The First Continental Congress suggested that colonists boycott British goods in 1774 to protest
A. the Stamp Act.
B. elections held in England.
C. unfair treatment of their representatives.
D. unfair taxes and the Intolerable Acts.


Answer 1

D. Unfair taxes and the Intolerable Acts.


The First Continental Congress suggested that colonists boycott British goods in 1774 to protest unfair taxes and the Intolerable Acts.

The tension between the colonists and Great Britain was continuing to rise, as the colonists felt as if the taxes that were being put on them were unfair. They had no representation in the British Parliament, which was coined as, "taxation without representation." This caused the colonists to act out and later on start the Revolutionary War.

The First Continental Congress met in 1774 and wanted to make it so Great Britain would get rid of the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts, were a set of laws put on the colonists from Great Britain. These laws were put on them after the colonists continued to defy Great Britain and their taxes. The acts in the Intolerable Acts ended up angering the colonists even more, as they were deemed to be completely unfair.

When the First Continental Congress met in 1774, they agreed that the colonists should boycott British products and goods until Great Britain got rid of the Intolerable Acts.

Answer 2




Related Questions

What are two ways an interest group can influence government leaders and lawmakers?

Hire a labor union organizer.
Hire a lobbyist to represent them.
Write newspaper opinion articles.
Provide misinformation to lobbyists.


Two ways in which an interest group can influence the government is by hiring a lobbyist to represent them and then provide misinformation to that lobbyist.

What is a lobbyist?

A lobbyist is someone hired to try and influence politicians and/or lawmakers in order to achieve certain groups' interests. It is important to understand that lobbyists do not usually work for the common well-being of society.

For example, suppose a wealthy soda producer hires a lobbyist. They can provide that lobbyist misinformation, telling him that it is okay to drink up to 2 liters a days of their soda rather than water. The lobbyist will then try to convince lawmakers to change a law that forbids selling large amounts of soda at schools or stadiums, for instance.

With the information above in mind, we can choose options 1 and 4 as the correct answers.

Learn more about lobbyists here:


What cause he fiords in Scandinavia?


the answer is glaciers


name and explain 5 causes of the CUBAN REVOLUTION



1.  Batista regime:  Political causes of the revolt during the Batista administration. Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar gained control of the Cuban government on September 4, 1933, in an uprising known as the "Revolt of the Sergeants." The coup ousted Gerardo Machado's liberal government, signaling the commencement of military control over the country. Under the government of Ramón Grau San Martin, Batista rose to become a self-appointed chief of the military forces and a US-friendly figure. In April 1933, US Ambassador Benjamin Sumner Welles was dispatched to Cuba and found a friend in Batista.

2.  In 1940, Batista was elected president in a free and fair election, the first under the new Cuban constitution. During Batista's administration, the following things happened:  Trade relations with the United States improved; War taxes placed on Cubans grew.

3.  Economic corruption was a hallmark of the Batista era. Foreign industry ownership, industries not held by Cubans in Cuba, U.S. reliant 1928, 75 percent sugar mills controlled by the U.S.

4.  In 1953, the 26th of July Movement was attacked. General Martin Tamayo was commanded by Batista to "kill ten rebels for every soldier killed" in the attack. The "ten-for-one" law was enacted as a result of the order.

5.  Movement of the 26th of July the revolution (1953) Fidel Castro's failed guerilla campaign against the Moncada Barracks in Oriente Province, Cuba's easternmost province, chose July 26 because it coincided with a large celebration in Santiago de Cuba celebrating the city's patron saint, Apostle James the Elder, as well as the end of the sugar harvest.



• Based in the most recent data available, what percent of registered voters affiliate with a political party other
than the Democratic or Republican? (NOTE: Provide your answer in numeric, percentage form and round up to
the nearest tenth, i.e. 60.46, you would indicate, 60.5%) (2 points)



sorry I can't solve because I have some problem in your question

What view of the universe did the Catholic Church always view and preach to all of its followers?



Hi , so your answer is that the Catholic church belived that the solar system was the whole universe , so when they said universe they meant the solar system in their saying .


Really hope i helped , have a nice day :)

The Catholic Churches had beliefs regarding the universe that the solar system forms up the entire universe. They preached the same to all of their followers.

What is a universe?

All the elements contained in the space, including the solar systems, stars, etc. are collectively considered as a part of the universe. Catholic Churches had assumed their own meaning of the universe.

As per the beliefs of Catholic Church, they saw and considered the scope of universe limited to the extent of the solar system. Similar preaching were made to their followers.

Hence, the significance of universe is aforementioned.

Learn more about universe here:


do you love Filipinos?why??​



yes I love filipinos because my dad is a philippines

Environmental science


Answer : B) Caterpillar

Primary consumers are the herbivores in an ecosystem that eat the plants (autotrophs).

Which choice correctly describes knights?
A. clergy who took up arms in defense of fait
B. lords who led the king's military forces
C. serfs who changed rank through skill and training
D. vassals who lived by a code of chivalry





I searched it up to make sure and I'm already a PhD holder soo...

1. Towns can be classified on the basis of
they perform​


Geographers have classified towns on the basis of their site, situation, size, rank, location and relative elevation. ADVERTISEMENTS: A more useful classification of towns and cities is on the basis of functions they perform. This categorization is also known as the functional classification of towns.

Why were many Russians upset that the Bolsheviks signed a treaty with
Germany to allow Russia to withdraw from World War I?



I am not sure but my best guess would be B??


"The treaty was signed at Brest-Litovsk after two months of negotiations and was forced on the Bolshevik government by the threat of further advances by German and Austrian forces. According to the treaty, Soviet Russia defaulted on all of Imperial Russia's commitments to the Triple Entente alliance."

Question 1
5 pts
Which of the following quotes expresses the attitude of nativism?
O Every immigrant will find a helping hand in America."
o "Immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans and should be sent home.”
o "I love my adopted country, America, as much as the country I left behind."
"It is an expression of religious faith to help those less fortunate than ourselves."
Question 2
5 pts



Nativism is basically hating immigrants lol

What compromises were made during the Constitutional Convention and why? Answer In short essay format


The three major compromises were the Great Compromise, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Electoral College. The Great Compromise settled matters of representation in the federal government.

Chiến thắng vạn tường diễn ra năm nào



Explanation:Không có năm nào cả

What is the message of this cartoon?



This cartoon represents the Boston Massacre and shows soldiers firing upon the people. It essentially is war propaganda to show how the citizens in Boston are being treated.


If is not clear enough, I found this website that could also be beneficial :)

Name three reasons why people are fleeing Central America?



Escaping their past life, freedom, money


HELP!!! what is 10 * 10 * pm * 10 * pm?



1000 (pm) ^2


You cannot multiply time

If we take pm as variable,

10 x 10 x pm x 10 x pm

=> 1000 (pm) ^2

political philosophy trickled down through the Democratic party





Yes, political philosophy trickled down through the Democratic party because it spreads to the entire political system through this party. The political philosophy is a philosophy in which we study of fundamental questions about the state, government, politics, liberty, justice and the enforcement of a legal code by authority so the political philosophy has to be trickled down through the Democratic party.

pls help
American attempts to purchase California were made with what nation?

A) Canada

B) Britain

C) Mexico

D) Spain



i think spain


Realiza una comparación entre democracia, república y dictadura {sociales} lo necesito para hoy


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Democracia, república y dictadura.

La democracia es el sistema de gobierno que se caracteriza por la participación libre y organizada de los ciudadanos para elegir a su Presidente, legisladores y autoridades, a través de ejercer su voto en las elecciones.

En el caso de una República, la máxima autoridad recae en el poder presidencial que es elegido democráticamente, ya sea por los ciudadanos de manera directa, o a través de un Congreso o Parlamento, de manera indirecta.

Caso totalmente opuesto es la Dictadora. En la dictadura, el gobierno es tiránico y es dirigido por un dictador que ejerce un poder totalitario en el país. En este tipo de gobierno autoritario no ejercicio de las libertades por parte de los ciudadanos.

Por lo menos en teoría, una democracia en un sistema republicano, sería una forma ideal de gobierno, ya que todos los ciudadanos tienen la libertad de elegir a sus gobernantes, quienes a su vez respetarán las libertades individuales que otorga la Constitución.

Why was this video created? encourage American women to work in factories ask the public to make donations to the war effort ask citizens to save gasoline and other supplies help increase the size of the American military



4. to help increase the size of the American military

have a nice day


Help increase the size of the American military.


When did Axum civilization begin?​


Answer:Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree....


4. Describe the physical environment of
medieval cities,


The physical environment of medieval cities was not pleasant. The cities were often dirty and smelled from animal and human waste. Air pollution was also a fact of life.

Despite racial discrimination and segregation on the home front, many
African Americans distinguished themselves in World War II. The Tuskegee
Airmen, an elite group of pilots, made up the first African American flying unit
in the U.S. military. They flew 1,578 bombing missions over Europe and were
awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation. After the 1948 desegregation of the
military, the Tuskegee Airmen were in demand throughout the air force. Which
of the following is an effective summary of this paragraph?
A. The war might have been won sooner had the military been
desegregated before 1948.
O B. The American military had a long history of refusing to train
African American pilots.
C. The Tuskegee Airmen distinguished themselves in combat.
D. The Tuskegee Airmen fought racism despite their



The Tuskegee Airmen distinguished themselves in combat.

In the 1930s, the Japanese had expanded their reach into
. The United States placed an embargo on Japan. Soon, Japan faced a shortage of
. The Japanese wanted to make sure the US Navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions. For that reason, the Japanese decided to attack


In the 1930's, the Japanese had expanded their reach into (Blank)

A. India and southern china

B. Manchuria and southern China

C. North America and southern china

The United States placed an embargo on japan soon Japan faced a shortage of (blank)

A. Natural resources

B. Naval ships

C. Soldiers and weapons

The Japanese wanted to make sure the U.S navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions for that same reason the Japanese decided to attack (blank)

A. Pearl Harbor

B. Allied forces

C. Southeast asia


B. Manchuria and southern China

A. Natural resources

A. Pearl Harbor


In the 1930's, the Japanese had expanded their reach into Manchuria and southern China.

The United States placed an embargo on Japan soon Japan faced a shortage of natural resources due to the embargo placed on oil.

The Japanese wanted to make sure the U.S navy would not interfere with their plans to conquer Southeast Asia and other regions for that same reason the Japanese decided to attack Pearl Harbor.


Manchuria and southern ChinaNatural resources Pearl Harbor



Classicism as a style of inspired by ancient Greek and ancient?


In its purest form, classicism is an aesthetic attitude dependent on principles based in the culture, art and literature of ancient Greece and Rome, with the emphasis on form, simplicity, proportion, clarity of structure, perfection, restrained emotion, as well as explicit appeal to the intellect.

Match the explorer with their most important accomplishment. Samuel de Champlain explored North America and the Arctic James Cook explored Mississippi Robert La Salle established colony of Quebec Henry Hudson discovered Australia

the answers
-explored North America and the Arctic
-explored Mississippi
-established colony of Quebec
-discovered Australia​



Samuel de Champlain - established colony of Quebec

Robert La Salle - explored Mississippi

James Cook - discovered Australia​

Henry Hudson - explored North America and the Arctic


Explorers play a key role in discovering new places and land outside Europe. France chose to send its voyages to seek a route to the Pacific Ocean and wealth after many European nations founded colonies in the New World.

Samuel de Champlain became the first to establish colonies as Quebec and New France.

La Salle was an explorer and trader who begin an expedition in the Mississippi rivers and claimed the region for the French and named it La Louisiane.

James Cook was an English naval captain who explored the Pacific Ocean and discovered Australia which became part of the British Empire.

Henry Hudson was an explorer from England who explored North America (Canada and northeastern part of the U.S.) and the Arctic.

Which ratio compares the number of students in the Spanish club to the total number of students





The ratio is asking for spanish club and the total, so just find how many in spanish club and find total

Which situation best represents a command economy?
A. A father teaches his son a fishing technique passed down for
B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due to
government orders.
C. A banker quits his job to work at another bank that offers a higher
D. A corporation decides to move a factory overseas to lower labor



Answer is B


Command Economy is an economy in which production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government.

The situation that best shows a command economy is B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due to government orders.

What happens in a Command economy?

In such an economy, the government controls all the means of production and decides what to produce and what resources are required.

This means that such a government can order a factory to switch to producing boats from cars.

Find out more on command economies at


A historian studying World War II interviews a Russian veteran who fought
during the war. Which of the following best describes the interview?


Answer: Primary Source


The veteran is an eye witness he was there and experienced it making his story a primary source.

A  historian studying World War II interviews a Russian veteran who fought during the war. The interview is a primary source of information regarding the  World War II.

What is World War 2?

World War II (WWII) was a global military conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. It involved the majority of the world's nations, including the great powers, organized into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.

The war began with the invasion of Poland by Germany on September 1, 1939, and quickly spread to involve much of Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. The war saw some of the most significant battles in human history.

The above interview by a historian of a Russian veteran is a primary source of information regarding the  World War II.

Learn more about World War 2 here:


What were the beliefs of Legalism?


strict application of widely publicized laws, management techniques, and etc
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Today, the use of time-saving abbreviations provides the language of internet and other wireless communication. But should it? Unlike in the past, this shortening does not represent a natural and necessary progression of language change. Internet slang is a manifestation of two much more serious problems with modern society intellectual laziness and too little time.Which sentence would provide the best transition into the counterargument paragraph of this essay?1- OMG! don't we have bigger problems as a society than taking a few short-cuts when it comes to communication?2- Until recently, the use of acronyms could be justified in most contexts.3- Many would argue that there is no harm in populating our communication with OMGs and LOLs given their widespread use.4- Intellectual laziness is a treatable disease, while finding more time is much more challenging.__________________________________________________________________B.) Read this excerpt from Jason's persuasive speech and answer the question.The main reason for using a slang unique to the Internet is to make communication easier.Which revision would add supporting evidence to best strengthen Jason's claim?1.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, there is some debate about how internet slang influences everyday language.2.) Add this sentnece to the above excerpt: Studies suggest that saving a few keystrokes can both reduce stress and lead to more productivity.3.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: However, while Internet slang shortcuts save time for the writer, according to at least one study they take two times as long for the reader to understand.4.) Add this sentence to the above excerpt: Only strict grammarians object, arguing that Internet slang is a degradation of standard usage. Rob measures the solubility of three different salts in water at 22C. Which type of graph should he use to display his data? Fix the one word that is used incorrectly.Jean-Paul Sartre won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1964, but he declined to except the award for personal reasons. Read the excerpt from Black Boy.From the white landowners above him there had not been handed to him a chance to learn the meaning of loyalty, of sentiment, of tradition. Joy was as unknown to him as was despair. As a creature of the earth, he endured, hearty, whole, seemingly indestructible, with no regrets and no hope. He asked easy, drawling questions about me, his other son, his wife, and he laughed, amused, when I informed him of their destinies. I forgave him, and pitied him as my eyes looked past him to the unpainted wooden shack.Based on this excerpt, which best describes how being a sharecropper impacts Wrights father?It takes away his sense of humor and his interest in his family.It makes him feel more angry and betrayed by the world around him.It takes away his sense of humanity and his ability to feel.It makes him feel such deep pain that he cherishes moments of happiness. tfttvvrggvcfdtyiuhouiug A ball of mass 100g thrown by a man moves at a velocity of 100m/s. what is the momentum? need the answer step by step plssss!! i need it fast!!!!!!! please help if i don't do this I will get held back ;( If f(x) = x^2 + 1 find f (a+1) solution for pressure of studies I need help please.Q: which of the following is correct reference entry for a book in APA format. any six characteristics of present society Given f(x) = x2 + 24 - 12, find f(3) Area of a trapezoidFind the area of this trapezoid. Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.6 cm010 cm8 cm12 cm PLEASE HELP ME! 10 POINTS+BRAINLIEST