The interquartile range is determined by the formula _________.
A. Third quartile - First quartile
B. Third quartile + first quartile
C. First quartile - third quartile
D. Maximum - minimum


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

The inter quartile range is determined by the formula Third quartile -  first quartile.

In a set, an inter quartile range is a measure of where the bulk of the data's lie

Related Questions

I need help solving


The answer to ur question is 20. You just need to set it up into proportions

Evaluate the piecewise function at the indicated values from the domain:


In this question, we given a piece-wise function, that has different definitions depending on the domain.

Evaluate the function at x = 0.

The exercise asks for us to evaluate the function at [tex]x = 0[/tex]

We have to look at the definition, and see which definition includes [tex]x = 0[/tex]. The equal sign at [tex]x = 0[/tex] is on the second definition, that is:

[tex]f(x) = 1, 0 \leq x < 2[/tex]

Thus, at [tex]x = 0[/tex], the value of the function is 1, and the correct answer is given by option A.

For another example of evaluation of a piece-wise function, you can check

If two lines represent the same line, then what is the nature of its solution?


Step-by-step explanation:

If a consistent system has exactly one solution, it is independent . If a consistent system has an infinite number of solutions, it is dependent . When you graph the equations, both equations represent the same line. If a system has no solution, it is said to be inconsistent .



Step-by-step explanation:

Solution between 2 lines is considered the point of their intersection. Now, since two lines are same (not only parallel but same), it tends to have infinite solutions.

There are 45 pupils in a competition. 2/5 of the pupils are girls. How many boys are there in the competition?



45 * 3/5 = 135/5 = 27

Step-by-step explanation:

45/5 = 9
9 x 2 = 18
45 - 18 = 27

There are 27 boys in the competition



b, y=1/4x since the rise/run is 1/4

In an input/output table, all outputs are 0, regardless of the input. What could the function equation be? Select all that apply.

y = 0 x
y = x
y = x/0
y = 0/x



choice A)   y = 0x

choice D)  y = 0/x



Choice A is the same as y = 0 because 0x turns into 0. Multiplying 0 with any number always leads to 0.

Similarly, choice D is the same as y = 0 as well. Dividing 0 over any nonzero value leads to 0. Note the key term "nonzero" here. We cannot have 0 in the denominator. So x = 0 is not allowed for choice D.

So for any nonzero x, we have 0x and 0/x result in the same thing.


Extra info:

Choice B can be ruled out because something like x = 2 leads to y = 2.

Choice C is ruled out because we can never have 0 in the denominator.

factorize. xy^2-y(x-z) -z​



The equation x The equation x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)Hence, x The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)Hence, x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)Hence, x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x+z)(x+y)


= (y-1) (xy-z)

Step-by-step explanation:

First we expand them -

= xy^2 - xy - yz - z

= xy(y-1)-z(y-1)

= (y-1) (xy-z)

Hope this helped

solve for y and plz show steps​



75 - 35y / 3 + 2y = -4

( 75 - 35y + 6y ) / 3 = -4 [ Taking LCM ]

( 75 - 29y ) / 3 = -4

75 - 29y = -12

29y = 75+12

29y = 87

y = 3

hope that helps ✌

 If 2^x-4 = 4^x-6 , then value of x is?​


Answer: [tex]x=1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2^x-4=4^x-6[/tex] is the equation that you've given us.

Now if we plot these two equations on the graph we notice there's an intersection at (1,-2). Therefore meaning that [tex]x=1[/tex].

We can prove that by doing the following calculations to prove that both sides are equal to each other.

The left side of the equal sign:

Step 1: Write the equation down:


Step 2: Substitute x for the numerical value we found.


Step 3: Find the square of [tex]2^1[/tex], which is itself, 2.


Step 4: Subtract 2 from 4. Which is a negative number, thus being -2.


The right side of the equal sign:

Step 1: Write the equation down:


Step 2: Substitute x for the numerical value we found.


Step 3: Find the square of [tex]4^1[/tex], which is itself, 4.


Step 4: Subtract 4 from 6. Which is a negative number, thus being -2.


We know that [tex]x=1[/tex] because when substituting x with 1, we get -2 on both sides. Therefore making this statement true and valid.


These circles are:

A. tangent
B. congruent
C. congruent
D. none of these



A. tangent

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Tangent circles are circles that intersect (or "touch") at exactly one point. These circles appear to have this characteristic.

I hope this helps!

Yet another calculus question :)

Given [tex]y = x^3 - 2x[/tex] for [tex]x \geq 0[/tex], find the equation of the tangent line to y where the absolute value of the slope is minimized.

I have tried taking both the first and second derivatives and setting them equal to 0 and using that as the answer, but they're incorrect. Could somebody please explain how to complete the question correctly? Thank you so much!


Answer:  y = (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3)

This is the same as writing [tex]y = -\frac{4}{3}\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}[/tex]



The phrasing "where the absolute value of the slope is minimized" is an interesting way of saying "the tangent slope is 0". This is because absolute values are never negative, so the smallest it can get is 0.

Your teacher has given you

y = x^3 - 2x

which differentiates into

dy/dx = 3x^2 - 2

after using the power rule

The derivative function lets us determine the slope of the tangent. The slope is the dy/dx value. Since we want a slope of 0, we'll set 3x^2-2 equal to zero and solve for x. So you have the correct idea, but you won't involve the second derivative.

dy/dx = 0

3x^2 - 2 = 0

3x^2 = 2

x^2 = 2/3

x = sqrt(2/3)

Notice how I'm ignoring the negative version of this root. This is due to the fact that [tex]x \ge 0[/tex]


Now plug this x value back into the original equation to find its corresponding y coordinate.

y = x^3 - 2x

y = x(x^2 - 2)

y = sqrt(2/3)*( 2/3 - 2 )

y = sqrt(2/3)*( -4/3 )

y = (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3)

Note that x = sqrt(2/3) leads to x^2 = 2/3 after squaring both sides.


Therefore, the equation of this tangent line is y = (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3)

All horizontal lines are of the form y = k, for some constant k. This constant value is basically what number you want the horizontal line to go through on the y axis. That number would be (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3).

what is the equation of the axis of symmetry do the quadratic function f(x) = -(x+4) (x-1)​


9514 1404 393


  x = -3/2

Step-by-step explanation:

The zeros of the function are the values of x that make the factors zero:

  x = -4, x = 1

The axis of symmetry is the vertical line halfway between these zeros.

  x = (-4 +1)/2 = -3/2

The equation of the axis of symmetry is x = -3/2.

Density of wood is a very important trait for furniture making. There are two main important mechanical properties: strength and stiffness. Research has shown that a increase density equals an increase strength, hardness and stiffness of sawn timber.

A carpenter has two pieces of wood. He wants to find the density of each piece.

The first piece came from a birch tree. The piece of birch wood measures 2 meters by 4 meters by 3 meters and weighs (mass) 16 kilograms.

The second piece came from a cypress tree. The piece of cypress wood measures 3 meters by 5 meters by 2 meters and weighs (mass) 15.3 kilograms.

Which piece of wood has a greater density? You must show your work in order to receive credit.


Step-by-step explanation:

The Birch tree has a greater density.

Provide a rule to describe the relationship between the number in the sequence




add 3, add 5, add 3

Step-by-step explanation:

1, 4, 9, 12

add 3, add 5, add 3



Step-by-step explanation:

1^2 = 1

2^2 = 4

3^2 = 9

4^2 = 16

And so on.

So, the rule is x^2.

factor: 3x^(2)-16x+16



[tex]3 {x}^{2} - 16x + 16 \\ 3 {x}^{2} - 12x - 4x + 16 \\ 3x(x - 4) - 4(x - 4) \\ (3x - 4)(x - 4)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it helped U

stay safe stay happy

Answer is (3x-4) (x-4)
This is the answer for Plato and Edmentum

31. Which choice describes the value of m when -5(m + 1) = 23?
m 2-3
6 m2



The correct choice is Option A. m ≥ -28/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the 8th term of the geometric sequence 7,−21,63,



8th term is -15309

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{u_{n} = a( {r}^{n - 1} ) }}} \\ { \tt{u_{8} = 7( {( - 3)}^{8 - 1}) }} \\ { \tt{u_{8} = 7( - 2187)}} \\ { \tt{u _{8} = - 15309}}[/tex]

r is the common difference, r = -21/7 = -3


a₈ = - 15309

Step-by-step explanation:

The nth term of a geometric sequence is

[tex]a_{n}[/tex] = a₁ [tex](r)^{n-1}[/tex]

where a₁ is the first term and r the common ratio

Here a₁ = 7 and r = [tex]\frac{a_{2} }{a_{1} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-21}{7}[/tex] = - 3 , then

a₈ = 7 × [tex](-3)^{7}[/tex] = 7 × - 2187 = - 15309

Please help me this on the picture



Step-by-step explanation:

125 + (a-b)³ help me​



(5 + a - b)(a² + b² - 2ab - 5a + 5b + 25)

Step-by-step explanation:

125 + (a - b)³ ← is a sum of cubes and factors in general as

a³ + b³ = (a + b)(a² - ab + b²)


125 + (a- b)³

= 5³ + (a - b)³

with a = 5 and b = (a - b)

= (5 a a - b)(5² - 5(a - b) + (a - b)² )

= (5 + a - b)(25 - 5a + 5b + a² - 2ab + b²)

= (5 + a - b)(a² + b² - 2ab - 5a + 5b + 25)

Setting y = 0 allows you to determine the what
of a graph


This allows you to find the x intercepts of the function.

  [tex]y=0[/tex] allows you to determine the x-intercept of a graph.

x-intercept and y-intercept:The points where a line crosses an axis are known as the x-intercept and the y-intercept, respectively.By changing Y to 0 in the equation and figuring out X, you can always determine the X-intercept. Similarly, by putting X to 0 in the equation and solving for Y, you can always determine the Y-intercept.When y is 0, the x-intercept is reached. The graph's intersection with the y-axis, or (0, b), is known as the y-intercept. When x is 0, the y-intercept is reached. When y is 0, the x-intercept is reached.

Therefore, [tex]y=0[/tex] allows you to determine the x-intercept of a graph.

Know more about x-intercept and y-intercept here:


Simplify [2(5 – 4) + 6(7 – 3)] ÷ 2





Step-by-step explanation:





What number line shows Point A at -4, Point B at 2.5, Point C at -2 1/2, and Point D, which is the opposite of Point A.


Answer: Choice A


Since -3/5 > -0.8, this means -3/5 is to the right of -0.8

Larger stuff is to the right of smaller stuff. Another example would be 10 > 7, meaning we have 10 to the right of 7 since 10 is larger.

Any negative value is always to the left of 0, so -3/5 is to the left of 0.

That's why the answer is choice A.

simplify 4x^​2-3xy+2xy+9x^2



13x^2 - xy

Step-by-step explanation:



The sum of 30 terms of series in A.P, whose last term is 98, is 1635. Find the first term and the common difference.​


Let a(n) denote the n-th term in the sequence. Because the terms are in arithmetic progression, there is a fixed number d that separates consecutive terms, so that starting with a(1) = a, the next few terms are

a(2) = a(1) + d = a + d

a(3) = a(2) + d = a + 2d

a(4) = a(3) + d = a + 3d

and so on, up to

a(n) = a + (n - 1) d

We're given that the 30th term is 98, so

a(30) = a + 29d = 98

The sum of the first 30 terms is 1635, so that

[tex]\displaystyle \sum_{n=1}^{30}a(n) = \sum_{n=1}^{30}(a+(n-1)d) \\\\ 1635 = a\sum_{n=1}^{30}1 + d\sum_{n=1}^{30}(n-1) \\\\ 1635 = 30a + d\sum_{n=0}^{29}n \\\\ 1635 = 30a + d\sum_{n=1}^{29}n \\\\ 1635 = 30a + \frac{d\times29\times30}2[/tex]

so that

30a + 435d = 1635

Solve the equations in boldface for a and d. I'll eliminate a and solve for d first.

-30 (a + 29d) + (30a + 435d) = -30 (98) + 1635

-30a - 870d + 30a + 435d = -2940 + 1635

-435d = -1305

d = 3


a + 29 (3) = 98

a + 87 = 98

a = 11

if a = 6 b=5, then find the value (a+b)​


Step-by-step explanation:

Put the numbers as the value is given


(6+5)= 11 Answer



Step-by-step explanation:

(a + b) where a = 6 and b = 5

Step 1. Substitute a for 6 and b for 5

(6 + 5)

Step 2. Add


The receipt shows the prices of goods that Mr. Baker bought at the store.
The state Mr. Baker lives in has a sales tax rate of 7% on all purchases.

How much money does Mr. Baker pay in sales tax and what is the total amount he must pay for his purchases?



The answer is $82.46 sales tax

$1,260.46 Total

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the price before the Sales tax is $1,178.00 and if you add the 7% Sales tax the total is $1,260.46 and the price of the Sales tax is $82.46

$750x.07= $52.50


Simplify and find the perimeter of the triangle



2x - 19

Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter = sum of sides

First let's simplify each side

We can simplify each side by using distributive property. Distributive property is where you multiply the number on the outside of the parenthesis by the numbers on the inside of the parenthesis.

2(x + 5)

Distribute by multiplying x and 5 by 2

2 * x = 2x and 2 * 5 = 10

2x + 10

1/2(4x + 8)

Distribute by multiplying 4x and 8 by 1/2

1/2 * 4x = 2x and 1/2 * 8 = 4

2x + 4

-3(2x + 11)

Distribute by multiplying 2x and 11 by -3

-3 * 2x = -6x

-3 * -33

-6x - 33

Finally add all the simplified expressions ( remember that they represent the side lengths of the triangle )

2x + 10 + 2x + 4 - 6x - 33

Combine like terms

2x + 2x - 6x = -2x

10 + 4 - 33 = -19

Perimeter: -2x - 19


Perimeter = - 2x - 19

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]Perimeter \: of \: a \: triangle \\ = Sum \: of \: the \: length \: of \: all \: sides \\ = [2(x+5)]+[-3(2x+11)]+[ \frac{1}{2} (4x+8)] \\ = [(2 \times x)+(2 \times 5)]+[(-3 \times 2x)+( - 3 \times 11)]+[ (\frac{1}{2} \times 4x) + ( \frac{1}{2} \times 8)] \\ = (2x + 10) + ( - 6x - 33) + (2x + 4) \\ = 2x + 10 - 6x - 33 + 2x + 4 \\ = 2x - 6x + 2x + 10 - 33 + 4 \\ = - 2x - 19[/tex]

So, the perimeter is - 2x - 19.

John earns $6 per hour for mowing the lawn. If t represents John's total earnings for h hours of mowing, which equations can be used to model the situation




Step-by-step explanation:

What quantity of parsley would you need to make 5 times as much as the original recipe?


Original= x

y= 5Xx

"A parabola has the equation = ^ + − . What are the coordinates of the vertex? (You must solve by factoring)!!!!!" I NEED THE ANSWER TO THIS FAST WITH STEPS I'm a grade 10 academic student by the way




Step-by-step explanation:


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