the balance of payment between Vietnam and Iran


Answer 1




PIB anual 2019 294.361M.€ 556.579M.€ 2020 PIB anual

PIB anual 2019 329.537M.$ 635.724M.$ 2020 PIB anual

PIB Per Capita 2019 3.051€ 6.684€ 2020 PIB Per Capita

PIB Per Capita 2019 3.415$ 7.635$ 2020 PIB Per Capita

Related Questions

Based on the article, what do you think environmental racism is



Racism based on location, area, the rules and regulations, and policies within a community


It should be based on how a certain person of color lives underneath their location / area and how it may affect their day to day lives.

Ex. Ghettos, slums, etc..

What is mass casulty



A mass causality refers to an event or incident that occurs and overwhelmes the medical resources available at a moment.

such as;

[tex]{ \sf{ - \: terrorist \: action}} \\ { \sf{ - \: shooting \: massacre}}[/tex]

Có một "tàu lạ" của nước ngoài hoạt động khảo sát dầu khí trên biển, cách bờ biển Vũng Tàu của nước ta 160 hải lý. Vận dụng những kiến thức đã học về chủ quyền lãnh thổ, biên giới quốc gia; Anh, chị cho biết “tàu lạ” này có vi phạm chủ quyền lãnh thổ của Việt nam hay không?; nếu có, theo anh chị Đảng, Nhà nước ta nên giải quyết vấn đề này như thế nào?




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give five reasons for european exploration



There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.

Here are five reasons for European exploration:

1) Better Trade Routes - Many people explored to find faster and cheaper ways to foreign countries.

2) Fame - Some people wanted to go down as a great name in history.

3) National Pride - Many people explored to claim new lands for their country and become national heroes.

4) Religion - Some explorers went on pilgrimages to spread Christianity.

5) Foreign Goods - People wanted to bring back spices and jewels that could not be found in their own country.

So i have to make trial balance and im kinda confused with 'interest'. So which side did it go to? Credit or debit? It didn't state the interest as received or expense/paid. someone told me to look at the bank but hey i need more explanation T^T​





The interest on capital is on credit side of a trial balance as it is a liability from the point of view of company or enterprise and it comes in the debit side

4. Scientists should avoid bias to ensure that it is a ________


Answer: I would assume that your answer is a fair experiment.


Which of the following would be considered anthropogenic impacts on the natural environment?

a. air pollution

b. introduction of invasive species

c. burning of fossil fuels

d. all of the above



D. All of the above.

Natural resources including trees and oil are part of which factor of
O A. Land
O B. Labor
O C. Capital
O D. Scarcity



A. Land


Land includes any natural resources that land creates used to produce goods and services sold for a profit. Land also includes raw materials. Trees & oil are raw materials. Trees can be used to create paper & oil can be used for fuel. This makes A. the correct answer.

Answer: a. land


Which of the following is the last step in creating a budget. Determine savings r debt. Identifying variable expenses. Identify income r identify fixed expenses which one the answer



The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have coming in.

Estimate Expenses.

Estimate Income.

Determine Savings.

Balance Budget.



Over the past five hundred years, how many species are known to have gone extinct?

Group of answer choices

a, 500 species

b. 750 species

c. 900 species

d. an unknown number of species


Over the past five hundred years, well it must be between answers c and d. I would say d due to five hundred years ago people were not keeping track of the species in the world and their extinction. Hope this helps!

explain the symbiotic relationship that exists between science and technology



science is the study of the natural world by scientific method i.e collecting data through a systematic process.and technology is is where we apply science to create devices that can solve problems and perform different is literally the application of science.

I hope this helps

how much of the total food cultivation was actually found in North America?


Grains, fruits and vegetables were farmed in North America. The cultivation begin there at 5000 bp.

The tropical zones of North America grows oranges, sugar cane, banana and cocoa. Theses crops grow on humid mountains and coastal plains.

The total crops grew were more than $136 billion. This contributed 0.6% of GDP of America.

The total gross Domestic product of America is much high and agriculture crops amount to very small part but still it is one of n important source for economy.

Learn more at

If enough experimental data supports a hypothesis, then it:
O A. Is proven 100% true.
B. Is falsified.
OC. Is accepted as true until prolan false.
OD. Becomes an Observational Law


Answer: C) Is accepted as true until proven false



We cannot prove the hypothesis to be 100% true because there might be data out there that we haven't accounted for, or some scenario that we haven't thought of yet. There's always going to be room for uncertainty and doubt. Keep in mind that such doubt does not necessarily mean that the theory is automatically false.

So all of this rules out choice A.

Choice B is ruled out as well because data supporting a hypothesis doesn't falsify the hypothesis. The term "falsify" means "to prove false" as you'd expect.

Choice C is the answer because the data seems to support the hypothesis and again we leave room for error. It's quite possible that in some unspecified date in the future, there are better methods of measurement to get a better sense of what's going on.

Choice D is ruled out because a law refers to something like the law of gravity. It's something you observe but it doesn't explain why something works. It doesn't provide the underlying mechanics of what's going on. We simply just report what we see which is exactly what an observation is.

What is environmental resistance? How does it affect populations?



Environmental resistance factors are all the things that keep a population of organisms from endlessly increasing.

They lower the chances for reproduction, affect the health of organisms, and raise the death rate in the population.


As Environmental Resistance increases, population growth slows and eventually stops.

trình bày ý nghĩa của sinh viên với môn học tư tưởng hồ chí minh



Học tập tư tưởng Hồ Chí Minh góp phần giáo dục đạo đức, tư cách, phẩm chất cách mạng, biết sống ở đời và làm người hợp đạo lý, yêu cái tốt, cái thiện, ghét cái ác, cái xấu; nâng cao lòng tự hào về Người, về Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam, tự nguyện “sống, chiến đấu, lao động, học tập theo gương Bác Hồ vĩ đại”.

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