Suppose △ABC≅△LMN.

Which other congruency statements are correct?

Select each correct answer.






Answer 1

if so then let's say just want to try am new MNL

Answer 2
your answer is triangle MLN.

Related Questions

Miguel can use all or part of his $25 gift card to make a music purchase. Each song costs $1.50, and there is a $1.00 per account activation fee.

Which inequalities can represent this situation if m is the number of songs he can buy? Select two options.
1 + 1.5 m less-than-or-equal-to 25



A, E or 1, 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Its not A, D

A shopkeeper marked the price of an article a certain percent above the cost price and he allowed 16% discount to make 5% profit. If a customer paid Rs 9,492 with 13% VAT to buy the article, by what percent is the marked price above the cost price of the article?
Plz solve this problem ​




Step-by-step explanation:

let the MP be x

sp without vat =x-16%of x

= 21x/25

sp with VAT = 21x/25 +13% of 21x/25

rs 9492 = 2373x/2500

( 9492*2500)/2373=x

x = 10000

cp = ((21x/25 )*100)/100+5 ( 5= profit percent )




Ahmed is working at a restaurant. His boss pays him $16.00 per hour and
promises a raise of $1.25 per hour every 6 months. Which sequence
describes Ahmed's expected hourly wages, in dollars, starting with his current




Step-by-step explanation:

each of the numbers is just adding 1.25 on to it

Answer: Choice B

16.00, 17.25, 18.50, 19.75, ...



We start with $16.00 as the first term, as this is the amount the boss pays him initially. Then we add on 1.25 to get 16+1.25 = 17.25 to represent the next wage after that first raise.

Then after the second raise he gets, he'll then earn 17.25+1.25 = 18.50 an hour. This process theoretically can go on forever, but realistically the boss will likely set some kind of limit.

We say that this sequence { 16.00, 17.25, 18.50, 19.75, ... } is arithmetic with the first term of 16.00 and common difference 1.25

The common difference is the gap width between any two neighboring terms, and it's the amount the wage goes up each time he gets a raise.

Write an equation of a circle given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5



Step-by-step explanation:

Equation of circle: (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r²   where (h,k) is the center.

Center( -4 , 4) and r = 5

(x -[-4])² + (y - 4)²= 5²

(x + 4)² + (y-4)² = 25

x²  + 2*4*x +4²  + y²  - 2*y*4 + 4²  = 25

x²  +8x + 16 + y²  - 8y + 16 = 25

x²  + 8x + y²  - 8y + 16 + 16 -25 = 0

x²  + 8x + y²  - 8y +7 = 0

We have that the an equation of a circle given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5  is mathematically given as


Equation of a circle

Question Parameters:

Given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5

Generally the equation for the Equation of a circle   is mathematically given as


Therefore, The resultant equation will be



Hence,an equation of a circle given the center (-4,4) and radius r=5 is


For more information on Equation visit

On the first day of travel, a driver was going at a speed of 40 mph. The next day, he increased the speed to 60 mph. If he drove 2 more hours on the first day and traveled 20 more miles, find the total distance traveled in the two days.




Step-by-step explanation:

This is a bit nasty. It depends on how you read the 20 miles more and what you do with it. The best and most careful way to do it is do it a long way setting up the two equations carefully.

Second day

Let the time travelled = t

Let the speed travelled = 60 mph

d2 = 60*t

First Day

40*(t + 2) = d1

but d1 = d2 + 20 because he travelled 20 miles further on d1

40 * (t + 2) = d2 + 20

d2 however = 60*t

40*(t+2 ) = 60*t + 20          Remove the brackets

40t + 80 = 60t + 20           Subtract 20 from both sides

40t + 60 = 60t                   Subtract 40t from both sides

60 = 20*t                           Divide by 20

t = 60/20

t = 3 hours.

Day 2 = 60 + t = 180

Day 1 = 40*5  = 200

Total distance = 380

Where did that 20 miles go? It was just an observation about the difference in distance travelled between the 2 days.

The total distance the driver traveled in the two days is 260 miles

From the question, on the first day, the driver was going as a speed of 40 mph.

Let s be speed

∴ [tex]s_{1}= 40mph[/tex]

On the second day, he increased the speed to 60 mph

∴ [tex]s_{2}= 60mph[/tex]

From the statement- If he drove 2 more hours on the first day

Let time be t


[tex]t_{1}= t_{2} + 2[/tex] hrs

and traveled 20 more miles

Let d be distance  


[tex]d_{1}= d_{2} + 20[/tex] miles

From the formula

Distance = Speed × Time


[tex]d = s \times t[/tex]

∴ [tex]d_{1} = s_{1} \times t_{1}[/tex]

From above,

[tex]d_{1}= d_{2}+20[/tex] miles

[tex]s_{1}= 40mph[/tex]

[tex]t_{1}= t_{2} + 2[/tex] hrs

Putting these into

[tex]d_{1} = s_{1} \times t_{1}[/tex]

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = 40\times (t_{2}+2)[/tex] ...... (1)


[tex]Time = \frac{Distance}{Speed}[/tex]

∴ [tex]t_{2}= \frac{d_{2} }{s_{2} }[/tex]

From above, [tex]s_{2}= 60mph[/tex]

∴ [tex]t_{2}= \frac{d_{2} }{60}[/tex]

Put this into equation (1)

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = 40\times (t_{2}+2)[/tex]

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = 40\times (\frac{d_{2}}{60} +2)[/tex]

[tex]d_{2} + 20 = \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +80\\d_{2} = \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +80-20\\d_{2} = \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +60[/tex]

Multiply through by 3

[tex]3\times d_{2} = 3\times \frac{2}{3}d_{2} +3 \times 60\\3d_{2} = 2d_{2} + 120\\3d_{2} -2d_{2} = 120[/tex]

∴ [tex]d_{2} = 120[/tex] miles

∴The distance traveled on the second day is 120 miles

For the distance traveled on the first day,

Substitute [tex]d_{2}[/tex] into the equation

[tex]d_{1}= d_{2}+20[/tex] miles

∴ [tex]d_{1}= 120+20[/tex]

[tex]d_{1}= 140[/tex] miles

∴ The distance traveled on the first day is 140 miles

The total distance traveled in the two days = [tex]d_{1} + d_{2}[/tex]

The total distance traveled in the two days = 120 miles + 140 miles

The total distance traveled in the two days = 260 miles

Hence, the total distance the driver traveled in the two days is 260 miles

Learn more here:

Wendy went to the salon and had 2 1/6 inches of hair cut off. The next day she went back
and asked for another 2 1/6 inches to be cut off. How much hair did she have cut off in all?
Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.



4 1/3 of her hair

Step-by-step explanation:

Just add 2 1/6 + 2 1/6 and there you go

There is the total amount of her hair she cut

What is the solution to the system of equations graphed below?



the third option=C -2,3

Step-by-step explanation:

solve simultaneously



Step-by-step explanation:

The solution to the system is where the two lines cross

x= -2

y = 3


Find the volume of this cylinder please..


Answer: 825

Step-by-step explanation:

Plug in the values for v = π*r²*h

So, your new equation is v = π*5²*11 (I got 5 because 10 is the diameter, the radius is half the diameter, therefore r = 5.)

The question is also telling us to replace π with 3.

now we solve, after gathering all of our information.

v = 3*5²*11





The population of Arlington High School can be modeled using the equation P(t) = 3,500(1.027)^t , where t represents the number of years since 2010

Is the population of Arlington High increasing or decreasing? Explain how you can tell using the equation.

How do you interpret the statement that P(6)= 4,107



Step-by-step explanation:

Arlington is increasing because it has 1.027, if it was 0.27 it would be decreasing

If p(6)= 4107 that means after 6 years there would be a total population of 4107

If you could answer them all It would really be helpful PLEASE marking brainliest



1. the area of the triangle minus the area of the small, inner rectangle. what did you not understand there ?

the standard formula (hi, internet !) for the area of a triangle is baseline×height/2.

the standard formula (hi, first grade !) for the area of a rectangle is length×width.

that's it.


the volume of an object regularity shaped like a silo is always ground area times height.

for this object we only need to imagine to stand the object up sideways on the triangle side.

and don't forget - an area is always a square unit (like cm²,m², ft², ...). and a volume is always a cubic unit (like cm³, m³, ft³, ...).

so then, the triangle area is the ground area. and the original long side line of the object is is height.

as we said in 1. above, the area of a triangle is baseline×height (of the triangle, not of the overall object) divided by 2.

so, we have here 6×4/2 = 6×2 = 12 m²

and now the ground area × object height = 12×8=96 m³


the standard formula for the volume of a ball (hi, internet !) is pi×r³.

so, we have here pi×9³. can you calculate that with your calculator ? that is pi×729 = 2290.221 cm³


the height of the cone is (as the drawing already suggests) determined via the right-angled triangle of the radius (half of the diameter) of the ground circle, the height of the cone and the length of the sideline on the outside mantle of the cone. this sideline is the Hypotenuse (the baseline of the triangle opposite of the 90 degree angle).

so, we use Pythagoras

c² = a² + b² (c being the Hypotenuse, a and b being the sides).

11² = 8² + h²

121 = 64 + h²

h² = 57

h = 7.55 cm


the standard formula for the volume of a cone (hi, internet !) is


pi×8²×7.55/3 = pi×64×7.55/3 = 506 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

all of that you could easily search on the internet and since it yourself way faster than putting things in here and waiting for responses.

as there is really nothing to explain but just to use the standard formulas with the given numbers.

What is the name of an investment that pools money from many investors in
order to acquire a large variety of stocks, bonds, and other investments?
A. Derivative
B. Mutual fund
C. Annuity



Mutal fund because its a formerly greatest instruments

The name of an investment that pools money from many investors in order to acquire a large variety of stocks, bonds, and other investments is Mutual fund.

What is investment?

Investment is traditionally defined as the "commitment of resources to achieve later benefits

A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers who use the pooled funds to purchase a range of investments, with the goal of generating a return for the investors.

Investors in mutual funds own shares in the fund, and the value of their investment is based on the performance of the underlying securities held by the fund.

Mutual funds offer investors the benefits of diversification, professional management, and ease of investment, as well as the ability to invest in a variety of asset classes with relatively low minimum investment requirements.

Hence, the name of an investment that pools money from many investors in order to acquire a large variety of stocks, bonds, and other investments is Mutual fund.

To learn more on Investment click:


If f(x) = 3x^2-2x+4 and g(x) = 5x^2+6x-8, find (f-g)(x)




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 3x^2-2x+4

g(x) = 5x^2+6x-8

(f-g)(x)= 3x^2-2x+4 -(5x^2+6x-8)

Distribute the minus sign

(f-g)(x)= 3x^2-2x+4 -5x^2-6x+8

Combine like terms


Answer: (f+g)(x)=8x^2+4x-4

Step-by-step explanation:

solve for the measure of a



Step-by-step explanation:

The supplement of the exterior angle is 180 - 75 = 105

In a cyclic quadrilateral (a four sides figure where all the vertices touch the circumference of a circle), the opposite angles are supplementary. Therefore <a = 180 - 105 = 75

But I think you already knew that.

In the figure below j ll h find the values of x and y




Step-by-step explanation:

Given: Lines J and H are parallel lines. O intersects both lines equally.

Since two angles equal 180, that will be what  (4y + 12) and 64 will be equal to.

(4y + 12) + 64 = 180

76 + 4y = 180

-76          -76


    4y = 104

      y = 26

x and y is both 26 because they are vertical angles.

Hope this helped.

what must be added to a + b to get a​



we have to add (-b) to get (a)

Step-by-step explanation:




Hence verified.

Hope this helps you. Have a nice day^_^

Justin is saving money to buy a stereo. He has $25 saved in the bank right now. He earns $40 each week delivering newspapers.

Let y = the total amount of money Justin has, and x is in weeks.


Y=40x+25 y is the total he has, 40x is he makes 40 per week, and 25 he already has

(6 1/4)^4

Answer fast or i will report you



Step-by-step explanation: The rules of exponential says (a^x)^y=a^xy.

Therefore you will multiply 1/4 with 4 to get an exponent of 1. So the answer is 6^1 which is also written as 6

Help fast!
Describe at least two ways to find or
estimate the year the population of the town
will be 40 thousand. (You don't have to
actually find the value.)


Plug in 40,000 for p(n), then use algebra. First step divide by 18. Then you have 2222.222222=e^0.035n.
Take the natural logarithm (Ln) on your calculator of both sides:
Ln(2222.2222)=Ln(e) 0.035n
Ln2222.2222 just gives you a number and Ln(e) cancel each other so you have:
Ln(2222.222222)= 0.035n, divide both sides by 0.035 and you will find “n”(the number of years after 2000).

The second method is trial and error, keep plugging in numbers for n starting at “1” and see what number gets you closest to 40,000 when you calculate the equation

In XYZ, what is the cosine ratio of X?



c) 12/15 = 4/5

Step-by-step explanation:

imagine we mirror the triangle up, so that Z is on top.

then you can clearly see that 6 is cos(X) times r (and r is then 7.5).

XY is sin(X)×7.5

and again, 7.5 is r (the line making the X angle).

so, the cosine ratio of X is

6 = cos(X)×7.5

cos(X) = 6/7.5 or then 12/15. or simplified 4/5.

yea the person on top is right, bc I also got that correct on my test LMFOAOA

Vanessa and her friends are watching three movies consecutively. The first movie is 2 hours and 17 minutes long. The second movie is 84 minutes long, and the last movie is 99 minutes long. How much time will they spend watching the movies?



320 minutes (5 hours and 20 minutes).

Step-by-step explanation:

2 hours and 17 minutes = 137 minutes

137 + 84 + 99 = 320

Therefore, they will spend 320 minutes (5 hours and 20 minutes) watching movies.

which equations have a leading coefficient of 3 and a constant term of -2?


Answer: the answer to this is 3x-2

Step-by-step explanation:

help me, thank you!!!



Step-by-step explanation:

i don't understand this language but i think you want to simplify  it.

[tex]\frac{3x-3\sqrt{x} -3}{x+\sqrt{x} -2} -\frac{\sqrt{x} +1}{\sqrt{x} +2} +\frac{\sqrt{x} -2}{1-\sqrt{x} } \\=\frac{3x-3\sqrt{x} -3}{x+2\sqrt{x} -\sqrt{x} -2} -\frac{\sqrt{x} +1}{\sqrt{x} +2} -\frac{\sqrt{x} -2}{\sqrt{x} -1} \\=\frac{3x-3\sqrt{x} -3}{\sqrt{x} (\sqrt{x} +2)-1(\sqrt{x} +2)} -\frac{(\sqrt{x} +1)(\sqrt{x} -1)+(\sqrt{x} +2)(\sqrt{x} -2)}{(\sqrt{x} +2)(\sqrt{x} -1)} \\=\frac{3x-3\sqrt{x} -3}{(\sqrt{x} +2)(\sqrt{x} -1)} -\frac{(x-1)+(x-2)}{(\sqrt{x} +2)(\sqrt{x} -1)} \\[/tex]

[tex]=\frac{3x-3\sqrt{x} -3-2x+3}{(\sqrt{x} +2)(\sqrt{x} -1)} \\=\frac{x-3\sqrt{x} }{(\sqrt{x} +2)(\sqrt{x} -1)}[/tex]

Write 0.2 repeating as a fraction in simplest form (The 0.2 is repeating, so the 2 has the repeating bar above it, just need someone to solve this, it would help a lot thanks.)


If x is the number 0.222…, then 10x = 2.222…. Subtracting x from 10x eliminates the fractional part, so that

10x - x = 2.222… - 0.222…

==>   9x = 2

and solving for x gives x = 2/9.

Slope -1/4, passes through (12,-4)​



y = - [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming you require the equation of the line

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Here m = - [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] , then

y = - [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] x + c ← is the partial equation

To find c substitute (12, - 4) into the partial equation

- 4 = - 3 + c ⇒ c = - 4 + 3 = - 1

y = - [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] x - 1 ← equation of line

On a coordinate plane, a curved line labeled f of x with a minimum value of (1.9, negative 5.7) and a maximum value of (0, 2), crosses the x-axis at (negative 0.7, 0), (0.76, 0), and (2.5, 0), and crosses the y-axis at (0, 2).
Which statement is true about the graphed function?

F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5).
F(x) > 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5).
F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-0.7, 0.76) and (2.5, ∞).
F(x) > 0 over the intervals (-0.7, 0.76) and (0.76, ∞



F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5)

Step-by-step explanation:

The minimum value of the curve = (1.9, -5.7),

The maximum value = (0, 2)

The point the function crosses the x-axis (the x-intercept) = (-0.7, 0), (0.76, 0), and (2.5, 0)

The point the function crosses the y-axis (the y-intercept) = (0, 2)

The given points can be plotted using MS Excel, from which we have;

F(x) is less than 0 over the interval from x = -∞, to x = -0.7, and the interval from x = 0.76 to x = 2.5

The correct option is therefore, F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5)


A. F(x) < 0 over the intervals (-∞, -0.7) and (0.76, 2.5).

Step-by-step explanation:



The correct answer is A


I believe it is A. 1,1150.6cm^3

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve for the volume of a cone:

[tex]V = \pi radius^{2} \frac{height}{3}[/tex]

RS=7y+4, ST=3y+6, and RT=90



If it is a straight line then ;


90=(7y+4) + (3y+6)

90 = 10y + 10

10y= 90 – 10

10y = 80

y= 80 / 10

y =8

ST = 3y+6= 3(8)+6= 24 +6 = 30

RS = 7y +4 = 7(8) + 4 = 56 +4 = 60

I hope I helped you^_^

How to find interquartilte range


Answer:  Choice C) 8.5



Each x represents a data point location.

So, for example, having an x over 60 means 60 is part of the set.

The set of values we're working with is


The repeated values are due to the fact we have a stack of two 'x' markers, and they occur at 63 and 71.

To find the IQR (interquartile range), we'll first need to find the median of this set. That's the middle most value.

Count out the number of values to find that there are n = 12 values.

The list splits into two halves that are n/2 = 12/2 = 6 items each

Between slots 6 and 7 is where the median is located.

The value in slot 6 is 64 and the value in slot 7 is 66. Average those two items to get (64+66)/2 = 65

The median is 65


Next, we'll form two groups L and U such that

L = set of items lower than the median

U = set of items larger than the median

Because n is even, we simply just break the original set into two equal groups (6 items each)

L = {59,60,61,63,63,64}

U = {66,68,70,71,71,73}

The values of Q1 and Q3 represent the medians of L and U in that order.

The median of set L is (61+63)/2 = 62, so Q1 = 62

The median of set U is (70+71)/2 = 70.5, which is Q3


To summarize everything so far, we have found

Q1 = 62Q3 = 70.5

Subtract those items to get the IQR

IQR = Q3 - Q1

IQR = 70.5 - 62

IQR = 8.5 which points us to choice C as the final answer.

what is 2/3 divide by 2/9




Step-by-step explanation:

(2/3)/(2/9) = (2/3) * (9/2) = 3

Alec pulled a couch 3 meters, using a force of 400 N. The couch weighed 200 N. How do you calculate the work done by Alec?

A . Add 400 to 200

B . Divide 400 by 3

C . Multiply 200 by 3

D . Multiply 400 by 3




Step-by-step explanation:

It is because work is done when a force cause an object to move in the direction of the applied force.

so work is equal to force × distance

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