Susan B. Anthony was arrested for voting in an election.




Answer 1




Related Questions

Read the excerpt from Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.

My house was at the very tip of the egg, only fifty yards from the Sound, and squeezed between two huge places that rented for twelve or fifteen thousand a season. The one on my right was a colossal affair by any standard—it was a factual imitation of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy, with a tower on one side, spanking new under a thin beard of raw ivy, and a marble swimming pool, and more than forty acres of lawn and garden. It was Gatsby’s mansion.

How does Fitzgerald use setting in the exposition of this passage?
He underscores the cultural differences between West Egg and East Egg.
He introduces the reader to the themes of jealousy and undying love.
He suggests that Gatsby is sophisticated and very wealthy.
He creates atmosphere and establishes geographic context.



Fitzgerald makes the reader realize the lavish lifestyle that Gatsby lives. Even though he doesn't say it verbatim, based on the description of the property it can be concluded that Gatsby is a man very well off.


Answer: D. the answer is d


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hdhdjjshzh dhdjdjsv. dbdbdbd

find the prefix,roots,and suffix
a) universal
b) experimenting
e) beautiful
f) expectations
g) reminders
h) started
I) invitation
j) terrible
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will get brainlist if it's right













which word does not begin and does not end with a fricative? house fish change these



Change is the most likely answer that does not begin and not end with a fricative.


Which is an example of using an open-ended question to uncover a problem? O a) "Do you have a problem you'd like addressed today?" b) "Is there a problem? C) "What seems to be the problem?" O d) "Can I help you?"

Select the correct texts in the passage,
Which two details best reveal the woman's character?
The Story of an Hour
by Kate Chopin (adapted excerpt)
She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain
was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares, the notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly,
and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.
She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,
as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.
She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength, but now there was a dull stare in her eyes,
whose gaze was fixed away off yonder. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name;
but she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.
She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her and she was stri
as har tu



"except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams."

"She said it over and over under her breath: "free, free, free!"


I asked an English Teacher

Mrs. Mallard, a character in Kate Chopin's short story "The Story of an Hour," exhibits a change that all women must go through. In the 1800s, Mrs. Mallard violates the expectations placed on women.

How is Mrs. Mallard presented in the story of an hour?

The primary protagonist of "The Story of an Hour" is Mrs. Louise Mallard. "Young, with a fair, tranquil face, whose lines indicated constraint and even a certain firmness," writes Chopin of Louise. a lady who feels stifled and bound by her marriage.

The women in this tale are shown as the property of a patriarchal society. Mrs. Louise Mallard was imprisoned by her husband's oppressive control despite having a strong preference for freedom. She is a strong woman who decided she didn't want a man to help her achieve all of her goals when her spouse passed away.

Learn more about the story of an hour here:


Which verb completes the sentence?

The price index has _______ two points this month.




The price index has ____rise___ two points this month.


please mark me brainliest

39. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
A. The issue was upsetting; the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.
B. The issue was upsetting: the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.
C. The issue was upsetting the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.
D. The issue was upsetting, the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.



A. The issue was upsetting; the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.

Please anyone help me???


1. African 2. love
those are the answers


4. African tradition

5. love songs

When you find information that is not relevant to your main research question or supporting questions, what should you do?

А. do more research on that topic
B. disregard the information
C. include the information in your research notes



B Disregard the information.

We choose to disregard the information as to save time and energy. Since the information we gathered is totally unrelated(we can say that because it's not in the supporting questions also), we can as well as disregard it and proceed.

two/ There are/ beautiful/,/ chairs/ old,/ Italian/ for sale/./



there are two old beautiful Italian chairs for sale


Suppose you are in a shopping complex. You want to buy a T-shirt. You are bargaining with the sales woman for the price. Compose a conversation between you and the sales woman.​


In this example SW means sales women, and M means me

SW: the price is twenty dollars for the shirt.

M: How can it be twenty dollars? It’s from last season!

SW: Unfortunately the price is firm.

M: I’m sure you can take a few bucks off?

SW: I would love to help you but it’s against store policy.

M: Is there a coupon I could use?

SW: not that I know of?

M: Hmmm, if I buy three will you give me thirty percent off?

SW: I guess that seems fair.

M: Yay, thank you.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

underline the subject.
five ducks waddled across the road​





the ducks are the subject

Subject = Five ducks

Predicate = waddled across the road

Hope this answer helps you..!!

What did the show say about the origin of the stone balls?

a. They could have occurred naturally. b. It’s certain that they were man-made. c. It’s possible they were part of a building.



b. It’s certain that they were man-made.

The statement that described what the show said about the origin of the stone ball is this: It's certain that they were man-made.

What is a Show?

A show can be described as a spectacle or display that is typically carried out to impress an individual or an audience. It can be seen as a play or stage drama carried out in front of an audience.

In the passage, the show described a number of things. One of the descriptions it gave regarding the stone balls was that they were man-made.

Learn more about Shows here:

4) Write an email to your friend about the Colombo International Book Fair to be organized next week at the BMICH. Invite him/her to visit that exhibition. Use about 75-100 words.


The Email is written as under

Dear Jane,

Hope you are doing well, I have been viewing the upcoming events and have come to know about an event in which I am interested and I hope you will be interested in this event too.

The Colombo International Book Fair is to be organised next week at the BMICH. The Book Fair is a complete day event, starting from morning till night so everyone can visit with their ease. I will be there at 9:00 A.M so that I can get the most out of the Book Fair exhibition.

I hope you will also come there.


Find more at

Identify the sentence using the indicated pronoun correctly.
an indefinite pronoun as an antecedent of a possessive pronoun
Everyone forgot their book.
Everyone forgot his book.






Everyone forgot his book.

Explanation: It's an indefinite pronoun as an antecedent of a possessive pronoun. Also, I know the answer is correct. :D

Where do you usually find "YIELD RIGHT OF WAY" signs posted?
At school crossing zones.
Yield signs are usually placed where auxiliary roads lead into major roads.
Near fire stations.



Yield signs are usually placed where auxiliary roads lead into major roads


Yield signs are usually placed where auxiliary roads lead into major roads. Therefore, the correct option is option C.

The application of right-of-way laws establishes who has the right-of-way and who must stop. In some instances, a driver must cede the right of way to a different vehicle or a pedestrian in accordance with traffic signs or signals. Other times, a motorist may be required by New York traffic rules to give way to other vehicles. For instance, a vehicle must yield to the traffic that is already in an intersection when they are approaching it. When a car slows down or stops to let a bike, pedestrian, or other vehicle pass, they must cede the right of way.

Therefore, the correct option is option C.

To know more about yield right of way, here:


my father said to me may pass your SLC exam in distinction into indirect speech​



I was told by my father to pass my SLC exam in distinction.

To remember details when reading you should ______ .
1. scan
2. outline
3. skim
4. read slowly


It should be outline

To remember details when reading you should read slowly. is the correct answer

In nonfiction, which of the following is a reason to start a new paragraph?

When comparing things.
B. When giving a different point of view.
C. All of these
D. When starting a new topic.



C. All of these

The answer is C. All of these

Now, write a comparison of the rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking. In your analysis, explain how the two speakers use similar or different strategies to achieve their purposes. Include your paragraph from Part B and the information you included in the table in Part C. Be sure to include textual evidence and commentary in your response.

TIP: If needed, review these writing strategies.

Answer: PLATO
In two speeches, delivered 150 years apart, two activists use rhetoric to advocate for basic human dignity. Here is how their rhetorical strategies compare.

Stanton’s Logos Appeal. In “A Plea for the Oppressed,” Lucy Stanton’s purpose is to convince her audience that the fight to end to slavery is their fight. One of most effective parts of her speech is her logos appeal to reformers in the audience, such as those in the peace movement. She connects their cause to the cause of abolition in a powerful extended metaphor that begins, “Slavery is the combination of all crime. It is War.” Showing the logical connection between war and slavery makes it difficult for peace activists to fail to support abolition.

Lewis’s Ethos Appeal. Representative John Lewis’s purpose in his speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking is to remind the nation that King’s work is unfinished. His primary appeal is ethos. He is able to make this appeal by drawing on his position as a popular representative, a leader of the civil rights movement, and a personal friend of Martin Luther King’s. In a series of parallel phrases, Lewis establishes that he and King were very close. The anecdote Lewis recalls about being a teenager in the segregated South, and the impact of hearing King on the radio, adds a strong emotional appeal to the ethical one as Lewis calls for the next generation to carry on King’s legacy. He is uniquely qualified to commemorate King.

The different appeals each speaker emphasizes reflects their status. Stanton was young graduate, and Lewis was a revered politician. Both weave all three appeals into their speeches, but only Lewis can lean heavily on the ethical appeal.


Hi. A comparison between two speeches should be made through your personal perception and your interpretation between the two speeches. In that case, I can't write a comparison of the two articles for you, but I can show you how to write one and that's what I'm going to do below.

The first step for you to write this comparison is to read the two speeches and understand their main theme. Stanton's speech refers to how the struggle for slavery must be a struggle of all citizens, while Lewis's speech refers to how the struggle for civil rights, initiated by King, is not yet over.

In your comparison, you should observe how these two themes are developed and presented by each author and what strategies they use to convince the public to support their positions.

These strategies and how you can see them are described below:

Pathos: The author stimulates the public's sentimentality, pointing out emotional issues that arouse the public's sensitivity to the subject.Ethos: The author encourages the public's ethical sense, pointing out issues related to ethics, politics and morals within society.Logos: The author stimulates logic, presenting questions that stimulate logical thinking and deductive and inductive reasoning throughout the audience.

You can find more information about this at the link below:

In comparing the rhetoric of Stanton's "A Plea for the Oppressed" and Lewis's speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking, it is evident that both speakers use various rhetorical strategies to achieve their purposes.

Stanton employs a strong logos appeal in her speech, aiming to convince her audience that the fight against slavery is interconnected with other reform movements, particularly the peace movement. She uses an extended metaphor, equating slavery with war, to logically connect these causes, making it difficult for peace activists not to support abolition.

On the other hand, Lewis's speech primarily relies on an ethos appeal. He positions himself as a respected representative, a leader of the civil rights movement, and a close personal friend of Martin Luther King. By establishing this ethical authority, Lewis effectively emphasizes the importance of continuing King's work and ensuring that his legacy is carried on by the next generation. Furthermore, Lewis adds an emotional appeal by recounting a personal anecdote of hearing King on the radio during his teenage years in the segregated South, further connecting himself and his audience to King's message.

The different appeals each speaker emphasizes can be attributed to their respective statuses. Stanton was a young graduate, whereas Lewis was a revered politician and civil rights leader. While both speakers use a combination of all three appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos) in their speeches, Lewis can lean more heavily on the ethical appeal due to his prominent position and personal connection to Martin Luther King.

To know more about PLATO here


writing a poem with don't



Poem with don't


When the roses wilt

When the sky clouds

When the day ends

When darkness comes

Whispers are heard

Don't explore

Don't wonder

And thats what they said to her

For that was never the solution.

As she faced the whispers

Everyone's words washed away.

When she faced the whispers

She never had anything else to say

Roxan and her friends ........sweeping
A) will B) can C) is D) are​



Answer is D) are


Roxan and her friends form a plural noun. plural verbs follow plural nouns

mention the factora that determine the choice of medium of communication seven point​



Nature of Message




Scale of Organisation

Supporting Technology




I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me!

in this sentence uses making a appeal to:

A. intellect

B. common sense

C. emotion

D. logic



C. Emotion


He uses keywords: Cried, and Grief

Sounds emotional to me. And I’m a mother.

Explain how the theme river is personified.
[westminster bridge poem] ​



The name of the river mentioned in the poem “Upon Westminster Bridge” is river Thames which flows through the city of London. The poet William Wordsworth personifies the river Thames and refers to it as 'his'. ... The natural flow of the river remains unhindered. Thus, it flows freely and at its own 'sweet will'.

What is one example of prose?



Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.


To write prose, you need words and phrases that create sentences and paragraphs. Prose works use language that flows naturally in common speech patterns. Prose is the most popular style of writing in both fiction and non-fiction.

The example  is from the book  "To Kill a Mockingbird"

What is the best way to describe "sometimes" in the following sentence? "She sometimes returns her books late."
A. A when adverb modifying a verb
B. A how often adverb modifying a verb
C. A how often adverb modifying an adverb
D. A when adverb modifying an adverb



B)  how often adverb modifying a verb


In the sentence, "She sometimes returns her books late." the adverb "sometimes" describes how often the "verb" happens so it is rightful to say that the adverb talks about the frequency of the action. On the other hand, the other choices provided are inappropriate to describe the scenario and the construction of the sentence.

When it comes to smart alarms, Alexa is the best choice since it is a smart alarm that includes a variety of features such as video calls and multiple alarms, as well as face identification, which needs you to check in to ensure that you are awake. The second choice is a low-priced alternative. It is, on the other hand, not a reliable source. The final solution generates a huge lot of noise, but it is a fantastic solution in every way. However, when it comes to the conditions stated above, it does not perform as well as the first option does.



The new Echo is a big change in aesthetics and design for the Echo line. The new spherical shape is wider and shorter than previous Echo versions, and now focus sound in one primary direction instead of 360 degrees. Echo is the perfect smart alarm clock for your bedroom. The Echo sets itself apart with its design. It’s by far the cutest-looking Echo device, in stark contrast to the angular, blocky, and rather unattractive design of other clocks on the market. One of its big selling points is the ability to use it for video calling. It also works well in testing. The image is clear, the sound is good, and you can easily see the person you’re calling and your own image on the Echo's display.

You can also use voice commands to control it and talk to Alexa, a voice assistant. Alexa on the Echo is capable of many things. It can play music, answer questions, control smart home gadgets, set timers and alarms, and more. Furthermore, Echo is also a low-priced and highly functional alternative to alarm clocks. This makes it an attention grabber as most individuals are looking for ways to spend less money while getting the best quality item. However, on the other hand, it's not as much of a reliable source as it is being advertised. The smart alarm generates a huge lot of noise, but besides that, it is a fantastic solution in every way.

Hope this helped :) Please mark it the brainliest.  


    An intelligent home alarm system is distinguished by its capacity to perform a wide range of functions, including video conferencing and the transmission of multiple alerts, among other things. It is an excellent choice since, as a consequence of its face recognition technology, it requires you to check in with it every few minutes in order to demonstrate your continued presence. When cost is taken into consideration, the second option is a more cheap alternative to the first, which is a more expensive alternative when value is taken into consideration.

    Rather than providing accurate and up-to-date information, it is intentionally misleading and deceptive, and as such, it should not be relied upon as a source of information. As a result of selecting the best overall solution from a pool of numerous candidates, a good solution that generates a significant amount of noise is selected as the best overall solution from a pool of many candidates before being selected as the best overall solution. As will be seen in the following sections, when the aforementioned circumstances are taken into consideration, only the first of the three criteria, which is the most important, is entirely satisfied.

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