Suppose a farmer wants to borrow $176,590.00 to buy a tract of land. The BCS bank will make a 22-year loan fully amortized at 6.19% (annual payments). A $443.00 loan fee and stock purchase is required. The borrower stock requirement is the lesser of $1,000 or 3.00% of loan amount.
(i) Calculate the loan principal.
a. $181,521.05 b. $178,089.12
c. $182,508.25 d. $178,033.00
Enter Response Here:
(ii) Calculate the required stock purchase.
a. $5,340.99 b. $1,000.00
c. $5,274.64 d. $1,760.24
Enter Response Here:
(iii) Calculate the annual loan payments.
a. $15,032.59 b. $15,037.33
c. $15,410.47 d. $15,327.12


Answer 1


A Farmer

i) Loan principal = $178,033 ($176,590 + $443 + $1,000)

ii) Required stock purchase = $1,000

iii) Annual loan payment (fully amortized at 6.19%) is:

= a. $15,032.59


a) Data and Calculations:

Required loan amount = $176,590.00

Period of loan = 22 years

Interest rate = 6.19%

Loan fee = $443.00

Stock purchase = lesser of $1,000 or 3.00% of loan amount

= lesser of $1,000 or $5,297.70 ($176,590 * 3%)

i) Loan principal = $178,033 ($176,590 + $443 + $1,000)

ii) Required stock purchase = $1,000

iii) Annual loan payment (fully amortized at 6.19%) = $15,030 approximately :

(# of periods)  22

I/Y (Interest per year)  6.19

PV (Present Value)  178033

FV (Future Value)  0

PMT = $15,030.02

Sum of all periodic payments $330,660.34

Total Interest $152,627.34

Related Questions

Operating Leverage Beck Inc. and Bryant Inc. have the following operating data: Beck Inc. Bryant Inc. Sales $1,250,000 $2,000,000 Variable costs (750,000) (1,250,000) Contribution margin $500,000 $750,000 Fixed costs (400,000) (450,000) Operating income $100,000 $300,000 a. Compute the operating leverage for Beck Inc. and Bryant Inc. If required, round to one decimal place. Beck Inc. fill in the blank 1 Bryant Inc. fill in the blank 2 b. How much would operating income increase for each company if the sales of each increased by 20%? Dollars Percentage Beck Inc. $fill in the blank 3 fill in the blank 4 % Bryant Inc. $fill in the blank 5 fill in the blank 6 % c. The difference in the of operating income is due to the



1. Operating leverage = Contribution margin / Net income

Beck Inc.

Operating leverage = $500,000 / $100,000

Operating leverage = 5

Bryant Inc.

Operating leverage = $750,000 / $300,000

Operating leverage = 2.5

2. Income from operations increase = Increase in sales * Degree of operating leverage

Dollar increase = Net income * Percentage

Beck Inc.

Percentage = 5*20 = 100% (Income from operations increase)

Dollar increase = $100,000 * 100% = $100,000

Bryant Inc.

Percentage = 2.5*20 = 50% (Income from operations increase)

Dollar increase = $300,000 * 50% = $150,000

A construction manager just starting in private practice needs a van to carry crew and equipment. She can lease a used van for $3,510 per year, paid at the beginning of each year, in which case maintenance is provied. Alternatively, she can buy a used van for $5,185 and pay for maintenance herself. She expects to keep the van for three years at which time she could sell it for $1,330. What is the most she should pay for uniform annual maintenance to make it worthwhile to buy the van instead of leasing it, if her MARR is 20%





The computation is shown below:

Option 1 - Leasing

= 3510 + ( 3510 ÷ 1.2 ) + ( 3510 ÷ 1.2 ^ 2 )

= 8872.5


Option 2 - Buying

Given that

Initial Cost - 5185

PV of salvage value = 1330 ÷ 1.2 ^ 3

= 769.68


Cost = 5185 - 769.68

= 4457.176

Now the payment should be

= 4457.176 × 0.47473 (PV annuity factory for 20% at 3 years)

= $2,115.955

= $2,116

Adophus, Inc.'s 2010 income statement reported total revenues of $850,000 and total expenses (including $40,000 depreciation) of $720,000. The 2010 balance sheet reported the following: accounts receivable beginning balance of $50,000 and ending balance of $40,000; accounts payable beginning balance of $22,000 and ending balance of $28,000. Therefore, based only on this information and using the indirect method, the 2010 net cash inflow from operating activities was:



Adolphus, Inc.

Therefore, based only on this information and using the indirect method, the 2010 net cash inflow from operating activities was:

= $186,000.


a) Data and Calculations:

Total revenues =    $850,000

Total expenses        720,000

Operating income $130,000

Depreciation =          40,000

                                 Beginning      Ending     Changes

Accounts receivable $50,000    $40,000     -$10,000

Accounts payable     $22,000    $28,000     +$6,000

Operating activities section of the Statement of Cash Flows, 2010:

Net income                 $130,000

Non-cash expenses:

Depreciation                  40,000

Changes in working capital:

Accounts receivable      10,000

Accounts payable           6,000

Net cash inflow =      $186,000

Transactions that affect earnings do not necessarily affect cash. Identify the effect, if any, that each of the following transactions would have upon cash and net income.
(a) Purchased $100 of supplies for cash.
(b) Recorded an adjusting entry to record use of $20 of the above supplies.
(c) Made sales of $1,200, all on account.
(d) Received $800 from customers in payment of their accounts.
(e) Purchased equipment for cash, $2,500.



(a) Cash reduction, no effect on net income

(b) Net income reduction, no effect on cash

(c) Net income increment, no effect on cash

(d) Cash increase, no effect on net income

(e) Cash reduction, no effect on net income


When items or services are exchanged for cash, these may be recognized as assets or expenses. While expenses reduce income, assets do not as it forms the exchange of one asset (cash) for another.

Considering the transactions in light of the above,

a) Purchased $100 of supplies for cash - Supplies are inventory (an asset) and would not reduce net income until it is used up

(b) Recorded an adjusting entry to record use of $20 of the above supplies. No effect on cash, entry is a reduction in supplies and recognition of cost of goods sold. As such net income reduces.

(c) Made sales of $1,200, all on account. -  Sales on account are credit sales. This will be recognized as a credit to sales (increase in net income) and a debit to accounts receivable.

(d) Received $800 from customers in payment of their accounts. - To recognize this, we debit cash (increase in cash) and debit accounts receivable. This has no effect on net income.

(e) Purchased equipment for cash, $2,500 - Again, this is he exchange of cash for an asset. This has no effect on income.

The preferred stock of a company pays a $2.75 quarterly dividends. If the preferred stockholders' required return is 7.25% for these shares, what price should the preferred stock sell for?









Quarterly dividends of preferred stock = $2.75

Annual dividend of preferred stock = 4 * Quarterly dividend

Annual dividend of preferred stock = 4 * $2.75

Annual dividend of preferred stock = $11

Required return = 7.25% = 0.0725

Return = Dividend / Current price

0.0725 = $11 / Current price

Current price = $11 / 0.0725

Current price = 151.724138

Current price = $151.72

So, the preferred stock should sell for $151.72.

A convertible preferred stock is convertible at $10, pays a 4% annual dividend, is callable at $110, and is trading at a current market price of $116. Based on these details, what is the parity price of the common stock





In ascertaining the parity price of the common stock, we need to ascertain the conversion ratio which is the par price of the preferred stock divided by the convertible price

The par value of the preferred stock=$100(since call price is $110)

convertible price=$10

conversion ratio=$100/$10=10

The parity price is the current market price of the preferred stock divided by the conversion ratio

Parity price=$116/10

Parity price=$11.60

Lion Company accepted a $15,000, 30-day, 6% note on December 16 from Diaz Co, granting a time extension on his past-due account receivable. The adjusting entry on December 31 for Lion Company would include a credit to:



Interest Revenue for $37.50


The interest that has accrued on the note receivable from December 16 till December 31(for 15 days) needs to be recognized at the end of the year since the interest for those days has been earned.

Based on 30-day month counting, the interest that would be credited to interest revenue  and debited to interest receivable on 31 December is computed thus:

interest receivable=$15000*6%*15/360

interest receivable=$37.50

Suppose GDP consists of eggs and ham. In 2002, 100 dozen eggs are sold at $3 per dozen, and 50 pounds of ham are sold at $4 per pound. If in 2001, the base year, eggs sold at $1.50 per dozen and ham sold at $5 per pound, nominal 2002 GDP is



Nominal GDP = $500


Given the price of eggs in 2002 = $3

Quantity of eggs = 100 dozens  

Price of ham in 2002 = $4

Quantity of ham = 50 pounds

Nominal GDP  = Current year price x current year quantity

Nominal GDP = 100 x 3 + 50 x 4

Nominal GDP = 300 + 200

Nominal GDP = $500

If the constructor function is a machine to create object instances, then the _____ is the blueprint for the objects that are created.


I think ( prototype)

If the constructor function is a machine to create object instances, then the prototype is the blueprint for the objects that are created.

Kingbird, Inc. purchased a piece of equipment for $72,200. It estimated a 8-year life and a $3,400 salvage value. At the end of year four (before the depreciation adjustment), it estimated the new total life to be 10 years and the new salvage value to be $7,200.

Compute the revised depreciation assuming Kingbird uses the straight-line method.

Revised annual depreciation
$enter the revised annual depreciation in dollars


Depreciation Expense 3,060

Accumulated Depreciation 3,060


37,800-7,200=30,600/10yr=3,060 annual depreciation





=3,060 annual depreciation

Therefore, the Depreciation Expense of 3,060.

What is depreciation?

Depreciation is a term used in accounting to describe two different aspects of the same idea: first, the actual decline in an asset's fair value as it is used and worn, such as the annual decline in value of factory equipment, and second, the allocation in accounting statements of the asset's original cost to the periods in which the asset is used (depreciation with the matching principle).

Depreciation is the process of reallocating, or "writing down," the cost of a physical item (such as equipment) over the course of that asset's useful life. It also refers to the decline in asset value. Long-term assets are depreciated by businesses for accounting and tax reasons. A company's or entity's balance sheet is impacted by the asset's decline in value, and the income statement they report is impacted by the process of depreciation from an accounting standpoint.

Learn more about depreciation here:


5. If a company had $15,000 in net income for the year, and its sales were $300,000 for the same year, what is its profit margin





Net income is $15,000

Sales is $300,000

The profit margin can be calculated as follows

= 15,000/300,000

= 0.05×100

= 5%

Profit margin is 5%

Carpenter Inc. had a balance of $89,000 in its quality-assurance warranty liability account as of December 31, 2020. In 2021, Carpenter's warranty expenditures paid were $454,000. Its warranty expense is calculated as 1% of sales. Sales in 2021 were $40.9 million. What was the balance in the warranty liability account as of December 31, 2021





Calculation to determine what

was the balance in the warranty liability account as of December 31, 2021

Warranty liability account as of December 31, 2021=(1%*89,000)+(40,900,000*.01)-(1%*$454,000)

Warranty liability account as of December 31, 2021=89+(40,900,000*.01)-454

Warranty liability account as of December 31, 2021=$44

Therefore the balance in the warranty liability account as of December 31, 2021 was $44

The Wisconsin Lottery will pay a lottery winner a lump sum payment of $19,046,180 as the final payment of her winnings in four years. If the appropriate discount rate for the payment is 8.6% what is the present value of the payment?
a. $5,191,977.
b. $5,408,309.
c. $116,741.
d. $17,899,197.
e. $17,899,197.


Answer: $13,692,683.93


Present value = Amount / (1 + rate) ^ number of periods

= 19,046,180 / (1 + 8.6%)⁴

= $13,692,683.93

Options are most probably for a variant of this question.

Which of the following sentences apply correct number style?

a. More than $5,000,000.00 has been allocated to technology infrastructure upgrades.
b. Twenty-seven percent of our entry-level employees have majored in accounting.
c. Dan Yannotti, Director of Health Initiatives, turns 32 this year.



The sentence that applies the correct number style is:

c. Dan Yannotti, Director of Health Initiatives, turns 32 this year.


Sentence A's number style should have been formatted like: "More than $5 million ..."  Alternatively, it could be formatted as "Five Million Dollars."

Sentence B's number style should have been formatted like: "27% of our ...."

This leaves sentence C as the sentence that applies the correct number style.

The treasurer of a large corporation wants to invest $43 million in excess short-term cash in a particular money market investment. The prospectus quotes the instrument at a true yield of 3.47 percent; that is, the EAR for this investment is 3.47 percent. However, the treasurer wants to know the money market yield on this instrument to make it comparable to the T-bills and CDs she has already bought. If the term of the instrument is 77 days, what are the bond equivalent and discount yields on this investment? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answers as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places. Omit the "%" sign in your response.)
Bond equivalent yield %
Discount yield %


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

Given that,

EAR = 3.47%

1.0347 = (1+R ×77 ÷ 365)^365 ÷ 77

Now Take 365/77th root both sides


1+R × 77 ÷ 365 = 1.00722

1+R × 0.2109 = 1.00722

R × 0.2109 =0.00722

R = 0.03423

Thus, Bond Equivalent Yield = 3.423%


Discount Yield = (360 × 0.03423) ÷ (365+77 × 0.03423)

= 12.3244 ÷ 367.6361

= 0.03352

Thus, Discount Yield = 3.352%            

Suppose that the equilibrium exchange rate (Euro/$) is .90 and the The Federal Reserve decides to fix the exchange rate at .70. What will the Federal Reserve have to do in order to maintain this fixed exchange rate



C. The Federal Reserve will need to have official reserves of euros to purchase dollars in the foreign exchange market.


Federal Reserve required to have a euros reserves as it can applied it also at the case when the exchange rate is move upward or downward

For the other things, the fed could restrict the supply with respect to the dollar in the foreign exchange market in order to get it stable that opposed with euro

Therefore the option c is correct

The following firms in the widget industry have the following market shares:

Spacely Sprocket Widgets 12 %,
Cogswell Cog Widgets 13 %,
Intel Widgets 14 %,
Compaq Widgets 15 %,
IBM Widgets 16%,
Apple Widgets 17 %, &
Microsoft Widgets 13 %.

Based on this information, what is the Herfindahl Hirschmann Index (HHI) for the Widget Industry ?


Answer: 1,448


The Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) is used to show how concentrated an industry is. A lower score indicates that the industry is not very concentrated because there are multiple firms involved.

A higher score shows that the industry is concentrated and controlled by a few firms.

HHI = ∑ square of every firm market share

= 12² + 13² + 14² + 15² + 16² + 17² + 13²

= 1,448

This industry is relatively competitive.

Barney Company makes and sells stuffed animals. One product, Michael Bears, sells for $28 per bear. Michael Bears have fixed costs of $100,000 per month and a variable cost of $12 per bear. How many Michael Bears must be produced and sold each month to break even



6,250 units


The computation of the number of units that should be sold and produced in order to break even is shown below:

as we know that

Break even point = Fixed cost ÷Contribution margin per unit


Contribution margin per unit = Selling price - Variable costs

= $28 - $12

= $16

So, the breakeven is

= $100,000 ÷ $16

= 6,250 units

The Marketing Dept. needs to maximize consumer interest in the company's new financial services by sending marketing emails, targeted ads, and texts at prescribed intervals throughout the initial process of attracting and building a relationship with a customer. Riad's team has a large amount of data from previous marketing campaigns that they can analyze to develop a recommended schedule, taking into account a large variety of factors about different types of customers. What kind of technique will this task force need to employ in order to make these recommendations?





From the question we are informed about The Marketing Dept. Which needs to maximize consumer interest in the company's new financial services by sending marketing emails, targeted ads, and texts at prescribed intervals throughout the initial process of attracting and building a relationship with a customer. Riad's team has a large amount of data from previous marketing campaigns that they can analyze to develop a recommended schedule, taking into account a large variety of factors about different types of customers. In this case, the kind of technique this task force will need to employ in order to make these recommendations is Simulation.

Simulation can be regarded as imitation of particular operation of a real-world process, real world system within some specific period of time. Most times computers can be used in Execution of the simulation. Simulation can be used in different aspects such as in marketing, education, performance tuning.

For any positive interest rate the present value of a given annuity will be less than the sum of the cash flows, and the future value of the same annuity will be greater than the sum of the cash flows.

a. True
b. False


it’s A true

hope this helps

A monopolist that practices perfect price discrimination:_________.
A. charges each consumer the rnaximum price the consumer is willing to pay.
B. drives consumer surplus to zero
C. produces the perfectly competitive level of output.
D. All of the above are correct.
E. Only A and B are correct.



D. All of the above are correct.


A monopoly is a market structure which is typically characterized by a single-seller who sells a unique product in the market by dominance. This ultimately implies that, it is a market structure wherein the seller has no competitor because he is solely responsible for the sale of unique products without close substitutes. Any individual that deals with the sales of unique products in a monopolistic market is generally referred to as a monopolist.

For example, a public power company is an example of a monopoly because they serve as the only source of power utility provider to the general public in a society.

Price can be defined as the amount of money that is required to be paid by a buyer (customer) to a seller (producer) in order to acquire goods and services.

In sales and marketing, pricing of products is considered to be an essential element of a business firm's marketing mix because place, promotion and product largely depends on it.

Price discrimination refers to the situation in which a business firm sells an identical product to different consumers at different selling price based on reasons that are not in any way associated or related with its manufacturing cost.

Hence, a monopolist that practices perfect price discrimination:

A. Charges each consumer the maximum price the consumer is willing to pay.

B. Drives consumer surplus to zero

C. Produces the perfectly competitive level of output.


D. All of the above are correct.


Hope this helps

3. When Wassily Leontief tested the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, he found that in 1947 the United States was exporting relatively labor-intensive goods and importing relatively capital-intensive goods. This finding: A. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively capital-abundant. B. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively labor-abundant. C. Was never duplicated by other studies and has thus been labeled a paradox. D. Fit the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory concerning the trading patterns of a capital-abundant country.



A. Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively capital-abundant.


When Wassily Leontief tested the predictions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, he found that in 1947 the United States was exporting relatively labor-intensive goods and importing relatively capital-intensive goods. This finding: "Contradicted the Heckscher-Ohlin theory as the United States was relatively capital-abundant."

This is because Heckscher-Ohlin theory states that countries usually export commodities, and resources they have in excess, while in return, they import the commodities and resources they need.

However, given that the United States is a country that was relatively capital-abundant, Wassily Leontief's finding is considered to be a contradiction.

3.How does the theory of efficient production apply to managers of government bureaus or departments that are not run for profit



The theory of efficient production applies to managers of government bureaus or departments that are not run for profit in the following way:

1. The theory helps them to ensure that production resources are optimally allocated to generate value.

2. The theory emphasizes that wastages must be minimized.

3. Efficiency also ensures that processes, policies, and programs are carried out at the right time on each occasion.


Government bureaus or departments require to make decisions about the resources that they require for government services and the value of the output of these services to the public.  The managers ensure that costs are not so much greater than the value created from deploying scarce resources. The best allocation of resources must always be decided to achieve value for money.

How do systems serve different management groups in a business and how do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance



In simple words, Enterprise apps are created to bring together a variety of activities and procedures. To facilitate coordination and decision-making, enterprise systems combine a company's major internal business operations into an unified software platform . Supply chains administration software assists a company in managing its relationships with vendors in order to improve product planning, procurement, production, and supply of commodities. 

Producer surplus directly measures a. the well-being of buyers and sellers. b. the well-being of society as a whole. c. the well-being of sellers. d. sellers' willingness to sell.



c. the well-being of sellers.


A surplus is the amount by which the quantity supplied of a good exceeds the quantity demanded of the good.

Producer surplus is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the cost of producing the good.

On the other hand, consumer surplus is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good minus the amount the buyer actually pays for it.

Hence, an export subsidy will increase producer surplus.

In conclusion, producer surplus directly measures the well-being of sellers.

Pontchartrain Company issues $20,000,000, 7.8%, 20-year bonds to yield 8% on January 1, 2017. Interest is paid on June 30 and December 31. The proceeds from the bonds are $19,604,145. The company uses effective-interest amortization. Interest expense reported on the 2017 income statement will total





First calculate the Amont of discount

Discount on the bond = Face value - Proceeds from the bond = $20,000,000 - $19,604,145 = $395,855  

Now prepare the bond amortization

The Bond Amortization schedule is attached with this answer, please find it.

Now calculate the interest expense for 2017

Interest Expense 2017 = $784,165.80  + $784,332.43

Interest Expense 2017 = $1,568,498.23

Interest Expense 2017 = $1,568,498

Swifty Corporation has 46,500 shares of $13 par value common stock outstanding. It declares a 15% stock dividend on December 1 when the market price per share is $18. The dividend shares are issued on December 31. Prepare the entries for the declaration and issuance of the stock dividend. (



Common stock dividend distributable = Par * Number of shares * % dividend

= 13 * 46,500 * 15%

= $90,675

Stock Dividend = Number of shares * market price * % dividend

= 46,500 * 18 * 15%

= $125,550

Date          Account Title                                                 Debit               Credit

Dec, 1        Stock Dividend                                          $125,550

                 Common Stock Dividend Distributable                            $90,675

                  Paid in Capital in excess of Par-                                       $34,875

                  Common stock

Date          Account Title                                                 Debit               Credit

Dec, 31      Common Stock Dividend Distributable     $90,675

                 Common Stock                                                                  $90,675

Correll Company, which operates a mail-order clothing business, is physically located in State L. This year, the firm shipped $18 million of merchandise to customers in State R. State R imposes a 6 percent sales and use tax on the purchase and consumption of retail goods within the state.

a. Do State R residents who purchased Firm L merchandise owe use tax on their purchases?
b. If State R could legally require Firm L to collect a 6 percent tax on mail-order sales made to residents of the state, how much additional revenue would the state collect? Explain the reasoning behind your answer.



Correll Company

a. Yes State R residents who purchased Firm L (out-of-state) merchandise owe use tax on their purchases.

b. State R would collect $1,080,000 additional revenue ($18 million * 6%) if Correll was required to collect the use tax at the point of sale and then remit the tax collected to State R.


a) Data and Calculations:

Cost of merchandise to customers in State R = $18 million

State R's sales and use tax on the purchase and consumption of retail goods within the state = 6%

Amount that Correll could collect for State R = $1,080,000 ($18 million * 6%)

b) Note that Correll (Firm L) collecting the State R use tax does not affect State R residents' legal liability to pay the use tax.  Unfortunately, not many people actually remit their self-assessed use tax.

The number of people employed in one country is 230 million, with a total number of unemployed people at 40 million. The total population for the country is 500 million. What is the unemployment rate? Group of answer choices



Unemployment rate = 14.81 %


Unemployment is defined as the number of people that are willing and able to work in an economy but that are not able to get employment.

If is used as a measure of the level of economic growth of a country.


Unemployment rate = (Unemployed) ÷ (Economically active people) *100

Economically active people are employed plus unemployed.

That is 230 million + 40 million = 270 million


Unemployment rate = (40/270) * 100

Unemployment rate = 14.81 %

An abundance of utility-focused blogs exist, posting negative information about utilities in general and even about ABC Utility. Which of the following is NOT a wise response to control the negative blogs?

a. Repost the negative blogs that appear in other places, and argue against the content.
b. Create a company sponsored blog and post blogs with useful information.
c. Monitor the blogs to gather information about public perception.
d. Ask the CEO to frequently write a blog post regarding the values and vision of the organization.





Blogs are a good medium that can be used by firms to disseminate information about their goods and services.

Blogs are also a good way to gather information about the perception of consumers to a company's goods and services

A company can make use of blogs to disseminate positive information about their goods and services by creating a company sponsored blog and post blogs with useful information. It would be and advantage if key personals in the firm frequently write a blog post about the firm e.g.  the values and vision of the organization.

Other Questions
gi tin cc ca mt hng taxi c tnh nh sau :gi m n 1km u l 12000 ng ; 10500 ng/km cho 20 km tip theo v 99000 ng/km cho nhng km cn li . Hi ng su i t nh n khu du lch sinh thi B Cp Vng vi qung ng 62km bng taxi ca hng ht bao nhiu log 55 is the power to which ---- must be raised in order to produce a value of 55 Como pasar 254 meses a minutos?Por favor ayudaaa!! Le doy corona a la respuesta Sandra was born in Tempe, Arizona to parents of Guatemalan decent. By which method is Sandra a citizen of the United States?A) NaturalizationB) Dual citizenshipC) Jus sanguinisD) Jus soli What was the relationship between the magistrates and the tribune in the Roman republic? Gaseous methane (CH4) will react with gaseous oxygen (O2) to produce gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2) and gaseous water . Suppose 2.73 g of methane is mixed with 6.7 g of oxygen. Calculate the maximum mass of water that could be produced by the chemical reaction. Round your answer to significant digits. Please help!! The question is the image below VVVAnswers are also images after the picture. Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendons therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using ________ to help Brendon. ASAP!!! PLEASE A pair of equations is shown below: y = 2x 1 y = 4x 5 Part A: In your own words, explain how you can solve the pair of equations graphically. Write the slope and y-intercept for each equation that you will plot on the graph to solve the equations. (6 points) Part B: What is the solution to the pair of equations? (4 points) During its most recent fiscal year, Raphael Enterprises sold 270,000 electric screwdrivers at a price of $17.10 each. Fixed costs amounted to $729,000 and pretax income was $999,000. What amount should have been reported as variable costs in the company's contribution margin income statement for the year in question Can someone please fastly tell me in 5 reasons why is stephen hawking successful?. What is the volume of the solid? Let =3.14. In African art realstic representation ? Read these sentences. "I heard that the company Gail used to work for was accused of tax fraud. I wouldn't trust her to be on the parent teacher organization committee." Which logical fallacy is used here? moral equivalence bandwagon appeal circular reasoning red herring Ice Co stock has a beta of 1.85, the current risk-free rate is 5.10 percent, and the expected return on the market is 15.10 percent. What is Ice Co's cost of equity Differentiate between virus and viroids. The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 4,5 and 6 if the length of the longest side of a similar triangle is 15,what is the length of the shortest side of the triangle which of the following represents Luis rushes 40m toward his truck. He notices he forgot his shoes and returns back to his house. His total travel time is 60s.What is Luiss average speed over the 60s?What is Luis average velocity over the 60s? Determine the indicated term in the following arithmetic sequences.1.) a subscript 5: {2, 5, 8, ...}2.) a subscript 20: {4, 8, 12, ...}3.) a subscript 18: {0,20,40,60, ...}