stanza poem with ABA rhyme scheme with 6 haiku's


Answer 1


the coolness of the night-A

refreshes my skin-B

the stars shine so bright-A

causing me to grin-B


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What is it that lives if it is fed, and dies if you give it a drink? i give brainest to whoever answers correct



Fire 'lives' if it is 'fed' and dies if you give it a 'drink'.

Fire lives if it is fed and dies if you give it a drink.

ASAP plss help i really need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Oandasan wrote poems that make people feel lost




Oandasan wrote poems that celebrate all people

xavier was born in pittsburgh on halloween



mhm? What about him?

The phrase "Xavier was born in Pittsburgh on Halloween" is the correct capitalization. The incorrect capitalization of the nouns in the statement presents a problem

Capitalization, often known as capitalization, is the capitalization of one word and the use of lowercase for the remaining letters in a case-sensitive writing system.

One further interpretation of this phrase is the use of case selection in writing.A noun is a word that is regularly used to describe a specific thing or group of things. Examples include names of individuals, places, actions, traits, states, and concepts.

A lexical category's definition is based on how its components interact with other expression types.

Therefore, The phrase "Xavier was born in Pittsburgh on Halloween" is the correct capitalization.

Learn more about phrase capitalization here,


The given question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Xavier was born in Pittsburgh on Halloween. Directions icon rewrite the sentence with the correct capitalization.

what is the answer ??????????​





Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!! Which of the following is a chronology connective?
A. Accordingly
B. Similarly
C. Although
D. Subsequently



D. Subsequently

write a character analysis about "All Fall Down" 2 paragraphs​



In Robert Cormier’s novel, We All Fall Down, is a young-adult thriller that explores the evil side of humanity through a number of corrupt characters. Cormier, to a large extent, accurately depicts manipulative and dishonest behaviour whilst also showing the evil lurking within the prominent characters of Harry Flowers, Buddy Walker and Mickey Stallings who showcase the dark side of humanity. Cormier explores this through Harry Flower’s manipulative actions that result in the suffering of others. Additionally, the constant dishonest behaviour is shown predominantly through the main protagonist of Buddy Walker, who deceives the one he loves. Cormier continues to depict the evil lurking in society through the theme of appearance versus reality through the seemingly harmless character of Mickey Stallings. Cormier successfully depicts manipulative and dishonest behaviour as well as showing the evil lurking in the dark side of humanity.  

In the novel, We All Fall Down, Cormier is able to show the repercussions of manipulative behaviour, through the character of Harry Flowers. Harry is able to manipulate Buddy’s thoughts and actions due to his vulnerability. Harry fools Buddy into believing that his actions on the night of the trashing were deceiving, this can be shown with Harry trying to convince Buddy of this, “Maybe I was trying to grab her and save her from falling,” Harry said, his voice suddenly mild and reasonable. “Maybe it only looked like I pushed her. What do they


What is a theme of the story?
A. It is important to celebrate holidays the same way each year.
B. Hard times can be easier with help from friends.
C. Being away from home is hard for everyone.
D. Be careful not to lose important things.




Explanation:hope you get it right good luck

Which statement about the Middle Colonies is NOT true?
Group of answer choices

They lacked many specialists, like doctors, lawyers, accountants, and teachers.

They were a mixture of northern and southern features.

They created cosmopolitan cities reminiscent of New York.

They traded a lot within North American and occasionally overseas.v


Prolly b

Explain : knowledge

I need help on figuring out my gender
So I feel like a girl and boy but also mostly girl, im not sure what my gender is oof


You might be non binary or gender fluid from the sounds of it or maybe Demi gender if you said you mostly feel like a girl.

Choose the correct answer:​





because you can't use the rest of the answer

__________, which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. A. Semantics B. Phonology C. Syntax D. Phonetics.


C.  Syntax

Correct me if I'm wrong

Syntax which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. Hence option C is correct.

What is syntax?

Syntax is defined as the placement of words in clauses, sentences, and phrases as well as the analysis of how sentences are put together and how their elements interact. Both natural languages and programming languages use syntax. The arranging of words and phrases to create good sentences is known as syntax. The most fundamental syntax uses the formula subject + verb + direct object.

The word "syntax" is derived from the Greek for "coordination" or "ordering together" in written language. A sentence's word order is governed by a set of rules known as syntax in both spoken and written language. The grammar of a language refers to the rules that determine how language components are combined.

Thus, syntax which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. Hence option C is correct.

To learn more about syntax, refer to the link below:


What are the double meaning in the poem love song of j. alfred prufrock in line 1-49
Let us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized2

upon a table;

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

Of insidious intent

To lead you to an overwhelming question . . .

Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”

Let us go and make our visit.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.3

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,

The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes,

Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,

Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,

Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,

And seeing that it was a soft October night,

Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

And indeed there will be time4

For the yellow smoke that slides along the street

Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;

There will be time, there will be time

To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;

There will be time to murder and create,

And time for all the works and days5

of hands

That lift and drop a question on your plate;

Time for you and time for me,

And time yet for a hundred indecisions,

And for a hundred visions and revisions.

Before the taking of a toast and tea.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.

And indeed there will be time

To wonder, “Do I dare?’’ and, “Do I dare?”

Time to turn back and descend the stair,

With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—

(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)

My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,

My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin—

(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)

Do I dare

Disturb the universe?

In a minute there is time

For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

For I have known them all already, known them all





Name one thing that is difficult for you to do. how can you improve your performance at this thing?


How will this information help you? Cmon lol

Studying and homework are important___________________ to achieving good gradesproportionscomponentsharmoniousprimitiveabstract




Read the passage. The Runaway Rachel glanced up from her math homework and sighed in disgust as she spotted the little black Chihuahua running through her yard. This was the fourth time this month the dog had ambled his way over to their yard. Knowing that she would not be able to focus on her studies until he was secured in their house or at the animal shelter, she got up and went downstairs to see what she could do. One of these days that dog was going to get lost permanently, or worse yet, hurt! As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear her mother leaving a message with the animal control officer, sounding worried and frustrated as well. Rachel’s whole family loved animals and had had numerous pets over the years. It was no surprise that her mother was as concerned as Rachel was. Rachel couldn’t understand it. How hard is it to keep a dog in a yard or the house? Her own dog, Gus, had escaped from them once as a puppy. But after that, he was always on a leash or in their yard securely behind the fence. There is always a solution to every problem, Rachel thought, and most of the time, it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Whoever had this dog was not fit to be a pet-owner, she mused to herself. As she stepped out onto the back porch and into the yard, the little dog came running toward her. Rachel scooped him up, put a slip lead on him, and decided to try to figure out where he lived, although she knew this meant she would be up late finishing her homework. She let her mother know she’d be out for a while and set off. When she was six blocks away from her house, she heard a feeble voice calling out. As Rachel walked closer, she spotted an elderly woman in a worn yellow housecoat. Was that Mrs. Carson? Rachel hadn’t seen her for years. Mrs. Carson was leaning on a cane and walking unsteadily around her overgrown yard. As Rachel approached the house, she was struck by its neglected state. A broken window had been repaired with tape peeling from age. The house badly needed a fresh coat of pa



Rachel decides to ask her brother to help mend the fence.


Write a thesis statement for your argument. For the use of genetically modified foods


The pros of GMO crops are that they may contain more nutrients, are grown with fewer pesticides, and are usually cheaper than their non-GMO counterparts. The cons of GMO foods are that they may cause allergic reactions because of their altered DNA and they may increase antibiotic resistance.

In "The Golden Tree Killer," the Haida believed the golden spruce was


haven’t read it and I just need coins so sorry, but I can’t help



who identifies high quality, useful data on the graph?


Curators identifies high quality useful data on the graph

We have no choice but to assume one is of an obscure and esoteric style, or if one is a simple function with some useful properties, such as the value of the operator in the function's value, and only one entry in the list, why should we give it no value?



PLEASE HELP ME I'LL GIVE BRAINLIST!!!!!!!! Q: Explain how the four-game mechanics mentioned in the unit (reward, risk/loss, levels, and feedback) could work together to create an interesting sports video game.



Every 10 levels is a new sport and each level is harder, but at the end of each level you earn money to buy better gear, (like a system from simple rpg,) but if you lose, you also lose money. Also, you would need to use feedback that you would get from players to improve the game.


thx for the points

the authors of this study used rapid dna sequencing technology of virus samples from patients to study a recent ebola virus outbreak. how might the understanding of the 2014 ebola virus outbreak gained from this research benefit relief efforts and support future research?


Understanding the outbreak of the Ebola virus and the research that sequenced the DNA of this virus can serve as a basis for creating more efficient medications, treatments, diagnoses, and control and prevention techniques.

We can arrive at this answer because:

Understanding the virus outbreak allows scientists to know how the virus spreads and how it infects each person.In addition, the study of the virus outbreak, allows scientists to understand the situations and elements that help or hinder the proliferation, infection, and contagion.With this, scientists can design better control and prevention methods that guarantee people's safety.Studies for the sequencing of the virus's DNA allow scientists to know the genetic makeup of the virus and how it behaves.This allows scientists to formulate more efficient medicines, vaccines, and treatments, which are directly involved in the composition of the virus to fight it.

With that, we can affirm that all these researches are important to prevent and to fight the infection by the Ebola virus, guaranteeing world security.

More information:

State five suffixes by also stating their verb and nouns​


The suffixes “-tion” and “-sion” are both used to create nouns from verbs (and, less commonly, adjectives and other nouns) to describe a state, condition, action, process, practice, or the result thereof. They are actually just permutations of the same suffix, “-ion,” but there are specific conditions that will dictate which one we use, so it’s worthwhile to consider them individually.
(There is also a third version, “-cion,” but this only occurs in two specific instances: coercion, from the verb coerce, and suspicion, from the verb suspect.)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. attraction B. satisfactory C. occupation D. disappointment
4. A. irrigate B. important C. pollution D. particular



3. is A

4. is D


If i am wrong i am sorry Y-Y

Attraction and Particular are the most relevant words for the primary stress in the passage.

What is the attraction?

Attraction is very common among people and it can happen to anyone and anywhere and at any point of age, you may attract to the person by the looks, attitude, behavior, and many other positive ways. In simple words, we can say feeling for someone on positive behavior.

What is particular?

Whereas the particular reference to the group pf members or the individual person behavior means you choose something very carefully but not satisfy from the result or the outcome.

Therefore, options A and D  are having the correct words for the prime stress.

For more information on primary stress, please refer to the below link:

Read the passage.

Novels, poetry, and drama are all parts of literature. These genres of writing often reveal important insights about human nature as well as protest injustices in the world or make social criticisms. The authors of literary pieces use characters, settings, and plot to analyze themes such as love, maturity, and death.

Which audience would this passage be most appropriate for?
A- teachers who are accustomed to informal English
B-students who are familiar with vocabulary definitions
C- students who are familiar with literary jargon
D- teachers who are accustomed to persuasive language



C-Students who are familiar with literary Jargon

Reason. the explanation is very specific and contextual in terms of its usage of literary Jargons


c- students who are familar with literary jargon


the genres reveal important insights

The use of jargon becomes essential in prose or verse or some technical pieces of writing, when the writer intends to convey something only to the readers who are aware of these terms.

good luck!

HELP PLEASE WILL GIVE BRAINLIST!!!! Q: What type of mood do the background and colors set up?

How does the sound contribute to the mood of the game? Consider the background music as well as sound effects when particular objects are encountered.

After playing Dungeon Dash, did you experience any particular emotions? Why?

Did you feel engaged while playing Dungeon Dash? Why or why not?

Would you change any of the visuals in Dungeon Dash? If so, how? If not, why not?



I think this is meant for you to answer i think its asking for your opinion



Hope this helps Mark me as Brainliest Please :)


The mood of the background and colors sets up a fun type of mood. How does the sound contribute to the mood of the game? Consider the background music as well as sound elects when particular objects are encountered.Music and video games have a long and illustrious history, and no big budget video game is complete without a typically bombastic soundtrack to augment the onscreen action.I have not played that game sorry




Belong in what?


I think the answer is B. Slow

I think it’s because when you sleep you close your eyes and when you pray…you also close your eyes. I’m not 100% sure but that’s my reasoning. I hope this helps!

identify the non finite verbs. (1) hunting is prohibited. (2) I need to go to sleep. (3) I saw him running. (4) flying makes me nervous. (5) i find speaking stressful. (6) this is an interesting book. (7) I love the noise of falling rain. (8) he was hopeless at writing letters (9) we have to submit our assingment by Friday. (10) I love camping in the woods. plzz faltu javaab mat dena mera assignment ke liye h plzz​


1) hunting

2) to sleep

3) running

4) flying

5) speaking

6) there isn’t one, unless you said interesting, but that’s an adjective

7) falling

8) writing

9) to submit

10) camping

What is a common method authors use to emphasize absurdity?

Question 1 options:

Using a formal voice to talk about things that are not serious

Making many ironic statements

Using hyperbole to describe people's actions

Avoiding using puns or other word jokes



Making many ironic statements



I beleive it's C: Using hyperbole to describe people's actions.

Hope this helps!

It might also be B.


Please mark as brainliest if correct.

Why does Devante decide that now is the time to tell the cops what he knows

about King? The hate you give


Answer: he gets scared and in trouble


Devante decide that if she can face the police with only her voice as a weapon, he can use his voice as a weapon too.

What is the summary of Devante story?

When Seven's car runs out of petrol, the youths get out and go in search of a gas station. The teenagers come across a group of protesters shouting, "A hairbrush is not a gun!" as they go close to the street where Khalil was killed. Ms. Ofrah is the protest's organizer and is seated on a police cruiser.

The protesters are told to disperse by the police. Starr briefly remembers killing Khalil, but she quickly transforms that anguish into a yell. Ms. Ofrah approaches Starr. When she notices DeVante's bruises and inquires about the disturbances on Magnolia, they reassure her that he is fine. The Just Us for Justice office is OK, they tell Ms. Ofrah. Even if it wasn't, she claims it was just a structure.

Learn more about Devante's story here:


how could these belief have led to the Salem witch trials? please helpp me



The Salem witch trials and executions came about as the result of a combination of church politics, family feuds, and hysterical children, all of which unfolded in a vacuum of political authority.

Someone plz help me :(



B - Each word describes one aspect of leadership


its c


Other Questions
I need it asap thanks Define average atomic mass and explain how it is calculated what precedent was set for a 20th century president with the indian removal act? *PLEASE HELP 50 POINTS + BRAINLIEST*Examine the diagram that shows the levels of organization of an organ system.If level 2 becomes diseased, what is a possible consequence?Question 16 options:The cells will bypass creating tissues, creating the organ directly to limit the spread of the disease to the organism.The organ will fail to function properly, affecting the organ system and consequently the organism.The organ will temporarily shut down until the disease is repaired with the replication of new cells.The organ system will generate more cells to create a new organ to replace the diseased component. Grady, Inc. manufactures model airplane kits and projects production at 650, 500, 450, and 600 kits for the next four quarters. Direct materials are 4 ounces of plastic per kit and the plastic costs $1 per ounce. Indirect materials are considered insignificant and are not included in the budgeting process. Beginning Raw Materials Inventory is 850 ounces, and the company desires to end each quarter with 10% of the materials needed for the next quarters production. Grady desires a balance of 200 ounces in Raw Materials Inventory at the end of the fourth quarter. Each kit requires 0.10 hours of direct labor at an average cost of $10 per hour. Manufacturing overhead is allocated using direct labor hours as the allocation base. Variable overhead is $0.20 per kit, and fixed overhead is $165 per quarter. Prepare Gradys direct materials budget, direct labor budget, and manufacturing overhead budget for the year. Round the direct labor hours needed for production, budgeted overhead costs, and pre-determined overhead allocation rate to two decimal places. Refer to the budgets prepared. Determine the cost per kit to manufacture the model airplane kits. Grady projects sales of 100, 150, 100, and 200 kits for the next four quarters. Prepare a cost of goods sold budget for the year. Grady has no kits in beginning inventory. Please write this in your book and send a picture of answer. Think about the things you do on a regular basis. What values are reflected in your daily activities? How does social norms affect social relationship? 3. About 31% of the people who come to the park bring a dog. One third of people who come to the parkexercise. Which group of people represents a larger percent of the people coming to the park NEED HELP!!! ANSWER THESE 5 QUESTIONS FOR 25 POINTS!!!! PLEASE ANSWER!! I WILL GIVE YOU BRAINEST1. Jerome explains to his doctor that because he spends a lot of time at his desk, he makes sure that his chair supports good posture. But when he is home, he spends his time on an old, squishy couch that offers very little support. He figures that since he spends most of his time at work, he does not need to worry about his home furniture as much. How would Jeromes doctor MOST likely reply?A. Jeromes thinking is correct since he spends most of his time at work.B. Jerome should bring his chair from work home with him on the weekend.C. If Jeromes standing posture is good, he does not have to worry about his seated posture.D. Sitting properly is important in all contexts, so Jerome should consider his seating at home.2. Guillermo has decided that he wants to be healthier, so he starts jogging. He has been at it for a week, but he is getting frustrated because he cannot run very far without getting out of breath. He is beginning to think that this is not a good exercise for him since he is not very good at it. What BEST explains why Guillermo is struggling?A. He probably does not have good form when he is exercising.B. He likely has heart or lung problems that he was not aware of.C. He does not have much endurance since he is new to exercise.D. He is just not good at jogging and needs to try something else.3. Which is the BEST example of the kind of mechanics that are studied in sports biometrics?A. the average attendance at a sporting eventB. how a new sport becomes popular in a communityC. the movement of the wrist when hitting a tennis ballD. the median height of the most successful hockey goalies4. Ewan had a resting heart rate of about 110. What does this indicate?A. His heart rate is perfectly average.B. He probably has a high metabolism.C. He needs to work on raising his resting heart rate.D. His heart rate is high and could indicate a problem.5. Why is acceptance an important part of building a healthy lifestyle?A. Exercise will probably not change much in your life.B. Healthy lifestyles often create a lot of disappointment.C. If you understand your limitations, you are less likely to be frustrated.D. Finding the energy to exercise can be hard, so you should limit your goals.PLEASE NO LINKS which term refers to the mix of nations, economies, and cultures? Interview two members of the family or any close relatives/household members. 2. Let them think and identify a situation in the current crisis where relationship with family, friends and others was put to a test. 3. Let them discuss how they deal with it.4. Listen carefully while they are sharing their experiences. 5. Observe respect, sensitivity and confidentiality while doing the activity.6. Write your gathered information using the format below on a sheet of paperincluding your answers to the processing questions after. Processing Questions:1. How was the activity for you? 2. How do you describe the manner your family or household members handled their situation? 3. Is it something that you can emulate? Why or why not? 2. The electrical resistance R of a wire varies inversely with the square of its diameter d. If a wire with adiameter of 3 millimeters has a resistance of 0.4 ohm, find the resistance of a wire having the samelength and a diameter of 8 millimeters. Consider this equation. 7. 8 2(0. 75m 0. 4) = -6. 4m 4(0. 5m - 0. 8) Mia solved the equation and determined that m = 2. Is she correct? She is incorrect because when substituting 2 for m the result was a true statement. She is incorrect because when substituting 2 for m the result was a false statement. She is correct because when substituting 2 for m the result was a true statement. She is correct because when substituting 2 for m the result was a false statement. Which is true of Roman architecture?Roman temples were usually created of wood, mud, or other degradable materials, so none are still standing todayHowever, there are several tomb-houses still in good shape because they were made of stone.The Romans borrowed heavily from the Greeks and Etruscans in style, but were innovative engineers who developedround arches, aqueducts, and roads that are all still standing todayMost Roman structures still standing today are load-bearing tombs for rulers, or temples using colonnades andhypostyle halls, but they did not use arches of any kind.The Romans were great innovators who developed the three Classical orders, and calculated precise measurementsto create optical illusions in their templs HELP PLEASE Which would be considered rude in starting a conversation with a deaf person?A Moving into viewB Snapping your fingersC Tapping a shoulder D Waving your hand what is the sum of 25.234 and 14.454 I need help with this 45 divided by 855 show your work! Question 27Fred weighs 150 lbs and expends 5.2 calories per minute walking at a brisk pace. Howmany calories would Fred burn is he walked for 60 minutes