Suppose a restaurant offers the following prix fixe menu:

Main course: prime rib, steak, chicken, filet of sole, shrimp

Side dish: soup, salad, crab cakes

Dessert: cheesecake, chocolate chip delight, ice cream.

Beverage: coffee, tea, milk

In how many ways can someone order a meal consisting of one choice from each category?


Answer 1

There are 135 ways someone can order a meal consisting of one choice from each category.

Permutation and combination

To find the total number of ways someone can order a meal consisting of one choice from each category, we need to multiply the number of options in each category:

Number of options for the main course = 5

Number of options for the side dish = 3

Number of options for the dessert = 3

Number of options for the beverage = 3

Using the multiplication principle, the total number of ways to order a meal is:

5 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 135

Therefore, there are 135 ways someone can order a meal consisting of one choice from each category.

More on permutation can be found here:


Related Questions

I need help completing this problem ASAP


4/(√x - √(x - 2)) × (√x + √(x - 2))/(√x + √(x - 2))

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / ((√x)² - (√(x - 2))²)

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / (x - (x - 2))

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / (x - x + 2)

= 4 (√x + √(x - 2)) / 2

= 2 (√x + √(x - 2))

Carol is having a hard time understanding the central limit theorem, so she decides to do her own experiment using the class data survey collected at the beginning of class on the number of hours a student takes during her Spring 2019 BUSI 2305 course. The data file has a total number of 54 students where the average is 10.8 with a standard deviation of 3.15. She sets out to collect the mean on 8 samples of 6 students. Based on this what are the total possible samples that could occur based on the population




Step-by-step explanation:

from the question that we have here

the total population = 54 students

the sample size = 6 students

So given this information carol has to pick the total samples from the 54 students that we have here

the total ways that she has to do this

= 54 combination 6

= 54C6

= [tex]\frac{54!}{(54-6)!6!}[/tex]

= 25827165

this is the total number of possible samples that could occur given the total population of 54 students.




1^1 + 0^1 =1

Step-by-step explanation:

sin^2 theta + cos^2 theta = 1

sin^2 (pi/2)   + cos^2  (pi/2)  =1

1^1 + 0^1 =1

What is the common ratio for this geometric sequence?
27, 9, 3, 1, ...




Step-by-step explanation:

common ratio is




therefore common ratio is 1/3

Answer: 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Let us confirm that this is a geometric sequence. 9/27 = 1/3 and 3/9 = 1/3. Thus, the common ratio is 1/3.

The equation ^2 −4+^2 +2=−4
a. Is a parabola
b. Is an ellipse
c. Is a hyperbola
d. Is a circle
e. None of the above



Step-by-step explanation:

None. Your notation is unclear.

i provided the question



(0, 3)

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 3 is the horizontal tangent to y = x^2+3, and passes the parobala at (0, 3)

Select the correct answer.
Given the following formula, solve for l.






Please rewrite the question or add a picture for it



Step-by-step explanation:

took the test so i assume its this question

If (x+2) is a Factor x^3 + 2x^2 + 2x + k then find the value of K.​




Step-by-step explanation:

if x+2 is a factor of the above expression then,


so putting the value of x in above expression we get,





Step-by-step explanation:

If (x + 2) is a factor of a polynomial then ( - 2 ) is the zero of that polynomial ⇒ ( - 2 )³ + 2( - 2 )² + 2( - 2 ) + k = 0 ⇒ k = - 4

Find the function G defined by G(x) =5x+3 find G(-1)



G(-1) = -2

General Formulas and Concepts:


Order of Operations: BPEMDAS

Brackets Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Left to Right

Algebra I


Function Notation

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


G(x) = 5x + 3

Step 2: Evaluate

Substitute in x [Function G(x)]:                                                                         G(-1) = 5(-1) + 3Multiply:                                                                                                             G(-1) = -5 + 3Add:                                                                                                                   G(-1) = -2


G = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Plug in -1 for x.

5(-1) + 3

-5 + 3


G = -2

Write an equation in slope-intercept form for the line with slope -3/2
and y-intercept 5.


Answer: y = -3/2x + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope-intercept form: y = mx + b

m = slope = -3/2b = y-intercept = 5

y = -3/2x + 5


y = -3/2x + 5 totally

Step-by-step explanation:

what is the answer to EVAULATE 8+-9+-6




Step-by-step explanation:

8 + 9 + -6

8 + 9 = 17

17 + (-6) = 11

Answered by Gauthmath

A lady wearing a McDonalds t-shirt with a delicious-looking Big Mac on it asks which fast food restaurant is your favourite. This leads to which type of bias?

a) Response Bias

b) Sampling Bias

c) Measurement Bias

d) Non-response Bias


The correct answer is a Response Bias

Heather has $20 in her purse she earn some money at work and add it to the money in her purse at the end of the day she has $95 in her purse use M as a variable




Step-by-step explanation:

I used M for money that Heather earned.




the answer is 1/12

the first rolling a 4 has a 1/6 chance of happening and half of the numbers on the die are odd, so 1/6*1/2=1/12

Solve the equation for the given variable
-2(-2x + 3) = -3x + 10
Round your answers to the nearest tenths place
Help meee


[tex] - 2( - 2x + 3) = - 3 x+ 10[/tex]

[tex]4x - 6 = - 3x + 10[/tex]

[tex]4x + 3x = 16[/tex]

[tex]7x = 16[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{16}{7} [/tex]

[tex]x = 2.2857[/tex]

[tex]x = 3[/tex]

Solve for x using the
distributive property.
6(2 - 6x) = -24

X ?


⇛6(2 - 6x) = -24

⇛12 - 36x = -24

⇛-36x = -24 - 12

⇛-36x = -36

⇛x = -36/-36

⇛x = 1

Answer: X = 1

Hope this helps

6.(a) A laptop was bought at Canadian $ 770. If the tax of 20% and 13% VAT should be paid, find the least selling price of it in Nepali rupee that prevents the shopkeeper from loss?​


The LEAST selling price of the laptop should be ;

$1024.1 in other to avoid loss.

Price of laptop = $770

Tax = 20%

VAT = 13%

TO avoid loss ;

both the VAT percentage and TAX must be added to the price of the laptop:

Total percentage = VAT + TAX = (20 + 13) = 33%

THEREFORE, Least selling price should be :

Price of laptop * (1 + 33%)

770 * 1.33

= $1024.1

Learn more about TAX :

A one lane highway runs through a tunnel in the shape of one half a sine curve cycle


The sine curve equation, y = 10·sin(x·π/24), that models the entrance of the

tunnel with a cross section that is the shape of half of a sine curve and the

height of the tunnel at the edge of the road, (approximately 7.07 ft.) are

found by applying the following steps

(a) The equation for the sine curve is y = 10·sin(x·π/24)

(b) The height of the tunnel at the edge of the road is approximately 7.07 feet

The reason for the above answers are presented as follows;

(a) From a similar question posted online, the missing part of the question

is, what is the height of the tunnel at the edge of the road

The known parameters;

The shape of the tunnel = One-half sine curve cycle

The height of the road at its highest point = 10 ft.

The opening of the tunnel at road level = 24 ft.

The unknown parameter;

The equation of the sine curve that fits the opening


Model the sine curve equation of the tunnel using the general equation of a sine curve;

The general equation of a sine curve is y = A·sin(B·(x - C) + D


y = The height at point x

A = The amplitude = The distance from the centerline of the sine wave to the top of a crest


The amplitude, A = The height of half the sine wave = The height of the tunnel = 10 ft.

D = 0, C = 0 (The origin, (0, 0) is on the left end, which is the central line)

The period is the distance between successive points where the curve passes through the center line while rising to a crest


The period, T = 2·π/B = 2 × Opening at the road level = 2 × 24 ft. = 48 ft.

T = 48 ft.

We get;

48 = 2·π/B

B = 2·π/48 = π/24

By plugging in the values for A, B, C, and D, we get;

y = 10·sin((π/24)·(x - 0) + 0 = 10·sin(x·π/24)

The equation of the sine curve that fits the opening is y = 10·sin(x·π/24)

(b) The height of the tunnel at the edge of the road is given by substituting

the value of x at the edge of the road into the equation for the sine curve

as  follows;

The width of the shoulders = 6 feet

∴ At the edge of the road, x = 0 + 6ft = 6 ft., and 6 ft. + 12 ft. = 18 ft.

Therefore, we get;

y = 10 × sin(6·π/24) = 10 × sin(π/4) = 5×√2

y = 10 × sin(18·π/24) = 10 × sin(3·π/4) = 5×√2

The height of the, y, tunnel at the edge of the road where, x = 6, and 18 is y = 5·√2 feet ≈ 7.07 ft.

Learn more about the sine curve here;

A collection of 30 coins consists of dimes and nickels. The total value is ​$1. 95How many dimes are​ there?


21 nickels and 9 dimes
9 dimes and 21 nickels

A swimmer dove off a board that was 50 ft above the water. The swimmer reached a depth of 15 ft in the pool. What number represents the swimmer's original height, in feet?​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The number you choose depends on the location you consider to be zero height.

If we consider the surface of the pool to be zero height, and "up" to be the positive direction for measuring height, then the appropriate number for the original 50-ft height is 50.

50% of 80
50% of 48
50% of 15
25% of 120
25% of 90


1. 40
2. 24
3. 7.5
4. 30
5. 22.5

Write a 6-digit number that fits the description.

1. The value of its thousands digit is 5,000.
2. The value of its hundreds digit is 700.
3. Its tens digit is 2 less than the thousands digit.
4. Its hundred thousands digit is the same as the hundreds digit.

The number is?​



175731 is one of the answers of the 6 digit number

some others are:








The 6-digit number is 175731.

What is the place value strategy?

The place value strategies are defined as math strategies that use to assist you in resolving your elementary math problems, use your places values, such as tens and hundreds. It is possible to employ enlarged notation or compensation. Using regrouping techniques, you can make the problem easier by compensating for addition.

Let the number would be ABCDEF

Given the condition that the value of its thousands of digits is 5,000.

So C = 5

Given the condition that the value of its hundreds of digits is 700.

So D = 7

Given the condition that Its tens digit is 2 less than the thousand digits.

So E = 5-2 = 3

Given the condition that Its hundred thousand digits is the same as the hundred digits.

So B = 7

Therefore, all possible answers:








Hence, the 6-digit number is 175731

Learn more about the place value strategy here:


Find the missing side. Round your answer to the nearest tenth




Step-by-step explanation:


or, x=48/tan(73)

or, x=14.7 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

Answered by GAUTHMATH

What is the solution to the system of equations below?




Step-by-step explanation:

2x + 3y = 6

2x = 6-3y

x = (6-3y)/2

x - 3y = 9

(6-3y)/2 -3y = 9

(6-3y)/2 -6y/2 = 9

(6-9y)/2 = 9

6 - 9y = 9×2

-9y = 18-6

y = 12/-9

y = -4/3

2x + 3y = 6

2x + 3(-4/3) = 6

2x -4 = 6

2x = 6+4

2x = 10

x = 10/2

x = 5

Therefore x = 5 and y = (-4/3)

I used subsitution method

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)


x = 5; y = -4/3

Step-by-step explanation:

One equation has 3y. The other equation has -3y. Add the equations to eliminate y and solve for x.

     2x + 3y = 6

(+)     x - 3y = 9


      3x        = 15

x = 5

2x + 3y = 6

2(5) + 3y = 6

3y + 10 = 6

3y = -4

y = -4/3

Answer: x = 5; y = -4/3

Please help‼️
Given O below, if XY and YZ are congruent, what is the measure of chord XY?




Step-by-step explanation:

yz = 11.2

since the corresponding arc of yz and xy are same, their measures will ba same too

Answered by GAUTHMATH



Step-by-step explanation:

good luck!

Tại sao số mắt xích không được là bội số của số răng đĩa xích



Nên sử dụng số răng lẻ cho đĩa xích dẫn động kết hợp với số lượng mắt xích chẵn để mài mòn đồng đều trên răng và trục lăn. Trong trường hợp này, một răng cụ thể của bánh xích không tiếp xúc với một mắt xích cụ thể của xích trong mỗi lần quay.

Step-by-step explanation:


It is preferable to use an odd number of teeth for the driving sprocket in combination with an even number of chain links for uniform wear and tear on the teeth and rollers. In this case, a particular tooth of the sprocket wheel does not come in contact with a particular link of the chain for every rotation.

Joes bait shop brought in a gross profit in sales of $4,100.00 in the month of June. During the same month their operating expenses totaled $1990.00. Calculate the net income of the bait shop for the month of June




Step-by-step explanation:


Hey I need helping with solving thank you



the answer to this equation is c (10)



angle G

sin inverse (21/29) = 46.4


c^2 - b^2 = a^2

29^2 - 21^2 = a^2

a = √(29^2 - 21^2)

GH = 20

therefore ans is B) <G = 46.4º, <I = 43.6º, GH = 20

Which of the following shows the extraneous solution to the logarithmic equation below?

2 log Subscript 5 Baseline (x + 1) = 2




Step-by-step explanation:

log5(x+1)=1, (x+1)=5, x=4


x= -6

Step-by-step explanation:

i got it wrong and the answer is -6

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in order to apply the law of cosines to find the length of the side of a triangle, is it enough to know which of the following?A. The area of a triangle B. The lengths of two of the triangle's sides and the measure of the angle between them C. At least two of the angles of the triangle and the length of one of its sides The U.S. government has put in place IPv6-compliance mandates to help with the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition. Such mandates require government agencies to have their websites, email and other services available over IPv6.Lets consider that youve been appointed as the IPv6 transition manager at a relatively small branch of a government agency (e.g., a branch of the Social Security agency in a medium-size town). Your main responsibility is to produce a plan with a timetable for achieving compliance with the IPv6 mandate. The plan should specify the guidelines, solutions, and technologies for supporting IPv6 throughout the agency branch. The plan should include the following, among other things:Summary of the applicable government IPv6 mandateBrief description of the networking facility at the branch (LANs, servers, routers, etc.)Summary of the main IPv6-related RFCs that pertain to the IPv6 supportCooperation with ISPs and equipment vendors to implement IPv6 supportSummary of the solutions and technologies to be employed in implementing IPv6 (e.g., dual-stack, tunneling, translation)Timetable for completion of IPv6 transitionPlan for testing the IPv6 compliance in expectation of an audit by the governmentThe deliverable is a report (in Word) of 6 to 10 pages, excluding the name and biblio pages, with 3 to 5 solid references (APA format), at least. The use of drawings and other graphics is highly recommended. Calculate the number of neutrons in atoms of the isotope 3919KWith working out MacKenzie Company sold $780 of merchandise to a customer who used a Regional Bank credit card. Regional Bank deducts a 1.5% service charge for sales on its credit cards and credits MacKenzie's account immediately when sales are made. The journal entry to record this sale transaction would be:________ a) Debit Accounts Receivable $780 and credit Sales $780. b) Debit Cash $768.30; debit Credit Card Expense $11.70 and credit Sales $780. c) Debit Cash of $780 and credit Sales $780. d) Debit Cash of $780 and credit Accounts Receivable $780 e) Debit Cash $768.30 and credit Sales $768.30 Part C of Jim and his dad are building a rectangular flower bed. If Jim and his dad decide to decrease the width of the flower bed from 15 feet, what happens to its length? the man sitting next to me on the plane was nervous because he....before 0.50 g of hydrogen chloride (HCl) is dissolved in water to make 4.0 L of solution. What is the pH of the resulting hydrochloric acid solution WHERE ARE THE EXPERTS AND ACE!!!!!!! I NEED HELP PLS SHARE YO SMARTNESS!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND RATE AND VOTE!!! Jon Brooks quit his job in a bicycle shop, where he earned $15,000 per year, to become a graduate student in economics. At the university he attended, he spent $2,000 on books, $1,000 on cough medicine, and earned $12,000 as an economics teaching-assistant. What were Jon's economic costs while attending college?a. $18,000.b. $15,000.c. $6,000.d. $3,000. How does Lincoln speech address the norths interest Help please someonee !!!A bank pays interest of 9% on money in deposit accounts. Mrs. Wells puts $2000 in the bank. Calculate how much she has after:a). 1yearb). 3 yearsc). 5 years The first transition of power between political parties took place following the presidential election of 1800. This transition of power was between what two political parties? A. a professional interest group. B. a single interest group. C. an ideological interest group. D. a labor interest group. Find the measure of the missing angles.WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST Which of the following is the written form of 1,378?ciento treinta y ochob. mil trescientos setenta y ochod.a.C.setecientos treinta y ochomil setecientos ochenta y tresPlease select the best answer from the choices providedAOBUO 0 Convert the following fraction to a decimal.1/3 A. 0.3 B. 0.03 C. 0.303 D. 3.9 The islets of Langerhans are surrounded byA-exocrine cells that produce digestive fluid. B-endocrine cells that produce digestive fluid.C- exocrine cells that produce glycogenD-B and CPLEASE HELP ME ITS REALLY URGENT CAUSE I HAVE EXAMS TOMORROW!!! Catriona spotted a major problem having to do with patient billing. A number of people may have received the wrong bills. When should she have told her boss? O a) When she was evaluating how to alert the patients O b) After she sent patient notices out c) When she first noticed the problem O d) After she decided on a communication plan Graph the line. y = -5x + 1 PLS HELP RN Read and choose the option with the correct formal command to complete the sentence.________ el cuerpo. Cubra Cubre Cubres Cubro FIND THE LENGTH OF MP