Succession continues until it reaches a ............... community.​

Succession Continues Until It Reaches A ............... Community.


Answer 1


climax community


Answer 2
the answer is a climax community

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which leaf carries out more photosynthesis and explain why




palisade layer

The upper, palisade layer captures most of the sunlight and carries out most of the photosynthesis. The columnar cells of the palisade layer contain many chloroplasts.

La polidactilia en la especie humana se debe a un alelo dominante. Entre Francisco y Martha, ambos abuelos de Santiago, uno de ellos tenía polidactilia, sin embargo Juan su hijo (papá de Santiago) nació normal. A pesar de ello Santiago es polidactílico. La explicación a esta situación es que

A)Como Juan nació normal (aa) la única posibilidad para que Santiago su hijo naciera con polidactilia era que su madre lo fuera también.

B) Como uno de los abuelos era aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal) y el otro Aa (heterocigoto-polidactílico), Juan nació probablemente aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal) y por ello no hay manera que Santiago naciera polidactílico.

C) Como uno de los abuelos era aa (homocigoto recesivo-normal), Juan nació probablemente aa (homocigoto recesivo- normal) y por ello Santiago es polidactílico.

D) Como Francisco y Martha eran Aa (ambos heterocigotos-polidactílicos), Juan nació probablemente AA (homocigoto dominante- polidactílico) y por ello Santiago es polidactílico.



A)Como Juan nació normal (aa) la única posibilidad para que Santiago su hijo naciera con polidactilia era que su madre lo fuera también.


La polidactilia es una malformación causada por un alelo dominante asociada con al aparición de más de 5 dedos en cada pie o más de 5 dedos cada mano. Un alelo dominante es una variante génica capaz de enmascarar la expresión de un alelo recesivo en individuos heterocigotos, es decir, en individuos portadores de una copia del alelo dominante y una copia del alelo recesivo para un gen en particular. De este modo, un alelo dominante es por definición aquel que será expresado en el fenotipo, con lo cual el único modo en el cual Santiago sea portador del alelo dominante causante del rasgo "polidactilia" es que él lo haya heredado, ya sea del padre o de la madre (es importante aclarar que también el alelo dominante puede haber surgido por mutación en la línea germinal). En este caso sabemos de acuerdo al enunciado que el padre de Santiago no tiene polidactilia y por lo tanto no es portador del alelo dominante, con lo cual se espera que Santiago haya heredado esta condición de su madre.

- How do acidic and alkaline environments affect the growth and survival of bacterial?



Usually, the catalytic properties of the enzymes are lost and metabolism is halted. Most bacteria grow best around neutral pH values (6.5 - 7.0), but some thrive in very acid conditions and some can even tolerate a pH as low as 1.0. Such acid loving microbes are called acidophiles.

The diagram below shows an energy pyramid for various trophic levels in an ecosystem. According to this pyramid, which trophic level has the LEAST amount of energy?
1. A





A researcher dried a feedstuff and determined that it contained 10 percent moisture. he took 1 gram (dry) of it and combusted it in the bomb calorimeter. the calorimeter contains 1 kg of water. The temperature was raised 2.7 degrees centigrade. Two kilograms (2000 grams) of dry matter of the material was fed to a pig each day for several days. the fecal collections of the pig averaged 200 grams dried per day for the last few days. the feedstuff analyzed 2.41 percent nitrogen (dry basis); the feces (dry basis) analyzed 4.6 percent nitrogen. (hint: the feedstuff contained _____ grams protein, the feces contained _____ grams protein.)




The objective of the information given is to calculate the apparent digestible dry matter present in the feedstuff(%) and the apparent digestibility of the protein?

From the given information:

The apparent digestible dry matter present is:

[tex]=\dfrac{ (\text{Dry matter fed to the pig} - \text{Fecal matter of the pig} )}{\text{Dry matter fed to the pig}} \times 100 \%[/tex]


Dry matter fed to the pig = 2kg = 2000 g

Fecal matter of the pig = 200

The apparent digestible dry matter present = [tex]\dfrac{2000-200}{2000}\times 100\%[/tex]

[tex]=\dfrac{1800}{2000}\times 100\%[/tex]

= 90

Amount of Nitrogen(i.e. the protein) content present in the feedstuff = 2.41%


2.41 g/100 g   OR   48.2 g/2000 g feed

Amount of protein present in feces = 4.6% (4.6 g/100 g  OR  9.2g/200g of feed)

apparent digestibility of the protein is:[tex]=\dfrac{\text{Amount in feed }- \text{Amount in feces}}{\text{Amount in feed }}\times 100[/tex]

[tex]= \dfrac{(48.2 - 9.2)}{48.2}\times 100[/tex]

[tex]= \dfrac{39}{48.2}\times 100[/tex]

= 81%

3.4 Highlight why it is important to evaluate impact assessment studies before any
development could be made on the environment.​



EIA is a tool that ensures the protection and conservation of the environment and natural resources and ensures a sustainable economic development for any project under construction. ... EIA studies the effect of the surrounding environment on the project as well as the effect of the project on the surrounding environment.

hope it helps

Which of these provides the best evidence for the plate tectonic theory?

The rise of magma by the convergence of earths plates

The destruction of earths magnetic field by the rotation of earths core

The variations in the age of rocks at different distances from the mid ocean ridges

The difference in the shapes of the Atlantic ridge and the coastlines of continents


Answer: C

Hope this helps!

What is stimulated by high extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) and works to increase GFR and urine output?


Stretching of the atrial muscle cells releases a hormone called atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). ANF relaxes the juxtaglomerular (JG) cells of the afferent arteriole and thereby increases GFR and urine output.

which of the following makes its gravitational pull increase ?


Answer: The mass decreases


I kneed you know what the answer is


Pretty sure its Phagocytosis

Which nutrient, identified in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, is considered "a nutrient of concern"?


potassium is considered a nutrient of concern

please help very easy 5th grade work giving brainliest



The answer is A because it erodes rocks away over time






1. a

2. b

3. b

4. c


Why is the temperature at the extremities, such as the fingers,
sometimes colder than the core body temperature?
O A. So that less energy is lost in cold environments.
OB. The fingers need to be colder to protect the durability of the nails.
C. The fingers do not have thermoregulation mechanisms.
D. So that more energy is lost in cold environments.



A. so that less energy is lost in cold environments.


When it’s cold outside, your body makes sure to keep the blood flowing to your core and vital organs to keep them warm. This can change the amount of blood flow to your hands and feet, making them feel cold. This is normal. The blood vessels in your hands and feet constrict (spasm) when it’s cold, to prevent heat loss from your core

A macaw is a type of parrot with colorful feathers that flies about in the upper canopy of trees in tropical rainforests. Macaws have a diet which includes
fruits, leaves, nuts, and seeds of plants. Which of the following describes a biotic factor of the macaw's habitat that provides a survival advantage for
these birds?
The colorful feathers are lost and regrow each year
Some rainforest predators are able to climb trees
Trees provide shelter and a macaw



Trees provide shelter


Firstly, a biotic factor refers to the living component of an ecosystem including the plants, animals and microbial species of one another. According to this question, a macaw is a type of parrot with colorful feathers that flies about in the upper canopy of trees in tropical rainforests. Macaws have a diet which includes fruits, leaves, nuts, and seeds of plants.

In order to ascertain that this birds species are in survival advantage, trees, which is one of the biotic factors found in the tropical rainforest, provide shelter for these birds.

Why must living organisms reproduce?



reproduction it's important for the survival of all living organisms


Reproduction is necessary for the continuation of the generation of particular species rather than the species extinct from the earth. It is also a source of recombination.


Some experts attribute the increase in ADHD diagnoses to an increased awareness of the disorder, while others attribute the increase to ______ diagnoses.





Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting children. ADHD is characterized by different behaviors that include one or more of the following symptoms: inattention (poor concentration), impulsivity (interrupting behavior) and hyperactivity (state abnormally active). It has been reported that DHD diagnoses in children between 4 and 17 years of age dramatically increased from 6 percent (6%) during the period 1997-1998 to 10 percent (10%) during the period 2015-2016. Although the causes of this increase have not been established, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) indicates that the increase might be due to the increased access of communities historically relegated to receive care and decreased stigma to be diagnosed with ADHD. Other possible causes range from chemical factors to unhealthy habits during pregnancy (e.g., smoking, substance abuse, poor nutrition). On the other hand, it has also been proposed that this increase may be as a result that ​ADHD is often misdiagnosed and confused with other conditions (e.g., bipolar disorder, autism, kids being kids, etc).

Here can you help me on this?



Selective breeding

Selective breeding is when u choose 2 organisms with certain desirable characteristics and bread then together

Animals are selectively bread 4 many reasons

- To have a higher yield (meat, milk, eggs)

- Be able to run faster

A family is relocating from St. Louis, Missouri, to California. Due to an increasing inventory of houses in St. Louis, it is taking longer than before to sell a house. The wife is concerned and wants to know when it is optimal to put their house on the market. Her realtor friend informs them that the last 21 houses that sold in their neighborhood took an average time of 60 days to sell. The realtor also tells them that based on her prior experience, the population standard deviation is 14 days.
What assumption regarding the population is necessary for making an interval estimate for the population mean?



The assumption regarding the population which is necessary for making an interval estimate for the population mean is that:

a. We assume that the population has a normal distribution.

b. We assume that the central limit theorem applies.


The assumption regarding the population which is necessary for making an interval estimate for the population mean is that:

a. We assume that the population has a normal distribution.

b. We assume that the central limit theorem applies.

A normal distribution describes how the values of a variable are distributed. It is a probability distribution that is symmetrical about the central value or the mean, i.e. 50% of data are found to the left and right of the mean respectively. Most of the data are clustered around the mean, i.e. they occur or are found near the mean than far away from the mean. The graph form of a normal distribution will appear as a bell curve. In a normal distribution, mean = mode = median.

The Central Limit Theorem states that irrespective of the underlying distribution of a sample, when a variable does not follow a normal distribution, repeated random samples from the population will give sample means they are normally distributed. This means that the sampling distribution of the sample means approaches a normal distribution as the sample size gets larger.

37.16) A
is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up in the reaction.





only one make sense

Brainliest pls pls pls

Suppose that you are able to sequence a portion of Dr. Ogden's genome. The DNA sequence below is a stretch of one of the genes.

Given the DNA sequence above type the mRNA processed transcript (assume that TCT CTT CGA GAA GAC ATA is an intron).





fam what is that


What is transcription?

In genomics, transcription is the method of generating an RNA copy of a gene's DNA sequence. This copy, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), transports the protein information encoded in the gene's DNA.

This RNA copy, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), contains the genetic information required for a cell to produce proteins.

It transports information from the cell's nucleus to the cytoplasm, where proteins are produced.

The entire gene is copied into a pre-mRNA, which includes exons and introns, during transcription. Introns are removed and exons are joined to form a contiguous coding sequence during the RNA splicing process.

Thus, as the introns are getting removed completely, the mRNA sequence for the given DNA sequence will be: AUG GCA UAU UUU UUA AUU GAA UCU GCA CGA GAA AAU GAA GCA ACU UAG.

For more details regarding transcription, visit:


What would you say to a friend that says "GMOs are dangerous to human health"?


Everything have both positive and negative impacts

Gmos( genetically modified organisms ) are good and dangerous both

if we carefully practice genetic engineering then it is beneficial but if we use it only for our income source without caring about its worst effects then its very dangerous

Help!!! This question is nowhere in the internet!



chargaff's rule: a=t g=c

(a+t)+(c+g)= 100

(23+23)+(x) = 100

46+x = 100

x = 54

x/2 = 27

the answer is 27%

Fat cells are expandable. How does this structure relate to a fat cell's function?

A) Fat cells store energy for the body to use later, so being
expandable would help with storage.

B) Fat cells burn energy quickly when other food source is available, so being expandable would help with the rapid burn.

C) Fall cells protect organs, so being expandable can help with cushioning.

D) Fat cells do not expand


Fat cells burn energy quickly when other food source is available, so being expandable would help with the rapid burn.

The relationship between the expandability of fat cells and a fat cell's function is ; ( A )  Fat cells store energy for the body to use later, so being expandable would help with storage.

Fat cells specialized for the storage of energy in human body is the Adipose tissue which can expand between 60 to 70% of the weight of the human body in response to changes in the energy balance of the body.

Adipose tissues store energy in form of triglycerides and in order to store more energy for later use the Adipose would need to be expandable to accommodate the required amount of energy.

Hence we can conclude that the relationship between the expandability of fat cells and a fat cells' function is Fat cells store energy for the body to use later, so being expandable would help with storage.

Learn more :

Which of the following statements best explains the hypothesis that the development of sexual reproduction has resulted in acceleration of the rate of evolution?
(A) Mutations are more likely to occur in spermatogenesis and oogenesis than in mitotically dividing cells.
(B) Sexual reproduction results in more offspring than does asexual reproduction.
(C) Those members of a species that are best adapted to their environment are most likely to be successful in sexual reproduction.
(D) Mutations usually do not occur in the production of spores or in cells dividing by fission.
(E) Sexual reproduction is more likely to result in genetic recombination than is asexual reproduction.





pls help!!
What should be the parents genotype if the frequencies of the alleles in F1 are: BB = 25%; Bb= 50%; bb= 25%?Immersive Reader
(2 Points)

A. Mother: BB - Father: BB

B. Mother: Bb - Father: Bb

C. Mother: bb - Father: BB

D. Mother: BB - Father: bb





hope the picture helps you understand it better:)

A population age structure in which the birthrate is high A population age structure in which the birth rate is high and the population is mainly young would be best
represented by a graph with a/an -shaped curve.
O bell
O urn
O pyramid





Compared to the offspring of sexual reproduction in animals, the
þffspring of asexual reproduction will
A) show greater variety
B) be more resistant to disease
C) be genetically identical to the parent
D) grow larger



C: Genetically identical.


Offspring are usually going to look like it's parents. Asexuals produce offspring that's supposed to look like them. I hope this helps :) and if it's wrong please know that I am very sorry for the mistake :(

21. What determines the kind of genes an organism



The kind of genes an organism possesses is determined by the order of the nucleotide bases in the organism's DNA.


The kind of genes an organism possesses is determined by the order of the nucleotide bases in the organism's DNA. ... The order of bases as you go down the rungs of the ladder determine what genes an organism will have, and therefore, what traits it will have.


Fun facts:

Genes carry the information that determines your traits which are features or characteristics that are passed on to you — or inherited — from your parents. Each cell in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes. ... And chromosomes are found inside cells. Your body is made of billions of cells.

Please answer both ASAP Will Mark brainliest



Mitosis Has Single Nuclear Division results in 2 Nuclei

2 Daughter Cells Are Produced 2 diploid cells.

Meiosis Has 2 Rounds of Nuclear Division resulting in 4 Nuclei

4 Daughter Cells Are Produced. 4 haploid cells

Both Have Cells divide and Reproduce


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