The diploid number for the tasmanian devil is.


Answer 1




A Tasmanian Devil has a diploid number of chromosome which is 14 while on the other hand, there are 7 number of chromosomes in the sex cells. The sex cells i.e. sperm and egg has haploid number of chromosome so the number of chromosomes in sex cells of Tasmanian Devil is 7 while on the other hand, in the somatic cells or body cells there is diploid means double number of chromosome so the diploid number of chromosome for Tasmanian Devil is 14.

Related Questions

Where Adam and Eve really the first people? or where there other people before them, or did adam and eve even exist at all. explain your reasoning.

ᴵ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ˢᵃʸ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ.
i will give brainly if it is convencing.



If you are religious then you might believe in Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. But if you believe in science, then you would believe in evolution.

Sapiens or humans have been on the Earth for around 300,000 years.

Earlier ancestors existed 1.4 to 2 millions years ago.

Earliest writing is 5400 years old.

The bible is 2700 years old.

Why was there no record of Adam and Eve earlier?

Because they never really existed until someone created them.

The someone wasn't a deity . It was a man. A man who created a story.

State three different information about zygote.



A zygote is the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell . Also known as a fertilized ovum, the zygote begins as a single cell but divides rapidly in the days following fertilization. After this two-week period of cell division, the zygote eventually becomes an embryo.


Organism Clue
a gamete of a housefly has 6
Haploid or Diploid





wrong question actually...

what is the main purpose of the pupil



to adjust how much light is let into the eye



The pupil is where light enters the eye. How much light is controlled by the iris which surrounds the pupil and opens and closes it like a camera lens aperture.

True during development the skeleton of a fetus is made of cartilage which is converted to bone before birth



Early in gestation, a fetus has a cartilaginous skeleton that becomes bone in ... At birth, a newborn baby has over 300 bones, while on average an adult human has 206 bones ... It is composed of fibers and granular cells in a matrix. ... The hypertrophic chondrocytes (before apoptosis) secrete vascular endothelial cell growth ...


n:When does the fetal cartilage turn to bone?

Key milestones in fetal bone development

Weeks pregnant Milestone

7 weeks Bone outlines for entire skeleton established; cartilage is forming

8 weeks Somites disappear; joints start forming

10 weeks Bone tissue forms and starts hardening (ossification)

16 weeks Your baby can move his limbs

What would happen to the weight of an ice cub if it melted?

A) it would weigh a little more.
B) it would weigh a lot less.
C) it would weigh the same.
D) it would weigh a lot more.



C. it would weigh the same


The mass of the ice doesn't change as the ice melts, so the volume displaced remains the same whether its is solid or liquid.

Watershed drains waters into a stream and tributaries. Which is its main function?

A. Production of continuous water supply that maintains life forms

B. Prevents growth of new plant species

C. Contributes to soil formation

D. Creates new minerals ​



B. Prevents growth of new plant species.


B. Prevents growth of new plant species

Most enzymes can function within a rather broad pH range, approximately 3-12.

True or false?


The answer is true hope it helps

Part C: Take Notes In a separate location, take notes from the sources you have identified. The notes will provide details for your presentation. While taking notes from texts and websites, use these reading strategies. In the space provided, write four pieces of information that you intend to use in your presentation. im to lazy to write the notes



I do that sometimes I take notes in a separate location so is this like for your math homework cuz I am good enough but I don't like it that much but I'm good at it and sources identify things that will the source is like a key a key like you can open and close the door with and you're opening the key with the source so it really really really really and wouldn't be a good thing to take notes wherever you go like if you were writing a book you would want the source and the emotion and everything you wanted to buy

How does variation in the environment affect natural selection?



It effects the way that certain traits in a species evolve in an area due to being better for dealing with the environment more effectively.


This is legit how nature works. Please rate 5 stars.

¿Cuál es el rol de la genética microbiana en el contexto de la Biología?
¿Qué aplicaciones tiene la Genética Microbiana hoy en día?

¿En qué consiste el protagonismo de la Genética microbiana en el devenir histórico de la Biología?



- La genética microbiana ha sido fundamental para la comprensión de diferentes mecanismo genéticos y evolutivos  

- Los microrganismos son ampliamente utilizados en medicina y procesos biotecnológicos  

- La microbiología ha permitido descartar la teoría de la generación espontanea (anteriormente aceptada en biologia) como así también formular nuevas teorías (hoy en día ampliamente aceptadas por la comunidad científica)


La genética microbiana juega un papel fundamental en biología, ya que los organismos microscópicos (por ejemplo, bacterias) poseen características únicas para el estudio de mecanismos genético/moleculares tales como, por ejemplo, 1-un corto tiempo generacional y 2-la capacidad de manipulación de un número de organismos muy alto (N muestral) en un laboratorio. En consecuencia, los microrganismos permiten estudiar mecanismos genéticos y evolutivos con mayor grado de precisión y versatilidad al ser comparados con organismos pluricelulares. La microbiología ha permitido el desarrollo de técnicas esenciales en el campo de la biología molecular: la técnica de edición genómica CRISPR-Cas9 se basa en el sistema adaptativo que poseen ciertas bacterias para hacer frente a infecciones virales. La biotecnología microbiana ha permitido también desarrollar diferentes tipos de alimentos y procesos biotecnológicos (por ejemplo, la cerveza y ciertos productos lácteos requiere la utilización de microrganismos para llevar a cabo el proceso de fermentación). Por otra parte, mediante técnicas de recombinación genética podemos explotar las características de los microrganismos para producir a gran escala ciertos productos biotecnológicos y medicinales (por ejemplo, producir insulina para uso humano). La microbiología emergió en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y desde entonces ha posibilitado el desarrollo de importantes avances para el tratamiento y cura de enfermedades infecciosas, como así también descartar teorías tales como la generación espontánea y generar nuevos conocimientos en el campo de la biología y la genética (por ejemplo, el descubrimiento que el ADN se replica de manera semiconservativa fue realizado utilizando cepas de E. coli).

in both mitosis and meiosis, sister chromatids separate during anaphase, but there are four haploid daughter cells in meiosis and two haploid daughter cells in mitosis

true or false and explain why





because mitosis produce diploid cells and meiosis produce 4 haploid cells

Heat Transfer Mechanisms 1.In your own words, using the pennies activity, define the three different heat transfer mechanisms. Your definitions should include:
(i) information about how energy is moving
(ii) what is happening microscopically (that is, at the atomic level)
(iii) what phase(s) of materials is usually involved.



The three modes of heat transfer are: 1) Radiation 2) Convection 3) Conduction



It is the mode of heat transfer which requires no medium because the transfer of energy takes place in the form of electromagnetic radiations. The spectrum of radiations that contribute to the heat transfer via radiation is the wavelength ranging from 0.1 μm to 100 μm.

For example the heat from the sun reaches the earth via radiation that passes through space and then through the atmosphere of the earth.


It is the mode of heat transfer that takes place in a fluid matter. The molecules in this case move from one place to another due to the difference in density developed as a result of heat absorption.

Example, the boiling of water. When the water in a utensil is heated, the heat is supplied at the bottom. In such a case the molecules of the water absorb the heat resulting in increased intermolecular spacing and hence the water at the bottom becomes the least dense in the bulk of water mass in the utensil hence rises up at to the free surface of the fluid mass. Then the densest mass of the fluid occupies the bottom space and is heated by the heat source supplied. This chain continues.


This is the process of heat transfer from one molecule to the next neighbouring molecules. The propagation of heat energy occurs in a sequential manner starting from the molecule nearest to the heat source. The microscopic phenomenon happens in the form of lattice vibrations that are responsible for the transfer of heat energy via conduction.

Example, while heating of a pan the base heats up at first being continuously exposed to heat whereas the handle of the pan being far away from the source heats up after a long time.

A researcher wanted to create a loss of function mutation for studying Type I Diabetes in a model animal. What mutation would mimic Type I diabetes?
a) Inhibition of sugar absorption in the small intestine
b) Inhibition of pancreatic beta-cells
c) Up regulation of insulin receptors on the pancreas
d) Down regulation of GLUT4 transporters in muscles



The correct answer is: b) Inhibition of pancreatic beta-cells.


Type 1 Diabetes is a form of Diabetes Mellitus, a condition characterized by chronic hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels) that can compromise many organs and even cause death if not treated properly.

The most common form of Diabetes Mellitus is Type 2 Diabetes, in which the pancreas produces insulin but cannot reach the target organs because of a pathologic state called Insulin Resistance.

Type 1 Diabetes, instead, is present in patients that cannot produce insulin on their own. Insulin is the most important hormone in the regulation of blood sugar - it is secreted by the pancreatic beta-cells when glycemia rises (which is normal after eating) and it is key in allowing glucose to reach the tissues where it's needed for energy requirements. Type 1 Diabetes is usually diagnosed in young, even pediatric, patients - the pancreatic beta-cells in these individuals are destroyed and unable to function (the reason for this is not clear in all cases), so they have to be administered with exogenous insulin to survive.

For the model animal to better represent Type 1 Diabetes, the mutation would have to inhibit pancreatic beta-cells.

Which of the following models describes the way in which DNA Replication occurs?









The semiconservative model of DNA replication states that only one DNA strand is used as template for the synthesis of the other new strands. In DNA replication, the DNA molecule is first unwind into a replication fork containing two single strands of DNA.

After unwinding, DNA polymerase synthesizes new complementary strands of DNA using each of the old strands. So in essence, the two DNA molecules after replication consists of one old and one new strand of DNA. This is basically the semi-conservative model of DNA replication.

One of your classmates submits the post below which is a very informative post about criteria for safe food production during the manufacturing process. What is missing from this post? "I recently read that industrial food processing factories are required to undergo periodic inspections by the United States Department of Agriculture as well as by the Food and Drug Administration. For the USDA, these inspections are conducted by staff in the Food Safety and Inspection Service, or FSIS."A. Did not refer to the source of the information in the body of the postB. Did not state what s/he specifically learned from the sourceC. Did not provide a citation for the source of the information



A. Did not refer to the source of the information in the body of the post


In the post written by his friend, we can see that he decided to write information about the periodic inspections carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture as well as by the Food and Drug Administration, because he read about these inspections somewhere. However, he forgot to show this place where he read this information, that is, he forgot to present the source where he got the information presented in the post. By presenting the source, it would make the post more trustworthy and relevant.

Andrew is trying to identify an unknown element. The element is dull and
brittle, and it is a poor thermal and electrical conductor. Where on the periodic
table is this element most likely found?



non metals


Which of the following is not a main characteristic of a mineral?
A. Man-made
B. Solid
C. Predictable chemical composition
D. Inorganic


The answer is A. Man-made

how does fertilization of angiosperm differ from fertilization in bryophytes​



Fertilization in flowering plants happens through a process called pollination. Pollination occurs when pollen grains from the anther land on a stigma. ... Fertilization occurs when one of the sperm cells fuses with the egg inside of an ovule. After fertilization occurs, each ovule develops into a seed

Which process results in the formation of two identical daughter cells


Explanation: During mitosis, a eukaryotic cell undergoes a carefully coordinated nuclear division that results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. ... If all conditions are ideal, the cell is now ready to move into the first phase of mitosis.


answer is D

answer is mitosis


hope this helps!

Which of the following are differences between DNA and RNA? Mark all that apply.

a- DNA nucleotides include: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine
b- RNA nucleotides include: Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Uracil
c- DNA normally exists as double stranded
d- RNA normally exists as single stranded
e- RNA normally exists as double stranded
f- DNA normally exists as single stranded
g- The sugar in DNA is a ribose
h- The sugar in RNA is a deoxyribose



The correct answer is - a, b, c, d, g and h.


DNA and RNA both are nucleic acids and have considered genetic materials. There are certain difference in these molecules such as-

Different sugars present in the nucleotide, Deoxyribose sugar in DNA and ribose sugar in RNA.

There are different nitrogenous bases also present as RNA has uracil instead of thymine.

DNA normally found in double-stranded while RNA exists in single-stranded.

water enters a long vurvykar tube at a eman tempreture taht is lower than the tine surface temperatire. The curve that most closely describes the mean tempretire of the fluid as a function of



The curve that most closely describes the mean tempretire of the fluid as a function of position  along the tube.


Hello. Your question is presenting very confusing words, however, through the context of the question as a whole, it is possible to see that you are saying that the water that enters a circular tube has a lower temperature than the temperature presented by the surface of the tube . In this case, if you are going to present a graph about this, it is important that this graph presents a curve that shows the relationship between the average water temperature as a function of the position of the water along the tube. This graph will be similar to the graph shown in the attached figure below.

Which of the following is a skin sensory receptor for touch?
A) Pacinian corpuscle
B) Meissner's corpuscle
C) Ruffini body
D) free nerve ending


The answer is B.Meissners corpuscle

Meissner's corpuscle is a skin sensory receptor for touch.

Meissner corpuscles are responsible for the sense of touch or light pressure, that is, they are very sensitive to the movement of objects on the skin and to very low vibrations.

About Meissner corpuscles:

• They are located on the lips and fingertips and are very sensitive.

• Meissner corpuscles act when there is a soft and light touch, and when vibrations are less than 50 hertz.

• These receptors can be altered when there is the presence of diseases where both thermal and tactile sensitivity are altered.

Therefore, we can conclude that Meissner corpuscles detect fine touch, that is, they are receptors on the skin that are sensitive to low-frequency vibration.

Learn more about Meissner corpuscles here:

Hello what is this? I need help quick pleasee


B because B is the nucleus which is the storage location of DNA
The answer would be B.

An environmental microbiologist collects a water sample that contains bacteria that have not contacted the outside world for thousands of years. He uses sterile technique while transporting then back to the lab for testing. To his surprise, they are resistant to ampicillin. Based on your knowledge of bacterial evolution, which of the following statements provides the most reasonable explanation for this discovery?

a. The bacteria are a result of contamination on the way to the lab.
b. The bacteria do not contain 50S ribosomal subunits.
c. Vancomycin is a naturally occurring mineral occuring in the cave water.
d. The bacteria randomly acquired a mutation in their cell wall building machinery.



The answer is "Option d".


These genetic mutations in heritage in the genome of the bacterium were referred to as biofilm formation. All those other changes are attributable to some genetic changes during replication. The short term of bacteria and vast quantities of the colony can develop rapidly.

The type of environmental choice then transfers into another generation. Some translations benefit human people and enhance their fitness.

The most logical cause for this finding is Option "D", and although types of bacteria have not been in contact with the outside world for hundreds of years, certain random changes resist penicillin.

what are plastids?name their types.​



A double membrane bound organelle involved in the synthesis and storage of food, and is commonly found within the cells of photosynthetic organisms, like plants. Supplement. One of the distinctive features of a plant cell is the presence of plastids.Types of Plastids





Hypothesize and diagnose the impact of variability on enzyme ability


Sorry bro but I don’t know

2. Is caffeine really a source of energy



Yes i believe so


Same here lolzz !!!!!!!

Where are the photoreceptors located Inside a human eye?



○They are located in the retina.

The type of cell in your eye that

 detects photons and sends them to 

your brain. 

They are found in the retina (the back layer of the eye). Rods and cones are 

the two types.




Discuss how the concept of "survival of the fittest" was developed and what it means.



Survival of the fittest is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection.In On the Origin of Species, he introduced the phrase in the fifth edition published in 1869, intending it to mean "better designed for an immediate, local environment".


there right^



Other Questions
4. A piece of metal weighing 0.0713 g was placed in a eudiometer containing dilute aqueous HCl. After the metal fully dissolved, 23.5 mL of hydrogen gas was collected by displace-ment of water and a 400 mm column of water was observed. The water temperature was 258C and the barometric pressure was 758.8 mm Hg (torr). Refer to the Introduction and data sheet to solve the following problems. a) What is the vapor pressure of the water vapor in the column? (Consult Appendix E.) A sample of gas contains 0.1800 mol of CO(g) and 0.1800 mol of NO(g) and occupies a volume of 23.2 L. The following reaction takes place: 2CO(g) + 2NO(g 2Co2(g) +N2(g) Calculate the volume of the sample after the reaction takes place, assuming that the temperature and the pressure remain constant. write an equation for the sentence: the sum of six and twice a number is equal to sixteen minus the number. URGENT! ONLY HAVE 5 MINUTES! GHI Corporation, a California corporation, has a six-person board. At a regular board meeting, only two directors attend. No notice was sent to any of the directors. The two attending call directors Alice and Bob and put them on a conference call. The four talk about the corporation buying Blackacre and then all agree to a resolution for GHI to buy Blackacre from Third Party. The Bylaws of GHI state that an action of the board requires the consent of a majority of the directors present at a meeting, and that a quorum is a majority of the authorized directors.Select one:a. the purchase is authorized because a quorum was present and a majority of those present approved the action.b. the purchase is not authorized, since all real estate transactions require shareholder approvalc. the purchase is not authorized because prior written notice must be sent to each directord. the purchase is not authorized because a quorum was not present at the board meetinge. Two of the above are correct. El verbo tiene dos partes, la terminacin y la raiz. 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