the countries of the temperate and cold climate are comparitively more developed. why?​


Answer 1


They live in areas where people did not need technology to survive harsher climates such as freezing winters or scorching summers thus decreasing mortality rate. More time during the year to be productive.

Related Questions

Exercise a. Answer the following questions: How did society originate? b. How was the life of our early ancestors? Why is society needed? Write your opinion. d. What are the reasons for the development of most of the old human civilizations on the banks of rivers? e. What benefits do we get from the society? C. Community Work has your society succeeded to fulfill human needs? Do an inquiry ve the facts in your society and write it, ar​




the society originated in the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger. ... Thus through physical coercion or compulsion men were brought together and made to live in society. The Patriarchal and Matriarchal theories make society the expansion of family system.

b)Many years ago, early humans lived in the jungle and were afraid of bigger and stronger animals. They did not know how to build houses. So, they spent their time on the trees or hid themselves behind the bushes. But all this could not help them to save themselves from wild animals and harsh climatic conditions.


Safety. Nearly all residents list safety as the most essential feature of a good community. ...

Economic Health. ...

Education/Enrichment. ...

Natural Environment. ...

Image/Reputation. ...

Overall Appearance. ...

Sense of Community. ...

Health and Wellness Opportunities.


Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming.


Benefits may include financial security and/or assistance for education, unemployment, birth of a baby, sickness and medical expenses, retirement and funerals. Often benefit societies provide a social or educational framework for members and their families to support each other and contribute to the wider community.

Ahanu, an American Indian, feels harassed by tourists who visit his village. He does not like when the tourists barge into his hogan without permission to photograph his family. When tourists attempt to talk to him, he pretends to not know or speak in English. He is planning to lead an organized protest to stop the harassment of locals by tourists. In this scenario, Ahanu's attitude toward the tourists visiting his village exemplifies _____.





Retreatism is defined as a way by which one escapes societal demands by rejecting culturally accepted goals and the means of achieving them.

For example in a society if being religious is the goal and going to church is the means, an individual can reject both and create a new goal of getting rich by going to school.

In the given scenario it is generally accepted that tourists come into the community, take photographs, and interact with the locals.

However Ahanu rejects this norms by feeling harassed by tourists who visit his village, and is planning to lead an organized protest to stop the harassment of locals by tourists.

This is an example of retreatism.

A landowner owned a large tract of land in an area zoned for medium residential use. Permitted uses in this zone are single-family dwellings, condominium and townhouse developments, and moderate density apartment complexes. The landowner subdivided her land into 10 lots and conveyed each lot by a deed restricting the land to single-family use. All deeds were duly recorded and all lots were developed as single-family homes.

The owner of lot 1 died and his property passed by will to his niece. Some time later, the owner of lot 3 sold his property to a buyer by a deed that did not contain the covenant limiting use to single-family dwellings. The buyer subsequently sold lot 3 to her friend, and did not include the covenant in the deed. Both deeds were duly recorded. A storm destroyed the friend's home, and in its place he began to build a three-unit townhouse.

May the niece sue to enforce the covenant against the friend to prevent him from building the townhouse on lot 3?
A. No, because there is no privity with the friend.
B. No, because the zoning laws have not been violated.
C. No, because there was no restriction in the friend's deed.
D. Yes, because the friend's townhouse would alter the landowner's common scheme.




Explanation: Online School

The name concrete operations describes how children
(A) handle materials to solve problems.
(B) use what they have experienced to solve problems.
(C) reason abstractly to solve problems.
(D) develop hypotheses.



use what they have experienced to solved problems .

Eliana is at a party and begins to feel uncomfortable that she is not safe there. Several of the guys have been trying to get her to go upstairs with them alone, and keep offering her more drinks. As she discerns that her safety is at risk in this situation, her heart rate increases, she finds she cannot concentrate on conversations, and she simply leaves as quickly as she possibly can. Eliana was experiencing _______________.



I'm not 100% sure but I think it is Arrhythmia


Improper beating of the heart, whether irregular, too fast, or too slow.

Cardiac arrhythmia occurs when electrical impulses in the heart don't work properly.

hope that helped a little:)

mention any four characteristic of present society​



Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis of their mutuality. May be in the beginning assumed or real common lineage, tribal affinity, family benefit or the compactness due to a common to time inculcated between and among the members in the group the feeling of likeness. Likeness means mutuality, and that means Society.

The Reciprocal Awareness:

Likeness is generative of reciprocity. Once some are aware of the mutual likeness, they, certainly differentiate against those who are not like them. The problem of likes and dislikes was concomitant to the social growth. Consciousness of this kind, alone could make sense of likeness. All social action is based on reciprocal response. This alone, makes possible, the we-feeling.


Sense of likeness in not always sufficient. It alone is not adequate for social organisation. This does not exclude diversity or variation. The social structure of humanity is based on the family which rests upon the biological differences between the sexes, viz, men and women. The economic structure of society is based upon division of labour in which the professions and economic activities of people are different or dissimilar. The culture of society prospers with the differences in thoughts ideals, viewpoints, etc. No two individuals are alike in their nature.

They differ from each other in respect of their interests, capacities, abilities and tendencies etc. These differences do not imply mutual conflict; instead; by it the organisation of society is further strengthened. A 100 per cent organised society is not possible.


Cooperation is also another essential element to constitute society. Without cooperation, no society can exist. If the members of the society do not work together for the common purposes, they cannot lead a happy and comfortable life. Cooperation avoids mutual destructiveness and results in economy. In the words of P. Gisbert, “Cooperation is the most elementary process of social life without which society is impossible.”

For want of cooperation, the entire fabric of society may collapse. It is the very basis of social life. C.H. Cooley has rightly remarked, “Cooperation-arises when men realise that they have common interests. So great is the realisation of the necessity of cooperation on the part of every society, Kropotkin says, it is difficult to survive without it.

Importance of skilled human resource ?



the importance of skilled human resource are:

.To make plans and policies for country.

.To utilize means and resources in a efficient way.

.To play a role in production of good and services

.To boost mobilization of human resources.

.To understand essence of suistainable development.

.To check the dependency of their country and promotes independence.

hope it help you.

Maria had to take an aptitude test before starting graduate school. In this scenario, the criterion variable will be Maria's score on the aptitude test. appearance and personality. expected ability to get along with her fellow students. expected performance as a student in graduate school.



expected performance as a student in graduate school


We can refer to the criterion variable as the predicted variable. This variable as we know it can also be called the dependent variable. We use this in non experimental research situations to make predictions like in multiple regression analysis.

In this question the criterion variable here is her expected performance as a student and graduate School.

opinion about the
help provided for children of
Nepal by plan Nepal.


Plan International has been working in Nepal since 1978 helping marginalised children, their families and communities to access their rights to survival, protection and participation. At present, they run programmes in 8 districts and work through partners in 42 districts across the country.

Which of the following correctly describes the actions taken in the process represented by section K and L?



K and L


Answer:  i think it is BBB.


elaborate religious tolerance in a paragraph.​pleasee



In religious tolerance people work together by respecting each other's religion. It is matter of fact that each religion has its own importance. ... If we want to rule over other religions, we will only insult God because God says, “All religions are originated from me and end on me.”


Hope it help you friend

Which of the following represents a foreign policy constitutional power of Congress?

a) The Senate confirms ambassadors.

b) The Congress does not have any foreign powers in the Constitution.

c) The Congress negotiates treaties.

d) Congress has the constitutional authority of command over all U.S. armed forces.



Both the president and Congress have some exclusive foreign policy powers, while others are shared or not explicitly assigned by the Constitution.

These two branches of government often clash over foreign policy–making, particularly when it comes to military operations, foreign aid, and immigration.

The judicial branch is limited in how much it can arbitrate constitutional disputes over foreign policy, and it is often reluctant to.

what is losar discribe



Losar (Tibetan:, Wylie: lo-gsar; "new year") is a Buddhist celebration celebrated in Tibet. It is also known as Tibetan New Year. The holiday marks the start of the Tibetan lunisolar calendar, which corresponds to February or March in the Gregorian calendar.


Kristi works in a day-care center. She notices that Pablo, a 4-year-old boy, often indulges in private speech when doing any activity on his own. She has heard him talking to himself when solving puzzles. Kristi believes in Piaget's theory of cognitive development in children. After seeing Pablo's behavior, Kristi is likely to assume that Pablo's usage of private speech is


Answer: A sign of cognitive immaturity


Cognitive immaturity would be defined as a display of an intelligent act by someone done in an inappropriate manner. This could be seen as when someone is working out on a brain tasking idea but does it far from the normal or known pattern. Pablo speaking to himself while solving puzzle is a sign of cognitive immaturity, the intention for the activity is good but the act by which is done is not matured.

The correct statement for this question is sign of cognitive immaturity

The  cognitive immaturity characteristic that is usually found  among children and  youth can be regarded  as adaptive in as well as  of itself.

The adaptive nature of cognitive immaturity can be found  in developmental research especially in  areas such  as egocentricity, language acquisition and metacognition.

Cognitive immaturity can be regarded as inappropriate manner of displaying of intelligent act that is being carried out by someone.Instance of this is when Pablo was speaking directly to himself at the same time he was solving the puzzle, here we can see that his intention as regards the activity is alright but the act is not appropriate.

Therefore, the correct answer here is that Pablo is exhibiting a  sign of cognitive immaturity

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Rick has been distressed over a long period of time, he has had problems coping with life and relating to people. In addition, he avoids meeting people as he thinks his breathing can be dangerous for others. He also believes that washing his face seven times an hour would keep him healthy. Rick meets all the criteria for abnormality which include _____.





hsjsjbx xv bxhjxjdjdodkdnndjdnndjdindbxbbxjxjdudbjdjdudndbdjhdhdud hi dhdhdjdudbdjhdididbbdj d jdjjdndkdjd


'Radio is the most important means of communication' justify the statement ​


Answer: give me brainliest pls


They enable constant communication among officers and their troops; it can be the tipping point between success and failure. Radio can mitigate loss of life, facilitating immediate requests of medical response, alerting soldiers to danger, and implementing rescue operations.

how is the united states and the declaration of independence related



The Declaration of Independence, which officially broke all political ties between the American colonies and Great Britain, set forth the ideas and principles behind a just and fair government, and the Constitution outlined how this government would function.



how is the present state of inclusion in Nepal . write its positive impact

and those who will give the answer correctly I will give him/her extra mark and I will make him/her brainlist​



Given the fact that the present state is exclusionary, non-participatory and non-representative and discriminates against indigenous peoples, women, Madhesis, Dalits and other marginalized communities on the basis of caste, ethnicity, language, religion, sex, class and geographical territory, these marginalized peoples


¿Qué papel desempeñó la higiene y la salud pública dentro del proyecto modernizador de la élite de la "República Aristocrática"?



Papel significativo.


La higiene y la salud pública juegan un papel importante dentro del proyecto modernizador de élite de la "República Aristocrática". La higiene y la salud pública permiten a la población del país mantenerse saludable, en forma y alejada de las enfermedades. Debido a estas dos cosas, la población del país se mantiene saludable y realiza su trabajo de manera eficiente. Si estas dos cosas o factores no están presentes, la salud de las personas no es buena y no pueden cumplir con sus responsabilidades de manera adecuada.

What happens to particles when a substance gains energy and changes its state of matter? (HINT- give at least 2 things that occurs)
Will give Brainliest to the FIRST person who answers!!


There won’t be a temperature change as it is a phase change, and the kinetic energy between the molecules will increase


they either speed up or slow down


when a substance changes state of matter the particled gain the energy to either speed up their movements and change to the next state. Or they slow down and huddle together kindve like a block of ice. hope this helps

Which ancient civilization was an ancestor of the Hopi and Pueblo tribes?

A. Aztec
B. Mound Builders
C. Anasazi
D. Maya


It’s D because it’s not Aztec

Answer:A) Aztec.
Explanation:The Aztec are traditionally in what is now Arizona, the Hopi and Pueblo tribes originated in Arizona which makes them apart of the Aztec civilization.

Persuasion is defined as Group of answer choices The right inherent in a role to use any means to overcome resistance The use of signs, symbols, words, and arguments to induce compliance The use of force and coercion to get one's way The unquestionable entitlement to be obeyed that comes from fulfilling a specific role



The use of signs, symbols, words, and arguments to induce compliance.


The term "persuasion" is a noun that refers to the act of appealing to someone's emotions to make them comply with whatever you are asking for. In other words, persuasion is when you try to make someone obey what you say or do what you want them to do without the use of force or coercion.

In this regard, we can safely assume that persuasion is defined as "the use of signs, symbols, words, and arguments to induce compliance." These signs, symbols, words, etc. are meant to appeal to the interest of the other person so that he/she may comply with what's requested or desired of them.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

Why do you think per capita is expressed in US dollars​





ABD çünkü Amerikan para sı

Discuss the role of government in Socialization.​



Political socialization is the "process by which individuals learn and frequently internalize a political lens framing their perceptions of how power is arranged and how the world around them is (and should be) organized; those perceptions, in turn, shape and define individuals' definitions of who they are and how they ..

Hope it's helpful for you.....

pls mark me in brainlist

what is mean by limited government.​



A limited government is one whose legalized force and power is restricted through delegated and enumerated authorities.


Somebody murdered a dark-haired prepubescent girl in the area last year and left her mutilated body near the train tracks. This year, another dark-haired girl of about the same age was murdered and her body was left near the train tracks in the same general area. Based on what you have learned from the text, was this the work of a serial killer



Not conclusive because there were less than 3 cases with similarities


Serial killers

This is a term used for murderers. They are people who kill three or more people in separate occasions or events and usually have a time- off ( usually called cooling-off period) between murders. They simply kill 3 or more people in over a month or more.

Types of Killers

1. Visionary

2. Missionary

3. Hedonistic

4. Power/Control

General Characteristics of killers

They are often male, ages 25-35, different intelligence based, from all types of society, kill for the sex, power, manipulation, domination and control etc.

General Characteristics of the victims

These killers usually kills within their ethnic group, ages varies, no prior contact or hatred for the victim, the victims can be symbolic.

name the dynasty rural over China​



the qin dynasty ,the xin dynastythe yuan dynastythe sui dynasty

per capita income alone cannot indicate the true status of development. present your views on this statement. ​



The per capita income can not reflect the true state of economic development because if the income of a particular group have increased or have become rich and the income of other groups remain the same, it will reflect an increase in the per capita income.

According to the information-processing theorists, _____ refers to the hardware, whereas _____ refers to the software of the human memory system. Group of answer choices the positive bias of memory; the serial position effect the serial position effect; learned memory strategies the brain structures involved in memory; learned memory strategies



The correct answer is ''According to the information-processing theorists, the brain structures involved in memory refers to the hardware, whereas learned memory strategies refers to the software of the human memory system.''


The hardware is the structure that gives physical support to the computer while the software is the operational support. The similarities between the brain and the computer are reduced to that both are used for the storage and processing of information and to execute tasks. Memory can be defined as the coding, storage and evocation of the traces of experience that allow the human to accumulate information and knowledge. The necessary brain structures in the coding of information are the prefrontal and para-hippocampal region in storage the hippocampus and diencephalon, and in the evocation the frontal lobe.

describe how a country needs educates people for its development?


The role of education in poverty reduction is huge. Some advantages of education are: it boosts economic growth and increases the GDP of a country. It even reduces infant mortality rate, increases human life expectancy. Education is an important investment in a country as there are huge benefits. Education guarantees lifetime income; it promotes peace and reduces drop-out rates from schools and colleges and encourages healthy competition. Many children dropout form colleges as they are not aware of the advantages of college education.Education helps in making the right decisions at the time of conflicts.
Other Questions
The variables x and y vary inversely, and y=-11 when x = 16. Write an equation that relates x and y. Thenfind y when x = -9. Witch of the following is an example of a good hypothesis? A. The vinegar is the acid and the soap is the base. B. I think the glow sticks will be brighter in the hot water. C. When placed in hot water , sugar cubes will dissolve more slowly then granulated sugar. D. Hot water makes things disk faster. por que se castigaba a los esclavos por no comer_ 11 and 14 please!! Ill give Brainlist please Nhit dung ring ca mt cht l ? The number of music CDs sold in 1993 by one company was approximately 2.310^6.The number of music CDs sold by the same company in 2001 was approximately 7.910^7. What is the difference in CDs sold between 1993 and 2001? List the reactions of glycolysis that: _________a. are energy-consuming (under standard state conditions).b. are energy-yielding (under standard state conditions).c. consume ATP.d. yield ATP.e. are strongly influenced by changes in concentration of substrate and product because of their molecularity.f. are at or near equilibrium in the erythrocyte Notes Receivable differ from Accounts Receivable in that Notes Receivable: A. are generally considered a weaker legal claim B. do not have to be created for every new transaction, so they are used more frequently C. are noncurrent assets D. generally charge interest from the day they are signed to the day they are collected similarity transformations geometry :) answer 3 blanks Write an equation in slope intercept form for the line with slope -2 and y intercept-5 el sujeto y el predicado de este empresa de transporte reparara todo sus buses para evitar cualquier reclamo A gas occupies a volume of 202 ml at a pressure of 505 torr. To what pressure must the gas be subject in order to change the volume to 65.0 ml Determine if the following system of equations has no solutions, infinitely many solutions or exactly one solution. 5x + 6y = 1; - 5x - 8y = 2 Spermatogenesis is a process in which the tests producered blood cellsspermswhite blood celleggs How is the sun related to Mother Nature Kenneth and Catherine Lohmann of the University of North Carolina explored the orientation or direction-finding abilities of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings under varying magnetic conditions. Hatchlings were placed in a tank of water in a laboratory either in the natural magnetic field of the earth OR in a reversed magnetic field in which north and south were flipped. The researchers then measured the direction that the hatchlings swam. The experiments were carried out in the dark and at night since that is when most newly hatched turtles migrate from their sandy nests into the ocean. The results of the Lohmanns' experiments are most likely to be considered credible if Group of answer choices a great deal of time had been spent collecting hatchlings and running experiments. the experiments were funded by a government grant. the results were published in a peer-reviewed journal. the Lohmanns are famous scientists. What is a sage bush energy Sara is talking about what she has and what she needs for school. Choose the most logical ending for each of her statementsbelow.Para escribir necesitoun lpiz.a.b. las materias.c. un reloj.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABMark this and returnSave and ExitNextSubmit Complete the following sentences by saying what you hope will happen the next time you go on vacation.Ojal que nosotros ____________________.update: the answer is Ojal que nosotros nos baemos en el mar. A canoeist traveling with the current traveled the 24 miles between two riverside campsites in 2 hours. The return trip against the current took 3 hours. Find the speed of the canoeist in still water and the speed of the current, both in miles per hour.