States imposes a 40% tariff on TV sets and a 10% tariff on the TV set’s components. Assume that costs of producing components are the same in the United States and India and that transit costs are nonexistent. Based on the information provided, the effective rate of protection that TeleGlobal receives from the tariff is



135 %


Given that,

The selling price of T.V. set in the U.S. = $400

The Tariff imposed on T.V. sets = 30%

The Tariff on its imported components = 10%

To find,

The effective rate of protection gained from tariff = ?


As we know

Effective rate of protection

= tariff on finished imported good + cost/price of its components * (tariff on imported good - tariff on components imported)/(price of final good - price of its components)

So, by putting the given values in above formulae;

= 40% + 80% of 400 * (40% - 10 %)/(400 - 80% of 400)

= 40 + 320 * (30)/(400 - 320)

= 360 * 30/(80)

= 360 * 30/80

= 135%

In 2012 the minimum wage in Arizona was $7.65. If we assume the growth of this minimum wage is exponential and is growing at the rate of 2%, then the length of time until the minimum wage reaches d dollars is modeled by which formula:________



I don't what should you do otherwise please marks me as brainliests.
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