State the relative position for the sun and earth during the lunar eclipse (ASAP)


Answer 1


Solar eclipses result from the Moon blocking the Sun relative to the Earth; thus Earth, Moon and Sun all lie on a line. Lunar eclipses work the same way in a different order: Moon, Earth and Sun all on a line. In this case the Earth's shadow hides the Moon from view.

Related Questions

Two manned satellites approach one another at a relative velocity of v=0.190 m/s, intending to dock. The first has a mass of m1=4.00×103 kg and the second a mass of m2=7.50×103 kg. If the two satellites collide elastically rather than dock, what is their final relative velocity?



Their final relative velocity is 0.190 m/s


The relative velocity of the satellites, v = 0.190 m/s

The mass of the first satellite, m₁ = 4.00 × 10³ kg

The mass of the second satellite, m₂ = 7.50 × 10³ kg

Given that the satellites have elastic collision, we have;

[tex]v_2 = \dfrac{2 \cdot m_1}{m_1 + m_2} \cdot u_1 - \dfrac{m_1 - m_2}{m_1 + m_2} \cdot u_2[/tex]

[tex]v_2 = \dfrac{ m_1 - m_2}{m_1 + m_2} \cdot u_1 + \dfrac{2 \cdot m_2}{m_1 + m_2} \cdot u_2[/tex]

Given that the initial velocities are equal in magnitude, we have;

u₁ = u₂ = v/2

u₁ = u₂ = 0.190 m/s/2 = 0.095 m/s

v₁ and v₂ = The final velocities of the satellites

We get;

[tex]v_1 = \dfrac{2 \times 4.0 \times 10^3}{4.0 \times 10^3 + 7.50 \times 10^3} \times 0.095 - \dfrac{4.0 \times 10^3- 7.50\times 10^3}{4.0 \times 10^3+ 7.50\times 10^3} \times 0.095 = 0.095[/tex]

[tex]v_2 = \dfrac{ 4.0 \times 10^3 - 7.50\times 10^3}{4.0 \times 10^3 + 7.50 \times 10^3} \times 0.095 + \dfrac{2 \times 7.50\times 10^3}{4.0 \times 10^3+ 7.50\times 10^3} \times 0.095 = 0.095[/tex]

The final relative velocity of the satellite, [tex]v_f[/tex] = v₁ + v₂

∴ [tex]v_f[/tex] = 0.095 + 0.095 = 0.190

The final relative velocity of the satellite, [tex]v_f[/tex] = 0.190 m/s

What is an effect of continental drift?


Answer:  An effect of continental drift is causing tectonic plates resting upon the convecting mantle to move which results in natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and more.

Answer me as much as you can



b) Fluorescent powder.

an athlete had lifts a load with a mass of 150kg.

1) calculate the gravitational potential energy gained

2) if the mass of the load is increased to 200kg, calculate the gravitational potential energy gained by the load.

3) based on answers in 1&2, state the relationship between the mass of the load and the gravitational potential energy.


Mass=150kg=mHeight=h=2mAcceleration due to gravity=g=10m/s^2

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P.E=mgh[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P.E=150(2)(10)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P.E=3000J[/tex]

In 2nd case

Mass =m=200kgHeight=h=2mg=10m/s^2

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P.E=200(2)(10)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto P.E=4000J[/tex]

We can observe that

If mass of body increases gravitational potential energy will increase.

4 A student says that he has made a magnetic field with some iron filings. What would
you say to him?



Yes but no


Here the kid cant say that he has created s magnetic field as iron fillings do not have magnetic properties

define one standard kg ​



The mass of platinum iridium rod whose diameter and height are equal an kept at international bureau of weight and measurement in Paris of France is called as one standard kg.

what is the torque of a force of 12 N with a lever arm of 3.2 meters? ​



Torque is 38.4 Nm.


[tex]{ \bf{torque = force \times distance}} \\ { \tt{ = 12 \times 3.2}} \\ = { \tt{38.4 \: Nm}}[/tex]

[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \: † \: alone}}}}[/tex]

3 write the three laws given by kepler.How did they help Newton to arrive at the inverse square law of gravity?​



Kepler's laws apply: First Law: Planetary orbits are elliptical with the sun at a focus. Second Law: The radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps equal areas in equal times. Third Law: The ratio of the square of the period of revolution and the cube of the ellipse semimajor axis is the same for all planets.

Calculate the efficiency of the following appliances:
1. A radiator that converts 1000) of electrical energy into 900J
of heat energy and 100J of light energy
2. A torch that converts 100J of chemical energy into 35) of
light energy and 65J of heat energy
3. A car that converts 10,000J of chemical energy into 6000) of
kinetic energy and 4000J of heat energy.
4. An energy saver light converts 1,000J of electrical energy
into 7003 of light energy and 300J of heat energy.
5. A speaker converts 100J of electrical energy into 50J of
sound energy and 50J of heat and kinetic energy.



1. The efficiency of the radiator is 90 %

2. The efficiency of the torch is 65 %

3. The efficiency of the car is 40 %

4. The efficiency of the energy saver is 70 %

5. The efficiency of the speaker is 50 %


Efficiency = (Useful energy out ÷ Total energy in) × 100 J

1. Useful energy = 900 J

The total energy in = 1000 J

The efficiency of the radiator = ((900 J)/(1,000 J)) × 100 % = 90 %

2. Useful energy = 65 J

The total energy in = 100 J

The efficiency of the torch = ((65 J)/(100 J)) × 100 % = 65 %

3. Useful energy = 4,000 J

The total energy in = 10,000 J

The efficiency of the car = ((4,000 J)/(10,000 J)) × 100 % = 40 %

4. Useful energy = 700 J

The total energy in = 1,000 J

The efficiency of the energy saver = ((700 J)/(1,000 J)) × 100 % = 70 %

5. Useful energy = 50 J

The total energy in = 100 J

The efficiency of the speaker = ((50 J)/(100 J)) × 100 % = 50 %

Solve the following numerical problems. a) A load of 400N is lifted up by an effort of 100N. If load distance is 20cm, what will be the effort distance? (Ans: 80cm) b) Two boys, Shrijan having weight 600N and Shrijesh having weight 300N are playing see-saw. If Shrijan is sitting at 2m from fulcrum, where should Shrijesh sit from fulcrum to balance Shrijan?(Ans: 4m) c) A lever of length 1m has been used ttoko lift a load of 600N by applying an effort of 200N. If load is at 20cm from fulcrum, calculate mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency. (Ans: MA = 3, VR = 4, n=75%) d) Study the figure below and find the value of effort. (Ans: 120N) Muyn) 2.5m 600N 0.5m ? Science and Enyin​




load = 400 N

effort = 100 N

load distance = 20 cm

we know that ,

E*Ed = L*Ld

=100 N* Ed = 400N * 20 cm

=100N * Ed = 8000N/cm

= Ed =( 8000N/cm ) / 100N

= Ed = 80 cm

b. soln.


load = 600 N

load distance = 2 m

effort = 300 N

effort distance = ?

we know that ,

= E *Ed = L * Ld

= 300N * Ed = 600N * 2 m

= 300N * Ed = 1200N/m

=Ed =( 1200N/m ) / 300 N

= Ed = 4 m

C. soln.


load = 600 N

load distance =20 cm

effort = 200 N

effort distance = ?

M.A = ?

V.R = ?

Efficiency = ?

we know that ,

= E *Ed = L *Ld

= 200N * Ed = 600 N * 20 cm

=200 N *Ed = 12000 N/cm

=Ed = ( 12000 N/cm) / 200 N

= Ed = 60 cm


M.A = load / effort

=600 N / 200 N

= 3

V.R = Ed/ Ld

= 60 cm / 20 cm

= 4

efficiency = ( M.A / V.R ) 100 %

= ( 3 / 4 ) 100%

= 75 %

d. soln.


load = 600 N

load distance = 0.5 m

effort distance = 2.5 m

effort = ?

we know that ,

= E * Ed = L * Ld

= E * 2.5 m = 600 N * 0.5 m

= E * 2.5 m = 300 N / m

= E = ( 300 N / m ) / 2.5 m

= E = 120 N

A tray containing 0.20kg of water at 20degree celsius is placed in a freezer. The temperature of the water drops to 0degree celsius in 10 minutes. Calculate

a) The energy lost by the water asit cools to 0 degree celsius.

b) The average rate at which the water is losing energy in J/s.

c) Estimate the time taken for the water at 0 degree celsius to turn completely into ice.

d) state any assumptios you make​



a. Energy lost, Q = 16,800 Joules.

b. Power = 28 J/s

c. Time, t = 2357.14 seconds

d. I assumed that the ice remained at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius (0°C). Also, I assumed that the heat is being lost at a constant rate.


Given the following data;

Mass = 0.20 kgInitial temperature, T1 = 20°CFinal temperature = 0°CTime = 10 minutes

a. To find the energy lost by the water as it cools to 0 degree celsius;

Mathematically, heat capacity is given by the formula;

[tex] Q = mcdt [/tex]


Q represents the heat capacity or quantity of heat.M represents the mass of an object.C represents the specific heat capacity of water.dt represents the change in temperature.

dt = T2 - T1

dt = 20 - 0

dt = 20°C

We know that the specific heat capacity of water is equal to  4200 J/kg°C

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex] Q = 0.20 * 4200 * 20 [/tex]

Energy lost, Q = 16,800 Joules.

b. To find the average rate at which the water is losing energy in J/s by using the following formula;

[tex] Power = \frac {energy}{time} [/tex]

First of all, we would have to convert the value of time in minutes to seconds.


1 minute = 60 seconds

10 minutes = X seconds

Cross-multiplying, we have;

X = 60 * 10

X = 600 seconds

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

[tex] Power = \frac {16800}{600} [/tex]

Power = 28 J/s

c. To estimate the time taken for the water at 0 degree celsius to turn completely into ice;

We know that the latent heat of fusion of water is equal to 3.3 * 10⁵ J/kg.

Mathematically, the latent heat of fusion is calculated by using the formula;

Energy, Q = ml = pt

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

0.20 * 3.3 * 10⁵ = 28 * t

0.20 * 330000 = 28t

66000 = 28t

[tex] t = \frac {66000}{28} [/tex]

Time, t = 2357.14 seconds.

d. The assumption made is that, the ice remained at a temperature of zero degrees Celsius (0°C). Also, I assumed that the heat is being lost at a constant rate.

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment

Why does the weight of a body differ on different celestial bodies of the universe?​


An object's weight is dependent on its mass and how strongly gravity pulls on it. The strength of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another.

mention various medium level and higher level human resources related to engineering.



Higher-level human resources related to engineering are those who:

Assist other engineers with solving complex problems. Work with management to keep the project on track. Mentor younger engineers

Medium Level engineers will normally comprise the following:

They are responsible for developing engineering plans and performing calculations with respect to the same.  Project workflow management Engineering Support facilitation Project Reporting Coordination of Team Members


A certain superconducting magnet in the form of a solenoid of length 0.28 m can generate a magnetic field of 7.0 T in its core when its coils carry a current of 80 A. The windings, made of a niobium-titanium alloy, must be cooled to 4.2 K. Find the number of turns in the solenoid.



The number of turns in the solenoid is 19506.


Length of solenoid, L = 0.28 m

Magnetic field, B = 7 T

Current, I = 80 A

Let the number of turns is N.

The formula used to find the magnetic field is

[tex]B = \frac{\mu 0N I}{L}\\\\7 = \frac{4 \times 3.14\times 10^{-7}\times N\times 80}{0.28}\\\\N = 19506[/tex]

What's an area of the earth that suggest that " the Earth is like one giant jigsaw" idea could be true.


An area of the earth that suggests the earth is one big jigsaw is, the outer surface.

An 8μC charge is moving through a 10T magnetic field at a speed of 2.5⋅107 m/s perpendicular to the direction of the field. What is the force on the charge?


check photo for solution




Multi-part question If a galaxy moving away from the Earth has a speed of 1000 km/s and emits 656 nm light characteristic of hydrogen (the most common element in the universe). What wavelength would we observe on the Earth



658.2 nm


Since the galaxy is moving at relavitistic speed, we use the equation for relativistic Doppler shift of light.

So, the wavelength of light observed on the Earth is λ

λ = λ'([tex]\sqrt{\frac{ 1 + \frac{v}{c} }{1 - \frac{v}{c} } }[/tex])

where  λ' = wavelength of light emitted by galaxy = 656 nm, v = speed of galaxy = 1000 km/s (positive since the galaxy is moving away from the Earth) and c = speed of light = 300000 km/s

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

λ = λ'(√[{1 + (v/c)}/(1 - (v/c)]

λ = 656 nm(√[{1 + (1000 km/s/300000 km/s)}/(1 - (1000 km/s/300000 km/s)]

λ = 656 nm(√[{1 + 1/300}/(1 - 1/300]

λ = 656 nm(√[{(300 + 1)/300}/{(300 - 1)/300}]

λ = 656 nm(√[{(301)/300}/{(299)/300}]

λ = 656 nm(√[301/299])

λ = 656 nm(√1.0067)

λ = 656 nm × 1.0033

λ = 658.19 nm

λ ≅ 658.2 nm

So, the wavelength observed on Earth is 658.2 nm

A train travels 600 kilometers in 1 hour. What is the train's velocity in meters/second?


here's the answer to your question

A tennis player hits a ball hard and 0.80 seconds later hears the echo from a wall. The speed of sound in air is 340m/s how far away is the player from the wall



136 m.


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Time (t) = 0.80 s

Speed of sound (v) = 340 m/s

Distance (x) =?

The distance of the player from the wall can be obtained as follow:

v = 2x / t

340 = 2x / 0.80

Cross multiply

2x = 340 × 0.80

2x = 272

Divide both side by 2

x = 272 / 2

x = 136 m

Thus, the distance of the player from the wall is 136 m

Thiết bị nào sau đây không phải là nguồn điện
A. Ắc quy
B. Pin
C. Máy phát điện
D. Bóng đèn điện



Which of the globes in Figure 7.9 will light up?


I believe it would be A because that’s the only one that seems to complete the circuit.

A 250g object hangs from a spring that has a spring constant of 48.0 N/m and oscillates with an amplitude of 5.42cm

1)The magnitude of the objects acceleration when the displacement is 4.27 cm (down) is __ m/s^2

2)Given that the object has an amplitude of 5.42 cm the maximum speed that the object is __m/s



Given that,

Mass of an object, m = 250 g = 0.25 kg

Spring constant, k = 48 N/m

The amplitude of the oscillation, A = 5.42 cm = 0.0542 m

1. At equilibrium,

ma = kx


a is the acceleration of the object


[tex]a=\dfrac{kx}{m}\\\\a=\dfrac{48\times 0.0542}{0.25}\\\\a=10.4\ m/s^2[/tex]

2. The maximum speed of the object is :

[tex]v=A\omega\\\\v=A\sqrt{\dfrac{k}{m}}\\\\v=0.0542\times \sqrt{\dfrac{48}{0.25}}\\\\v=0.75\ m/s[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

Which court would you go to if you wanted to declare bankruptcy?
Civil court
U.S. Court of Appeals
Supreme Court
U.S. District Court



A. Cilvil court.........

Civil court  would you go to if you wanted to declare bankruptcy. The correct option is A.

Thus, According to the United States Bankruptcy Code, bankruptcy proceedings are typically filed in a federal bankruptcy court.

The federal court system includes these courts, which deal with Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 bankruptcy cases.

The additional alternatives (U.S. Court of Appeals, Supreme Court, and U.S. District Court) are not the main courts where bankruptcy cases are generally filed.

Thus, Civil court  would you go to if you wanted to declare bankruptcy. The correct option is A.

Learn more about Civil court, refer to the link:


An airplane flying at 116 m/s. E, is accelerated uniformly at the rate of 9.2 m/s2, E, for 13 s. What is its final velocity in m/s?





you have to use one of the kinematic formulas the best that suits the question given in this case you can use v=u+at.since the time, acceleration and initial velocity have been given in the question




I hope this helps

i. The lift raises a car to a height of 1.8 m using a force of 5500 N. How much work does the lift
perform? (1 point)


Work = force x distance

Work = 5500 x 1.8

Work = 9900 N

The work measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement.

Work = force x distance

Work = 5500 x 1.8

Work = 9900 N

therefore, work does 9900 N

What is work?

Work is force applied over distance. Examples of work include lifting an object against the Earth's gravitation, driving a car up a hill, and pulling down a captive helium balloon. Work is a mechanical manifestation of energy. The standard unit of work is the joule (J), equivalent to a newton - meter (N · m).

What is work and energy?

Work is defined as transferring energy into an object so that there is some displacement. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Work done is always the same. Energy can be of different types such as kinetic and potential energy.

To learn more about work, refer


Discuss the role of globalization in the development of sI unit​



Sharing of information


The development of SI unit has helped in the sharing of scientific as well as techical information internationally.


It was created during the French Revolution in 1799 and has enabled for the international exchange of scientific and technical information. Calculating with SI units is also a lot easier than using the English system.

pls someone help me pls…. and pls explain to me how



1.12 × 10⁴ m/s


The escape velocity of the object v = √(2GM/R) where G = gravitational constant = 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg², M = mass of the Earth = 6 × 10²⁴ kg and R = radius of the Earth = 6.4 × 10⁶ m

Since v = √(2GM/R)

Substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

v = √(2GM/R)

v = √(2 × 6.67 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg² × 6 × 10²⁴ kg/6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(13.34 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/kg² × 6 × 10²⁴ kg/6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(80.04 × 10⁻¹¹ × 10²⁴Nm²/kg/6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(80.04 × 10¹³Nm²/kg ÷ 6.4 × 10⁶ m)

v = √(80.04 ÷ 6.4 × 10¹³ ÷ 10⁶Nm/kg)

v = √(12.50625 × 10⁷ Nm/kg)

v = √(125.0625 × 10⁶ Nm/kg)

v = 11.18 × 10³ m/s

v = 1.118 × 10 × 10³ m/s

v = 1.118 × 10⁴ m/s

v ≅ 1.12 × 10⁴ m/s

7 (a) Smoke particles are introduced into a glass box containing air. Light shines into the box so that, when observed through a microscope, the smoke particles can be seen as bright points of light. Describe the motion of the smoke particles and account for this motion in terms of the air molecules. ​



smoke particles move in brownian motion (zig -zag motion ) .


this is because air molecules collide against smoke particles hence they attain kinetic energy which keeps them in continuous motion .

The motion of the smoke particles is Brownian motion that is the zigzag motion of the particles that particles move in a random direction.

What is a Brownian Movement?

In chemistry, the term "Brownian Movement" refers to the random zigzagging motion of a particle that is typically seen under a high power ultra-microscope. The term "Brownian movement" refers to the exact motion of pollen grains in water, as described by Robert Brown.

More crucially, Albert Einstein eventually clarified the Brownian movement in his study by claiming that water molecules were responsible for moving the pollen. This discovery provided compelling proof that atoms and molecules exist.

According to the question, the reason is that air molecules collide against smoke particles, hence the particles get kinetic energy which keeps them in continuous motion or in zigzag motion.

To get more information about Brownian Movement :


Can acceleration and velocity be equal vectors?



Velocity is the rate of change of position with respect to time, whereas acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. Both are vector quantities (and so also have a specified direction), but the units of velocity are meters per second while the units of acceleration are meters per second squared.

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