The establishment of the British Raj created which major change in India?

(Image with answer choices attached)


Answer 1

The correct answer is A. The East India Company gave up direct control to the British Monarchy.


The British Raj was the regime of colonial rule of the British Crown over the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947. This regime strted on June 28, 1858, after the Indian rebellion, which caused that the British East India Company gave up all its territorial possessions to the Crown, which at that time was led by Queen Victoria.

Subsequently, the British Raj came to an end in the year 1947, when the British Indian Empire was divided into the Union of India and the dominion of Pakistan. According to the above, the correct answer is A.

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Socorroooóoóoóó alguém me ajuda pfvrrrrr



this is too much


A Lone Star Reader by Swanlund/Bane/Sosebee.


Did you read that book?

One of the political "pros" of the Industrial Revolution was the formation of Unions to protect the workers. It is almost 200 years later, are these Unions still an asset to workers?



Yes it is still an asset to workers

After 200 years later this union is an asset to the workers as it is designed to protect workers from exploitation.

What is a union?

A union is referred an association formed to protect the rights of workers in an organization and helps them to provide minimum wages for the work they did.

This union still exists as it is developed to protect the workers from exploitation and raise their voices for their rights and benefits. This will be considered an asset as it safeguards the position of workers in the organization.

Learn more about unions, here:


American policy toward Indians was comprised of these two things _____________________.



Native American Relation

How is Animalism and the animals' creation of "Animal Farm” similar to Communism
And the rise of the Soviet Union?



Animalism and the creation of "Animal Farm" presented a policy of equality for all individuals, where everyone should work for the common good, which should be available to all members of the community in an equal way. Communism and the rise of the Soviet Union presented this same policy, but like animalism and the "Animal Farm" it did not distribute the common good with equality among the members, but promoted the exploitation of some members to promote the privilege of other members.


"Animal farm" is the title of the fable written by George Orwell. In this fable we are introduced to a farm, where animals take over and expel humans because they are tired of being exploited. Soon after, animals create an animalism, a kind of political system that states that all animals are equal and will be treated that way in the farm, because everyone would work in it to promote privileges to each other in an equal way. However, over time, we can see that this "equality" among animals is not true, as many animals continue to be exploited by a small portion of animals that have many privileges that are not available to all animals equally.

The rise of the Soviet Union is similar to this, as this rise happened with the hard work of individuals who believed they would live in an egalitarian country, since the communism established in the country precluded the end of the private institution and the equal distribution of the common good to all citizens. However, what happened was the exploitation of workers to maintain an extremely privileged and overvalued class.


Well it would be called an animal farm because of the animals being held hostage

in which are of study did avicenna make his main contribution



he made his main contribution in science and philosophy




Avicenna made significant strides in his ideas of metaphysical doctrine and the existence of God.

90 points!! Explain at least 3 core beliefs/concepts of Zoroastrianism and provide 2 examples of its influence on other religions.




Zoroastrian beliefs about God

Omniscient (He the god knows everything)

Omnipotent (He the god is all powerful and all knowing)

Omnipresent (He the god is everywhere)

The Creator of life.

The Source of all goodness and happiness.

Many academics believe Zoroastrianism affected the religious systems of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam since it has both monotheistic and dualistic aspects.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

They believe God is all knowing, all present, all powerful, the creator of everything

Read the following list of events:
• The Sixteenth Amendment allows Congress to levy income tax.
• The Seventeenth Amendment allows for the direct election of senators.
• The Eighteenth Amendment prohibits the sale of alcohol.
• The Nineteenth Amendment grants women the right to vote.
The events in this list are part of which of the following broader periods of
American history?
O A. The Cold War
B. The Great Depression
C. The Progressive Era
D. The Gilded Age


C - The progressive Era. All of the amendments belonged in this era as they were deemed as progressive

The events in the list are part of The Progressive Era. Option (c) is correct.

What is the Progressive Era?

In the United States, the Progressive Era saw widespread political and social reform with a focus on eradicating corruption.

By including amendments 16, 17, 18, and 19 to the United States Constitution, the Progressives succeeded in getting some of their ideas passed into law. After the 16th amendment, income taxes became permissible.

Through the 17th Amendment, the Progressives also made progress in their efforts to eradicate political corruption. The most extreme and divisive amendment was passed amid the anti-German sentiment of World War I, which assisted the Progressives and others in passing their proposal for prohibition through the 18th amendment.

The ratification of the 19th amendment in 1920, which was recognized as women's suffrage, was the last amendment during the progressive era.

Therefore, Option (c) is correct.

Learn more about Progressive Era, here;


How will public broadcasting give meaning to social responsibility theory in an essay



Public broadcasting has to do with transmission through radio, television and other media channels to provide news service to the public.

Therefore, public broadcasting gives meaning to social responsibility by providing basic information to the general public that is beneficial to their welfare and sustainability.

In many countries of the world, funding comes from governments, especially via annual fees charged on receivers. In some countries, a single organization runs public broadcasting.

What is the term Public Broadcasting about?

Public broadcasting has to do with transmission through radio, television and other media channels to provide news service to the public.

Therefore, public broadcasting gives meaning to social responsibility by providing basic information to the general public that is beneficial to their welfare and sustainability.

Learn more about Broadcasting, refer to the link:

Competition is to be expected in what type of economy?



Monopolistic competition  monopoly and perfect competition, as it combines elements of both market structures. Within monopolistic competition market structures all firms have the same, relatively low degree of market power; they are all price makers, rather than price takers.

Which was the first American military unit dedicated to aviation?



1st Reconnaissance Squadron; Fort Sill, Oklahoma


The facts don't lie, and this is history.

Could you give me brainliest please?

Black people were not significantly impact by the 2008 mortgage crisis. What the correct answer to the question true or false


False is your answer mate

Which branch of government creates most government agencies?

A.) the legislative branch
B.) the executive branch
C.) other agencies
D.) the judicial branch


The answer is A.) the legislative branch

Picture of the correct answer


I would assume the other agencies.


The Constitution of the United States divides the federal government into three branches to make sure no individual or group will have too much power:

Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)

Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)

Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)

Which purpose of government is shared by almost all countries historically?


Establish a sense of control

Below is a portion of a "situation report” that details the attack on the US embassy in Tehran.

The group of then hostages departed Mehrabad Airport at 0930 Tehran time on board Iran Air Flight 775. The hostages (four women and six blacks) will fly to Paris, the flight’s first scheduled stop, where they will be ferried to Weisbaden Air Force Hospital by a US military aircraft.

The party’s estimated time of arrival is 1215 Paris time or 0615 EST. The flight to Germany will require about one hour. Embassy Paris had been alerted to the arrival and the family members of the ten hostages have also been notified.

–“Situation in Iran as of 0430 EST, November 20, 1979, Sitrep No. 36,” Department of State Operation Center, Iran Informal Working Group

What was the plan to transport the released hostages? Check all that apply.

A. take them to an air force hospital
B. alert family members
C. transport four of the men
D. notify no one of the release
E. fly 10 hostages to Paris


The plan to transport the released hostages includes:

A. Take them to an air force hospital

B. Alert family members

What is the report?

The hostages are set to be transported to the Weisbaden Air Force Hospital through a military aircraft belonging to the United States as indicated in the report. The implication is that once the hostages are released, they will be taken to the air force hospital for medical evaluation or treatment.

The report indicates that the ten hostages' relatives have been alerted. This suggests that preparations were made in advance to notify the family members about the hostages' release and offer them pertinent details about their transportation and arrival in Paris.

Learn more about situation report from


very late but the answers are A. B. and E i wish u well!

Study the two images below. One is a photograph from a 1913 rally calling for
women's right to vote in the United States. The other is an informational flier
from the same time period. What can be inferred from these two sources
about women's rights in the early 20th century?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you just attached one of the photographs.

That is why we are going to base on that photograph to answer the question.

What can be inferred from this source about women's rights in the early 20th century is that women really had a hard time when demanding their right to vote. However, these women were smart and committed enough to maintain an organized movement called the women's suffrage movement.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony were the organizers and the precursors of this important movement that tried to inform people about the importance of women being able to vote in the elections. They started the petitions to Congress to authorize this civil right for women.

The first Women's Rights Convention in the history of the United States was held on July 19 and 20, 1848, in the city of Seneca Falls, New York. The first day of the convention was just for women. On the second day, men could attend. Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments presented at the Seneca Falls Convention. She was one of the organizers and delivered the first speech with the goals of the event. This convention represented the beginning of the women’s suffrage movement in America.

The movement was so persistent that by the 1920s, Women Suffragists had achieved most of its goals.

c) In which part of present-day India was the Pratihara kingdom located?​



By the time of Mahendrapala, the extent of its territory rivalled that of the Gupta Empire stretching from the border of Sindh in the west to Bengal in the east and from the Himalayas in the north to areas past the Narmada in the south.


Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty.

What items have value in capitalist economy



Some of the most important aspects of a capitalist system are private property, private control of the factors of production, accumulation of capital, and competition. Put simply, a capitalist system is controlled by market forces, while a communist system is controlled by the government.

Anything has value. Value is just a human concept of the mind. If we all agree that a rock is worth 20 $ then it is worth that. If we all agree that our country is only worth 1$ then it is worth 1$

What roman goddess was believed to control trade


Minerva Mark Me BRAINLIEST please.




What are some ways the Black Death could have been stoped


The most popular theory of how the plague ended is through the implementation of quarantines. The uninfected would typically remain in their homes and only leave when it was necessary, while those who could afford to do so would leave the more densely populated areas and live in greater isolation.
quarantine up like the coranavirus

Imagine you are writing a letter to your grandchild. Write a story, telling about your day, explaining how technology has influenced your way of life. Be sure to include specific details and examples to make it vivid for your readers


Hi buddy
I your lovely grandfather writing to you this letter to explain how this modern technology influence my way of life you know grandson if not this modern technology we wouldn’t have cars and motorbikes that help is now more than before when we where there without all sort of this things you going to outside country you need to walk even if it’s to take about ten days grandson

essay about bhanu jayanti in nepali language (please help me I have no idea ​


Explanation (Why I'm confused too):

"Nepali is an Indo-Aryan language" and "Bhanu Jayanti is an annually celebrated cultural festival."

What in the world is this class for?!?!?

I recommend just looking up Bhanu Jayanti on your web browser and doing some research on your own. I have no idea what to do about the Nepali part...

Good Luck!

refers to a political system where individual candidates decide to run, raise their
own money, and design their own strategy.
o all of the above
Individual-centered elections
© Candidate-centered elections
Independent-centered elections



Candidate-centered elections


Candidate-centered elections refers to a political system where individual candidates decide to run, raise their

own money, and design their own strategy.

In this scenario, an individual candidate can fund his political ambition and run for a political post without a political party.

which of the following were not an effect of the industrial revolution in the United States



English settlement of the new world

I am trying to help someone with a search. What I am trying to find is a poster from around the early ’90s It is a boy scouts poster that is titled “Help clean up Canada”. Any help on where I could find it? Thanks

Estoy tratando de ayudar a alguien con una búsqueda.
Lo que estoy tratando de encontrar es un cartel de alrededor de los años 90
Es un cartel “boy scouts” que se titula "Help clean up Canada" -el título aparece en inglés- .
¿Alguna ayuda sobre dónde podría encontrarlo? Gracias



If it was inside a house:

Have you checked the last places you remember having it? If not, maybe recall if some friends came over and maybe took it by accident? If you have a pet, maybe it has something to do with it.

If it was outside a house:

Where do you remember going when you lost it? Maybe check the lost and found in your community (most likely at a police station or a school) If it was lost in a school, ask a teacher or a principal to help look for it. Maybe a person who was cleaning found it and placed it somewhere.

Good luck, hope you find it!

Which of the following is a difference between the religious beliefs of the Mayans and the Harappans?


Answer:no te entiendo

Explanation:pofarvoorexplica  mrejo

This marked a defeat of the
Germans by
the Allies even though the Germans
made solid advances early in the
A. D-Day
B. Battle of the Bulge
C. Battle of Okinawa
uright © 2002 - 2001 Acolles Commation All Rights Reserved



I think it was the Battle of Okinawa C.

I hope this helps!

A) D-day was the defeat of the Germans

When were horses brought to the Americas and what areas were affected?



caballus, were brought back to North America, first in the Virgin Islands, and, in 1519, they were reintroduced on the continent, in modern-day Mexico, from where they radiated throughout the American Great Plains, after escape from their owners or by pilfering (Fazio 1995)

Helpp meee pleaseeee

How did proslavery supporters justify continuing the practice of slavery in the South?

A.Enslaved people were needed to defend plantations against invaders.

B. Slavery boosted the reputations of Southern landowners.

C.Enslaved people could be traded with other nations for money.

D.Slavery helped slave families stay together on plantations.

E.Enslaved people were required to grow crops on plantations.





The south used slaves for economical reasons. When the states were just a colony, the British made sure that all the trade was benefiting them, and the states were a great place to grow cash crops, such as tobacco. This remained in America even after the revolution and kept the economy together, primarily in the south


E. Enslaved people were required to grow crops on plantations.


I majored in History

Which ONE is FALSE regarding the nature of sacred wrappings?


Answer: We are unable to use scientific methods to date these ancient wrappings


There are various ways an archeologist can use to date an ancient artifact or fossil and one of them is to date the wrappings the fossil was covered in using scientific methods.

One such method involves the use of microscopic analysis of the wrapping to find out how long it has been decaying for. This will show the date that these wrappings were applied because they were freshly used when first applied.

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