The dimensions of a conical funnel are shown below: A conical funnel is shown with the height of the cone as 8 inches and the radius of the base as 3 inches. Nisha closes the nozzle of the funnel and fills it completely with a liquid. She then opens the nozzle. If the liquid drips at the rate of 15 cubic inches per minute, how long will it take for all the liquid to pass through the nozzle? (Use π = 3.14.) 3.34 minutes 5.02 minutes 13.39 minutes 15.07 minutes


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

r=3 in

h=8 in

Volume of funnel

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h\\=\frac{1}{3} \times 3.14 \times 3^2 \times 8\\=75.36 in.^3\\time ~taken~to~drip out=\frac{75.36}{15}\\\approx 5.02~minutes.[/tex]

Answer 2


5.02 is right

Step-by-step explanation:

i hope this helps

Related Questions

6. Use a one unit multiplier to convert 20 inches to centimeters.
7. Use two unit multipliers to convert 25 feet to centimeters.



should be 15.

Step-by-step explanation:

How do I find x and y?



x = 20

y = 70

Step-by-step explanation:

Since B and D are parallel :

6x - 10 + 3x + 10 = 180 add/subtract like terms

9x = 180 divide both sides by 9

x = 20

angle represented by y and 6x - 10 are supplementary and their sum is 180

y + 6x - 10 = 180 replace x with 20

y + 6*20 - 10 = 180

y + 120 - 10 = 180

y + 110 = 180 subtract 110 from both sides

y = 70

Express 1.2, 2.25, 3.5, 4.06 as a fraction in its simplest form​



1.2 = 12/10 = 6/5

2.25 = 225/100 = 9/4

3.5 = 35/10 = 7/2

4.06 = 406/100 = 203/50

The interest of the sum of money at the end of 10 years is one third of the sum. Find the rate of interest​




Step-by-step explanation:

Intrest = P. A. *Intrest Rate * Time

(1/3)*P. A. = P. A. *Intrest Rate * 10

Intrest Rate = 1/30)=3.33%

Find all three distinct roots for X³ =1. (two of them are complex mumber). And show that sum of all roots is zero.​


x ³ = 1

x ³ - 1 = 0

x ³ - 1³ = 0

Factorize the right side as a difference of cubes:

(x - 1) (x ² + x + 1) = 0


x - 1 = 0   or   x ² + x + 1 = 0

The first equation yields x = 1 as a root.

For the other equation, rearrange and complete the square to get the other two roots,

x ² + x + 1/4 = -3/4

(x + 1/2)² = -3/4

x + 1/2 = ±√(-3/4) = ± i √3/2

x = -1/2 ± i √3/2

x = (-1 ± i √3)/2

Since complex roots occurs in conjugate pairs, taking the sum of these two roots eliminates the imaginary part:

(-1 + i √3)/2 + (-1 - i √3)/2 = (-1 - 1)/2 = -2/2 = -1

and adding to 1 indeed shows that the sum of roots is zero.

In a survey of 850 students in a school, 90% reported having pets at home. If the margin of error is 3.4%, what is the interval that is likely to contain the exact percent of all people who have pets at home?

Between 3.4% and 90%
Between 90% and 93.4%
Between 86.6% and 90%
Between 86.6% and 93.4%



Between 86.6% and 93.4%

Step-by-step explanation:

To obtain the population proportion from the sample, we calculate the confidence interval ; Confidence interval = phat ± margin of error Phat = 90% ; margin of error = +3.4%   90% ± 3.4% (90 - 3.4)% ; (90 + 3.4)% 86.6% ; 93.4%

The area of each square below is 1 square unit.


Nooo es 3 squares ai ya ya tonta mira yo te explico mi tío me recarga diamantes del free fire

We want to find the zeros of this polynomial:

p(x) = 2x^3 + 3x^2 - 18x -27.

Plot all the zeros (x-intercepts) of the polynomial in the graph.




Step-by-step explanation:

(x+3) x=-3

(x-3) x=3

(2x+3) x=-3/2

The total cost of 2 bracelets and 3 necklaces is $15.50. The total cost of 4 bracelets and 1 necklace is $13.50. Let b represent the cost of each bracelet and n represent the cost of each necklace. This situation can be represented by the following system of equations.


What is the cost of one bracelet?









Step-by-step explanation:

b = cost of bracelet

n = cost of necklace

2b+3n = 15.50

4b+1n = 13.50

Multiply the first equation by -2

-4b -6n = -31

4b +n = 13.50


-5n = -17.50

Divide each side by -5

-5n/-5 = -17.5/-5

n = 3.50

Now we can find b

4b+n = 13.50

4b+3.50 = 13.50

4b+3.50-3.50 = 13.50 -3.50

4b = 10

Divide by 4

4b/4 = 10/4

b = 2.50





Step-by-step explanation:

Cross multiply.

5x = 8 * 9

5x = 72

x = 14.4


x= 14.4

Step-by-step explanation:

1. cross multiply

5*x and 8*9


2. divide 72 by 5

x= 14.4

Which situation is best represented using a negative integer?


The answer is A (a mountain climber descending a mountain. This sis the answer because it is the only option with a decrease. When something decreases, a negative value (a number) represents the amount it decreased



Step-by-step explanation:

find the distance between (3,3) and (3,4)​




Step-by-step explanation:






1 unit

Step-by-step explanation:

Since x- coordinates are same, the distance is the difference of the y-coordinates:

4 - 3 = 1

Select the correct statement which describes the multiplicative relationship between two equivalent ratios.

A The ratios
are equivalent. Each term in
is two times the corresponding term in
B The ratios
are equivalent. Each term in
is four times the corresponding term in
C The ratios
are equivalent. Each term in
is two times the corresponding term in
D The ratios
are equivalent. Each term in
is four times the corresponding term in




Step-by-step explanation:

Help please, area of a triangle



84 ft^2.

Step-by-step explanation:

Use Pythagoras to find the value of h:

25^2 = h^2 + 7^2

h^2 = (25-7)(25+7)

h^2 = 576

h = √576 = 24

Area  = 1/2 * 7 * 24

= 84.

(y+2)(y^2-2y+4) ..........................


You can use the distributive property to multiply:

( y )( y² - 2y + 4 ) + ( 2 )( y² - 2y + 4) =

y³ - 2y² + 4y + 2y² - 4y + 8 =

y³ + 8

The -2y² and the 2y² cancel each other, and the 4y and -4y cancel each other out!

The answer is y^3 +8

How are a desert and a tundra similar?

A. They both have high levels of precipitation.
B. They have many trees and a lot of vegetation.
C. They have high average temperatures.
D. They have low humidity and low levels of precipitation.



D is right option

Step-by-step explanation:


Both the biomes experience less precipitation due to this they have a less diversity of flora and fauna as compared to other biomes like savanna, grasslands, chaparral etc. Let us see how they differ from each other!

Low rain fall _ annual rainfal of lessthan 20cm in deserts, 15-20cm in tundra

Minimal life_ only small shurbs can survive in both kind of environments

Poor drainage.. In deserts, though sandy soil may seem much porous, these are most flood prone areas of world. The tundra is characterised by permafrost soils ie, under the thin layer of soil, a thick ice sheet is present and hence is no seepage.

High range of temperatures: In tundra, the maximum temperatures are recorded in summer (abt 10^C) and minimum during winter(-20 to -30^C). While, in desert too, the temperature range is high but diurnally ie, nights are too cold and day time is scorching.

The sequence shown below is defined using a recursion formula. Write the first four terms of the sequence.
a1=10 and an-1+3 for n is greater than and equal to 2


Answer:  10, 13, 16, 19


The notation [tex]a_1 = 10[/tex] says that the first term is 10.

The notation [tex]a_n = a_{n-1}+3[/tex] is the recursive rule that says "to find the nth term, we add 3 to the previous term". So we add 3 to each term to get the next one.

first = 10second = first+3 = 10+3 = 13third = second+3 = 13+3 = 16fourth = third + 3 = 16+3 = 19

This sequence is arithmetic due to the common difference d = 3.


Step-by-step explanation:





Please hurry I will mark you brainliest

What is the value of p in the equation of the line px + 2y + 8 = 0, so that the x-intercept is 4?



p = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

px + 2y + 8 = 0

px + 2y  = -8

p(4)    = -8

p = -2

The answer above me is correct

On a survey, 6 students reported how many minutes it takes them to travel to school. Here are their responses.

Find the mean travel time for these students.

4, 11, 14, 9, 4, 8


The mean would be 8.33

A) 60° B) 85° C) 96° D) 40°​




Step-by-step explanation:

a straight line is 180° then

if a line bisect it in to a half it become 90°


the exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two interior angles

this means 150°-90°=60°

Answer: A) 60

Step-by-step explanation:

The line at the top signifies 180 degrees, as does any straight line. The 150° that intersects with P tells you that P must be 30 degrees, as 180 - 150 = 30.

The three angles of a triangle must always equal 180°. Angle R tells you that it’s 90°, shown by the square instead of a curve. If you subtract the value of P we found before, and the value of R we just found, you get your answer.

180 - 30 - 90 = 60.

The vertex is 2,-4 what is the parabola equation



y + 4 = (x - 2)^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The vertex form of the equation of a vertical parabola is

y - k = a(x - h)^2, where (h, k) represents the vertex and a is a scaling factor which stretches or compresses the parabola vertically.  If all we know is the vertex (2, -4), then the desired equation is:

y + 4 = a(x - 2)^2

If there is no vertical stretching or compression, then the equation becomes:

y + 4 = (x - 2)^2


y = x² - 4x

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a parabola in vertex form is

y = a(x - h)² + k

where (h, k ) are the coordinates of the vertex and a is a multiplier

Here (h, k ) = (2, - 4) , with a = 1 , the equation is

y = (x - 2)² - 4 ← expand using FOIL

 = x² - 4x + 4 - 4

y = x² - 4x ← equation of parabola

Find the length of the arc.



We know

Length if arc=L

[tex]\boxed{\sf L=\dfrac{\theta}{360}\times 2πr}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto L=\dfrac{135}{360}\times2π(7)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto L=\dfrac{27}{72}\times 14π[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto L=\dfrac{27}{36}\times 14π[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto L=\dfrac{9}{12}\times 7π[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto L=\dfrac{63π}{12}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto L=\dfrac{21π}{4}in[/tex]

A pizza parlor offers 4 different pizza toppings. How many different kinds of 2-topping pizzas are available?



you need to be more specific.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the volume of a cone with a
radius of 10 and a height of 7. Use 3.14 for n and
round the answer to the nearest whole number.



Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of a cone formula is

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}\pi r^2h[/tex] where r is radius and h is height. Filling in:

[tex]V=\frac{1}{3}(3.14)(10)^2(7)[/tex] and doing all the math on that and rounding gives us

V = 733 units cubed

Algebra 1 need help ASAP



Step 1: 12-2a=3a-18

Step 2: 12-5a=-18

Step 3: -5a=-30

Step 4: a=6

I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

she bought 9 gallons of milk and no toilet tissue

What quadratic formula do I need to use to solve 3x(x+6)=-1



[tex]\Large \boxed{x_1=\frac{9+\sqrt{51} }{3} \ \ ; \ \ x_2=\frac{9-\sqrt{51} }{3} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol{} 3x(x+6)=-10 \\\\3x^2+18x=-10 \\\\3x^2+18x+10=0 \\\\D=324-120=204 \\\\ x_{1;2}=\frac{18\pm2\sqrt{51} }{6} =\frac{9\pm\sqrt{51} }{3}[/tex]

Instructions: Find the missing side of the triangle.



x = 40

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras' identity in the right triangle

x² + 30² = 50²

x² + 900 = 2500 ( subtract 900 from both sides )

x² = 1600 ( take the square root of both sides )

x = [tex]\sqrt{1600}[/tex] = 40

PLEASE HELP!!! The length, width, and height of a right rectangular prism are doubled. What will be the effect on the volume of the prism?


It will increase in the length, width, and height x2 because it’s doubled


The volume is multiplied by 8.

Step by step explanation:

Let the length equal l, the width equal w, and the height equal h for the original rectangular prism.

The volume of a right rectangular prism with length l, width w, and height h is V=lwh.

Therefore, the volume of the original prism is lwh.

The new rectangular prism has dimensions that are twice those of the original rectangular prism: the length equals 2l, the width equals 2w, and the height equals 2h.

To calculate the volume of the rectangular prism, substitute the doubled values into the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism.




The new volume is 8lwh.

If the length, width, and height of a right rectangular prism are doubled, the volume is multiplied by 8.

Therefore, the new volume is the original volume multiplied by 8.

Find the indicated side of the
right triangle.
y = [?] /



hello dear...

see first of all there's a thm type thing

'' sides opposite to equal angles are equal ''

so here 45 degrees in both sides are equal which leads us that opposite sides are equal as well

so x = 6

now we got value of 2 sides, both are 6 and now applying pythogarus as it is right angle

6^2 + 6^2 = y^2

36+36 = y^2

72 = y^2

y = √72

y = √36*2

y = 6√2

brainliest plssss <33

The area of a square field is 1 17/64 m2. What is the perimeter of the square field? Can some1 say this ans fast pls



5.41 m

Step-by-step explanation:

First, let's find a side length by taking the square root of the area.

117/64 ^ 1/2 = 1.352...

Next, we need to multiply by 4.

1.352... x 4 = 5.408...

= approximately 5.41

Other Questions
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Department G had 2,280 units 25% completed at the beginning of the period, 13,200 units were completed during the period, 1,900 units were 20% completed at the end of the period, and the following manufacturing costs were debited to the departmental work in process account during the period: Work in process, beginning of period $29,400 Costs added during period: Direct materials (12,820 units at $9) 115,380 Direct labor 77,400 Factory overhead 25,800 All direct materials are placed in process at the beginning of production, and the first-in, first-out method of inventory costing is used. What is the total cost of the units started and completed during the period (round unit cost calculations to whole dollars and round your final answer to the nearest dollar)? Can someone help me with this word search? A one lane highway runs through a tunnel in the shape of one half a sine curve cycle When a company records depreciation it debits:_____.A. Depreciation Expense and credits a contra-asset account. B. Depreciation Expense and credits Cash. C. a long-lived tangible asset account and credits Depreciation Expense. D. a liability account and credits Depreciation Expense. A collection of 30 coins consists of dimes and nickels. The total value is $1. 95How many dimes are there? Identify whether the underlined clause is an adjective clause, adverb clause, or noun clause.While the sailboat bobbed at anchor, we watched the stars come out. A swimmer dove off a board that was 50 ft above the water. The swimmer reached a depth of 15 ft in the pool. What number represents the swimmer's original height, in feet? "According to new growth theory, ______. A. prosperity will last but growth will not last because eventually the real interest rate falls, which slows the capital accumulation needed for growth B. growth can persist indefinitely C. growth rates and income levels per person around the globe will converge D. labor productivity grows most quickly in countries with the largest populations" A housecleaning agency was given a key to a customer's house so that the agency could have its employees clean while the homeowner was away. After a maid sent by the agency had finished and left the homeowner's house, she went back because she had forgotten her cigarettes. She neglected to lock the door when she left the second time because she was already late for the next job. When the homeowner returned after a few days away, she discovered that her house had been ransacked and several items of jewelry stolen. The front door was open, and there were no signs of forced entry. If the homeowner brings an action against the agency that employed the maid, what is the likely result An angle measures 2 more than the measure of its complementary angle 4 effect by which we can see several keyframes at once is a. Onion Skin b. Layer Effect o c. Timeline Effect 5. You can control the speed of animation by increasing or decreasing the value in a. Timeline a b. Fps Box O c. Tools Panel Write T for True and 'F' for False statements. 1. Pencil2D has autosave option for saving your work after every few minutes 2. The source code of Pencil2D is not available for users. 3. You cannot erase unwanted part of object or drawing on the stage 4. Hand tool is used to quickly move different parts of the stage. 5. Bitmap layer is used for raster graphics, which is made up of pixels. Fill in the blanks. 1. Pencil2D is used to create animation using and graphics 2. The big white rectangle in the middle of your screen is called the 3. The is used to mark current frame displayed on the stage. 4 You can a layer to clearly identify it in the timeline. 5. Frame is the little in the Timeline, in which we create an image 6. You can fill color in your enclosed drawing or shape with tool. is it a claim or not a claim? Question 3 of 10What must a speaker keep in mind to best appeal to the audience?A. Famous speeches the audience may know by heartB. The length of time the audience has been waiting to hear thespeakerC. The right of the audience to ask questionsD. The expectations and knowledge of the audienceCI 50% of 8050% of 4850% of 1525% of 12025% of 90 Write a 6-digit number that fits the description.1. The value of its thousands digit is 5,000. 2. The value of its hundreds digit is 700. 3. Its tens digit is 2 less than the thousands digit. 4. Its hundred thousands digit is the same as the hundreds digit. The number is?