Leila stared at the driver of the shiny red convertible stopped in the middle of the intersection, incredulous that he would stop traffic just to yell at another driver behind him. What does the use of incredulous connote?


Answer 1

Answer: d. that Leila is shocked at what the driver of the convertible did


Incredulous in this scenario refers to shock. In this instance, it means that the actions of the driver of the convertible in stopping just to yell at someone else was a shocking sight to Leila.

Other examples of sentences with the word "incredulous" are:

- I stared at him incredulously as he lied to my face

- Haile Selassie was incredulous when the coup against him began.

Related Questions

What can a writer do to surprise readers in a story?
slow the story down and add more detail
create a plot twist that affects the story’s outcome
speed up the narrative progression
have the story continue to progress at a predictable rate



Create a plot twist


If it's a plot twist no one expects, then it will suprise readers.


create a plot twist that affects the story’s outcome


Plot twists usually are unexpected and surprise the reader when the read it.

Match the following health problems with the advice or suggestions in the right column:
1.-headache ( )

2.-toothache ( )


4.-stomachache ()

5.-earache. ()

6.-cough ()

7.-backache ()

8.-fever ()

9.-I'm tired ear ()

10.-I'm hungry ()

A).-You should go to the dentist.

B).-You shouldn't smoke.

C).-You should rest.

D).-You should eat.

E).-You should take your

F).-You should rest your back.

G).-You should take an aspirin.

H).-You should take cold

I).-The doctor should look in your

J).-You shouldn't eat so much





1. Headache (You should take your medicine such as paracetamol or panadol)

2. Toothache ( You should go to the dentist.)

3. Cold(You should take cold medicine)

4. Stomachache (You shouldn't eat so much)

5. Earache. (The doctor should look in your ear)


6. Cough (You shouldn't smoke.)

7.-backache (You should rest your back.)

8. Fever: (You should take an aspirin.)

9.-I'm tired (You should rest.)

10.-I'm hungry (You should eat.)

In Brad Leithauser's poem "A Teenage Couple," what difficult topic is the couple discussing?

how long their relationship will last
who will break up with whom
why their relationship is failing
who makes the decisions for the couple



who will break up with whom


In Brad Leithauser's poem "A Teenage Couple," the difficult topic that the couple is discussing is who will break up with whom.

The couple, according to the poem are at odds with each other and as a result we're discussing their breakup, even though they still loved each other, and the the difficult topic they were discussing is who will break up with whom.


Who will break up with whom.


I took the quiz and I got it right, don't worry about it.

Which highlighted word is an adjective?
A lake with clean water is a wonder to behold.




clean: it modifies water. (What kind of water is it? Clean water.)





wonder: Noun

Behold: Verb


Clean: Adjective

Evaluating an Advertisement

write one paragraph of at least 125 words explaining why or why not support your answer with the evaluation of the purpose and use the rhetorical modes in presence of facilities



use is a described word 134

How is the sun related to Mother Nature


Mother Nature and the Sun are related since the sun provides the energy required for plant growth.

4. How can you avoid plagiarizing information when writing your research report?
A.) Quote all the research you find and always cite your sources.
B.)Accurately paraphrase all the research and use as many quotes as possible.
C.) Use the research to support your own ideas and always cite your sources.
D.) Use as many quotes as possible and include a summary of each source.



C.) Use the research to support your own ideas and always cite your sources.


To plagiarize means to use the words or ideas of another as if they were your own.

In your own words, define the terms balanced schedule and time management.
Compare the time management strategies both women used and explain the pros and cons from each woman’s schedule.
Reflecting on your own schedule, explain one thing you do well to manage your time. Explain one way you hope to find more balance in your schedule.



Balanced schedule refers to the time given equally to all activities.


Balanced schedule refers to the time that is given to all work so that all the work receives time in a balanced manner while on the other hand, time management refers to the process of organizing and planning your time between specific activities. Time management strategies women used is to set the priorities means which work is done first and which is done later. In this way, the most important work will be done first whereas the least important one is done in the last. One thing that I do well to manage my time by dividing the time into small parts and specific time is given to every task for completion.

I need help pleaseeeee



I would say it's C........

3. In a short essay, identify how two characters from A Raisin in the Sun serve as symbols of
at least one of the play's themes. Describe in detail how these symbols support the theme or
themes. Also analyze the effects of this symbolism on the reader's experience. Be sure to
include examples from the text to support your answer.



Racial Discrimination and the need to fight against it is a major theme in the story, and Mr. Lindner serves as a symbol of that matter.

Mr. Lindner´s attempt to bribe the Youngers to keep them from moving into the all-white Clybourne Park neighborhood is led by his and the Improvement Association´s discriminatory ideas against black people. And how that attempted bribe almost tears the family apart makes the reader aware of the prevailing discrimination, even when the violence that it generates seems a negotiation more than an act of oppression.

The importance of following one´s dreams is another important theme in this play, and Walter is a great symbol of this idea: he wants to accept the bribe so they can have money and buy nice things for the family. But by the end of the story, when he refuses the money and acknowledges that the dream of having their own house is the most important dream for the family. His character, and this development, also symbolizes the theme of the importance of family, and his change throughout the play helps the reader better understand how difficult his situation was and how much he needed to be more aware of his family´s feelings.


In "A Raisin in the Sun," by Lorraine Hansberry, the importance of dreams, family, and fighting against racial discrimination are the main themes.

4. What details about the culture (such as movies, movie stars, cars, clothing, etc.) do teens today think are important as opposed to those in the novel? (The Outsiders)



Social media affects a huge part of it. Pop culture does too.


Because people, especially girls, are changing their appearances because of the affect it has on them because of social media.

mukesh bought an old car for 90400 rupees indian and spent 5600 on its repairs. he sold for 93600 rupees of indian find his profit or loss per cent​



cp=90400spend=5600total cp=90400plus560096000sp=93600loss=cp-sp96000-936002400loss percent=[tex] \frac{cp}{loss} \times 100[/tex][tex] \frac{2400}{96000} \times 100[/tex]2.5 ans

The crops begged for water but the drought continued long into the summer months.
What is being personified?
Which human trait or quality is given?


the crops are being personified because they are associated with a verb.

The human trait is begging

yesterday you see a night mare.you were very afaird write a diary entry describe your felling. please give correct answer please ​



dear diary,

last night I had a nightm.are that I lost my voice. I was so frightened that I shot out of bed and screamed so loud my mom ran into my room, Nightm.ares are scary and can sometimes turn out to come true.

goodbye diary.

Can we ride together?





This is a question. One person is asking another.

Which relationship from “Little Women” is the most important in the novel: Jo and Amy, Jo and Laurie, or Jo Bhaer? Explain.



Jo and Bhaer because the book Jo wrote is supposed to be a love story and Jo and Bhaer get together at the end.


Help please????!!!!!





Dude this isn’t a question u should ask on here. That is stuff to get your brain working

Which detail best supports the claim that everyone should use encryption software? Encryption software helps protect privacy and freedom. Encryption software has been used by the military. Encryption software is available in many computer stores. Encryption software is made by different companies.


Answer: Encryption software helps protect privacy and freedom.


You didn't give the excerpt where the question came from and I searched online and couldn't get the excerpt as well but let me explain and choose the best option.

Encryption software refers to the software that makes use of cryptography in order to prevent the unauthorized access to digital information.

Therefore, Encryption software helps protect privacy and freedom as unauthorized individuals will be prevented from accessing ones system.


A. Encryption software helps protect privacy and freedom.


Just took the test

13. This room is too small for us to hold the meeting. (Enough)


This room is enough for us to hold the meeting.

I need help with this can someone help me pleaseee




Pertaining to the interrogate for question 1.

“The narrator’s purpose in the first stanza is to”:

(3) propose an attitude towards life.

- The remnant answer choices are not considered or disclosed as logical or absurd as the relation between those answer choices, as well as the details stated, do not share any reasonable or observable information.

Pertaining to the interrogate for question 2.

“The words “weights heavier” (line 21) imply that”:

*Line 21 within the poem anecdote is not present, hence I cannot answer that question.

*I hope this helps.

Read the sentence.

The shopkeeper smiled at David as if he were just telling a joke, but his disparaging comments made David feel insulted and embarrassed.

Based on context clues in the sentence, what is the most likely meaning of disparaging? Select two options.




belittling and uncomplimentary


since David felt insulted and embarrassed a good inference can show that disparaging most likely has a negative annotation such as belittling and uncomplimentary.  


C. belittling

D. uncomplimentary


Which of these themes are in the play Julius Caesar? Choose five options. Love conquers all. Ambition is a driving force. Coming of age builds character. Power can corrupt those who possess it. Citizens are persuaded by charismatic leaders. Fate is a powerful idea to those who believe in it. Loyalty to the republic overrides loyalty to friends.



Ambition is a driving force.

Power can corrupt those who possess it.

Citizens are persuaded by charismatic leaders.

Fate is a powerful idea to those who believe in it.

Loyalty to the republic overrides loyalty to friends.


Good luck ♡

The themes that are in the play Julio Caesar include:

Ambition is a driving force.Power can corrupt those who possess it.Citizens are persuaded by charismatic leaders.Fate is a powerful idea to those who believe in it.Loyalty to the republic overrides loyalty to friends.

What is a theme?

It should be noted that a theme simply means the underlying message that's conveyed in a literary work.

In this case, some of the themes include ambition is a driving force, power can corrupt those who possess it, etc.

Learn more about themes on:


1. Imagine the famous singer Kishort Amonkar is going to visit your school. You
have been asked to introduce her to the audience before her performance. Hon
would you introduce her?
Here is some information about Kishori Amonkar you can find on the Internet
Read the passage and make notes of the main points about:
• her parentage
• the school of music she belongs to
• her achievements
• her inspiration
• awards
Padma Bhushan Kishori Amonkar, widely considered the finest femas
vocalist of her generation, was born in 1931, daughter of another great artis
Smt. Mogubai Kurdikar. In her early years she absorbed the approach an
repertoire of her distinguished mother's teacher Ustad Alladiya Khan. As hes
own style developed, however, she moved away from Alladiya Khan's Jaipu
Atrault gharana' style in some respects, and as a mature artist her approad
is usually regarded as an individual, if not unique, variant of the Jaipu.
Kishori Amonkar is a thinker, besotted by what she calls the mysterious
world of her raagas. She dissects them with the precision of a perfectionis
almost like a scientist, until the most subtle of shades and emotions emeng
and re-emerge.
She is very much inspired by the teachings of the ancient Vedic sages
written at a time when vocal music was highly devotional in character. The



Welcome the famous kishort amonkar who inspires many to our stage

Fill in the blanks with Prepositions
1. The magician put the rabbit ---------- the cap on the table.
2. The cook had kept the mixture ------ the bowl and later he put it ------ the oven.
3. I don’t drink milk ------- the morning.
4. He hurriedly walked ------- the building.
5. I waited ------- her in the bus stop.
6. The little girl fell ------ her tri-cycle.
7. Mom drove the car-------- the garage.
8. I am heading ------ the entrance of the building.
9. She has been studying hard ------ the exam.
10. I am so happy ------ you.



1.  in 2. in,in 3. in 4. into 5. for 6. off 7. into 8. inside 9. for 10. for


I am not too sure for one

In at least 150 words, explain the three major challenges that America faced in post-World War Il society




When Japan surrendered to the Allies at the end of the long summer of 1945, Americans were ecstatic. Ticker tape parades were staged in nearly every town to welcome America's returning heroes.

Unquestionably, the United States entry in World War II made the difference for the Allied cause. The American army and navy were now the most powerful in the world. Even those who did not fight could feel proud of the work Americans did in the factories to build the war machine.

The youth of America would never forget the sacrifices of wartime. From rationing food to collecting scrap to buying bonds to fighting in battle, the efforts to defeat the Axis were a product of the collective American will. News anchor, Tom Brokaw, recently labeled the Americans who came of age in World War II the "greatest generation."

The euphoria that swept the nation in 1945 was captured on film by Life magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt. This memorable image of a sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square continues to be a defining image of WWII.

Unfortunately, the euphoria could not last long. Although the Soviet Union and the United States were allied in their struggle against Hitler's Germany, Americans distrusted Josef Stalin's Communist government and abhorred his takeover of Eastern European countries immediately after the war. More Soviet citizens were killed in World War II than any other nation, and Josef Stalin was determined to receive compensation for damages and guarantees that such a slaughter could never again plague the Soviet people.

For its part, the United States was unwilling to sit idle while another form of totalitarianism spread westward from Moscow. One war immediately begat another — the COLD WAR.

No theater of the globe was free from Cold War struggle. From Eastern Europe to China and Korea, the Truman Administration was beset with the challenge of halting the advance of communism. As the wave of decolonization washed through the southern part of the globe, each new nation would be courted by the superpowers. The INDEPENDENCE OF ISRAEL IN 1948 had Cold War implications in the Middle East. Within five years of the end of World War II, American troops were summoned to South Korea to halt the advancing communist forces of the North.

The American military prepared for the Cold War by conducting tests with new atomic and nuclear technology. Here, troops watch radioactive smoke during the "Desert Rock" exercise in 1951.

No single foreign policy issue mattered more to the United States for the next 50 years as much as the Cold War. President Truman set the direction for the next eight presidents with the announcement of the containment policy. Crises in Berlin, China, and Korea forced Truman to back his words with actions. The Cold War kept defense industries humming and ultimately proved the limits of American power in Vietnam. Democracy was tested with outbreaks of Communist witch hunts.

Although the United States would emerge triumphant in the Cold War, the last half of the 1940s was marked by an uncertainty that soured the sweet taste of victory in World War II.

What best describes this sentence?
O It contains a stated physical trait
O It contains an implied physical trait,
O It contains a stated personality trait
O It contains an implied personality trait



your question is incomplete ....


How have myths followed us?

They all came true

We still believe them

The created archetypes that stories still use today



They created archetypes that stories still use today.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.


they created the archetypes that stories still use today

define international employmeng​



International Employment (IE) assists campus to successfully employ and retain foreign national employees needing employment sponsorship on a temporary or permanent basis.


Hope It Helps

Have a nice day !

: )

International Employment (IE) assists campus to successfully employ and retain foreign national employees needing employment sponsorship on a temporary or permanent basis.

rhyming poem on the topic of nature resources and education​



There is a pleasure

in the pathless woods

There is a rapture an

the lonely shore

There is society where

none intrudes,by the deep

sea,and music in it's roar;

I love not man the less

but nature more.

Which one is the answer thank you





A hyperbole is and exaggerated statement. A hyperbole isn't meant to be taken literally.

"I am freezing to death", just means I am very cold. Not like they are literally freezing to death.


I am freezing to death is a Hyperbole! :D


A hyperbole is when something is exaggerated, the person isn't ACTUALLY freezing to death! They are just saying they are very cold!


Other Questions
The wiring and connectors that carry the power to a motor must be in good condition. When a connection becomes loose, oxidation of the copper wire occurs. The oxidation ____. A. acts as an electrical resistance and causes the connection to heat more B. has no effect on the electrical connection C. decreases the resistance D. none of the above What is a pronoun and a noun Yet another calculus question :)Given [tex]y = x^3 - 2x[/tex] for [tex]x \geq 0[/tex], find the equation of the tangent line to y where the absolute value of the slope is minimized. I have tried taking both the first and second derivatives and setting them equal to 0 and using that as the answer, but they're incorrect. Could somebody please explain how to complete the question correctly? Thank you so much! similarities between organic and inorganic fertilizer Women's role in Plains Indian culture included all of the following excepta spiritual leadersC. blanket makingb. basket weavingd child carePlease select the best answer from the choices provided In the following diagram, BAC = 46 degrees, and AD is the bisector of BAC. Find BDA Consider the following chemical reaction: 2SO2 (g) + O2 (g) -----------> 2SO3 (g) 1.50 L. of sulfur trioxide at the pressure of 1.20 atm. and temperature of 25 oC is mixed with excess of oxygen. Calclate volume of the product in L. at STP. A. 11.2 L. B. 1.65 L. C. 16.5 L. D. 0.129 L. if 405 is to be divided among three persons A, B, C in the ratio of 3:5:7, how much money does each one get? Express them in percentages. Medical terminology is used to communicate about which topics? Check all that apply.A,body functionsB,family supportC,human anatomyD,therapeutics The Paralympic games are for____a. children. b. disabled people. c. women. what is the equation of the axis of symmetry do the quadratic function f(x) = -(x+4) (x-1) Steve works two different jobs for a total of 60 hours every Monday through Friday schedule is the same each day and he works three hours a day at his first job how many hours a day does he work at his second job find the missing length indicated Whats a hypothesis for Which bait works better for a homemade fly trap? What are Julies taxable wages as a data-entry operator if her withholding allowances total $1,500 and her annual gross pay is $24,500? Solve the following system of equations for x to the nearest hundredth : y + 2x + 1 = 0; 4y - 4x ^ 2 - 12x = - 7 Density of wood is a very important trait for furniture making. There are two main important mechanical properties: strength and stiffness. Research has shown that a increase density equals an increase strength, hardness and stiffness of sawn timber.A carpenter has two pieces of wood. He wants to find the density of each piece.The first piece came from a birch tree. The piece of birch wood measures 2 meters by 4 meters by 3 meters and weighs (mass) 16 kilograms.The second piece came from a cypress tree. The piece of cypress wood measures 3 meters by 5 meters by 2 meters and weighs (mass) 15.3 kilograms.Which piece of wood has a greater density? You must show your work in order to receive credit. how is electrovalent bond formed ? Describe with an example . Find the simple interest. The rate is an annual rate unless otherwise noted. Assume 365 days in a year and 30 days per month Round to the nearest cent $600 at 3% for 1 year Fill in the blank:Mi ____ es Pablo.