Suggest why a young baby needs a lot of calcium


Answer 1
Babies often need calcium as they prevent bone loss in their later lives. Vitamin D and calcium also helps prevent babies from rickets which causes bow legs, softening of bones, stunted growth and weak muscles.

Related Questions

which statement is generally true about CaCaI2 ?



"Its bonds are formed by large differences in electronegativity" is the statement among the choices given in the question that is generally true about CaCl2.

what are your thoughts on Galileo's idea about motion? i need the answer pls​



Galileo believed that a projectile is a combination of uniform motion in the horizontal direction and uniformly accelerated motion in the vertical direction. If it is not impeded, it will continue to move even without an applied force

Which statement best describes how forces are important to chemistry?
A. Forces are transferred when atoms form ions.
B. Forces are released during chemical reactions.
C. Forces determine the extent of a reaction.
D. Forces hold atoms and molecules together.





What is the molarity of 2 moles of a compound dissolved in 4 L of water?
A. 2 M
B. 0.5 M
C. 4M
D. 1 M



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf B. \ 0.5 \ M}}[/tex]


Molarity is a measure of concentration in moles per liter. The formula for calculating molarity is:

[tex]molarity= \frac{moles \ of \ solute}{ liters \ of \ solution}[/tex]

There are 2 moles of a compound or the solute. There are 4 liters of water or the solution.

moles of solute= 2 mol liters of solution = 4 L

Substitute the values into the formula.

[tex]molarity = \frac{ 2 \ mol}{ 4 \ L}[/tex]


[tex]molarity= 0.5 \ mol /L[/tex]

1 mole per liter is equal to 1 Molar, so the solution's molarity of 0.5 mol/L is equal to 0.5 M.

[tex]molarity = 0.5 \ M[/tex]

The molarity of the solution is 0.5 Molar and choice B is correct.

what is meant by reactive elements​


Answer; relative elements are most reactive elements and compounds may ignite spontaneously or explosively. They generally burn in water as well as the oxygen in the air



Reactive elements are the  elements which are ready to gain electrons because they have  incompletely filled outermost shell.

Hope its helpful!

Please mark me as brainlist.

what is the formula of water



The formula of water is H20

career in chemistry list ten



Chemistry Teacher.

Chemical Engineer.

Forensic Scientist.




Analytical Chemist

Envionmental chemist

Water Chemist


Analytical Chemist.
Chemical Engineer.
Chemistry Teacher.
Forensic Scientist.
Hazardous Waste Chemist.
Materials Scientist.

5. The tradition of giving teachers an apple goes back to 19th century Denmark, where
teachers didn't earn enough for food. So, parents would send their children to school
with an extra snack for the teacher. Would current stdents' grades increase if they
brought in treats for their teachers?

Make a hypothesis help plz



The apple, that innocent bud of an Americana autumn, has pulled off one of the greatest cons of all time. As students across the country prepare to greet a new school year and teacher with a polished bit of produce, the apple cements its place in the patriotic foods pantheon despite its dodgy past.


If students brought an extra snack for their teachers it doesn't necessarily mean their grades would increase, but it's not impossible. A lot of teachers today might view it as being something like a suck-up. However, I do know that there are teachers who might be touched by such gestures and give the students extra attention, with this their grades might improve with the extra attention.


Umm yeah change the wording this is the best i got right now and good luck on whatever you're doing right now ig

plz solve the question and send the answer
I will give u branist n like u and even follow u back plz help me​



P¹V¹/T¹=P²V²/T² here

P²= 1.25- atm






So V²= (0.75 x120/295)x(345/1.25)

Volume of the gas V²= 84.20- ml


Solution given:

at first


pressure [tex]P_{1}=0.75atm[/tex]

temperature [tex]T_{1}=22+273=295°K[/tex]

after increasing temperature and pressure


pressure [tex]P_{2}=1.25atm[/tex]

temperature [tex]T_{2}=70+273=343°K[/tex]


By using Combined gas equation


substituting value



Doing criss cross multiplication





the volume will be 84ml

What is Spontaneous ion


I think I found it. It was a cylinder

Why are the highest oxidation state of the transition metal stabilised in the oxide and fluoride compond?



Following are the solution to the given question:


Its maximum oxidation zone is exceptionally stable and has the greatest ability to charge density, while fluoride and oxide ions are the largest particles with the largest durability of charge.

Or it might be assumed as oxygen and fluorine are the system particle atoms that have the highest electron number of metals.

Pls help!!! I will mark you as brainliest if you answer the question!!
PLS GUYS!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!


1 — Element D and A ( Which are Sodium and aluminium )

2 — ( 2 + 8 + 3 = 13 electrons total ) Element A Because it's atomic number is 13.

3 — Element E Is stable. ( Which is Argon )

( Note, Elements which has 8 election on its outermost cell is stable. ( Helium is exception which is a noble gas but have 2 electrons in outermost cell )

4 — Element F , which is hydrogen. ( Hydrogen is the only element to not have any neutron )

5 — Element D ( Which is sodium )

6 — The element F ( Which is hydrogen ) Don't contain any neutron.


which of the following statements is true about alkali?
A) bases that soluble in water
B) shows a pH value less than 7
C) Ionises in water to form hydroxonium ions
D) Reacts with carbonate salt to release carbon dioxide gas​



it should be letter c


I hope this help

Substances that contain a transition metal can be oxidizing. The greater the number of oxidation of this metal, the greater the oxidizing character of the substance. In an industrial process in which the use of an oxidizing agent is necessary, only five substances are available: CaO, FeO, Cu₂O, Cr₂O₃ and KMnO₄.

The substance that should be used in this process, as it has a greater oxidizing character, is:

a) Cr₂O₃

b) Cu₂O

c) CaO

d) FeO

e) KMnO₄


B I think that it but I don’t know

Place These Bodies Of Our Solar System In Proper Order Of Formation
1.The Sun
2.Outer Planets
4.Inner Planets
5. Solar Nebula


1. Solar nebula 2. The sun 3. Planetesimals 4. Inner planets, 5. Outer planets.

I believe that’s it

How many liters are in 4.5 moles of CO2 gas at STP? Pls help :)




NCO 2= 4,5

VCO2=  4,5* 22,4=100,8

Which option describes the structure of the electron shells in a neutral carbon atom? (1 point)
O The inner shell is complete with four electrons. The outer shell is incomplete with two electrons.
O The inner shell is incomplete with three electrons. The outer shell is incomplete with three electrons.
O The inner shell is complete with three electrons. The outer shell is incomplete with three electrons.
O The inner shell is complete with two electrons. The outer shell is incomplete with four electrons.



The inner shell is complete with two electrons. The outer shell is incomplete with four electrons.


There can only be 2 electrons on the first (inner) shell, so it would be complete with two and there needs to be 8 electrons on the outer shell for it to be complete, so it would be incomplete with 4.

Hope this helps :)


(Question 1) Metallic bonds are responsible for many properties of metals, such as conductivity. Why is this possible?

(Answer) The bonds can shift because valence electrons are held loosely and move freely.

(Question 2) Between which types of elements do ionic bonds occur, and how do electrons act within the bond?

(Answer) metals and nonmetals, electrons transferred

(Question 3) Which kind of bond would occur between sodium (Na, Group IA) and chlorine (Cl, Group VIIA)?

(Answer) ionic

(Question 4) Why is carbon said to provide a “backbone” in many molecules?

(Answer) Carbon atoms can form chains and branches with each other, and other atoms can attach to these.

(Question 5) Which option describes the structure of the electron shells in a neutral carbon atom?

(Answer) The inner shell is complete with two electrons. The outer shell is incomplete with four electrons.


i just finished the quick check. enjoy <3

22.4l of ammonia is reaxts with 1.406 mole of oxygen to produce NO and h2o .1.what volume of no is produced at ntp​



The volume of NO is 22.4L at STP


Based on the reaction:

2NH3 + 5/2O2 → 2NO + 3H2O

2 moles of NH3 react with 5/2 moles of O2 to produce 2 moles of NO.

To solve this question, we need to find the moles of each reactant in order to find the limiting reactant as follows:

Moles NH3 -Molar mass: -17.01g/mol-

Using PV = nRT

PV/RT = n

Where P is pressure = 1atm at STP

V is volume = 22.4L

R is gas constant = 0.082atmL/molK

T is absolute temperature = 273.15K

1atm*22.4L/0.082atmL/molK*273.15K = n

n = 1.00 moles of NH3

For a complete reaction of 1.00 moles of NH3 are needed:

1.00 moles NH3 * (5/2moles O2 / 2moles NH3) = 1.25 moles of O2

As there are 1.406 moles of O2, the limiting reactant is NH3

The moles of NO produced are the same than moles of NH3 because 2 moles of NH3 produce 2 moles of NO. The moles of NO are 1.00 moles

And as 1.00moles of gas are 22.4L at STP:

The volume of NO is 22.4L at STP

Describe how methane is
formed in terms of chemical bonding


The methane molecule is held together by the four strong C–H carbon–hydrogen covalent bonds by sharing electrons. Note that the inner shell of carbon's electrons are not shown above, only the outer shell of carbon's electrons are involved in the covalent bonding.

Blood test can be used to check a person's blood glucose and hormone levels. The tabular column given below shows the result of two blood tests carried out on three people to check their blood glucose levels. Person 1 is healthy.

A:- Compare the glucose levels of person 1 with the glucose levels of person 2 after fasting for 12 hours.

B:- Compare the glucose levels of person 3 with the glucose levels of person 1, 2 hours after drinking 75g glucose.

C:- Person 3 cannot be produce the hormone that control blood glucose levels. State the hormone that person 3 cannot produce.

( THE ORDER OF THE PHOTO IS:- person 1, and person 2, and person 3)​

Pls it is urgent




1) person 2 had a slightly higher blood glucose level than person 1 after fasting 12 hrs (0.2mmols)

2) person 3 has a much higher blood glucose level than person 1 after taking glucose (5.6mmols)

3) insulin

in order to decrease the freezing point of 500. g of water to 1.00° c how many grams of ethylene glycol (C2H602)must be added (KF=1.86°C kg solvent)



if wrong sorry ok????

Three Balanced equations for Ammonium salt+Alkali=Salt+water+carbon dioxide



NH₄Cl (aq) + NaOH (aq) -> NaCl (aq) + H₂O (l) + NH₃ (g)

(NH₄)₂CO₃ (aq) + 2KOH (aq) -> K₂CO₃ (aq) + 2H₂O (l) + 2NH₃(g)

NH₄NO₃ (aq) + LiOH (aq) -> LiNO₃ (aq) + H₂O (l) + NH₃ (g)


The gas liberated when an alkali reacts with an ammonium salt is NH₃ (ammonia), not CO₂.

Isobutane (C4H10) is one of the components of natural gas. Which equation
shows the balanced combustion reaction for isobutane?
A. C4H10 + O2 + 4CO2 + H2O + heat
B. C4H10 + O2 + CO2 + H2O + heat
C. C4H10 + O2 + 4C02 + 5H20 + heat
D. C4H10 +6.502 → 4002 + 5H20 + heat



D. C₄H₁₀ + 6.5O₂ → 4CO₂ + 5H₂O + heat


The reaction of the combustion of isobutane with oxygen is presented as follows;

C₄H₁₀ + 6.5O₂ → 4CO₂ + 5H₂O + heat

In the above reaction, the number of elements on the reactant side are;

4 carbon, C, atoms, 10 hydrogen, H, atoms, and 13 oxygen, O, atoms

The number of elements on the product side of the above chemical reaction are;

The number of carbon atoms, C = 4

The number of hydrogen atoms, H = 10

The number of oxygen atoms, O = 13

Therefore, the number of atoms on the reactant side of the chemical equation are equal to the number of atoms on the product side, and the combustion reaction for isobutane is balanced.

How many grams are 1.20 x 10^°25molecules of
calcium iodide?
Please show work!:)


The answer would be 19.9

Predict with a reason, what would happen to a packet of potato chips that is packed with air when it is taken to o high mountain.​



If you bring an unopened bag of potato chips aboard an airplane you'll notice that the bag puffs up as the plane ascends to a higher altitude explain why this happens using the information and terminology you learned in this module

I'm having trouble understanding what "the difference in energy between the products and reactants from the surroundings" means. Can you help explain what this means? please​



The energy change in a chemical reaction is due to the difference in the amounts of stored chemical energy between the products and the reactants. This stored chemical energy, or heat content, of the system is known as its enthalpy.


Due to the absorption of energy when chemical bonds are broken, and the release of energy when chemical bonds are formed, chemical reactions almost always involve a change in energy between products and reactants. By the Law of Conservation of Energy, however, we know that the total energy of a system must remain unchanged, and that oftentimes a chemical reaction will absorb or release energy in the form of heat, light, or both.

A Questic
Is the following reaction feasible at 340K? Mg + ZnO -> MgO + Zn Enthalpy Data: Mg: 0 kJ/mol ZnO: -348 kJ/mol MgO:-602
kJ/mol Zn: 0 kJ/mol Entropy Data: Mg: 33 J/K mol ZnO: 44 J/K mol MgO: 42 J/K mol Zn: 27 J/K mol
A. No, it is not feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is negative.
OB. Yes, it is feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is negative.
C. No, it is not feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is positive.
D. Yes, it is feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is positive.



No, it is not feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is positive


∆Hreaction= (-602 KJ/mol) - (-348 KJ/mol) = -254 KJ/mol

∆Sreaction = (42 + 27) J/Kmol - (33 + 44) J/K = -8J/Kmol


∆G = ∆H - T∆S

∆G = 254 × 10^3 J/mol - [340K × (-8 J/Kmol)]

∆G = 2.57 × 10^5 J/mol

Note that when the change in free energy is positive, a reaction is non spontaneous. Only a reaction that has a negative change in free energy is spontaneous.


B. Yes, it is feasible because the Gibbs free energy change is negative.


I passed the exam 100/100

the pH value of 0.1 mol dm-3 of acid U is 1. Which statement is true about acid U?

A) slightly soluble in water
B) reacts only with a weak alkali
C) the degree of ionization in water is high
D) has a low concentration of hydrogen ions​



the degree of ionization in water is high


The term pH is defined as the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration.


pH = -log[H^+]

The pH scale shows the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. A solution of pH 1 is a strong acid. A strong acid dissociates completely in solution.

Hence, acid U has a high degree of ionization in water.

hii pls help me to balance the equation and state the symbols thanksss​




cho hỗn hợp gồm alcl3 và fecl3 trình bày cách tách từng muối riêng ra khỏi hỗn hợp​



ném NaOH vào thì th AlCl3 tan hết còn lại kết tủa Fe(OH)3 lần.

Lọc kết tủa riêng phần dung dịch tan riêng

Rồi Cho HCl vô lại là xong


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