the Compromise of 1850 was not easily reached. There was much opposition to it from each part of the country. It finally passed through major efforts by Henry Clay, Stephen Douglas and Daniel Webster.

True or False​


Answer 1
True ( sorry if its wrong!!!)

Related Questions

The founders clearly intended that Congress take the lead in setting priorities and determining policies but today, Presidents have plans for Social Security, welfare programs, taxes, inflation, and public education, and often act first before consulting Congress.

Select one:





The answer to the question is false because according to the Federal Constitution. The Congress must always be consulted or the Congress must pass legislation for the President to act on their proposed programs such as the programs that have been stated in the question. While the President is still the most powerful of the people in the branches of the government because he can veto bills and issue executive orders, Congress exists as well as the Court of Justice to make sure that power does not get abused. Each and every branch of the government, the executive, legislative, and the judiciary all keep each other in check so that no one goes beyond their power and to maintain democracy. However, the kind of President stated in the question may exist if they have the confidence of the majority of the Congress because they basically control the Congress by that point and while that may be advantageous in passing necessary laws quickly, that is dangerous because there can be an abuse of powers.

The Munich Pact, agreed to in the
1930s, gave Hitler a part of
A. Germany
B. Italy
C. Czechoslovakia



C. Czechoslovakia


The British and French prime ministers signed this, and it allowed Germany to take Czechoslovakia.


C. Czechoslovakia.


The Munich Pact gave Germany western Czechoslovakia, as part of the plan that France and Great Britain was using (Policy of Appeasement), in hopes that it would satiate Germany's desires of more living space, as well as to stall for time to avoid war, and later to allow for the mobilization of their forces (which were when it was almost too late).

the purpose of antitrust law is to



The FTC's competition mission is to enforce the rules of the competitive marketplace — the antitrust laws. These laws promote vigorous competition and protect consumers from anticompetitive mergers and business practices.


Who is the 1st prisident the usa​



George Washington


On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.

George Washington was the first president of the usa

Panuto: Kumpletuhin ang mga tala ng kronolohiya ng Egypt batay sa aralin ng module.p22 ( 25 pts)

Pre-dynastic Period
Nauna sa Panahon ng Dinastiya
Nauna sa 3100 B.C.E

Ivy figurine

Naqada jar

Bat figurine

Diorite vase

Flint knife

Cosmetic palatte



the answer is 1. c.b.a.

The first group of men to come to worship Jesus in Bethlehem were the:

tax collectors
wise men


I think it was wise man
Hope that helped


It was the shepherds.

Which of the following is an example of a service industry job in an urban center?



Answer: A bank clerk is an example of a service industry job in an urban center.

How did the Truman Doctrine undermine Soviet attempts to spread communism? O It required US military intervention in communist revolutions. O It gave funds to Soviet-occupied countries in Europe. O It provided military support to countries fighting communism. O It created an alliance of Western countries to fight communism.


C. It provided military support to countries fighting communism.


The Truman Doctrine undermined Soviet attempts to spread communism by providing military support to countries that were fighting off communism.

The Truman Doctrine came to light after the speech by President Harry Truman. The main goal was to "contain" communism, or stop the spread of it. The Truman Doctrine guaranteed that if a smaller country or another country was fighting off communism, troops would be sent to help fight it off.

People were very scared of communism during this time and saw communists as people without morals or respect, so it was really important to stop the spread of it and contain communism to prevent fear in the people.

What are the methods of philosophy​



Philosophical method is the study of how to do philosophy. A common view among philosophers is that philosophy is distinguished by the ways that philosophers follow in addressing philosophical questions. There is not just one method that philosophers use to answer philosophical questions.

What nation was upset with the
United States prior to launching its
attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
A. Germany
B. Japan
C. China



B. Japan


Japan was responsible for the attack on pearl harbor. This was a big part of the reason that the US joined World War 2. Japan wanted to take over lots of land during World War 2 in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese army saw the US as a threat so they bombed one of America's military forts, Pearl Harbor.

Match the following terms with their definitions, Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column
1. believers in Christ
Christ's death
2. hinders or excludes grace
3. basis of grace
4. grace in action
5. God's policy


The given terms with their appropriate defination are:

Legalism: hinders or excludes graceChrist's death:basis of graceRedeemed: believers in ChristMercy:grace in actionGrace:God's policy

Matching of each items with their definitionLegalism represent hinders or excludes grace.

Christ's death represent basis of grace

Redeemed represent believers in Christ

Mercy means grace in action

Grace means God's policy

Inconclusion Legalism represent hinders or excludes grace.

Learn more about Matching of each items with their definition here:

Summarize the events that led up to the Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court case.



Marbury v. Madison arose after the administration of U.S. Press. Thomas Jefferson withheld from William Marbury a judgeship commission that had had been formalized in the last days of the preceding John Adams administration but not delivered before Jefferson's inauguration.

Can someone help me out with my History assignment, please?

1. What was the reason for the Europeans to explore and develop colonies?

2. Who was the first to discover the Americas?

3. Describe the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus.

4. Identify four important explorers and list their accomplishments.

5. Describe the main drawbacks of exploration and colonization.


¿Cuál fue la razón por la que los europeos exploraron y desarrollaron colonias?

El interés de la Corona era tanto material como espiritual. La existencia de oro y plata atrajo a nuevos pobladores y fomentó muchas expediciones en distintas latitudes.

¿Quién fue el primero en descubrir las Américas?

Cristóbal Colón, en representación de los Reyes Católicos de Castilla y Aragón, reinos españoles, realizó cuatro famosos viajes desde Europa a América en 1492, 1493, 1498 y 1502. En el primero de ellos llegó a América el 12 de octubre de 1492, a una isla de las Bahamas llamada Guanahani.

Describe los logros de Cristóbal Colón.

Entre los logros más destacados del famoso navegador Cristóbal Colon tenemos el descubrimiento del continente americano, pues en su primer viaje llego a la isla Huanahani, luego a Cuba y finalmente Haití. Además del descubrimiento de Venezuela donde se establecieron por las riquezas.

Identifique cuatro exploradores importantes y enumere sus logros.

Cristóbal Colón,Vasco da Gama ,James Cook , Charles Robert Darwin,  Sir Richard Francis Burto

Describe los principales inconvenientes de la exploración y colonización.

a pérdida de muchas vidas tanto indígenas como de colonos. La diseminación de enfermedades mortales. La esclavización de las civilizaciones indígenas americanas.



What was the reason that Europeans explored and developed colonies?

The interest of the Crown was both material and spiritual. The existence of gold and silver attracted new settlers and encouraged many expeditions in different latitudes.

Who was the first to discover the Americas?

Christopher Columbus, representing the Catholic Monarchs of Castile and Aragon, Spanish kingdoms, made four famous voyages from Europe to America in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502. On the first of these, he arrived in America on October 12, 1492, at an island in the Bahamas called Guanahani.

He describes the achievements of Christopher Columbus.

Among the most outstanding achievements of the famous navigator Christopher Columbus we have the discovery of the American continent, because on his first trip he arrived at Huanahani Island, then Cuba and finally Haiti. In addition to the discovery of Venezuela where they settled for the riches.

Identify four important explorers and list his achievements.

Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, James Cook, Charles Robert Darwin, Sir Richard Francis Burto

Describe the main drawbacks of exploration and colonization.

to the loss of many lives, both indigenous and settlers. The spread of deadly diseases. The enslavement of American Indian civilizations.


The teacher reviewing this sentence would point out that since this is a

complex sentence, there should be a comma after “song.”
compound sentence, there should be a comma after “realized.”
complex sentence, there should be a comma after “inspiration.”
compound sentence, there should be a comma after “found.”


Hello. You did not enter the sentence which the teacher, presented in the question, needs to review. This makes it impossible for your question to be answered. however, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which had the phrase "As he listened to the haunting notes of the author realized song he had found the inspiration for his next suspense novel." If that's the case for you, I hope the answer below will help you.


complex sentence, there should be a comma after “song.”


A complex sentence is a sentence formed by an independent clause, accompanied by one or more dependent clauses. As you may already know, independent clauses are those that manage to maintain a coherent meaning on their own. On the other hand, dependent clauses are those that cannot maintain a meaning alone and need to have a complement to be coherent. In a complex sentence, the clauses must be joined by conjunctions or commas, which give fluidity to the sentence as a whole.

The sentence presented above is a complex sentence. The dependent clause is "As he listened to the haunting notes of the song." This clause should be linked to the independent clause, which is presented immediately afterwards, with a comma, since a conjunction would not maintain the coherence and fluidity of the sentence. In this case, ideally, place a comma right after the word "song."

1. Por que durante la Edad Media, Constantinopla fue una ciudad clave en el comerció



Debido a su ubicación estratégica en el estrecho del Bósforo, Constantinopla era un punto intermedio entre las Europas Occidental y Meridional y el Cercano Oriente, el Cáucaso y los reinos eslavos en Europa Oriental. A través de Constantinopla, Europa recibió las especias, la púrpura o la joyería por mencionar algunos ejemplos.

Constantinopla facilitó el comercio internacional con el establecimiento de una moneda de oro muy estable denominada como sólido bizantino (s. V - s. XI) y, después, por el hyperpyron (s. XI - XIII), además garantizada por su presencia e influencia territorial en los territorios de la Anatolia.  


Debido a su ubicación estratégica en el estrecho del Bósforo, Constantinopla era un punto intermedio entre las Europas Occidental y Meridional y el Cercano Oriente, el Cáucaso y los reinos eslavos en Europa Oriental. A través de Constantinopla, Europa recibió las especias, la púrpura o la joyería por mencionar algunos ejemplos.

Constantinopla facilitó el comercio internacional con el establecimiento de una moneda de oro denominada como sólido bizantino (s. V - s. XI) y, después, por el hyperpyron (s. XI - XIII), además garantizada por su presencia e influencia territorial en los territorios de la Anatolia.  

Question 1 of 10
Read the following list of events:
• The Sixteenth Amendment allows Congress to levy income tax.
• The Seventeenth Amendment allows for the direct election of senators.
• The Eighteenth Amendment prohibits the sale of alcohol.
• The Nineteenth Amendment grants women the right to vote.
The events in this list are part of which of the following broader periods of
American history?



I'm assuming the answer is the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era

civil rights movement -



"The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States."


Which describes an effect of the prohibition


Bootleggers started to become more popular because they sold alcohol illegally

The First Continental Congress that met in 1774 created the Continental Association. What was this Association?
• A.
a group of men who organized demonstrations against the Intolerable Acts in every colony
• B.
an agreement to boycott all British imports and to stop exporting to Britain and its colonies
an alliance that used the Committees of Correspondence to organize inter-colonial protests and rebellions
O D. a group of men who went on to form and command the Continental Army in preparation of the Revolution
an agreement to support the Suffolk Resolves that declared that the colonists weren't liable to obey the Intolerable Acts


B. an agreement to boycott all British imports

What were some of the new business strategies that took place in the late 1800s?



Big businesses started a hierarchy if you will dividing employees in to mangers, supervisors, etc.  They also bought out other competitors to eliminate competition


Please answer this question
Why is it so difficult for the European countries to continue to control their colonies?



The reason it became difficult for European countries to control their colonies was due to a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons were rebellions with the people they forcibly ruled over. Such as the Kenyan Mau Mau Uprising, Rebellions in South Africa, and most well known; The American Revolution.

(I hope this helps!! I also accept critique too!)


My mom made chocolate milk.

How does the fourth amendment impact your life?



The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.



In the historic U.S. Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison(1803), Chief Justice John Marshall A. established judicial review for the SCOTUS B. saved the institutional integrity of the Court by avoiding the appearance of impotence C. ruled that statutory law cannot change constitutional law D. ruled an act of Congress unconstitutional for the first time E. all of the above



Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803), was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution of the United States. Decided in 1803, Marbury remains the single most important decision in American constitutional law.[1] The Court's landmark decision established that the U.S. Constitution is actual law, not just a statement of political principles and ideals, and helped define the boundary between the constitutionally separate executive and judicial branches of the federal government.

Which power belongs on this list?
Powers of the Executive Branch:
- Vetoing laws passed by Congress
- Nominating judges
A. Setting the number of justices on the Supreme Court
B. Calling special sessions of Congress
C. Declaring laws unconstitutional
D. impeaching members of the government



B. Calling special sessions of Congress


In times of emergency, the executive branch can also convene special sessions of Congress. The president rarely exercises this power, and the last time it was utilized was on July 15, 1948, by President Harry Truman. This power serves as a check on the legislative branch since it forces Congress to meet and deal with matters even when it is not convened and/or when it is attempting to avoid meeting. Before a bill to become law, it must first pass through the legislative branch and then through the executive branch. This is how the executive branch balances the legislative branch's power. This allows the president to veto and annul any bill. Only a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and Senate may override the president's veto.

In spite of the impact of Chinese influence, a. Korea never came under Chinese political control. b. Japan never adopted either Chinese characters for writing or any of its governmental system. c. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese. d. Korea never accepted tributary status under Chinese overlordship. e. Confucianism itself had little influence anywhere outside of China proper.


In spite of the impact of Chinese influence

c. Vietnam developed chu nom, which was a writing system for spoken Vietnamese

What are the two acts that try to control labor?


In 1935 Wagner sponsored two major pieces of New Deal legislation: the Social Security Act (enacted 1936) and the National Labor Relations Act (better known as the Wagner Act).

Which of the following best describes the state of the US economy at the end of World War 11?
It was starting to come out of the Great Depression.
It was out of the Great Depression and doing better.
It was one of the most powerful economies in the world.
It was entering another recession



experiencing steady growth from wartime production.


It was out of the Great Depression and doing better.



What is established by Article 3 of the Constitution?

A. Judicial Branch

B. Executive Branch

C. Legislative Branch


your answer will be A. judicial branch. hope this helps!

Who was William Jennings Bryan?
a) the leader of the Farmers’ Alliance
b) the founder of the granger movement
c) the Populist presidential candidate in 1896
d) the Republican presidential candidate in 1896



The correct answer is C. William Jennings Bryan was the Populist presidential candidate in 1896.


William Jennings Bryan was an American lawyer and politician. During his time in the House of Representatives, Bryan became the leader of a group of Democrats who wanted to introduce a silver-based dollar instead of a backing by gold. At the Democratic convention (July 9, 1896), Bryan united the agrarian and silver Democrats and captured the nomination for president. His Cross of Gold speech became one of the most famous speeches in American history.

Major elements of the Democratic Party did not support Bryan outright, and Bryan campaigned by more direct involvement with voters. Known for his oratorical abilities, Bryan delivered dozens of speeches during the campaign to advance his platform of free silver and populism. Bryan gained a large following, especially in the south and west of the United States, but many middle-income and working-class people feared the silver movement and chose the Republican presidential candidate, William McKinley, who eventually won the election.

Doesn’t have to be 5 paragraphs please help.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

We are going to choose the two Enlightenment thinkers' topic.

First, John Locke.

This brilliant English thinker from the Enlightenment proposed the idea of the Social Contract. This concept is so influential in today's politics. Social Contract means society accepts a "contract" established by citizens and the government. Through this contract, citizens give some of their liberty so the government can create the rules and regulations to have the proper control of society, by ruling it and protect it. In modern democracies people vote and elect their President and representatives, so they can deliver results and govern with honesty, protect the citizens, and create the economic conditions to grow and prosper.

The other thinker is Voltaire.

Voltaire was one of the most important thinkers of this period in the history of humanity. He favored the use of reason instead of emotions and critiqued some religions like Judaism, Islam, and catholicism. However, he always supported the idea to respect and be tolerant of religious beliefs.

During the Enlightenment period, other great thinkers changed the way people thought. These were Baron of Montesquiou, Tomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jaques Rosseau.

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