The assertion that Non Formal institutions have no role to play at the PROCESSING STAGE of the System theory is an empty rhetoric. Comment.


Answer 1


A statement is characterized as empty-rhetoric when it aims to persuade the readers regarding a hollow claim without any supporting evidence to support or substantiate them. Such premises fail to gain readers' acceptance and rather face ignorance from them.

The given assertion would be categorized under 'empty rhetoric' because it proposes a false premise that 'Non-Formal Institutions do not have a play in the system's processing stage.' The readers are well aware of the crucial and significant role that non-formal institutions play in the theory, framework, and producing the restrictive components of a community. Thus, the statement does not possess validity as it can neither relate to the audience nor offers required evidence to allow the readers to think about it differently.

Related Questions

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said





Anyone could be leaning forward toward the speaker but be distracted and I believe if you're paying attention to the speaker, you would ask questions to make sure you're understanding what they are speaking

Why Is Nepal divided into 77districts​



Nepal is divided into 77 districts because lot of population is increasing day by day and they are living in a single district among them and calling various names of district.

simple meaning of social rituals .​



the habitual activities that structure the lives of communities and groups.


(hope you like it)


Social practices, rituals and festive events are habitual activities that structure the lives of communities and groups and that are shared by and relevant to many of their members. ... Rituals and festive events often take place at special times and places and remind a community of aspects of its worldview and history.

Đường Phillips ngắn hạn thể hiện:



Đường cong Phillips biểu thị quan hệ giữa tỷ lệ thất nghiệp và tỷ lệ lạm phát hoặc giữa tỷ lệ thất nghiệp và tốc độ tăng trưởng GDP. 

2. What weakness and what strength is coronavirus exposing our society ?
Please someone’s answer this question for me I have teen court I need help please or I’m going back to court next week


Th el weakness is that people are dying and the strength is that we’re staying safe and now wit strict rules by the president and government

3) Read the following cases and classify them as behavioral, cognitive or social learning theory and give a brief justification for your answer
a. Suppose a one-year old child is playing with a toy near an electric out-let. He sticks part of the toy into the out-let. He gets shocked, becomes frightened, and begins to cry. For several days after that experience, he shows fear when his mother gives him the toy and he refuses to play with it. (3 points)
b. Every time the wife makes her husband's favorite dish, he gets into a good mood and takes her out for a romantic evening. (3 points)
c. When the first kid starts crying because of the pain of the needle piercing through his/her body, all kids down the line start to cry and eventually, every kid on the line is crying even before they see the needle because they associate it with an illness. (3 points)


The correct theory for scenario A is Cognitive Learning theory.

The correct theory for scenario B is Behavioral Learning theory.

The correct theory for scenario C is Social Learning theory.

Cognitive learning theory focuses on the mental thoughts that go through an individual's mind and how they are affected by both internal and external factors. The one-year-old child has fear ingrained in his mind even after some days have passed because of his external experiences.

Behavioral learning theory is based on the idea that people learn through interaction with their environments. Positive and Negative reinforcements play additional roles for they can motivate or water down a person's desire to continue a particular act. We see this learning theory in the second scenario where the husband positively reinforces his wife's act by taking her out. This will motivate the woman to repeat the act.

The Social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura is based on the fact that people tend to learn by observing the behaviors, attitudes, and emotional responses of others. In the third scenario, all the kids in the line started crying because they learned through observation that the needle was painful.

Conclusively, cognitive, behavioral, and social learning theories apply to scenarios A, B, and C respectively.

Learn more about the learning theories here:

make a list of difficulties in the absence of local goverment in the country​


abscene means no , and goverment is bad so no bad syuff in usa

responsible citizens are expected to vote in government elections . Give two reasons why young people should also vote​



Young people should also vote so that the government can have their opinions in electing the next leader of the country


Young people should vote because there would be a higher chance for different candidates to win and also there would be a more diverse political spectrum.

name at least 4 reasons why someone from Middle Europe would not want to move to the USA. You can use countries like Germany for comparisons.​



low population of People


pollution of environment

the assertion that non-formal institution have no role to play at the processing stage of the system theory is an empty rhetoric



The assertion lacks defenses and because of that it is empty


because since the non formal institution has a greater role in the processing stage of system theory

Research indicates that television advertisements show


Answer: a product that they want you to buy


Which of the following is an example of a good?
O cell phone reception
O books
O hoube cleaning
O medical attention


Books is the correct answer

poetry on Bharat ka Amrit Mahotsav 2021​


As per the plan, various events like self-composed poem recitation to special lectures and webinars besides competitions like poster making, quiz, debate and on-the-spot speech

would be organised for the students. These would be held in online and offline modes while strictly adhering to the set C-19 protocol,” said AU PRO Jaya Kapoor.

When we are considering AU and are thinking about how the utility gained by the majority could outweigh the disutility suffered by the minority, we are talking about a problem that deals with justice and human rights.
A. True
B. False



B. False


Act Utilitarianism(AU) refers to ethical utility theory which is based on satisfaction or gain to the most people. In other words, if an action or inaction brings happiness to the largest amount of people possible(doesn't necessarily have to be everyone) then it is considered morally right. Therefore, while this theory is morally focused, satisfaction does not necessarily need to be about justice or human rights. For instance, it could be about giving generously to the greatest number of people.

tại sao tại thời điểm học môn Thuế vụ thì THÔNG TƯ SỐ 156/2013/TT-BTC ngày 06/11/2013 HƯỚNG DẪN THI HÀNH MỘT SỐ ĐIỀU CỦA LUẬT QUẢN LÝ THUẾ; LUẬT SỬA ĐỔI, BỔ SUNG MỘT SỐ ĐIỀU CỦA LUẬT QUẢN LÝ THUẾ VÀ NGHỊ ĐỊNH SỐ 83/2013/NĐ-CP NGÀY 22/7/2013 CỦA CHÍNH PHỦ và các Thông tư sửa đổi, bổ sung Thông tư này đang xảy ra tình trạng gì, vậy để giải quyết các vấn đề về quản lý Thuế, áp dụng Văn bản quy phạm pháp luật nào? (Giới hạn: nghiên cứu Luật Quản lý Thuế, các văn bản dước Luật và Luật ban hành văn bản quy phạm pháp luật để giải thích).
Thanks alot!





Que es seguridad ciudadana


Respuesta corta: Acciones dirigidas para garantizar protección de los ciudadanos.


La seguridad ciudadana es un concepto que se refiere a las acciones dirigidas para garantizar la protección universal de los ciudadanos. En especial, la seguridad ciudadana se enfoca en evitar todo tipo de delitos violentos relacionados con la inseguridad, la violencia, la guerra, los disturbios, con el propósito de garantizar derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos como la vida, libertad y propiedad privada. Un ejemplo de la seguridad ciudadana es la vigilancia constante de la policía en las calles para evitar que se comentan delitos.

As director of a positive youth development program working with teens who have been expelled from school for violent behavior, what would be the main focus of your staff's activities


The main focus of the activities of my staff will be on how teens can have acceptable behaviors which can be used for nation building and how they can contribute positively to the nation.

Youths will be engaged in several programs within the community. These programs will recognize their strengths,  and help shape them for the future.

Youths will be taught about the importance of good behaviors and the negative effects of bad behavior in the society to enable them understand that only good behavior are essential for their development as an individual and as a nation as a whole.

Read related question on:

Chủ nghĩa tư bản độc quyền ra đời sẽ:
A. Thủ tiêu cạnh tranh
B. Cạnh tranh trở nên gay gắt hơn
C. Xóa bỏ mâu thuẫn giữa lực lượng sản xuất và quan hệ sản xuất trong chủ nghĩa tư bản
D. Xóa bỏ khủng hoảng kinh tế



ask in English then I can help u

Which of the following statements would be true about parties in the government?

A. All members of the parties in the government share the same views on policy

B. It consists of any government employee who calls themselves a member of that party

C. It consists of elected officials who call themselves members of that party

D. The party in the government has little role in policymaking


A. All members of the parties in the government share the same views on policy

Members of parties in government share similar ideas about politics, and often times, the same view on policies.

It is therefore consistent that such parties promote specific ideological or policy goals concerning driving the affairs of a country. A political party is defined as a formal group that is united under a specific platform to think through issues and campaign to take part in government.

Where some countries have one political party, other countries might have several and often times, parties do and can develop from sectors of the country such as employees, classes, cartels or officials and so on.

When candidates of political parties partake and win elections, then they play major and significant roles in policymaking.

See link to a related question and answer:

Helping Each Other And Empathizing with the sufferings of our fellow beings will help us create a world of peace and love.But do we always nurture such values in our life?plzzzzzz​



No, We do not.


You may have visited a religious fair.Write a letter to your foreign pen friend describing the special features of the fair.​



Please mark me as brainlyest please mark me as brainlyest

Although Cindy is a good driver, she typically hands her car keys over to her husband, Tyler, when they travel together by car. This behavior underscores how ________ may exert an impact on social interactions between men and women. Group of answer choices



umm they


A psychologist flashes a sequence of five letters (such as STEPS) on a screen in front of you and then asks you immediately to count backward from 1000 by 7s. After a few seconds, she asks you to recall the five letters. This psychologist is most likely studying the ________.



A psychologist flashes a sequence of five letters (such as STWLG) on a screen in front of you and then asks you immediately to count backward from 1000 by 7s. After a few seconds, she asks you to recall the five letters. This psychologist is most likely studying the ________.

a. effect of proactive interference on STM

b. use of semantic codes in LTM

c. role of decay in STM loss

d. relative effectiveness of rote and elaborative rehearsal



I will tell more Question like this  

A psychologist flashes a sequence of five letters (such as STEPS) on a screen in front of you and then asks you immediately to count backward from 1000 by 7s. After a few seconds, she asks you to recall the five letters. This psychologist is most likely studying the effect of proactive interference on STM(short term memory)

What is proactive interference effect?

When more distant memories prevent the recovery of more recent memories, this is called proactive interference. It is frequently simpler to recall knowledge that has been taught in the past rather than more current learning since older memories are frequently better practised and more solidly entrenched in long-term memory.

recollection of such occurrences with success. As a result, interference has been defined as either recent learning that weakens the recall of previously learned information or old learning that interferes with the recall of recently acquired knowledge (proactive interference) (retroactive interference)

Supporting answer

To learn more about proactive interference here


Betty Lou has rarely forgotten to complete her chores since the day that her mother severely chastised her for not vacuuming the house. Betty Lou's forgetting to do chores behavior was _______________ when her other chastised her. Group of answer choices



Positive punishment



This consist of two types called:

1. The positive reinforcement

2. The negative reinforcement.

Reinforcement simply means when there is often a maintain or increase behaviors. Positive reinforcement is simply known as something desirable is added to a said behaviour while Negative reinforcement means something undesirable is removed from a said behaviour.


This can also be grouped into:

A. The positive punishment

B. The negative Punishment

Punishment is commonly known as the acts that tends to always decrease or stops a known behavior. Positive punishment is simply known as punishment by application. This is when something undesirable is given while Negative punishment also called punishment by removal is when something desirable is removed from a said behaviour.

Three factors that influences or affects the effectiveness of punishment. This includes; severity, consistency, and delay of punishment.

The Assertion that, non formal institutions have no role to play in the processing stage at the system theory is an empty rhetoric​



happy friend ship day

70. Who are the Presidents of the European Commission, European Council, and European Parliament?



make me brainliest


Currently (2020),the President of the European Commission is Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Council is Charles Michel.

what are human rights ??​



1. The right to life and liberty.

2. Freedom from slavery and torture.

3. Freedom of opinion and expression.

4. The right to work and education.

5. Right to education.

6. Right to participate in free election.

7. Right to own property.

When the first kid starts crying because of the pain of the needle piercing through his/her body, all kids down the line start to cry and eventually, every kid on the line is crying even before they see the needle because they associate it with an illness



does this describe classical conditioning?


Answer: I'm not sure how to answer this so here's the phobia of needles: Trypanophobia

___________ occurs when a worker is ejected from a lift due to bump or jolt

a. tip-over

b. death


d. catapulting



d. catapulting


A projectile is a body which moves under the influence of gravitation and its momentum. Examples are: a thrown stone, a thrown javelin, a kicked ball etc. The motion that a projectile has during its flight is called a trajectory motion. While catapulting implies the launch of an object so that it turns to a projectile during its motion.

When a bump or jolt causes a worker or an object to be ejected from a lift, the worker or object undergoes a trajectory motion. Thus, the worker can be referred to as a projectile during the ejection. So that catapulting of the worker occurs in the process.

How can you keep yourself away from such social problems ?Mention any four aways answer.​



the best you can do is spread awareness.we can't change world but we can change ourselves.

the more clarity we get the better we become not just for ourselves but for also for people around us.

pay aur bills meet our obligations.

by geeting clarity our perception of things broadens and we can deal with issues holisticay addressing the causes not just the symptoms


by proper education and skills development

by involving in social organisations like clubs and welfare communities

by self-discipline

maintain good health practises


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