step by step of how to convert fahrenheit and celsius to kelvins -5F to kelvins please and thank you


Answer 1
(-5-32)•5/9 + 273.5= K

(-37)•5/9 + 273.5=K

185/9 + 273.5=K



( that 9 is dividing the (-5-32)•5 )

Related Questions

Draw the following structures and name them :



hope this helps.answer is in the picture

If you hit the surface of Iron with a photon of energy and find that the ejected electron has a wavelength of .75 nm, what is the wavelength of the incoming photon in nanometers?



The wavelength of the incoming photon is 172.8 nm


The wavelength of the incoming photon can be calculated with the photoelectric equation:

[tex] KE = h\frac{c}{\lambda_{p}} - \phi [/tex]   (1)


KE: is the kinetic energy of the electron

h: is Planck's constant = 6.62x10⁻³⁴ J.s  

c: is the speed of light = 3.00x10⁸ m/s

[tex]\lambda_{p}[/tex]: is the wavelength of the photon =?  

Φ: is the work function of the surface (Iron) = 4.5 eV        

The kinetic energy of the electron is given by:

[tex] KE = \frac{p^{2}}{2m} = \frac{(\frac{h}{\lambda_{e}})^{2}}{2m} [/tex]  (2)


p: is the linear momentum = h/λ

m: is the electron's mass = 9.1x10⁻³¹ kg

[tex]\lambda_{e}[/tex]: is the wavelength of the electron = 0.75 nm = 0.75x10⁻⁹ m

Hence, the wavelength of the photon is:

[tex] \frac{(\frac{h}{\lambda_{e}})^{2}}{2m} = h\frac{c}{\lambda_{p}} - \phi [/tex]

[tex]\lambda_{p} = \frac{hc}{\frac{h^{2}}{2m\lambda_{e}^{2}} + \phi} = \frac{6.62 \cdot 10^{-34} J.s*3.00\cdot 10^{8} m/s}{\frac{(6.62 \cdot 10^{-34} J.s)^{2}}{2*9.1 \cdot 10^{-31} kg*(0.75 \cdot 10^{-9} m)^{2}} + 4.5 eV*\frac{1.602 \cdot 10^{-19} J}{1 eV}} = 1.728 \cdot 10^{-7} m = 172.8 nm[/tex]      

Therefore, the wavelength of the incoming photon is 172.8 nm.

I hope it helps you!        

Question 8 of 10
Which of the following is made of matter?

A. Light
B. Energy
C. The sun
D. Heat


The answer would have to be letter b. Energy

Answer: i Choose the sun

because it has mass

Explanation: matter is anything that has mass and occupies space / Volume

and the sun has mass though it is not a solid one, and is made up of matter


Analyse the temperature versus time graph of water, given below.

Which part of graph represent only liquid state and gaseous state and why?​



Phase C - Liquid State

Phase E - Gaseous State


Usually, in phases of water, we have the following;

When temperature is less than zero, it is said to be in its solid phase as ice.

When temperature is between 0 to 100, we can say it is in the liquid phase as water.

When temperature is above 100°C, It is said to be in the gaseous phase as vapour.

From the diagram;

Phase C is the only liquid state because it falls between temperature of 0°C and 100°

Also, only phase E is in the gaseous phase because the temperature is above 100°C.

What is the action of a catalyst


Answer: A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up and remains chemically unchanged itself .

Explanation: For a reaction to take place the particles must collide with enough energy for bonds to break and reaction to occur .

BUT when a catalyst is present the reactants are able to react in a way that requires less energy ,leading to more successful collision so the reaction speeds up without the chemical composition of the catalyst being affected

NOTE: the catalyst must be chosen to suit the particular reaction


hii pls help me to write the ionic equation ​



net ionic equation

[tex]\boxed{ SO_4{}^{2-} {}_{(aq.)} + Ba^{2+} {}_{(aq.)} \rightarrow BaSO_4 {}_{(s)}} [/tex]

Chromium forms a complex with diphenylcarbazide whose molar absorptivity is 4.17*10^4 at 540nm. Calculate the absorbance of a 7.68*10^-6 M solution of the complex at 540nm when measured in a 1.00cm cell and the transmittance of the solution.



0.32 liters/mole cm.


According to Beer Lambert's law;

A= εcl

ε = molar absorptivity

c= concentration

l= path length

A= 4.17*10^4 × 7.68*10^-6 × 1

A= 0.32 liters/mole cm.

what is Ka for hno2(aq) = h+(aq) + no2-(aq)?


Oxidation number of nitrogen in hno2? ... HNO2, If ON for H: +1. ON for 02: -2 Then (+1) N 2(-2) (+1) N (-4) Therefore Nitrogen's ON is +3.

The ionization constant of an acid is denoted by the symbol Kₐ. The smaller the value of Kₐ for an acid, the weaker will be the acid. Thus the correct option is D.

What is acid dissociation constant?

The acid dissociation constant denotes the measure of the extent to which an acid dissociates in the solution. The strength of an acid is represented by the value Kₐ. The less an acid dissociates, smaller will be the value of Kₐ, the stronger the acid, higher will be the value of Kₐ.

The dissociation of HNO₂ is given as:

HNO₂ (aq) ⇄ H⁺ (aq) + NO₂⁻ (aq)

The dissociation constant of HNO₂ is given as:

Kₐ = [H⁺][NO₂⁻] / HNO₂

The value of Kₐ is constant at a particular temperature. We can use this fact to find out the pH of a weak acid at a particular temperature.

Thus the correct option is D.

To know more about acid dissociation constant, visit;


make a 450 gram solution with the mass by mass concentration of 7% how much salt and water do you need to mix​


you’d need to mix over have the mass of the 450 gram solution

NaC2H3O2 product or reactant



the reaction between vinegar and baking soda, the reactants are vinegar (acetic acid) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). The products are sodium acetate, water, and carbon dioxide gas.

What is the pH of a 1.0 x 10-3 M KOH solution?
A. 10
B. 4.0
C. 11
D. 3.0



Option C. 11


We'll begin by calculating the concentration of the hydroxide ion [OH¯] in the solution. This can be obtained as follow:

In solution, KOH will dissociate as follow:

KOH (aq) <=> K⁺(aq) + OH¯(aq)

From the balanced equation above,

1 mole of KOH reacted to produce 1 mole of OH¯.

Therefore, 1×10¯³ M KOH will also react to produce 1×10¯³ M OH¯.

Thus, the concentration of hydroxide ion [OH¯] in the solution is 1×10¯³ M

Next, we shall determine the pOH of the solution. This can be obtained as follow:

Concentration of hydroxide ion [OH¯] = 1×10¯³ M

pOH =?

pOH = –Log [OH¯]

pOH = –Log 1×10¯³

pOH = 3

Finally, we shall determine the pH of the solution. This can be obtained as follow:

pOH = 3

pH =?

pH + pOH = 14

pH + 3 = 14

Collect like terms

pH = 14 – 3

pH = 11

Which diagram represents this molecule



I think it is C


Hope this helps!! :)

If I'm wrong, then greatest apologies

PLEASE HELP QUICK!!! How many molecules are there in 4.00 L of
glucose, C6H1206? Please show your work!!


As 1 L is 1000 g
So mass= 4000g
Molar mass of Glucose= 180 g/mol
As Number of molecules= mass/molar mass x Avogadro’s no.
Number of molecules= 4000/180 x 6.022 x 10^23
Number of molecules = 1.3 x 10^25 molecules

Molar mass of NO2= 46
Number of molecules = 14/46 x 6.022 x 10^23
Number of molecules= 1.8 x 10^23 molecules

nguyên tử sắt có điện tích hạt nhân là 26+. trong nguyên tử, số hạt mang điện nhiều hơn số hạt không mang điện là 22. Hãy xác định số khối của nguyên tử sắt



I don't know yr language

Is this population more likely to grows slowly or quickly in the next 10 years


nobody can say it is uncertain but in my opinion it will grow quickly in the next 10 years

Exprese la concentración de una solución de H3PO4 al 30 % en masa y con una densidad de 1.39 g/mL en: M, y N.



4.26 M; 12.8 N


Primer paso: Calcular la concentración volumétrica (Cv)

Usaremos la siguiente expression.

Cv = Cg × ρ

Cv = 30 g%g × 1.39 g/mL = 41.7 g%mL

Segundo paso: Calcular la molaridad

La concentración volumetrica es 41.7 g%mL, es decir, hay 41.7 gramos de soluto cada 100 mL de solución. Usaremos la siguiente fórmula para molaridad.

M = masa de soluto / masa molar de soluto × litros de solución

M = 41.7 g / 97.99 g/mol × 0.1 L = 4.26 M

Tercer paso: Calcular la normalidad

Usaremos la siguiente fórmula.

N = M × Z

donde Z para un ácido es igual al número de protones.

N = M × Z

N = 4.26 mol/L × 3 eq/mol = 12.8 N

How does kinetic energy transform into potential energy?


kinetic energy is converted to potential energy because while it is not actually doing work, it has the potential to do work. If we drop the object from the shelf or release the spring, that potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy.


19.11 g of MgSO₄ is placed into 100.0 mL of water. The water's temperature increases by 6.70°C. Calculate ∆H, in kJ/mol, for the dissolution of MgSO₄. (The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g・°C and the density of the water is 1.00 g/mL). You can assume that the specific heat of the solution is the same as that of water.




19.11 g of MgSO₄ is placed into 100.0 mL of water. The water's temperature increases by 6.70°C. Calculate ∆H, in kJ/mol, for the dissolution of MgSO₄. (The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g・°C and the density of the water is 1.00 g/mL). You can assume that the specific heat of the solution is the same as that of water.


-21.03 kJ/mol


∆H is enthalpy. Enthalpy is the total heat content of a system.

So we can establish that ∆H = q (heat)

The formula for heat (q)

q = cm∆T

c = specific heat capacity

m = mass of substance

∆T= change of temperature

Since we are calculating the enthalpy of the SOLUTION. We must account for both the mass of water and the mass of MgSO₄ in our q formula.

All you gotta do is plug and chug at this stage.

∆H = q     = cm∆T = (4.184)(19.11+100.0)(6.70) = 3338.986808 Joules

We have now calculated the heat (aka enthalpy) of the solution.


Remember! The problem asked for enthalpy in kj....

Use this conversion factor.

1000 J = 1 kJ

3338.986808 Joules * 1kJ/1000 J = 3.338986808 kJ

We were asked to find ∆H for the dissolution of MgSO4  in units of kj/mol so we are not finished.

Take the grams of MgSO4 in the problem  and convert it into moles using its molar mass.

MgSO4 molar mass = 120.3676 g

1 mol = 120.3676 g MgSO4   <---- Use this as a conversion factor

19.11 g MgSO4 * 1 mol MgSO4/120.3676 g = 0.15876365 mol MgSO4

Now that you've calculated the moles of MgSO4 in this solution. You can divide your heat by it.

q dissolution = 3.338.986808 kJ/ 0.15876365 mol =  21.03 kj/mol

Note that the problem tells us that the temperature of water increases.

This means that the water is experiencing an endothermic process (heat is being absorbed from MgSO4) . Mathematically, this would be indicated by a positive sign. ---> +q

We can assume MgSO4 is losing heat as it is placed into the water. It is experiencing an exothermic process (heat is being lost).  Mathematically, this would be indicated by a negative sign. ----> -q

So if we're calculating the enthalpy for the dissolution of MgSO₄ ....the value we've arrived at must be negative.


∆H = 21.03 kj/mol :)))))

I hope that helped...I feel like my explanation was a bit convoluted.

If 30.0 grams of AlC3 is produced in the reaction, how many grams of HCI must have reacted?



Al2O3 + 6HCl ==> 2AlCl3 + 3H2O ... balanced equation

moles Al2O3 present = 30.0 g x 1 mol/101.96 g = 0.294 moles

moles HCl present = 30 g HCl x 1 mol/36.5 g = 0.822 moles HCl

HCl is LIMITING as it takes 6 moles HCl for each 1 mol Al2O3 and here that is not enough. It will run out first.

Now, using the limiting reactant, we find the moles and mass of AlCl3 that can be formed.

0.822 moles HCl x 2 moles AlCl3/6 moles HCl = 0.274 moles AlCl3 formed

mass of AlCl3 = 0.274 moles AlCl3 x 133 g/mole = 36.4 g AlCl3 formed

Name each compound. Do not capitalize element names. An example can be seen
Ex. SF6: sulfur hexfluoride
a. H2O:
b. PC15:
C. SiF4:
d. N20



a. H2O: dihydrogen monoxide

b. PCl5: Phosphorus pentachloride

c. SiF4: Silicon tetrafluoride

d. N20: dinitrogen oxide

what is transition state​



transition state is a point in which electrons been removed from the atom


The highest energy structure in the reaction coordinate.


How are the vapor pressure and boiling point of alkynes affected as the chain length increases?



Answer to the following question is as follows;


Alkynes' vapour pressure and normal boiling points are altered when chain length grows, since vapour pressure rises while boiling point falls.

Vapour pressure always include pressure entered by vapour with its condensed phase, pressure include molecules force of attraction include vapour

PLZ HELP According to the atomic model Which particles are found In the same part of the atom
a. protons electrons neutrons
B.protons and neutrons
C.protons and ​electrons
D.electrons and neutrons​


protons and neutrons
B I think its the best answer
Hope its help for your questions


Balance the equation below to answer the question. Suppose you mix 3.25 grams of nitrogen trihydride with 3.50 grams of oxygen gas. How many grams of nitrogen monoxide would you make?

A. 2.63 grams
B. 2.11 grams
C. 4.34 grams
D. 3.45 grams
E. 1.76 grams


(D)because after adding all the elements and canceling parts out it equals (3.34) so d is your answer

A common oxidizing agent is..?

C. KMnO4/H+

B. FeSO4
D. concentrated HCl



C. KMnO4/H+


Oxidizing agent is a substance that has the ability to accept electrons from other substances.

what are the intermolecular forces of Sulfate ion



oh it's easy


Take the hydrate












. Are there ionic forces between the




and the






and ion-dipole forces between the cation/anions and the water?

What is the total pressure in millimeters of mercury,
exerted by the gas mixture

P= _______ units?



87059.50558 pa


Dalton's law of partial pressure states that Ptotal=P1 +P2+ P3

417mmHg + 150mmHg +86mmHg =653 mmHg

convert it to Pa, your answer is 87059.50558Pa.

I hope I'm of help to you

is SrO a conductor of electricity



No and Yes


it depends bc its an ionic compound, therefore can't conduct electricity when SOLID, BUT unless it DISSOLVES in water it can conduct

Indicar que elemento es de transición *

a) Calcio

b) Radio

c) Hierro

d) Carbono

e) Azufre

Sabiendo que las configuraciones electrónicas son correctas, determinar qué analogía es incorrecta *

a) 47Ag: [Kr] 5s2 4d9  I – B
b) 27Co: [Ar] 4s2 3d7  VIII – B
c) 41Nb: [Kr] 5s2 4d3  V – A
d) 50Sn: [Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p2  IV – A
e) N.A.




c hierro

no se la otra sorry

Which element has 2 valence electrons in the 2s sublevel?



beryllium is the answer.

I hope this will help you

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