Can someone please fastly tell me in 5 reasons why is stephen hawking successful?.


Answer 1
Stephen Hawking worked on the physics of black holes. He proposed that black holes would emit subatomic particles until they eventually exploded. He also wrote best-selling books, the most famous of which was A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes (1988).
Please mark brainliest if this helped
Answer 2


5 reasons why Stephen Hawking is successful:

1. His theory of exploding black holes which drew upon relativity theory and quantum mechanics

2. His work with space-time singularities

3. He was the first to elaborate on an equation that had tried to unify general relativity and quantum physics.

4. He is the closest we have to the "theory of everything" because of his writing on black holes being radiation.

5. He was the first scientist to create a comprehensive hypothesis that relied on both quantum mechanics and classical physics.


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the moment when the main character has a change of heart or figures out how to overcome the conflict at hand



meaning the person could feel bad about something that is happening

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to tell a story
to share a memory
to wish someone luck
to make a formal request



to make a formal request


bc it is for buissness so it has to be as formal as possible


To make a formal request.


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A struggle between two forces




a conflict is a struggle between two opposing forces


Reread Nick's dialogue with Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby. Do you think that Nick trusts Jordan's ideas about Gatsby? What makes you think so? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer.


Based on the dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

This is highlighted when Jordan mentions that Gatsby had told her that he went to Oxford but she doesn't believe him

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular event and shows the sequence of actions involved.

Hence, we can see that based on the complete text, there is a dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

Thus, the specific example is cited above.

Read more about The Great Gatsby here:


I will never forget that lonesome hill of stone that is her
final bed, as it fades from my sight. I tread softly by my
uncle, my hand in his. I walk with my head turned, watching
that small hill as it fades from my sight. The soldiers make
us continue walking. My uncle talks to me, trying to
comfort me. I walk in loneliness.
Which statement best describes how the author's word choice contributes to
the tone of the passage?
O A. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
a sad and isolated tone.
O B. The author's use of words like final and soldiers gives the passage
an angry and aggressive tone.
O C. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage an angry and aggressive tone.
D. The author's use of words like lonesome and fades gives the
passage a sad and isolated tone.



It would be answer D


Change in Indirect speech
Does that mobile phone cost high? ​



Did that mobile phone cost high?

Please Mark Me As Brainliest

Pretest form language in poetry



All languages are pretty in their own sense.

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities.


They can support the voice finder stuff and many more just showing love to the and I don’t like as many people but it’s not good

who was the author of a farewell to arms


The author would be Ernest Hemmingway


Ernest Hemingway,


hope this helped :)

As you gather sources, how do you know which sources will be useful for your project?

written answer



The sources that are trustworthy and proven to be factual.


You want to use a source that you know isn't some fake source that is just making things up. You would choose like over wikipedia and that kind of thing.


By figuring out the the facts from that source of information is accurate.

Scenario - Crowded Store: There are a lot of customers in the store and you are the only associate working. For the past fifteen minutes, you have been helping the same customer. After going through the third product, the customer asks to see the first product again.

What would you MOST likely do to handle this situation?

A, Tell the customer you need to assist other customers. When a decision is made, you will be happy to check-out the customer.

B. Walk the customer back to the first product. Tell the customer you need to check on other customers but will return shortly.

C. Go over to the first product and answer the customer's questions. Continue working with the customer until the customer gets what is needed.

D. Point the customer in the direction of the first product to review independently.


D is the best so they don’t feel the pressure of you looking over them and you get to help out other customers

The scenario in the crowded store can best be handled this way: B. Walk the customer back to the first product. Tell the customer you need to check on other customers but will return shortly.

In the scenario described, the employee has to make a choice between leaving other customers unattended and satisfying the needs of the current customer.

To meet the situation halfway, it will be best for the sales representative to direct the customer to the first product and promise to return shortly after checking on the other customers.

Learn more about customer service here:

How ____________ now? Better than before?
A. you are feeling
B. do you feel
C. did you feel









To solve this question you have to read all of them out so like this:

A. How you are feeling now?

B. How do you feel now?

C. How did you feel now?

m2 and m3 different between​


M2 have 2 doors and sit low to the ground, giving it more aggressive appearance. And M3 offers more room within the cabin and have 4 doors.

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Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life in Harlem.


What do you make of the metaphor with the ants and the umbrella destroying their little house in the dirt


Hi. You didn't submit the part of the text that features the metaphor. This makes it impossible for this metaphor to be analyzed and for an opinion to be issued. However, I will try to help you as best I can.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that presents a comparison between two elements. This comparison is made implicitly, but it is possible to see that the author of the text is establishing a relationship between the two elements. To analyze this comparison, you must locate the place in the text where this metaphor is established, you already know that this metaphor is related to the ants and the umbrella, which makes it easier for this metaphor to be located in the text.

To show your opinion about this metaphor, you must understand what is being compared in the metaphor. When you understand this, you can give your opinion on whether this comparison has deep meaning, whether it presents a lesson to the reader, whether it adds humor to the text, whether it adds a dark tone, among other things.

The number of hours in a day is ________________. So, you can complete only a certain number of tasks in a day. You have to decide which tasks are more _____________________ or ________________ for you.



24 , important or necessary


in 10 sentences write about how you spen your weekends at home​


When I go home for the weekend I like to relax by my pool and playing with my dog Benny.I spend time with my family and do some pretty fun things,I love to play on my PlayStation with my friends I always beat them.I sleep a lot I like to sleep in because,I feel so good when I wake up.last weekend my family took us to the lake for the day I went jet skiing and tubing I fell off a few time but it was still fun.on Sunday I wake and clean up and get ready to go back to school and that is my weekend.

5. Read the passage.
Spaniards arrived in New Mexico and began to farm. During this time, some of the domesticated animals they raised included dogs and
turkeys: The people of this area, living in organized cities, were given the name Pueblos, meaning Townsmen, by the arriving Spaniards.
Which underlined group of words is a participial phrase?
O living in organized cities
O domesticated animals
O arriving Spaniards
O included dogs and turkeys



The underlined group of words that is a participial phrase is:

O living in organized cities


One can recognize a participial phrase in a sentence because it looks like a verb, but it actually functions as an adjective.  Its purpose is to modify a noun in the same sentence. For example, "living in organized cities" is a participial phrase that spices up or further describes "the people of this area."  Phrases like this modify a noun and provide added description about the action of the noun or its description.


O included dogs and turkeys


Choose the right sentence My brother have a good job My brother have good job My brother has good job My brother has a good job ​



My brother has a good job.



My brother has a good job.


The following question is based on your reading of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

HERMIA [Awaking]
Help me, Lysander, help me! do thy best
To pluck this crawling serpent from my breast!
Ay me, for pity! what a dream was here!
Lysander, look how I do quake with fear:
Methought a serpent eat my heart away,
And you sat smiling at his cruel prey.
Lysander! what, removed? Lysander! lord!
What, out of hearing? gone? no sound, no word?
Alack, where are you speak, an if you hear;
Speak, of all loves! I swoon almost with fear.
No? then I well perceive you all not nigh
Either death or you I'll find immediately.

This speech ends Act 2. Why is it ironic?



It is ironic that Hermia has this dream that Lysander has abandoned her, with a snake eating her heart


Lysander has just abandoned Hermia in pursuit of Helena because of the love potion. It is ironic that Hermia has this dream that Lysander has abandoned her, with a snake eating her heart.

What body of government ruled Salem at the time of the trials?

a dictatorship ruled by Reverend Hale
a monarchy ruled by a king and queen
a theocracy ruled by the Puritan church
an oligarchy ruled by a Native American confederation



C. a theocracy ruled by the Puritan church


C. a theocracy ruled by the Puritan church


Theocracy is, "a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god." The Puritan church judged and governed Salem under the priests' rule of God. This can be seen with Reverend Parris, Reverend Hale, and the other religiously associated rulers.

is the best technique to get straight to the point and quickly identify the main idea of a text.





A summary is a comprehensive, usually brief, overview of the main points of a written or spoken text.

Paraphrasing is the process in which we express something that's already been stated by using different words, usually to achieve a better understanding.

Quoting refers to the repetition of something that has already been said.




In 500 words decribe fluently the imagery in the peom Grey day at waterval farm by lionel murcott​


ure expecting strangers to write an essay for u?

What is the most likely outcome of a novel changing medium?

A. Technology would be implemented to make the story more modern.
B. Details, such as the way characters are dressed, might be fleshed out.
C. Flaws in the novel might become more obvious to the original audience.
D. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new audience.​



D. The genre would also change, helping the story reach a new audience.​


You (receive) any letters from your parents yet ?

How long Bod and Mary (be) married ?

My father ( not smoke) for 5 years

Birds ( build ) there nests in the summer and (fly ) to the south in winter

I’m busy at the moment. I ( redecorate ) the sitting room



in 24 years ok not good question

No one saw me change into passive voice​


is there a more specific question?

The main idea of a text..
A. is not always directly stated in the text
B. is always stated in the first paragraph
C. usually appears in the conclusion
D. is found in the body of a text



A) Is not always directly stated.


Sometimes the main idea is implied instead of directly stated. You can also get the main idea from the Theme which is stated at the end of the first paragraph.

I think the answer is A

Which word in the passage is most repeated, thus hinting that it’s part of the central idea?


Answer:Context ?



how is somebody suppose to answer that ....what passage ?


in see shiii

Hey I need help I need to find English statements that are meaningful for example
The sky is blue



The Sun is yellow and orange?

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Choosing a roommate is more difficult than they might think. People have different attitudes about sharing a living space. These attitudes are often based on our notions of​ cleanliness, ownership, and personal space. Some folks​ don't mind lots of clutter scattered around the house. Others​ can't stand that idea. Even doing dishes can be a point of contention. One roommate might see nothing wrong with placing dirty dishes in the sink and leaving those there all night. To someone​ else, which might seem disgusting. A person might feel that anything in the shared living space belongs to everyone that lives there. Another resident might feel that she property is herself alone and not available for use by other roommates. Having quiet time to study is easy to arrange when students live alone.​ But, when he or she have​ roommates, they may find it difficult to control hers environment. One student might want to have some friends over for cards or a sports game which was on television. Another might need quiet to study for an exam. The solution to all of those challenges lies not in locating a perfect copy of you.​ Instead, the key is to live with people who are willing and able to negotiate the rules of the living space for everyone living there.





Yes, perfect copy of yours is not the solution of this problem, the solution is to find someone that understand the rules as well as follow the rules which are negotiated with him at the start of sharing the room. Different types of people can live with each other if they respect one others opinions and understand each other otherwise it is difficult to live in the same room. If they give space to one another and know their attitudes so they experience no difficulty in living with one another.

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