The compound KOH is ________. insoluble, because all compounds containing K are insoluble insoluble, because all compounds containing OH- are in soluble soluble, because all compounds containing K are soluble soluble, because all compounds containing OH- are soluble insoluble, because KOH is insoluble


Answer 1


soluble because all compounds containing K are soluble


Most metal hydroxides are insoluble. However, alkali metal hydroxides (such as KOH and NaOH) are very soluble.

In the case of KOH, the K cation is attracted to the electronegative oxygen on water. The OH anion is capable of hydrogen bonding to the water. (Notice how OH⁻ is simply the deprotonated form of water.)

Answer 2

The compound KOH is soluble insoluble, because all compounds containing K are insoluble insoluble, because all compounds containing OH- are in soluble soluble, because all compounds containing K are soluble soluble, because all compounds containing OH- are soluble insoluble, because KOH is insoluble

What are alkalis?

Alkalis are bases which are soluble in water. The basic alkalis are as follows:


Mg(OH)2 is insoluble in water.

In conclusion, KOH is a soluble base

Learn more about alkalis:

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Which elements on the periodic table are the least reactive? (1 point)
o the group with helium at the top
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The group with helium at the top because those are the noble gases


the group with helium at the top


I just took it

The number of joules required to heat one gram of a substance one degree Celsius is _____.




specific heat capacity


The answer is D - specific heat capacity.

What is an atomic mass unti



a unit of mass used to express atomic and molecular weights, equal to one twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon-12.


Atomic Mass Unit is also called Dalton. It is used to express atomic and molecular weight. It is defined as 1/12 of the mass of an unbound neutral atom of carbon.

Using these metal ion/metal standard reduction potentials calculate cell potential for Cu2+(aq) + Cd(s) →Cd2+(aq)+ Cu(s) Cu2+(aq)|Cu(s) + 0.34 VNi2+(aq)|Ni(s) -0.25 Cd2+(aq)/Cd(s) -0.4V


Solution :

Cd(s) ---------------------->  [tex]Cd^{+2}[/tex] (aq) + 2[tex]e^-[/tex]      ,     [tex]E_0[/tex]  =   0.34 v

[tex]Cu^{+2}[/tex]  (aq)  +   2[tex]e^-[/tex]  ------------> Cu (s)             ,     [tex]E_0[/tex]  =  -0.04 v


Cd(s)  +  [tex]Cu^{+2}[/tex]  (aq)  ------------->  [tex]Cd^{+2}[/tex] (aq)  +  Cu (s)   ,      [tex]E_0[/tex]  =  0.30 v  

The cell potential is defined as the measure of [tex]\text{ potential difference }[/tex]  between the [tex]\text{two half cells}[/tex] of an electrochemical cell.  

name some examples of chemical solutions and maybe give a clear explanation as to what chemical solutions are ​



Some examples of solutions are salt water, rubbing alcohol, and sugar dissolved in water. ... In our example of salt water, the solute is the salt. Solvent: this is the substance that makes up the majority of the solution. This is the part where the solute is dissolved.


I hope they should be right answer

The boiling points of diatomic halogens are compared in the table.
Boiling Points of Diatomic
Boiling Point
-188 °C
-34 °C
59 °C
Which of the following statements best explains the trends in boiling points?
The atomic size increases down the group, and this decreases the strength of the intermolecular forces.
The total number of electrons decreases down the group, and this decreases the strength of the intermolecular forces.
The total number of electrons increases down the group, and this increases the strength of the intermolecular forces.
The chances of forming a permanent dipole increases down the group, and this increases the strength of the intermolecular forces.


Which of the following statements best explains the trends in boiling points?

A. The atomic size increases down the group, and this decreases the strength of the intermolecular forces.

                                           A is incorrect

B. The total number of electrons decreases down the group, and this decreases the strength of the intermolecular forces.

                                            B is incorrect

C. The total number of electrons increases down the group, and this increases the strength of the intermolecular forces.

                                             C is correct

D. The chances of forming a permanent dipole increases down the group, and this increases the strength of the intermolecular forces.

                                              D is incorrect

The boiling point increase down a group because the total number of electrons increases down the group, and this increases the strength of the intermolecular forces. Hence option C is correct.

What is boiling point?

Boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which the substance changes from its liquid state to vapour state. Boiling point of a molecule or compounds depends on the bond type, molecular weight, temperature and pressure.

For ionic compounds, boiling point will be higher since ionic bonds are stronger than covalent compounds. There is a periodic trend for the physical properties such as boiling point for elements in periodic table.

Down a group, the number of electrons increases and the atomic size also as well as the ionic character increases down a group . These two facts leads to higher intermolecular attraction, thus more temperature have to applied to weaken the bonds.

Higher temperature to be applied means the boiling point of the substance is higher. Therefore, boiling point down a group increases because of the higher intermolecular attraction as said in option C.

To find more about boiling point, refer the link below:


3. A typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich contains 360 kcal, of which 160
kcal comes from fat. Given 1 kcal = 4.2 kJ, how many J of fat would there be
in one PB&J sandwich?



here's the answer to your question

How many moles of oxygen are required to react completely with 5 mol C8H18?



62.5 moles of O₂.


We'll begin by writing the balanced equation for the reaction. This is illustrated below:

2C₈H₁₈ + 25O₂ —> 16CO₂ + 18H₂O

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of C₈H₁₈ reacted with 25 moles of O₂.

Finally, we shall determine the number of mole of O₂ needed to react with 5 moles of C₈H₁₈. This can be obtained as shown below:

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of C₈H₁₈ reacted with 25 moles of O₂.

Therefore, 5 moles of C₈H₁₈ will react with = (5 × 25) / 2 = 62.5 moles of O₂.

Thus, 62.5 moles of O₂ is needed for the reaction.

Predict the approximate Ksp of Cuz(AsO4)2 based on the measured potential of Cell 7. Use the equation given in the Background.

a. 1 x 10^-35

b. 4 x 10^14

c. 5 x 10^-17

d. 2 x 10^-21



a. 1 x 10^-35


The correct compound given is: [tex]\mathsf{Cu_3(AsO_4)}_2[/tex]

To predict the approximate Ksp value of the given compound, we will need to express the oxidation-reduction half-reaction of the compound and its dissociation, then, we will use the Nernst equation to determine the approximate Ksp value.

To start with the reduction half-reaction:

[tex]\mathsf{Cu_3(AsO_4)_{2}(s) + 6e^- \to 2As O_{4}^{3-}_{(aq)}+3Cu(s) }[/tex]

The oxidation half-reaction is:

[tex]\mathsf{3Cu(s) \to 3CU^{2+}_{(aq)} + 6e^-}[/tex]

The overall cell reaction now is:

[tex]\mathsf{Cu_3(AsO_4)_{2}(s) \to 3Cu^+ (aq) + 2As O_{4}^{3-}_{(aq)} }[/tex]

From the reduction half-reduction, the number of moles of electrons (n) transferred is 6 moles.

By applying the Nernst equation:

[tex]\mathsf{E_{cell} = E^0_{cell} -\dfrac{0.0591V}{n}log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 }[/tex]

At standard conditions;

The standard cell potential [tex]\mathsf{E^0_{cell} = -0.342 \ V}[/tex]

and [tex]\mathsf{E_{cell} = 0 \ V}[/tex] since it is at equilibrium.

[tex]\mathsf{0 = -0.342 -\dfrac{0.0591V}{6}log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 } \\ \\ \\ \mathsf{0.342 = -\dfrac{0.0591V}{6}log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 }[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = \dfrac{-(0.342)*6}{0.0591 }}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = -34.7}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{log [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 \simeq -35}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{[Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = 10^{-35}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{K_{sp} = [Cu^{2+}]^3[AsO_4^{3-}]^2 = 1\times 10^{-35}}[/tex]

What will happen if we drink liquid nitrogen?


Because of its low temperature liquid nitrogen can be extremely damaging to body tissue, causing frostbite and cryogenic burning on contact. If ingested it can lead to severe internal damage, destroying tissue in the mouth and digestive tract.

What is the answer to 9.7300x10^2+9.8700x 10^3 1.0843x 10^ in scientific notation



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giúp tớ với, mình học lớp 9 ạ


Answer: broooo what is this


PLZ HELP ME A girl throws a ball and her dog chases it. What characteristic of living things is this dog demonstrating as it chases the ball?
A. Cells
B. Reproduction
C. Growth
D. Response ​


I'm not sure but I think its D.response

what do y’all do when y’all brainly says “locked” and won’t show anymore answers !???



Create a new account as the thing you're experiencing now is due to the fact that Brainly had blocked your account.

what is the reactant(s) in the chemical equation below

3CO(g) + Fe2O3(s) 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)



the reactants are carbon dioxide ,iron, oxygen

this is TOTALLY SOOOO hard so help me
^thats what she said





I thought that I answer is correct


The answer is 69


Because if you add one its 66, and so on, hope this helps! but if you add five it will be 69, if you need help with easy equations let me know

9. During an experiment the students prepared three mixtures A)Starch in water B) Sodium chloride solution C) Tincture of Iodine. i) Students observed a visible beam of light through mixture A. Why? ii) Tincture of lodTe did not show Tyndall effect. Explain reason. ill) How can you relate particle size to Tyndall effect?​



See explanation


Tyndall effect refers to the scattering of light in a solution. Tyndall effect occurs when the size of particles in the solution exceeds 1 nm in diameter. Such solutions are actually called false solutions.

In tincture of iodine, the size of particles in solution is less than 1 nm in diameter hence the solution does not exhibit Tyndall effect. Hence, tincture of iodine is a true solution.

Therefore, if the size of particles in solution exceeded 1nm in diameter, Tyndall effect is observed.

What are 5 uses of nitrogen?



nitrogen is used in the production of  1) fertilisers  2) nitric acid  3) nylon  4) dyes  and  5) explosives

please give me brainliest if you can :))

Define force and speed​


Force = The external energy that changes or tends to change the state of any body or object is called force.

Speed = The rate of distance is called speed.


Force is a push or pull which changes or tend to change the position of a body.

The rate of change its position with time or magnitude is called speed.

16. The valency of sodium is +1 and that of chlorine is -1, why?​



It because ,sodium is a metal and chlorine is a non metal

which chloride is a coloured solid rtp



sodium chloride

hope that helped :)


Chlorine is a greenish yellow gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. ... yielding chlorine water, and from this solution a solid hydrate of ideal ...

Describe the formation of oxygen molecule​



oxygen molecule has two oxygen atom . Each O atom share 2 electrons to form two covalent bonds out of which one is sigma bond and other is pi bond . sigma bond is formed by axial overlap 2p atomic orbitals of oxygen and pi bond is formed of lateral overlap of 2p atomic orbitals of oxygen .

Write the empirical formula for at least four ionic compounds that could be formed from the following ions: NO3, Pb^4+, NH4, SO4



here's the answer to your question

double arrow just mean that it's a reversible process, and the reaction can go back and forth.

Oxide of nitrogen that is acidic



Nitrogen oxides are used in the production of nitric acid, lacquers, dyes, and other chemicals. Nitrogen oxides are used in rocket fuels, in the nitrification of organic chemicals, and in the manufacture of explosives.


A precipitation reaction 2. A Lewis acid-base reaction the produces a coordination complex: A Lewis acid-base reaction the produces a coordination complex 3. An oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction: An oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction Column B a. Pb2 (aq0 CrO42-(aq) --> PbCrO4(s) b. 2 Mg(s) O2(g) -> 2 MgO(s) c. Ag (aq) 2NH3(aq) --> [Ag(NH3)2] (aq)



Pb2+ (aq) + CrO42-(aq) --> PbCrO4(s) - A precipitation reaction

2 Mg(s) + O2(g) -> 2 MgO(s) - An oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction

Ag^+ (aq) + 2NH3(aq) --> [Ag(NH3)2]^+ (aq) - A Lewis acid-base reaction the produces a coordination complex


A precipitation reaction is one in which two aqueous reactants yields an insoluble product called a precipitate as shown in reaction 1 above.

In the second reaction Mg is oxidized from zero to + 2 while oxygen was reduced from zero to -2 as the MgO is formed hence the reaction is an oxidation-reduction reaction that is also a synthesis reaction.

In the third reaction, Ag^+ a Lewis acid reacts with NH3, a lewis base to yield the complex [Ag(NH3)2]^+.

a. For a chemistry lab final exam, a high school chemistry student was given a 1-mole sample of CaCl2 and a 1-mole sample of MgCl2 but was not told which sample was which. He was to identify the powders.

He looked up the enthalpies of formation for both of the chemicals and calculated the ΔHreaction for dissolving each powder: CaCl2 (s) Ca 2+ (aq) + 2Cl – (aq), and MgCl2 (s) Mg 2 (aq) + 2Cl – (aq). He then put each powder in a coffee-cup calorimeter and added water.

When sample A dissolved, the temperature increased by 0.74°C. When sample B dissolved, the temperature increased by 0.39°C. Which chemical was A, and which was B? Use the table of enthalpies of formation to help you. Explain your reasoning.


Ca^2+ ion  is smaller than Mg^2+ ion hence it has a greater heat of formation or lattice energy.

When a crystal lattice is formed, the energy that is released if the component ions of the compound are brought together from infinity is called the lattice energy. It is the energy released when a crystal lattice is formed from its component ions.

The question lets us know that the heat released by the compounds depends on the energy released upon formation of the compound. Hence, the higher the energy released upon formation, the higher the magnitude of heat released upon dissolution of the compound.

Recall that lattice energy depends on the size of the ions. Thus, the smaller the ions, the higher the lattice energy.

Ca^2+ is smaller than Mg^2+ hence more energy is given off when CaCl2  is formed than when MgCl2  is formed.

As stated above, the greater the lattice energy, the greater the heat released when the lattice dissolves and the higher the rise in temperature.

Putting all these together, Sample A must be CaCl2 while sample B must be MgCl2.

what is the name of this organic molecule



C2H4 Ethylene


Hope it helps! :)

Question 14 (Essay Worth 10 points) (03.05 MC) Use complete sentences to differentiate between acids and bases on the basis of touch. Give an example of each type.​



Acid is a molecule capable of donating hydrogen ion and they form aqueous solutions with a sour taste while base is a substance that accepts proton from proton donor and in aqueous solution, they have an astringent or bitter taste. Moreover, a good example for base is sodium hydrogen carbonate as baking soda or baking powder and for acid, the most common example is the acetic acid or vinegar.


Well, for starters, bases mostly consist of soaps and cleaning products, acids consist of vinegar,lemon,and stuff like that. Most acids on the basis of touch can burn your skin or be very sour, unlike bases which are more soapy and have a cleaner touch.A good example of an acid is vinegar, which can be used for cleaning but can also be used for making foods, on the other hand. A good example of a base is dish soap. It is used for cleaning.


i just did the exam and got a 100

list three factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction


Answer:  1)  temperature, 2) add a catalyst, and 3) concentrations

Explanation:  A rise in temperature adds kinetic energy to the reactants, leading to more frequent, and energetic collisions, which will often accelerate the reaqction.  A catalyst is an agent that helps the reaction move forward more quickly by offering a substrate that aids in orienting the reactants for more efficient reaction.  A higher concentration increases the chances of collisons that result in products.

A 1.732 g sample of iron is heated in air. It oxidizes to form a product with a mass of 2.205 g.
What is the empirical formula of the product?



A 1.732 g sample of iron is heated in air. It oxidizes to form a product with a mass of 2.205 g. What is the empirical formula of the product? FeO 4. Caffeine is made of 49.48% carbon, 5.19% hydrogen, 28.85% nitrogen, and 16.48% oxygen by mass.


The empirical formula of the product formed by the reaction of iron and oxygen is FeO.

Let's consider the following generic chemical equation:

Fe + O₂ ⇄ FexOy

According to the law of conservation of mass, the sum of the masses of the reactants is equal to the sum of the masses of the products. The mass of O₂ that reacted, and remains in the oxide is:

[tex]mFe + mO_2 = mFexOy\\mO_2 = mFexOy - mFe = 2.205 g - 1.732 g = 0.473 g[/tex]

The oxide has 1.732 g of Fe and 0.473 g of oxygen and a total mass of 2.205 g. To determine the empirical formula, we need to calculate the percent composition.

[tex]\%Fe = \frac{mFe}{mFexOy} \times 100 \% = \frac{1.732 g}{2.205 g} \times 100 \% = 78.55\%[/tex]

[tex]\%O = \frac{mO}{mFexOy} \times 100 \% = \frac{0.473 g}{2.205 g} \times 100 \% = 21.45\%[/tex]

Now, we will divide each percentage by the atomic mass of the element.

[tex]Fe: 78.55/55.85 = 1.406\\O: 21.45/16.00 = 1.340[/tex]

Finally, we divide both numbers by the smallest one.

[tex]Fe: 1.406/1.340 \approx 1 \\O: 1.340/1.340 = 1[/tex]

The empirical formula of the product is FeO.

You can learn more about empirical formulas here:

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