Story of the dog and 2 crow


Answer 1


Once a dog found a piece of bone. He was eating it sitting under a tree. There sat a crow on the tree. It wished to take away the bone for itself. The crow was very cunning. It flew away. After some time it returned there with another crow. Both the crows went to the dog. One of them with the beak pulled the dog by his tail. The dog felt disturbed and annoyed. Again the crow bit the dog in his tail. The dog got very angry. He dropped the piece of bone on the ground and then looked back to see what the matter was. In the meantime the second crow picked up the bone and flew away with it. The dog ran after the crows but in vain. He was very sad.


Hope this helps! Thanks.

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36 c

37 c

38 a

39 c

40 c

41 d

42 c

43 b

44 b

45 c


the answers above complete the sentences correctly.

what is the habitat of a bat, weaver bird, lizard, tilapia, rabbit and cactus plant



Habitats of bats=Mostly caves and woodlands.

Habitat of weaver bird= Savannas, grasslands and forests.

Habitat of lizard=Anywhere excluding cold areas like Antarctica.

Habitat of tilapia=Shallow streams, ponds, rivers, and lakes.

Habitat of rabbit=Woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.

Habitat of cactus plant=Dry, arid  areas like deserts.

the persona's bag appears to be ............


filled with treasure, rocks, gold or some entrancing crystals that bewitch you the moment you glance at them

Where ____?
have you been
are you been
has you been
have you were

¿cual es lacorrecta?



Where have you been?


good luck, hope this helps.

Here’s just a filler answer so you can give the other guy brainliest. He got it right

A gift wrapped box that wants to become a human in comic strip form mine is a Chamaeleon and a human who is helping to get her into a human form


A gift wrapped box is a comic strip in which a gift box wants to become a human and experience this live events.

It wants to feel free and move freely just like the humans do.

The gift wrapped box feels that it has been in a prison and it is dependent on others to move from one place to another.

This is a comic strip which excites the reader and amuse them with the thoughts of a wrapped gift box.

Learn more at

what is wanton



Definition: A cruel (violent) action done, unprovoked.

How do characters and conflicts work together



Characters need to overcome the conflict and some characters even create the conflict.


You witnessed a fire outbreak at one of the famous market in your area.Write a report on what happened​


Mane so this fire started and I ran and then everyone else started running as well Ian look back so that’s all I know man

(Yo you the feds or sum?

10. Which of the following are examples of freeway interchange configurations?
A. Flute, harp, and violin
B. Diamond, trumpet, and cloverleaf
C. Diamond, trumpet, and leafy
D. Diamond, Merge, and Deceleration


Examples of freeway interchange configurations are: B. Diamond, trumpet, and cloverleaf.

What are Interchanges?

Road interchanges are intersections of two roads. There are four types of road interchanges, namely;  Diamond, trumpet, frontage, and cloverleaf.

The Diamond interchanges, for instance, allow an interchange to occur between a major roadway and a second dual roadway. So, option B captures the examples of interchanges.

Learn more about Interchanges here:

Help me please..
Create dialogs from 2 pictures above…
I hope you answer it correctly!!! Thank you!!



No because yeah

Explanation: No because this is written wrong

Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why​



I agree


I believe that if you don't like what you do, then you will start to slack off, and won't get any better at it. You work harder if you like your work, and therefore you need to like what you do. Don't go the path others what you to go, unless you want to.

the synonym of the word ask ​



The synonym of the word ask is inquire. look up if you don't believe me!

Have you any idea............ ? a. What is his name b. what his name is My friend prefers coffee C. what name tea​





What is the mood of the poem The Black Man's Plea for Justice?
A overwhelmed
C. indignant
D. conciliatory



The answer is { Indignant }


Answer:What is the mood of the poem The Black Man's Plea for Justice?

A overwhelmed


C. indignant

D. conciliatory

The answer is C. indignant


Samus drank tea with a polite, gnome in the forest.




Samus drank tea with a polite gnome in the forest.

Because polite is an adjective describing the noun "gnome", you don't need the comma between the adjective and noun.

Hope this helps!

Which of the following is true? A. A strong argumentative essay should contain secondary sources and not primary sources. B. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary sources and not secondary sources. C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. D. A strong argumentative essay should never contain primary and secondary sources.



C. A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources


A strong argumentative essay should contain primary and secondary sources. The statement is true. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is argumentative?

The term argumentative refers to the someone or something that is not agree to point of view. The someone is started disagreements with particular topic. The instances of exchange of arguments is argumentation.

In research, argumentative essays are crucial since they evaluate the information, gather the topic, produce ideas, and succinctly state a perspective.

Primary and secondary materials should both be included in the research for a solid argumentative essay. The collection of primary and secondary data formed the basis for the research. The argumentative data collection uses secondary sources like journals, newspapers, and books along with primary data like sample bases.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on argumentative, here:


How would you describe the Nazi soldiers who carried out the torture and murder of the Jewish people in World War Two





because although they were following the orders it was affecting the people live ( jewish)

Answer:people with no hearts .


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build an argument for is deportation an effective solution for illegal immagrants



— The solution must be in the rational middle ground between mass deportation and amnesty. Report by Laura Collins January 19, 2021.

Which suffix means to make something be in a particular state?
A. -or
B. -ology
C. -ify
D. -like


C.-ify hahahdhagsidbajdisba
Oh hi my dad just told me that you are doing a lot and not..op with week long and I can’t even do. Yea ma’am I’m going back in a little uuiu lol but

write meaning of accident and epitome and markeone sentence for each​



Accident: unforseen event,mishap,disaster

Epitome:an abridgement,a compendium

aktiviti yang manakah meningkatkan kelenturan​



what does that mean ?? let me know if you need any help

outdo to the students of the African Americans have you seen it on your first day back in my head is




hahaha why would i even look




What do you call the Swiss president’s airplane?

Answer: Tobler One.

Bird flu is not as lethal to humans as to the birds true or false​


I think it's false

because it a virus and it is very dangerous to both human and bird species.

Which of the following is a complex sentence?
A. Although she was sick today, she still went to work.
B. Don't touch the hot stove!
C. I can't believe it is already Friday!
D. The team was very happy they finally won.





A complex sentence has an independent clause & a dependent clause which are usually seperated by a comma.

A hope this helps!!! :)

Our school is over at 2:00pm. transitive or intransitive​





Transitive verbs, used with a direct objects, cast action to an object and may also have an indirect object, which indicates to or for whom the action is done. On the other hand, an intransitive verb will never takes an object.

The answer is transitive.

I hope this helps out! (brainliest would be appreciated)

Read the following paragraph:
"Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste. As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies
from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter. A single egg produces a denser brownie than one made with two eggs. Brownie
texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal."
Which sentence uses subjective language??
Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal.
As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter.
Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.
A single egg produces a denser brownie than two eggs.



Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.


This sentence is implying how the writter thinks and feels about brownies from a mix while the other sentences all gave factual informaction that could likely be proved by scientific testing. That said, subjective language focuses on the writer or author’s beliefs and thoughts; objective language on the other hand provides facts and leaves out any bit of personal opinion.

we have the school keeper open the class
We have



so what we do


what is question

We studied English ................ten year. a) for b) by c) in​


Answer. For


We studied English FOR ten years.

Brainstorm 5 "I am From"phrases (remember these phrases should include symbolism and imagery!)​





Directions: Your assignment is to write a “Where I’mFrom” poem to tell yourstory! Your words should represent you and your personal experiences; consider connotations in order to make choices to best convey your meaning. Choose your words carefully and include IMAGERY (sensory details) about the smells, tastes, sights, sounds, and textures of your childhood. Choose ideas, objects, sayings, people, and memories that are somehow symbolic of your childhood experience – details that represent something bigger than what they actually are. For example, maybe you have fond memories of the apple pies your grandma often baked whenyou were young. Because those apple pies were always associated with your grandma and her loving home, her pies are more than just apples and crust to you. They might be symbolic of her love and her devotion to her family. They mean something BIGGER.Rea

Which sentence is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia crossings a culinary wasteland?


The purveyors and aficionados of fast food may not have convinced Mr. Schlosser that it isn't poisonous dreck, but it would have been interesting to hear their best case and the author's rebuttal


The sentence that is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia Crossen's "A Culinary Wasteland" is: C. The purveyors and aficionados of fast food may not have convinced Mr. Schlosser that it isn't poisonous dreck, but it would have been interesting to hear their best case and the author's rebuttal.

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