The first transcontinental railroad in the United States connected _____.

A. Omaha and Sacramento

B. the Great Lakes and New Orleans

C. New York and Chicago

D. Chicago and Los Angeles


Answer 1




If you look this up you can find a map containing where it was built to

Related Questions

2. Os primeiros imigrantes
a chegar ao Brasil



when Brazilians were drunk they used to say this


Effects of the European Union system include all of the following EXCEPT

A)the removal of barriers to free trade for member states.

B)lower taxes and an increase in services for all member states.

C)the development of Europe as the world's wealthiest market.

D)opposition to immigrants from poorer regions of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

E)the increased use of English as the principal language.


Answer:  I'd say it's D.

Explanation: Though immigration is a problem for the EU, I don't think opposition is the correct term since many countries still welcome immigrants from the poor countries and are trying to support them.

Imagine you could live anywhere in the world based on a location's climate. What location would you choose? Use this resource and the
information in the tutorial to help you answer the following questions about your location of choice.





because it is very good wether it helps in many work

What factors affect water quality



Many factors affect water quality




Dissolved oxygen



Decayed organic materials


Toxic and hazardous substances

Oils, grease, and other chemicals


Litter and rubbish

Answer: There are so many factors which may/will affect the quality of water

Explanation: such as

i) Acid : it may come from acid rain and etc.....

ii) toxic waste materials : especially from high operating factories

iii) Oil spillage: accidents during oil shipping etc....

iv) littering: dumping of trash and rubbish

v) toxic substances; may come from harmful chemicals which are used in fishing etc... pesticides

vi) bathing and washing in water bodies with animals affects water quality

vii) dumping of waste products into water bodies

viii) mining underground activities

ix) Erosion may also affect water quality

x) leakages: especially in sewage pipes


On the map below, #7 is marking which of the following countries?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Iran
C. Kuwait
D. Iraq



A. Saudi Arabia


a country located in the Middle East.

Number 7 marks the location of A. Saudi Arabia

Matriarchal" is best defined as a __________.
pattern of ethnic settlements in Central Europe
matrix of ethnic symbols engraved in an arch
domination of a government or social group by females
collection of materials used only by a particular ethnic group



C is the answer C is the answer. C is the answer

C because that makes the most sense

which areas of Earth receive the greatest and the least solar irradiance?



hope this helps


Earth receives different amounts of solar energy at different latitudes, with the most at the equator and the least at the poles

Answer: this is the answer


The regions closest to the equator receive the most direct sunlight because the light is arriving at an angle close to 0°. As a result, a lesser area is illuminated and so there is greater solar irradiance. The regions nearest to the poles receive sunlight at more of an angle, resulting in a larger area of illumination and therefore less solar irradiance.

Which organelle is responsible for transporting lipids in the cell?
A. nucleus
B. rough ER
C. golgi apparatus
D. mitochondrion



the answer is B. ER ( endoplasmic reticulum)


C) golgi apparatus


Golgi Apparatus also termed as Golgi Complex. It is a membrane-bound organelle, which is mainly composed of a series of flattened, stacked pouches called cisternae. This cell organelle is primarily responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipid to targeted destinations

How does social media spread fake news​


Answer: It's complicated..

Explanation: Basically, social media can be full of lies and fake things that they want you to believe in.

For example, when news reporters report stories or incidents that have happened they probably include some things that didn't happen.

Now I'm not saying that this happens with ALL news reporters or writers.

Point is people can spread fake news by telling lies, adding in things that didn't really happen in that situation, rumors about celebrities, and so on.

Hope that this helps! :)

Many people believe that enormous power also comes with great responsibility. Some journalists abused their position of authority, while many entered the profession in order to report the truth and disseminate credible information. Most people who posted on social media never bothered to double-check the information.

Why social media is bad for society?

Although social media has many advantages, it can also be a place for torcher and exclusion, the normalizing of risk-taking behavior, false expectations about one's appearance and sources of popularity, and harm to one's mental health.

Young people are exposed to media content that makes it difficult for them to discriminate between what is real and what is not, which encourages confusion and mindless imitation. The rise in teenage aggression, sexual activity, and dangerous conduct is significantly influenced by the media. A staggering 94.3 percent of respondents blamed social media for disseminating false information, and 79.3 percent claimed that social media mostly hurts the journalistic sector. A Medill Centennial panel discussion in February covered the survey.

Learn more about Social Media here:


Use the drop-down menus to select the part of Earth best described by each phrase.



inner core


inner core because it always penetrating other particles to be released out of the earth

(Q020) Identify the true statement. a. The geothermal gradient is the rate of change in pressure with depth in the Earth. b. The temperature at the Earth's center may almost equal the temperature of the Sun's surface. c. The calculated density at the Earth's center makes scientists almost certain that the inner core is composed of diamond. d. The pressure at the Earth's center is less than 300 times greater than normal atmospheric pressure.


Answer: b. The temperature at the Earth's center may almost equal the temperature of the Sun's surface.


The Earth's core is very very hot due to various factors such as heat from radioactive materials decaying and the heat the earth had when it was formed. It is estimated that the temperature here is around 5,200° C which means that it can melt even Tungsten.

This is almost equal to the surface temperature of the sun which is around 5,500° C.

Based on this map, what gives China more power on the Security Council
than Brazil or Colombia?
A. China has more delegates in the United Nations.
B. China is a permanent member of the Security Council and has
veto power.
C. China has a much larger population than Brazil and Colombia
D. China controls more money than other members of the Security



B. China is a permanent member of the Security Council and has

veto power.


As China is a permanent member of the UNSC and has veto power, alongside the other permanent members: United States, Russia, France, and England. Or formally, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the French Republic, and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

On the other hand, Brazil and Colombia are not permanent members. Yet, Brazil is becoming very powerful in the international market; it is a BRICS(M) country (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Mexico). *Note, it is not a Second World Country but rather a developing country.*

B.) China is a permanent member of the security council and has veto power.

Name at least two extinct species that share a close evolutionary relationship with humpback whales.


Thewissen and other collaborators announced that Indohyus, a small deer-like mammal belonging to a group of extinct artiodactyls called raoellids, was the closest known relative to whales.


The extinct species called Pakicétus and Indohyus may have had close evolutionary ties to humpback whales. The differences between Indohyus, Pakicetus, and Humpback whales are that Indohyus and Pakicetus both had legs and lived on land, while whales live in the ocean and have no legs. Although the embryo of a humpback whale has limbs that are dormant when it is adult, this could indicate that the animal's ancestors lived on land. Pakicetus and Indohyus are similar to humpback whales because their heads are shaped like long whale skulls. Everything is constantly changing due to evolution, the fossil record of the humpback whale is probably incomplete.

in a volcanic eruption molten magma rocks, ash and gases come up through a) gate b) vent c) pipe d) drain​



it come out throw vent ok

Mention the significance of Northern Plains​



Extremely fertile and good for crops,  rivers are navigable throughout the year,  flat land- good for roads and railways,  irrigational facilities, and for construction of H.E.P. Plants.


Northern Plains have fertile soil which is needed to grow crops. They are drained by rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus. To feed the country, Northern Plains are necessary.  

write two each example for metallic and non metallic mineral​


Metallic minerals: Iron, copper, gold

Non-metallic minerals: Gypsum, marble, mica


Metallic minerals include Chalcopyrite, Iron, Copper, Bauxite, Tin, Manganese

Non metallic minerals include limestone, manganese, mica, gypsum, coal, dolomite, phosphate, salt, and granite


Which is the only state from which water runs in three directions?


Wyoming is the only state from which water runs in three directions

Place the following events in chronological order



In chronological order means that we must put the events in the order in which they happened.

1. Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister

2. India gains independence

3. A conflict breaks out at the Saikh GoldeN Temple

4. Indira Gandhi is assassinated

A conflict breaks out at the Saikh GoldeN Temple = 10 June 1984Indira Gandhi is assassinated = October 31, 1984India gains independence = August 15, 1947Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister = August 15, 1947 (8.30 a.m)


1. India gains independence

2.Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister

3. A conflict breaks out at the Sikh Golden Temple

4. Indira Gandhi is assassinated


is a natural phenomenon; if left alone, the Earth's climate fluctuations are minor, and deserts and nondeserts remain constant. b. increases with increasing human population. c. is a geologically slow process; it takes hundreds of years to occur. d. occurs in only less-industrialized regions of the world.



I think the answer is A


your question is not clear so I'm not sure


Which are examples of climate’s impact on the natural character of a location?


A. a year-long drought

B. solar radiation

C. the amount of total precipitation

D. accrued snowfalls in mountainous areas



A year long drought and the amount of total precipitation

Available Aug 17 at 12am - Sep 30 at 11:59pm about 2 months
Geography Ch.1 Check for understanding.
1. Name the 5 themes of Geography
2. Name the two areas geography is divided into:
3. What is a map maker called?
4. Name the 3 regions Geography focuses on:
5. Name the two types of location and explain how they work.
6. What type of map shows man-made features of the earth and what maps
Text Entry
Copy and paste or type your submission right here.


Cool ranch Doritos and kool aid

how were countries formed​



Some were established as a result of geographic isolation, such as England. Others were created as the result of emigration, such as Australia, often displacing existing nations. And still others were created from the breakup of larger empires or from peace treaties, such as Croatia.Explanation:

2 quốc gia đứng đầu thế giới về xuất khẩu lúa gạo



Ấn Độ và Việt Nam



Ấn độ và thái lan



In which of the following scenarios would using a GIS be helpful?
assessing the soil erosion risk within a watershed
providing navigation assistance to guide a lost driver to his destination
transcribing inaccurate historical data into accurate historical maps
calculating local time when crossing the International Date Line
analyzing the relationship between functional and formal regions



providing navigation assistance to guide a lost driver to his destination


The scenario in which using a GIS would be helpful is when "providing navigation assistance to guide a lost driver to his destination."

This is because GIS (geographic information system) is a computer system that carried out many processes including getting, storing, checking, and presenting data related to different positions on Earth.

Hence, GIS can be used by different people to know their locations or their destination.

For example, GIS using GPS information in a car to know the current location and destinations of drivers in a specific area.

after logging occurs who often moves onto the land


soil erosion and coastal flooding.

To what nation do the Galápagos Islands belong?

A) Ecuador
B) Chile
C) Brazil
D) Peru


A) Ecuador it’s just west off the coast of Ecuador as well to help you remember



I hope this helps

Please help me with these questions from AP Human Geography. (Take these questions seriously)

1. Identify and explain 2 examples of how India is becoming “Americanized”.

2. Identify and describe 2 examples of the positive economic and/or social effects of globalization on the world.

3. Identify and describe 2 examples of the negative economic and/or social effects of globalization on the world.

4. Explain the pattern of population growth from 1800-2011.

5. Describe the projected population for 2045 and explain why that number.

6. Identify and discuss 2 examples of issues faced by the world due to the size of the population.

7. Identify the physical and cultural characteristics of the world’s most typical person today vs. in 2030.

8. Define scale and identify three examples of scale.

9. Explain 2 examples of the impact that events can have on people’s lives worldwide.

10. Describe 2 examples of the positive and/or negative power maps can have when delivering information.

11. For 3 religions, identify 1 example of a holy site found in Jerusalem.

12. Explain the purpose of the Green Line.

13. Discuss 2 examples of how the United States’ decision to move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is significant.

14. Explain the issue of “food deserts”.

15. Describe the process in which Dollar Stores are built in towns and cities and how they contribute to food deserts.

16. Discuss 2 examples of the impact of living in food deserts in the United States.

17. Identify and describe the cultural and social causes of ‘gendercide’ [why is there such a preference for boys in particular cultures?]

18. Identify and describe 2 examples of the negative effects this skewed sex ratio has on countries.

19. Discuss the role that technology has played in INCREASING ‘gendercide’.

20. Describe Kurdistan.

21. Define Daesh and explain the impact it has had on Iraq.

22. Identify and describe the opposing ideas between Boston Sharbarzheri and Sami Hussein.




Sorry that this is coming in late...

1. Examples include fast foods, and more love marriages (arranged marriages, the norm)

2. Positive effects include more unity, and cultural exchanges

3. Less cultural diversity, More health problems (obesity due to fast food)

4. Growth has been exponential (very high population growth)

5. Projected population is (this is coming from online), ~9 billion people, due to exponential growth and better health care

6. Economic inequality, and basic food/water shortages

7. More diversity, less technological (as opposed to 2030)

8. Scale-A measuremnt measuring magnitude (how big something is), examples include a size scale, weight scale, and measuring scale

9. Politically and socially

10. Can influence public opinion, shape history (due to partition of India using maps)

11. Judaism-Wailing Wall, Christianity-Church of the Holy Selpchure, Islam-Dome of the Rock

12. Railine near Cleveland

13. Means further ties with Israel; alienization of the Palestinians and othe majority Islam countries

14. An issue due to no nutritious food in an area

15. Dollar stores don't contribute much to food

16. Less nutrition; malnutrition

17. Paternal cultures, religion

18. More gender inequality, less people to contribute to the gene pool

19. More social media propogating gendercide

20. A region of land with heavy ethnic ties to the Kurdish people, with land in the land straddling Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. This land has been source of heavy discontent and news. Syrian kurdish groups have propogated an "independent country" named Rojava.

21. It has led to poverty and islamic radicalization

22. I don't understand what you mean by "Sharbarzheri, Sami Hussein, you probably mean "Saddam Hussein"


My brain, books,etc.

*I wrote this on the fly because I was in a hurry.

The mountains of the northern part of the Nation block the cold and wind that blows towards Nepal from the central asia​



Is it suppose to be a true or false or what?

Use of base.......? write important things



What are the uses of Bases

Uses of Bases

1. Calcium Hydroxide (Slaked lime) [Ca(OH)2]

It is used to neutralize the acidity in soils.

It is an ingredient in whitewash and mortar.

It is a component of the Bordeaux mixture used for protecting agricultural crops from pests.

It is used in the preparation of dry mixes for painting and decorating.

2. Magnesium Hydroxide (Milk of magnesia) [Mg(OH)2]

It is used as an antacid or a laxative. It helps to correct excess acidity in the stomach.

Please mark me as the brainliest

Which of the following maps below is a satellite image of Egypt?
Map A
Map B
Map C
none of the above



id say map A


Map A which was below shows the satellite image of Egypt.

An object that has been placed into orbit in space on purpose is known as a satellite or artificial satellite. There are several applications for satellites, including communication.

A satellite is a body that orbits a planet, star, or moon. For instance, the fact that Earth orbits the sun makes it a satellite. The moon is a satellite as well because it revolves around Earth. The term "satellite" typically refers to a device that is launched into space and orbits the Earth or another celestial body.

In addition to being the foundation of cable and network TV, satellites also deliver television signals directly to homes. These satellites transmit signals to smaller stations that transmit the signals locally over cables or the airways from a central station that produces programming.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Satellite here:


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TIMED PLS HELP ASAPMarvin Harris writes that Indians are irrational for treating cows as sacred.Question options: True False Civilians and military personnel enjoy the same constitutional guarantees when charged with a serious felony.TrueFalse convert 1:150000(cm to Km) only the PCI can reflect the true state of economic development justify the statement A scientist is observing onion cells and human cheek cells under a microscope.Which observation does she most likely make?A. The onion cells have lysosomes, and the cheek cells do not.B. The cheek cells have larger vacuoles than the onion cells.C. The cheek cells have a nucleus, and the onion cells do not.D. The onion cells have a cell wall, and the cheek cells do not. An increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of government primarily to grant different ethnicities or nationalities more effective representation. encourage the breakup of international military and economic alliances. deploy scarce resources efficiently. govern compact states more effectively. accommodate right wing political parties and their demands for increased representation in national elections. The edge roughness of slit paper products increases as knife blades wear. Only 2% of products slit with new blades have rough edges, 3% of products slit with blades of average sharpness exhibit roughness, and 4% of products slit with worn blades exhibit roughness. If 25% of the blades in the manufacturing are new, 60% are of average sharpness, and 15% are worn, what is the proportion of products that exhibit edge roughness Nos permiten representar regiones de inters a diferentes escalas Quick can someone plot these in a scatter plot (9.2,2.33)(19.5,3.77)(15.5,3.92)(0.7,1.11)(21.9,3.69)(0.7,1.11)(16.7,3.5)(0.7,1.11)(18,4)(18,3.17) According to the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996, the severity of the penalty for computer crimes depends on the value of the information obtained and whether the offense is judged to have been committed for each of the following except __________. a. to harass b. for purposes of commercial advantage c. in furtherance of a criminal act d. for private financial gain The annual benefits of $4000 every year for three years may be obtained for an investment on a production equipment costing $20,000 with a salvage value of $5,000. If MARR is 6%, choose the right equation to determine the NPW.A) NPW = 20,000(F/P,6%,3) + 4,000(F/A, ^%, 3) + 5000B) NPW = -20000 + 4000(P/A,6%,3) + 5000(P/F,6%,3)C) NPW = 20,000(P/F,6%,3) + 4000(F/A,6%,3) + 5000D) -20000(P/F,6%,3) +4000(P/A,6%,3) + 5000(P/F,6%,3) does this table represent a function? Why or why not?X: 2 2 3 4 5Y: 1 4 4 2 5Please answer it ASAP who were in the second team If the scale on the map is 1cm :112 km. If two places are 197 miles apart. How far apart are they on a map WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST IF CORRECT Tammy hasn't exercised regularly for the past couple of years, but during the last week of October she purchases running shoes, shorts and tank tops to run in and she coordinates her schedule with her sister's schedule so that they can run together. She hopes to run regularly with her sister in a couple of months. In fact, starting in January they hope to start because they both have 2 weeks off from work at the beginning of the new year. Tammy is likely in the ___________________ stage of the transtheoretical model. i need help on this please SHOW WORK Which scientist is often called the "father of the atomic bomb" because of his work as the head of the ManhattanProject? At December 31, 2017, before any year-end adjustments, Macarty Company's Prepaid Insurance account had a balance of $2,700. It was determined that $1,500 of the Prepaid Insurance had expired. The adjusted balance for Insurance Expense for the year would be:____________a) $1,200.b) $2,700.c) $1,900.d) $1,500. (a)State and explain any two activities that you will do to gather information about the topic you want to write about