Suppose you want to design an air bag system that can protect the driver at a speed 100 km/h (60 mph) if the car hits a brick wall.
Estimate how fast the air bag must inflate to effectively protect the driver. How does the use of a seat belt help the driver?


Answer 1

When solving question that contains equations and the use mathematical computations, It is always ideal to list the parameters given.

Now, given that:

the speed of the car which is the initial velocity (u) = 100 km/h before it hits the wall.after hitting the wall, the final velocity will be (v) = 0 km/h


Suppose we make an assumption that the distance traveled during the collision of the car with the brick wall (S) = 1 mThat the car's acceleration is also constant.

For a motion under constant acceleration, we can apply the kinematic equation:

[tex]\mathsf{v^2 = u^2 + 2as}[/tex]


v = final velocity u = initial velocitya = accelerations = distance

From the above equation, making acceleration (a) the subject of the formula:

[tex]\mathsf{v^2 - u^2 =2as }[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{a = \dfrac{v^2 - u^2 }{2s}}[/tex]

The initial velocity (u) is given in km/h, and we need to convert it to m/s as it has an effect on the unit of the acceleration.

since 1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s

100 km/h = 27.78 m/s

[tex]\mathsf{a = \dfrac{(0)^2 - (27.78)^2 }{2(1)}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{a = \dfrac{- 771.7284 }{2}}[/tex]

a = - 385.86 m/s²

Similarly, from the kinematic equation of motion, the formula showing the relation between time, acceleration, and velocity is;

v = u + at


v = 0

-u = at

[tex]\mathsf{t = \dfrac{-u}{a}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{t = \dfrac{-27.78}{-385.86}}[/tex]

t = 0.07 seconds

An airbag is designed in such a way as to prevent the driver from hitting on the steering wheel or other hard substance that could damage the part of the body. The use of the seat belt is to keep the driver in shape and in a balanced position against the expansion that occurred by the airbag during the collision on the brick wall.

Thus, we can conclude that in order to estimate how fast the airbag must inflate to effectively protect the driver, the airbag must be inflated at 0.07 seconds faster before the collision to effectively protect the driver.

Learn more about the kinematic equation here:

Related Questions

A 1030 kg car has four 12.0 kg wheels. When the car is moving, what fraction of the total kinetic energy of the car is due to rotation of the wheels about their axles



The required fraction is 0.023.


Given that

Mass of a car, m = 1030 kg

Mass of 4 wheels = 12 kg

We need to find the fraction of the total kinetic energy of the car is due to rotation of the wheels about their axles.

The rotational kinetic energy due to four wheel is

[tex]=4\times \dfrac{1}{2}I\omega^2\\\\=4\times \dfrac{1}{2}\times \dfrac{1}{2}mR^2(\dfrac{v}{R})^2\\\\=mv^2[/tex]

Linear kinetic Energy of the car is:

[tex]=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\=\dfrac{1}{2}\times Mv^2[/tex]


[tex]f=\dfrac{mv^2}{\dfrac{1}{2}Mv^2}\\\\f=\dfrac{m}{\dfrac{1}{2}M}\\\\f=\dfrac{12}{\dfrac{1}{2}\times 1030}\\\\=0.023[/tex]

So, the required fraction is 0.023.

Two identical cars, each traveling at 16 m>s, slam into a concrete wall and come to rest. In car A the air bag does not deploy and the driver hits the steering wheel; in car B the driver contacts the deployed air bag. (a) Is the impulse delivered by the steering wheel to driver A greater than, less than, or equal to the impulse delivered by the air bag to driver B



 I = - m 16  the two impulses are the same,


The impulse is given by the relationship

         I = Δp

         I = p_f - p₀

in this case the final velocity is zero therefore p_f = 0

        I = -p₀

For driver A the steering wheel impulse is

        I = - m v₀

        I = - m 16

For driver B, the airbag gives an impulse

        I = - m 16

We can see that the two impulses are the same, the difference is that in the air bag more time is used to give this impulse therefore the force on the driver is less

Army is standing still on the ground; Bill is riding his bicycle at 5 m/s eastward: and Carlos is driving his car at 15 m/s westward. How fast does Bill see Carlos moving and in what direction?
a. 10 mis eastward
b. 5 m/s eastward
c. 15 m/s westward
d. 20 m/s westward
e. 10 m/s westward



Given that,

Bill is riding his bicycle at 5 m/s eastward: and Carlos is driving his car at 15 m/s westward.

Taking eastward as positive direction, we have:

[tex]v_B=+5\ m/s[/tex]is the velocity of Bill with respect to Amy (which is stationary)

[tex]v_c=15\ m/s[/tex] is the velocity of Carlos with respect to Amy.

Bill is moving 5 m/s eastward compared to Amy at rest, so the velocity of Bill's reference frame is

[tex]v_B=+5\ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, Carlos velocity in Bill's reference frame will be

[tex]v_c'=-15\ m/s-(+5\ m/s)\\\\=-20\ m/s[/tex]

So, the magnitude is 20 m/s and the direction is westward (negative sign).

Write a short note of the following
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction​



a) Light that passes through the floor to reveal yourself (not shadow).

b) 2 rays of light that bounce between 2 transparent media.

c) I don't know what is Diffraction?

A satellite measures a spectral radiance of 8 Watts/m2/um/ster at a wavelength of 10 microns. Assuming a surface emissivity of 0.90, what would be the estimated temperature


Satellite video of the show will come to

Here we will use a simple example to demonstrate the difference between the rms speed and the average speed. Five ideal-gas molecules chosen at random are found to have speeds of 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 m/s. Find the rms speed for this collection. Is it the same as the average speed of these molecules



Given that,

Five ideal-gas molecules chosen at random are found to have speeds of 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900 m/s.

The rms speed for this collection is as follows :

[tex]v_{rms}=\sqrt{\dfrac{v_1^2+v_2^2+v_3^2+v_4^2+v_5^2}{5}} \\\\v_{rms}=\sqrt{\dfrac{500^2+600^2+700^2+800^2+900^2}{5}} \\\\v_{rms}=714.14[/tex]

The average speed of these molecules is :

[tex]v_{a}=\dfrac{v_1+v_2+v_3+v_4+v_5}{5}} \\\\v_{a}={\dfrac{500+600+700+800+900}{5}} \\\\v_{a}=700\ m/s[/tex]

So, the rms speed is 714.14 m/s abd the average speed is 700 m/s.

The pan flute is a musical instrument consisting of a number of closed-end tubes of different lengths. When the musician blows over the open ends, each tube plays a different note. The longest pipe is 0.31 m long.
What is the frequency of the note it plays? Assume room temperature of 20∘C.



  f = 276.6 Hz


This musical instrument can be approximated to a tube system where each tube has one end open and the other closed.

In the closed part there is a node and in the open part a belly or antinode. Therefore the wavelength is

          L = λ/ 4

speed is related to wavelength and frequency

          v = λ f

          λ = v / f

we substitute

          L = v / 4f

          f = v / 4L

the speed of sound at 20ºC is

          v = 343 m / s

let's calculate

          f = [tex]\frac{343 }{4 \ 0.31}[/tex]

          f = 276.6 Hz

A 0.40-kg mass attached to the end of a string swings in a vertical circle having a radius of 1.8 m. At an instant when the string makes an angle of 40 degrees below the horizontal, the speed of the mass is 5.0 m/s. What is the magnitude of the tension in the string at this instant





From the question we are told that:

Mass m=0.40

Radius r=1.8m

Angle Beneath the Horizontal \theta =40 \textdegree

Speed v=5.0m/s

The Tension Angle


 [tex]\alpha=50 \textdegree[/tex]

Generally the equation for Tension is is mathematically given by

 [tex]T=\frac{mv^2}{r}+mgcos \alpha[/tex]



What gauge pressure is required in the city water mains for a stream from a fire hose connected to the mains to reach a vertical height of 15.0 m



The gauge pressure is equal to 147 kPa.


The pressure exerted by fluid is given by :

[tex]P=\rho gh[/tex]


[tex]\rho[/tex] is density of water

h is height

So, put all the values,

[tex]P=1000\times 9.8\times 15\\\\P=147000\ Pa[/tex]


P = 147 kPa

So, the gauge pressure is equal to 147 kPa.


The gauge pressure is 147000 Pa.


Height, h = 15 m

density of water, d= 1000 kg/m^3

gravity, g = 9.8 m/s^2

The gauge pressure is the pressure exerted by the fluid.

The pressure exerted by the fluid is given by

P  = h d g

P = 15 x 1000 x 9.8 =  147000 Pa

What would you expect to happen to the velocity of the bobber if the mass of the washers in the cylinder remained the same and the radius was doubled?



The velocity becomes [tex]v\sqrt 2[/tex].


The force acting on the bobber is centripetal  force.

The centripetal force is given by

[tex]F =\frac{mv^2}{r}[/tex]

when mass remains same, radius is doubled and the force is same, so the velocity is v'.

[tex]F =\frac{mv^2}{r}=\frac{mv'^2}{2r}\\\\v'=v\sqrt 2[/tex]

Example 2.13 The acceleration a of a particle in a time t is given by the equation a = 2+ 5t^2. Find the instantaneous velocity after 3s. Solution



the instantaneous velocity is 51 m/s



acceleration, a = 2 + 5t²

Acceleration is the change in velocity with time.

[tex]a = \frac{dv}{dt} \\\\a = 2 + 5t^2\\\\The \ acceleration \ (a) \ is \ given \ so \ we \ have \ to \ find \ the \ velocity \ (v)\\\\To \ find \ the \ velocity, \ integrate\ both \ sides \ of \ the \ equation\\\\2 + 5t^2 = \frac{dv}{dt} \\\\\int\limits^3_0 {(2 + 5t^2)} \, dt = dv\\\\v = [2t + \frac{5t^3}{3} ]^3_0\\\\v = 2(3) + \frac{5(3)^3}{3} \\\\v = 6 + 5(3)^2\\\\v = 6 + 45\\\\v = 51 \ m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the instantaneous velocity is 51 m/s

Required information
You are designing a high-speed elevator for a new skyscraper. The elevator will have a mass limit of 2400 kg (including
passengers). For passenger comfort, you choose the maximum ascent speed to be 18.0 m/s, the maximum descent speed
to be 10.0 m/s, and the maximum acceleration magnitude to be 1.80 m/s2. Ignore friction.
What is the minimum upward force that the supporting cables exert on the elevator car?



19,224 N


The given parameters are;

The mass limit of the elevator = 2,400 kg

The maximum ascent speed = 18.0 m/s

The maximum descent speed = 10.0 m/s

The maximum acceleration = 1.80 m/s²

Given that the acceleration due to gravity, g ≈ 9.81 m/s²

The minimum upward force that the elevator cable exert on the elevator car, [tex]F_{min}[/tex] , is given in the downward motion as follows;

[tex]F_{min}[/tex] = m·g - m·a

∴ [tex]F_{min}[/tex] = 2,400 kg × 9.81 m/s² - 2,400 kg × 1.80 m/s² = 19,224 N

The minimum upward force that the elevator cable exert on the elevator car, [tex]F_{min}[/tex] = 19,224 N

Suppose that 2 J of work is needed to stretch a spring from its natural length of 34 cm to a length of 46 cm. (a) How much work is needed to stretch the spring from 36 cm to 41 cm



0.83 J of work


2 J of work is required to stretch a spring from 34cm to 46cm

So that is 12cm stretched with 2 J of work

We can make that 6cm for 1 J of work

So, we need the find the work for stretching 36cm to 41cm

Which is 5cm

So, What is the work required to stretch 5cm?

1 J of work for 6cm

x work for 5cm

So, by proportion method

1 : 6 :: x : 5

6 * x = 1 * 5

6x = 5

x = 5/6

= 0.83

So to stretch 36cm to 41cm we need 0.83 J of work

A mother is pulling a sled at constant velocity by means of a rope at 37°. The tension on the rope is 120 N. Mass of children plus sled is 55 kg. The mother has a mass of 61 kg. Find the static friction acting on the mother.



f = 106.3 N


The force applied on the sled must be equal to the static frictional force to move the sled:

Tension Force Horizontal Component = Static Frictional Force

[tex]TCos\theta = \mu W\\TCos\theta = \mu mg[/tex]


T = Tension = 120 N

θ = angle of rope = 37°

μ = coefficient of static friction = ?

m = mass of children plus sled = 55 kg

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²


[tex](120\ N)Cos\ 37^o = \mu (55\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)\\\\\mu = \frac{95.84\ N}{(55\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)}\\\\\mu = 0.18[/tex]

Now, the static friction acting on the mother will be:

[tex]f = \mu mg = (0.18)(61\ kg)(9.81\ m/s^2)\\[/tex]

f = 106.3 N

You have been called to testify as an expert witness in a trial involving a head-on collision. Car A weighs 690.0 kg and was traveling eastward. Car B weighs 520.0 kg and was traveling westward at 74.0 km/h. The cars locked bumpers and slid eastward with their wheels locked for 6.00 m before stopping. You have measured the coefficient of kinetic friction between the tires and the pavement to be 0.750. 1) How fast (in kilometer per hour) was car A traveling just before the collision



The speed of car A before collision is 3.5 km/h.


Mass of car A = 690 kg eastwards

Mass of car B = 520 kg at 74 km/h west wards

Distance, s = 6 m

coefficient of friction = 0.75

Let the speed after collision is v.

Use third equation of motion

[tex]v^2 = u^2 + 2 as \\\\0 =v^2- 2 \times 0.75\times9.8\times 6\\\\v = 9.4 m/s = 33.84 km/h[/tex]

Let the initial speed of car A is v'.

Use conservation of momentum

690 x v' - 520 x 74 = (690 + 520) x 33.8

690 v' + 38480 = 40898

v' = 3.5 km/h


A series of pulses, each of amplitude 0.1 m, is sent down a string that is attached to a post at one end. The pulses are reflected at the post and travel back along the string without loss of amplitude. What is the net displacement at a point on the string where two pulses are crossing



 A_resulting = 0.2 m


Let's analyze the impact of the pulse with the pole, this is a fixed obstacle that does not move therefore by the law of action and reluctant, the force that the pole applies on the rope is of equal magnitude to the force of the rope on the pole (pulse), but opposite directional, so the reflected pulse reverses its direction and sense.

With this information we analyze a point on the string where the incident pulse is and each reflected with an amplitude A = 0.1 m, the resulting is

           A_res = 2A

           A_resultant = 2 .01

           A_resulting = 0.2 m

If you double the current in a long straight wire, the magnetic field at a fixed point will... be cut in half. triple. double. quadruple.



the magnetic field must double


For this exercise we use Ampere's law

         ∫ B . ds = μ₀ I

Where the bold indicate vectors

With this expression we can see that if we double the current, keeping the same trajectory, the magnetic field must double

On the average, in a ferromagnetic domain, permanent atomic magnetic moments are aligned ____ to one another.a. antiparallel b. parallel c. perpendicular d. alternately parallel and antiparallel e. randomly relative



b. parallel


Ferromagnetism is a magnetism that is associated with iron and cobalt and nickel. Ferromagnetisms material are magnetics easily and in strong magnetic fields are magnetized by a defined limit called a situation. The force keeps magnetic moments of many atoms parallel to each other.

A 0.22LR caliber bullet has a mass of 1.90 g and a muzzle velocity of 500 m/s. The bullet is fired into a door made of a single thickness of pine boards, with a thickness of 0.75 in. The average stopping force exerted by the wood is 960 N. How fast (in m/s) would the bullet be traveling after it penetrated through the door



The final speed of the bullet is 480.4 m/s.


mass of bullet, m = 1.9 g

initial speed, u = 500 m/s

thickness, d = 0.75 inch = 0.01905 m

Force, F = 960 N

Let the final speed is v.

According to the work energy theorem,

Work = change in kinetic energy

[tex]W = F d = 0.5 m{\left (v^2 - u^2 \right )}[/tex]

-960 x 0.01905 = 0.5 x 0.0019 x (v^2 - 500 x 500)

-18.288 = 0.00095 (v^2 - 250000)

v = 480.4 m/s

Need help! Need help! Need help! Need help! Need help! Need help!



i can help you i know this answer

Answer: the side two are 50 then the other two are 140  i thank


Select the only true statement:

A)A beam in bending experiences tensile stresses on one side and compressive stresses on the other side.

B)A beam in bending experiences tensile stresses along the beam center and compressive stresses along the beam’s edges.

C)A beam in bending experiences only compressive stresses.

D)A beam in bending experiences only tensile stresses.



Sorry I dont know this answer sorry

Principal axis is the:________

a. straight line drawn from the center of curvature to the mid point of the mirror.
b. straight line drawn from the center of curvature to a point on the outer edge of the mirror.
c. straight line drawn from the center of curvature to any point of the mirror.
d. straight line joining any two points on the mirror.
e. None of the other answers given is correct.



d. straight line joining any two points on the mirror


Principal axis is the straight line that passes through the center of a mirror, which is also perpendicular to the surface of the mirror.

The principal axis connects the principal focus and the center of curvature of the mirror. In other words, it is a straight line or axis on which the center of curvature and principal focus can be found. The principal axis joins these two points; the center of curvature and principal focus.

Therefore, the correct option is "D"

d. straight line joining any two points on the mirror

State how you agree or disagree with the following statement. A good circuit cannot have internal resistance.​


Answer: I do


Resistance opposes current thereby reducing the amount of current that flows through a circuit. In other words, it leads to a loss of electrical energy.

Ideally speaking, a good circuit should have no internal resistance as this would lead to more energy having to be supplied to overcome that resistance. External resistance however, is not a bad thing. For instance, oxygen being removed from lightbulbs.

We will determine the amount of electric energy stored in a capacitor by discharging it through a light bulb. Light bulbs are rated according to their power output at a given voltage. Considering that power is the rate that energy is converted from one form to another (or, equivalently, work is done) per unit time, the energy stored in an initially-charged capacitor that is hooked up to the light bulb through which the capacitor discharges is approximately
A. the power rating of the light bulb divided by the time that the bulb remains lit.
B. simply the time that the light bulb remains lit.
C. the product of the power rating of the light bulb and the time that it remains lit.
D. the time that the light bulb remains lit divided by the power rating of the bulb.



C. the product of the power rating of the light bulb and the time that it remains lit.


The power rating of the light is bulb is defined as the energy supplied to the light bulb divided by the time the bulb is lit up. Therefore,

[tex]P = \frac{E}{t}\\\\E = Pt[/tex]


E = Energy Supplied to the bulb = Energy stored in capacitor = ?

P = Power rating of the bulb

t = time the bulb is lit up

Hence, the correct option is:

C. the product of the power rating of the light bulb and the time that it remains lit.

Categorize each statement as true or false.
1. Electric field lines radiate away from positive charges and towards negative charges.
2. Electric field is always perpendicular to equipotential lines.
3. The electric field points in the direction of increasing electric potential.
4. The electric field inside a parallel plate capacitor decreases as it approaches the negative plate.
5. The units of electric field are either newtons per coulomb or volts per meter.



1. True

2. True

3. False

4. True

5. True

Physics question plz help ASAP


After studying the question for a while I’m pretty sure it’s D)

You throw a Frisbee of mass m and radius r so that it is spinning about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the plane of the Frisbee. Ignoring air resistance, the torque exerted about its center of mass by gravity is: __________

a. 0.
b. mgr
c. 2mgr
d. a function of the angular velocity.
e. small at first, then increasing as the Frisbee loses the torque given it by your hand.



the correct answer is a


The torque is

        τ = F x r

where the bold letters indicate vectors, in this case the vector of the center of mass is perpendicular to the weight of the body

          τ = mg r

in body weight it is applied at the point of the center of mass, therefore as the distance of the force from the axis of rotation (center of amas) is zero, the die is zero

the correct answer is a

Nhiệt dung riêng của một chất là ?



enchantment table language


enchantment Language table

how does the use of standard units of measurement solve problems in measurement regarding validity and reliabiility? explain it​



Reliability can be estimated by comparing different versions of the same measurement. Validity is harder to assess, but it can be estimated by comparing the results to other relevant data or theory.

Can an electron be diffracted? Can it exhibit interference?



Yeah, it can be diffracted. Though it depends on a diffracting medium.

It must have some magnetic fields .

Forexample; X-ray diffraction where electrons are diffracted to the target filament.

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