By S. E. Forman



There never was a time when the world was without fire, but there was a time when men did not know how to kindle fire; and after they learned how to kindle one, it was a long, long time before they learned how to kindle one easily. In these days we can kindle a fire without any trouble, because we can easily get a match; but we must remember that the match is one of the most wonderful things in the world, and that it took men thousands of years to learn how to make one. Let us learn the history of this familiar little object, the match.

Fire was first given to man by nature itself. When a forest is set on fire by cinders from a neighboring volcano, or when a tree is set ablaze by a thunderbolt, we may say that nature strikes a match. In the early history of the world, nature had to kindle all the fires, for man by his own effort was unable to produce a spark. The first method, then, of getting fire for use was to light sticks of wood at a flame kindled by nature—by a volcano, perhaps, or by a stroke of lightning. These firebrands were carried to the home and used in kindling the fires there. The fire secured in this way was carefully guarded and was kept burning as long as possible. But the flame, however faithfully watched, would sometimes be extinguished. A sudden gust of wind or a sudden shower would put it out. Then a new firebrand would have to be secured, and this often meant a long journey and a deal of trouble.

In 1827, John Walker, a druggist in a small English town, tipped a splint with sulphur, chlorate of potash, and sulphid of antimony, and rubbed it on sandpaper, and it burst into flame. The druggist had discovered the first friction-chemical match, the kind we use to-day. It is called friction-chemical because it is made by mixing certain chemicals together and rubbing them. Although Walker's match did not require the bottle of acid, nevertheless it was not a good one. It could be lighted only by hard rubbing, and it sputtered and threw fire in all directions. In a few years, however, phosphorus was substituted on the tip for antimony, and the change worked wonders. The match could now be lighted with very little rubbing, and it was no longer necessary to have sandpaper upon which to rub it. It would ignite when rubbed on any dry surface, and there was no longer any sputtering. This was the phosphorus match, the match with which we are so familiar.

Which does the author mean by "... nature had to kindle all the fires, for man by his own effort was unable to produce a spark"?

Humans were unable to make fire.
Nature was unable to make fire.
Humans were not very intelligent.
Humans did not try to make fire.


Answer 1


A. Humans were unable to make fire.


It says that the world was never without fire meaning that nature had its own way of making it before men learned to do so.

hope i helped

Answer 2


Humans were unable to make fire.


The story talks about human's inability to make their own fire in the opening of the passage. The passage also talks about how fire was created by nature with lightning.

Related Questions

What are some clues that the narrator’s point of view is third-person omniscient? Check all that apply.

the use of the pronouns she and he
the use of the pronoun I
thoughts and feelings limited to Lizzie
thoughts and feelings limited to Turner
knowledge about what is happening in more than one place at once



ITS (A). the use of the pronouns “they” and “she”

     (E). thoughts and feelings of both Lizzie and Turner


The use of the pronouns she and he and the use of thoughts and feelings of both Turner and Lizzie are some clues that the narrator's point of view is third-person omniscient, hence option A and E are correct.

What is third-person omniscient?

The term "third-person omniscient" describes a certain narrative style and point of view. The narrator is not participating in the plot, which is true of all third-person narration.

This is very different from the first person narration, in which the main character tells the tale.

In this passage from a book by American author Gary D. Schmidt, who also writes for children and young adults, we can see that the narrator uses the third-person singular pronouns he and she.

Turner isn't aware of all of Lizzie's actions, but the narrator is, proving that the narrator is omniscient.

Therefore, option A and E are correct.

Learn more about third-person omniscient, here:


DeShawn just started a job at the office supply store. His coworker Max seems nice enough. But he has been pestering DeShawn with questions about his personal life—who he’s dating, what his plans are for the weekend, what he does in his free time, what his family is like. Explain what DeShawn could say to manage his boundaries while establishing a good professional relationship with Max.



DeShawn should tell Max that he rather keep his personal life outside work. After all, we shouldn't mix business and pleasure.


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The Justice Department announced the findings of its two civil rights investigations related to Ferguson, Missouri, today.  The Justice Department found that the Ferguson Police Department (FPD) engaged in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates the First, Fourth, and 14th Amendments of the Constitution.  The Justice Department also announced that the evidence examined in its independent, federal investigation into the fatal shooting of Michael Brown does not support federal civil rights charges against Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson.

“As detailed in our report, this investigation found a community that was deeply polarized, and where deep distrust and hostility often characterized interactions between police and area residents,” said Attorney General Eric Holder.  “Our investigation showed that Ferguson police officers routinely violate the Fourth Amendment in stopping people without reasonable suspicion, arresting them without probable cause, and using unreasonable force against them.  Now that our investigation has reached its conclusion, it is time for Ferguson’s leaders to take immediate, wholesale and structural corrective action.  The report we have issued and the steps we have taken are only the beginning of a necessarily resource-intensive and inclusive process to promote reconciliation, to reduce and eliminate bias, and to bridge gaps and build understanding.” 

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In grammar, the term particle (abbreviated PTCL) has a traditional meaning, as a part of speech that cannot be inflected, and a modern meaning, as a function word associated with another word or phrase to impart meaning. ... Many languages use particles, in varying amounts and for varying reasons.

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the source and data of facts.


"answers to 5W questions"


Hi,,, help me please



1- Fast

2- Hot

3- Empty

4- Expensive

5- Lazy

6- Cold

7- Happy

8- Slim

9- Slow

10- Dirty

11- Poor

12- Old

13- Heavy

14- Clean

15- Dry

16- Young

17- Fat

18- Wet

19- Light

20- Difficult

21- Easy

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I hope I helped you^_^

What is a key similarity or difference between these accounts?

Both accounts provide evidence that the woman feels uncomfortable in jail and misses domestic items from her home.

In the play, characters are sympathetic toward the jailed woman. In the article, most people are against the jailed woman.

In the play, the jailed woman is concerned about domestic matters. In the article, the woman worries her family’s opinions.


Answer: In the play, characters are sympathetic toward the jailed woman. In the article, most people are against the jailed woman.


You didn't give the accounts of both the play and the articles. I searched online and.couodnt get it but the correct answer has been provided.

The key difference between these accounts is that in the play, characters are sympathetic toward the jailed woman while in the article, most people are against the jailed woman.

Answer: B

Explanation: I did it

Please Help me on this



distribute the images around the page and document. A document that portrays information accompanied by images and diagrams is much easier to be understood than one with only pure text descriptions. It is important to state that images are useful resources that allow the reader make sense of the information provided in a text, since images help the reader clarify if they are used carefully and with suitable captions.

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Do you want me to write it for you?


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So bro what to do with this. Hope you understand me

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plz look photo
and help asap i will give brainliest



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Why is it important that an argument address a counterargument? Most teachers will not read a paper that does not include a counterargument. All readers will distrust texts that neglect to include counterarguments. Doing so strengthens the ethos, logos, and pathos of the argument. Counterarguments are usually weak and easy to rebut.



Doing so strengthens the ethos, logos, and pathos of the argument.


Providing a counterargument means that a paper and its author understand other people's perspectives. It also means that the author had thought through the argument and what others might say. A counterargument means that an author is well read and has studied all sides of an argument. Additionally, it shows that the author has the ability to rebut points made by people that disagree with them.

This helps appeal to readers through ethos, logos, and pathos. It strengthens ethos because the extra information provides credibility. The counterargument also can change a reader's feelings, which shows pathos. Finally, logos is strengthened because a strong rebuttal appeals to one's logic.

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Your question was not asked properly...

What is Teacher contact information mean



the teachers phone number bff


add me on discord! Hu Tao#3949


Teacher contact information is info that you can use to reach out to your teacher. Examples of this are cell phone numbers, addresses, social media, etc.

~Please Brainlist if you enjoy this answer~

what is the biggest challenge that you have faced in high school and how did you handle it? What did you learn from the experience? (100-300 words)


The biggest challenge I have faced throughout high school is the motivation to do the work. I've always been one to put off work until the last minute, but, once I started high school things got much worse. Work started to pile up and I would put it off until the morning of, or if it was an essay the night before. Recently I realized that I need to buckle down and do my work because I almost failed my sophomore year. This summer I've had to do summer school and it has been very difficult but there has only been a singular due date for all of the assignments so it was quite a lot easier than normal school. As of yesterday, I have decided to start taking life more seriously because if I don't I could end up living in the streets. I’ve learned how to handle the pressure of homework the past few weeks and am doing much better.

List two current court cases relating to the 1st amendment.
Do a web search for
current court cases.



Here are two


American legion v. The American Humanists Association  

The Court held that the display and maintenance of a large memorial cross by a local government does not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Iancu v.Brunetti

The Court held that the Lanham Act’s prohibition on the federal registration of “immoral” or “scandalous” marks, in Section 2(a), violates the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment.

Read this excerpt from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
I knew I could never let Mom hear the messages, because protecting her is one of my most important raisons
d'être, so what I did was I took Dad's emergency money from on top of his dresser, and I went to the Radio
Shack on Amsterdam. It was on a TV there that I saw that the first building had fallen. I bought the exact same
phone and ran home and recorded our greeting from the first phone onto it. I wrapped up the old phone in the
scarf that Grandma was never able to finish because of my privacy, and I put that in a grocery bag, and I put that
in a box, and I put that in another box, and I put that under a bunch of stuff in my closet, like my jewelry
workbench and albums of foreign currencies.
Which word best describes the tone of this excerpt?
O deceitful
O respectful


the answer is c i took the test

The word that best describes the tone of this excerpt is "methodical". The narrator describes in detail the steps he took to protect his mother from hearing the messages on the phone, including buying a new phone and hiding the old one.

What tone is set in "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'' ?

The tone of "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer is complex and multifaceted, as the novel deals with a range of themes and emotions.

The tone is calm and deliberate, as if the narrator is carefully planning and executing his plan to protect his mother.

There is no sense of deceit or disrespect in the tone, and while there may be a hint of sentimentality in the mention of the scarf that his grandmother was never able to finish, it is not a dominant tone in the passage. Hence, option C is correct.

Find more on  "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close":


1to collect things or people from different places into one area
2 a grouping of things organized by type
Which one is category and which one is gather I’m confused



pls ask your question in the right way

Which sentence has a dangling modifier?

Once on the beach, the vacationers applied sunscreen.

Although elderly, driving to the store was not a problem.

While eating a nice restaurant, the patron admired the silverware.



While eating a nice restaurant, the patron admired the silverware.


Once on the beach, the vacationers applied sunscreen


i think that is the correct answer

1. What does the word intercourse mean in the phrase "the intercourse between the clergyman
and the physician"?



incident last described, the intercourse between the clergyman and the physician, though externally the same, was really of another character than it had previously been. The intellect of Roger Chillingworth had now a sufficiently plain path before it. It was not, indeed, precisely that which he had laid out for himself to tread. Calm, gentle, passionless, as he appeared, there was yet, we fear, a quiet depth of malice, hitherto latent, but active now, in this unfortunate old man, which led him to imagine a more intimate revenge than any mortal had ever

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What is the figure of speech used in the following sentence?

War is peace.





I m confused maybe it's assonance

What is the main idea of this paragraph, as it relates to the author?




The main idea is that even though the decision was made by a lot of people, Tyson was the one who got the most negative attention for it



Why does Flimnap complain about Gulliver to the emperor of Lilliput?
because of Gulliver’s cost to the treasury
because of Gulliver’s frequent disrespect toward Lilliput because of Gulliver’s desire for his own home
because of Gulliver’s performance in the Lilliput–Blefuscu battle


I say it’s the first one

Revise this paragraph from the essay on voter identification, which focuses on one of the claim's supporting reasons. As you revise the paragraph, focus on:

1. making sure the point of the paragraph is precise and related to the overall claim in the essay,
2. using words, phrases, and clauses to link major ideas in the paragraph,
3. organizing ideas in a logical way,
4. stating and addressing a counterclaim,
5. maintaining a formal style and objective tone, and
6. correcting MLA citation errors.

Underline any portions of the original paragraph that you include in your version of the paragraph. (30 points).

Paragraph to be revised:

Essay claim: Laws requiring people to show photo identification in order to vote decrease voter participation.

Lots of people don't have photo identification. Requiring people to show photo identification to vote would keep those without this type of identification from voting. Those who often don't have identification include elderly individuals who no longer drive and citizens living in high poverty areas where transportation is limited. They would be denied the chance to vote. Sociologist Mark Abernathy writes, "requiring photo identification in order to vote essentially eliminates a whole population of American voters. These voters are part of society, but they are denied a basic right guaranteed to all Americans over the age of eighteen. Elections are then determined by only a portion of the population, not the entire population" (page 820 of the article "Photo Identification Disenfranchisement"). Some people think this is just not true. Ria Olberson, an economist at Alabaster University, states, "few Americans are without drivers' licenses. Even if the license is expired or revoked, it still counts as photo identification. To claim that requiring identification disenfranchises a segment of the American population is simply inaccurate" (page 101). Olberson is just wrong! A lot of people don't have licenses because they either don't need them or they don't want them. Consider people living in major cities. They have no reason to get driver's licenses: public transportation. This extremely large group of people would be forced to obtain driver's licenses to participate in a process that they are guaranteed as citizens of the United States.


Essay claim: Requiring voters to present picture identification reduces voter participation.

Many people lack photo identification. Requiring picture identification to vote would keep those without it from voting. Elderly people who no longer drive and people who live in low-income areas often lack identification. They would be unable to vote. Mark Abernathy argues, "Requiring photo ID to vote effectively eliminates a large group of American voters. However, they are denied a basic privilege given to all Americans over the age of 18. A part of the population, not the entire population, decides elections" " (page 820 of the article "Photo Identification Disenfranchisement"). Some believe this isn't true. Ria Olberson of Alabaster University says, "Few Americans lack a license. Even an expired or revoked license counts as photo identification. The idea that requiring identification disenfranchises some Americans is simply false " (page 101). Just just wrong! Many people don't have licenses because they don't need or desire them. Consider city dwellers. They don't need licenses: public transportation. Many of these people would have to get licenses in order to participate in a process  that they are entitled to as U.S. citizens.

How would I cite a book in MLA format if there is no publication date, only century of origin?



using Author name and tittle of the book


You can cite a book in MLA format by using author's name and tittle of the book

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mi quy tc x s tn ti trn x hi c nh nc u l php lut ng hay sai? Gii thch Part A: Estimate the IQR for the males' data. (2 points)Part B: Estimate the difference between the median values of each data set. (2 points)Part C: Describe the distribution of the data and if the mean or median would be a better measure of center for each. (4 points)Part D: Provide a possible reason for the outlier in the data set. (2 points) Please help! Thank you!In the figure below, O is the center of the circle. Name a tangent of the circle.A. AOB. FGC. ABD. HK A object of mass 200kg is pushed from rest by a force of 500N along a horizontal plane for 5.0 seconds. Calculate the acceleration of the object Sujeto de cerraste bien la puerta? cuales son los datos personales incluidos en un pasaportea. el apellido, el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la nacionalidad, el numero de pasaporteb. el apellido, el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, el numero de pasaporte, la direccionc. el apellido, el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la religion, el numero de pasaported. el nombre, la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento, el estado civil, la religion, el number de pasaporte Cunta madera podra tirar una marmota? Please I need help complete the table below? Which of the following represents 32/100? A. thirty-two hundredths B. 0.032 C. 0.23 D. thrity-two tenths why are organizational skills important for an entrepreneur.? Which company re locate in the us ? A video game displays 125 frames in 5 seconds on Penelope's computer. What is the rate in frames per second? A. 23 frames per second B. 25 frames per second C. 26 frames per second D. 24 frames per second NBA bank uses centralized client server database that is accessed by all its nationwide branches. All customers' records are stored on the database. There are no copies at the branches. The building that holds this database and all the equipment went up in flames and was destroyed. A factory used 99.19 kilograms of tomatoes to make 7 batches of pasta sauce. What quantity of tomatoes did the factory put in each batch? A train travelling in a circular track of 0.75 km of radus at 22 km/hr. Find the angle in degrees through which it turns in one minute. Point T is on line segment SU. Given ST = 4x 4, TU = 4x 10, andSU = 5x + 1, determine the numerical length of TU.Answer: TU = How does an outlier affect the median? Find the value of x in each case: PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER PLS GIVE ME A STEP BY STEP EXPLANATION!!There are 31 pink beads and 15 purple beads on Violet's necklace. What is the ratio of the number of beads to the number of pink beads?A. 15:31B. 46:31C. 31:15D. 31:46 what is the danger of not passing on information from generation to generation?