SPANISH HELP ASAP use the word choices (a-h)

1. En el futuro, las personas __________ mejor el medio ambiente.

2. Los científicos _________ el número de especies en peligro de extinción.

3. ___________ menos auto y la emisión de dióxido de carbono disminuirá.

4. Nosotros ________ un aire más puro.

5. Yo ________ de cómo puedo ayudar.

6. Si apagamos las luces al salir, __________ electricidad.

7. Ustedes _____________ libros sobre cómo eliminar la contaminación.

8. Tú _________ un libro sobre la deforestación.


Answer 1


1. En el futuro, las personas cuidaran mejor el medio ambiente.

2. Los científicos redujieron el número de especies en peligro de extinción.

3. Hay menos auto y la emisión de dióxido de carbono disminuirá.

4. Nosotros respiramos un aire más puro.

5. Yo me informo de cómo puedo ayudar.

6. Si apagamos las luces al salir, ahorramos electricidad.

7. Ustedes escriben libros sobre cómo eliminar la contaminación.

8. Tú lees un libro sobre la deforestación.

Related Questions

Answers for quiz on edge are:

1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?
A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?
D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?
D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?
C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?
C) estudiar



Where is the audio?



Good man. We need more people like you.


1. Which of the following would be the best answer for the question given in the audio?

A) en el aula

2. Where is this person most likely going?

D) a la escuela

3. Why is the speaker upset?

D) He forgot to bring his homework home.

4. What can't the student buy?

C) computer

5.What is Sara going to do after school?

C) estudiar

7, 8, and 9 if you know ?


I believe 9 is libro

I need 3 paragraphs of the puertorican tongue (in spanish)



good luck


¿Por qué el señor López no café?



Why didn't Mr. López have coffee?


I looked it up.

that translates to
“Why did Mr. López no coffee?”

i’m mexican









read what these people do. Then use the information in parentheses to tell what they like. Follow the model

Modelo: Yo enseño en la escuela. (las clases)
Me gustan las clases.

2. Soy estudiante de química.(estudiar)

I cannot get this question correct. I’ve tried everything.


If we are following the pattern of “Me gusta (verb in its infinitive form or a noun)” like in the model, the answer should be: “Me gusta estudiar.” Now, if you tried that, and the answer still turned out to be incorrect, maybe they want a little bit more detail, which could be the sentence: “Me gusta estudiar química.”
What she said it’s right ^^

Which of the following would appear before a feminine singular noun?
A. La
B. El
C. Las
D. Los





El is for a boy and so is Los. You said Singular feminine so that would be La.

Hope this Helps!!

La is the correct answer

Start thinking about how many rooms you have in your house, what the inside of each room looks like, what you have to do to keep
it clean, and anything else that makes it special. Now, it's time to put it into words. Please include the following in your description:
1. You will write five sentences in Spanish, describing your house. Remember to keep your sentences short and simple and
use only vocabulary and grammar you have learned in the course. You can look at the first page of this lesson for an
example. You may also use the What to include in your house description table below to guide your answers.
2. You will choose from clipart, a drawing, or a picture that shows your house (real or imaginary), one from the outside and
one from the inside. You may use this template to complete the assignment, or you may use a word processing document
or any other creative way you would like. If you choose an option that is not easily saved to your device, you can take a
digital photo of or scan your work and then upload it to a document on your device
You will do well if you follow this checklist!



Mi casa tiene cuatro dormitorios y tres baños. Es una bonita casa hecha en una casa de campo en un rancho. muchos animales. cómo lo mantengo limpio es barriendo todos los días, sacando la basura y aspirando todos los días.


thats all i can do at the moment

Drawing from the following Scatter Chart and the sample sentences and narratives you have worked within this module, string together your own story.



maria compro la television


redactan en su cuaderno un comentario en el que expliquen por qué
algunas obras artísticas fueron creadas con fines sociales y cuál ha sido su trascendencia
en la sociedad.



write a comment in their notebook explaining why

some artistic works were created for social purposes and what has been their significance

in society.


¿Cuál es el tema central del fragmento?
La variedad de animales en un barrio hondureño
El impacto de la música de violines en la capital hondureña
La relación entre un animalito y un niño
El origen de los sapos y las ranas en Honduras



la c?


la relación entre un niño y un animalito

1. Tú
2. El señor Miguel
3. Marisol
4. Mis amigas y yo
5. Los estudiantes
una clase de español.
un libro.
una computadora.
unas guitarras.
mucha tarea.
muchos amigos.
6. Ustedes





I might need a little explanation on what you need help with.

Necesito una explicación de lo que necesitas.

You are Yo soy muy simpática non gender or neutral



qué esperas de qué estás hablando y sí, soy agradable


প্র: ০১
১২, ১৫, ২০, ৩৫ চারটি সংখ্যা
ক) সংখ্যাগুলাের ল,সা,গু নির্ণয় কর।
খ) পীচ অংকের কোন ক্ষুদ্রতম সংখ্যা উপরের সংখ্যাগুলাে দ্বারা নিঃশেষে বিভাজ্য?
গ) চার অংকের কোন বৃহত্তম সংখ্যাকে উপরের সংখ্যাগুলাে দিয়ে ভাগ করলে প্রত্যেকবার
ভাগশেষ ১০ হবে?
৩৫ মিটার লম্বা একটি বাঁশের ৭ মিটার কালাে, ৫ মিটার লাল এবং ৮৩ মিটার হলুদ রং

ক) সরল কর: ৭২. এর
বল । খ) বাঁশটির কত অংশ রং করা হয়েছে।
গ) বাশটির কত অংশ রং করা বাকি রইল।
বাংলা নােটিশ
4 hone we re gan
দুইটি কম্পিউটারের দামের অনুপাত ৩:২। প্রথমটির দা​


Umm what? I think I’m in a different language

Im doing spainsh homework for $5, hmu if u failing ur spanish class my insta is malaijaaaaaaaa



Completa con la forma apropiada del verbo y destácala. 6 puntos
1. Ella enseña de manera que nosotros (aprender)
2. Yo le daré el dinero para que él hacer el viaje. (poder)
3. Yo no voy a pagar a menos que ellos __ por lo menos una parte. (pagar)
4. Ellos irán con tal de que nosotros. (ir)
5. Él trabaja tanto de manera que sus hijos .. bien y para que
un futuro feliz. (vivir, tener)


1. Ella enseña de manera que nosotros-aprendamos-.
2. Yo le daré el dinero para que èl - pueda- hacer el viaje.
3. Yo no voy a pagar a menos que ellos - paguen - por lo menos una parte.
4. Ellos irán con tal que nosotros-vayamos-.
5. Èl trabaja tanto de manera que sus hijos - vivan - bien y para que - tengan - un futuro feliz.

que le pregunta Enrique a Ana?
A. Que hora es
B.Que quiere comer
C.como sigue
D. Que le pasa

2.como tiene la cara?
A. Tiene la cara roja
B.Tiene la cara alegra
C.Tiene la cara triste
D. Tiene la cara de asustada​






The answers are

Carlos y Juan son estudiantes. Which subject pronoun can replace "Carlos y Juan"?
1. nosotros
2. ellas
3. él
4. ellos



ellos is the answer there u go


4. ellos


Carlos y Juan son estudiantes = Ellos son estudiantes

Write each sentence with whom when and because
***you don’t have to do all but one will help****
+ Escribe oraciones completas.
(con..., cuando, porque...)
1. Ana / cantari
2.Lorena y Daniel / nadar
3. Yo / NO dibujar
4.Gracia / estudiar
5. Emilia y yo / NO trabajar
6.Usted / bailar
7. Mis padres / escuchar
8. Ustedes / platicar en línea


1. A Ana le gusta cantar.
2. Lorena y Daniel fueron a nadar en la piscina.
3. Yo no quiero dibujar.
4. Gracias por ayudarme a estudiar.
5. Emilia y yo no podemos trabajar.
6. Usted quiere bailar?
7. A mis padres les gusta escuchar musica.
8. Ustedes pueden platicar en linea.
1.What she said it’s right ^^^ I’m here to verify

Write in Spanish what season each month falls
1. mayo
2. agosto
3. febrero
4. octubre
5. abril
6. enero


Answer: mayo= la primavera

agosto= el verano

febrero= el invierno

octubre= el otoño

abril= la primavera

enero= el invierno


Answer: 1.& 5.  are spring months=primavera months

2. is summer months=Verano months

4. is fall months=Otoño

3&6. are winter months=invierno


Que quiere decir esta frase?
Shaina trajo el sentido de lo bello una vez más a sus vidas espartanas



Shaina brought the sense of beauty once again into their Spartan lives


that what it means

si la tal shaina es mujer es que es una espartana que se enamoró de un espartano si es hombre es que volvió a entrar a una guerra de espartanos y que se enamoró de una espartana xd

bueno espero que ayude :) soy nuevo! :D

PLEASE HELP ME I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER AND GIVE YOU BRANLIST Cierto o falso: Cuando utilices el imperfecto, estas describiendo lo que estaba pasando.

Question 1 options:


The correct option about Imperfect Tense is:


Imperfect Tense in Spanish.

The imperfect tense is a form of verb conjugation that serves to identify actions performed in the past whose exact time is not clearly known or is simply omitted. It is characterized by the endings -aba, ía, in conjugated verbs.

It clearly differs from the preterite tense because the latter gives several references about the time in which it is carried out, whether from another action, the day, the date or other data that allows it to be confirmed.

Therefore, it is correct to say that the imperfect tense describes what was happening in the past.

If you want to learn more about Imperfect Tense in Spanish, you can visit the following link:

Can someone help me with this ASAP! Only section A though :)




Read and match each sentence with the correct subject or pronoun for the blank. (4 points)

¿________, señor, come en el restaurante?

________ necesito el cuchillo para cortar el pollo.

________ lees el menú.

________ habla con « with » la mesera.

a. Yo
b. Ella
c. Tú
d. Usted



1. Usted, señor, come en el restaurante?

2. Yo necesito el cuchillo para cortar el pollo

3. Tú lees el menú.

4. Ella habla con la mesera.


usted is mostly used when talking to someone older. Yo is for yourself / when you need something or are talking about yourself. ella is about her or talking about a girl around ur age. tu is a non formal word so it is used when talking to a friend.

Answer: Usted, yo, tu, ella. In that order. Did the test =)


Fill in the blanks:
a. Andrea es la ____________ de Fabián. Ellos piensan casarse pronto.
b. Abuelo Agustín es el ____________ de Samuel. Samuel es su hijo.
c. Marisol ____________ en Veracruz. Luego vivió por un tiempo ahí. Luego se mudó.­­­­­­­­­­
d. Fabián ____________ vivía en Monterrey. ____________ vive en Puebla.
e. Samuel es el ____________ de Marisol. Están casados desde hace mucho tiempo. Pedro y Andrea son sus ____________.
f. La abuela Mercedes ____________ en Puebla. El mes pasado vivía en Guadalajara. Ella es la ____________ de Samuel.
g. Andrea y Pedro son ____________ y también son nietos de Mercedes y Agustín.
h. Fabián y Andrea son ____________. Pronto van a ser esposos.
i. Abuelo Agustín ____________ en Cancún y vivió un tiempo allá.



Andrea es la novia de Fabian. Ellos piensan casarse pronto. Abeulo Agustion es el papa de Samuel. Samuel es su hijo. Marisol vivia en Veracruz. Luego vivio por un tiempo ahi. Luego se mudo. Fabian antes vivia en Monterrey. Ahora vive en Puebla. Samuel es el esposo de Marisol. Estan casados desde hace mucho tiempo. Pedro y Andrea son sus hijos. La abuela Mercedes vive en Puebla. El mes pasado vivia en Guadalajara. Ella es la mama de Samuel. Andrea y Pedro son novios y tambein son nietos de Mercedes y Agustin. Fabian y Andrea son novios. Pronto van a ser esposos. Abuelo Agustin nacio en Cancun y vivio un tiempo alla.


I think this is all right.

Can some fill this out?


What he said I read it and he’s mostly 99% right

Read and choose the option with the correct answer. Oscar is from Texas, USA. Read this excerpt from his diary. Then answer the question. Yesterday, I lost my tooth playing baseball. Last night, I put my tooth under my pillow, and this morning when I woke up, the tooth fairy had taken my tooth and left me $5! I am going to use it to buy a new baseball card! Based on what you learned about what children do with their baby teeth in other countries, what would have happened differently if Oscar lived in Argentina? He would have put his tooth in a box under his bed. He would have put his tooth in a glass of water. He would have put his tooth on the nightstand. He would have put his tooth on top of his pillow.



He would put his tooth in water


I took the test on FLVS and got it right lol

The question requires explaining what Oscar would have done differently if he lived in Argentina.

If Oscar lived in Argentina, "he would have put his tooth in a glass of water".

Oscar lost his tooth to a tooth fairy and the tooth fairy left him with $5. If Oscar lived in Argentina, he would have he would have put his tooth in a glass of water because that is what kids do with their teeth.

Therefore, the practice of what kids do with their baby tooth in Texas, USA is different from what kids do with their baby teeth in Argentina.

Read more:

Discuss three important achievements of the ancient Maya. Write your answer in English. ​



The Maya also developed the only complete writing system in Mesoamerica and produced rubber several millennia before vulcanization. Here are the 10 major accomplishments of the ancient Maya civilization in various fields including astronomy, mathematics, architecture, engineering and writing.



1. Los científicos ___________(buscar) una solución ______ el problema de la contaminación.

2. Ellos ________ (vivir) en El Salvador _______ diez años.

3. Ustedes ________ (construir) un edificio _______ mi barrio.

4. No estoy bien hoy. Mi hermana _______ (ir) al mercado _____ mí.

5. Muchos animales ________ (perder) su hábitat natural ______ la deforestación.

6. Nosotros ________ (organizar) la biblioteca ________ tener un lugar donde estudiar.


1. Los científicos _buscan_(buscar) una solución _para_ el problema de la contaminación.

2. Ellos _viven_ (vivir) en El Salvador _hace_ diez años.

3. Ustedes _construyen_ (construir) un edificio _cerca_ mi barrio.

4. No estoy bien hoy. Mi hermana _ira_ (ir) al mercado _por_ mí.

5. Muchos animales _pierden_ (perder) su hábitat natural _por_ la deforestación.

6. Nosotros _organizamos_ (organizar) la biblioteca _para_ tener un lugar donde estudiar.

Write three separate complete sentences each using an “er” verb.



Necesitas comer para estar fuerte.

Voy a beber de esta botella.

Tienes que detener a ese carro.


Other Questions
Please complete the sentence with the correct word: She blank the shy kittenfrom under the couch. *totteredcoaxedunbridled Which statement describes a reason for the French forts across north America? Choose the TWO correct answers.A. To protect the major airports that existed in north America at the timeB. To serve as trading posts with American Indian traders C. To allow for easier transportation of troops and suppliesD. To defend French territory from European colonial expansion The Fifth Amendment protects Americans against which of the following things?Check all of the boxes that applyundergoing improper search and seizurebeing forced to testify to prove their own guiltbeing tried more than once for a crimebeing prevented from bearing arms Many firms offer substantial rebates by mail or coupons for discounts at the point of sale. The people who use the rebates or coupons have ______ than the people who don't use them.a. greater price sensitivity.b. less price sensitivity.c. inverted price sensitivity.d. the same price sensitivity. In the historical account of Rome, another name for the Romans is the 5x + 8 2x + 23 was solved by dividing each side of the inequality by 3 in the last step. Is there another way to solve this inequality so that you can avoid dividing by a negative number? Explain. Difference between direct and indirect effect Often, a successful novel will leave a reader feeling that _____.all the questions they had were answeredthey have no questions at allthey have more questions in their mind at the endthe author asked too many questions QuizActive12351069Who was known for large paintings of flowers and skyscrapers?Ma RaineyEdith WhartonGeorgia O'KeeffeZora Neale Hurston please help me asap. Helen plans on reading 2 books this year. If there are 7 books on her reading list to choose from, how many different bookchoice combinations are possible?Provide your answer below: does anyone know how to do this? the scenario is ""dominique reads that race cars have wide tires because the increased area of contact between the tire and the road results in a stronger force of friction. she hypothesizes that the force of kinetic friction on an object is directly proportional to the area of the object in contact with the surface and wants to test this hypothesis. Dominique and Blake take a long wooden plank and cut the plank into pieces that have different lengths but the same width and height. The students also have access to other equipment commonly available in a school physics lab. Match the people with the definitions.Question 8 options:English philosopher endorsed the idea of having strong monarchs to keep peoples destructive nature in-check.English philosopher that believed all men were born equal with inalienable natural rights. He felt the government was responsible for maintaining the right to liberty, property, and protection.French philosopher that believed man was born free and entered a social contract, exchanging some freedoms for collective protection and safety.1. Thomas Hobbes2. John Locke3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau .Which statement about transition elements is correct?A Their soluble salts usually form coloured aqueous solutions. B They are all in the same group of the Periodic Table. C They are non-metals with high melting points. D They can be mixed together to form compounds ASAP What was Mexicos plan for keeping Texas under their control? * 6. Determine the value of x and y in the diagram below.Show how you determined the value of x and y using Algebra Beginning: Identify the above circuits (A and B) as either a series or parallel circuit. What is another way to write 75?5+5+5+5+5+5+57777755555557+7+7+7+7 helen got a$7 reduction in the price of a pair of jeans that are normally $32 what is the approximate percent decrease in the price What would be the slope of the line perpendicular to the line y=3/5x-5