Talbot Industries is considering launching a new product. The new manufacturing equipment will cost $20 million, and production and sales will require an initial $3 million investment in net operating working capital. The company's tax rate is 35%. What is the initial investment outlay


Answer 1


the initial investment outlay is $23,000,000


The computation of the initial investment outlay is given below:

Initial Investment Outlay = New Equipment Cost + Requirement of Working Capital

= $20,000,000 + $3,000,000

= $23,000,000

hence, the initial investment outlay is $23,000,000

We simply added the above two items

Related Questions

Assume, for this question only, the following: During the negotiations Juan guaranteed Sarita that the business had turned a profit in each of the past 5 years. Actually, it lost money in each of those years, although Juan did not know that. When Juan made the statement about the business's profitability, however, Sarita was conferring with her attorney and did not hear it. Her friend Harry, who was observing the negotiations, heard Juan's statement. Before long, when Sarita realizes what a bad deal she's made, she laments the fact to Harry. When Harry inquires how a business that had been profitable under Juan was suddenly losing money, Sarita is confused. They finally realize that Harry heard Juan's misstatement about the business's profitability and Sarita did not. Even so, Sarita is thrilled. With Harry as her key witness, she seeks to rescind the sale agreement claiming innocent misrepresentation. Which of the following is true?
A. Rescission, because Juan intended to defraud Sarita.
B. No rescission, because Juan's claims of the business's profitability would not have been material to Sarita if she had heard them.
C. No rescission, because Juan lacked sufficient knowledge of the false nature of his statement and did not intend to trick Sarita.
D. Rescission, because Juan's claims of the business's profitability would have been material to Sarita if she had heard them. E. No rescission, because Sarita did not actually rely on Juan's false statement about the business's profitability.



The true statement about this case is:

D. Rescission, because Juan's claims of the business's profitability would have been material to Sarita if she had heard them.


Though Juan was unaware that the statement was false at the time the contract was signed, the remedy is recession since no damage has been sustained by the other party.  The false statement borders on negligent misrepresentation because Juan was supposed to be aware of the company's profitability by investigating the material fact.  While it is not clear if reliance was placed on the statement when the contract was signed, the fact remains that there was a negligent misrepresentation.

A company like Motorola might establish a goal of reducing its inventory by 50 percent over the next year. To ensure that it reaches this goal, the company could monitor its progress on a quarterly or monthly basis. If the managers at Motorola discover that there is a danger of not achieving this goal, they can take corrective action to adjust for the deficiency. This is a description of the managers' ____ function.



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Super Garage was started on June 1 by Mr. Peter Thomson . A summary of June transactions

is presented below.

June 1. Invested $25,000 cash to start the garage.

2. Purchased repair equipment for $5,000 cash.

4. Paid $500 cash for the space rent.

4. Hired an employee

5. Paid $700 for a one-year fire insurance policy.

6. Received $10000 in cash from customers for repair service.

10. Provided repair service on account to customers $1750.

21. Collected cash of $5000 for services provided on June 6.

27. Withdrew $1,000 cash for personal use.

30. Paid employee salaries $3,000.

30. Received an electricity bills $170.


i. Journalize the transactions

ii. Post and balance the transactions to ledger accounts


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On its December 31, 2017, balance sheet, Calgary Industries reports equipment of $470,000 and accumulated depreciation of $94,000. During 2018, the company plans to purchase additional equipment costing $100,000 and expects depreciation expense of $40,000. Additionally, it plans to dispose of equipment that originally cost $52,000 and had accumulated depreciation of $7,600. The balances for equipment and accumulated depreciation, respectively, on the December 31, 2018 budgeted balance sheet are:



The cost balance on 31 December 2018 is $518,000 while that of accumulated depreciation is $126,400


The balance of fixed assets is computed as

Opening balance - accumulated depreciation - depreciation + Addition - Disposal

Hence given that on December 31, 2017, Calgary Industries reports equipment of $470,000 and accumulated depreciation of $94,000. During 2018, the company plans to purchase additional equipment costing $100,000 and expects depreciation expense of $40,000, Additionally, it plans to dispose of equipment that originally cost $52,000 and had accumulated depreciation of $7,600 the balance then

= $470,000 + $100,000 - $52,000

= $518,000

The accumulated depreciation

= $94,000 + $40,000 - $7,600

= $126,400

Bombs Away Video Games Corporation has forecasted the following monthly sales:

January $113,000 July $58,000
February 106,000 August 58,000
March 38,000 September 68,000
April 38,000 October 98,000
May 33,000 November 118,000
June 48,000 December 136,000

Bombs Away Video Games sells the popular Strafe and Capture video game. It sells for $5 per unit and costs $2 per unit to produce. A level production policy is followed. Each month's production is equal to annual sales (in units) divided by 12. Of each month's sales, 40 percent are for cash and 60 percent are on account. All accounts receivable are collected in the month after the sale is made.

Construct a monthly production and inventory schedule in units. Beginning inventory in January is 38,000 units.



Bombs Away Video Games Corporation

Production and Inventory Schedule

                Sales Units Production units Ending Units

Beginning inventory                                      38,000

January           22,600        15,200               30,600

February          21,200        15,200               24,600

March                7,600        15,200                  1,800

April                   7,600        15,200                9,400  

May                   6,600        15,200               18,000

June                 9,600        15,200              23,600

July                  11,600        15,200              27,200

August            11,600        15,200               30,800

September    13,600        15,200               32,400

October        19,600        15,200               28,000

November   23,600        15,200                19,600

December   27,200        15,200                 7,600


a) data and Calculations:

Sales Budget ($'000)  Sales Units Production units Ending Units

Beginning inventory                          38,000

January        $113,000    22,600       15,200                30,600

February       106,000     21,200       15,200                24,600

March             38,000       7,600       15,200                   1,800

April                38,000       7,600       15,200                  9,400  

May                33,000       6,600       15,200                 18,000

June              48,000       9,600       15,200                23,600

July               58,000       11,600       15,200                27,200

August          58,000      11,600       15,200                30,800

September   68,000     13,600       15,200                32,400

October        98,000    19,600       15,200                28,000

November   118,000    23,600       15,200                19,600

December  136,000    27,200       15,200                 7,600

Total                            182,400    182,400                

Dilts Company has a unit selling price of $400, unit variable costs of $250, and fixed costs of $210,000. Compute the break-even point in units using (a) the mathematical equation and (b) unit contribution margin.



(a) Break-even point in units using the mathematical equation = 1,400 units

(b) Break-even point in units using unit contribution margin = 1,400 units


(a) Break-even point in units using the mathematical equation

Break-even point in units using the mathematical equation = Fixed costs / (Unit selling price - Unit variable costs) …………….. (1)

Substituting the relevant values into equation (1), we have:

Break-even point in units using the mathematical equation = $210,000 / ($400 - $250) = 1,400 units

(b) Break-even point in units using unit contribution margin

Unit contribution margin = Unit selling price - Unit variable costs = $400 - $250 = $150

Therefore, we have:

Break-even point in units using unit contribution margin = Fixed costs / Unit contribution margin = = $210,000 / $50 = 1,400 units

Explain how the hotel business could create added value to the goods they buy in?



Well-designed rooms, attractive and comfortable appliances, well-dressed and respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and delightful food made by experienced chefs.


Guests will feel more welcomed to a clean and comfortable hotel. Respectful assistants, good quality entertainment equipment, and food made by experienced chefs can boost the morale of guests.

A consumer's weekly income is $250, and the consumer buys 12 bars of chocolate per week. When weekly income increases to $280, the consumer buys 13 bars per week. The income elasticity of demand for chocolate by this consumer is about





Given that we have the formula for calculating income elasticity of demand as the percent change in quantity demanded divided by the percent change in income, hence, we have the percent change in quantity demanded => 13 - 12 = 1 ÷ 12 = 0.083

the percent change in income => 280 - 250 = 30 ÷ 250 = 0.12

Therefore we have => 0.083 ÷ 0.12 = 0.69

Hence, the final answer is 0.69

The following data apply to Elizabeth's Electrical Equipment:
Value of operations $20,000
Short-term investments $1,000
Debt $6,000
Number of shares 300
The company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock. What will the intrinsic per share stock price be immediately after the repurchase?





Calculation to determine the intrinsic per share stock price be immediately after the repurchase

First step

Total Assets=Value of operations of 20,000+ Short term investments of 1000

Total Assets=$21,000

Second step

Equity =Assets - Debt

Equity= $21,000-$6,000

Equity= $15,000

Now let determine the intrinsic per share stock price

Intrinsic per share stock price=$15,000/300

Intrinsic per share stock price=$50

Therefore the Intrinsic value per share will be $50 immediately after the repurchase has occured.

The intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase would be approximately $166,716.67

How did we get the value?

To determine the intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase, we need to calculate the new number of shares outstanding after the repurchase and then divide the remaining value of operations by the new number of shares.

Given data:

Value of operations: $20,000

Short-term investments: $1,000

Debt: $6,000

Number of shares: 300

First, we need to calculate the new number of shares outstanding after the repurchase. Since the company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock, we can use this information to determine the number of shares repurchased.

The value of operations ($20,000) plus the short-term investments ($1,000) minus the debt ($6,000) gives us the total equity value of the company before the repurchase:

Equity value before repurchase = Value of operations + Short-term investments - Debt

= $20,000 + $1,000 - $6,000

= $15,000

Let's assume the repurchased shares are denoted by R.

Now, we can set up an equation to represent the total equity value after the repurchase:

Equity value after repurchase = (Number of shares - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price

Given that the total equity value after the repurchase is $15,000 and the number of shares is 300, we have:

$15,000 = (300 - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price

We also know that the company plans on distributing $50 million by repurchasing stock, so we can set up another equation to represent the total value of the repurchased shares:

Total value of repurchased shares = R × Intrinsic per share stock price

Given that the total value of repurchased shares is $50 million, we have:

$50,000,000 = R × Intrinsic per share stock price

Now we can solve these two equations simultaneously to find the values of R (repurchased shares) and Intrinsic per share stock price.

We have the following system of equations:

$15,000 = (300 - R) × Intrinsic per share stock price ...(1)

$50,000,000 = R × Intrinsic per share stock price ...(2)

Divide equation (2) by Intrinsic per share stock price:

$50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price = R

Substitute this value of R into equation (1):

$15,000 = (300 - ($50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price)) × Intrinsic per share stock price


$15,000 = 300 × Intrinsic per share stock price - (50,000,000 / Intrinsic per share stock price) × Intrinsic per share stock price

$15,000 = 300 × Intrinsic per share stock price - 50,000,000

Rearrange the equation:

300 × Intrinsic per share stock price = $15,000 + $50,000,000

300 × Intrinsic per share stock price = $50,015,000

Intrinsic per share stock price = $50,015,000 / 300

Intrinsic per share stock price = $166,716.67 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the intrinsic per share stock price immediately after the repurchase would be approximately $166,716.67.

learn more about stock price: https://brainly.com/question/26128641


the gap between 'where we are now' and 'where we want to be' is known as the.....​



Planning gap.


Planning can be defined as the process of developing organizational objectives and translating them into action plans or courses of action.

This ultimately implies that, planning is a strategic technique used by organizations to make an aggregate plan for its manufacturing (production) process typically ahead of time, in order to have an idea of the level of goods that are to be produced and what resources are required so as to reduce the total cost of production to its barest minimum.

The planning gap can be defined as the gap between "where we are now?" and "where we want to be?"

Basically, "where are we now?" describe the current situation of things or financial and non-financial activities that a business firm currently holds.

On the other hand, "where we want to be?" is a vision and mission statement that focuses on achieving the goals and objectives set for a business firm.

A firm sells its product in a perfectly competitive market where other firms charge a price of $110 per unit. The firm estimates its total costs as C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q2. a. How much output should the firm produce in the short run?


Answer: 24 units.


Price(P) = 110

C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q²

The output level will be gotten when price e equals to the marginal cost.

Since C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q², the marginal cost (MC) will be: 14 + 4Q.

Therefore, P = MC

110 = 14 + 4Q

4Q = 110 - 14

4Q = 96

Q = 96/4

Q = 24

In the short run, the firm will produce 24 units.

Haulsee Inc. builds 800,000 golf carts a year and purchases the electronic motors for these carts for $370 each. Ordering costs are $540, and Haulsee's inventory carrying costs average 14% of the inventory value.

What is the economic order quantity (EOQ) for Haulsee?





Calculation to determine the economic order quantity (EOQ) for Haulsee

Using this formula

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) =((2* Annual Requirement * Cost per order)/Carrying cost per unit)^ (1/2)

Let plug in the formula

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) = ((2*800,000*540)/(370*14%))^(1/2)

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) = 4,084 units

Therefore the economic order quantity (EOQ) for Haulsee is 4,084 units

Big Red Motors, Inc., employs 15 personnel to market its line of luxury automobiles. The average car sells for $75,000, and a 6 percent commission is paid to the salesperson. Big Red Motors is considering a change to the commission arrangement where the company would pay each salesperson a salary of $1,600 per mont plus a commission of 2 percent of the sales made by that salesperson. What is the amount of total monthly car sales at whit Big Red Motors would be indifferent as to which plan to select?


Answer: $600,000


The commission earned per car in the initial arrangement is:

= 6% * Total cars sales

With the second arrangement the amount spent would be:

= Salary of employees + commission

= (15 * 1,600) + (2% * total car sales)

= 24,000 + (2% * car sales)

Assuming total car sales is x, relevant expression is:

6% * x = 24,000 + (2% * x)

0.06x = 24,000 + 0.02x

0.06x - 0.02x = 24,000

0.04x = 24,000

x = 24,000 / 0.04

x = $600,000

A permanent flood control dam is expected to have an initial cost of $2.8 million and an annual upkeep cost of $20,000. In addition, minor reconstruction will be required every 5 years at a cost of $200,000. As a result of the dam, flood damage will be reduced by an average of $180,000 per year. Using an interest rate of 6% per year, the conventional B/C ratio will be closest to:





Present Value of annual Maintenance cost = $20,000 / 6% = $333,333.33

In five year time, $200,000  is required as major maintenance cost. So effective rate for 5 year = [(1 + 6%) ^ 5] - 1 = 1.3382 - 1 = 0.3382 = 33.82%. Present Value of 5 year cost = $200,000 / 33.82% = $200,000 / 0.3382 = $591,366.06

Total Present Value cost = $2,800,000 + $333,333.33 + $591,366.06 = $3,724,699.39.

Annual Cost = $3,724,699.39 * 6% = $223,481.96.

Benefit / Cost = $180,000 / $223,481.96

Benefit / Cost = 0.805434138845032

Benefit / Cost = 0.81

So, conventional  B/C ratio is 0.81.

During 2017, Benson purchased $1,450,000 of raw materials, incurred direct labor costs of $250,000, and incurred manufacturing overhead totaling $160,000. How much raw materials were transferred to production during 2017 for Benson



Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000


The computation of the raw material transferred to production is given below:

Opening raw material 2016 $80,000

Add : Purchase of Raw material $1,450,000

Less Closing Stock raw material 2017 $64,000

Raw Materials transferred to production during 2017 $1,466,000

Hence, the same should be relevant

Suppose real GDP is forecasted to grow by 1.881.88 %, the velocity of money has been stable, and the Fed announces an inflation target of 2.502.50 %. What is the largest money growth rate the Fed could implement and still achieve its inflation target


Answer: 4.38%


Use the Quantity Theory of Money to find the growth rat:


ΔMoney supply + ΔVelocity = ΔPrice level + ΔEconomic output or GDP

Velocity is stable so is 0.

ΔMoney supply + 0 = 2.50% + 1.88%

ΔMoney supply = 4.38%

Mr A is unemployed but he decides to move out the labor market to stay at home and enjoy the rest of his life by inheritance. Other things equal, the action will decrease the unemployment rate. True or false? and why





In general, the unemployment rate in the United States is obtained by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the number of persons in the labor force (employed or unemployed) and multiplying that figure by 100.

https://www.britannica.com › story

la·bor force

all the members of a particular organization or population who are able to work, viewed collectively.

"a firm with a labor force of one hundred people"


Definitions from Oxford Languages

Your father offers you a choice of $120,000 in 11 years or $48,500 today. Use Appendix B as an approximate answer, but calculate your final answer using the formula and financial calculator methods. a-1. If money is discounted at 11 percent, what is the present value of the $120,000





Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value can be calculated using a financial calculator

Cash flow in year 1 to 10 = 0

Cash flow in year 11 = $120,000

I = 11

PV = 38,074

To determine PV using a financial calculator take the following steps:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Given the choice, i would choose $48,500 today.

MC Qu. 101 The following information... The following information describes a company's usage of direct labor in a recent period. The direct labor rate variance is: Actual hours used 46,000 Actual rate per hour $ 16 Standard rate per hour $ 15 Standard hours for units produced 48,000



$46,000 Unfavorable


Calculation to determine what The direct labor rate variance is:

Using this formula

Direct labor rate variance = Actual hours * ( Actual Rate - Standard Rate)

Let plug in the formula

Direct labor rate variance=46000*($16- $15)

Direct labor rate variance=46,000*$1

Direct labor rate variance=$46,000 Unfavorable

Therefore The direct labor rate variance is: $46,000 Unfavorable

Identify whether each of the following statements best illustrates the concept of consumer surplus, producer surplus, or neither.
Statement Consumer Surplus Producer Surplus Neither
Even though I was willing to pay up to $83 for a watch, I bought a watch for only $75.
I sold a used textbook for $55, even though I was willing to go as low as $47 in order to sell it.
A local store was having a sale on sweaters, so I bought a jersey sweater for my brother.



Consumer surplus

producer surplus



Consumer surplus is the difference between the willingness to pay of a consumer and the price of the good.

Consumer surplus = willingness to pay – price of the good

The willingness to pay for the watch was $83 but the watch was bought for $75. There is a consumer surplus from the purchase

Producer surplus is the difference between the price of a good and the least price the seller is willing to sell the product

Producer surplus = price – least price the seller is willing to accept

The least price the seller was willing to accept for the purchase was $47 but he was paid $55 for the textbook. This is a producer surplus

Show Me How
Cost Flow Methods
The following three identical units of Item LO3V are purchased during April:
Item Beta
April 2
April 15
April 20
Average cost per unit
($816 + 3 units)
Assume that one unit is sold on April 27 for $345. Determine the gross profit for April and ending inventory on April 30 using the (a) first-in, first-out (FIFO); (b)
last-in, first-out (LIFO); and (c) weighted average cost method.
Gross Profit
Ending Inventory
a. First-In, first-out (FIFO)
b. Last-in, first-out (LIFO)
c. Weighted average cost



Cost Flow Methods

Gross profit and ending inventory on April 30 using:

                                                          Gross Profit     Ending Inventory

(a) first-in, first-out (FIFO)                     $75                   $546

(b) last-in, first-out (LIFO)                       $71                   $542

(c) weighted average cost method     $73                   $544


a) Data and Calculations:

Item Beta   Cost

April 2  Purchase   $270

April 15  Purchase   272

April 20  Purchase 274

Total                      $816

Average cost per unit = $272  ($816/ 3 units)

Assume that one unit is sold on April 27 for $345

Gross profit and ending inventory on April 30 using:

                                                          Gross Profit            Ending Inventory

(a) first-in, first-out (FIFO)                 $75 ($345 - $270)  $546 ($816 - $270)

(b) last-in, first-out (LIFO)                   $71 ($345 - $274)   $542 ($816 - $274)

(c) weighted average cost method $73 ($345 - $272)  $544 ($816 - $272)

Ending inventory = Cost of goods available for sale Minus Cost of goods sold

Gross profit = Sales Minus Cost of goods sold

Indentify two causes, a part from a increase in income, of an increase in demand for a product



Rise in price of subsitute product.

Fall in price of complementory product.

Increase in number of consumers.

MC Qu. 149 Trago Company manufactures... Trago Company manufactures a single product and has a JIT policy that ending inventory must equal 30% of the next month's sales. It estimates that May's ending inventory will consist of 85,500 units. June and July sales are estimated to be 285,000 and 295,000 units, respectively. Trago assigns variable overhead at a rate of $2.30 per unit of production. Fixed overhead equals $405,000 per month. Compute the number of units to be produced and use this amount to compute the total budgeted overhead that would appear on the factory overhead budget for the month of June.





The computation of the number of units and factory overhead is given below:

units to be produced in june is  

= ending inventory + sales - beginning inventory

= (30% of 295000) + 285000 - 85500

= 288000 Units


Overheads budgeted for june

= variable overheads + fixed overheads

= (288000 × 2.3) + 405000

= 662400+405000

= $1067400

Watermelon, Inc. provides the following data: 20X9 20X8 Cash $41,000 $25,000 Accounts Receivable, Net 102,000 62,000 Merchandise Inventory 72,000 50,000 Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net 181,000 120,000 Total Assets $396,000 $257,000 Additional information for the year ending December 31, 20X9: Net Credit Sales $550,000 Cost of Goods Sold 150,000 Interest Expense 25,000 Net Income 181,000 Calculate the rate of return on total assets for 20X9.



the rate of return on total assets is 63.09%


The calculation of the rate of return on total assets is shown below:

Return on total Asset is

= {(Net Income + Interest Expense) ÷ Average Total assets} × 100

= {($181,000 + $25,000) ÷ ($396,000 + $257,000) ÷ 2} × 100

= $206,000 ÷ $326,500 × 100

= 63.09%

Hence, the rate of return on total assets is 63.09%

Paige Company estimates that unit sales will be 10,700 in quarter 1, 12,400 in quarter 2, 14,600 in quarter 3, and 18,700 in quarter 4. Using a sales price of $83 per unit. Prepare the sales budget by quarters for the year ending December 31, 2017.



From the attached excel file, we have:

Quarter 1 Sales Value = $888,100

Quarter 2 Sales Value = $1,029,200

Quarter 3 Sales Value = $1,211,800

Quarter 4 Sales Value = $1,552,100

Year = $4,681,200


Note: See the attached excel file for the the sales budget by quarters for the year ending December 31, 2017.

From the attached excel file, we have:

Quarter 1 Sales Value = $888,100

Quarter 2 Sales Value = $1,029,200

Quarter 3 Sales Value = $1,211,800

Quarter 4 Sales Value = $1,552,100

Year = $4,681,200

The WRT Corporation makes collections on sales according to the following schedule:
25% in month of sale
65% in month following sale
5% in second month following sale
5% uncollectible
The following sales have been budgeted:
April $120,000
May $100,000
June $110,000
Budgeted cash collections in June would be:_____.
a. $27,500.
b. $98,500.
c. $71,000.
d. $115,500.



Total cash collection June= $98,500


Giving the following information:

25% in month of sale

65% in month following sale

5% in second month following sale

5% uncollectible

The following sales have been budgeted:


April $120,000

May $100,000

June $110,000

Cash collection June:

Cash collection from June= 110,000*0.25= 27,500

Cash collection from May= 100,000*0.65= 65,000

Cash collection from April= 120,000*0.05= 6,000

Total cash collection June= $98,500

The closer the smoothing constant, ALPHA, is to 0 the greater the reaction to the most recent demand the greater the dampening, or smoothing, effect the more accurate the forecast will be the less accurate the forecast will be


Answer: the greater the dampening, or smoothing effect


The smoothing constant determines the level at which a forecast is influenced by previous observations. It simply determine the sensitivity of forecasts with regards to the changes in demand.

It should be noted that large values of α will lead to a scenario whereby forecasts will be more responsive to the more recent levels. On the other hand, the smaller values will result in a damping effect. Therefore, the closer the smoothing constant to α, the greater the dampening, or smoothing effect.

The government sector balance is equal to net taxes​ ________ government expenditure on goods and services. If that number is​ ________, a government sector surplus is lent to other​ sectors; if that number is​ ________, borrowing from other sectors must finance a government deficit.







The government sector balance is income from taxes less government spending

Government sector deficit occurs when government spending exceeds income of the government.

When deficit increases, debt increases. This is because a deficit would need to be funded by additional borrowing

When there is a surplus, government spending is less than the income of the government. Government is able to lend to other sectors

MC Qu. 133 Cahuilla Corporation predicts... Cahuilla Corporation predicts the following sales in units for the coming four months: April May June July Sales in Units380 420 440 380 Each month's ending Finished Goods Inventory should be 40% of the next month's sales. March 31 Finished Goods inventory is 152 units. A finished unit requires 5 pounds of direct material B at a cost of $2.00 per pound. The March 31 Raw Materials Inventory has 230 pounds of B. Each month's ending Raw Materials Inventory should be 30% of the following month's production needs. The budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B during May should be:





Calculation to determine what The budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B during May should be:

For the month of APRIL

Units required to be produced in April = Units required to be sold April - Opening Inventory 40% of Sales of May

Units required to be produced in April= 380 - 152 + (420 * 40%)

Units required to be produced in April=380-152+168

Units required to be produced in April= 336 units

Total units of raw material to be purchased =336 *5 pounds

Total units of raw material to be purchased= 1,680 pounds

Now for the month of MAY

First step is to calculate May Units required to be produced in May using this formula

Using this formula

Units required to be produced in May = Sales for the month - Opening Inventory + % of Sales of June

Let plug in the formula

Units required to be produced in May= 420 -(420 * 40%) + (440 * 40%)

Units required to be produced in May= 420 -168+176

Units required to be produced in May= 428

Second step is to calculate the Total units of raw material to be purchased

Total units of raw material to be purchased = 428*5 pounds

Total units of raw material to be purchased = 2,140 pounds

Now let determine the budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B

Purchase cost for the month = $2,140 * $2.00 per pound.

Purchase cost for the month= $4,280

Therefore The budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B during May should be:$4,280

At year-end (December 31), Chan Company estimates its bad debts as 0.30% of its annual credit sales of $896,000. Chan records its Bad Debts Expense for that estimate. On the following February 1, Chan decides that the $448 account of P. Park is uncollectible and writes it off as a bad debt. On June 5, Park unexpectedly pays the amount previously written off. Prepare Chan's journal entries for the transactions.




Dec 31:

Debit Bad debts expense = 0.003 × $896000 = $2688

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts = $2688

February 1:

Debit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

June 5:

Debit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

Credit Allowance for doubtful accounts $448

June 5:

Debit Cash $448

Credit Accounts receivable—P. Park $448

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