[tex]( - 12) \times ( - 4) + ( - 8) + ( + 3)[/tex]
could you help..​


Answer 1

[tex] \sf \: ( - 12 )\times( - 4) + (- 8 )+ (+ 3) \\ \sf \: = (- 12 \times - 4 )+ (- 8 + 3) \\ \sf \: = 48 - 5 \\ = 43[/tex]

Hope it helps.


Related Questions

equation of the line which passes through point (0,5) at gradient of - 1​



y = - x + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Here gradient (slope) = - 1 and (0, 5) ⇒ c = 5

y = - x + 5 ← equation of line

Find the length of UC? Please help



The choose C. 18

Step-by-step explanation:

UC —> 105+82=187 —> 96+22+51=169 —> 187–169=18

I hope I helped you^_^

Question 7 of 10
A construction worker needs to put a rectangular window in the side of a
building. He knows from measuring that the top and bottom of the window
have a width of 5 feet and the sides have a length of 12 feet. He also
measured one diagonal to be 13 feet. What is the length of the other
O A. 12 feet
B. 13 feet
O C. 5 feet
O D. 17 feet




Step-by-step explanation:

The diagonals of rectangle are equal in length.

13. The diagonal is the same either way

explanation would be appreciated. i don’t understand




Step-by-step explanation:

The area of the big triangle is 1/2 b h =  1/2*6*(12^2 = 6^2 + x^2)

that ends up being [tex]\sqrt{108} = 36\sqrt{3}[/tex]

the small triangle are needs to be subtracted....

[tex]\frac{\left(4\cdot \:sin\left(90\right)\right)}{sin\left(30\right)}[/tex] that is the length of the unknown side...

1/2 B * h of that triangle get you to [tex]8\sqrt{3}[/tex]

just subtract the two areas


(B) 28√3

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of quadrilateral ABED is equal to the area of triangle CDE subtracted from the area of triangle ABC.

Area of triangle CDE:

Triangle ABC is equilateral. All sides have length 12.

AB = BC = AC = 12

BE = 8

BE + EC = BC

8 + EC = 12

EC = 4

In an equilateral triangle, all angles measure 60°.

m<C = 60°

m<CDE = 30°

Triangle CDE is a 30-60-90 triangle.

DE = EC√3

DE = 4√3

area of triangle CDE = bh/2

area of triangle CDE = (EC)(DE)/2

area of triangle CDE = (4)(4√3)/2

area of triangle CDE = 8√3

Area of triangle ABC:

Side AC is a base of triangle ABC.

AC = 12

(1/2)AC = 6

The altitude of triangle ABC from side AC to vertex B measures

h = 6√3

area of triangle ABC = bh/2

area of triangle ABC = (AC)(h)/2

area of triangle ABC = (12)(6√3)/2

area of triangle ABC = 36√3

area of quadrilateral ABED = area of triangle ABC - area of triangle CDE

area of quadrilateral ABED = 36√3 - 8√3

area of quadrilateral ABED = 28√3

What is the estimate for 312+138+207




Step-by-step explanation:

312 + 138 + 207

= 450 + 207

= 657



Step-by-step explanation:

To round your answer, you check the tenths place to see if it is under 5 or above 5. If it is under 5, your answer will stay in the number the hundreds place is in currently. If it is above 5, you will add one to the hundreds place.

312: there is one in the tenths place, so it will stay as 300.

138: there is three in the tenths place, so it will stay as 100.

207: there is a zero in the tenths place, so it will stay as 200.

If you are doing it with the one's place, it is the same method. Either round up or down.

300 + 100 + 200 = 600

The answer is 600.

Find the 5th term of each geometric sequence. 32,80, 200




Step-by-step explanation:

Which equation can be solved using the one-to-one property?
3X = 10
4In x = 2
log x = 5
4* = 47x+2




Step-by-step explanation:



i hope this answer will help u


4x = 47x+2

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the one–to–one property, you can set x = 7x + 2.

what is the area of the figure below?




Step-by-step explanation:

A=l x w

5x^4 times 3x^5 is basically 3*5*x^4*x^5

when you multiply exponents with the same base, you add the exponents, so it becomes 15x^9

What is the price after taking 25% off $62?​






Step-by-step explanation:

pls mark brainliest

What is the HCF for 20 40 35




Step-by-step explanation:

Prime factorize 20 , 40 , 35

20 = 2 * 2 * 5

40 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 5

35 = 5 * 7

HCF = 5  

HCF is the common factor found in 20 , 40 and 35  



Step-by-step explanation:

The HCF or GCF of these number would be 5!

5 x 4 = 20

5 x 8 = 40

5 x 7 = 35

Hope this helps!

Christopher walks 5km south then walks on a bearing of 036º until he is due east of his starting point. How far is he from his starting point, to 1 decimal place?


Christopher's distance from his starting point is 3.6 km

Since Christopher initially walks South 5 km and then walks on a bearing of of 036º until he is due east of his starting point.

His distance South, his distance from his starting point and his distance from his 036º bearing, all form a right-angled triangle.

This right-angled triangle with opposite side to the angle 036º, as his distance from his starting point, x and the adjacent side to the angle 036º, as his distance 5 km south.

Since we have both the opposite and adjacent sides of a right-angled triangle,

From trigonometric ratios,

tanФ = opposite/adjacent

tanФ = x/5 km

Now Ф = 036º

So, tan36º = x/5km

x = 5 km(tan36º)

x = 5 km (0.7265)

x = 3.633 km

x ≅ 3.6 km to 1 decimal place.

So, Christopher's distance from his starting point is 3.6 km.

Learn more about bearing here:


A plumbers plastic pipe is 4 m long, has an inside diameter of 4.0 cm and an outside diameter of 5.0cm. What is the volume of the plastic in the pipe?


Answer: [tex]V=0.0028278\ m^3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


Length of the pipe [tex]l=4\ m[/tex]

Inside diameter of the pipe [tex]d_i=4\ cm[/tex]

Outside diameter of the pipe [tex]d_o=5\ cm[/tex]

Volume of the pipe

[tex]\Rightarrow V=\dfrac{\pi }{4}[d_o^2-d_i^2]\\\\\text{Insert the values}\\\\\Rightarrow V=\dfrac{\pi}{4}[5^2-4^2]\times 10^{-4}\times 4\\\\\Rightarrow V=28.278\times 10^{-4}\ m^3\\\\\Rightarrow V=0.0028278\ m^3[/tex]

| the British 50-pence coin shown on the right is in the shape of a
regular heptagon. Determine the measure of one interior angle.
Show your work.


For a regular polygon with n sides, interior angle

= [(n-2) × 180°]/n

So, interior angle of this regular heptagon shape

= [(7 - 2) × 180°]/7

= (5 × 180°)/7

= 900°/7

= (900/7)°

= 128.571° [approximately]



Step-by-step explanation:

center angle : 360°/7 °

half interior angle=0.5*(180-360/7)=900/14=450/7 = 64 ° +2/7° ≈64.3 °

interior angle= 128°+4/7°≈128.6 °

An equation parallel to y = – 3x + 2 through (2,3)



y = -3x+9

Step-by-step explanation:

Parallel lines have the same slope

y = -3x+2  

This is in slope intercept form where y =mx+b where m is the slope

The slope is -3

y = -3x+b

Using the point (2,3)

3 = -3(2)+b

3 = -6+b

Add 6 to each side

3+6 = b


y = -3x+9


slope (m) = -3

3= -3(2)+b

b = 9

y=mx+b → y= -3x+9


complete the table
x - 2 7 10
y - 30 36




y 42

Step-by-step explanation:

Focus on math practices
Reasoning How are "T minus 4" and "T plus 4" related?
In rocket use



Both T+4 and T-4 are the same distance away from 4

T would be the launch time of the rocket...

T - 4 is 4 units of time (seconds)  prior to launch...

T+ 4 is 4 units of time (seconds) after the launch

Step-by-step explanation:

7x-3/4=x what is the process to answer fasttttttt please



x= 1/8 is the correct answer



Step-by-step explanation:





Both please please………



Step-by-step explanation:

First one - Because it says 2 years ago, you can do 60000-4% for one year and then take the answer and - another 4% for the second year to get her income from 2 years ago. (I commented on this)

Second one - 1/3 - Take 1/6*200%=1/6*2=2/6, 2/6=1/3. So 1/3 or 2/6 of the students have a engineering major

What is 7 3/8 rounded to the nearest whole number?




Step-by-step explanation:

4/8 = 1/2

3/8 is less than 1/2 so round down

7 3/8 rounds to 7



Step-by-step explanation:

7 3/8 = 7.375

The closest whole number is 7

Answer from Gauthmath

Which steps can be used to solve
1 7
2 8
for x?




Step-by-step explanation:

This question is a little unclear. 6 times 17 times 28 is equal to 2856 if that is what you are trying to ask.

∣x−18∣=5 absolute value



x = 13 or x = 23

Step-by-step explanation:

|x-18| = 5 means there are two possibilities.

x-18 can equal 5 or equal -5 because absolute value sign makes everything inside it positive.

so you can write two equations and solve

first is x-18 = 5

x-18 + 18 = 5 + 18

x = 23

the second is x - 18 = -5

x - 18 + 18 = -5 + 18

x = 13

The two solutions are 13 and 23.

if g(x) is x-3 then what is g(3x)


Answer:  3x-3

Work Shown:

g(x) = x-3

g(3x) = 3x-3

We simply replaced every x with 3x. There isn't much else to show in terms of work. I suppose you could factor out the GCF to say g(3x) = 3(x-1), but that isn't much of a simplification in my opinion.


Step-by-step explanation:

The meaning of g(x) = x - 3 is that whatever you put in the x on the left, you will put in the x on the right.

g(3x) = 3x - 3 is the correct answer.

Find the range of the following piecewise function.




Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is B because, our range starts at 2 but does not include 2 and continues to infinity (x>8) does not have a boundary.




c. 20/21

Step-by-step explanation:

You just multiply straight

3×7 = 21

4×5 =20

21/20 <---- and it can't be reduced farther than this.


C. ²¹⁄₂₀

Step-by-step explanation:



When multiplying fractions, you multiply the numerators together and then multiply the denominators together.

The numerators here are 3 and 7. Multiply those and you get 21 (7 x 3 = 21).

The denominators here are 4 and 5. Multiply those and you get 20 (4 x 5 = 20).

Then you put the newly-multiplied numerator over the newly-multiplied denominator and you get ²¹⁄₂₀.

Hope this helped!!

Help plz and thanks


I’d say -5 degrees Celsius

Due to employee safety negligence at a nuclear waste facility, 2000 tons of a radioactive element is spilled into the nearby pond. The half-life of the radioactive element is 36 days. In order to be declared safe for swimming, based on its size and the amount of water, there must be less than 100 tons of the material found in the pond. How long, to the nearest day, until it is safe to swim again?


How long, to the nearest day, until it is safe to swim again will be 156 days

Let x represent number of day until it is safe to swim again

First step

=2000 *1/2^x

100=2000 *0.5^x


Second step

Log 0.05=xLog 0.5

Log 0.05/L0g 0.5=x

x=36 days* Log 0.05/L0g 0.5

x=36 days*43.22

x=156 days

Inconclusion How long, to the nearest day, until it is safe to swim again will be 156 days

Learn more about  radioactive element here:


Graph the line for y+1 = - 3(2x - 4) on the coordinate plane.​


Slope = -6
Y-intercept = (0,11)
0 11
1 5

Lena is asked to write an explicit formula for the graphed geometric sequence.

On a coordinate plane, 3 points are plotted. The points are (1, 1), (2, 2.5), (3, 6.25).

What value, written as a decimal, should Lena use as the common ratio



Common Ratio = 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:


Points: (1, 1), (2, 2.5), (3, 6.25)


Determine the common ratio

The points can be rewritten as:

x --- f(x)

1 ---- 1

2 --- 2.5

3 ---- 6.25

The data under the x column are the domain of the function and in this case,  they are not needed;

To calculate common ration, Lena should use data in function f(x) column

Common ratio is calculated by dividing a term by the previous term;


Common Ratio = 2.5/1 or 6.25/2.5

Common Ratio = 2.5 or 2.5

Notice that, the results are the same;

Hence, the usable common ratio is 2.5

Answer: 2.5 or "C"

Step-by-step explanation: this is right on the edge i just did the test.....Hope this helps :D



1: 3.12-3=0.12
2: 3.22-3=0.22
3: 3-2.99=0.01
4: 3.111-3=0.111

∴ Rain gauge 3 was the most accurate

Hope my answer helped u :)

binomial expansions for clever cookies


The answers are in the red rectangles with the work.

Let me know if something is unreadable.

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